General doubt about devices and java applets

I have one general doubt abt devices.
Do all devices come with an SDK so that any language can interact with them?.
Whats does it mean if i say that i need to build a CAB file for the devices
and use them in my html object tag.
Can programming languages like java(applets) or asp interact with devices
once if we specify the classid and the cab file location(codebase)

Let me make it more clear
What i need is if we r using an ActiveX Component then we pack the .ocx and inf file into a cab file and give the location of the CAb file in the codebase attribute of object tag.
When the browser renders the page, it will look into the classid attribute of object tag to see whether there is an entry in registry if not it will go to the location specified in the codebase and get it registered locally.
As you know ActiveX works on windows.
I want to implement the same thing in a platform independent way.
So i chose java applets.
Now i don't know what to do in this codebase part.
i need to install the device driver files and all from the server once a person view the web page.
when we use activex the classid field represents the device's entry but when we use applets thats the version of java being installed.
Can any one suggest an idea to move.

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    I don't know about differences, but one of their main similarities is that each of them has a page in Wikipedia.
    [Java applet|]
    There. That should give you enough information.

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    Application policies are sets of java permissions that are associated with a principal which is BIConsumer role in this case which grants permissions necessary to use, or to consume, content created by other users.
    So when you try to create like BIConsumer, you are not modifying the existing BIConsumer principal policy( which you should never do) but instead trying to create one similar grants like it.
    Usually as long as you are not dealing with BI Publisher, Financial Reporting and Real-Time Decisions application security permissions restriction, you would not have to modify any of these policies and use the default ones.
    Hope this helps. Pls mark if it does.


