Generate CSR using API problem??

Hi all ,
I have this piece of code below using JDK 1.3 and BouncyCastel Provider
//some other import ... i am using bouncyCastle Provider
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.PKCS10CertificationRequest;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Name;
public class test
public static void main(String []args) throws Exception
Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());
KeyStore ks=KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
ks.load(new FileInputStream("test.keystore"),"one1234".toCharArray());
Enumeration e = ks.aliases();
X509Certificate c=null;
String alias = e.nextElement().toString();
c = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias);
String subject = c.getSubjectDN().getName();
X509Name xname = new X509Name(subject);
PrivateKey priv = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey("mykey","one1234".toCharArray());
PublicKey pub = (PublicKey) c.getPublicKey();
PKCS10CertificationRequest csr = new PKCS10CertificationRequest("MD5WithRSA",xname, pub,null,priv);
byte buf[] = csr.getEncoded();
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("request.crt");
OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
wr.write("-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n");
wr.write(new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(buf));
wr.write("\n-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n");
The coding Was OKAY and ran successfully...
The Problem is i want to get the same result as if i generate a csr using KEYTOOL utility...
BUT somehow i got different result , is it due because of signature algorithm or encoding??
Please help me ....
God Bless..

I think you problem is a kind of bug in STRUST.
Here is the workaround, I use :
Get the Verisign certificate on your Windows PC.
Double click on the cer file, the certificate will be displayed.
Click on "Certification path", you will see your certificate, the inermediate CA certificate and the root certificate.
Double click on the Root CA certificate, click on "Details" then export it as Base 64 X.509 cer file.
Do the same for the intermediate certificate anf for you certificate.
Then with notepad concatenate the 3 files in one single file in this order :
Your certificate,
the intermediate certificate
the root certificate.
This will be a text file looking like
Now try to import this new .cer file.
It works for me !
Good luck !

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  • Generate CSR using API method??

    Hi all ,
    I have this piece of code below using JDK 1.3 and BouncyCastel Provider
    //some other import ... i am using bouncyCastle Provider
    import javax.crypto.Cipher;
    import org.bouncycastle.jce.PKCS10CertificationRequest;
    import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Name;
    public class test
    public static void main(String []args) throws Exception
    Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());
    KeyStore ks=KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
    ks.load(new FileInputStream("test.keystore"),"one1234".toCharArray());
    Enumeration e = ks.aliases();
    X509Certificate c=null;
    String alias = e.nextElement().toString();
    c = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(alias);
    String subject = c.getSubjectDN().getName();
    X509Name xname = new X509Name(subject);
    PrivateKey priv = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey("mykey","one1234".toCharArray());
    PublicKey pub = (PublicKey) c.getPublicKey();
    PKCS10CertificationRequest csr = new PKCS10CertificationRequest("MD5WithRSA",xname, pub,null,priv);
    byte buf[] = csr.getEncoded();
    FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("request.crt");
    OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
    wr.write("-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n");
    wr.write(new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(buf));
    wr.write("\n-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n");
    The coding Was OKAY and ran successfully...
    The Problem is i want to get the same result as if i generate a csr using KEYTOOL utility...
    BUT somehow i got different result , is it due because of signature algorithm or encoding??
    Please help me ....

    Unfortunately, I don't believe this can be done conveniently using the JCE providers from Sun. The dname components are actually kept in a self-signed certificate that is bound to the alias for the key. The KeyStore class lets you do this using the KeyStore.setKeyEntry methods, and perhaps also the KeyStore.setCertificateEntry method (caveat: I haven't actually tested this).
    The difficulty lies in the need to generate a certificate: there's no API for this. keytool evidently implements some custom method to generate a certificate. You can try something similar, but I suspect it would be quite painful.
    Possibly less painful is to use the bouncycastle provider. It contains classes and methods to generate certificates. See and in particular the certificate generators at

  • Generate CSR using SAPGENPSE

    Dear all,
    Our SSL connection will be expired and I was told to generate CSR. However I could only find SAPGENPSE. How to generate CSR using SAPGENPSE? What the file name will be?
    Additional info. It is for our external Webdispatcher.
    Please help.
    Message was edited by:
            Agoes Boedi Poerwanto

    I think you problem is a kind of bug in STRUST.
    Here is the workaround, I use :
    Get the Verisign certificate on your Windows PC.
    Double click on the cer file, the certificate will be displayed.
    Click on "Certification path", you will see your certificate, the inermediate CA certificate and the root certificate.
    Double click on the Root CA certificate, click on "Details" then export it as Base 64 X.509 cer file.
    Do the same for the intermediate certificate anf for you certificate.
    Then with notepad concatenate the 3 files in one single file in this order :
    Your certificate,
    the intermediate certificate
    the root certificate.
    This will be a text file looking like
    Now try to import this new .cer file.
    It works for me !
    Good luck !

