G5 after 6 years running won't start up

I noticed over the weekend my G5's fan increasing in speed while it was on a screensaver. It freezed up and I shut down my computer. Started up my G5 again, and logged into Leopard with no problems, but for some reason the mouse wasn't working. It was definitely receiving power, and I switched USB ports. Still didn't work after that so I did a hard shut down. It was on a slow degrade from that point on, next crashing on the load screen, and now it doesn't even show video. Instead it just flashes its power button, and the fan increases.
I tried unplugging and re-plugging in the power source, and that had no effect. Made sure that all cables were attached firmly. I've already ordered a new SATA seagate HDD, because my guess is its the boot drive. However, I would appreciate any other ideas as to what caused this?

Sorry to hear the problem, there are quite a few early G5's on this Forum with similar issues, mine included. If you push the power button, the power light begins, a fan starts and then it shuts down, it was a bad logic board in my case. You're gonna need expert advice and a diagnostic test, somewhere like this facility, or one near your location.
A repair of this nature requires finding the part, computer repair knowledge and special Apple software for re-calibration of the fans. Not a difficult job, just specialized. I repaired mine, still cheaper than a new tower Mac Pro.
Best of luck,

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    Watch this video -> http://eshop.macsales.com/installvideos/macbookpro_13_unibody_early11_hd/ - it's for late 2011 models, too: if it looks too daunting, have an AASP do the job.
    I don't know of any websites in S. Korea but you should decide on what capacity you want (prices have plummetted for 1 or even 1.5 terabyte drives) and look for the dimensions of 2.5" x 9.5mm.
    Personally, I like HGST (Hitachi) drives - particularly the Travelstar 7K1000 (a one terabyte drive with SATA III (6.0Gbps - which your model supports) speeds.
    One thing I've been hearing a lot of positive views on, though, is the Seagate 1 terabyte SSHD (a 'hybrid' drive that uses both SSD and spinning drive technologies -> here's one at Amazon). Your machine would run much faster with one of these hybrid drives.
    Take a look at the video and decide if you can DIY. I'm tickled that you have backups - most people, it seems, don't!
    Good luck,

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    There may be a corrupted file on Firefox.<br>
    Please attempt to perform a clean reinstall. <sup>[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/forum-response-clean-reinstall (More Details)]</sup> This is different than a regular uninstall.
    If a clean reinstall does not fix the issue, please try starting your operating system in safe mode.<br>
    To do so, please do the following:
    #Ensure that your computer is shut down completely
    #Press the power button
    #Tap the <code>F8</code> key repeatedly before the Windows logo and startup screen is displayed
    #Select Safe Mode With Networking for the advanced startup options list
    Please report back with the results of both solutions.

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    well you HAVE TO HAVE quicktime in order for iTunes to work sorry
    ok try these articles http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302538
    check and make sure you firewall and antivirus is turned off during installation because it will block it from downlaoding.

  • After Effects CS5 Won't Start on Mac OSX 10.6.3

    Production Premium arrived yesterday, and having tried all the software, After Effects is the only one that won't start.
    I'm pretty sure my computer meets the spec needed.
    I have Intel Core 2 Duo processor, at 2.66 GHz, with 4GB of RAM and loads of hard drive space. Premier Pro works fine, it's just After Effects.

