Front Row/iPhoto Communication Error

I've got a new MacBook Pro and I've updated to OS10.4.6, iPhoto 6.0.2 and Front Row 1.2.1 Whenever I try to access the iPhoto library or any album through Front Row, it hangs and I get the following message: "An error was encountered while communicating with iPhoto". Has anyone else had this problem?

Yeah... it happens every time. I have absolutely no problem with iPhoto. Slideshows and all work perfectly. Front Row works as expected with everything except iPhoto. mmmmm.... Maybe I should re-install iPhoto.

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  • Front Row has an error finding iPhoto library

    I recently transferred files from my old iMac to my new one. It runs Leopard and everything works on FR except Photos. I updated everything when got the new computer. iPhoto works fine and the iPhoto library is where it should be. When I choose photos on fR it states that "An error has occurred" What gives and please help.
    Thank you

    Read the instructions and found the AlbumData.xml file, but couldn't get my browser to tell me where the error was (step 2)
    "The solution…
    1.Close iPhoto…
    2.Locate where in the AlbumData.xml file the invalid data is (the error [in your web browser] should report at what line the invalid XML is
    3.Open the AlbumData.xml file with an application like TextWrangler and go to the specific line with the error - in my case the problem was with one of my keywords (i.e. “List of Keywords”);
    4.Open iPhoto and highlighting the offending data - re-enter it thereby replacing the invalid data;
    Close iPhoto
    5.Delete AlbumData.xml
    6.Re launch iPhoto - make a change (e.g. create a new folder or album) [this last step forces iPhoto to republish the AlbumData.xml file]
    the error could have been, I assume, in any part of the file not just the keywords;
    you can’t edit the AlbumData.xml file directly since iPhoto never reads the file - only writes to it, so any changes will be overwritten.
    A word about the AlbumData.xml file
    iPhoto generates the AlbumData.xml file (inside its library folder). This file is only used by other applications, such as Front Row and Aperture (iPhoto never reads this file), so that they can locate photos and albums in the photo library. In other words the file is not used by iPhoto rather it is created by iPhoto to aid integration.
    The fact that there are cases where iPhoto will write out malformed XML to the AlbumData.xml file, causing other applications to be unable to read the file correctly seems perverse - iPhoto should never be allowed to do this."
    Message was edited by: musashi88

  • Front Row & iPhoto slide shows

    I love the new slide show options in iphoto 09, but apart from the song choice, the slideshow options do not transfer through to Front Row like they used to as far as I can see. It now just plays the pictures full screen one after the other with no transitions at all.
    Any help on this would be appreciated.

    IWelcome to the Apple Discussions. 'm able to get the music and saved settings to play thru Front Row if I select an album which I've set up. When you first select Photos in Front Row it's the albums that are displayed in the list. If you select photos a second time then it's the Events.
    Setting up a slideshow in an album and saving the settings gets transferred to Front Row, at least on my G5. Events don't fare so well, even if the settings are saved.
    Give albums a try and see if it will work for you.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier versions) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. There are versions that are compatible with iPhoto 5, 6, 7 and 8 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    NOTE: iPhoto 8's new option in it's rebuild library window, "Rebuild the iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup" may make this tip obsolete. We'll know when users have occasion to use it and see if that's the case.

  • Front Row - Iphoto

    For some reason when I try to view my iphoto's in front row it tells me that there are no photos in my iphoto library. Thats clearly not the case. Is there anyone out there that will know how to fix this issue?

    I've heard that it be a problem with the keywords used in iPhoto and from importing from other places.
    Heres a forum topic that might help you out:
    Won't Display iPhotos On Front Row
    MacBook 1.83ghz Core Duo | 1 GB RAM | 60 GB HD | Combo   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Mac Mini 1.42ghz | 2GB iPod Nano| 80 GB Western Digital Passport External

  • IPhoto album "not found" / Communication error...