  • How to generate CSR (certificate signing request) in PKCS#10 format

    First, I am a novice in security issues.
    I know how to generate CSR using PKCS#10 format with keytool. However I need to implement this functionality in my application. Unfortunately I can't find any docs describing this issue.
    Do anybody know about some API where I just pass data and it will generate CSR for me?
    Many Thanks,

    Hi again,
    After a long research I am finally able to generate PKCS#10 cert. request files:
    public static void generatePKCS10() throws Exception {
            // generate PKCS10 certificate request
            KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
            String sigAlg = "MD5WithRSA";
            // generate private key - use java.util.SecureRandom for entropy
            keyGen.initialize(1024, new SecureRandom());
            KeyPair keypair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
            PublicKey publicKey = keypair.getPublic();
            PrivateKey privateKey = keypair.getPrivate();
            PKCS10 pkcs10 = new PKCS10(publicKey);
            Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(sigAlg);
                 //common, orgUnit, org, locality, state, country
            X500Name x500Name = new X500Name(
                      "CName",               // CN
                      "OUnit",               // OU
                      "Organization",          // O
                      "Bratislava",          // L
                      "Slovakia",               // S
                      "SK");               // C
            pkcs10.encodeAndSign(new X500Signer(signature, x500Name));
            // PKCS10 request generated
    Problem 1:
    However, this generates only a request with X500 subject's name ("CN, OU, O, ..."). But I also want to specify other things like "Key Usage" (example: "Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, etc.") or "Generic IA5 String" (example: "Only for test purposes."). How to do that?
    Problem 2:
    I'm also having trouble to find javadoc for "" package. As you can see, I'm using "" class for generating CSR in PKCS10 format, but can't find any javadoc for it.
    Many thanks,

  • SSL Certificate CSR using SH1

    Is it possible to generate CSR using SH1 instead of md5 on Cisco 1841 for SSL VPN, because the provider that I try to use doesn't accept md5. Also tried to import there private key and got an error "Error: invalid PEM boundary" any help would be appreciated

    Well, I have run into the same issue. I'm trying to generate a CSR (certificate signing request) on a Cisco 2821 running IOS 12.4(15)T8 with a SHA signature because StartSSL does not accept CSR's with a MD5 signature anymore.
    According to me the 'hash sha1' command within the crypto pki trustpoint should do the trick, but apparently not. The CSR that is generated is still not accepted by StartSLL claiming it is still signed with a MD5 hash.
    So: How to generate a CSR with a SHA signature?

  • Generate or Modify Interfaces using API?

    We will be distributing pre-configuered ODI packages along with our product which maps our OLTP schema to a typical reporting target schema. Requirement is to tweak the interfaces as the customer may want a subset of target tables or only few columns from certain target tables. we would like to have this done using API rather than using designer interface... Is there a way to achieve this?

    I believe that you didn't understand my point...
    Yes, at development time the snp_col_pop will work but it won't work after a scenario be generated and worse, this solution only works to a Development Work Repository (DWR).
    Don't you plan to have a production with a Execution Work Repository (EWR) on it? If yes, how will you manage this once there is no such table like snp_col_pop in a EWR?
    From my point of view, unless I'm really missing something about the process, the problem still persists once you can't generate scenario that read the excel file and then make your interface dynamic.
    And worse, you're updating the DWR in execution time... that is very dangerous.
    But if works for you... good luck! :)
    Cezar Santos
    Edited by: Cezar Santos - on 12/04/2010 01:30

