Generating an HTML report from two tabs.

Hi Guys, and sorry if the title is not clear.
My situation is like this: I have two tabs for two different conditions. In the first tab, I want generate part of my HTML report regarding the first tab. Then, in the second tab, I want add more details to my previous HTML report. Can this be done in LabVIEW 8.0? I appreciate any advice.
cheers and thanks!

Hello Gurdas,
I have not previously encountered this behavior when using the report generation toolkit to append images to a Word report. Can I assume that you are using the "Append Control Image to Report VI" to add these images to the Word report? With this VI you wire in a reference to each of the controls for which you are trying to export the image. I ask because I was able to successfully export images for graphs that I had not yet viewed on a tab control. Also, which version of LabVIEW are you using that you experience this difficulty?
One thing to consider may be execution order; when does data get written to graphs on each tab? Are you sure that an image append operation can never take place before data exists on a graph? If you have a small example VI that shows this behavior, that might help me to identify an easier workaround for you. I hope this information is useful for you. Thanks,
Mike D.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Message Edited by Duffman Says: on 02-13-2007 07:34 PM

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    Hello dear BW-gurus,
    Let me explain our problem: we need a html report which contains the query-result (like the normal result table in a  web-query) and all corresponding (BW)documents to that query or key figures. Also all key figures formulas should be in that document.
    Up to now no problem: I use an own class which inherits from  cl_rsr_xls_grid, take the p_string (the query result as html formatted string) and concatenate all the other Information like documents or formulas html-formatted to that string. From this string I can generate a file or can countinue processing.
    But here is my problem: We need a link from the key figures in the result table to the documents or formulas of the key figures.
    please take a look to the example document:
    <b>Query result</b>
    0Datefrom   |  KPI A   |  KPI B
    01.01.06   |  1234    |  2345
    02.01.06   |  3456    |  4567
    <b>existing Documents</b>
    Doc A
    KPI = KPI A , Datefrom = 02.01.06 : "Content of Document A"
    Doc B
    KPI = KPI B , Datefrom = 01.01.06 : "Content of Document B"
    --> In this example, there should be two <a hrefs>-links:
    1. From 3456 to Doc A
    2. From 2345 to Doc B
    Anyone has an idea of how to get it working? Is the class cl_rsr_xls_grid completely wrong for that? Do I have to use a cl_rsr_www* class and cl_rsr_www_modify_table? And if so, how can I generate a sting or so with the cl_rsr_www* classes?
    thanks in forward for your help!

    Hello dear BW-gurus,
    Let me explain our problem: we need a html report which contains the query-result (like the normal result table in a  web-query) and all corresponding (BW)documents to that query or key figures. Also all key figures formulas should be in that document.
    Up to now no problem: I use an own class which inherits from  cl_rsr_xls_grid, take the p_string (the query result as html formatted string) and concatenate all the other Information like documents or formulas html-formatted to that string. From this string I can generate a file or can countinue processing.
    But here is my problem: We need a link from the key figures in the result table to the documents or formulas of the key figures.
    please take a look to the example document:
    <b>Query result</b>
    0Datefrom   |  KPI A   |  KPI B
    01.01.06   |  1234    |  2345
    02.01.06   |  3456    |  4567
    <b>existing Documents</b>
    Doc A
    KPI = KPI A , Datefrom = 02.01.06 : "Content of Document A"
    Doc B
    KPI = KPI B , Datefrom = 01.01.06 : "Content of Document B"
    --> In this example, there should be two <a hrefs>-links:
    1. From 3456 to Doc A
    2. From 2345 to Doc B
    Anyone has an idea of how to get it working? Is the class cl_rsr_xls_grid completely wrong for that? Do I have to use a cl_rsr_www* class and cl_rsr_www_modify_table? And if so, how can I generate a sting or so with the cl_rsr_www* classes?
    thanks in forward for your help!

  • Generate an HTML file from a Report in ABAP

    Good morning,
    How I could generate an HTML file from a report.
    Any Ideas... I have found the function WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML, but someone has the standar code and how use this function?
    Thanks a lot,
    Hernán Restrepo

