Generate Unique Identifier

Hi Friends;
Is there a way to generate a unique identifier(length 8), which can contain numbers (0-9) and letters(a-z) in pl/sql or sql ?
Note :- in oracle 9i
Edited by: 909237 on Jun 21, 2012 3:32 PM

returns the 32-character hexadecimal representation of the 16-byte RAW value of the global unique identifier:Is returning a substring of a 32 character unique identifier likely to retain the uniqueness?
SQL>  select lower(substr(sys_guid(),1,8)) from dual;
SQL>  select lower(substr(sys_guid(),1,8)) from dual;
SQL>  select lower(substr(sys_guid(),1,8)) from dual;
SQL>  select lower(substr(sys_guid(),1,8)) from dual;

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  • Machine generated unique identifier?

    I'm looking for the Sun Directory server's equivalent of ObjectSID in Active Directory.
    I am building an application to synchronize with Sun Directory Server and need a server generated unique identifier that doesn't not change and is always unique.
    I've searched but haven't found anything definitive.

    Thanks for the reply.
    If I am developing an application to programmatically read the Directory Server's contents and I use a service account, will that service account need any special permissions to read that attribute?
    I noticed that if I use the Directory browser installed with the Directory Server that I can see the attribute when I view a listing with "Generic view...".
    Thanks again.

  • Can I use MachineID.getBytes() or MachineID.getUniqueID() as a unique identifier?

    The bytes from MachineID.getBytes() are not to be treated as a unique identifier for a device.  It is unique, but is volatile and not suitable to be used as an identifier.  There are various system/hardware events which can cause the MachineID bytes to change over time.  The same rule applies to MachineID.getUniqueID().  If you do .getBytes() and then compare that to AnotherMachineID.getBytes(), even though they can be the same device (but different runtime or browser), you will get a "false" if you're doing a direct byte-by-byte comparison.  This is because during the device individualization process, the device's hardware attributes are interrogated to get a hardware "fingerprint" of the device.  This is stored as a data structure in the MachineID data structure.
    The only resilient way (with limtiations, as stated in the next section) to compare to different devices to determine if they are the same device is to use MachineID.matches().  That comparison is resilient against machine hardware upgrades (changing hard drives, upgrading your video card, upgrading your CPU, reformatting your machine, changing user accounts, using different browsers, etc…). 
    (NOTE): There are 2 known limitations to using MachineID.matches():
    1. MachineID in the Chrome browser (on any platform) a randomly-generated ID string that is not tied to the hardware.  The reason for this is that with the release of Chrome Version 28 browser introduced a sandbox, where code in the browser is not allowed to communicate directly with the hardware layer. This will cause .matches() to fail if comparing a MachineID from Chrome against a MachineID from Firefox, even from the same machine.  This also means that if a user "resets Adobe Access DRM/Licenses", they will lose their ID, and it will be re-generated (as a new ID) the next time DRM content is consumed and their machine has to create a new MachineID.
    2. A similar limitation applies to iOS devices running iOS7 and higher, as a sandbox was also introduced to that platform, preventing applications from directly accessing the hardware.  If you are using iOS7 with a the Primetime Player SDK (PSDK) 1.0 or 1.1, the MachineID for all devices will be the same value, as Apple blocked the device-access APIs (which Adobe Access uses) and caused them to return a static string.  Since all iOS7 devices will return the same string when the device hardware interrogation happens, all iOS7 devices using the the PSDK 1.1 or earlier will return true when MachineID.matches() is called.  Adobe is working on a high-priority fix to this issue, which will be released in a PSDK 1.1 patch/hotfix, where another persistent API is used to bind the MachineID to the device, instead of the blocked device-access APIs.  This new binding mechanism will be persistent across application uninstall/re-installs.
    What is consistent between iOS7 and Chrome 28 (and higher), is that the MachineID will no longer be tied to the hardware attributes of the device.

    In case you would like to find some way to do something that requires concurrency monitoring (e.g. You run a service and wish to limit the # of devices that can access a your service), the best way to do this would be to move towards a "# of concurrent streams" model, similar to Netflix.
    To do this, you can use Adobe Pass technology called Mai Tai, or implement your own technology (via cookies or authentication tokens) to limit user accounts to no more than XX concurrent streams.

  • How to generate unique filenames??

    i need to be able to generate unique files from a servlet..
    my initial instinct was to use the seesion id as part of the filename, however as this file will be embedded in the responding html, this is not safe, as the user will only have to look at the html source to view a session id value.
    i am now considering to use the date/time of the creation of a session as the unique identifier for the file, however this will not work if two sessions can be created at the same time.
    my question thefore is if no two sessions can have the same date and time?
    if not.. can anyone give me an idea as how to produce unique filenames?