  • Problem while rendering report generated with iText API

    I am stuck with problem of rendering report generated through iText API.
    What exactly happens is, I have to put an image (.jpg) on my report, when I am generating HTML file using iText API, the image size is normal i.e., as it is taken.
    But when I render it to take print through printer, the size of image is getting short i.e., it prints like an Icon on Paper. What can I do to get the proper image size on paper also?
    The code is as follows, which I have used to render
    public class HTMLPrintRenderer implements Printable {
        ReportAbs objReport;
        JEditorPane editorPane;
        String fileName;
        final int STARTING_PAGESET_NUMBER=0;
        int currentPageSetNumber=STARTING_PAGESET_NUMBER;
        /** Creates a new instance of HTMLPrintRenderer */
        public HTMLPrintRenderer(ReportAbs  objReport) throws Exception{
            this.fileName=ReportsUtility.getReportLocation()+ objReport.getReportFileName();
                SCALE =600.0/1000;//600.0/850;
                SCALE =600.0/850;
        private void init()throws Exception{
        public void setDocument(int pageSetNumber) throws Exception{
            editorPane=new JEditorPane();
        int pageCountInPageSet=0;// counter to track number of pages in each pageSet
        int currentPage=-1;
        double pageStartY=0,pageEndY=0;
        final double SCALE;// =600.0/1000;//600.0/850;
        final int HEADER_HEIGHT=30;//50;
        final int FOOTER_HEIGHT=70;
    public int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException {
            Graphics2D graphics2D;
            graphics2D = (Graphics2D) graphics;
            /// print custom here... page numbers and page headers may be printed here
            /// meant only for HEADRS and FOOTERS
            ///                 caution... DO NOT ALTER GRAPHICS OBJECT ATTRIBUTES
            /// @author Manoj       
            //TRANSLATE..............must also be reverse translated
            double x=pageFormat.getImageableX();
            double y=pageFormat.getImageableY();
            //  V set clipping area
            int headerHeight=HEADER_HEIGHT;
                (int) ((pageFormat.getImageableY()+headerHeight)/SCALE),
                (int) (pageFormat.getImageableWidth()/SCALE),
                (int) ((pageFormat.getImageableHeight()-FOOTER_HEIGHT)/SCALE));
            //  VI set pageStart on editorPane
            if (pageIndex > currentPage) {
                currentPage = pageIndex;
                pageStartY += pageEndY;
                pageEndY = graphics2D.getClipBounds().getHeight();
            //  VII
            //  VIII prepare clipping area
            Rectangle allocation = new Rectangle(0,
            (int) -pageStartY,
            (int) (editorPane.getMinimumSize().getWidth()),
            (int) (editorPane.getPreferredSize().getHeight()));
            View rootView=editorPane.getUI().getRootView(editorPane);
            if (printView(graphics2D,allocation,rootView)) {//page exists          
                System.out.println("page exists"+pageCountInPageSet);
                return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
            else {// page does not exist
                System.out.println("resetting page parameters");
                pageStartY = 0;
                pageEndY = 0;
                currentPage = -1;
                if(!setupNextPage()){///more pages exist TODO:
                    return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
                else{//no more pages exist
                    //                call next page
                    pageCountInPageSet=0;//reset to first page in pageSet
                    return print(graphics2D,pageFormat,pageIndex);
    private void resetGraphics(Graphics2D graphics2D,PageFormat pFormat){
            graphics2D.scale(1/SCALE, 1/SCALE);