    I am having similar problems to those described above. I have Master Collection CS5.5 on a Mac running OS 10.6.8. The full suite had been running fine until late October, at which point After Effects stopped loading on launch. Illustrator and Photoshop start and run without problems, but After Effects will/would not launch. It hangs while loading MediaCore. When I launch in safe mode, I get an error with the Verdana font, so I've addressed that problem as suggested above (see my notes below). I successfully launched After Effects one time last week before uninstalling the Master Collection and taking all the steps outlined below, but the software has since refused to launch at all. I have not made any major system changes in the past two months. The most recent change I've made that might be relevant is the installation of FinalCut Pro, but the two packages have coexisted without incident since summer. I regularly use VLC, Quicktime Pro 10 and Quicktime Pro 7, but I have not made any changes to these recently.
    Here are the steps I have taken:
    delete user preferences
    remove VLC and Quicktime
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    completely uninstall and reinstall Master Collection and install software updates using "Updates" within Photoshop (have done this sequence three times)
    remove font list ("AdobeFnt11.1.lst" and "AdobeFnt11.lst") in /Library/Applicatio support/Adobe/PDFL/9.0/fonts
    use Appzapper to remove After Effects before reinstalling it
    boot in safe mode and launch either from .app file or from Package Contents/MacOS/ terminal executable
    remove MediaCore components completely by placing them on the desktop
    Please help. I can not afford to lose production time on this machine.

  • After effects CC won't start in Mavericks 10.9.3

    I just reinstalled OS X and updated it. I didn't realize that the 10.9.3 update was out until I found this problem. Anyway after al the OS stuff I installed the CC programs I use but after effects doesn't start. I know that there are compatibility issues between mavericks and after effects so I downloaded the last update from the site (12.2.1). The problem is that it won't install the update either, it says that it's not compatible.. What can I do? I'm stuck with no AE at the moment..

