G6: Transformer Tags: how to shrink input box of -- pt:ptui.searchform

Hello all! I'm working with header customization and would like to use the canned ptui.searchform but the input box is a little large for my taste. Currently it displays 16 characters on my screen and I'd like to reduce that down to about 10-12. Any idea how I could go about manipulating this size and still using the PT tags? or can/should this customized search be done with EDK instead of transformer tags?
I'm on a G6 .NET install if that matters. Also I'm still learning the ropes with all of this so the more detailed an answer the better! Thanks!This is the code I was anticipating using:
<pt:ptui.searchform pt:usespan="true"> <pt:ptui.basicsearchbutton pt:usespan="false" />
<pt:ptui.advancedsearchbutton pt:showimage="false" pt:usespan="false">Advanced</pt:ptui.advancedsearchbutton> or <pt:ptui.federatedsearchbutton pt:showimage="false" pt:usespan="false">Search the Web</pt:ptui.federatedsearchbutton> </pt:ptui.searchform>
Geoff Garcia
Producer, Enterprise Portal
March of Dimes National Office
914 997.4275 (Office)
[email protected]
Improving the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality

Unfortunately, the textbox size is not a configurable option from the tags.
You would have to customize the code of SearchFormTag class in the taglibPTUI library.
The code change is very simple, in the AddSearchTextboxToElement function, change the textBox.SetSize parameter to 12 instead of 20. Although setting up the development environment to edit the code and deploy it is a little trickier.
Go to developer center and download the UI customization installer for the G6 portal. It has instructions and everything you need to get a dev environment up for .Net.

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    function InputBox {
    param ($Name,$EN)
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $objForm.Text = "Data Entry Form"
    $objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,200)
    $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    $objForm.KeyPreview = $True
    $objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter")
    $objForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")
    $OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,120)
    $OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $OKButton.Text = "OK"
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
    $objLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,20)
    $objLabel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $objLabel.Text = "Employee Email Address:"
    $objTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $objTextBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,40)
    $objTextBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
    if ($Name) {
    $objTextBox.Text = $Name
    else {
    $objTextBox.Text = "@domain.com"
    $objLabel2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,70)
    $objLabel2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20)
    $objLabel2.Text = "Employee Number:"
    $objTextBox2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $objTextBox2.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,90)
    $objTextBox2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20)
    $objForm.Topmost = $True
    [void] $objForm.ShowDialog()
    $Script:ButtonName = $objTextBox.Text
    $script:ButtonEN =$objTextBox2.Text
    $ButtonName; $ButtonEN
    Function Show-MessageBox{
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][Alias('T')][String]$Title = "",
    #Set Message Box Style
    IF($OkCancel){$Type = 1}
    Elseif($AbortRetryIgnore){$Type = 2}
    Elseif($YesNoCancel){$Type = 3}
    Elseif($YesNo){$Type = 4}
    Elseif($RetryCancel){$Type = 5}
    Else{$Type = 0}
    #Set Message box Icon
    If($Critical){$Icon = 16}
    ElseIf($Question){$Icon = 32}
    Elseif($Warning){$Icon = 48}
    Elseif($Informational){$Icon = 64}
    Else{$Icon = 0}
    #Loads the WinForm Assembly, Out-Null hides the message while loading.
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
    #Display the message with input
    $Answer = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($MSG , $TITLE, $Type, $Icon)
    #Return Answer
    Return $Answer
    $num = "^\d+$"
    do {
    if (!($ButtonEN)) {
    Show-MessageBox -Msg "You must enter a numeric value for the employee number." -Title "Employee Number Missing" -Critical
    InputBox -Name $ButtonName
    elseif ($ButtonEN -notmatch $num) {
    Show-MessageBox -Msg "The employee number must contain numbers only!" -Title "Non-numerical characters found" -Critical
    InputBox -Name $ButtonName
    until ( ($ButtonEN -match $num) -or (<this is where I want to be able to use the cancel button>)

