Front row shortcut

What is the shortcut to open front row without the remote?

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  • 'Front Row' hack Backfired - I think ......

    The problem I'm having started with the Optical Drive not responding to the Open/Close key. Then I noticed there are no System Preference icons in my Menu Bar - date & time / sound / displays / user ... it's empty. I discovered in sys prefs the the 'tick' marks for 'show in menu bar' won't stay ticked.
    I think this is related to trying to get Front Row going on my G4 MDD with OS 10.4.11. After downloading and installing FR you need to download and run an app called 'Front Row Enabler'. It is supposed to 'enable' the cmd - esc key shortcut to launch FR. Well, it didn't work and I believe has corrupted my system preferences to the point of .... System Preferences crash when I try and get in to Keyboard Shortcuts and the other issues I mentioned above.
    The read me that came with the 'enabler' says this:
    +1 - Download Front Row 1.0.1 from Apple.+
    +2 - Install the package using Pacifist. (The installer won't run unless you have a new iMac.)+
    +3 - Run 'Front Row Enabler' from the disk image. This will patch OS X (BezelServices.framework and BezelService.loginPlugin, to be exact) so it thinks you have an iMac G5 remote.+
    +4 - Reboot+
    +5 - Open the Keyboard & Mouse Preferences and enable the Front Row shortcut under the Keyboard Shortcuts tab.+
    +6 - Press cmd-esc and enjoy! (You may also change this shortcut in the Keyboard & Mouse Preferences)+
    After I ran the enabler and rebooted I saw in Sys Prefs that the shortcut for FR had been automatically enabled, I did not have to select it. Believing at this point that the enabler did more than it was supposed to and failed at what it was supposed to do.
    The issue is this .... I can't get my dvd drive to open. If i could I would simply reinstall my system, but ... no drive .... no install.
    I've tossed sys prefs .plist among other things - at a loss.
    Help Please!

    wishing it were that simple ... I have no dvd drive .... at least one that I can get opened. This computer has no 'precious' data on it fortunately, it's merely a family browsing / gaming computer and it was headed for fame as our HT media center.
    found this but the last half is no longer available on the internet; i.e. the latest enabler and andrews fix for removing FR. I have downloaded and reinstalled the bezel files as in the first part of the directions, also went in to terminal and did the permissions part. From there on though the files and info don't exist, at least through the links provided there.
    Any other thoughts please.

  • Is there a way to open Front Row without the remote?

    I wonder, is there some keyboard shortcut that will open front row?
    I ask because a while ago I was about to force-quit an application(cmdoptesc), and then I cancelled(esc) that and toggled to another application's window(cmd+tab), etc., all of this using only the keyboard. But because of the application that wasn't working right, things got slow, and after waiting a couple of seconds for the other window to appear... Fron Row just appeared in front of me!!!
    I don't know if it was some keyboard shortcut that i accidentally pressed, or just a bug. Does enyone know?

    Command + Escape
    arrow keys
    and escape to bail
    good luck

  • Does Front Row update playcount (and other attrbutes) in iTunes?

    Excuse this question please which I could theoretically test myself, just don't have the resources at hand right now to try it out:
    As I understand FR under Tiger uses iTunes to play music. So logically any smart playlists based on 'last played' or 'playcount' attributes will stay up to date?
    However, since the new FR (Leopard) handles everything itself my question is, will it also update these iTunes attributes?
    My previous quick test, seemed to suggest not. Pretty annoying cos I'm planning to use a MacMini as a mediacenter, connected to the TV and it seems to defeat the object of Front Row if I end up having to play music from iTunes in order to fully utilise my smart playlists.
    PS And why do I have Front Row 1.0 installed on a brand new 10.5 iMac? I thought the Leopard version was FR 2.0 ?

    ...still don't umderstand why it's version 1.0 though!
    The "Front Row" that is in your Applications folder may be "version 1.0" but it's really only a shortcut to the actual Front Row application that's inside your /System/Library/CoreServices/ folder. That's the application that is version 2 now and is actually displaying on your screen. I think Apple added this shortcut for people who don't have an Apple remote so it's easier to open Front Row.

  • New iMac install problem with Front Row

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    Normally to activate Front Row you press the Menu button on the Apple Remote that came with your Mac or you can use the keyboard shortcut of Command(Apple) + Escape.

  • Parental Controls do not control Front Row

    Hello everyone-
    I have noticed that on my managed accounts if I do not select Front Row as a permitted application it runs just fine anyway from within the managed accounts. I can launch it from either the Finder or the keyboard shortcut and the content it displays (Top Musics Videos from the iTunes store etc) does not seem to be restricted in any way by the parental controls in iTunes.
    Has anyone found a fix for this, or is this one more thing in the list of things we are all waiting for in 10.5.2?