    Hi, from the PDApp.log file:
    05/20/14 19:13:45:988 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.AppStartup |  |  | 4498 | -----PROCESSING APPLICATION STARTUP COMMAND
    05/20/14 19:13:45:989 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp.ExternalGateway |  |  | 4498 | Recieved Applet Loading Completion
    05/20/14 19:13:45:991 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.AppStartup |  |  | 4498 | commManagerResultCallback
    05/20/14 19:13:45:992 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.AppStartup |  |  | 4498 | DPI values are 72,72 and DPIType is set to 1
    05/20/14 19:13:45:994 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | ZStringLoader |  |  | 4498 | Trying to load ZString for preferred locale - it_IT
    05/20/14 19:13:45:998 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | ZStringLoader |  |  | 4498 | Locale set to - it_IT
    05/20/14 19:13:46:016 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.LoadWorkflowCommand |  |  | 4498 | Processing the Load workflow command
    05/20/14 19:13:46:018 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp.AppletManager |  |  | 4498 | Loading Applet - UWA_Native for WindowID - 1
    05/20/14 19:13:46:024 | [INFO] |  | ASU | UWANative | UWANative |  |  | 4498 | Build Version -
    05/20/14 19:13:46:024 | [INFO] |  | ASU | UWANative | UWANative |  |  | 4498 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    05/20/14 19:13:46:101 | [WARN] |  | ASU | UWANative | UWANative |  |  | 4503 | Updater UI Locale not found in input xml.
    05/20/14 19:13:46:102 | [INFO] |  | ASU | UWANative | UWANative |  |  | 4503 | Updater in patch mode
    05/20/14 19:13:46:263 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4503 | Build Version -
    05/20/14 19:13:46:263 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4503 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    05/20/14 19:13:46:264 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4503 | Schema version and schema compatibility version are same or greater than current
    05/20/14 19:13:46:266 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4503 | Successfully opened opm session, db location:/Users/maurobrivio/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/opm.db in opm_createLibRef
    05/20/14 19:13:46:266 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4503 | No Record found for the input fields in opm_getValueForKey
    05/20/14 19:13:46:266 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4503 | Released OPM refrence successfully in opm_freeLibRef
    05/20/14 19:13:46:283 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | UWANative | UWANative |  |  | 4503 | Error occured in initializing updater.Error code: 36
    05/20/14 19:13:46:283 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | UWANative | UWANative |  |  | 4503 | UCTerminate need not be called
    05/20/14 19:13:46:283 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | UWANative | UWANative |  |  | 4503 | Failed to initialize Updater Core
    05/20/14 19:13:46:283 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | UWANative | UWANative |  |  | 4503 | No Applicable Updates
    05/20/14 19:13:46:654 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.LoadWorkflowCommand |  |  | 4498 | Processing the Load workflow command
    05/20/14 19:13:46:655 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.LoadWorkflowCommand |  |  | 4498 | StartApplet indicated that Patch is not applicable
    05/20/14 19:13:46:664 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.LoadWorkflowCommand |  |  | 4498 | Running in patch mode. Patch not applicable.
    05/20/14 19:13:46:670 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.PopulateFinishScreenCommand |  |  | 4498 | -----STARTED POPULATING FINISH SCREEN------
    05/20/14 19:13:46:673 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.PopulateFinishScreenCommand |  |  | 4498 | Showing No applicable patches screen
    05/20/14 19:13:46:675 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | AAMShared.DynamicViewMediator |  |  | 4498 | Showing screen with screenID : com.adobe.aam.shared.view.compositeComponent::ScreenErrorPageError
    05/20/14 19:13:46:745 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.PopulateFinishScreenCommand |  |  | 4498 | ---COMPLETED SHOWING FINISH SCREEN---
    05/20/14 19:13:46:836 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | com.adobe.aam.shared.view.mediator.compositeComponent.ScreenErrorPageErrorMediator |  |  | 4498 | onRegister
    05/20/14 19:13:46:837 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | com.adobe.aam.shared.view.mediator.compositeComponent.ScreenBaseMediator |  |  | 4498 | onRegister
    05/20/14 19:13:46:838 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | com.adobe.aam.shared.view.mediator.component.ContentFooterMediatorA7883D07-8E2E-35BF-8288 -1A9FEC5552F1 |  |  | 4498 | onRegister
    05/20/14 19:13:48:564 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | Updater.PopulateFinishScreenCommand |  |  | 4498 | ------QUIT COMMAND RECEIVED------
    05/20/14 19:13:48:569 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp.AppletManager |  |  | 4498 | Un-loading Applet - UWA_Native for window ID - 1
    05/20/14 19:13:48:569 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp.ExternalGateway |  |  | 4498 | Callng the finalize function of the applet ID - UWA_Native
    05/20/14 19:13:48:570 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp.HostMessageHandler |  |  | 4498 | Recieved force window close message
    05/20/14 19:13:48:570 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp.HostMessageHandler |  |  | 4498 | Sending message to native
    05/20/14 19:13:48:571 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp.WindowManager |  |  | 4498 | Destroying window with ID - 1
    05/20/14 19:13:48:573 | [WARN] |  | ASU | PDApp | PDApp.WindowManager |  |  | 4498 | GetAPEWindowIDString failed, Unable to find PlayerRef!"
    The file name of the update I downloaded from adobe.com is "AfterEffects_CC_12_2_1_ftr.dmg", maybe there's a multiple version or some localized version to use since I use italian version of CC. For reference the 12.0.1 update file that I still have it's called "AfterEffectsTrial-12.0.1-mul-AdobeUpdate" (opening that ends with the same result now, with OS X 10.9 was working all right).
    Thank you

  • After restoring, computer won't start up.

    Okay, here's what I've done.
    I inserted the Snow Leopard (in my case USB) and started up my computer from that. Under Utilities, I hit Restore from backup, chose my backup, restored fine. After 45 minutes, it says it's done and asks me to restart the computer. When I do, I get a dark gray screen (with a power symbol in the background) that says I need to restart my computer. I restarted it and I got the same screen. It's an endless cycle! I thought it may have restored incorrectly, so I tried to restore it again; same issue. I thought maybe the backup file was corrupt, so I tried an older backup; same issue.
    Any ideas? Right now my computer is inoperable unless I start it up from the Snow Leopard USB (I don't have a disk copy). Thanks guys!

