Generacion PDF repetida

Buenos dias a toda la comunidad Adobe, tengo un problema con Adobe Reader XI y es que utilizo una aplicacion web, la cual genera pdf's, el primer pdf que genero en el dia va bien, el problema es con los siguientes ya que una vez generado un pdf todos los siguiente son iguales hasta que no reinicio el ordenador. Entiendo que debe haber algun tipo de cache por hay guardando esta informacion y por eso me genera siempre el mismo pdf pero he buscado y no he encontrado nada. Espero que hay tenga la solucio para mi problema.
Un saludo y muchas gracias.

editing this question in English would have provided a better chance for an answer.

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    Estoy utilizando Acrobat Reader 5.0
    Agradecere vuestra ayuda, o cualquier sugerencia al respecto.

    Lo de crear o no un subjuego de fuentes no es el problema, sirve para reducir el tamaño del archivo y para hacer que la fuente en el pdf aparezca como 'unica al imprimir y no se reemplace.
    La raz'on de que no visualice la fuente efectivament es que no las est'a incrustando, con las fuentes Adobe Sans/Serif " camaleonicas" que usa Acrobat para simular las fuentes no incrustadas, puede simular a la Helvetica pero no a la otra referenciada: dautomationshi25m.
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    gracias por la ayuda

    Gracias por responder. uso windows xp y adobe acrobat 7 profesional. Las paginas sí que estan repetidas antes de unir los pdf. pero solo en algunos archivos, es decir: tengo por ejemplo 20 pdfs y en los ultimos 10 la primera pagina es la misma. Busco una manera para no tener que ir borrando las paginas una a una, bien al unir los pdfs o bien despues de crear un unico pdf.gracias de nuevo

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    Y los que tenemos el windows 2007 y queremos convertir un documento en publisher a PDF y tambien nos sale "error faltan archivos PDFMaker". Porque en casa de mi novia que tiene la versión de Adobe6 salen perfectos. Quien me puede dar indicaciones para poder solucionar mi problema?

    Pregunta repetida; por favor concentrar las respuestas aquí:

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    If you're using a desktop or notebook PC to send the email you could try installing the HP ePrint Mobile Driver software on your machine, the link to the download is here. This will allow you to print the PDF to any ePrint capable printer without having to email it to the printers email address as an attachment.
    Once installed and with your PDF open on your machine, select Print from the File menu, then select "ePrint" from the list of available printers (don't select the actual printer itself) and click Print in the bottom right corner of the box. A dialogue box will open showing the avaialble ePrint printers you can print to. Click on the Connected button on the left of the screen to add your printer to the list if its not listed.  
    Hope this helps.
    If my reply helped you, feel free to click on the Kudos button (hover over the "thumbs up").
    If my reply solved your problem please click on the Accepted Solution button so other Forum users may benefit from viewing the post.
    I am an HP employee.

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    If a PDF file is printed using Adobe Reader, it takes a long time until the file is printed on the printer. Partially individual pages are printed in one-minute intervals. But if I use another PDF viewer such as Foxit Reader, PDF documents can be printed at normal speed.
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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    /var/log ▹ cups ▹ error_log
    from the hierarchical list on the left side of the Console window. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar. Then select the messages from the time of the last failed printing attempt. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.

  • Filename in PDF portfolio?

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    Thanks for your help.

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    How can I change the filename?
    Marcus Schug

    Hi Experts,
    any update on this?
    I am facing the same problem with ESS payslip (smartform/Hrform): my customer wants to have custom file name for download salery statements from the portal. Do you know how to change the default form name unknown.pdf to e.g.. "payslip_month_year"?
    I spent a lot of time to find any possibility to get and change the file name but without success till now.
    Please respond.
    Zdzislaw Kaczmarczyk
    Edited by: Zdzislaw Kaczmarczyk on Jun 14, 2010 4:41 PM

  • Filename in Save As dialog when saving PDF file

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    In this case the actual filename is "Promo Cover Cool-MedHi.pdf"
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    I know when performing the same action on Windows using Internet Explorer, the Save As dialog box filename field is populated correctly with just the filename (although it shows up URL encoded as Promo%20Cover%20Cool-MedHi.pdf, which is OK).
    I'd like to be able to force Safari to use just the filename in the Save As dialog box. Has anyone come accross this problem and figured out a solution?

    Hello Ebnul.nao
    I am having this same problemwith trying to work this out.
    Did you succeed in the end?
    I will really appreciate your help if you did
    Kind regards

  • Can we use IF statement in PDF templates

    I developed a PDF template. I need to underline ang bold the records based on a specific condition. Can we use IF conditon in PDF templates. Please suggest.