    Here is a simple validation method.
    function New-InputBox{
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    $Form=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $Form.Text='Data Entry Form'
    $OKButton=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text ='Cancel'
    $Label1=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label1.Text='Employee Email Address:'
    $TextBox1=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $Label2=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label2.Text='Employee Number:'
    $TextBox2=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $Form.Topmost = $True
    if($Form.DialogResult -eq 'OK'){
    if($textbox1.Text -eq ''){
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('please enter an email address','Validation Error')
    # Check empno is all digits
    if("$($TextBox2.Text)" -notmatch '^\d+$'){
    [void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show('please enter a number "999999"','Validation Error')
    if($Form.ShowDialog() -eq 'Ok'){
    # return the form contents
    if($f=New-InputBox -EmailAddress [email protected]){
    'Email is:{0} for Employee:{1}' -f $f.Controls['EmailAddress'].Text,$f.Controls['EmployeeNumber'].Text
    Write-Host 'From cancelled!' -ForegroundColor red

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    how to set the default text in an input box or a label to be a predefine, multiline text. In other words how to break the line in the code of a text box.
    thank you

    There are a couple of ways of doing this:
    If you're editing on the canvas, press Shift + Enter.
    If you're working in Express View (see lower right hand corner of Project Siena), you'll need to copy a hard return from another app such as Notepad.
    I believe a better implementation of hard returns are in the list of requested functionality that you can find here:

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    i used button events.i did  some mistake there.
    can some one help me out of tat.
    thanks  in advance.
    i have included my mxml program with this.
    <?xml  version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application  xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                    xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955"  minHeight="600" creationComplete="initfunc()">
                import  mx.controls.Alert;
                private function initfunc():void
                public function handleEvent ( e :  MouseEvent ) : void
                    var a:String=  e.target.name ;
                   var b:String=null;
                        case "Button20":
                       case "Button21":
        <s:Panel  x="43" y="82" width="527" height="213">
          <mx:Button  x="71" y="86" id="b1" label="1" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="180" y="86"  id="b2" label="5" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="127" y="86"  id="b3"  label="3" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="99"  y="86"  id="b4" label="2" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="323" y="86"  id="b5" label="0" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="86"  id="b6"  label="9" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="265"  y="86"   id="b7" label="8" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="237" y="86"  id="b8" label="7" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="209" y="86"  id="b9"  label="6" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="42"  y="86"  id="b10" label="`" width="30" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="382" y="86" id="b11" label="=" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353" y="86"  id="b12"  label="-" width="30" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="410"  y="86"  id="b13" label="back" width="76" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="157" y="86"  id="b14" label="4" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="109" id="b15"  label="tab" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="105"  y="109"  id="b16" label="q" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="247" y="109"  id="b17" label="y" width="30"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="303" y="109"  id="b18"  label="i" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="361"  y="110"  id="b19" label="p" width="34" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="394" y="109"  id="b20" label="[" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="191" y="109"  id="b21"  label="r" width="34" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="424"  y="109"  id="b22" label="]" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="222" y="109"  id="b23" label="t" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="161" y="109"  id="b24"  label="e" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133"  y="109"  id="b25" label="w" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="332" y="109"  id="b26" label="o" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275" y="109"  id="b27"  label="u" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="220"  y="133"  id="b28" label="g" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="424" y="132"  id="b29" label="enter" width="62"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="132"  id="b30"  label="caps" width="66" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="275"  y="133"  id="b31" label="j" width="42" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="314" y="132"  id="b32" label="k" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="133" y="133"  id="b33"  label="s" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="161"  y="133"  id="b34" label="d" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="250" y="133"  id="b35" label="h" width="31"  height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="105" y="133"  id="b36"  label="a" width="31" height="23"/>
            <s:Button x="191"  y="133"  id="b37" label="f" width="31" height="23"/>
             <s:Button x="342" y="132"  id="b38" label="l" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="152" y="154"  id="b39"  label="x" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="353"  y="154"  id="b40" label="." width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="325" y="154"  id="b41" label="," width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="294" y="154"  id="b42"  label="m" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="259"  y="154"  id="b43" label="n" width="37" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="236" y="154"  id="b44" label="b" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="211" y="154"  id="b45"  label="v" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="181"  y="154"  id="b46" label="c" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="122" y="154"  id="b47" label="z" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="154"  id="b48"  label="/" width="31" height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="368"  y="132"  id="b49" label=";" width="31" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="396" y="132"  id="b50" label="'" width="31"  height="24"/>
            <s:Button x="43" y="154"  id="b51"  label="shift" width="82" height="24"/>
            <s:Button  x="407" y="154" id="b52" label="shift" width="79" height="24"/>
             <s:Button x="455" y="109"  id="b53" label="\" width="31"  height="24"/>
        <s:TextInput  x="161" y="27" id="textbox" width="253"/>
    saran r