    Having a really weird problem with Front Row... it likes everything but iPhoto! It pulls my iTunes across my network with no problem, it plays movies, trailer and video clips locally and across the network with no problems, but when it comes to iPhoto, it throws a snit.
    Seriously, when I select the "Photos" section, it sees the shared iPhoto library across my network, so it tries to go load it. About three seconds after it starts trying to pull the shared library across, it throws up an error: "The album you selected could not be found," then it suggests that there was either a communications error or that the server went offline, although neither is true. Note that it never gets to the point where I can choose an album - it doesn't show any albums, only the error message.
    Has anyone else seen this?
    First, it should be noted that the Front Row computer is attached to a projector that can only display up to 800x600. iPhoto on this computer launches, but first throws up an error that the display is not optimal for that application. The machine is otherwise quite strong: Mini dual-core, 1GB RAM, 45+GB free HD.
    Here's what I've done in the meantime...
    1) Reinstalled iPhoto 6 from the beginning. Tested - no dice. Applied 6.0.1 and 6.0.2. No dice.
    2) Repaired perms on the server. No dice.
    3) Checked iPhoto on the Front Row machine - it does see the shared library and has no problem bringing the library across.
    4) Changed libraries - I use three different libraries regularly - no dice. #3, above, recognized each library just fine, incidentally.
    5) Created a generic user account on the iPhoto "server," ran iPhoto (which creates a new, blank library), put four pictures in it. iPhoto on the Front Row mac saw the new library with no problem. Front Row, however, gaves the same error.
    6) Rebooted everything (of course). No luck.
    7) I've "googled" the error messages, with no applicable results.
    8) I've put aliases to the libraries in the Front Row machine's user account's "Pictures" folder. The Front Row machine's iPhoto didn't like it, nor did Front Row. Oh well... besides, this would be a workaround - not what I want.
    9) The iPhoto "server" has a pretty straightforward name with no spaces or odd characters. The "share name" assigned in iPhoto has no odd characters or spaces. The Front Row machine, too, has a straightforward, short alphanumeric name.
    10) Networking between the two is a reliable gigabit connection through a five-port gigabit switch. Communication is steady and very fast - as evidenced by iTunes working, video streaming, iPhoto recognizing libraries, etc.
    11) Name resolution between the machines works just fine. There are no odd routing tables or other infrastructure hiccups that might bog it down.
    12) I've pared down the share from "full library" to sharing only a single, tiny album. The album has a straightforward name with no spaces or odd characters and only a handful of pictures. No dice.

    iPhoto on the Front Row computer does launch and, after I "OK" the warning about a suboptimal display resolution (an error I'd really like to eradicate), I do see the local iPhoto library.
    I've tried several combinations to see what happens - I'll call the main "serving" computer "server," even 'tho it's not a "server," technically speaking - it's running regular ol' Tiger, same version as the Front Row machine ("FR").
    1. Neither machine running iPhoto: Front Row doesn't see the server's collection, nor does it offer the local library, either.
    2. Server running iPhoto, FR not: Front Row gives the error described above. When I quit Front Row, the iPhoto icon is bouncing, alerting me (again) to the fact that the display is suboptimal, so apparently Front Row is launching iPhoto in the background in order to connect (presumably) to the server's iPhoto library.
    3. Server running iPhoto, FR running iPhoto: If I "OK" the suboptimal display error on the FR machine so that both FR and server are running iPhoto, I get the error described above when attempting to view the server's iPhoto collection. iPhoto on the FR machine, however, does see the server's iPhoto collection - I can browse it, view it, etc. just fine.
    4. Server not running iPhoto, FR running iPhoto (again, clicking "OK" to get through that suboptimal display warning): FR iPhoto only displays local library; FR doesn't see server libraries and gives appropriate error.
    Through all of this, I just noticed an oddity: at no point does Front Row attempt to let me browse the local iPhoto library... it only gives me the "shared albums" option. I need to check something but this could be an oddity: I don't believe there are any actual pictures or albums in the local library, only the server's library. Again, iPhoto does launch properly and will let me browse shared albums - I'm just not certain I populated the local library with anything. I'll check that tonight to see if it makes a whit of difference.

  • Front Row doesn't shows my photos - error message

    I'm having problems with front row when I try to show images. When I choose this option, front row shows an error message similar to this: Front Row encountered a Problem, press play to continue. When I press play, it exits the program.
    I reinstalled the MacOs and it kept the problem. I created a new user, and on this front row is working.
    Any help??

    No help.
    I assume you're using Aperture ?
    Even Aprture 3,1,1 doesn't fix this problem.

  • Is Front Row available for sale?

    It looks like a great program, though it is only shipping with the newer models. Anyone know if can be downloaded or purchased?

