Friendly URL to WSDL

I did service enable a RFC FM using SE80 and SOAMANGER in NW 7.0 and everything is just fine.
http://<server>:<port>/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/<my service>
Except for the URL to the WSDL which is utterly strange. It looks like this:
Is it possible to have a more "friendly" URL to the ws?

It is basically aliasing.
You might go this link to make alias of the http link.

Similar Messages

  • Configuring Oracle Application Server to use a user friendly url

    Hi All,
    I am having trouble configuring the apache httpd.conf file within an applicaton server to be able to use user-friendly urls for the infrastructure identity management tools server. I also need this for security reasons as well as hardware reasons - loadbalancing.
    At the moment I have a standard setup, whereby the sso application server is using port 7777. I would like the user not to enter the port, but to enter just a standard url, like http://login.<company>, so that if the user needs to modify oid using the oiddas web application, they can enter something like http://login.<company> rather than http://<machine host name>:7777/oiddas/. This would also be used by portal for sso logins.
    From the standard installation, Apache was configured as follows:
    Port 7777
    Listen 7777
    ServerName <machine host name>
    DocumentRoot <root document folder>
    Now reading the documentation from the Oracle Application Server Installation notes for the Http Server, they document how to do this (in the loadbalancer section - this will eventually be used in the hardware setup):
    Port 80
    Listen 7777
    Listen 80
    # Virtual Hosts
    # This section is mandatory for URLs that are generated by
    # the PL/SQL packages of the Oracle Portal and various other components
    # These entries dictate that the server should listen on port
    # 7777, but will assert that it is using port 80, so that
    # self-referential URLs generated specify
    # This will create URLs that are valid for the browser since
    # the browser does not directly see the host
    NameVirtualHost <machine ip>:7777
    <VirtualHost <nameofmachine>:7777>
    ServerName login.<company>
    Port 80
    # Since the previous virtual host entry will cause all links
    # generated by the Oracle Portal to use port 80, the
    # server needs to listen on 80 as well since the Parallel Page
    # Engine will make connection requests to Port 80 to request the
    # portlets.
    NameVirtualHost <machine ip>:80
    <VirtualHost <nameofmachine>:80>
    ServerName login.<company>
    Port 80
    Note that I used slightly different names for the url's rather than the oracle names and
    Now after applying this, I noticed not only could I not go to the oiddas from the original machine name, but also couldnt go there from the new machine name.
    Also I was not even able to go to the standard index page whereby you can go to the enterprise manager for the application server, from either names.
    The following urls provide me with "The Page Cannot Be Displayed" error message:
    The following urls provide me with "Page Under Construction" error message:
    Could someone please tell me why this is the case, considering I am using the installation procedures Oracle has published within the Oracle Http Server Admistrators Guide (

    Hi Rondey,
    Ik think that I can see your probleem.
    Just change the following line at your httpd.conf, then restart the component.
    First of all if the port is installed with nr. 7777. then the listen process will be on port 7778
    the second thing is just try to do the following steps
    ((Port 80 to Port 7777)))
    Listen 7778
    %%%% In loadbalancer section %%%%%%
    just add the following lines
    Listen 80
    Listen 8103
    Listen 8102
    NameVirtualHost *
    NameVirtualHost *:8103 or 80
    If you want to use this ports (8103 or 8102) for other site (url), then
    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName <machine ip> or (host name)
    Hear from U,

  • Full qualified host name not appearing in url within WSDL generated from PI

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    We changed the host name in exchange profile ( all locations ) from hostname to hostname.companyname.intra and also in the ABAP stack as recommended in all OSS notes.
    We use the Integration Directory --> Sender Agreement --> Display WSDL option to generate the WSDL.
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    Dioes anyone come across this issue/ know which parameters to be updated on the PI server to make the url within the WSDL for the PI webservice to have the fully qualified host name ?