    I am stuck with problem of rendering report generated through iText API.
    What exactly happens is, I have to put an image (.jpg) on my report, when I am generating HTML file using iText API, the image size is normal i.e., as it is taken.
    But when I render it to take print through printer, the size of image is getting short i.e., it prints like an Icon on Paper. What can I do to get the proper image size on paper also?
    The code is as follows, which I have used to render
    public class HTMLPrintRenderer implements Printable {
        ReportAbs objReport;
        JEditorPane editorPane;
        String fileName;
        final int STARTING_PAGESET_NUMBER=0;
        int currentPageSetNumber=STARTING_PAGESET_NUMBER;
        /** Creates a new instance of HTMLPrintRenderer */
        public HTMLPrintRenderer(ReportAbs  objReport) throws Exception{
            this.fileName=ReportsUtility.getReportLocation()+ objReport.getReportFileName();
                SCALE =600.0/1000;//600.0/850;
                SCALE =600.0/850;
        private void init()throws Exception{
        public void setDocument(int pageSetNumber) throws Exception{
            editorPane=new JEditorPane();
        int pageCountInPageSet=0;// counter to track number of pages in each pageSet
        int currentPage=-1;
        double pageStartY=0,pageEndY=0;
        final double SCALE;// =600.0/1000;//600.0/850;
        final int HEADER_HEIGHT=30;//50;
        final int FOOTER_HEIGHT=70;
    public int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException {
            Graphics2D graphics2D;
            graphics2D = (Graphics2D) graphics;
            /// print custom here... page numbers and page headers may be printed here
            /// meant only for HEADRS and FOOTERS
            ///                 caution... DO NOT ALTER GRAPHICS OBJECT ATTRIBUTES
            /// @author Manoj       
            //TRANSLATE..............must also be reverse translated
            double x=pageFormat.getImageableX();
            double y=pageFormat.getImageableY();
            //  V set clipping area
            int headerHeight=HEADER_HEIGHT;
                (int) ((pageFormat.getImageableY()+headerHeight)/SCALE),
                (int) (pageFormat.getImageableWidth()/SCALE),
                (int) ((pageFormat.getImageableHeight()-FOOTER_HEIGHT)/SCALE));
            //  VI set pageStart on editorPane
            if (pageIndex > currentPage) {
                currentPage = pageIndex;
                pageStartY += pageEndY;
                pageEndY = graphics2D.getClipBounds().getHeight();
            //  VII
            //  VIII prepare clipping area
            Rectangle allocation = new Rectangle(0,
            (int) -pageStartY,
            (int) (editorPane.getMinimumSize().getWidth()),
            (int) (editorPane.getPreferredSize().getHeight()));
            View rootView=editorPane.getUI().getRootView(editorPane);
            if (printView(graphics2D,allocation,rootView)) {//page exists          
                System.out.println("page exists"+pageCountInPageSet);
                return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
            else {// page does not exist
                System.out.println("resetting page parameters");
                pageStartY = 0;
                pageEndY = 0;
                currentPage = -1;
                if(!setupNextPage()){///more pages exist TODO:
                    return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
                else{//no more pages exist
                    //                call next page
                    pageCountInPageSet=0;//reset to first page in pageSet
                    return print(graphics2D,pageFormat,pageIndex);
    private void resetGraphics(Graphics2D graphics2D,PageFormat pFormat){
            graphics2D.scale(1/SCALE, 1/SCALE);

  • Problem while generating PDF using iText

    I have generated PDF using iText, where i have written all code in sequential flow.
    com.lowagie.text.Document document = new com.lowagie.text.Document(PageSize.A4, 55, 5, 20, 20);
    OutputStream outputstream = response.getOutputStream();
    And i have added all fields in the document.
    But my problem is how to display total pagecount on all pages e.g.1\20 (because i have generated PDF sequentially)
    Also i want to add watermark on all pages.
    So, can any body help me to solve this problem?
    Thank You,

    sabre150 wrote:
    Nice pron link in there :/

  • To generate PDF using BI APIs and loadjava utility

    Hi All,
    I am trying to generate PDF using BI APIs(FOProcessor etc).
    I have generated XML data through the PL/SQl procedure and storing it in a file. This file is loacted in database tier.
    The APIs is used through a simple java program which is application tier. To test the process, I had to manually provide the XML file to the java class in order to generate PDF and it does generate.
    Now the issue is I need to load the java class to the database so that everything gets automated(loadjava utlility).
    when i try to do it, it give no class found error.
    Do I need to load the referenced classes in the java file , that is, FOProcessor,RTFProcessor,FOUtility,jdbc.driver.OracleDriver as well?
    If the above is not possible, is it possible to reference a file in database tier from application tier so that i can use the XML file as input the java class in application tier.

    The only reason I am responding to this post is because the poster sent me a request through the forum message system asking for my help.
    Although I did populate PDFs with FDF data generated by web forms a year or so ago, I have since abandoned that kind of solution. It was a big headache. I found it far more stable and flexible to use html, php and css to populate forms that are almost as nice looking as PDFs.
    So my advice is, if you can possibly avoid going the FDF/PDF route, you will be better off.

  • Barcode using api

    I'm trying to solve problem with showing barcodes when generating html or pdf documents using api. I have function in db which generates barcodes 128b with correct start, control and stop chars, I've tested it notepad, using font AdvC128b, printed, scanned and everything is correct. The problem is obviously in word template in which I add field like <?BARCODE?> and set font for the field AdvC128b upload template to bi publisher. Using api I generate html and I do get barcode on page but it's not correct it cannot be scanned, on view source I can see that it creates page like this:
    .c0 {line-height: 27.744pt;margin-top: 0.0pt;margin-bottom: 0.0pt;margin-left: 6.35pt;margin-right: 6.049pt;}
    .c1 {font-family: 'AdvC128b';font-size: 24.0pt;color: #000000;}
    <p class="c0"><span class="c1">Ě90902qÎ </span><a name="page-total-master0" id="page-total-master0"></a><a name="page-total" id="page-total"></a></p>In pdf document I cannot see barcode I can only see Ě90902qÎ Do I need to put some fonts in my java runtime like I did put Albany fonts for special characters?
    This is quite urgent, what are my options? What needs to be done to show correct barcodes in html and pdf documents using api and word templates,
    any suggestions are more than welcome,
    thanks in advance,

