FTP Custom Script

we have a custom FTP script task created which basically download it to two folders Archive and Working. I'm not from a .net background so couldn't know what the below error means, can anyone help me on this?
Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. --->
System.Exception: Could not download file DIR/M/Tworks/Med_20150312_1.zip
   at ScriptTask_225d4c1b04ed4ed39de44dce6dacc7b1.vbproj.ScriptMain.Main()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams)
   at System.Type.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] args, CultureInfo culture)
   at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTATaskScriptingEngine.ExecuteScript()

This is the error you have to resolve: Could not download file DIR/M/Tworks/Med_20150312_1.zip
SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services | http://www.cozyroc.com/

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  • Issue with FDMEE custom script

    Hi All,
    I have written a custom script in FDMEE which pulls data from Oracle DB and writes it to a file in FDMEE App Inbox folder. This script is working perfectly in FDM where in I see file getting generated in Inbox folder. But, when I try to execute the same script in FDMEE, it is not working even though it is not giving any error.
    All I changed in the script is API syntax which is specific to FDMEE. Can any one please let me know what is that I am missing here..I am using this script to test FDMEE connectivity to DB.
    Below is the script:
    Sub TEST_MAPS()
    'Oracle Hyperion FDM Custom Script:
    'Variable Declaration
    Dim SQLRes
    Dim objfso
    Dim strFile
    Dim strLoadFile
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    Const adVarChar = 200
    Const MaxCharacters = 255
    Const adFldIsNullable = 32
    'Initialize objects
    Set cnSS = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    'Connect to Oracle database
    cnss.open "Provider=ORAOLEDB.ORACLE;Data Source=ds1;User ID=app;Password=xxxx"
    SQLRes = "Select * from ENTITY_MAP"
    'command for executing the query
    cnss. Execute SQLRes
    'Creates a .tra file in the below mentioned path
    strFile= fdmAPI.API.DataWindow.Connection.PstrDirInbox & "\Entity.tra"
    rs.open SQLRes,cnSS
    'Copy data from table to text file
    'Initialize the object for opening a text file for writing
    Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objWFile = objfso.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForWriting,True)
    With rs
    'Open the file for writing, overwriting if it exists
      Do While Not .EOF
          objWFile.Write .GetString(2,,",",vbCrLf)' Write the records to file
      'End If
    End With
    End Sub
    Below is the log:
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: FDMEE Process Start, Process ID: 13,949
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: FDMEE Logging Level: 5
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: FDMEE Log File: \\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\outbox\logs\HFMCA_13949.log
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: User:502376825
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: Location:null (Partitionkey:null)
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: Period Name:null (Period Key:null)
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: Category Name:null (Category key:null)
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: Rule Name:TEST_MAPS (Rule ID:10,162)
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,003 INFO  [AIF]: Jython Version: 2.5.1 (Release_2_5_1:6813, Sep 26 2009, 13:47:54)
    [Oracle JRockit(R) (Oracle Corporation)]
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,003 INFO  [AIF]: Java Platform: java1.6.0_37
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,003 INFO  [AIF]: Log File Encoding: US-ASCII
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,440 DEBUG [AIF]: CommProcess.executeCustomScript - START
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,440 DEBUG [AIF]: customScriptName: TEST_MAPS.vbs
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,456 DEBUG [AIF]:
        ) VALUES (
          ,'458790678'      ,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,487 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.doScriptInit - START
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: fdmContext: {BATCHSCRIPTDIR=E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\app\FinancialDataQuality, SCRIPTFILE=TEST_MAPS.vbs, INBOXDIR=\\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\inbox, TARGETAPPDB=NA, TARGETAPPNAME=HFMCA, APPID=57, RULENAME=TEST_MAPS, OUTBOXDIR=\\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\outbox, SCRIPTSDIR=\\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\data\scripts, EPMORACLEHOME=E:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1, RULEID=10162, EPMORACLEINSTANCEHOME=E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\app, LOADID=13949}
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The EpmOracleHome is set to: E:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The EpmOracleInstance is set to: E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\app
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The JavaHome is set to: %EPM_ORACLE_HOME%/../jdk160_35
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The executeEventScript is set to: YES
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The OleDatabaseProvider is set to: ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The AppRootFolder is set to: \\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.doScriptInit - END
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.executeCustomScript - START
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,799 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.executeVBScript - START
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,799 DEBUG [AIF]: The WindowsTempFolder is set to: c:\users\r00257~1\appdata\local\temp
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,799 INFO  [AIF]: Executing the following script: \\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\data\scripts\custom\TEST_MAPS.vbs
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,799 DEBUG [AIF]: The command to be executed is:
    cscript \\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\data\scripts\custom\TEST_MAPS.vbs "13949" "****" "E%3A%5COracle%5CMiddleware%5Cuser_projects%5Capp" "%25EPM_ORACLE_HOME%25%2F..%2Fjdk160_35" "ORAOLEDB.ORACLE"
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,939 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.executeVBScript - END
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,939 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.executeCustomScript - END
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,939 DEBUG [AIF]:
        END + NULL
          WHEN ('502376825' IS NULL) THEN LAST_UPDATED_BY
          ELSE '502376825'
        WHERE PROCESS_ID = 13949
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,939 DEBUG [AIF]: CommProcess.executeCustomScript - END

