GAL photos quality degrade in Windows Phone

we have Exchange 2010. I uploaded a few pictures to Active Directory using this free tool: (which is great). Everything looks fine in Outlook and in address book, but after syncing contacts with Windows Phone, it degrades pictures
quality very much. Pictures looks good only on small size live tiles. When you go to particular contact, you can see poor quality. Of course when someone is calling the picture displayed is in the biggest size and looks horrible.
Does anyone know how to increase quality of pictures of contacts?

The GAL photos is imported and saved as the thumbnailPhoto attribute in Active Directory. And Exchange 2010 provides the
Import-RecipientDataProperty cmdlet to easily import the photo.
Generally, the
thumbnailPhoto attribute itself supports photos of up to 100K, but the Import-RecipientDataProperty cmdlet in Exchange 2010 allows you to import only 10K or smaller files. Since there is no issue with the GAL photo sync and photo display in Outlook, the
issue should be related to photo display in Windows phone. Please change a photo size with better
Pixel to have a try.
Winnie Liang
TechNet Community Support

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    Hi TJ,
    my apologies for the delayed reaction. To answer your questions; The images on these phones are stored on the Phone Storage as well as on the SD card. Also , the problem isn't that all of the photo's combined take up a lot of space, the problem
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    My Cisco Network Magic Configuration:
    Router: D-Link WBR-2310 A1 FW:1.04, connected to Comcast High Speed Internet
    Desktop, iMac: NM is on the Windows Partition, using Boot camp to access Windows, Windows 7 Pro 32-bit RTM, Broadcom Wireless N Card, McAfee Personal Firewall 2009,
    Mac Partition of the iMac is using Mac OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard
    Laptop: Windows XP Pro SP3, Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG, McAfee Personal Firewall 2008
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    public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
    private DataTransferManager dataTransferManager;
    public MainPage()
    this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Required;
    /// <summary>
    /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached.
    /// This parameter is typically used to configure the page.</param>
    protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
    // TODO: Prepare page for display here.
    // TODO: If your application contains multiple pages, ensure that you are
    // handling the hardware Back button by registering for the
    // Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons.BackPressed event.
    // If you are using the NavigationHelper provided by some templates,
    // this event is handled for you.
    this.dataTransferManager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView();
    this.dataTransferManager.DataRequested += new TypedEventHandler<DataTransferManager, DataRequestedEventArgs>(this.OnDataRequested);
    protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
    this.dataTransferManager.DataRequested -= new TypedEventHandler<DataTransferManager, DataRequestedEventArgs>(this.OnDataRequested);
    private void OnDataRequested(DataTransferManager sender, DataRequestedEventArgs args)
    var request = args.Request as DataRequest;
    DataPackage requestData = request.Data;
    requestData.Properties.Title = "MY PHOTO";
    requestData.Properties.Description = "Share App";// The description is optional.
    requestData.Properties.ContentSourceApplicationLink = new Uri("ms-appx-web:///" + "");
    // It's recommended to use both SetBitmap and SetStorageItems for sharing a single image
    // since the target app may only support one or the other.
    List<IStorageItem> imageItems = new List<IStorageItem>();
    RandomAccessStreamReference imageStreamRef = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(this.imageFile);
    requestData.Properties.Thumbnail = imageStreamRef;
    // succeeded = true;
    private async void SelectImageButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // CoreApplicationView view = CoreApplication.GetCurrentView();
    //FileOpenPicker imagePicker = new FileOpenPicker
    // ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail,
    // SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary,
    // FileTypeFilter = { ".jpg", ".png", ".bmp", ".gif", ".tif" }
    StorageFile logoFile =
    await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync("Assets\\download.jpg");
    // List<IStorageItem> storageItems = new List<IStorageItem>();
    this.imageFile = logoFile;
    // ImageHolder.Source = "/Assets/download.jpg";
    Output.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
    ShareStep.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
    // if (pickedImage != null)
    // this.imageFile = pickedImage;
    // // Display the image in the UI.
    // IRandomAccessStream displayStream = await pickedImage.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);
    // BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
    // bitmapImage.SetSource(displayStream);
    // ImageHolder.Source = bitmapImage;
    //// this.rootPage.NotifyUser("Selected " + pickedImage.Name + ".", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
    // ShareStep.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
    private StorageFile imageFile;
    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    Whatsapp and Instagram must not be Share Targets for the type of content you are sharing.
    Bret Bentzinger (MSFT) @awehellyeah