    evarivers wrote:
    Okay, here's what I've done.
    I inserted the Snow Leopard (in my case USB)
    What is that? Do you mean you have a copy of your Install disc on a USB drive? If so, are you sure it's a +Snow Leopard+ disc? A Leopard disc cannot restore a Snow Leopard backup properly.
    I get a dark gray screen (with a power symbol in the background) that says I need to restart my computer.
    That's a +*kernel panic.+* They're usually caused by hardware problems, but can also be caused by software, including using a Leopard Install disc to restore a Snow Leopard backup.
    Why are you restoring? If you were having problems, such as problems with your internal HD or disk corruption problems, it's possible that parts of your installation of OSX were damaged, and Time Machine backed the corruption up, and it's now causing the kernel panics. If that's a possibility, try the restore again, but select an earlier backup, from before the problems started.
    If that won't work, you can boot from the Installer, erase your internal HD, and install OSX on it. When your Mac starts up again, use +Setup Assistant+ to transfer your apps, users, data, etc. from your backups. See #19 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/FAQ.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum), for detailed instructions.
    Then download and install the 10.6.4 "combo" update. That's the cleverly-named combination of all the updates to Snow Leopard since it was first released, so installing it should fix anything that's gone wrong since then, such as with one of the normal "point" updates. Info and download available at: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1048 Be sure to do a +Repair Permissions+ via Disk Utility (in your Applications/Utilities folder) afterwards.

  • After Effects CC won't start!

    Installed and uninstalled several times, keep getting the same errors. Mac Pro Running up to date Mountain Lion.
    Any help to solve this would be appreciated.

    I spent two days trying to fix this problem including two very frustrating sessions with Adobe Techs who remotely took over my computer and did the same process described in the bencollier.net link, twice, despite my having informed them that I had already tried it.
    My Verdana was fine all along. But I got the same errors: "After Effects error: CT bad param: TrueType or CFF font expected" I even watched as they activated and deactivated my Arial Rounded with no luck.
    The only solution that the Adobe techs could come up with was to create a new User, log in as that user and launch AE. It works fine then, of course there's no access to anything from my user folder. Adobe's techs concluded that all of our machines have corrupted user files.
    I work in a studio that has 20 Macs. We have 10 licenses for Creative Cloud. On every computer that runs AE CC, the app crashes when AE CC is launched. None of them crash when AE CS6 is launched.
    After talking with some people with tech support at Apple, Extensis, and Gen Arts (all of whom complained about how unstable After Effects is) we opened the Activity Monitor. A process called fontd could be seen running in the background. We Quit Process on it and relaunched After Effects CC. As soon as AE CC launches the process fontd reappears but AE CC runs fine now. No matter how many times we quit and relaunch After Effects CC, it runs fine as long as we don't log out or restart the system. If we do have to log out or restart we just repeat that one step. It's a lot easier than logging in as a different user.

  • After Effects CS4 Won't Start

    I installed AE CS4 together with Master Collection DVD, and tested it then, was OK.
    The version was
    It stops working suddenly, and it seems to be after I've ran Adobe Media Encoder.
    Tried reinstalling AE and also thrashing preferences for AE, and still didn't work.
    Even after the Adobe Updater updates various CS4 including updating to AE (AE CS4), still no luck.
    Wonder what should I do now to get it working?

    Mac OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard, iMac. Installed with CS4 Master Collection DVDs.
    When i first installed about 2 weeks back, it was working as I checked by starting AE immediately after install, and no problems.
    Now it stopped working after I've used Adobe Media Encoder within Flash. AE just doesn't start. That is before any updates.
    Coincidently when I faced the problem yesterday, the Adobe Updater automatically prompted that new updates are available (it does it by linking to Adobe directly to my Mac), and I just went ahead with the updates hoping it will help. I didn't download the updates myself - it is done automatically by the Adobe updater.
    i.e. with BOTH (original from DVD) and (the updated one updated by Aobe Updater) AE doesn't start.