    Billy  Verreynne  wrote:
    The case syntax is a bit funny though as there's not a single condition evaluation (like a DECODE or case structs from some other languages).
    This is what I would expect a typical case struct to look like - evaluating a single condition:
    case <condition>
    when <value-1> then return <result-1>
    when <value-n> then return <result-n>
    return <return-z>
    ?:| You mean like this...?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select empno, ename, deptno
      2        ,case deptno
      3           when 10 then 'This is Department 10'
      4           when 20 then 'And department 20'
      5           when 30 then 'And of course department 30'
      6         else
      7           'Blimey it is something else!'
      8         end as dept_desc
      9* from emp
    SQL> /
          7369 SMITH              20 And department 20
          7499 ALLEN              30 And of course department 30
          7521 WARD               30 And of course department 30
          7566 JONES              20 And department 20
          7654 MARTIN             30 And of course department 30
          7698 BLAKE              30 And of course department 30
          7782 CLARK              10 This is Department 10
          7788 SCOTT              20 And department 20
          7839 KING               10 This is Department 10
          7844 TURNER             30 And of course department 30
          7876 ADAMS              20 And department 20
          7900 JAMES              30 And of course department 30
          7902 FORD               20 And department 20
          7934 MILLER             10 This is Department 10
    14 rows selected.


    After sending an urgent email attachment in Adobe PDF to Government Offcom, all my Desktop applications in windows 7 64 bit have been converted to PDF files and cannot be opened.   The attachment used was sent to me by my Secretary remotely using an old MAC.
    I can return my laptop to normal operation by un installing my Adobe Reader 11 app, but the problem returns when I re Download Adobe Reader
    11 again.     After discussing this with Adobe Technical in London they advised me to raise this issue with your Adjudicators in this Forum. 
    Please assist asap as this is very urgent right now for several genuine reasons.
    Many thanks.   Derek Horder.

    See if anything in here helps:

  • Aio remote only allows save to pdf when trying to print picture

    brand new HPm MFP M127 fw.  have web services enabled and all the other stuff noted in the printer installation.  Installed aio remote on galaxy s3 with droid 4.4.2.  went ahead and installed HP print services from GP as well. 
    Browse to a photo in the gallery, select print and the print setting dialog appears, but no option to print.  only save to PDF.  When I try to go ahead and let it save, to see if it will let me print after, it fails.  What am I missing here?

    The HP Laserjet Pro M127 is not supported by the HP All-In-One Remote app, therefore it won't allow printing to the printer, as you may find listed within the HP Consumer LaserJet printers section:
    You may print using the HP ePrint app or Print Solution for Android as listed below:
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • Aio Remote: PDFs not recognized by Google drive.

    Aio Remote on iPad Air2 iOS 8.1.1 - I created a PDF on my iPad from my HP Envy 7640 using Aio remote app. In the files/document section it's there (3 pages) as a PDF. But when I upload a copy from Aio Remote to Google Drive it's not recognized by Google Drive as a PDF even though it has a PDF extention. I have other PDF files stored in Google drive that are perfectly fine. It must be something in your app that is the problem.

    More info: if I send it from Aio remote as an email attachment to myself I get a PDF that I can upload to Google drive and Google drive reconizes it as a PDF. again proving it is Aio remote that is doing some thing wrong when uploading to Google Drive.

  • I need to convert PDF file to Word Document, so it can be edited. But the recognizing text options do not have the language that I need. How I can convert the file in the desired of me language?

    I need to convert PDF file to Word Document, so it can be edited. But the recognizing text options do not have the language that I need. How I can convert the file in the desired of me language?

    The application Acrobat provides no language translation capability.
    If you localize the language for OS, MS Office applications, Acrobat, etc to the desired language try again.
    Alternative: transfer a copy of content into a web based translation service (Bing or Google provides a free service).
    Transfer the output into a word processing program that is localized to the appropriate language.
    Do cleanup.
    Be well...

  • A problem with hyperlinks in my Interactive PDF on smartphones...

    I hope someone can help...  I exported both an interactive and for print PDF from inDesign.  When I view the PDFs on my pc the hyperlinks that I've made in the document work perfectly fine.  When I view the PDFs on my smartphone, the hyperlinks don't work.  I've gone through many forums to make sure all my settings were correct and have tried many different things to try to get them to work, but still no luck.  Has anyone come across this issue?  Is there any way to get these hyperlinks to work on a smartphone?

    Interactive PDFs on mobile devices are nothing short of a crapshoot.
    The readers are hit or miss and the better ones require payment.
    I wish I had better news for you but right now, that’s the way it is.

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