Freeing space on local disk/changing keychain login

I have two questions so i will start with the one which is causing the most trouble, THE KEYCHAIN login,
1. It says that you should be able to use your normal login password when logging into key chain but mine says: Sorry invalid password, please try again. And i have tried it multiply times.
2. After I click out after a failed attempt at logging it says: Sorry error 39. System prefrences have quit unexpectactly.
The second question is more on the general side, how do I free space on my local disk?

For normal operation of your Mac you should always keep at least 10% of the drive free.
If you're getting too full and beyond this limit then use something like Disc Inventory X or Whatsize to identify things you can remove.

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    rdtetrick wrote:
    I am getting this error message "You are running out of disk space on Local Disk (C To free space on this drive by deleting old or unnecessary file"  but I have 600 GB free out of 671GB on my C drive. 
    That means that the disk is almost full.  Unless you free up some space  soon, your operating system will begin to behave strangely and eventually will no longer boot into Windows.
    Windows operating system uses part of the capacity of the hard disk for virtual memory. A good rule of thumb is to never come to within 15-20% of the hard disk's capacity.  
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    There is probably a registry edit you can do (at your own risk).
    This link may give you some ideas
    You may need to do the edit, install the programmes and then roll back the edit so you can remove the iPod and then see if the programmes will still run.

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    Have you looked in the Music App on your iPhone? On the iPhone music is played by the Music App not iTunes.

  • There is no more space for virtual disk ServerName_2.vmdk. You might be able to continue this session by freeing disk space on the relevant volume, and clicking Retry. Click Cancel to terminate this session.   Time: 30/05/2014 1:16:20 AM

    Recently, our mail server crashed at about 7pm one night, with the error 'There is no more space for virtual disk ServerName_2.vmdk. You might be able to continue this session by freeing disk space on the relevant volume, and clicking Retry. Click Cancel to terminate this session.'
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    There is also free disk space available on the host and for the VM with the disk errors.
    This happened at least three more times, often at bad times. Each time, we were able to click 'Retry' and the disk/system would allow the VM to start-up successfully.
    I checked the Forums, the VMware support articles and the internet as I had not seen this problem before. I have completed the VSphere 5.1 - Fast Track course and this issue was NOT covered in the training.
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    - The Hard disk types we are using for this Virtual Machine are 'Thin Provisioned'.
    - There are 4 [Thin Provisioned] Hard Disks for this virtual machine.
    - There are 6 CPUs
    - There is 20GB of RAM (memory)
    - The VM is running Windows Server 2008 R2 as the guest/VM operating system. It is an Exchange 2010 SP1 mail server. There is plenty of available disk space on all the drives. The [Exchange] log files are cleaned out regularly (automated).
    I decided to move one of our non-critical servers off this host and on to another host to see if this helped the problem. This took quite some time, as we are not using HA or vmotion, nor do we have VCenter Server...nonetheless, I finally managed to get the non-critical server on to another host (n.b. This was a much smaller machine with less virtual resources assigned to it).
    After moving the non-critical server off this host, we decided to monitor the Host and see if the issue resolved itself.
    I checked the host about 6-10 times a day, from first thing in the morning till last thing at night - monitoring the performance of not only the Virtual Machine, but the ESXi host also.
    There were no adverse performance issues. The only thing I did note, was in the Summary page on the ESX Host, under Storage, was If I right-clicked on the datastore and clicked refresh, then the free disk space would drop (ie from 140GB to 125GB).
    After monitoring the host and VM for about 2 weeks, we did NOT have another instance of the above error.
    Sorry for the long winded post, but I wanted to give as much detail given this error has been raised before and snapshots are usually blamed as the cause.
    My question is this:
    If the ESX host had plenty of available disk capacity and there were no snapshots enabled on the VM (or any other VM's on the same host), then why did our Virtual machine crash with the error that 'there is not more space for virtual disk Servername_2.vmdk'?
    How do we prevent this issue from happening if we don't know the underlying cause?
    I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions.
    If I have not provided enough info on the specs or environment, please let me know and I will provide more information.
    Thanks all,

