Funciones de matlab que soporta el matlab sript de labview

Quiero usar la función de optimización fminsearch de matlab, mis preguntas son, ¿El MatlabScript de labview soporta esta función?, podrían decirme que otras funciones soporta este Script?

Hola Yuly!!
Con respecto a las funciones que se encuentran soportadas por LabVIEW Mathscript, te dejo los siguientes links donde podrás encontrar información!!
Espero que te sirva!!
Anuar R.
National Instruments México y Latinoamérica
Ingeniería de Aplicaciones

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    floor() exists on the standard labview pallet already and the ones() function would be fairly simple to reproduce. If you only need a few basic functions repost asking for direction on recreating those specific methods. However, you're right - there is not a direct way to use compiled matlab code in labview without full matlab and the math script nodes. If you're really desparate to reuse some some exisiting IP there are C++ alternatives that implement many of the same methods and syntax as matlab ( I'm fairly sure there are other tools that attempt to translate matlab code into pure c functions, both of which can be called via a DLL from within labview:
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    Labview 8.5
    Matlab R2009b
    Attached are the graphs produced by matlab script in labview and in matlab.
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    Sorry, I haven't quantified the "sometimes" yet. 
    matlabsResult.jpg ‏29 KB
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    The MATLAB Script function is kinda buried in the function palette, and
    can be found under Functions >> Analyze >> Mathematics
    >> Formula.  Unfortunately this feature is not available in
    the LabVIEW Base package.  Hope this helps!
    Andy F.
    National Instruments

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    What is your LabVIEW version?
    Do you have matlab installed on your computer?
    In older LabVIEW versions, you can only use the matlab script node, which requires that you have a copy of matlab installed.
    In newer versions, you have two more alternatives that don't require the purchase of Matlab:
    Use a mathscript node.
    Use a scilab script node.
    Information on mathscript:
    Information on scilab:
    There is even a mathscript forum here:
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Using Matlab script in Labview

    I am trying to use matlab script in labview to post process the sampled signals from DAQ(attached is the vi I tried)
    After every 10 seconds I want to the send the sampled voltage data to matlab scritp block which does 1) detection of peaks using peakdetection function and plots the obtained peaks on the sampled signal 2) calculates standard of 10 secs data and plots on chart.
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    Can someone suggest for implementing these .
    Go to Solution.
    Labview& ‏55 KB

    Thanks  GabeG,
    Now, Labview&  is woking Good and for the second one  Labview& it is showing error as shown in the attached image when these ines of code are present in the matlab scrtip 
    and SDN output of the Matlab script
    but when I removed these it is working fine(but not showing the detected peaks).
    Can you suggest me a solution for the above and also can I know the best method to add one more channel that samples another device signal which has to be processed in this same way(Signals sampled from 2 devices have to be porcessed in this same way).
    Script_Error.JPG ‏133 KB

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    Please help me out...
    Go to Solution.

    bombay wrote:
    Yes. It can be done. But Math script can not evaluate all functions in .m files (There are some exceptions).
    And those can perhaps easily be ported to LabVIEW/MathScript?
    It is not sufficient to disregard running your Matlab code in LabVIEW based on a few exceptions without first thoroughly evaluating the impact they have.
    If you want to stick with Matlab in your implementation, then there are other avenues than hypotethizing about the limited portability issues of using MathScript in your project?

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    hi smercurio,
    So you mean that the Matlab script is no longer necessary in my case right?
    Could I just ask my colleague to compile his codes to matlab dll and I use the Call Library Function Node  instead of Matlab script to call it?
    About MCR, is it the correct source at the following link ?
    Sorry for those basic queries in Matlab as I have very little experience in it. lol... thanks a lot.

  • Matlab script in Labview

    Hi there,
    I want to integrate my Matlab script in Labview,
    the input variable should be a Matrix like
    the following A = [ 0 256 ; 1 256 ;1.5 100 ; 1.55 110; 1.59 55; 1.6 56 ; 9 256; 14 256 ;15 100 ]
    How do I do this in Labview, I tried an array but
    no succes...
    Bye for now