  • Windows Phone sync and transfer options

    This post explains the options available for synchronizing and transferring contacts, calendar and tasks from your Windows PC to a Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone.
    How Contacts, Calendar and Tasks are synchronized between a Windows PC and a Lumia family phone depends on which software is used on the PC
    If a S40, S60 or Symbian Nokia phone was used before contacts, calendar and tasks can be synchronized between this phone and your PC using Nokia Suite with the following:
    Microsoft Windows 7 contacts
    Microsoft Windows Vista calendar and contacts
    Microsoft Outlook 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010
    Microsoft Outlook Express
    Mozilla Thunderbird
    Nokia Suite (v3.6.x and later) allows for an easy transfer of contacts, calendar and photos to your Nokia Lumia Windows Phone via SkyDrive.
    Here's how this feature works;
    Connect your Nokia S40, S60 or Nokia Belle phone to your PC using the USB cable.
    After Nokia Suite is started and your phone shows as connected select Tools>Upload to SkyDrive and follow the on screen instructions. If you do not have one yet you will have to create a Microsoft account which has a SkyDrive attached to it. You can create such account here.
    You will now have to reset your Nokia Lumia Windows Phone. Doing so will erase all content from the phone and return it to it's 'out of the box' state. Make sure you have synced any media files to your PC (Zune for WP7.x devices / copy them through explorer on WP8.x devices) or Mac(Connector). You can sync these back after the reset. When finished reset your Nokia Lumia Windows Phone using Settings>about>reset your phone.
    Go through the Device First Use sequence and when asked enter your Microsoft Account used to save the content from Nokia Suite. When the setup has finished your will find your contacts, calendar and photos have all transferred to your Lumia. These will also be available through your Microsoft account through the web interface. The list of installed (paid) apps is also restored and the phone will start downloading these once the restore is complete. You can switch to WiFi for this if you have access.
    It is important to note this transfer will only work to the Nokia Lumia at the Device First Use sequence (after a reset). If you have your Lumia setup it will not look for or sync the information copied to SkyDrive through Nokia Suite.
    SMS message can not be transferred directly, but you can export all messages in Nokia Suite (Messaging>File/Export all text messages) and open the resulting Comma Separated File (.csv) in Excel or OpenOffice Calc to create an Excel sheet (.xls file) this can then be copied to your SkyDrive and opened from the Office app. You could also use a tool to create separate files from the exported .CSV file and copy all of these to SkyDrive.
    If a Microsoft Exchange server is used an Outlook account is created on the Lumia. This is done through 'Settings > email + accounts >add an account > Outlook'. The following settings are required. Usually these can be obtained from the system administrator for the Exchange server:
    Mail address
    User name (usually the same as the login name for the business PC)
    Password (usually the same as the password for the business PC)
    The Microsoft Exchange server Domain
    The address for the Microsoft Exchange server
    If Microsoft Outlook is used for private mail account(s) the Outlook Hotmail Connector needs to be installed to synchronize with the primary Microsoft Account and with the Lumia.
    The mail account needs to be set up as a separate mail account through:
    'Settings > email + accounts >add an account > other account'
    More information on setting up a mail account can be found here.
    A useful tool for setting up the Outlook Hotmail Connector can be found here.
    Additional Microsoft support pages for contacts and calendar.
    If Windows Mail, a part of Windows Essentials, is used contacts, calendar and tasks are synchronized directly with the Lumia as long as you log in to Windows Mail using the same primary Microsoft Account as the one which is used on the Lumia. Contacts and/or calendar can be imported in to Windows Mail as follows:
    Microsoft Windows 7 contacts, Microsoft Windows Vista contacts (and calendar)
    Open Windows live mail
    Go to contacts
    Click on import
    Import from current Windows user
    Mozilla Thunderbird
    Use the Hotmail extension for Thunderbird
    Export contacts and import into Windows Mail
    I hope this is helpful 
    Press the 'Accept As Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, click on the Star Icon below if my advice has helped you!

    Article updated, changed Live ID to Microsoft account and added procedure available in Nokia Suite from v3.6.x
    Press the 'Accept As Solution' icon if I have solved your problem, click on the Star Icon below if my advice has helped you!