    If you're using CUE, there is a step called "Dial By Extension Menu", this should solve your problem.
    If you're using UCCX (or CUE and don't have this step) you can do the following:
    In the Get Digit String branch Timeout, use an If statement that check if the Number entered was "1" then Call Redirect to Technical Departement Number, else Call Redirect to Operator Extension.
    It should appear like this:
    Extension = Get Digit String
        if (Extension == "1")
                Call Redirect to Technical
                Call Redirect to Operator
    Hope This Helps,

  • Custom Script using Classifications

    I am wondering if it is possible and how I would go about using custom scripts to use classifications to display particular things.
    This is the goal:
    To classify events (back end) and then based on the classification of an event, on the detail page (front end) it will trigger the display of a different web form that was created for that event classification.
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    Any help would be awesome, I have no idea where to even start with this one.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Kristen,
    The only way to do that would be to crate a content holder for each category. Then, place different forms inside those content holders and then insert those content holders into event details when you're creating an event. This means you need to remove the booking form from the detail layout.

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    If  i have helped at all a click on the white star below would be nice thanks.
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  • Possible to set shortcut for file scripts custom script ?

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    is there a way to set a shortcut to execute a custom script? i am using Ai CS3 version 13.0.2
    some work arounds i tried that didn't seem to work:
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    - setting an action and inserting a menu item, then setting a shortcut to run the action - doesn't help because menu item (the script) gets disassocated from the action every time you shut down Ai. sometimes it disassociates itself. tried to save the actions and reload them, but the scripts were still disassociated

    As it sounds like you have already discovered, you should be able to define an Action with but one InsertMenuCommand step in it. That menu command would be the selection of your script from the File Menu.
    However, that functionality has been broken for four full versions now. The Menu Command step goes vacant after quitting and re-launching Illustrator.
    I keep an Action in my Actions palette titled CurrentScript. I can at least, at the beginning of a work session in which I know I will need to call a particular script repeatedly, re-do the Insert Menu Item step and have it survive during the work session. (It will, of course, be gone if I quit & relauch.)
    If Actions could reliably call scripts from the File menu, one could do some very cool things. Many operations in the standard UI are not available via the scripting model, and of course vice-versa. Simply being able to reliably call scripts as individual steps of an Action would open the door for elaborate automations that perform both scripted functions and those available in the UI.
    But alas, users have been complaining about this bug for four versions now.
    I think it is conceivable that one could build a Javascript that employs the ScriptUI functionality, and have that script run automatically at launch. That script could simply be a "dashboard" palette from which to call other scripts. But one should not have to go to such ridiculous lengths to work around a bug that has gone unaddressed for so long.

  • Custom scripts not working in Illustrator CC (2014)

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    They both worked fine in CC. My grasp of javascript is pretty basic but is there code that needs to be changed to update these to work with the current version?

    It looks like this might have been a system issue or conflict of some sort; I uninstalled AI CC2013 and AI CC2014 as well clearing out all prefs and artifact files and folders. Then did a fresh install of CC2014 an was able to use all my legacy scripts with no problem.

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    You can create a custom dynamic stamp in Std. and Pro. and you can use the dynamic stamp in Reader as well. Here is an infographic on Creating a Custom Dynamic Stamp in Acrobat XI.