    how to code for these buttons "control,alt,delete,insert and spacebar".
    can u help me how to program?
    i have attached the mxml code with this,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                import flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName;
                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                private var inpText:String = 'inp1';
                private var shiftState:Boolean = false;
                private var capsState:Boolean = false;
                protected function keyboard_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+(event.currentTarget as Button).label;
                    if (shiftState == true) shift_clickHandler(null);
                protected function caps_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    capsState = !capsState;
                    if (capsState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function tab_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"    ";
                protected function shift_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    shiftState = !shiftState;
                    if (shiftState == true)
                        currentState = "SHIFTED" else currentState = "PRIMARY";
                protected function enter_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    this[inpText].text = this[inpText].text+"\n";
                protected function backspace_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var tmpStr:String = this[inpText].text;
                    this[inpText].text = tmpStr.substr(0,tmpStr.length-1);
                protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                protected function focus_enterHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    inpText = event.currentTarget.id;
            <s:State name="PRIMARY"/>
            <s:State name="SHIFTED"/>
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:TextInput id="inp1" y="36" width="151" horizontalCenter="0" click="focus_enterHandler(event)" y.PRIMARY="239" horizontalCenter.PRIMARY="42" width.PRIMARY="199" height.PRIMARY="31"/>
        <s:Group id="keyboard" width="661" height="184" horizontalCenter="0" y="300" focusEnabled="false">
            <s:Button x="5" y="5" label="~" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="`"/>
            <s:Button x="49" y="5" label="!" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="1"/>
            <s:Button x="93" y="5" label="@" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="2"/>
            <s:Button x="137" y="5" label="#" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="3"/>
            <s:Button x="181" y="5" label="$" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="4"/>
            <s:Button x="225" y="5" label="%" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="5"/>
            <s:Button x="269" y="5" label="^" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="6"/>
            <s:Button x="313" y="5" label="&amp;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="7"/>
            <s:Button x="357" y="5" label="*" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="8"/>
            <s:Button x="401" y="5" label="(" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="9"/>
            <s:Button x="445" y="5" label=")" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="0"/>
            <s:Button x="489" y="5" label="_" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="-"/>
            <s:Button x="533" y="5" label="+" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="="/>
            <s:Button x="577" y="5" label="Backspace" height="43" width="80" fontSize="11" fontWeight="bold" click="backspace_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="48" label="Tab" height="43" width="67" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="tab_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="72" y="48" label="Q" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="q"/>
            <s:Button x="116" y="48" label="W" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="w"/>
            <s:Button x="160" y="48" label="E" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="e"/>
            <s:Button x="204" y="48" label="R" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="r"/>
            <s:Button x="248" y="48" label="T" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="t"/>
            <s:Button x="292" y="48" label="Y" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="y"/>
            <s:Button x="336" y="48" label="U" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="u"/>
            <s:Button x="380" y="48" label="I" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="i"/>
            <s:Button x="424" y="48" label="O" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="o"/>
            <s:Button x="468" y="48" label="P" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="p"/>
            <s:Button x="512" y="48" label="{" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="["/>
            <s:Button x="556" y="48" label="}" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="]"/>
            <s:Button x="600" y="48" label="|" height="43" width="57" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="\"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="91" label="CapsLock" height="43" width="80" fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold" click="caps_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="85" y="91" label="A" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="a"/>
            <s:Button x="129" y="91" label="S" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="s"/>
            <s:Button x="173" y="91" label="D" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="d"/>
            <s:Button x="217" y="91" label="F" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="f"/>
            <s:Button x="261" y="91" label="G" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="g"/>
            <s:Button x="305" y="91" label="H" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="h"/>
            <s:Button x="349" y="91" label="J" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="j"/>
            <s:Button x="393" y="91" label="K" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="k"/>
            <s:Button x="437" y="91" label="L" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="l"/>
            <s:Button x="481" y="91" label=":" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=";"/>
            <s:Button x="525" y="91" label="&quot;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="'"/>
            <s:Button x="569" y="91" label="Enter" height="43" width="88" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="enter_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="5" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
            <s:Button x="111" y="134" label="Z" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="z"/>
            <s:Button x="155" y="134" label="X" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="x"/>
            <s:Button x="199" y="134" label="C" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="c"/>
            <s:Button x="243" y="134" label="V" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="v"/>
            <s:Button x="287" y="134" label="B" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="b"/>
            <s:Button x="331" y="134" label="N" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="n"/>
            <s:Button x="375" y="134" label="M" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="m"/>
            <s:Button x="419" y="134" label="&lt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY=","/>
            <s:Button x="463" y="134" label="&gt;" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="."/>
            <s:Button x="507" y="134" label="?" height="43" width="44" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="keyboard_clickHandler(event)" label.PRIMARY="/"/>
            <s:Button x="551" y="134" label="Shift" height="43" width="106" fontSize="24" fontWeight="bold" click="shift_clickHandler(event)"/>
    thanks in advance,
    saran r