  • Submit: Great Skype for Windows Phone ideas

    We have just launched a new Windows Phone idea board to let you all share and exchange your ideas on how to improve and develop Skype for Windows Phone.
    Before you start sharing your ideas, here are some guidelines to help you get started:
    Idea Submission Guidelines
    Search before posting. Do a quick search and make sure you are not submitting a duplicate. If the idea already exists show your support by giving kudos to the original idea rather than watering down the potential impact across multiple submissions.
    Draft your idea. Be as clear as possible, tell us what your idea is, how it would benefit users and why you think we should consider it. That will not only help us to better understand what you want, but we may even be able to solve your problem more quickly another way. Please avoid text speak and keep the idea short and to the point. Ideas are available within a limited number of topic sections of the community as they are not discussion threads.
    Currently you can choose one of the following topic labels for your ideas:
    Video Messaging
    We‘ve just launched Video Messaging on Windows Phone so you can now send video messages to family and friends, even when they’re not online. Let us know what you think of Video Messaging on Windows Phone and any ideas you have for how we can make it better. 
    Phone Integration
    Tell us how you would like Skype to be integrated with Windows Phone. Would things be easier if Skype was better integrated with the People Hub? Integrated into the messaging app? Or in the dial pad? 
    How can we make it easier for you to find friends and family on Skype and add them as a contact? What are your thoughts on how contacts are managed on Skype for Windows Phone? Do you have any recommended improvements?
    Tell us how you would like Skype to be integrated with Windows Phone. Would things be easier if Skype was better integrated with the People Hub? Integrated into the messaging app? Or in the dial pad? 
    Instant Messaging
    Video calling is one of Skype’s most popular features. What do/don’t you like about Video calling on Skype for Windows Phone and do you have any ideas for how we can make video calling even better? 
    Some things to include:
    Start with a clear title
    add appropriate label(s)
    list features and benefits
    Review the ideas of others. Look at other ideas to see what your fellow community members are requesting and feel free to exchange on them in the comments section. While we take into account the numbers of kudos an idea receives, we also consider the amount and quality of member feedback when making our decisions.
    Add value. Vote for those items that you like and agree with by giving the idea a kudos. It's really a significant way to recognize someone's effort. We are using votes as a barometer to find out more about what our contributor community thinks is important, so we can factor this into our prioritization process.
    Submit a new idea. Adding an idea is just like posting a message on a board. To create an idea, click on the “New Idea” button, located on the left side of the page content tab, and in the left column under the actions heading click “create an idea”. Be sure to enter a clear title and description of your idea so others can decide how they would like to vote. Remember, the more complete your thought, the more likely it is to get noticed! You can use simple HTML, format the text, or add links or images. You can also preview your idea and check your spelling before you post the idea.
    Do not be discouraged. Sometimes what seems simple may not be so simple to build. Some ideas take longer than others, and some ideas will not be possible within the scope of what we want to accomplish in the next year or so.
    Be respectful. Comply with the Community Guidelines and Skype etiquette.
    Disclaimer: Skype may or may not use your comments, ideas, or suggestions. Skype reserves the right to use for any purpose including commercial purposes, comments, ideas, suggestions, code, products or services (“Content”) that are posted on this community without any obligation to compensate the individual or entity that provided the Content. By posting any Content in the community, you hereby relinquish any right you may have in such Content and to any future compensation for publication, use, distribution, license or sale of the same. By posting Content, you represent and warrant that you either own or control all of the rights to that Content, and such Content does not violate any third party rights or these Skype Terms of Service. You agree that all opinions expressed by users of this community are expressed in their individual capacities, and not as representatives of Skype.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    What is the Idea Board all about?
    Idea Board is a new part of the Skype Community, where members can share their ideas about existing products and services. Anyone in the community can see and vote on the ideas you post.
    We encourage you to give kudos and comment on submitted ideas as we are more likely to take the top kudoed and most discussed ones into consideration.
    How do I navigate the Ideas Board? 
    Finding your way around the ideas board is a pretty straightforward task, here are some of the things you will see to help you get around.
    •  New Ideas – The most recent ideas.
    •  Hot Ideas – The most popular ideas right now.
    •  Top Ideas – The most kudoed ideas.
    The sidebar widgets
    In the sidebar you'll find more ways to sort the ideas board, see new and popular ideas and the top rated contributors to the idea board. It's also really easy to view only the ideas with certain status', for instance if you only want to see ideas that are “Accepted”.
    How to check if an idea exists already?
    Use the search function filtering by the ideas board – or click here (direct link to search function)
    What do the votes/kudos mean?
    Just as you can give kudos in the community boards and blogs, you can vote for ideas you like on the Idea Board. Ideas with high vote totals are more likely to be recognized and accepted by the teams at Skype who develop our products and services. You can also leave comments on ideas, but remember to be kind!
    What do the different idea statuses mean?
    We strive to review submitted ideas on a biweekly/monthly cycle. Each idea will go through a life cycle that will be assigned statuses at each milestone. The statuses are explained here:
    New Idea - Sparkly new idea, submitted by you, and ready to be vetted by the community.
    Comments Requested - Items set as Comments Requested will be open to the community for feedback and votes.
    Under consideration - Idea has been forwarded to appropriate business team who is determining feasibility.
    More information needed - More information is needed before our Product Management team can take this forward, please review the comments left by the team.
    Duplicate - Ideas in this status have already been submitted in some form or another. We will link these items over to the other idea so you can review the status or track the progress there.
    Already exists - This is available in the product. 
    Future possibility - Idea is a good one but not something we can include in a near-term product or software release.
    Accepted - Idea has been accepted and has been taken forward for implementation, check back soon for updates.
    Not right now - We like the idea but just not for right now, we will revisit it in the future.
    Implemented - You asked for it, we did it!
    My idea has been accepted. How long will it take to be implemented?
    Sadly, we will not be able to provide dates for the implementation of any accepted ideas within the community due to the number of factors involved. Please be patient and let us make sure it is completely ready before we make it available.
    How will I know if an idea has been implemented?
    You can track the status of your ideas as your ideas are sent to the people here at Skype who can make them happen and you will see the status of your idea is updated. We will be telling you if the idea is something we are working on now or would like to do in the future, or if it’s something that is not feasible for us at this time. To ensure you don’t miss any updates select “Subscribe” from the “Idea Options” menu when viewing your idea.
    What ideas have been implemented so far?
    You can check "Accepted and Implemented ideas" topic here.
    Can I edit or delete my ideas comments?
    No, you can't. Be sure to check your spelling and preview your comment before you post it; you can't edit a comment once it's posted.
    Who and how often moderates/ manages the ideas board?
    The community team is monitoring the board on the daily basis and product managers will come in on a monthly basis to update statuses of the ideas and post their comments.
    If Skype decides not to pursue my idea, will you tell me why?
    We do not always provide the reasons for our decisions regarding ideas submitted for review but will strive to provide an explanation where possible.
    I have an idea to improve the Windows Phone software itself?
    Microsoft has set up a Windows Phone Feature Suggestion Box for exactly that purpose. Share your idea here:
    If I am not comfortable submitting my idea over the Internet, is there another way I can do so?