    The original hack was illegal as it distributed software which wasn't available for download.
    The 1.0.1 update, however is available for download directly from the Apple site and it's pretty easy to get it to work.
    You'll need Pacifist, which lets you open .pkg files and Front Row Enabler, which allows it to run on your Mac. Neither of these are illegal and are available at all of the update sites.
    Funny thing is, Front Row works flawlessly on my MDD G4, but has an iPhoto communication error on my iSight iMac LOL
    There's an open source program called center stage which was around well before Front Row ever came out - I assume this is the "copy cat" program referred to above.

  • Problems with Front Row, listening to Music and view Photos

    My new imac is experiencing problems while in frontrow. If I am listening to music through itunes and then go to view photos at the same time the computer freezes for minutes on end before coming up with an error message about not being able to access the photos. When I finally manage to get out of front row, iphoto is opened up on my desktop. Is anyone else having problems like this?

    Yeah, I think, unfortunately thats the best solution to this. Disappointing though, this is the 2nd imac that I've had major issues with straight out of the box.

  • Mountain Lion hostile to Front Row?

    Mounting Lion seems hostile to Front Row, which would still work under Lion, with some persuasion.
    It's all well and good to say it's been discontinued…
    Why sell Mac Mini with HDMI and discontinue Front Row ? What are Apple customers expected to use?
    Mounting Lion upgrade process lets Front Row application through.
    Front Row doesn't even attempt to launch, as if it's being blocked deliberately.
    If there a fix or terminal option to get Front Row working again, could someone please let us know. It's not like there's any Apple replacement.
    Or any other company for that matter. And no, Plex is hopless, it ignores folder structure, it's useless to me. Put an alias in your Movie's folder and you can see anything you want in Front Row.
    Simple, just works, just abandoned.
    Off to, now.

    Thanks, I'll answer the "try Plex, it's great" suggestion, only once.
    I have installed Plex, but can't wait to remove it. It's too complex and dumb. Front Row is simple and flexible and doesn't require me to run a server or nominate folders separately, just to make it useable. Front Row lets me dig around folders as I create them and is generally clean/simple and all I need.
    When I want Hollywood movie meta data assigned to budgie videos from YouTube, I'll be singing the praises of Plex all over the internet. If that's cataloguing, I can live without it. I have tonnes of files, they're -catalogued- into folders. Until Apple loses the plot completely and scraps the file system, I'm safe from meddling by any number of Apps (which come and go over time).
    The remote seems to work OK with Plex without Buddy, better than iTunes actually. Somebody must have fixed iTunes to stop responding to the remote, as well. Charming.
    Merely deleting Front Row from Lion, apparently wasn't bloody-minded enough, Mountain Lion seems to single out Front Row - gives no error when you launch it, just refuses to let it run. An awful lot of hostility to what appears to be a simple skin for QuickTime.
    How much trouble would it be for Apple to Open Source Front Row and let those that want it, run it?

  • Front Row - proper usage

    Just a comment - there should be a user manual for using front row. It is very popular and I think that having that last event showing in the menu is frigging everyone up and making them think that there is a bug somewhere and making front row/iphoto freeze.

    Just a comment - there should be a user manual for using front row. It is very popular and I think that having that last event showing in the menu is frigging everyone up and making them think that there is a bug somewhere and making front row/iphoto freeze.

  • Front Row communications error with iPhoto

    FR (1.2.1) refuses to run slideshows for me even though I can see changing thumbnails on the left-hand side of the screen. I keep getting "communications errors". Rebuilding my library hasn't helped. Can anyone help, please?
    17 Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Yes, I'm having the same problem. Everything updated via Software Update, and Front Row works properly with everything except iPhoto.
    I get the communication error message when trying to view photos, even though it can 'see' all the iPhoto folders, and also displays preview photos on the menu screen.
    Would love to know if anyone has a fix yet.
    MacBook Pro 2.16Ghz 2Gb RAM 100Gb 7200rpm   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • Front row error with IPhoto 6

    When i'm using front row, and finish watching a slide show that I made with IPhoto, then select Library to see the slidshow of all my photos, it causes an error. It says "IPhoto is not responding. Press the play/pause button to return to the desktop". And when i return to the desktop, IPhoto opens, and the Library is selected under source on the left, but on the right it's trying to show a slideshow, but the image preview is black, and there are no thumbnails of the photos in the slideshow up top. So i click on Last Roll, or another album, but it is still showing the same black preview with no thumbnails. But when i click on the slideshow I last played, the preview loads, and all of the thumbnails are back, and basically it goes back to normal.
    I provided all the details i could, if you need more info, just ask. This is the first problem i've had with my macbook, im still so glad i bought it.
    MacBook2,1   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    Try deleting the Front Row preference file,
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've written an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Front Row won't launch iPhoto, no black menu