  • Installed Grid 11r2, after relink ASM won't start on both node

    Hi ,
    after a succesfully installation of grid 11 r2 on hp-ux itanium, i'm facing a problem:
    the cluster is online with no errors.
    I have to relink binaries because some failed during installation.
    Unlocked grid home
    relink, all binaries are now ok.
    Lock grid home and start crs.
    This is what i've done.
    Now if i start on node 1 the ASM instance i recieve:
    ORA-15150: instance lock mode ‘EXCLUSIVE’ conflicts with other ASM instance(s)
    Some other ASM instance used the lock name space in a conflicting mode.
    Shut down the other instance or start up in compatible mode. Alternatively, set the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter to avoid the conflict.
    I restarted the crs on both nodes and the error is still here.
    With crs stopped there are no Oracle processes.
    Someone know what is compatible mode startup?
    I've also tried to unregister from cluster ASM instance and re-add but the error still raise.
    Any Idea?
    Thanks Roberto

    I'm the writer of the post.
    Solution found:
    first to relink all the oracle grid i forgot to do first:
    make -f ins_rdbms.mk rac_on

  • Adobe After Effects, Download won't Start

    I go to download the trial for Adobe After Effects, it opens Creative Cloud but does not start the download at all

    Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info or other technical details. Quite possible your system does not meet the requirements...

  • After unproper shutdown won t start

    I unproperly switched off the computer using the botton... So now everytime I start it, I get to the OS X Utilities page... I ran the Disk repair and the permissions did get repaired but still when I restart the computer, I get back to that same utilities screen... Please help this is driving me crazy, I can not find any mention of this type of problem on Google.....

    To be more precise, the window I automatically get to after starting the MacBook is called "Mac OS X Utilities".
    In this window there is a pop up that appears automatically with the following options :
    1) " Restore from Time Machine Back Up "
    -> I don t think I ever did a Time Machine Back Up although my disk is almost full of work data... I know, stupid...
    2) " Reinstall Mac OS X "
    -> How do I do that? I am travelling and don t have the installation disk but need the computer to work...
    3) " Get Help Online "
    -> Where they basically don t tell me from which of the following options to choose from... how come??!!...
    a) Repair Your Disk
    -- which I did, permissions got repaired, but still goes to "Mac OS X Utilities" after restart...
    b) Reinstall Mac OS X Lion
    -- which brings me back to the question above...
    c) "Use Time Machine.."
    d) "Erase and reinstall Mac OS X Lion"
    -- which I definitely don t want to do, cos I don t want to lose all my data...
    4) " Disk Utility "
    -> Which I already did as stated above, permissions got repaired but still geting to that "Mac OS X Utilities" window...

  • Macbook very, very hot after sleep and won't start up at first

    Macbook 15", Mac OS X 10.7.1.
    This morning, I packed my Macbook, like I do every time I go to a client, put it in my suitcase and drove for about 90 minutes. After arrival I got it out of the suitcase and it was terribly hot. It wouldn't start up untill I connected the power chord.
    It then booted as if it had been turned off. I suppose the battery was drained.
    I don't get this. What proces could be continuing while the lid is closed, and shouldn't OS X prevent this?

    Iwill try to remember that. What I did to minimize the "damage" is that I set some parameters in the enrgy saving screen in sysprefs differently. When connected to power, I speciefied that the machine did not have to go to sleep. Changed that back to one hour, and the screen to 15 minutes.
    These combined, I hope, will prevent this from happening again.

  • G4 won't start after install?

    Hello, just upgraded my G4 from 10.4.9 to leopard. Installation was successful, but after boot computer won't start. It shuts down right after gray screen shows. Now I started from leopard installation disk and fixed permissions. But that won't work. When I trie to start up from my HD it shuts still down right aftergray screens appeares. My comp spec: G4, 1,4GHz, 2gb ram, geforce2 video.

    This appears to be another G4 bricking incident. There are plenty of these occurrences on these boards. You must boot from disk (hold "c" during re-start - wait until you see the spinning disc then release the "c" key). Choose disk utility, erase your disk and reinstall from scratch using the same hold "c" method. It's not a pretty solution, but plenty of us have had to figure this out the hard way. Welcome to Leopard.

Maybe you are looking for