    If you are actually creating a file, why not usethe method?how does that help with prducing a unique value to use
    as the name of a file?
    with that method i still need to supply the filename
    as one of its arguments!
    No you don't. You provide a prefix and suffix and it fills in the middle with something guaranteed to be unique, in the directory you specify. Here is the javadoc:
    public static File createTempFile(String prefix,
    String suffix,
    File directory)
    throws IOException
    Creates a new empty file in the specified directory, using the given prefix and suffix strings to generate its name. If this method returns successfully then it is guaranteed that:
    1. The file denoted by the returned abstract pathname did not exist before this method was invoked, and
    2. Neither this method nor any of its variants will return the same abstract pathname again in the current invocation of the virtual machine.
    This method provides only part of a temporary-file facility. To arrange for a file created by this method to be deleted automatically, use the deleteOnExit() method.
    The prefix argument must be at least three characters long. It is recommended that the prefix be a short, meaningful string such as "hjb" or "mail". The suffix argument may be null, in which case the suffix ".tmp" will be used.
    To create the new file, the prefix and the suffix may first be adjusted to fit the limitations of the underlying platform. If the prefix is too long then it will be truncated, but its first three characters will always be preserved. If the suffix is too long then it too will be truncated, but if it begins with a period character ('.') then the period and the first three characters following it will always be preserved. Once these adjustments have been made the name of the new file will be generated by concatenating the prefix, five or more internally-generated characters, and the suffix.
    If the directory argument is null then the system-dependent default temporary-file directory will be used. The default temporary-file directory is specified by the system property On UNIX systems the default value of this property is typically "/tmp" or "/var/tmp"; on Microsoft Windows systems it is typically "c:\\temp". A different value may be given to this system property when the Java virtual machine is invoked, but programmatic changes to this property are not guaranteed to have any effect upon the the temporary directory used by this method.
    prefix - The prefix string to be used in generating the file's name; must be at least three characters long
    suffix - The suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; may be null, in which case the suffix ".tmp" will be used
    directory - The directory in which the file is to be created, or null if the default temporary-file directory is to be used
    An abstract pathname denoting a newly-created empty file
    IllegalArgumentException - If the prefix argument contains fewer than three characters
    IOException - If a file could not be created
    SecurityException - If a security manager exists and its SecurityManager.checkWrite(java.lang.String) method does not allow a file to be created

  • Unique Identifier in MDM Profisee Stage table

    Hi team,
    I am new to MDM profisee tool and currently working for Addres verification project for my organization.
    I wanted to clear my doubts here about Unique Identifer in Stage table and how it works.. Here what i understand till now:
    Step 1) I created an Entity using MDM profisee UI and it generated a stage table in MDS database called stg.Address_leaf
    Step 2) I have loaded data from external source to MDS stage table using ETL and passed Import type as 2 and Import status id as 0
    Step 3) I have run store procudure system generated something stg.udp_Address_leaf to load the model and passed the version name as Version_1, Log flag as '1' and Batch tag as 'Address'
    Now my below are my questions:
    1) What is the field i can use in MDS stage table to populate my unique intifier value coming from source? (lets say Address_Id is my Unique value for all the records coming from source)
    2)  Where/how Unique Identifier is useful in this process? Will this be helpful in next time load from stage to Model?
    3) If i truncate and load my MDS stage table in next run and few earlier records has been updated how it will update those records in Model? will this process (code present in SP) recognize by Unique Identier column present in MDS stage table?
    I may have few more questions on this process but wanted to start from here.

    Thanks David for your reply.
    So instead of i use Auto generate to populate Code attribute, i can load Code Attribute during loading the stage table with my source unique values.
    And then later on, when i will have new updated values coming in for a member record, Stored procedure will use that code attribute value and update the model accrodingly for the changed values for the member?
    i need to use Import type as 2 in this case.
    I have existing record in MDS staging table let's say
    Code, City, Zip, Import type, Import status
    0001, Chicago,61000,2,0
    In next load run, i first truncate the data from MDS staging and now i have updated row for existing code ‘0001’ where Zip code values changed from previous 61000 to 61001:
    Code, City, Zip, Import type, Import status
    0001, Chicago,61001,2,0
    In this case, when we execute the SP, it will update the Zip code in Model using Code as unique indentifier. and no duplicates will occur.
    Please correct me if i am wrong.