    To forum visitors:
    I am prepared to pay a standard shareware fee of US$20 to a user who can resolve this technical problem.
    If your advice resolves the problem, I'll forward the payment to your postal address (include your
    address with your reply, and also your email address)
    I am attempting to enable a HTML button (using Javascript's onClick command) to directly input a number into one of the parameter text boxes in the Easy Filter Java applet (ie, enter a new color value number in the text field of the standard Colors Multiplicator Filter interface).
    The applet is Freeware and can be downloaded at:
    (It is a very effective bitmap display and editing utility)
    To achieve this, I am trying to access the part of the applet that defines and sets the textbox. The text box is defined in the .class file by accessing the parameter details in the genericfilter.txt file (accompanies the .class files). I need to access 'private String appletInitialize()' and then one of the 'textFieldParameters' which sets the textbox.
    I understand the basic syntax for referencing the applet:
    document.appletname.setString("An example"). However, accessing the text fields in this applet is more complex!!
    Please can you recommend the correct Javascript syntax to achieve communication with the applet.
    Thank you for your kind assistance.
    JM Graham
    [email protected]
    The Java source code for the applet: EasyFilter.class
    # Easy Filter - E.B/JavaZOOM 1999 #
    # Contact: [email protected] #
    # #
    /* Originally compiled from */
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
    import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource;
    import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public synchronized class EasyFilter extends Applet implements KeyListener
    private String paramFileName;
    private Color bgColor;
    private Color fgColor;
    private Color parColor;
    private Color sepColor;
    private Color titleColor;
    private Color helpColor;
    private int WinWidth;
    private int WinHeight;
    private String title;
    private String logoFileName;
    private String originalImageFileName;
    private String filteredCaption;
    private String originalCaption;
    private Vector paramsName;
    private Vector paramsValue;
    private Vector paramsComment;
    private Panel panelParameters[];
    private Label labelParameters[];
    private TextField textFieldParameters[];
    private Label labelComments[];
    private int nbParameters;
    private ScrollPane scrollPaneParams;
    private Panel panelParams;
    private Image theLogo;
    private Image theOriginalImage;
    private Image theFilteredImage;
    private int theOriginalPixelArray[];
    private int logoWidth;
    private int logoHeight;
    private int imageWidth;
    private int imageHeight;
    private drawCanvas canvasTitle;
    private Panel panelTitle;
    private Label labelTitle;
    private Panel panelImages;
    private Panel panelOriginalImage;
    private drawCanvas canvasOriginalImage;
    private Label labelOriginalImage;
    private Panel panelFilteredImage;
    private drawCanvas canvasFilteredImage;
    private Label labelFilteredImage;
    private Panel panelHelp;
    private Label labelHelp;
    private int Yspc;
    private FilterImplementation theFilter;
    public void init()
    String string = null;
    string = appletInitialize();
    if (string != null)
    Label label = new Label(new StringBuffer("Error: ").append(string).toString(), 1);
    Panel panel = new Panel();
    setLayout(new FlowLayout(1, 5, Yspc));
    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent keyEvent)
    boolean flag = true;
    if (KeyEvent.getKeyText(keyEvent.getKeyCode()).equals("Enter"))
    for (int i = 0; i < nbParameters; )
    paramsValue.setElementAt(new Double(textFieldParameters.getText()), i);
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    labelHelp.setText(labelParameters[i].getText() + ": Not a Number");
    flag = false;
    if (flag == 1)
    labelHelp.setText(" .... Running, please wait .... ");
    theFilteredImage = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(theFilter.getFinalImageWidth(), theFilter.getFinalImageHeight(), theFilter.getFinalImageBuffer(), 0, theFilter.getFinalImageWidth()));
    canvasFilteredImage.setBounds(0, 0, theFilter.getFinalImageWidth(), theFilter.getFinalImageHeight());
    labelHelp.setText("- Done -");
    labelHelp.setText("- Press Enter to run the Filter -");
    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent keyEvent)
    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent keyEvent)
    private String appletInitialize()
    WinWidth = size().width;
    WinHeight = size().height;
    if (getParameter("bgcolor") == null)
    bgColor = new Color(0, 0, 40);
    bgColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(getParameter("bgcolor"), 16));
    if (getParameter("fgcolor") == null)
    fgColor = new Color(255, 255, 255);
    fgColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(getParameter("fgcolor"), 16));
    if (getParameter("sepcolor") == null)
    sepColor = new Color(158, 128, 128);
    sepColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(getParameter("sepcolor"), 16));
    if (getParameter("parcolor") == null)
    parColor = new Color(24, 24, 24);
    parColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(getParameter("parcolor"), 16));
    if (getParameter("titlecolor") == null)
    titleColor = new Color(255, 255, 0);
    titleColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(getParameter("titlecolor"), 16));
    if (getParameter("helpcolor") == null)
    helpColor = new Color(0, 255, 255);
    helpColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(getParameter("helpcolor"), 16));
    paramsName = new Vector();
    paramsValue = new Vector();
    paramsComment = new Vector();
    paramFileName = getParameter("paramfile");
    String string = readParams(paramFileName);
    if (string != null)
    return string;
    MediaTracker mediaTracker = new MediaTracker(this);
    theOriginalImage = getImage(getDocumentBase(), originalImageFileName);
    mediaTracker.addImage(theOriginalImage, 0);
    if (logoFileName != null)
    theLogo = getImage(getDocumentBase(), logoFileName);
    mediaTracker.addImage(theLogo, 1);
    catch (InterruptedException e1)
    return "Error while loading image";
    if (mediaTracker.isErrorAny())
    return "Error while loading image";
    if (logoFileName != null)
    logoWidth = theLogo.getWidth(this);
