Fscommand variable argument? and quote in a quote?

hello adobe flash community.
im new with flash pro and actionscript
i have a problem with fscommand..
im using it for a program called neobook.
made a button in flash pro cs6.
with a click it sends
fscommand("NeoBook", "GotoNextPage");
works correctly.
but i need to have it go to a specific page.
GotoPage "page3"
fscommand("NeoBook", "GotoPage "page3"");
doesnt work because there is quote beside the quote..
how do i bypass this?
what if i set variable x=GotoPage "page3"
how do i use a variable in a fscommand ?
fscommand("NeoBook", x); ?

what is NeoBook expecting for an argument?

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    jverd wrote:
    jverd wrote:
    [JLS Phase 3: Identify Applicable Variable Arity Methods|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/third_edition/html/expressions.html#]
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    I am using FM9....so I don't know if the same shortcuts apply, but this is what I found out last week.
    Use the Find and Replace tool:
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    select * from emp;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE          SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-12-1980        800                    20
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-02-1981       1600        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-02-1981       1250        500         30
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-04-1981       2975                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-09-1981       1250       1400         30
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-05-1981       2850                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-06-1981       2450                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-04-1987       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-11-1981       5000                    10
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-09-1981       1500          0         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-05-1987       1100                    20
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          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-12-1981       3000                    20
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-01-1982       1300                    10
          9999 'Must      ddd             7902 29-08-2005       2000                    10
    select * from emp where ename = ''''||'Must';
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE          SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          9999 'Must      ddd             7902 29-08-2005       2000                    10Hope this helps

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        I can see that this issue has been quite extensive, and frustrating, and I am so sorry for all that has happened societygirl! I would like to help you work this issue out. Please follow & send me a Direct Message, so I can get your account specifics and help finally bring this to a resolution.
    Thank you,
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    It's there...as long as you're logged in at least, and are the poster of the thread.
    What I want is to write code that I can easily come back to a few months later
    and make changes/add features -- so it's only me that sees the code, but
    after long intervals it can almost be as though someone else has written
    it! So I was wondering if I would be doing myself a favour by being more
    strict about make functions independent etc. Also, I was noticing that
    in the sample scripts that accompany InDesign (written by Olav Kvern?)
    the functions seem always to require all variables to be passed to it.
    Where it is not impractical to do so, you should make functions independent and reusable. But there are plenty of cases where it is impractical, or at least very annoying to do so.
    The sample scripts for InDesign are written to be in parallel between three different languages, and have a certain lowest-common-denominator effect. They also make use of some practices I would consider Not Very Good. I would not recommend them as an example for how to learn to write a large Javascript project.
    I'm not 100% sure what you mean by persistent session. Most of my
    scripts are run once and then quit. However, some do create a modeless
    dialog (ie where you can interface with the UI while running it), which
    is the only time I need to use #targetengine.
    Any script that specifies a #targetengine other than "main" is in a persistent session. It means that variables (and functions) will persist from script invokation to invokation. If you have two scripts that run in #targetengine session, for instance, because of their user interfaces, they can have conficting global variables. (Some people will suggest you should give each script its own #targetengine. I am not convinced this is a good idea, but my reasons against it are mostly speculation about performance and memory issues, which are things I will later tell you to not worry about.)
    But I think you've answered one of my questions when you say that the
    thing to avoid is the "v1" scope. Although I don't really see what the
    problem is in the context of InDesign scripting (unless someone else is
    going to using your script as function in one of theirs). Probably in
    Web design it's more of an issue, because a web page could be running
    several scripts at the same time?
    It's more of an issue in web browsers, certainly (which I have ~no experience writing complex Javascript for, by the way), but it matters in ID, too. See above. It also complicates code reuse across projects.
    Regarding functions altering variables: for example, I have a catalog
    script. myMasterPage is a variable that keeps track of which masterpage
    is being used. A function addPage() will add a page, but will need to
    update myMasterPage because many other functions in the script refer to
    that. However, addPage() also needs to update the total page count
    variable, the database-line-number-index-variable and several others,
    which are all used in most other functions. It seems laborious and
    unnecessary to pass them all to each function, then have the function
    alter them and return an array that would then need to be deciphered and
    applied back to the main variables. So in such a case I let the function
    alter these "global" (though not v1) variables. You're saying that's okay.
    Yes, that is OK. It's not a good idea to call that scope "global," though, since you'll promote confusion. You could call it...outer function scope, maybe? Not sure; that assumes addPage() is nested within some other function whose scope is containing myMasterPage.
    It is definitely true that you should not individually pass them to the function and return them as an array and reassign them to the outer function's variables.
    I think it is OK for addPage() to change them, yes.
    Another approach would be something like:
    (function() {
      var MPstate = {
        totalPages: 0,
        dbline: -1
      function addPage(state) {
        return state;
      MPstate = addPage(MPstate);
    I don't think this is a particularly good approach, though. It is clunky and also doesn't permit an easy way for addPage() to return success or failure.
    Of course it could instead do something like:
        return { success: true, state: state };
      var returnVal = addPage(MPstate);
      if (returnVal.success) { MPstate = returnVal.state; }
    but that's not very comforting either. Letting addPage() access it's parent functions variables works much much better, as you surmised.
    However, the down-side is that intuitively I feel this makes the script
    more "messy" -- less legible and professional. (On the other hand, I
    recall reading that passing a lot of variables to functions comes with a
    performance penalty.)
    I think that as long as you sufficiently clearly comment your code it is fine.
    Remember this sort of thing is part-and-parcel for a language that has classes and method functions inside those classes (e.g. Java, Python, ActionScript3, C++, etc.). It's totally reasonable for a class to define a bunch of variables that are scoped to that class and then implement a bunch of methods to modify those class variables. You should not sweat it.
    Passing lots of variables to functions does not incur any meaningful performance penalty at the level you should be worrying about. Premature optimization is almost always a bad idea. On the other hand, you should avoid doing so for a different reason -- it is hard to read and confusing to remember when the number of arguments to something is more than three or so. For instance, compare:
    addPage("iv", 3, "The rain in spain", 4, loremIpsumText);
    addPage({ name: "iv", insertAfter: 3, headingText: "The rain in spain",
      numberColumns: 4, bodyText: loremIpsumText});
    The latter is more verbose, but immensely more readable. And the order of parameters no longer matters.
    You should, in general, use Objects in this way when the number of parameters exceeds about three.
    I knew a function could return an array. I'll have to read up on it
    returing an object. (I mean, I guess I intuitively knew that too -- I'm
    sure I've had functions return textFrames or what-have-you),
    Remember that in Javascript, when we say Object we mean something like an associative array or dictionary in other languages. An arbitrary set of name/value pairs. This is confusing because it also means other kinds of objects, like DOM objects (textFrames, etc.), which are technically Javascript Objects too, because everything inherits from Object.prototype. But...that's not what I mean.
    So yes, read up on Objects. They are incredibly handy.