  • Generate Document Identifiers for each document

    I need to generate document identifiers for each document that is uploaded to the site.
    Now I am getting a bit confusion i.e.
    Should I create derived class that inherits from the Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.DocumentIdProvider abstract class and then implement all abstract members or
    Should I create derived class that inherits from the abstract class named Microsoft.Office.DocumentManagement.DocumentIdProvider and then override all of the virtual members
    Please share your ideas/thoughts on the same.
    Thanks & Regards, Sudheer

    I would prefer you use Inbuild feature of sharepoint:
    Use below article to get and attach that Unique id:
    You can also create documents sets programmatically:

  • Does SQL Server 2008 R2 recognize only system-generated session identifiers,

    As part of the locking down of our system we are doing the Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) and one of the questions it asks is "The DBMS must recognize only system-generated session identifiers."
    I have looked at the STIG version for SQL Server 2012 and this is not a finding on it, since it supports the requirement and cannot be configured out of compliance.
    If anyone can help confirm that this is also the case with SQL Server 2008 R2 that would be very helpful.
    Thank you, Darren
    The discussion of it is:
    This requirement focuses on communications protection at the application session, versus network packet level. The intent of this control is to establish grounds for confidence at each end of a communications session in the ongoing identity of the other
    party and in the validity of the information being transmitted.
    Unique session IDs are the opposite of sequentially generated session IDs which can be easily guessed by an attacker. Unique session identifiers help to reduce predictability of said identifiers. 
    Unique session IDs address man-in-the-middle attacks including session hijacking or insertion of false information into a session. If the attacker is unable to identify or guess the session information related to pending application traffic, they will have
    more difficulty in hijacking the session or otherwise manipulating valid sessions.
    The DBMS must only recognize only system generated session identifiers. If an attacker was able to generate a session with a non-system generated session identifier and have it be recognized by the system, the attacker could potentially gain access to the
    system without passing through access controls designed to limit database sessions to authorized users.

    Hi Darren,
    From your description, do you mean the session_id from DMV sys.dm_exec_sessions? If so, the session_id(s) are all created and handled by SQL Server. When session_id <= 50 , it belongs to a system session, and when session_id > 50, it belongs to a user
    Below query could help you generate system sessions in SQL Server 2008 R2. Refer to :
    Explore the secrets of session- sys.dm_exec_sessions.
    OR S.SESSION_ID < = 50
    Lydia Zhang

  • GUID(Globally Unique Identifier)

    Hi All,
    Can you give me the complete picture of GUID. What is exact role of GUID. If possible, explain with examples?
    Thanks in advance...

       GUIDs are system-generated. The 32-char guid is generated by a hashing algorithm based on the OS used, the different hardware being used in the abap server and so on.
    Once a GUID is created (e.g. function
    ) for a particular record, it remains the same throughout the life of that record and will be ineffective only when the record is deleted. This will uniquely identify a particular record and is usually the primary key of a table. So, there is no question of the guid field of a table being changed.
    With respect to the Bdoc errors, are you referring to the Bdoc ids? Bdoc ids will again be unique. Only the extension parts of the Bdoc will reveal the corresponding guids of the underlying records which the Bdoc represents.
    I hope I have given you a simple understanding of guids.
    Reward if helpful.

  • Uniquely identify an object

    I need to assign a unique identifier to each object in a group of objects.
    Is there a way to generate a unique String for an arbitrary object ?
    I know that hashCode() is not designed to be unique but nevertheless the java.lang.Object.hashcode() API says it is calculated from the object address in memory and therefore might be unique
    Any thoughts or suggested soluions would be welcome

    The group contains java beans ( simple coded objects with setters and getters ).
    I try to undestand if there is a way to create a unique String for an object
    based soley on the object itself. For example in C++ the address in memory for the object would be unique and can be used for my purpose.
    The javadoc for java.lang.object says:
    "As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the JavaTM programming language.) "
    I wonder if it is safe to relay on that or if there is another way to do it.

  • The Group Policy Client service failed the sign-in The universal unique identifier (UUID) type is not supported

    Hi guys,
    we created a custom WIM Image (Windows 8 Enterprise) with MDT 2012.
    Sysprept the Image, Deployed via SCCM 2012 SP1.
    Computers are Domainjoined. Error with standard Domain User.
    On some computers (not every computer) and not with every user on the first logon following error message arises:
    The Group Policy Client service failed the sign-in The universal unique identifier (UUID) type is not supported
    It works, when you log in a second time but this error isn't very nice. 
    Is there a solution for that?
    Kind Regards

    The service is responsible for applying settings configured by administrators for the computer and users through the Group Policy component. This issue can be caused by various reasons based on the computer environment.
    Can you find any information in event log about this issue?
    Here is the related blog in which the steps can solve most of such issues if the issue continuously happen.
    Also, you can refer to the similar thread about this issue:
    Since this issue can be related to SCCM, to better help you, please submit a new thread for further help:
    Hope these could be helpful.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How can I uniquely identify computers on the same network/account specifically for airdrop use?  When I change name on one computer under contacts if changes on all computers.

    How can I uniquely identify computers on the same network/account specifically for airdrop use?  When I change name on one computer under contacts it changes on all computers.  I would like to change icon and name for each computer.

    you would need to setup a VPN and tunnel into your office.
    FYI..the default ports are 3283 and 5900.