    I would really appreciate if you guys work on the feature “ custom backgrounds for chat notifications”.If users will be able to choose any image of their liking in the custom background feature if would add value. Currently some of the chat messengers provide this facility to the users which makes interesting to the users while improving user friendliness and satisfaction. Options that would include areTake a photoChoose from albumsSearch from webDeleteThat appears to be a reasonably robust selection. In search, a user can use a built in engine to pull up images based on search and then select it as it their choice. Once you chose an image, it will be asked to confirm and ‘set’ as the universal chat window for all contacts. 

  • Windows Phone camera App crash when switching to another page

    I am creating a Simple Face Detection App for Windows Phone in C#. I turn on my camera , everything works perfect and FaceDetector works too, but when I try to navigate to other page my App always crashes and I do not why. I tried to test my App in Windows
    Phone Emulator and here the navigation works. I also tried debug my App in real device, but there the method OnNavigatedFrom is never hit.
    public partial class FaceDetection : PhoneApplicationPage
    #region member variables
    const string MODEL_FILE = "models/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml";
    FaceDetector.Detector _detector;
    int _downsampleFactor = 2;
    private byte[] _pixelDataGray;
    private byte[] _pixelDataDownsampled;
    private int[] _pixelDataGrayInt;
    private WriteableBitmap _wb;
    private DateTime _lastUpdate;
    public static int pocet = 5;
    double point1;
    double point2;
    double heightRectangle;
    double widthRectangle;
    public FaceDetection()
    _detector = new FaceDetector.Detector(XDocument.Load(MODEL_FILE));
    private void NewCameraFrame(object sender, CameraFrameEventArgs cameraFrameEventArgs)
    PageOrientation orientaciaObrazovky = ((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Orientation;
    var w = cameraViewer.CameraWidth;
    var h = cameraViewer.CameraHeight;
    if (_pixelDataGray == null || _pixelDataGray.Length != h * w)
    _pixelDataGray = new byte[w / _downsampleFactor * h / _downsampleFactor];
    _pixelDataDownsampled =
    new byte[w / _downsampleFactor * h / _downsampleFactor];
    _pixelDataGrayInt = new int[w / _downsampleFactor * h / _downsampleFactor];
    _wb = new WriteableBitmap(w / _downsampleFactor, w / _downsampleFactor);
    _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
    Utils.DownSample(cameraFrameEventArgs.ARGBData, w, h, ref _pixelDataGrayInt, _downsampleFactor);
    Utils.ARGBToGreyScale(_pixelDataGrayInt, ref _pixelDataGray);
    Utils.HistogramEqualization(ref _pixelDataGray);
    Utils.GrayToARGB(_pixelDataGray, ref _pixelDataGrayInt);
    List<FaceDetector.Rectangle> faces = new List<FaceDetector.Rectangle>();
    if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.PortraitUp || orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.PortraitDown)
    int scalw = w / _downsampleFactor;
    int scalh = h / _downsampleFactor;
    int[] _pixelDataGrayIntRotated = new int[scalw * scalh];
    for (int x = 0; x < scalw; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < scalh; y++)
    _pixelDataGrayIntRotated[y + x * scalh] = _pixelDataGrayInt[x + y * scalw];
    faces = _detector.getFaces(
    h / _downsampleFactor,
    w / _downsampleFactor,
    2f, 1.25f, 0.1f, 1, false, false); // height-width swapped
    faces = _detector.getFaces(
    w / _downsampleFactor,
    h / _downsampleFactor,
    2f, 1.25f, 0.1f, 1, false, false);
    var elapsed = (DateTime.Now - _lastUpdate).TotalMilliseconds;
    _pixelDataGrayInt.CopyTo(_wb.Pixels, 0);
    foreach (var r in faces)
    System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle toAdd = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
    TranslateTransform loc = new TranslateTransform();
    if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.PortraitUp)
    loc.X = r.X * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualWidth;
    loc.Y = r.Y * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualHeight;
    point1 = r.X;
    point2 = r.Y;
    else if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.PortraitDown)
    loc.X = r.X * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualWidth;
    loc.Y = r.Y * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualHeight;
    point1 = r.X;
    point2 = r.Y;
    else if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft)
    loc.X = r.X * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualWidth - 50;
    loc.Y = r.Y * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualHeight + 90;
    point1 = r.X;
    point2 = r.Y;
    else if (orientaciaObrazovky == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
    loc.X = r.X * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualWidth+50 ;
    loc.Y = r.Y * _downsampleFactor / (double)w * cnvsFaceRegions.ActualHeight -90;
    point1 = r.X;
    point2 = r.Y;
    toAdd.RenderTransform = loc;
    toAdd.Width = r.Width * _downsampleFactor + 50;
    toAdd.Height = r.Height * _downsampleFactor + 50;
    toAdd.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
    widthRectangle = toAdd.Width;
    heightRectangle = toAdd.Height;
    point1 = (loc.X);
    point2 = (loc.Y);
    protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
    cameraViewer.SaveToCameraRoll = true;
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame += NewCameraFrame;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyHalfPressed += OnButtonHalfPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed += OnButtonFullPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyReleased += OnButtonRelease;
    protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyHalfPressed -= OnButtonHalfPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed -= OnButtonFullPress;
    CameraButtons.ShutterKeyReleased -= OnButtonRelease;
    private void OnButtonHalfPress(object sender, EventArgs e)
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame -= NewCameraFrame;
    private void OnButtonFullPress(object sender, EventArgs e)
    private void OnButtonRelease(object sender, EventArgs e)
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame += NewCameraFrame;
    private static WriteableBitmap CropImage(WriteableBitmap source, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height)
    var sourceWidth = source.PixelWidth;
    var result = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);
    for (var x = 0; x <= height - 1; x++)
    var sourceIndex = xOffset + (yOffset + x) * sourceWidth;
    var destinationIndex = x * width;
    Array.Copy(source.Pixels, sourceIndex, result.Pixels, destinationIndex, width);
    return result;
    private void SaveScreenShots()
    string namePerson = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["TextBoxValue"] as String;
    bool b = cnvsFaceRegions.Children.Any();
    if (!b)
    MessageBox.Show("No face detected ");
    for (int j = 1; j <= pocet; j++)
    using (var isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
    var bmp = new WriteableBitmap((int)this.ActualWidth, (int)this.ActualHeight);
    bmp.Render(this, null);
    byte[] bb = EncodeToJpeg(bmp);
    WriteableBitmap bmp2 = CropImage(bmp, (int)point1, (int)point2, (int)widthRectangle, (int)heightRectangle);
    using (var isoFileStream = isoStore.CreateFile(namePerson + j))
    System.Windows.Media.Imaging.Extensions.SaveJpeg(bmp2, isoFileStream, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
    MessageBox.Show("Saved successfully " + pocet + " images");
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame += NewCameraFrame;
    public byte[] EncodeToJpeg(WriteableBitmap wb)
    using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
    return stream.ToArray();
    private void cameraViewer_MouseLeftButtonDown_1(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    cameraViewer.NewCameraFrame -= NewCameraFrame;
    private void cameraViewer_MouseLeftButtonUp_1(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    private void ApplicationBarMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/PersonAndGallery;component/Gallery.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
    public class CameraFrameEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs
    public int[] ARGBData { get; set; }
    public static class AppGlobal
    public static bool isPortrait = true;
    public class CameraViewer : Grid
    #region Events
    public EventHandler<CameraFrameEventArgs> NewCameraFrame { get; set; }
    public EventHandler<ContentReadyEventArgs> NewCameraCaptureImage { get; set; }
    public EventHandler<CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs> CamInitialized { get; set; }
    #region Properties
    public int CameraWidth
    get { return _cameraWidth; }
    set { _cameraWidth = value; }
    public int CameraHeight
    get { return _cameraHeight; }
    set { _cameraHeight = value; }
    public bool PhotoOnPress
    get { return _photoOnPress; }
    _photoOnPress = value;
    // CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed -= CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed;
    if (_photoOnPress)
    // CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed += CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed;
    public bool SaveToCameraRoll { get; set; }
    public PhotoCamera Camera
    get { return _camera; }
    public bool TakingPhoto
    get { return _takingPhoto; }
    #region Member Variables
    private PhotoCamera _camera; // the windows phone camera that takes the photos
    private int _cameraWidth = -1;
    private int _cameraHeight = -1;
    private Thread _pumpFramesThread;
    private static ManualResetEvent _pauseFramesEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
    private bool _takingPhoto;
    VideoBrush viewfinderBrush;
    private bool _photoOnPress;
    private SoundEffect _cameraShutterSound;
    private static ManualResetEvent _cameraCaptureEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
    private static ManualResetEvent _cameraInitializedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    private bool _pumpFrames;
    #region Constructor
    public CameraViewer()
    Unloaded += new RoutedEventHandler(OnUnloaded);
    PhotoOnPress = true;
    public override void OnApplyTemplate()
    #region Public methods
    public void StartPumpingFrames()
    _pauseFramesEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
    _cameraCaptureEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
    _cameraInitializedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    _pumpFrames = true;
    if (_pumpFramesThread == null)
    _pumpFramesThread = new Thread(PumpFrames);
    if (!_pumpFramesThread.IsAlive)
    public void StopPumpingFrames()
    _pumpFrames = false;
    _pumpFramesThread = null;
    public void TakePhoto()
    if (TakingPhoto)
    _takingPhoto = true;
    private void CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
    if (_photoOnPress && !TakingPhoto)
    private void OnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    public void InitializeCamera()
    // Check to see if the camera is available on the device.
    if ((PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.Primary) == true) ||