    hi chris .. thanks for the reply ...
    here's the results from 'ver
    MATLAB Version (R14) Service Pack 1
    MATLAB License Number: 227039
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
    Java VM Version: Java 1.4.2_04 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    Version 7.0.1      (R14SP1)
    Version 6.1        (R14SP1)
    Version 1.6.1      (R14SP1)
    Version 1.1.1      (R14SP1)
    CDMA Reference
    Version 1.1        (R14SP1)
    Version 3.0.1      (R14SP1)
    Version 3.0.1      (R14SP1)
    Control System
    Version 6.1        (R14SP1)
    Curve Fitting
    Version 1.1.2      (R14SP1)
    Data Acquisition
    Version 2.5.1      (R14SP1)
    Version 3.0.1      (R14SP1)
    Version 1.6        (R14SP1)
    Embedded Target for Infineon C166 Microcontrollers    Version 1.1.1      (R14SP1)
    Embedded Target for Motorola
    Version 1.1.1      (R14SP1)
    Embedded Target for Motorola
    Version 2.0.1      (R14SP1)
    Embedded Target for OSEK
    Version 1.1.1      (R14SP1)
    Embedded Target for TI C2000
    Version 1.1.1      (R14SP1)
    Embedded Target for TI C6000
    Version 2.2.1      (R14SP1)
    Version 2.2.1      (R14SP1)
    Extended Symbolic
    Version 3.1.1      (R14SP1)
    Filter Design HDL
    Version 1.1        (R14SP1)
    Filter Design
    Version 3.1        (R14SP1)
    Financial Derivatives
    Version 3.0.1      (R14SP1)
    Financial Time Series
    Version 2.1.1      (R14SP1)
    Version 2.4.2      (R14SP1)
    Version 1.1        (R14SP1)
    Version 1.1        (R14SP1)
    Fuzzy Logic
    Version 2.2        (R14SP1)

  • Relations between Matlab structures and LabVIEW clusters

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    When the Matlab functions parameters are simple -DBL, DBL arrays, strings-, there is no problem. LabVIEW does the right translation. But I have not been able to pass a Matlab structure to LabVIEW, which counterpart I think it would have to be a cluster. To solve this situation I need to split the structure components and pass them separately.
    Does anyone know how to do it without the workaround?
    Thanks in advance and have a good day,

    Hello Tishu,
    1)       Can we use nested for loop in Mathscript node?
    1) Yes you can. Remember that loops should be avoided as much as possible in m-scrips. Most of the times you can use vectorization to represent same task.
    2)       Which one of these is feasible: 1) Matlab script node
                                                              2) Mathscript node
    2) What exactly is the "Feasable" question? Real time (see below) or nested loops (see above)
          3)  Is there any other way to interface between matlab and LV for real time signal processing?
    3) Real time is different depending the application. Some applications need ns or ps real time (RF appls) others need seconds delay. Real time means "determinism". That a task will execute in a know time with little jitter. Windows is not a real time OS therefore nothing in it will operate in real time. Can you tell us something about the signal your are processing (Audio, Image fps, Radar)?
          4)  Suppose X is 1D array (DBL) in Labview. And Mathscript code is as below:
    For i=1:inf,  4) Is this vector a valid one? inf = Inf which is different from 1/eps.
    Y= X-1;
    Here X is input and Y is output.
    Such code does not produce output (Y variable) in real time processing.
    Does it wait till the FOR LOOP ends?  Is there any solution to such problem? 5) What is this suppose to produce?
    Let me know,
    Gerardo O.
    RF Systems Engineering
    National Instruments

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    For VBScript you can call the Windows Scripting Host application using the System Exec function, or you can use IScriptControl, which is an ActiveX control. Be aware that with the IScriptControl there's a small bug. You can read more about it in this post.
    For Matlab, there's a Matlab node that you can use. You can either copy and past your Matlab script in the node, or just write a function call statement. The node simply calls Matlab. Or, you can do as suggested and use the MathScript node, which is basically an alternative to Matlab. The MatchScript node doesn't support everything that Matlab does, so you will need to check it against your script.
    Or, you can do as suggested, and rewrite it all in LabVIEW, unless you can't because these scripts are used by other applications.

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    Fijate que la aplicación de preferencias no esté corriendo en 32-bit (haz click derecho sobre la aplicación de Preferencias del Sistema, opción obtener información y asegurate de que la casilla de 32-bit esté destildada).

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    The only information I could find on this from NI or MWorks is that MATLab must be running in order for LabVIEW to access the Matlab server. I would check to see if there is anything specific happening inbetween the 10 and 11th runs that causes the link between the Matlab server and LabVIEW to break, isolate where this happens and try to work from there.

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    Hola josango que tal,
    Si que con la nueva versión desaparece algunas funciones que ya no son utilizadas, tengo synaptics, función 4 y 3 dedos son para atajos nuevos en WIndows.
    Para Elan recuerdo máximo hasta 3 dedos para mover de izquierda a derecha, mi ordenador con Elna como controlador recién me da hoy el aviso de actualizar a Windows 10.
    Veo que de nuevo existe y si se puede hacer algo mas, mi ordenador tiene soporte voy a comparar el puesto por Windows y el ofrecido en al web de soporte para ver si se trata de la misma versión y te comento.
    Un saludo.

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