  • Unique identifier in FBL3N

    Please could you tell me if it is possible to get a unique identifier in an FBL3N report? (I would want the unique identifier to remain unchanged for each line item if new line items are entered into SAP.)
    (i.e. if staff write commentaries for each line item in an FBL3N report and then new line items are present in later FBL3N reports I want to be able to identify which line items in the new report each of our commentaries relate to).

    Please could you tell me whether accounting entry date is different to document date and posting date? My understanding is that the document date and posting dates can be manually set by the data entry clerk and therefore I can not guarantee that posting dates will always increase for each new line item (even then would I need to sort by time of day within each date to be sure the order of line items are in chronological order?) Is accounting entry date the date that the data is entered into SAP and not changeable by the user?
    Unfortnately in this case it will be impractical to ask people to use unique text or header text fields.
    If it is possible to sort by the date (and time) that data is 'physically' entered into SAP then we can be sure that any new line items will occur at the bottom of the report, irrespective of document date or posting date?
    I assume an unique identifier just doesn't exist (without entering one manually)?
    Many thanks,

  • EDI 810 transaction error: Cannot uniquely identify a trading partner

    I am facing following error on B2B 11g version Please provide the solution if you are aware of the issue.
    Error Description: Cannot uniquely identify a trading partner. The trading partners PARTNER-A, PARTNER-B have the same set of identifications.
    Partner Identification parameter for PARTNER-A and PARTNER-B
    EDI Interchange ID: xxxx
    EDI Interchange ID Qualifier: yyyy
    EDI Group ID: 111
    Name: PARTNER-A
    EDI Interchange ID: xxxx
    EDI Interchange ID Qualifier: yyyy
    EDI Group ID: 111
    Name: PARTNER-B
    Thank you

    Two TPs can not have same identification.
    There are two ways to come out of this problem.
    1. Change the identification criteria for the TP.
    2. Use exchange level Identification for one TP.

  • [CS3][JS] Uniquely identifying documents with common names - possible?

    Is there no way to refer directly to a document in app.documents when there are several documents with the same name open at the same time (located in different folders)?
    I have tried to assign unique labels to the documents when opening them, but have not succeeded in referring to documents by their labels, only by name - and the name not being unique, I get just one document reference (the first).
    I also tried using the documents.itemByRange function, supposedly returning an array of all documents in the range defined by the parameters sent to the function. However, sending in the same name in the "from" and "to" parameters, returned only one document:
    app.documents.itemByRange('test.indd', 'test.indd').getElements().length
    Result: 1
    //(I would have expected to get both of them)
    // Referring directly by the name:
    Result: 1
    // Checking the name of the documents by their indexes:
    Result: test.indd
    Result: test.indd
    Do you really have to loop through all open documents and check their fullName to be able to uniquely identify a document if the names are not unique?
    Kind regards,
    Andreas Jansson

    Hi Dave,
    Make that three or four... ;)
    Kris at Rorohiko created a method to get unique references to two
    different documents with the same name. It's usable if you have the free
    APID ToolAssistant version 1.0.44 or higher. (it doesn't need to be
    Here's an excerpt from the reference manual:
    The get doc GUID function is used as follows:
    guid =
    This function returns a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for a
    document. This is a string of the form
    where all 'n' stand for a hexadecimal digit.
    These GUID allow you to work with same-name documents that
    are concurrently open without getting tangled in the confusion
    that occurs when using resolve calls.
    As long as a document is not moved from its original location on
    disk, it will keep the same GUID. Two documents with the same
    name but different paths will have different GUID.
    Opening, closing, (re)saving to the same location will NOT
    change the GUID.
    Moving a document to another location will change the GUID.
    The find open doc by GUID function is used as follows:
    doc = app.callExtension(0x90B6C,10009,guid);
    This function retrieves a reference to an already open document
    based on its GUID string.
    These GUID strings are unique and persistent and allow
    persistent references to same-name documents without resolvelike
    issues (but the documents are meant to be 'unmovable' i.e.
    they cannot be renamed or moved to another folder). Once the
    document is open, it can be retrieved via its GUID.

  • No unique identifier in FCC

    Hi Experts,
    We have a requirement in SAP PI (7.31) where the flat file is picked from source and sent to Target.
    FCC is used for conversion in the sender channel.
    Incoming files has two header, with each header multiple line items under that.
    The line item has dynamic value after "D".
    Example :
    Need inputs on how to proceed in case of no unique identifiers in FCC.

    Hi Pavi,
    is H, D and T are present in the file?? If not you can use below FCC parameters in sender channel and handle it in the mapping.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ns:FileSenderData xmlns:ns="urn:ch:test:prototype">

Maybe you are looking for