    this is my config
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <config version="1.0.0" xmlns=""><!-- Properties -->
    <!-- System level properties    -->
    <property name="system-temp-dir">c:\tmp</property>
    <!-- PDF compression
    <property name="pdf-compression">true</property>     -->
    <!-- PDF Security
    <property name="pdf-security">true</property>
    <property name="pdf-open-password">user</property>
    <property name="pdf-permissions-password">owner</property>
    <property name="pdf-no-printing">true</property>
    <property name="pdf-no-changing-the-document">true</property>     -->
    <!-- Font setting -->
    <!-- Font setting (for FO to PDF etc...) -->
    <font family="Arial" style="normal" weight="normal">
    <truetype path="/fonts/Arial.ttf"/>
    <font family="Default" style="normal" weight="normal">
    <truetype path="/fonts/ALBANWTJ.ttf"/>
    <font family="advc128b" style="normal" weight="normal">
    <truetype path="C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_06\lib\fonts\advc128b.ttf"/>
    <!--Font substitute setting (for PDFForm filling etc...) -->
    <font-substitute name="MSGothic">
    <truetype path="/fonts/msgothic.ttc" ttcno="0"/>
    </config>and this is my complete log, sorry for posting it whole but I think it will be more useful to you:
    [100609_074839647][][STATEMENT] Logger.init(): *** DEBUG MODE IS ON. ***
    [100609_074839648][][STATEMENT] Logger.init(): LogDir=C:/tmp
    [100609_074839891][][STATEMENT] [ PDF GENERATOR ]---------------------------------------------
    [100609_074839892][][STATEMENT] XDO version   = Oracle BI Publisher
    [100609_074839892][][STATEMENT] java.home     = C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_06
    [100609_074839892][][STATEMENT] XDO_TOP       = null
    [100609_074839893][][STATEMENT] Config Path   = null
    [100609_074839893][][STATEMENT] Debug Cfg Path= C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_06\lib\xdodebug.cfg
    [100609_074839893][][STATEMENT] Font dir      = C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\
    [100609_074839894][][STATEMENT] Locale        = en-us
    [100609_074839894][][STATEMENT] Fallback font = truetype./fonts/ALBANWTJ.ttf
    [100609_074839894][][STATEMENT] [ PDF GENERATOR PROPERTIES ]----------------------------------
    [100609_074839896][][STATEMENT] digit-substitution=null(not set)
    [100609_074839896][][STATEMENT] font.ADVC128B.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_06\lib\fonts\advc128b.ttf
    [100609_074839898][][STATEMENT] font.ALBANY WT J.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ALBANWTJ.ttf
    [100609_074839899][][STATEMENT] font.ALBANY WT K.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ALBANWTK.ttf
    [100609_074839899][][STATEMENT] font.ALBANY WT SC.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ALBANWTS.ttf
    [100609_074839899][][STATEMENT] font.ALBANY WT TC.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ALBANWTT.ttf
    [100609_074839900][][STATEMENT] font.ALBANY WT.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ALBANYWT.ttf
    [100609_074839900][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT J.normal.bold=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOJB.ttf
    [100609_074839901][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT J.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOJ.ttf
    [100609_074839901][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT K.normal.bold=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOKB.ttf
    [100609_074839901][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT K.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOK.ttf
    [100609_074839902][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT SC.normal.bold=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOSCB.ttf
    [100609_074839902][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT SC.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOSC.ttf
    [100609_074839903][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT TC.normal.bold=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOTCB.ttf
    [100609_074839903][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT TC.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOTC.ttf
    [100609_074839903][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT.normal.bold=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOB.ttf
    [100609_074839904][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUO.ttf
    [100609_074839904][][STATEMENT] font.ARIAL.normal.normal=truetype./fonts/Arial.ttf
    [100609_074839904][][STATEMENT] font.CG TIMES.italic.bold=type1.Times-BoldItalic
    [100609_074839905][][STATEMENT] font.CG TIMES.italic.normal=type1.Times-Italic
    [100609_074839905][][STATEMENT] font.CG TIMES.normal.bold=type1.Times-Bold
    [100609_074839905][][STATEMENT] font.CG TIMES.normal.normal=type1.Times-Roman
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    [100609_074840176][][STATEMENT] Logger.init(): *** DEBUG MODE IS ON. ***
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    [100609_074840409][oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1][STATEMENT] Oracle XML Developers Kit - Production
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    [100609_074840590][oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor][STATEMENT]    Log file '' is created.
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    [100609_074840614][][STATEMENT] [ PDF GENERATOR ]---------------------------------------------