  • How to use  or call component in custom script expression

    i want to use component in custom script expression .(custom script expression is located at :
    when yow will click on one of the steps in criteria workflow
    1)there is a tag named as event on clicking the event tag,there are two buttons named edit and clear on clicking edit.there is a screen having custom as a tag,on clicking that tag there is written custom script expression, here i hav to write a code to include a component).

    you can define code in a component (a service or an IDOC Include) that you can then call from the workflow "custom" tab.
    So if your component has an include like this:
    <@dynamichtml myInclude@>
    <$do Some Stuff$>
    Then in your workflow step event "custom" tab you can write:
    <$include myInclude$>
    The workflow event will then execute the <$do Some Stuff$> line.
    With a service, you would define the service in your component then call <$executeService("MYService")$> in the step event custom code.
    You cannot define includes or services in the custom script tab for workflow.

  • Custom Script to Play Project in Full Screen

    Adobe tech support sent me here to request a custom script to
    make a Captivate 3 project play in a full screen mode without
    getting the extra page on which the user is prompted to click on a
    link to open in full screen.
    Could someone please send me the script with instructions?
    - Eric

    Hi Eric
    In addition to what Rick has posted, I found the below very
    helpful in a similar situation. It was submitted by jbradley88, so
    all credit goes that way:
    Full screen in the browser is only available by opening a new
    window (hence the "Full Screen" link) or by embedding a custom
    ActiveX control.
    I'd rule out the ActiveX option, since it's both technically
    challenging (I saw it done once, but don't know how) and would only
    work for Internet Explorer anyhow.
    That leaves the new window approach. A redirect is not an
    option... the "full screen" can only be applied while a window is
    first opening and even then only when the window is opened by
    The best you could hope for is to open a page that
    immediately opens another page in full screen, adding some verbiage
    to the first page that says something like "The content has opened
    in a new window. It is safe to close this window".
    A sample "autolauncher" page is included below as an example.
    It does not make use of the window.open() method's "fullscreen"
    parameter since in IE6 that does not seem to give the user a way of
    closing the new window once it's open. You can easily change this
    by setting the parameter to yes in the code below.
    Attach Code
    <title>New Window Launcher</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    var o =
    + (window.screen.availWidth - 12) + ",height=" +
    (window.screen.availHeight - 36) +
    ",channelmode=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,status=yes,titlebar= yes,toolbar=no");
    if (o)
    window.document.write("The content has opened in a new
    window. It is safe to close this window.");
    window.document.write('Could not open the content in a new
    window. Please disable all popup blockers and try again.');

  • How to fetch Signature in to my custom script configured in qc02 from DSAL

    Hi All,
    In my requirement I need to get the signature from DSAL tcode for a particular material(may be BULK or FINISHED) while executing QC22 tcode.I already got the remaining data in to the form like QALS-KTEXTMAT , QALS-CHARG,MCH1-VFDAT and MCH1-HSDAT
    by writing subroutine pool program in my script.Only thing left is need to fetch Digital Signature(signature for a material who certifies).
    Help me if anyone knows.Thanks in advance.

    Hi Satya,
    Implement USER EXIT to link the signature to your custom script.
    Refer following link it may be useful...

  • How to fetch data into my custom script configured in qc02 transaction

    Hi All,
    I configured the custom SAP-Script in place of standard script name in QC02 tcode.In my requirement when I execute QC22
    transaction the custom script will be triggered along with some data based on material number,batch number and plant.I need to fetch QALS-KTEXTMAT , QALS-CHARG, MCH1-HSDAT and MCH1-VFDAT.Please help me how to fetch this data.Any Enahancement need to use or any spot is there Please specify.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: satyareddygade on Sep 8, 2011 2:13 PM