  • How to set an input box in an HTML Web Resource embedded in a CRM 2013 form

    I have embedded an HTML web resource that contains some input boxes in a custom CRM form. In the CRM form I have created some fields that corresponds to the input boxes in the web resource and they are hidden.
    The reason to do so was the limitation of the CRM not giving me the flexibility of the layout I was looking for. So basically, the user enters the data in the web resource and once saved they write to the hidden fields. On the other hand, when the form loads
    the values from the hidden fields are copied into the web resource input boxes.
    I am having a hard time setting those input boxes from the corresponding hidden fields on the form. I can read the crm fields easily using JavaScript. I can also get to the HTML web resource using the following:
    var target = Xrm.Page.getControl("WebResource_CriticalPath").getObject(); I also appended the contentWindow.document to the end of this and it comes back not null but when I try to get to the HTML element which is the inputbox I am trying to set
    the value to, I get a null reference. I am using:
    target.getElementById('input20'); to get to the element. I know this is not supported and I have to use Xrm.Page but I cannot figure out how to do so.
    Also, any advice on how to do the writing back (i.e. from the element to the form field) when the record is save would be helpful.
    I really appreciate any comments/help in this regard.

    What I would suggest is try to do everything from your html webresource. Add following code to set you field's value during onload:
    document.getElementById('input20').value = window.parent.Xrm.Page.getAttribute('hidden field id').getValue();
    Add following code to onchange hanlder to put changes back:
    window.parent.Xrm.Page.getAttribute('hidden field id').setValue(document.getElementById('input20').value);
    Dynamics CRM MVP/ Technical Evangelist at
    SlickData LLC
    My blog

  • How to enlarge chat input box height?

    how do I expand (height wise) the column of the text box where i'm typing in messages?
    it is quite annoying having to work with 2 lines of text unless pressing <enter> 

    Absolutely agree. Abandoning favoured functionality for stuff that looks pretty but has poor functionality
    1 Allow user to set height of messge input box. We dont want it to expand, (I expect) We donmt care if it expands, but we badly want to decide for ourselves at the minimum height. Or are you driven by the requirements of the illiterate catering the the illiterate who cant type more than two lines at a time?
    2. What are these stupid shaded boxes that waste space.? By all means provide a background to each message but please use the entire width of the panel. The entire layout of the message panel is wasteful of screen real estate.
    3 Why can we not reduce the width of the panel to a size of OUR chosing not yours?
    Why do we not get to chose whether to install an update or not.