    HI Karthik,
    As Mentioned by Baskar donu2019t use proposed URL .. while creating WSDL in Id.. but instead provide URL in following format and use it in that place and create WSDL.. details about URL format..
    the URL format is fix. and it is simple.
    in above URL provide your sender service component name instead of sender system.
    and provide SOAP sender communication channel name in place of CC_sender
    provide your PI system host and http name in place of host and https and use this..
    for more details about URL..
    Propose URL when Configuring Sender SOAP Adpater
    soap url

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    Thanks & Regards,

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    The friendly URL of a Page will be based on the “Friendly_URL” attribute
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    For each parent page in the navigation concatenate {friendly_url}
    Finally the page or content URL
    {domain}/{parent-page-friendly_url}/{ parent-page-friendly_url }/{page/content_friendly_url}
    Could someone help me with writing the assembler code in java.

    Hello Abdul, hello Sam,
    thanks for help !
    I have tested both and it is ok !.
    If i want to use the "external Link" in my Window, i have know thte Problem.
    I use the LinkToURL-Control with the Propertie "_SELF" and allways a new Browser Window come up! Where is my fault ?
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  • Term-Driven Page with Friendly URL doesn't work with a page in another Site Collection

    Hi all,
    It appears that the Term-Driven Page with Friendly URL does not work when it is referencing a page in another Site Collection. When I set my Managed Navigation to use a term that points to another Site Collection page, the link shows in my navigation, but
    gives the error:
    "Sorry, something went wrong"
    This does not happen if I link to a page in the same site.
    Personal Blog:

    i got similiar (i am not sure whether the same) issue recently:
    I have a site collection (address http://spserver/) which use managed navigation, and term-driven page with friendly url. The address of the term-driven page is set as /pages/teamsitehome.aspx . A friendly url takes the form such as http://spserver/menulevel1/submenu1
    I create a new site collection http://spserver/sites/newsitecollection and i want it to have the same navigation menu as the other site collection. Since i cannot use the same termset for the two site collection, i have to create a new term set
    for the new site collection, "pin term with chidrem" or "reuse term" to the old term set. The friendly url in newly created site collection and term set takes the form such as http://spserver/sites/newsitecollection/menulevel1/submenu1, and still
    points to /pages/teamsitehome.aspx. Notice that the term-driven page here in the new site collection still points to the old site collection.
    Actually, it works! I mean, when i click the navigation menu, friendly url http://spserver/sites/newsitecollection/menulevel1/submenu1 appears in the browser address. And SharePoint knows to load /pages/teamsitehome.aspx for this url. If this is a simple
    blank page, it just open fine here.
    However, my custom page teamsitehome.aspx calls TaxonomyNavigationContext.Current.NavigationTerm in its page load event, it should returns a valid NavigationTerm for the friendly url. But it returns null here. I traced the code to find that it calles
    internal static NavigationTerm GetNavigationTermFromTargetUrlGuids(SPWeb contextWeb, Guid termStoreId, Guid termSetId, Guid termId, bool includeInheritedSettings, bool enableExclusions)
    The passed in contextWeb points to http://spserver/ , since the term-driven page is in this web. But the termSetId points to the new termset. TermId won't be problem, since its the same in both new and old term set for pinned term. The combination of contextWeb
    and termSetId just make the output NavigationTerm null. I think its simply because the termset is not associated with this spweb.
    My workaround is create a copy of /pages/teamsitehome.aspx in new site collection. The term-driven page address is set to ~sitecollection/pages/teamsitehome.aspx in term management. This time, all works. Just because the contextWeb parameter i mentioned
    above now points to the root web at new site collection, where the term driven page resides.

  • Using SE friendly urls - Broken Images and other questions

    Im trying to find a workaround for an issue caused when I create SE friendly URLS and i have a few questions too.
    I am making
    question, is keeping the 114 still in the url ok?
    does it matter if its at the beginning or the end?
    like the above or like this
    and the biggest issue is - how do i work around the image references.
    on this page, i have an image named LOGO.jpg
    and the reference is just i/logo.jpg which is relative to the page url and the real location is
    when i use the SE friendly url, its looking for the image in the relative folder - (which is a fake folder of course)
    so on this page its looking for
    SO - my question is - how do I override this and force it to ignore the folders references in the url? I still need it to look for I do realize that I could of course reference the images using a full url ....
    meaning instead of using i/logo.jpg i could use
    but i would rather not go this route since there are about 20 image references within the template. so if there is a better way to scoot around this I would love to know what it is.
    Thanks in advance