    Fixed in Snow Leopard

  • Front row, no

    When ever I'm on my laptop, Front Row always pops up when I'm typiny away. Is there anyway to just turn it off? I never use it anyway.

    You can turn the keyboard function off if you go to *System Preferences* then click K*eyboard & Mouse*. From here click *Keyboard Shortcuts* and deselect "Hide and show Front Row". This should solve your problems or Front Row starting while typing.

  • Help with Front Row...

    I just received my refurbished imac replacement.It is running great,i added more memory up to 2gb. My question is i dont have Front Row on this replacement it is the same as the imac i sent back 20in. 2.16ghz 2gb ram 250gb hd how do i install this do i have to re-install everything?

    Here's everything you'll need to troubleshoot Front Row and your Remote.
    1) Keyboard shortcuts for Front Row
    2) Troubleshooting the Apple Remote
    3) Pairing your Apple Remote with your computer
    4) How to replace the Apple Remote battery
    17" iMac Intel Core Duo 1.5GB Ram   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Maxtor 300GB FireWire 2G Nano

  • Two versions of Front Row?

    I just noticed using System Profiler that there are two versions of Front Row on my iMac.
    Version 1.0 is located in /Applications
    Version 2.1.6 is located in /System/Library/CoreServices/
    Double-clicking either one brings up versions 2.1.6.
    Does all this sound correct?
    I don't use Front Row all that much, but I don't want an extra app hanging around on my hard drive either.

    Yes, that's normal. The version 1.0 application in your Applications folder is really just a handy shortcut to the real application that lives buried in your System folder. When Apple introduced Front Row in Leopard for all Macs, even those without an Apple remote, I believe they were giving those users a more direct way of launching Front Row. If you want, you can delete the application in your Applications folder and you can still open Front Row with the keyboard or Apple remote. However, since it takes up less than half of one megabyte, I don't think you have to worry about it hanging around and filling-up your hard drive!

  • ITunes Crashes When Launched by Front Row

    Hey everyone,
    If iTunes isn't running when I launch Front Row, I have some issues when I try to play its music through the Front Row interface. I can select "Music" just fine from the four-icon menu, but as soon as I try "Playlists" or "Artists" or anything, I just get the pinwheel to eternity. If I use the Force Quit keyboard shortcut, i'm immediately spat back to my desktop, where I'm informed that iTunes has unexpectedly quit. If I choose Reopen, though, it will keep quitting until I choose Cancel. Only when I open iTunes myself does the crash loop stop.
    Help me! It's really, really annoying to have to make sure that iTunes is running every time I want to use Front Row. And it also sort of defeats the purpose of Front Row in the first place.

    Just so you guys know - I just fixed the issue by clearing out the Scripts and Plugins folders in Macintosh HD/Users/myname/Library/iTunes.
    I guess I'll add them back in one by one to see which caused the issue. I can't remember which scripts I had - I know there was iTunes-BPM and Art to iChat. Anyone have those? For visualizers I had Gaslight and iConcertCal.
    If you had one of these, let's figure it out so we can let the developer know about this bug.

  • Front Row in Mac OS X Lion?

    I was about to go see what movie trailers were new in Front Row. However, when I pressed the shortcut (command+esc) nothing happened.
    Can anyone tell me, does Lion get rid of Front Row? I used it alot and I would be quite upset if that were the case.

    Hey Guys,
    I know Apple dropped Front Row app from Lion, and it ***** to live without it.
    Now, I found Squire and works even better than Front Row.
    It's not at its prime yet, but the Alpha version finds your movies, and tv shows across your network, and then somehow it link back once you're out of your network.
    Squire mapped my movies and tv shows, both from my NAS and MacBook Pro.
    And today, at the office, my MacBook Pro is able to playback movies that are stored at home.
    It's amazing!
    Can't wait for the developers to have Squire move on to Beta, and eventually Official Release.
    Thank you Sylion guys!