    (PhotoCamera.IsCameraTypeSupported(CameraType.FrontFacing) == true))
    // Initialize the default camera.
    _camera = new Microsoft.Devices.PhotoCamera();
    //Event is fired when the PhotoCamera object has been initialized
    Camera.Initialized +=
    new EventHandler<Microsoft.Devices.CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs>(CameraInitialized);
    Camera.CaptureImageAvailable += CameraOnCaptureImageAvailable;
    Camera.CaptureCompleted += CameraOnCaptureCompleted;
    //Set the VideoBrush source to the camera
    // var viewfinderBrush = new VideoBrush();
    viewfinderBrush = new VideoBrush();
    viewfinderBrush.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform = new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5 };
    System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle rect = new System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle();
    rect.Fill = viewfinderBrush;
    Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("models/shutter.wav");
    _cameraShutterSound = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream);
    // CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed -= CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed;
    if (_photoOnPress)
    // CameraButtons.ShutterKeyPressed += CameraButtonsOnShutterKeyPressed;
    // The camera is not supported on the device.
    "Sorry, this sample requires a phone camera and no camera is detected. This application will not show any camera output.");
    private void CameraOnCaptureCompleted(object sender, CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs cameraOperationCompletedEventArgs)
    _takingPhoto = false;
    private void CameraOnCaptureImageAvailable(object sender, ContentReadyEventArgs contentReadyEventArgs)
    if (SaveToCameraRoll)
    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
    WriteableBitmap bitmap =
    // SaveCapturedImage(bitmap);
    if (NewCameraCaptureImage != null)
    NewCameraCaptureImage.Invoke(this, contentReadyEventArgs);
    // Helper for CameraOnCaptureImageAvailable
    private void SaveCapturedImage(WriteableBitmap imageToSave)
    var stream = new MemoryStream();
    imageToSave.SaveJpeg(stream, imageToSave.PixelWidth, imageToSave.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
    //Take the stream back to its beginning because it will be read again
    //when saving to the library
    stream.Position = 0;
    var library = new MediaLibrary();
    string fileName = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}.jpg", DateTime.Now);
    library.SavePictureToCameraRoll(fileName, stream);
    //save to Save Photo
    Picture pic;
    private void TakeScreenShots()
    WriteableBitmap bmp = new WriteableBitmap((int)this.ActualWidth, (int)this.ActualHeight);
    bmp.Render(this, null);
    byte[] bb = EncodeToJpeg(bmp);
    MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream();
    bmp.SaveJpeg(mem, bmp.PixelWidth, bmp.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
    mem.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
    if (mem != null)
    MediaLibrary library = new MediaLibrary();
    pic = library.SavePicture("Mask_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), mem);
    MessageBox.Show("Your picture is now accessible through the Saved Picture album.", "Saved successfully.", MessageBoxButton.OK);
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Unable to save the photo." + ex);
    public byte[] EncodeToJpeg(WriteableBitmap wb)
    using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
    return stream.ToArray();
    // Creates a WriteableBitmap from an imageStream
    private WriteableBitmap CreateWriteableBitmap(Stream imageStream, int width, int height)
    var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);
    imageStream.Position = 0;
    return bitmap;
    private void CameraInitialized(object sender, CameraOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Succeeded)
    // available resolutions are ordered based on number of pixels in each resolution
    CameraWidth = (int)Camera.PreviewResolution.Width;
    CameraHeight = (int)Camera.PreviewResolution.Height;
    if (CamInitialized != null)
    CamInitialized.Invoke(this, e);
    catch (ObjectDisposedException)
    // If the camera was disposed, try initializing again
    private void PumpFrames()
    int[] pixels = new int[CameraWidth * CameraHeight];
    int numExceptions = 0;
    while (_pumpFrames)
    catch (Exception e)
    // If we get an exception try capturing again, do this up to 10 times
    if (numExceptions >= 10)
    throw e;
    numExceptions = 0;
    () =>
    if (NewCameraFrame != null && _pumpFrames)
    NewCameraFrame(this, new CameraFrameEventArgs { ARGBData = pixels });
    //na zmenu orientacie
    public void UpdateOrientation(PageOrientation orientation)
    if (orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitDown)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 270 };
    /* else if (orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitDown && cameraType == 2)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 90 };
    else if (orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitUp && cameraType == 2)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = -90 };
    else if (orientation == PageOrientation.PortraitUp)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation =90 };
    else if (orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = 0 };
    else if (orientation == PageOrientation.LandscapeRight)
    viewfinderBrush.RelativeTransform =
    new CompositeTransform { CenterX = 0.5, CenterY = 0.5, Rotation = -180 };
    Thanks for reply.