    I bet you are using a relative path for your css include
    instead of a root path. So if you have the following in your
    <link href="../styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet"
    type="text/css" />
    then it will look in the next folder up for a folder called
    styles with a file called main.css
    If you have the same line of code in
    then it will look for a folder in the root called demo with a
    folder in called index.cfm with a folder in called styles with a
    file in called main.css.
    To solve this you need to reference your style sheet as
    <link href="/styles/main.css" rel="stylesheet"
    type="text/css" />
    Notice how the href begins with a forward slash (/) this
    means to always access it from the webroot. You will need to do
    this for all your internal links as well because they will not
    work, this means links and image references the works.

  • Search Engine Friendly URL Rewriting

    Has anyone done any kind of URL rewriting to convert the big, query ridden portal
    URLs to search engine friendly URLs?
    eg. Portal URL: http://somedomain/application?event=blah&pageID=blah&blah=blahblahblah
    gets converted to
    http://somedomain/pageID/page.htm or something like that.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Filter your recordset based off text values for your table fields ex. field 'model' will have values Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, etc. and field 'color' will have values red, blue, green. etc.
    The filtered URL will be to show all red Hondas in the filtered recordset.
    Using .htacces mod_rewrite you can convert the above example to something like

  • How to add Friendly URLs in Weblogic Portal?

    We are developing a portal using Weblogic 10gR3. Right now the URL's that are getting formed are very long which includes the nfpb, nfls, pagelabel e.t.c. The requirement is to have a very user friendly url something like<<pageLabel>>
    The Weblogic documentation mentions something about URL compression, however unable to apply it for dynamic URL's. We have URL's which are formed on the fly from the WLP Content Repository
    Is there some kind of servlet / filter provided within WLP. I read somewhere about an URLTransformationServlet. But there was no documentation on its usage. Can some one share a sample code snippet with me. That would be really really helpful, as we are having a slight time crunch here.
    Any kind of help on this will be deeply appreciated. Thanks
    Thanks and Regards,