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    select first_name, last_name
    from ttms.prospect
    where instr(first_name,"'") > 0
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-00904: "'": invalid identifier

    String literals are enclosed in single-quotes (not double-quotes).
    To use a single-quote within a string literal, use two of them:
    WHERE   INSTR (first_name, '''') > 0In Oacle 10 (and up) you can also use Q-Notation:
    WHERE   INSTR (first_name, q'[']') > 0but you may find this more confusing for short literals containing only one single-quote.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Mar 11, 2009 4:52 PM

  • How to replace single quote with double quote

    hai all,
    i have a problem,
    i am trying insert a string containing single quote into ms-access database.
    it is giving error.
    how can i avoid this .if i replace a single quote in the text with double quote it will defenitely
    insert into database.
    in java.lang.String
    replace () will not work to replace quote with double quote.
    any otherway to solve this problem.
    please mail me to [email protected]
    thank you

    java.lang.String.replace () will not work to replace quote with double quote.Really?
    String x = ...
    x.replace( "'", "\"" );

  • Variable filename and folder in receiver cc

    Dear experts,
    On PI, I need to create a (text-) file with a variable name and folder. The scenario is as follows:
    idoc-> PI -> txt file
    In my incoming Idoc I get the following data:
    - directory where the txt file should be saved;
    - name that the txt file should get.
    How can I realise this in PI? Using variable substitution? As I never done this before, I have a hard time getting this to work...
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance

    Use Dynamic Configuration:
    Input will be 2 variables var1, var2.
    String Name1 = var1;
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
    DynamicConfigurationKey key1 = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File", "FileName");
    conf.put(key1, Name1);
    String Name2 = var2;
    DynamicConfigurationKey key2 = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File", "Directory");
    conf.put(key2, Name2);
    return "";
    Under ID: Enable ASMA in file receiver adapter and chk FileName and Directory.
    and put * under File name and / underTarget Directory(File receiver).
    NOTE: U can alter this UDF according to ur req.

  • What is the difference btwn Variable Substitution and Dynami Configuration

    Hi Gurus
    Could you please explain the difference between the Variable Substituion and Dynamic Configuration.
    whn shall we use them and in what scenarios?
    thanx in advance

    Please go through this blog
    Also this
    Edited by: Baskar Gopal on Mar 31, 2011 9:04 AM

  • How to put variable selection and the query result the same screen

    Dear all,
       how can I put the variable selection and the query result in the same screen? Please advise. Thanks.
    Jin Ming

    Not sure if you are saying you want the prompts on the same page as the results... however in 7.0 with BEx Analyzer, you can insert a text object from the design toolbar and assign it to the variable.... this way, lets say you run query for period 6, then the text object will display "6" on the same area where the query results are.