    The type of storage is really based on your requirements, and your ability to withstand downtime.
    iSCSI as you are using with a NAS such as Synology or QNAP.  NAS Selector - Support - Synology - Network Attached Storage (NAS)
    I wouldn't use iSCSI for Exchange or any database.  It's a bit slow.
    Do you have a single physical host?  Then I'd probably to an external direct attached storage.  This would be a card inserted in your host server that gives you multilane SAS/SATA connectivity ( and an external disk enclosure/array.
    For multiple hosts to a single array, I recommend a fibre channel connection to a FC capable switch, and on to a FC connected array.
    We used to use a HP P2000 (on old G1), but it's since been retired.  Worked pretty well once firmware was upgraded.!tab=features.  They can be connected via iSCSI, Fibre Channel or 6GB SAS so they are flexible and reasonably priced.
         Use RAID 6 with your large disk arrays.  With large disks there is a measurable failure rate when rebuilding a failed RAID5 array based on MTBF.
         Use smaller 15K disks in RAID 0+1 for speed on databases/Exchange.
         Use slower 7.2K disks in RAID6 for file storage.
    We are a small hospital and we have 3 VMware servers with dual CNA (FC and Ethernet in a single twinax cable) connections to 2 redundant Cisco Nexus 5K switches and then 4 Fibre Channel connections to an EMC VNX 5300.  It's extremely fast with about 50 virtual servers, but was quite an investment.  One thing we don't have to worry about is down time.  If there ever is an equipment failure, we have redundant everything, including power split between two UPSs.
    Our VNX has 3 tiers of performance.  3 100GB SSD "Fast Cache" in RAID 1 with hot spare, to keep the most used data ready, but it's not really a tier, however one could be built utilizing the same disks.  A second tier is performance tier with a 8 600GB RAID 0+1 and hot spare.  The third is a bunch of 7.2K 3TB disks in RAID6.  The VNX autotiers, placing data on disks depending on where it's needed.  The volumes are sliced and diced automatically in the background to make this happen and we never have to touch it.  I used a demo of Solarwinds Storage Manager to monitor performance for a while and the utilization was always low, meaning all data access was fast, througout the day.

  • How to configure local disk on OVM Server as storage space to create VMs

    We have installed OVM Server 3.1.1 on a machine that has 250 GB of Hard disk space [Single disk].
    While installing used an option - Remove all partitions and create a new default partition layout.
    Around 4GB has been used and remaining 246 GB is left as free space.
    From OVM Manager - the server is discovered but didn't discovered the physical disk [i.e. remaining 246 GB raw disk space].
    Can someone help me to understand how to use local disk as storage space for creating and running VM's.

    You can? You've used every conceivable BIOS out there? You must really be full of yourself. There is absolutely no BIOS that I know of that gives this basic function. BIOSs do not "hard partition" anything. A "BIOS" is not made for such things. Do you even know what "BIOS" stands for?
    I wonder why there is some many wanting to do this and are having problems.... I mean if it is such a straight forward thing to do..... It must be down right "intuitive".
    You maybe speaking of a RAID "BIOS" but you obviously think you're not. Some motherboards have integrated RAID abilities. Intel RST comes to mind... BUT this isn't a feature of a MOTHERBOARD BIOS.
    I've got some $50,000 servers that will not break a single hard drive up into multiple logical drives..... Now, I haven't worked on a "Stinkpad" for many years. Don't want to. However, I have never seen one that would do what you're saying you're doing.
    You maybe trying to help.... but you're leading people down a wrong path.
    Its just as easy to run virtual box and use the virtual box templates for Oracle VM. In fact, its more practical if you want to run Oracle VM on a laptop for testing purposes than blowing everything away and attempting to setup different LUNS on a single hard drive.
    For your review...
    Although it's more reliable to use a separate location (such as an NFS share) for a storage repository, you can use a local disk of your Oracle VM Server instead, thus taking advantage of the local storage option. Beware, though: Oracle VM Server 3.0 doesn't allow you to utilize the unused space on the physical disk it's installed on. For local storage, you'll need at least one more physical disk. In other words, you'll need a total of two disks at minimum on your Oracle VM Server host if you want to use local storage. In practice, though, local storage is not a primary use case. The major downside to this approach is that local storage, by definition, cannot be shared between different servers.
    Edited by: user12273962 on Dec 10, 2012 10:40 AM

  • Install EBS on local disk from remote win 2003? Can't pass file space check

    I have a portable 250G hard disk on my poor performance win xp,I want to install EBS 12 on my portable hard disk,but I xp system's performance is poor,so I connect to a fine performance win 2003 through mstsc and I can access my 250G hard disk from remote computer win 2003;
    But when I indecate to use remote hard disk "\\tsclient\M\ebs" as my base directory,I meet some err log like below:
    RW-20012: Error: - Free disk space on system returns zero:
         probable cause - mount point does not exist.
    RW-20013: Error: - Not enough free disk space on system:
    Database ORACLE_HOME = \\tsclient\M\ebs\db\tech_st\10.2.0
    required = 3280.0
    actual = 0.0
    If I choose local disk as my base directory ,It pass the file space check;
    Can anyone meet such problem? Please help me ,thanks in advance!

