G5 and the Aluminum Keyboard

First...Apple, hello? It'd be nifty keeno if you had a separate hardware heading for the aluminum keyboards...my forum search turned up a lot of posts, but all over the place, in hardware and software forums both. You have a new product here. It would be nice if we could coordinate Q&As so you don't have to keep telling us the same thing over and over and over again like you're going to have to do with me.
Second. I just bought the lovely wired aluminum keyboard to replace my dying MacAlly keyboard. Loaded and installed the 1.2 update. However, the F keys remain utterly unfunctional beyond their graphically indicated use. Cannot be turned back into function keys, and shortcuts that were set up previously do not work with them, either in Apple's own System Prefs or in Quick Keys. F13 and higher just make a nice "error" noise when pressed. Nowhere do I see any means of programming them. Um. Help?

BDAqua wrote:
Am I correct in thinking it is safer to stick to Apple keyboards for the G5?
Not really, in fact I consider the latest Apple KBs the least desirable ones.
Oh, dear. I wish I were surprised by that comment. In what way(s) do you feel the keyboards have declined?
I have a brand new aluminum keyboard connected to the Mini… any risk in test-connecting it to the G5 to see if it is agreeable?
As you know about the Function key problem,,, no worry.
If there's no harm in going third-party, what brands/devices do you think are solid for my purposes?
No, no harm.
OK. It seems to me back in the day, I read a lot of stories about bad commands or data from malfunctioning keyboards causing Macs to seriously freak out. So that's why I'm uneasy about this.
Thanks again for your advice. Not many left out there able or willing to guide the likes of me including Apple store personnel. Most of them in my recent experience are so young and so blasé that they seem to have barely a clue what you're talking about when you mention using a Power Mac G5—or how amazing it is that the thing still gets out of bed in the morning, so to speak. The company has an extraordinary history, but the staff I've talked to lately haven't been schooled in it much.

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    Boot Camp: About keyboards and key assignment for Microsoft Windows - Apple Support

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    Thanks for your suggestion Tom, but that's not really what we're trying to do.
    On early keyboards (when I started typing on computer terminals (in the 70s/80s, yes, before personal computers, the Control key was the key to the left of "A". That was great for programmers since lots of things used Control (shell, Emacs, etc). At some point, the Powers That Be (TM) decided that Caps Lock belonged to the left of the "A" key, so people like me spent their time either hoarding the old-style keyboards or finding ways of putting Control 'back where it should be'.
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    Hi Grace Be,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The articles below may be able to help you with this.  I've summarized some of the key points below for you.  Click on the links to see more details and screenshots.
    Mac OS X: Gray screen appears during startup
    Disconnect, test peripheral devices and network cables
    Note: "Peripheral devices" refers to external devices other than what came with your Mac, such as hard drives, printers, or hubs that you connect via a USB or FireWire cable.
    Shut down your Mac. If necessary, hold your Mac's power button for several seconds to force it to power down.
    Disconnect all peripheral devices such as external hard drives or printers (leave only the display, a keyboard, and mouse connected).
    Disconnect any Ethernet cables.
    Start up your Mac.
    If you can start up this way, one or more of your peripheral devices (or installed software related to the device) is probably causing the gray screen issue. Connect one device, then restart your Mac to test for the issue. Repeat the process until you locate the device at issue. Check with the manufacturer of the device for support or possible software driver or firmware updates that may be available for the device. Try a different cable with the device if possible (such as a different USB or FireWire cable).
    If you are using a desktop Mac with a third-party keyboard and/or mouse device, and the issue still occurs, try starting up with an Apple keyboard and mouse connected instead. Try starting with no keyboard and mouse connected, then connect them after start up. Also, try a different USB port on your Mac.
    If the gray screen issue persists with no devices connected, go to the next section (with the peripherals still disconnected).
    Perform a Safe Boot
    Shut down your Mac. If necessary, hold your Mac's power button for several seconds to force it to power down.
    Start your Mac, then immediately hold the Shift key. This performs a Safe Boot. Advanced tip: If you want to see the status of a Safe Boot as it progresses, you can hold Shift-Command-V during start up (instead of just Shift).
    Note: A Safe Boot takes longer than a typical start up because it includes a disk check and other operations.
    If your Mac starts up as expected, immediately try restarting.
    If the Safe Boot does not work, or the restart after a successful Safe Boot does not work, go to the next section.
    Reset the NVRAM / PRAM
    Shut down your Mac. If necessary, hold your Mac's power button for several seconds to force it to power down.
    Reset the NVRAM / PRAM.
    I hope this information helps ....
    Have a great day!
    - Judy

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    And do I have to remove the internal Airport card before installing an aftermarket PC Card?
    I'd like to be able to choose from a larger pool of potentially compatible PC Cards using price and reception as my criteria.

    There are a couple of other cards "specifically" for the Mac and without the satellite dish! ; - )
    The Sonnet Aria is one:
    And the MacWireless 11g is another:
    I have no idea which of the three is better, certainly that antenna on the Hawking looks impressive, but my guess is that any pc card 802.11g is going to get better reception than the stock Powerbook internal antenna, titanium or aluminum!
    I'm still not sure exactly which way to go here, and I'm still researching which of these three offer the best signal and if there is a PC/pc card that can work with the PB and gets an even better signal.
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    You would need to pair the Apple Remote with the receiver. So I would use the generic Mac/PC receiver and follow these instructions:
    If that doesn't work then check in System Profiler to see if the IR receiver has been recognized by the PowerBook's hardware. You may require the install of drivers for this device to be recognized.
    Best of luck

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    Same with my new mac mini.
    Got it brand new via the online shop.
    Happy to start with the new mac i really got dissapointed by the fact that it`s impossible to pair the wireless keyboard unless you first connect a USB keyboard to the mac mini and start the configuration.
    THIS ***** !!!
    No hint at all from apple that you first have to connect the USB keyboard.
    I had to borrowed a USB keyboard from my neighbour :-((
    After setting things up it was no problem at all to establish the BT connection with the keyboard.
    Works fine now.

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    The complete backup and restore procedure is explained in the link above.
    If you don't want to do a restore, then your iPad may remain in the unstable state you have for the moment.
    You can change the country in the App Store. Have a look at the bottom of the App Store screen, you can change the country and also do the permanent change via Manage > Account.
    You can change the language in iTunes via General Preferences > under General tab.

  • I can not install the aluminium keyboard to my macbook

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    When I plug it in a PC, it recognizes it as a new hardware, indicating that the USB is fine and that the problem is probably the macbook.
    Any suggestions on what to try next?
    how do I find the software that "I already have a newer version"?
    Is there a way that I can uninstall it and then install it again? would this help?

    I just added the HD Cinema display and the Aluminum Keyboard to my MacBook. System Update keeps on trying to update to Alum Keyboard Update 1.0, over and over, but it never stops asking me to update. What's going on, and how can I get this GroundHog Day torture to stop?
    I've tried plugging the keyboard into the monitor and the MacBook, but it won't fix the problem.

Maybe you are looking for