  • How do i remove this feature? where using google maps the input box has this in it( Enter your address line 2 here)/In hotmailmail new email it reads (Enter your email here) e

    how do i remove this feature? where using google maps the input box has this in it( Enter your address line 2 here)/In hotmail new email on the enter page it reads (Enter your email here) .
    You have the remove these statements before entering an address , and before sending an email or with the email it will stay on the email , google maps will not work.

    Try this -
    <img src="assets/jpgs/Prodigy Logo Large 2014.jpg" width="180" height="180" alt="" style="display:block;">
    What you are seeing as whitespace is the space reserved for glyph descenders on any element that is rendered within a text box (i.e., an inline element). By making the image "display:block" you eliminate that space because a block element doesn't have descenders. If that works to your satisfaction then you can give the logo an id, and create a CSS selector containing that block style.

  • Newtab question: How do I ''input'' the nine (yes 3X3) boxes to be my specific permanent sites exactly the same each time I hit the newtab+?

    Newtab question: How do I ''input'' the nine (yes 3X3) boxes to be my specific permanent sites exactly the same each time I hit the newtab+? I know that I can hit the 'save' button but I want it to be MY selection before the save. Evert time I hit the newtab it seems to use my history to keep moving them up the line.
    I have used google.com/ig as my home for years. In November the sites that are my personal choices will be gone as Google has decided to eliminate "IG"!
    For example the NYTimes (with about 5-6 daily lead articles) appear in my upper left of the personalized home site. I would at least like to see that summary. At least with Newtab I can save it.
    Is there a program step in FF that I can achieve my results and put nine sites into it and click them to be permanent as well as being able to edit them in the future?

    You can change the order of the boxes on the about:newtab page and drag an item to a different slot to pin it to that position or you can remove a website by clicking the close X to block that URL.
    You can drag a bookmark or history item and drop them in a slot on the about:newtab page to pin them and have your own favorites sites showing.
    Changes made manually on the about:newtab page are stored in the browser.newtabpage.pinned (default = [null]) and browser.newtabpage.blocked prefs that you can check/modify on the about:config page.

  • How can I change the height of the input box in a...

    How can I change the height of the  input box in a new version of Skype?
    Go to Solution.
    Skype_input_box.png ‏4 KB

    lucasbgme wrote:
    I've tried version is disabled. All Skype versions older than 6.14 are now retired and can no longer be used. You can try to install the version:

  • Firefox on my wife's laptop has lost the black bar that used to show Maps, Gmail etc. Now at the top of the screen there is a blank bar, triple height, with just the Google search input box. How do I get this back? Or is this a question for Google?

    When I open Firefox there is a black bar, sometimes vertical, other times horizontal, across the top, with links to Maps, Gmail etc. When I open Gmail the same links are listed across the top of the screen, right under the Tabs. In my wife's laptop this appears in the Firefox start-up screen, but not in the Gmail screen. At the top of her screen is a super-wide gray bar with just a Google search input box. Is this a Firefox or Google problem?
    She has XP Home SP3 and Firefox 9
    Thanks for any help.

    What happened yesterday may have been caused by the SOPA protest action that was joined by a lot of sites yesterday and such an action won't happen that often.
    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SOPA_initiative/Learn_more

  • How to get input source line number

    I wrote a XSLT transformation that checks the input XML for errors.
    When the transformer finds a problem, it can terminate with <xsl:message terminate="yes">, which outputs the line number within the transformer XML source. I do so in my implementation to indicate errors.
    But i need to output the line number of the input source, not that of the transformer source, because this is the location of the error.
    Anybody knows how to do this?
    How can i get the current line number of the input source XML text?

    Hello Fritz!
    XALAN reads the entire input file (SAX) before starting with transformation.
    So overriding the input stream is no way to find this line number.
    I think this would have to be a built-in XSLT functionality within the tag "xsl:message".

Maybe you are looking for