    Dear Team,
    Please help us in Change Portal Url . Please find below details and help us asap.
    Generic Note
    I understand [email protected] looks after your account and he should be able to assist you in this matter.
    You could possibly post your question to the oracle forums, like below
    How to add Friendly URLs in Weblogic Portal?
    [email protected] - November 1, 2010 7:05:03 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Dear Team,
    Please let us know how to contact the assigned oracle account manager to engage someone from the professional services team.
    Please update us asap.
    Oracle Support - November 1, 2010 5:28:59 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    I would suggest you contact the assigned oracle account manager to engage someone from the professional services team.
    [email protected] - November 1, 2010 4:55:25 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Dear Team,
    How to engage oracle professional services to team to get assistance.
    Oracle Support - November 1, 2010 1:48:49 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    As mentioned earlier, changes to the portal url is not provided out of box, the documentation link that I provided mentions a possible way of achieving this by creating a start up servlet, this may or may-not work in all circumstances. If the suggestions provided so far has not helped you so far, I would recommend you engage oracle professional services team to get assistance.
    [email protected] - November 1, 2010 1:36:12 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Dear Team,
    Please find below comments from Dev team.
    While try to incorporate the URL navigation changes at
    our development environment we are getting exception Unable to render /framework/skeletons/bharti_skeleton/singlelevelmenu.jsp .
    I have also checked feasibility for the URL navigation changes provided and will not work for left menu
    and footer URL because while rendering these URL we are not using single level menu jsp or multilevel menu jsp.
    Please check with these comments and update ASAP.
    [email protected] - October 28, 2010 7:56:02 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    regarding making changes to the url meets ,we are working on the document which you have provided.we will update with result onc it get finished.
    Eranna D.
    Oracle Support - October 28, 2010 7:06:32 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    Since your question about Rich Text support in CMS is not related to portal urls, I would request you raise this as a separate issue.
    In the new SR, please elaborate what you mean by the Rich Text support, whats your proposed use case, whats working and what is not.
    Could you also confirm if the further information I have provided regarding making changes to the url meets your requirement.
    [email protected] - October 28, 2010 7:04:48 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    CMS----Content Management System
    Rich contents are : Media files, Vedios, Movies... etc.
    [email protected] - October 28, 2010 6:58:46 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Can you please clarify the below point also.
    "Please confirm whether CMS support Rich Text in weblogic , currently we have the weblogic version 9.2 . Plz confirm whether it will support or not."
    Eranna D.
    Oracle Support - October 28, 2010 5:41:53 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    The following documentation tells how you can achieve the simple urls you are looking for.
    Could you let me know if this meets your requirement.
    [email protected] - October 28, 2010 12:07:05 PM GMT+05:30 [Reopen Request]
    Please clarify why it is not possible to remove nfpb parameter.
    Call Me on +91 9686971269 ASAP.
    Oracle Support - September 29, 2010 5:39:48 PM GMT+05:30 [ODM Answer]
    === ODM Answer ===
    weblogic portal does not provide any out of the box way to achieve this functionality
    Oracle Support - September 29, 2010 5:39:15 PM GMT+05:30 [ODM Question]
    === ODM Question ===
    need to change the URL
    Oracle Support - September 25, 2010 4:42:01 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    WLProxy configuration falls under the weblogic server product hence you will have to raise an SR with that product to get any suggestions.
    Before that I would suggest you play around with the parameter I have suggested and see how it is impacting the url and then if there is any specific area you are stuck on check with the WLS team.
    Like I mentioned earlier, I do not know if this will completely meet your business requirement, but something you can look into.
    [email protected] - September 25, 2010 4:32:00 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Can you please brief us what all are the changes needs to be done to meet our below requirement.
    Eranna D.
    +91 9686971269
    Oracle Support - September 24, 2010 9:00:57 PM GMT+05:30 [Information]
    Generic Note
    URLCompression servlet is the only option that weblogic portal provides out of the box to compress the URL of WLP. I understand this does not suite your requirement.
    The other option I can think of that can possibly help you achieve this is to configure any weblogic proxy plugin that you might be making use of, see the document look for PathTrim, PathPrepend
    [email protected] - September 24, 2010 5:41:39 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Please call me on +91 9686971269 ASAP.
    Eranna D
    [email protected] - September 24, 2010 5:41:22 PM GMT+05:30 [Update from Customer]
    Even thogh after implementing the below changes,still we are not able to get the result. " nfpb parameter is still existing in URL ".
    Implementing URL Compression :
    To configure a webapp to use url compression, follow these steps:
    1. Define the compression servlet in web.xml; for example
    2. Map the compression pattern; for example:
    3. Add the token {url:compression} to the templates for which you want to apply compression.
    Please suggest on this ASAP.
    Eranna D.
    [email protected] - September 24, 2010 5:27:58 PM GMT+05:30 [Customer Problem Description]
    Problem Description: We need to change the URL
    Pls suggest on this.
    Eranna D.

  • How to add friendly URLs to pages within the ALUI portal?

    I want to know how to add friendly URLs (human-readable URLs that users can bookmark or type into the browser address bar) to pages within the ALUI portal.
    The portal application is developed using plumtree portlets.

    In 6.5
    Community links look like this:
    Documents look like this:
    If your goal is for users to "type into the browser address bar" then your best bet would be dns mapping.
    At that point you could have communities with urls like:
    Which is significantly easier for users