    logoHeight = theLogo.getHeight(this);
    imageWidth = theOriginalImage.getWidth(this);
    imageHeight = theOriginalImage.getHeight(this);
    theOriginalPixelArray = new int[imageWidth * imageHeight];
    PixelGrabber pixelGrabber = new PixelGrabber(theOriginalImage, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, theOriginalPixelArray, 0, imageWidth);
    panelTitle = new Panel();
    canvasTitle = new drawCanvas();
    labelTitle = new Label();
    panelTitle.setLayout(new FlowLayout(1, 10, Yspc));
    canvasTitle.setBounds(0, 0, logoWidth, logoHeight);
    catch (InterruptedException e2)
    return "Internal Error, Try RELOAD !";
    if (title != null)
    labelTitle.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 14));
    panelImages = new Panel();
    panelOriginalImage = new Panel();
    canvasOriginalImage = new drawCanvas();
    labelOriginalImage = new Label();
    panelFilteredImage = new Panel();
    canvasFilteredImage = new drawCanvas();
    labelFilteredImage = new Label();
    panelImages.setLayout(new FlowLayout(1, 10, Yspc));
    panelOriginalImage.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 2));
    panelOriginalImage.add("Center", canvasOriginalImage);
    canvasOriginalImage.setBounds(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
    panelOriginalImage.add("South", labelOriginalImage);
    labelOriginalImage.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10));
    panelFilteredImage.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 2));
    panelFilteredImage.add("Center", canvasFilteredImage);
    theFilter = new FilterImplementation(paramsValue, theOriginalPixelArray, imageWidth, imageHeight);
    theFilteredImage = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(theFilter.getFinalImageWidth(), theFilter.getFinalImageHeight(), theFilter.getFinalImageBuffer(), 0, theFilter.getFinalImageWidth()));
    canvasFilteredImage.setBounds(0, 0, theFilter.getFinalImageWidth(), theFilter.getFinalImageHeight());
    panelFilteredImage.add("South", labelFilteredImage);
    labelFilteredImage.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", 0, 10));
    scrollPaneParams = new ScrollPane(0);
    panelParams = new Panel();
    nbParameters = paramsName.size();
    int i = WinHeight - (33 + 7 * Yspc + logoHeight + imageHeight + 23);
    if (i < Yspc + 2 + 24)
    i = Yspc + 2 + 24;
    scrollPaneParams.setBounds(0, 0, WinWidth - 10, i);
    panelParams.setLayout(new GridLayout(nbParameters, 1, 5, Yspc / 2));
    panelParameters = new Panel[nbParameters];
    labelParameters = new Label[nbParameters];
    textFieldParameters = new TextField[nbParameters];
    labelComments = new Label[nbParameters];
    for (int j = 0; j < nbParameters; j++)
    panelParameters[j] = new Panel();
    panelParameters[j].setLayout(new FlowLayout(0, 5, 1));
    labelParameters[j] = new Label();
    labelParameters[j].setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, 12));
    textFieldParameters[j] = new TextField(8);
    labelComments[j] = new Label();
    panelHelp = new Panel();
    labelHelp = new Label();
    panelHelp.setLayout(new FlowLayout(1, 5, 0));
    labelHelp.setText(" Change colour values and press enter ");
    return null;
    private String readParams(String string1)
    Object object1;
    String string2;
    if (string1 == null)
    return "Filename of filter's parameters needed";
    URL uRL = new URL(getDocumentBase(), string1);
    URLConnection uRLConnection = uRL.openConnection();
    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(uRLConnection.getInputStream()));
    string2 = null;
    catch ()
    return object1.getMessage();
    catch ()
    return object1.getMessage();
    catch ()
    return object1.getMessage();
    if (bufferedReader != null)
    Object object2;
    for (object2 = bufferedReader.readLine(); object2 != null && string2 == null; object2 = bufferedReader.readLine())
    string2 = extractFormat(object2);
    catch ()
    string2 = object2.getMessage();
    if (string2 != null)
    return string2;
    return null;
    private String extractFormat(String string1)
    if (string1.length() == 0)
    return null;
    int i = 0;
    int j = string1.indexOf(" ", i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format error (space missing)";
    String string2 = string1.substring(i, j);
    if (string2.equals("TITLE"))
    i = j;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format (Double quote in TITLE missing)";
    i = j + 1;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format (Double quote in TITLE missing)";
    title = string1.substring(i, j);
    return null;
    if (string2.equals("ORIGINALCAPTION"))
    i = j;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format (Double quote in ORIGINALCAPTION missing)";
    i = j + 1;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format (Double quote in ORIGINALCAPTION missing)";
    originalCaption = string1.substring(i, j);
    return null;
    if (string2.equals("FILTEREDCAPTION"))
    i = j;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format (Double quote in FILTEREDCAPTION missing)";
    i = j + 1;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format (Double quote in FILTEREDCAPTION missing)";
    filteredCaption = string1.substring(i, j);
    return null;
    if (string2.equals("LOGO"))
    i = j + 1;
    j = string1.length();
    logoFileName = string1.substring(i, j);
    return null;
    if (string2.equals("ORIGINALIMAGE"))
    i = j + 1;
    j = string1.length();
    originalImageFileName = string1.substring(i, j);
    return null;
    if (!string2.equals("PARAM"))
    return null;
    i = j;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format in a PARAM line";
    i = j + 1;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format in a PARAM line";
    paramsName.addElement(string1.substring(i, j));
    i = j + 2;
    j = string1.indexOf(32, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format in a PARAM line";
    paramsValue.addElement(new Double(string1.substring(i, j)));
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    catch (NumberFormatException e)
    return "Bad format in a PARAM line";
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format (Double quote in PARAM comment missing)";
    i = j + 1;
    j = string1.indexOf(34, i);
    if (j == -1)
    return "Bad format (Double quote in PARAM comment missing)";
    paramsComment.addElement(string1.substring(i, j));
    return null;
    public EasyFilter()
    logoHeight = 33;
    Yspc = 5;