    Hi Facko,
    Thanks for posting at the forum, however it could be really difficult for us to copy/paste your code and try to repro the issue, I would suggest you to provide a repro sample for us so that we can debug for you.
    And base on your description, looks like your app only crashes on the real device, but not on the emulator. I have question here, how the app works on the emulator?
    As I know if we open the camera on emulator, the only thing we can see is kind of small color blocks instead of the real images.
    You could also try to close the camera and then dispose the object to see if it works.
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  • Out Of Memory Exception While Loading Images in Windows Phone 8 Silverlight App?

    I am developing a windows phone 8 silver light app , I am loading high resolution images from web  through image control , After loading 2-3 images I am getting outof memory exception ,
    I am unable to catch this , and I am unable to break this exception , Can anyone tell me how to handle this exception,
    I am searching solution for this  from last 15 days but I am unable to find solution,
    I tried by setting the bitmap image source to null by doing this also I am getting exception, I tried by using gc.collect() also ..
    First I am loading list of images in listbox with lowres of size 100X100 , in selection change event I am changing the image source , 
    My image control code is
    <Canvas Width="480" Height="720">
    <Image Width="480" x:Name="MyImage" Height="720" Stretch="Uniform" >
    <BitmapImage x:Name="MyImage1"/>
    <toolkit:GestureListener Flick="GestureListener_Flick_1"
    PinchStarted="OnPinchStarted" DragDelta="GestureListener_DragDelta"
    <CompositeTransform x:Name="myTransform"
    ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1"
    TranslateX="0" TranslateY="0"/>
    My listbox selection changed code is
    Classes.PgaeInfo ob = listpages.SelectedItem as Classes.PgaeInfo;
    progressLoad.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
    LayoutRoot.Opacity = 0.8;
    LayoutRoot.IsHitTestVisible = false;
    StackPanel st = sender as StackPanel;
    index = ob.pId - 1;
    JArray jsonArray = JArray.Parse(json);
    JToken jsonArray_Item = jsonArray[index];
    string sour = "" (only one image for sample)
    img.Source = null;
    img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(sour));
    MyImage1.UriSource = null;
    MyImage1.DecodePixelHeight = (int)img.Height;
    MyImage1.DecodePixelWidth = (int)img.Width;
    MyImage1.UriSource = new Uri(sour);
    Any help..

    Hello Suresh,
    Are you loading multiple images at once on one page? If so this is an expected behavior. There is limited memory available per app so it's important to not load too large or too many photos at once in your app.
    If possible you can try to convert your Windows Phone 8 to Window Phone 8.1 so as to take advantage of the FlipView control which is built to handle photo gallery-like applications.
    Also you can always run the Windows Phone Application Analysis tool to check on the application performance and memory usage. This will help you test and fine tune your app accordingly.
    Let me know if this helps.
    Abdulwahab Suleiman