  • Difference between Shared Variable Refnum and Control

    Dabbing my toes in Shared Variables for another project.  Glad to see A LOT more support from NI in terms of Shared Variables (especially now that built executables can be set to automatically deploy shared variable libraries...thats a big help).
    In the Shared Variable block diagram palette (under Data Communication) there are a number of VIs that can be used to progmatically access and consume shared variables.  Awesome.  One thing that I have noticed is there is a difference between a "Shared Variable Control" (from the I/O front panel palette) and the "Shared Variable Refnum In" that you obtain from right-clicking one of the VIs from the Shared Variable palette and selected "Create Control".
    My first thought was that these two were one and the same, but they are not.  Visually they look different:
    Also, the reference input to the VIs in the Shared Variable palette only take the "shared variable refnum" control as input.  The control from the "I/O" palette does not work.
    This wouldn't be much of a problem, but I prefer the look of the Silver Shared Variable Control much more to the control I get from the "Create->Control".  Also, the variable browser in the Shared Variable Control is A LOT nicer than the control refnum gives me.
    Here is the Shared Variable refnum variable browser:
    Here is the much nicer looking browser that pops up from the Shared Variable Control:
    So I guess my questions are:
    Why are there two reference data types that seemingly perform the same function but are incompatible with one another in LabVIEW?
    How can I use the Shared Variable Control with the Shared Variable palette VIs?
    Thanks for your input.

    Hello Nickerbocker,
    You actually want to use the Shared Variable Control in the context of Alarms, I/O Servers and other categories inside the DSC Module. Like you already saw, to use the basic functionality of a Shared Variable, such as programmatically reading / writing to it, you need to use a refnum.
    Daniel REDS
    RF Systems Engineer
    Help us grow.
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  • How to Specify the environment variable JCE_POLICY_ZIP and restart

    Hello All,
    I am installing the ABAP SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 ABAP Trial Version.
    sapinst.exe installed successfully.
    I am installing the sapinstgui.exe but I got the following message:
    Program is starting... Please wait!
      Path: C:\Users\George\AppData\Local\Temp\sapinst_exe.6220.1246290325
    For the requested processing mode java policy
    files within the used SAP JVM are needed.
    Specify the environment variable JCE_POLICY_ZIP and restart.
    See also SAP note 1238121.
    Exit status of child: 10
    JRE is installed in C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_19
    How do I specify the environment variable JCE_POLICY_ZIP?
    Edited by: George King on Jun 29, 2009 9:01 PM

    Hi everyone,
    I had the same problem and found the solution !
    I was trying to setup the GUI thanks to sapinstgui.exe from the trial download folder and I got the exact same message,
    The problem is not the policies but the installation file.
    The installation file for the GUI is located at :
    Hope it helps !

  • How to get variables queryID and Result Area in AO  same as SAPBEXonRefresh(queryID As String, ResultArea As Range)

    Hi Folks,
    I am migrating some BEX 3.5 workbooks that contain macros into BusinessObjects Analysis workbooks.
    VBA knowledge is rare but I figured out how to call routines after refresh using
    Application.Run("SAPExecuteCommand", "RegisterCallback", "AfterRedisplay", "Callback_AfterRedisplay")
    Now I attempt to copy the SAPBEXonRefresh code into the Sub Callback_AfterRedisplay() but SAP SAPBEXonRefresh
    used queryID and ResultArea as parameters.
    As far as I see these are global SAP variables available in BEX but not available in AO.
    What are the equivalent functions in AO to get those values so that I can use the functions to fill the variable values and the "old" code can run?
    Thanks for all replies in advance,

    Hello Axel,
    i am not familiar with the SAPBEXonRefresh sub. From the Parameters i infer that it probably gets called once for every queryID and ResultArea.
    If you register a "Callback_afterRedisplay" macro in Analysis, it does not get called once for every datasource. It gets called only once after a redisplay, regardless of the number of datasources and crosstabs in your workbook.
    Analysis Workbooks have named ranges for the Analysis crosstabs. You should be able to use these for the ResultArea. The named range has a "SAP" put in front of the crosstabs formula alias.
    e. g. in the Analysis Design Panel components tab your crosstab is listed with the formula alias "Crosstab1" the named range would be: "SAPCrosstab1".
    If your own VBA code needs a ResultArea and QueryID Parameter, determine and assign the appropriate values before executing.
    e. g. your workbook has one datasource "DS_1" and one crosstab with formula alias "Crosstab1":
    Sub Callback_AfterRedisplay()
    Dim ResultArea as Excel.Range
    Dim queryID as String
    set ResultArea = ActiveWorkbook.Names("SAPCrosstab1").RefersToRange
    'probably set ResultArea = Range("SAPCrosstab1") might work as well
    queryID = "DS_1" 'or something appropriate to your old code
    Call SAPBEXonRefresh(queryID, ResultArea)
    End Sub
    Sub SAPBEXonRefresh(queryID as String, ResultArea as Range)
    End Sub
    Adapt the coding in "Callback_AfterRedisplay" to execute the "SAPBEXonRefresh" sub more than once for additional crosstabs and queries.

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