    Addition to my above submission
    To clarify, I'll offer the US$20 to the FIRST person who offers me a workable solution to the problem, not to everyone!!!

  • Doubt about Scan and Update Catalog Objects That Require Updates link

    I have a doubt about 'Scan and Update Catalog Objects That Require Updates' link in Administration,
    how can I know how many objects that required upgrading before I click this link???
    in doc.
    section 17.2.4 Updating Catalog Objects
    It is said 'You can confirm the need to update by viewing the metrics in Fusion Middleware Control. In the Catalog folder, find a metric called "Reads Needing Upgrade" with description "The number of objects read that required upgrading." '
    but I don't find it . my OBIEE version :
    conld you pleae help me ??
    thank you in advance.

    That link should be there in 6 version.
    I've verified in 11g6 version doc the same is existing
    BTW: 11g7 version

  • Weblog and Java Applet

    I am searching for weblog providers that uses Java applets for writing and displaying weblogs . Please tell me about such sites . Thanks

    java9000 wrote:
    ..I am searching for weblog providers that uses Java applets for writing..An applet can only detect actions or problems that occur within the applet itself (or using JavaScript, the page in which the applet appears). To write to a web server requires help from the server.
    .. and displaying weblogs . ..Weblogs are usually located in an area of the server that is not open to the general public. If they are not available to the general public, they are not available to an applet.

  • DirectX and Java Applet

    can some provide some information on how to use directx input with java applet for controlling devices.

    It won't work in an Applet. At least not without you shelling out hundreds of dollars to get a trusted certificate from Verisign or Thwate. And even if you do get your certificate, you're most likely to have quite a few issues and quite a few pissed off users. Now if you went for an application, you could go to and download JInput (

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    I'm using Linux and i have a problem with the greek letters on the java applets on web pages....
    instead of greek letters i see little squares...
    i don't have much experience nor with linux neither with java.........
    (Sorry for my bad english)
    can u help me please?

    Are you using a browser on the Linux box and it can not display the Greek letters in the applets?
    Or is the Linux box running a servlet engine and is there a problem with the HTML pages and the applets coming from it?
    Edited by: BIJ001 on Sep 27, 2007 10:43 AM

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    Could you tell me some advices?