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    [100609_074840623][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT K.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOK.ttf
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    [100609_074840623][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT SC.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOSC.ttf
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    [100609_074840624][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT TC.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOTC.ttf
    [100609_074840624][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT.normal.bold=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUOB.ttf
    [100609_074840624][][STATEMENT] font.ANDALE DUOSPACE WT.normal.normal=truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ADUO.ttf
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    [100609_074840625][][STATEMENT] font.CG TIMES.normal.bold=type1.Times-Bold
    [100609_074840626][][STATEMENT] font.CG TIMES.normal.normal=type1.Times-Roman
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    [100609_074840627][][STATEMENT] font.COURIER NEW.normal.bold=type1.Courier-Bold
    [100609_074840627][][STATEMENT] font.COURIER NEW.normal.normal=type1.Courier
    [100609_074840627][][STATEMENT] font.COURIER.italic.bold=type1.Courier-BoldOblique
    [100609_074840627][][STATEMENT] font.COURIER.italic.normal=type1.Courier-Oblique
    [100609_074840628][][STATEMENT] font.COURIER.normal.bold=type1.Courier-Bold
    [100609_074840628][][STATEMENT] font.COURIER.normal.normal=type1.Courier
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    [100609_074840629][][STATEMENT] font.DEFAULT.italic.normal=type1.Helvetica-Oblique
    [100609_074840629][][STATEMENT] font.DEFAULT.normal.bold=type1.Helvetica-Bold
    [100609_074840629][][STATEMENT] font.DEFAULT.normal.normal=truetype./fonts/ALBANWTJ.ttf
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    [100609_074840630][][STATEMENT] font.HELVETICA.normal.bold=type1.Helvetica-Bold
    [100609_074840631][][STATEMENT] font.HELVETICA.normal.normal=type1.Helvetica
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    [100609_074840633][][STATEMENT] font.SANS-SERIF.italic.normal=type1.Helvetica-Oblique
    [100609_074840633][][STATEMENT] font.SANS-SERIF.normal.bold=type1.Helvetica-Bold
    [100609_074840633][][STATEMENT] font.SANS-SERIF.normal.normal=type1.Helvetica
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    [100609_074840634][][STATEMENT] font.SERIF.italic.normal=type1.Times-Italic
    [100609_074840635][][STATEMENT] font.SERIF.normal.bold=type1.Times-Bold
    [100609_074840635][][STATEMENT] font.SERIF.normal.normal=type1.Times-Roman
    [100609_074840635][][STATEMENT] font.SYMBOL.normal.normal=type1.Symbol
    [100609_074840636][][STATEMENT] font.TIMES NEW ROMAN.italic.bold=type1.Times-BoldItalic
    [100609_074840636][][STATEMENT] font.TIMES NEW ROMAN.italic.normal=type1.Times-Italic
    [100609_074840636][][STATEMENT] font.TIMES NEW ROMAN.normal.bold=type1.Times-Bold
    [100609_074840637][][STATEMENT] font.TIMES NEW ROMAN.normal.normal=type1.Times-Roman
    [100609_074840637][][STATEMENT] font.TIMES.italic.bold=type1.Times-BoldItalic
    [100609_074840637][][STATEMENT] font.TIMES.italic.normal=type1.Times-Italic
    [100609_074840638][][STATEMENT] font.TIMES.normal.bold=type1.Times-Bold
    [100609_074840638][][STATEMENT] font.TIMES.normal.normal=type1.Times-Roman
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    [100609_074840645][][STATEMENT] ------------------------------------------------------
    [100609_074840672][][STATEMENT]  Rendering page [1]
    [100609_074840679][oracle.apps.xdo.common.font.FontFactory$FontDef][ERROR] Failed to open TrueType font: /fonts/ALBANWTJ.ttf(0)
    [100609_074840680][oracle.apps.xdo.common.font.FontFactory$FontDef][ERROR] Failed to open Type3 font (SVG embedded): null
    [100609_074840680][][EXCEPTION] Default.normal.normal is invalid. Set it to Helvetica
    [100609_074840681][oracle.apps.xdo.common.font.FontFactory$FontDef][STATEMENT] TrueType font created: C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ALBANWTJ.ttf(0)
    [100609_074840681][oracle.apps.xdo.common.font.FontFactory$FontDef][STATEMENT] TrueType font created: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_06\lib\fonts\advc128b.ttf(0)
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    [100609_074840693][][STATEMENT]  Generating page [1]
    [100609_074840703][][STATEMENT] Phase2 time used: 11ms
    [100609_074840704][][STATEMENT] Total time used: 102ms for processing XSL-FO
    [100609_074840719][oracle.apps.xdo.common.font.FontFactory][STATEMENT] truetype.C:\Program Files\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts\ALBANWTJ.ttf closed.
    [100609_074840719][oracle.apps.xdo.common.font.FontFactory][STATEMENT] truetype.C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_06\lib\fonts\advc128b.ttf closed.
    [100609_074840720][][STATEMENT] FO+Gen time used: 121 msecs
    [100609_074840720][oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor][STATEMENT] clearInputs(Object) is called.
    [100609_074840721][oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor][STATEMENT] clearInputs(Object) done. All inputs are cleared.
    [100609_074840723][oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor][STATEMENT] End Memory: max=254MB, total=7MB, free=0MB