    Instead of using "\\tsclient\M\ebs\db\tech_st\10.2.0" as a directory path, map this network drive as any other free drive (i.e. F:\, G:\ .. etc). You should be able to proceed with the installation then.
    If you need more details about mapping network drive, please refer to:
    Windows XP: Mapping a network drive

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    Try Resetting the PRAM

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    Not really an "over site", remember the Java motto - Write once, run anywhere. If they included Op Sys specific methods would that not defeat the purpose. Sun was kind enough to give us the runtime class, which is handy to inter act with the Opo Sys... - Bart

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    The application needs to room to expand when you download and install it. The iOS is telling you that you are cutting it too close.
    If your iPad is a 16GB iPad, it only had about 14.5GB of usable storage out of the box. You can see the total capacity when you connect to iTunes and click on the Summary Tab. My iPad is the 64 GB model and I have 57.17 free space.

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    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    How much free disk space do you actually have?

  • Where is my "local disk" space?

    I've been using a PC for over 15 years and I just got my PowerBook and I feel like a complete computer dummy. I'm trying to install a game and I keep getting an error message that doesn't make sense. It says it "requires at least 1MB of free disk space. Free up some space on your local disk and then re-launch..." I have way more space than that so what am I doing wrong?

    Hi Roxanne
    Some applications do come in an installer package while others do not, and you will be seeing the application itself on the CD folder window. In the latter case you just drag and drop the application into your applications folder, as the previous poster explained. The app/game will be copied across. You can then eject the CD. Run the app/game by double-clicking it in the applications folder.
    For apps you run regularly you can place their icon in the Dock by just dragging their app icon from the applications folder to where you like in the Dock.
    Matthew Whiting

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    I have recently purchased roller coaster Tycoon 3 and it says you need to free space on your local disk, could someone please explain to me where it is and how to free space if you could help it would be much appreciated Thank You

    Disk Space - Free Up
    Disk Space – Free Up (2)
    Disk Space Filling Up – OmniDiskSweeper
    Disk Space Filling Up - WhatSize

  • I have a new/old desktop mac. I do not know the keychain login password. How can I make a new one just using administrator password?

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    If all the above fails, then it appears to be time for a relatively painless Archive & Install, which gives you a new/old OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space and no Disk corruption, and is relatively quick & painless...
    Just be sure to select Preserve Users & Settings.

  • Restrict Firefox Access to Local Disk Drives in Linux

    I used to be able to modify the browser.js file and use regular expressions with onLocationChange to restrict access to about:, file:, and resource: I am unable to locate where to make the changes to have this same behavior in Firefox 4.
    I need to configure the browser to deny access to local disks under Linux (e.g. file://usr/local/data) I also need to prevent my users from using about: and file: in order to meet corporate security requirements.
    I have exploded the omni.jar file, and looked for some time. Any help with this issue would be appreciated.

    +". . . my 3TB RAID 5 that they're using has become rather full at this point (down to 200MB). . ."+
    I think the problem you're currently seeing starts (and probably ends) here. Regardless of what your data comprises of the general rule of thumb is to make sure you keep at least 10% of free disk space for any hard drive let alone a RAID. Most people would generally recommend 15% for a RAID 5. A rough calculation based on your 3TB RAID would mean you should keep at least 300GB free. You're well below that unless 200MB is a typo? I'm surprised the whole thing has not ground to a halt?
    Video Capture, Editing and Playback in a network home environment is always going to place a considerable strain on any network unless you've prepared the ground first. For example 60 seconds of RAW Video is roughly 200MB in size. Multiply this for a classroom of 16 and that's a lot of data. Even if you're not using hi-def you're still talking a lot of data.
    There are better ways of doing this.

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