    I just got my new Intel iMac. All works great but not the Front Row's photo show. When I press Photos on the rotating desktop, the menu just fades and shows Desktop. No error message, just desktop.
    I deleted iPhoto, re-installed it (v. 6.0). Does not work. I updated it and Front Row to the latest versions, not working. I repaired permissions. Does not help.
    If I manually open iPhoto, I can then launch the slideshow by using remote. And iPhoto works fine by itself. Problem seems to be that Front Row cannot launch the black FR menu and/or iPhoto.
    I'd like to be able to launch the slideshow by only using remote as it is meant to be...
    Any help appreciated!

    I solved it finally myself: I deleted my old photo files and photo albums from iPhoto. Now FR works nicely. Seems that the migrated photo libraries from iPhoto 4 did not fare well with iPhoto 6+Front Row.
    Weirdly, this rather straightforward solution is not suggested anywhere...

  • An Error Occurred - Photos on Front Row

    Hi, I really hope someone can help me....
    Whenever I try to show photos on Front Row, the message comes up "an error occurred" Press play/pause to exit front row.
    I think I must have some corruption in my iPhoto library so I have tried the following:
    Re-building the library, thumbnails etc.
    Deleting the last 10 events (since the problem occurred)
    Emptying trash
    Deleting all albums and slideshows
    All to no avail.
    I have tried creating a new user account and opening the library in that and using Front row to confirm it wasn't user account settings, same problem again. But if I create a new library with just a few photos in it, it works fine in Front Row on both user accounts.
    This has all started happening since I moved from a mac mini to a 27" iMac, the photo library is on an external drive and worked fine like that with the mini but not the iMac. I have tried copying it onto the iMac hard drive in case it was the external drive causing the problem but that doesn't seem to have made any difference. I did change to snow leopard around the same time, would this have anything to do with it maybe?
    I have over 16000 photos in my library and have spent hours tagging them, geo-tagging, updating faces etc so I really don't want to have to rebuild the library from scratch manually.
    Any clues?

    Well given that the problem doesn't occur in the new Library it does point the finger solidly at some form of corruption in the main library.
    What format is the external disk?
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

  • Front Row can't see photos in iPhoto library

    I have been experiencing intermittent problems with Front Row and its ability to find my iPhoto library. I have even tried changing/adding libraries, but it doesn't want to work! I keep on getting "You don't have any photos in your iphoto library" when I select "Photos" from my Front Row interface.
    Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have a fix?

    This is a hint from "iphoto library manager" which helped me. If you run this program you will see if there is a problem in your albumdata.xml file...
    In my case the keywords caused the problem. i opened iPhoto, deleted the keywords and ran iPhoto again. then front row worked again...
    i hope this helps you as well...
    Advanced Troubleshooting
    If you want to try to find the item in your library that is causing the problem, follow these steps as a general guide:
    The error message displayed in iPhoto Library Manager, after saying "The album data file for this library is malformed", should then read "XML parser error:", followed by a more specific error that specifies a line number. Take note of that line number
    Select the library in question, click the Reveal In Finder button to show the library folder, then double click the folder to look at the library's contents. The AlbumData.xml file should be inside.
    Open the AlbumData.xml using a text editor that has a function that will allow you to jump to a particular line number in a file. Microsoft Word provides this function, as does the free text editor TextWrangler.
    Once the file is open, jump to the line that is specified in the iPhoto Library Manager error message.
    You have now found the point in the file where the data is malformed. From here, the exact steps to actually fix the problem can differ, depending on what part of the file the error is in.
    If you see a line reading "<key>List of Keywords</key>" not too far up from your position in the file, then the problem is with one of your keywords. Open your library in iPhoto, open the preferences window, and go to the keyword list. Double click on the offending keyword to rename it, and just re-type the name of the keyword to get rid of any invisible characters that might be in the keyword's name.
    If the problem is located in a record for a particular photos (you should see lines for properties such as "MediaType", "Caption", "Comment", etc.), then you can either go to that photo in your library and try to edit the photo's information, or you can just remove that photo from your library altogether and re-add it later. Finding the photo can sometimes be tricky, especially if the bad data prevent's the photo's title or filename from being written out to the file.

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