  • Lync 2013 - Generate CSR with EKU and additional SANs?

    I'm in the middle of setting up both an Edge server and Reverse Proxy (Which will be on an F5 appliance). According to
    this article, I have to generate the CSR using powershell to retain interoperability with AOL. After reading
    this article it looks like I can use the same cert on both the Edge and Reverse Proxy, so long as I specify all the SANs in the CSR.
    The problem is, I can't figure out how to generate the CSR in powershell and add additional SANs, like I can in the GUI. But I can't use the GUI because it won't add the client EKU needed for AOL. What's the syntax to add additional SANs via powershell?
    I have read that using powershell will inherit the SAN configuration, but I have found no way to confirm what SANs it is actually requesting, since the CSR is encrypted text.
    EDIT: I should add that our org already has an existing wildcard certificate that we use for other sites, but its SN is * (which I believe is not supported) and does not have the additional needed SANs. I assume that this cert cannot be used but
    please let me know if I'm mistaken.
    Thanks in advance.

    Depending on how many of these clients you have will dictate your solution. If you don't have many then you can simply install the Cert chain manually on each PC in the Local Computer > Trusted Root Certificate Authority store.
    If you have tons though you are possibly best getting a public cert which covers your internal namespace also.
    So as long as you are not using some internal name like .local or .internal and you are using the same namespace as your public domain then you are ok.
    You would however need to specify the names you would be using on your reverse proxy server for meetings and dialin and lync discover for mobility on this cert which may be costly!!!!
    So your cert would then have the following for example:
    Subject name:
    SAN: -- INTERNAL Front End Server Name(s) -- (If using Enterprise Edition) -- Internal users will require this for connecting to the meeting from internally, unless you are forcing them out and back in through your reverse proxy server. -- As above for meet
    To be honest, if it was me then i would go with manually installing the cert (or use SSCM or whatever you use for client management if possible)
    good Luck

  • Generating CSR - Illegalargument Exception

    I am using Bouncy Castle API to generate a CSR using the following.
    I am getting
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: improperly specified input name: 2345
    at com.mitel.crypt.CsrGenerator.generateCSR(
    at com.mitel.crypt.CsrGenerator.main(
    Please let me know what is wrong? Doesn't X500Principal get a String?
        X500Principal subjectName = new X500Principal("2345");
                PKCS10CertificationRequest kpGen = new PKCS10CertificationRequest("sha1WithRSA",

    Please let me know what is wrong? Doesn't X500Principal get a String?
    Yes, but as the javadocs clearly state the string must have a certain format; not just any string will do. See RFC 2253 for details on the format. Example:X500Principal subject = new X500Principal("CN=ghstark,C=US");

  • CUCM 8.6.2 Generating CSRs With Incorrect Country Code

    Hi folks, I'm running CUCM on a single cluster (1x pub, 4x sub). My CA certs for the tomcat service are due to expire shortly so I've generated CSRs for all the servers and submitted them to our provider. All but one of the requests went through with no issues but one failed because the CSR specified a country code of 'US'. We are in the UK and the four other servers all generated CSRs specifying C=GB.
    Examining the current tomcat cert or issuing "show web-security" on the command-line of the server who's CSR failed also show 'C=GB'
    Looking at the 'set web-security' command it appears that I cannot change the country code.
    Why is the server generating CSRs with 'C=US'?
    How do I change this behaviour such that they are generated with 'C=GB' instead?