    Applet runs in the context of a browser, Webstart requires a small piece of software to be installed on the client and then when you click on your link/icon webstart downloads your application from the server and runs as a Java application (not within a browser).
    Grant Ronald
    Oracle Product Management

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    The index.html file is protected by a .htaccess file. When the applet loads, I am then prompted each time a new class loads for the .htaccess username and password.
    Needless to say, this is a tedious process.
    How do I get the .htaccess protection to work for disallowing unauthorized access to index.html, but not have the application's users prompted each time the JVM wants to load a class?
    Server: Apache
    OS: RH7
    JVM: 1.3.1
    The jar files are not stored in the same directory as the index.html file.

    I have not seen a solution to this yet. I did see one post that indicated it was a bug that was fixed in 1.4.2_05, but I have 1.4.2_06 and still I get a dialog asking for a username/password for the HTML page and another dialog asking for the username/password for the applet.
    Any ideas? This is very annoying.

  • Xcode uiwebviewer and java applet

    hello, i'm new in the forum,
    I want to ask if the uiwebviewer can spport java applet?????

    Outdated hence irrelevant for the future

  • Doubt about constructor and show.Input dialog

    Hi everybody!
    I wrote this program in java. It works, but I have some doubts. The points that are not clear to me are in comments. Thanks in advance:
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Bicicleta extends JOptionPane{
         int velocidad;
         int cambios;
         String color;
    public Bicicleta(){// Why we have to make a constructor without procedures, if we have the constructor public Bicicleta(values) down?
                             //I mean, if we delete this constructor,
                             // the program will not work.
    public Bicicleta(int cambiarVelocidad, int cambiarCambios, String cambiarColor){ //without the constructor bicicleta
         velocidad = cambiarVelocidad;                                                            // that is up of this procedure,     
         cambios = cambiarCambios;                                                                 // the program will not work, Why?
         color = cambiarColor;
    public int getVelocidad(){
         return velocidad;
    public int getCambios(){
         return cambios;
    public String getColor(){
         return color;
    public void setVelocidad(int nuevaVelocidad){
         velocidad = nuevaVelocidad;
    public void setCambios(int nuevoCambio){
         cambios = nuevoCambio;
    public void setColor(String nuevoColor){
         color = nuevoColor;
    public void showBici(){
         this.showMessageDialog(null, "Los valores de la nueva bicicleta son: Velocidad de "+velocidad+" tiene "
         cambios" cambios y es de color "+color);
    public Bicicleta getBici(){
         return (new Bicicleta(this.getVelocidad(),this.getCambios(),this.getColor()));
    public void setBicicleta(){
         velocidad = Integer.parseInt(this.showInputDialog("Inserte la velocidad de la bicicleta"));
         cambios = Integer.parseInt(this.showInputDialog("Inserte la cantidad de cambios de la bicicleta"));
         color = (this.showInputDialog ("Inserte el color de la bicicleta"));
    public static void main(String[] args){
         Bicicleta bike = new Bicicleta();
         Bicicleta nuevaBici; // I copy this segment of code form anyone else, but I dont understand it.
         nuevaBici = bike.getBici();          // Can someone explain it please?
         nuevaBici.showBici(); //

    The program is supposed to recollect the data with:
    public void setBicicleta(){
    velocidad =
    = Integer.parseInt(this.showInputDialog("Inserte la
    velocidad de la bicicleta"));
    cambios =
    = Integer.parseInt(this.showInputDialog("Inserte la
    cantidad de cambios de la bicicleta"));
    color = (this.showInputDialog ("Inserte el color de
    e la bicicleta"));
    So, I think that the values of variables are defined
    by the user. So, we dont have to define any previous
    data, because it is a input of the program user.
    Maybe I?m wrong, so what is my error in this case?Not thinking about responsibilities? So when I go and create a new Bicycle, I have a bicycle with no color and no top speed. Have you ewver seen a bicycle like that? A bycicle that asks you about what color it should have? Shouldn't rather the one creating the bicycle be the one to ask you for the values, and then apply them to the bicycle he creates?
    Do the asking first, then call
    bike = new Bicicleta(theColor, theSpeed, theGears, whatever);That way you can also get rid of that c'tor you don't want, since it makes no sense anyway.