  • Why I left Windows Phone

    So yesterday I got my Samsung Galaxy S3. It is a great phone, but I felt kind of bummed out because the device I replaced was my HTC Trophy, a Windows phone. This ended my 1 year plus use of the Windows Phone OS and sent me back to Android once again. Why? There were a few reasons for this, I just wanted to name a few.
    1. Hardware - Anyone who jumped in on Windows Phone's only offering to Verizon customers at the time knew that the hardware was below par of most Android devices offered at the time. Lack of SD card and display made it a mediocre choice, but the new OS was intriguing enough to draw me in. I had an Xperia Play (another disappointing phone Sony)  and decided to trade it for my Trophy. Though the screen and camera were not on par with Sony's offering, I really wanted to give it a try. Being a Zune HD user made the transition pretty easy & the interface was beautiful. Again, hardware was lacking, but driven by an innovating OS. New hardware specs are pretty much on par with recent Android devices, but that cannot make up for....
    2. Software - I found my Trophy had a few hiccups once in a while. Nothing too bad, but apps would sometimes force close or not even open at all. There was a single upgrade that could not be done OTA, but had to be hooked up to Zune to download and install. This was not too much of a issue at first, but why no OTA over at least WiFi? It would come to be a non issue since the Trophy was the ******* child of Verizon, put in a room somewhere; forgotten about and left to just sit there with no updates whatsoever. After a while, I got frustrated and turned to XDA for custom builds. One was a 7.8 build which made the OS slightly more appealing, but still had OS issues with apps. Speaking of.....
    3. Apps & Marketplace - This was the major flaw with WP. No apps. Sure there were a few offerings, but nothing compared to iOS or Android. I know WP is newer to the market and had claimed a huge increase in apps, but from what I could see, nothing worth bragging about. One example was Draw Something. This game had come and gone, gone even further, and then was given life on WP, well sort of given life. It was buggy, crashed constantly, and finding someone to play with was hardly worth the effort. Other games like Mini Squadron and Final Fantasy ran perfect and provided a lot of entertainment. Oh, Physibricks was also a great one! Other apps were nothing more than web page conversions. The entire time I used my phone I only had good experiences with the Engadget app (when using 3G, WiFi was slower for some reason) and the Zune software, which was the best integrated music software ever imo. Songs loaded fast and the huge marketplace made it easy to get any song you wanted. This is the one feature I really loved about WP. I could be somewhere, hear a song, hit the search button and select music. Not only would it find the song, it would take me to the market to download it though my ZunePass. Spotify, Pandora, IHeartRadio, none of these services could hold a match to Zune Pass on WP. This is the only thing I will miss on Android, well, until Xbox music has it App up and running, and if it is as nice as its WP counterpart.
    Microsoft, you want to sell devices, then invest in the developers like you did with Xbox. You got Nokia which was an awesome start, but you knew the market you were getting into and knew what your competitors had out there. You should have gone in stronger than this. Offer developers 100% of their profits, 1 year of  Xbox music free with new device, $0.99 app submit fee, free development software, big incentives for developers to bring apps over from other OS's, $2.99 for Angry Birds?, bring more of your Xbox live titles to mobile,  and tap your home developers (XDA!) to see what you could do to bring customers. Start off big and work with handset developers and get their involvement. Its not too late to get things fixed, but to get me to come back to Windows phone and some others to leave iOS and Android, you need to get better fast or go the route of Kin.

    You are right, to each their own.
    I agree, the UI and the OS are good, but lacking in what is offered by the other two major OS's. Each one has their good and bad, but some more than others. You are right about low end options. I do like the 8X a lot, but after using other hardware besides HTC, I decided to give Samsung a try. The new WP8 hardware has started to look a lot more appealing, even in more ways than the normal Android offerings, but performance is still on par with what handset creators have been pushing on Android 6 months earlier.Dual Core processor, good GPU, MicroSD card slot, 4G, HD display. These are stats you could find in most Android devices a year ago. Now, does Windows phone need to surpass these stats? Not really, but its nice to have a somewhat future proof device that won't be obsolete 3-6 months after you get it with no chances of updating (WP7 users feel me on this). Microsoft set a standard HW requirement for WP7 and guess what, hardware manufactures stuck with it. Why? Because MS didn't allow a lot of the features that other phones had, weak strategy. Don't release behind the curve software if its not on par with your competition because you get behind the curve hardware to run it.
    Weak apps is a definite description I still stand by. MS made a huge deal about app requirements and efforts to get developers to create apps that fit well into the WP7 environment. I saw very little of this if any. Even top name apps are buggy at best (ESPN, CNN, LinkedIn). I've used these apps on iOS and Android and the quality far exceeds those on WP. I don't need a lot of apps, just ones that are useful and functional for my everyday personal and professional use. If I can't depend of developers of major apps to provide high quality apps for a high quality OS, then what is the use? I can tell you there were many productive apps on my Android phones that I could not find on WP. Now, this could be because of WP7/8 app compatibility, but could not be sure.
    Again, I wish I could had been more excited about WP8, but from my WP7 use, I could not trust entering into a 2 year contract with another unproven OS. I hope WP8 has majorly improved over its predecessor so I will be able to go back to a MS product, but until then, I'd feel better investing in a proven OS.

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