    Surprisingly, it has made it all the way to 10.5(x) with the same info and the same error...
    I did found a method to change it via root access, and you might not require root access, but I can't tell for sure as I would need to look at exactly what the contents of the file that TAC changes, but apparently it's just the platformConfig.xml that they need to change and reboot.
    If that's the case, using the utils import config using pretty much all the same info, except the country, would end up with the same outcome.
    Again, not 100% sure but theory says that should do the trick, you can run that thru TAC if you open the case and see what they think about it.

  • Generate report using Word Report Generation VIs error

    When I Generate report using Word Report Generation VIs  ,the error is generated.
    This is  my Vi
    can somebody  tell the error reason?
    The attaché is Vi (one is 2011,other is 8.6)
    Attachments: ‏16 KB ‏33 KB
    template.doc ‏40 KB

    Hi Ben64
                 Thank you! The problem is solved.
       BUT when I use the Word Easy Graph vi  ,the result is
    I want the Graph (curve),like as:
    How Can I do get the picture.
    I have other problem. I want to get default name for the new word file.

  • Error occurred while finding users using API with custom field

    Hi All,
    I am getting the following error while searching user using API with custom attribute. Did anybody faced the same problem before ?
    Hashtable<Object,Object> env = new Hashtable<Object,Object>();
    env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
    env.put(OIMClient.JAVA_NAMING_PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:14000");
    System.setProperty("OIM.AppServerType", "wls");
    System.setProperty("APPSERVER_TYPE", "wls");
    tcUtilityFactory ioUtilityFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env, "xelsysadm", "Weblogic123$");
    OIMClient client = new OIMClient(env);
    client.login("xelsysadm", "Weblogic123$".toCharArray());
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    tcUserOperationsIntf moUserUtility = (tcUserOperationsIntf)ioUtilityFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf");
    Hashtable mhSearchCriteria = new Hashtable();
    tcResultSet moResultSet = moUserUtility.findAllUsers(mhSearchCriteria);
    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    Exception in thread "main" Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException: Error occurred while finding users.
    at weblogic.rjvm.ResponseImpl.unmarshalReturn(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke(
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf_e9jcxp_tcUserOperationsIntfRemoteImpl_1036_WLStub.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy2.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntfDelegate.findAllUsers(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler$
    at Thor.API.Security.LoginHandler.weblogicLoginSession.runAs(
    at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy3.findAllUsers(Unknown Source)
    at oim.standalone.code.OIMAPIConnection.usersearch(
    at oim.standalone.code.OIMAPIConnection.main(
    Caused by: Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException: Error occurred while finding users.
    at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcUserOperationsBean.findAllUsers(
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntfEJB.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1614.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EnvironmentInterceptorCallbackImpl.callback(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy347.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf_e9jcxp_tcUserOperationsIntfRemoteImpl.__WL_invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.SessionRemoteMethodInvoker.invoke(
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf_e9jcxp_tcUserOperationsIntfRemoteImpl.findAllUsersx(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf_e9jcxp_tcUserOperationsIntfRemoteImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
    Thank you

    Hi J,
    Thanks for the reply. But the code is working fine for OOTB attributes and  for 11g API i am getting permission exception
    Exception in thread "main" oracle.iam.platform.authz.exception.AccessDeniedException: You do not have permission to search the following user attributes: USR_UDF_ACTUALSTARTDATE.
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1034.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at oracle.iam.platform.utils.DMSMethodInterceptor.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$ Source)
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManagerEJB.searchx(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1449.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at weblogic.ejb.container.injection.EnvironmentInterceptorCallbackImpl.callback(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at com.bea.core.repackaged.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy365.searchx(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager_nimav7_UserManagerRemoteImpl.__WL_invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.SessionRemoteMethodInvoker.invoke(
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager_nimav7_UserManagerRemoteImpl.searchx(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManager_nimav7_UserManagerRemoteImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableServerRef.invoke(
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef$
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.handleRequest(
    Caused by: oracle.iam.identity.exception.SearchAttributeAccessDeniedException: You do not have permission to search the following user attributes: USR_UDF_ACTUALSTARTDATE.
    ... 44 more

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