  • Friendly URLs

    Hello everyone,
    I'm working with the URLs, so it looks more friendly for the final user. I found some docs on that matter:
    For what I could understand, ATG uses the IndirectTemplate for web spiders and bots, which use the info on that URL for search indexing or something like that. And the DirectTemplate is the actual URL shown for the final user. This URL from DirectTemplate is the "dynamic" one as I could understand, wich has all the query parameters.
    For example, this is a fragment of
    # Url template format
    urlTemplateFormat={item.template.url,encode=false}?categoryId\={}This shows the following: /catalog/category.jsp?categoryId=cat123.
    And this is a fragment of
    # Url template format
    urlTemplateFormat=/jump/{item.displayName}/category/{}This shows the following: /jump/My-Category-Name/category/cat123
    I want to change the "dynamic" url (DirectTemplate, the one shown to the final user) to something like I think it would work fine if I just changed the urlTemplateFormat.
    My only question is: Does the DirectTemplate affects anything on the info collected by web spiders and bots, or only the IndirectTemplate is used for that?
    Hope I made my question clear to understand.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to get Friendly URLs in SharePoint 2013.
    The following code snippet for your reference:
    public List<string> GetPagesUrls() {
    //list for saving the urls
    List<string> retVal = new List<string>();
    //current web
    SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
    //check if the current web is a publishing web
    if (PublishingWeb.IsPublishingWeb(web)) {
    //get the pages list id
    Guid listId = PublishingWeb.GetPagesListId(web);
    //retrieve the pages list
    SPList pagesList = web.Lists[listId];
    foreach (SPListItem item in pagesList.Items) {
    //retrieve the terms used for the navigation (this can be multiple terms)
    IList<NavigationTerm> terms = TaxonomyNavigation.GetFriendlyUrlsForListItem(item, false);
    string url = string.Empty;
    //check if the pages has terms associated with it
    if (terms.Count > 0) {
    //use the GetResolvedDisplayUrl to retrieve the page friendly urls
    url = terms[0].GetResolvedDisplayUrl(string.Empty);
    } else {
    //if the page does not have any terms get the normal url
    url = item.File.Url;
    return retVal;
    More information is here:
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Testing for the present of a local link in a friendly URL

    I have a friendly url like this: ilam-ferre-coe#cF3117E44-D618-19D6-0DE84586EF454DD6
    which does not have a cgi.query_string.
    How do i test for the presence of the link identified with "
    #c "?
    Can a kind soul please shed some light because I am at the
    end of my wits.

    Unfortunately that's exactly the function of that link:
    moving to a certain anchor when opening the page.
    But let me rephrase the question. It looks like "
    cgi.query_string " ignores - or it does not recognize - the anchor
    if one is attached at the end of the URL. Is there any other way to
    capture the anchor?

  • Search engine friendly URLs

    Is it possible to use search engine friendly URLs like with JSP?.
    Does any frameworks support this feature?
    Edited by: SreejithS on Sep 15, 2009 10:07 AM

    you may want to remap the URL to your jsps, like

  • Change URL in WSDL

    Hi All,
    Is URL in WSDL is configurable ?
    For e.g. <soap:address location=""/>

    The end point is constructed with a combination of hostname, port, context
    path of your web application and
    The hostname and port can be configured via 2 xml files named wlw-config and
    wlw-runtime-config.xml. Bu default the hostname and port of which the
    application is deployed will be used. The xml files must be sued only if you
    want to over ride that behavior.
    The context path of your web application can be configured via the project
    consider the following scenario where I have an application named texas, and
    a web project named texaswebapp. within this project I have a folder named
    testTomCat and a jws named test.jws.
    The SOAP end point would be
    http://AKRAJ01:7001/texasWeb/testTomCat/test.jws where akraj01 is my
    machine name and 7001 is port at which my server is listening
    If I changed the context path of my web project to be mycontextpath, the
    hostname to be myhost and the port to be 4001
    then the SOAP end point would be
    Hope this helps.
    Raj Alagumalai
    Backline Workshop Support
    the hostname entry
    "Hitesh" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3f8cbc2d$[email protected]..
    Hi All,
    Is URL in WSDL is configurable ?
    For e.g. <soap:address location=""/>

  • Friendly URL redirection to SSL in security mode 2

    10gR3...going to here:
    redirects to:
    whereas going to
    redirects to the subportal home page, instead of the https url of the same page.
    Is this expected? Bug?

    What happens if you go directly to https://ourportal/portal/ instead of redirecting from http? Does that resolve?
    How about if you try with a community that has a simple name like 'test' instead of special characters in the name like 'it_policies'?
    What mechanism are you using to redirect from http to https? For example if it's a load balancer perhaps the rules are doing something incorrect when resolving to https? Perhaps you can use wireshark to compare the request from lb to portal, versus making a direct https request to portal.
    Having said that there are bugs related to friendly urls. For example, here's one as an example...but probably not related to your issue...unless you have SSO enabled:
    This might require some more support troubleshooting to determine if it's a bug, or if there's some kind of workaround.

Maybe you are looking for