  • JavaScrpt and Java applet

    Hello all,
    Need Help
    I there any way i can know what JavaScript functions/methods are avaliable in html / or a .js file through applet(awt java1.1).

    Here is a link to a Sun Tech tip about using the JSObject for Javascript and applet communication
    It is on the bottom half so you have to scroll down past the Media Framework tip.

  • I need help about algorithmics and java.

    I want to resolve the next problem:
    A technologic factory with M workers has sended N products to a conference about them.The "n" product have a list of workers which have worked in his developement and can make the presentation. Each worker have a number between 1 and N, every presentations are a in a diferent hour.The factory want than all products have presented but with the minimum number of workers.
    Implment an algorithm based of in branching to make this rule.
    If you want to see the problem in Spanish go to:

    You have a simple algebra problem. Break down your problem in mathematical term. Isolate each step of your problem. Solve each step in Java and you will have your algorithm.

  • Mozilla 1.4.2 and Java Applets on Linux

    Does anyone have clue as to why the newest version of java does not work on Mozilla -1.4.2 on linux.
    I went to and downloaded the jre. Followed all the setup instructions TWICE. Still no java. I look in the help/plugins and see the flash plugins are working great but no java. It's enabled in the advanced preferences and I have the .so file in the plugins directory. Anybody have a clue???
    Thanks for any help in advance,

    [root@localhost mozilla]# ./mozilla
    You're using the 'root' account to do normal work?????-------------------------------------------
    Yes I did do that when I su root to create a symbolic link. Maybe I strayed and installed something as root. That should not have corrupted my system.
    /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/java2/plugin/i386/ns600/libjavaplugin_oji.soThis was something I tried as last ditch efforts. THIS is the link that is created when in version 1.7 of mozilla you go to a page that has an applet. It gives you a download window that askes if you want to download the plugin. I'm using the LATEST version of java and this link does not exist obviously.
    Now I've given up on the "pop-up/ install applet plugin becuase it does not work." THIS IS THE LINK CREATED BY THE "INSTALL PLUGIN WINDOW in version mozilla 1.7 when you hit an applet page".... which I have removed it all becuase its worthless too.
    Also - The directions given on LINUX INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS on the download page are worthless.
    I've gone in as a normal user not root and nothing works.
    this is where my link is....
    this is where it points to....
    this is how it was created in the mozilla plugins directory
    ln -s <java-home>/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ /usr/local/mozilla/plugins/
    If you look at the installation instructions again, I have followed them to a T.
    these are the errors associated with the worthless"Download Plugin option" which has been removed and I'm back to creating the symlink manually again which does not work. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    This sounds like you may be missing some important software libraries or that they are too old. Which >distro are you using?
    If you have only recently installed them you may need to run "ldconfig" so that the runtimelinker can find >them. It should NOT be this big of a headache when I recently installed redhat enterprise 3 workstation - then I updated the system with the "updates" option for redhat that downloads all recent and available updates.
    installed the jre - then I tried to see an applet in mozilla. Thats it.
    IT DOES NOT WORK. If it works for someone out there with the latest JRE and mozilla-1.4.2 or 1.7 thats great but I can't seem to figure why I can't get it to work........

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Java3d helicopter

    Hello people, I am at the end of my tether with Java3d, i've just spent an entire day trying to get a simple helicopter working using boxes and the rotation interpolator. I simply can't get it together.. I've tried loads of examples but its just impo

  • Japense in Freehand

    Hello, Mac - Freehand MX 11.0.2 I can successfully copy and paste Japanese characters from word or other programs into freehand and they are correctly displayed in japanese fonts or Apple Unicode. I have the English language version and apparantly ne

  • Does Photo Stream support GIFs?

    I'm trying to add a GIF image to my photo stream by putting it in the Uploads folder on my PC, but it won't come up on my iPod Touch. Does photo stream even support GIFs, and if so, any guesses to why it might not be working? It has worked with JPGs