  • Front Row preferences: I think it's about time

    My experience with Front Row is limited, as I've only had my iMac for a few months now. However, in the short amount of time I have spent with it I find myself wondering why Front Row wasn't built with the notion that users may just want to have control over their experience. A few of the options I've found myself wanting:
    *Turn on/off file scrolling*
    - I've spent many hours creating cover art for my movies, so if I only want it to display the icon I've replaced for the folder icon, then I should have that option. I don't want to see the contents of that folder.
    *Ability to target a different source folder, disk, or computer*
    - I realize there are workarounds to this, but it should be much simpler than it currently is to do this. Most people in this day and age have external drives, or additional computers within a single household. It shouldn't be assumed that everyone prefers to store their media in those predetermined folders.
    *Option to resume movie*
    - This one seems so obvious that I have to assume that I've simply overlooked this option somewhere. Shouldn't one have the ability to resume playback of a movie where they left off if the movie is interrupted?
    *Keyboard shortcut and/or remote command that exits Front Row*
    - Again, I feel like I'm missing something here. Is there really no way to exit Front Row with one key/button stroke? I find myself having to back out of several screens before I can finally get back to my desktop. I've tried several logical keyboard shortcuts and tried holding down the 'menu' button on the remote and got no response. I realize we're only talking about a matter of seconds here, but it does become an inconvenience over time.
    *ID3 tags for movies*
    - I realize this is asking a bit more than just adding a couple of checkboxes, but it would really enhance the user experience if you could give your movies ID3 tags (or equivalent) so that the process of finding cover art, previews, synopsis, cast/crew info, etc. would be automated. Currently it takes about 5 minutes per film to manually download/optimize this content. Honestly, if I didn't have OCD I probably wouldn't waste the time.
    Consider this a running list of requests to Apple, if anyone out there is listening. The more I use the program the longer this list will undoubtedly get. It's an amazing feature which makes the Mac platform stand alone, but it's time to take this application to the next level. I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to usability, and right now this product has fallen short in my opinion.
    I'd be interested in hearing others thoughts on this. I'm sure I haven't covered everything here.

    I would really suggest you send Apple some Mac OS X feedback for each of your suggestions.
    Option to resume movie...
    Movies/TV Shows/videos inside iTunes will pause and resume. It's only the movies that live outside of iTunes that, currently, won't resume.

  • Front Row vs third party apps (i.e. Boxee, etc.)

    My next project is to create a home theater computer (HTMAC) and a separate networked media server. I'd like to use a mac mini as the HTMAC, especially if they start putting blu-ray players in them. I would also attach an external PVR to record TV. My goal is to rip all my DVDs, move all my music/photos, and record TV to the media server. Then I would be able to watch all my movies, recorded TV, Live TV, or browse music/photos from the HTMAC. But the catch is I want to have all that functionality from a single app like Front Row, so that to the user it wouldn't even look like a computer, just a very robust DVR. The next step would then be to get apple TV (or similar device) for my other TVs so that I could view any media from my media server.
    I've looked into Windows and Linux/Unix based solutions, but I want the networking ease that Mac brings.
    Playing with Frontrow on my MacBook Pro (with no PVR attached) it seems that networked media is not easily accessible. I've read some of the tricks about creating shortcuts to the networked folder on your computer. Is there a way to no kidding change the source folder? I also want to record the TV programs to their own folder, not my iTunes library. Is there a way to get the "TV" menu to point to a folder and not the iTunes library. Also if I connect a PVR will Front Row give me the option to watch live TV, or would I have to quit Front Row and open the PVRs software?
    Does anyone have experience with Boxee, Plex, or some other software? Any thoughts on if those apps will give me what I want? Any help/advice would be appreciated.

    Go Plex. Front Row is dead. Hasn't been updated since they ruined it with Leopard.

  • Can't Get To Front Row...

    Help! I know my Remote is working because pushing play/pause will start/stop an iTunes song. But when I press Menu, it will not bring up Front Row. I checked my mouse/keyboard shortcuts as well, and it's set to bring up Front Row with Command + Escape. That is not working either. How can I check if it got accidentally un-installed or turned off somehow?? Two weeks ago I had to do an archive & install back to 10.4.4 (I believe), but would that have affected Front Row?
    Please help! Thanks!!!

    Unfortunately, I don't have an iMac G5 with a built-in iSight at home. I did a search here in the Front Row forum looking for a report from someone else with one of those Macs who needed to re-install Front Row, but I didn't find one.
    If you had an Intel-based Mac, you can use the "Install Bundled Software Only" option on the original Mac OS X install disk to re-install Front Row. But, from previous topics I've read here, Front Row does not appear in the "Customize" screen for the G5 iMacs.
    If I had to guess, there'd be an option in the Mac OS X installer itself. But since I don't have one of those Macs, I couldn't test it myself to find the screen or check box. We do have one at work, but I'm not sure I could find the install disks for it and test it there. (I'd have to interrupt someone at work too!) We install all our Macs from a FireWire hard drive that has a standard bundle of software and Mac OS X. So, the install disks themselves are not usually important. I may have time on Monday to do a little search for it if no one else responds here.

  • Front Row disappears from MacBook Pro

    I found Front Row is not launching. I tried running the updater but it says FR is not installed on my machine!
    The remote is paired and can control the volume and tracks on iTunes.
    I have repaired permissions, shut down, restarted etc but no luck.
    Any solutions, anyone?

    Try pressing Command ( key) and Esc...thats the keyboard shortcut for Front Row.
    I was having difficulties accessing Front Row using the remote after pairing it and having the MBP sleep. I believe I have solved this by unpairing the remote (Security in System Preferences) and restarting.
    Hope this helps!

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