    Hi Satya,
    Try like this in your Script window text element.
    /: PERFORM FETCH_KTEXTMAT IN PROGRAM <Z Subroutine Pool program>                                                                               
    /: USING &QALS-PRUEFLOS&                                                                               
    /: CHANGING &GV_KTEXTMAT&                                                                               
    in Z Subroutine Pool program
    FORM fetch_ktextmat TABLES  intab  STRUCTURE itcsy
                                outtab STRUCTURE itcsy.
        lv_prueflos TYPE qals-prueflos,
        lv_ktextmat TYPE qals-ktextmat.
    *---Get Inspection Lot Number
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      lv_prueflos = intab-value.
      SELECT SINGLE ktextmat FROM qals INTO lv_ktextmat WHERE prueflos EQ lv_prueflos.
      outtab-value = lv_ktextmat.
      MODIFY outtab FROM outtab TRANSPORTING value WHERE
      name = 'GV_KTEXTMAT'.
      CLEAR : intab,outtab.
    ENDFORM.                    "FETCH_KTEXTMAT
    /: PERFORM FETCH_HSDAT IN PROGRAM <Z Subroutine Pool program>    
    FORM fetch_hsdat TABLES  intab  STRUCTURE itcsy
                                outtab STRUCTURE itcsy.
        lv_matnr TYPE vbdpl-matnr,
        lv_charg TYPE vbdpl-charg,
        lv_hsdat TYPE mch1-hsdat.
    *---Get Material Number
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      lv_matnr = intab-value.
    *---Get Batch Number
      CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
      lv_charg = intab-value.
      SELECT SINGLE hsdat FROM mch1 INTO lv_hsdat WHERE matnr EQ lv_matnr
                                                    AND charg EQ lv_charg.
      outtab-value = lv_hsdat.
      MODIFY outtab FROM outtab TRANSPORTING value WHERE
      name = 'GV_HSDAT'.
      CLEAR : intab,outtab.
    ENDFORM.                    "FETCH_HSDAT
    Use the following program symbols where you want to print.

  • Custom Script Code to create multi-Location files from Master File

    I currently have a custom script that loads a master file (which contains all Entities data). I would like to do the following;
    1. Generate multiple files from the master files, one file per location for all locations.
    2. Each location file should contain data only data relevant to that Location defined by Validation Entity definitions.
    Does anyone have a sample code to do the above?
    Essentially, we want to run this Master Custom Script every hour or so and generate all the Locations' files and have users load them ad-hoc.
    Please let me know.

    Your requirement is quite sepcific so you will have to write the script for this yourself (or hire someone to do it for you). What I will say is that via vbscript and the FDM API all the components you require to do this are there and it can be scheduled with FDM's Task Manager.

  • Default the SAPscript name as custom script name in ME6F selction screen

    In the standard transaction ME6F , I have developed a custom SAPscript , z_meldruk.
    Now , the requirement is that while running the ME6F transaction instead of standard script MELDURK , the custom script Z_MELDRUK should come as default value in the selection screen.....
    how can i achieve this , since enhancement options are not available in the report program of ME6F transaction....
    pls advise....

    this is customizing. Ask functional consultanr or search SAP online documentation.

  • Any easy to way to use custom scripts?

    Is there any plug-in or whatever that gives me a separate window where i can just click to use custom script? Any other easy ways are fine.

    You should be able to use the Actions palette for this. You can record the selection of a Script as an Insert Menu Item step in an Action. But this has been broken almost since the scripting functionality was added, in that the steps which invoke the scripts disappear from your stored Actions after Illustrator is quit and relaunched.
    It would be a hugely useful thing if Adobe ever bothered to fix this. You could automate things that are a combination of operations that can be performed by Actions but not by scripts, and vice-versa. But people have been after Adobe to fix this for something like seven versions now.
    You can organize the Scirpts menu into folders. And you can organize the Actions palette into Sets. It's just idiotic that Illustrator provides no mechanism for easy access to that organization, as does InDesign. Typical half-baked feature implementation.
    But it's a moot point now, anyway. I really no longer care whether Adobe gets around to fixing the many, many things that Illustrator has so long needed, because I'm not going to pay monthly rent for Illustrator, even if they do. ;-)

  • [Services and Systems]Custom script .bat for testing Avaibility for Service

    I am trying to create a Service in grid control.
    For the step - Create Generic Service: Service Test, I use custom script test type.
    I've already done this kind of service with a custom script stored on Unix system (script sh -> OK). However, this time, I can only use a script stored on Windows server.
    I tested with a *.bat* file but I got this error :
    Error encountered while executing test.:Beacon-Test
    Here my configuration :
    Grid Control
    Windows Server 2005
    My script .bat :
    echo 1
    What type of file do I have to use under Windows so that the test of service works?
    Related links :

    here the results of my searchs :
    1 - All .BAT files must begin with : @ECHO OFF
    2 - All scripts have to send only numbers

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