    I am facing a similar problem.I did try using the function module WWW_ITAB_TO_HTML in the reoprt program, as I'm trying to generate a url from a report, but i'm not able to get the expected results. The code is given below. Could someone please try and help me resolve this issue.Thanks in advance.
    DATA:   emp_name                     TYPE char80.
    DATA:   it_itabex                    TYPE zdb_ex_tty,
            it_emp                       TYPE TABLE OF zis_emp,
            it_org                       TYPE TABLE OF zis_org,
            it_pos                       TYPE TABLE OF zis_pos,
            it_pos_alloc                 TYPE TABLE OF zis_pos_alloc,
            it_res                       TYPE TABLE OF zis_res,
            it_res_alloc                 TYPE TABLE OF zis_res_alloc,
            ls_itabex                    TYPE zdb_ex_s.
    DATA:   lv_filename                  TYPE string,
            lv_path                      TYPE string,
            lv_fullpath                  TYPE string,
            lv_replace                   TYPE i.
    DATA qstring LIKE it_itabex OCCURS 10.
    DATA: url(200), url2(200), url3(200), fullurl(200).
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_emp>              LIKE LINE OF it_emp,
                   <fs_org>              LIKE LINE OF it_org,
                   <fs_pos>              LIKE LINE OF it_pos,
                   <fs_pos_alloc>        LIKE LINE OF it_pos_alloc,
                   <fs_res>              LIKE LINE OF it_res,
                   <fs_res_alloc>        LIKE LINE OF it_res_alloc.
    Report Program to export data from database to Excel.
    Populate all the tables that have to be exported.
    SELECT * FROM zis_org       INTO TABLE it_org.
    SELECT * FROM zis_pos       INTO TABLE it_pos.
    SELECT * FROM zis_pos_alloc INTO TABLE it_pos_alloc.
    SELECT * FROM zis_emp       INTO TABLE it_emp.
    SELECT * FROM zis_res_alloc INTO TABLE it_res_alloc.
    SELECT * FROM zis_res       INTO TABLE it_res.
    Append the Column Header
    CLEAR ls_itabex.
    ls_itabex-ipp_pos_id            = 'IPP Pos ID'.
    ls_itabex-emp_name              = 'Name'.
    ls_itabex-dt_of_join            = 'JoinedOn'.
    ls_itabex-emp_status            = 'Status'.
    ls_itabex-org_name              = 'Org'.
    ls_itabex-prj_name              = 'Project'.
    ls_itabex-mgr_name              = 'Line'.
    ls_itabex-designation           = 'Designation'.
    ls_itabex-specialization        = 'Specialization'.
    APPEND ls_itabex TO it_itabex.
    Append all the tables into one internal table
    LOOP AT it_pos_alloc ASSIGNING <fs_pos_alloc>.
      CLEAR ls_itabex.
      ls_itabex-ipp_pos_id          = <fs_pos_alloc>-ipp_pos_id.
      READ TABLE it_emp ASSIGNING <fs_emp> WITH KEY emp_guid = <fs_pos_alloc>-emp_guid.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        CONCATENATE <fs_emp>-emp_fname <fs_emp>-emp_lname INTO ls_itabex-emp_name  SEPARATED BY space.
        ls_itabex-dt_of_join        = <fs_emp>-dt_of_join.
        ls_itabex-emp_status        = <fs_emp>-emp_status.
        ls_itabex-specialization    = <fs_emp>-specialization.
      READ TABLE it_pos ASSIGNING <fs_pos> WITH KEY ipp_pos_id = <fs_pos_alloc>-ipp_pos_id.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        ls_itabex-designation       = <fs_pos>-designation.
        READ TABLE it_org ASSIGNING <fs_org> WITH KEY  org_id = <fs_pos>-org_id.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          ls_itabex-org_name        = <fs_org>-org_name.
          ls_itabex-mgr_name        = <fs_org>-mgr_name.
      READ TABLE it_res ASSIGNING <fs_res> WITH KEY org_id = <fs_org>-org_id.
       ls_itabex-org_name         = <fs_org>-org_name.
      APPEND ls_itabex TO it_itabex.
    url = 'http://testweb/scripts/wgate/zvw10a/!?~language=en'.
    url2 = '&~OkCode(LGON)=LGON&login-login_user='.
    url3 = '&vbcom-vbeln='.
    CONCATENATE url url2 url3 INTO fullurl.
    WRITE: /'Staffing Excel'.
        offset        = 12
        length        = 10
        func          = fullurl
        query_string  = qstring
        invalid_table = 1
        OTHERS        = 2.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Generate an HTML report

    I ame trying to generate an html report with SQL/Plus, I have read some tutorial but I have not understood well how I can approach the issue.
    Actually I have this report:
          FROM DUAL;
        SELECT ''
          FROM DUAL;
        SELECT ''
          FROM DUAL;
        SELECT 'Evoluzione VAR'
          FROM DUAL;
        SELECT '--------------'
          FROM DUAL;
        SELECT ''
          FROM DUAL;
        SELECT RPAD('ISIN', 21, ' ')||' '||
               RPAD('SGN', 4, ' ')||' '||
               RPAD('VAR', 4, ' ')||' '||
               RPAD('REF_DATE', 10, ' ')||' '||
               RPAD('START_DATE', 10, ' ')
          FROM DUAL;
        SELECT RPAD('=', 10, '=')||' '||
               RPAD('=', 3, '=')||' '||
               RPAD('=', 3, '=')||' '||
               RPAD('=', 8, '=')||' '||
               RPAD('=', 9, '=')
          FROM DUAL;
        SELECT LPAD(TAB1.COD_ISIN, 12, ' ')||'    '||
               LPAD(TAB1.VAR_TRIMESTRALE_SGN, 3, ' ')||'  '||
               LPAD(TRIM(TAB1.VAR_TRIMESTRALE), 3, ' ')||'    '||
               LPAD(to_char(TAB1.DATA_TIMESTAMP, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 11, ' ')||'  '||
               LPAD(to_char(TAB1.START_DATE, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 11, ' ')
            ON TAB1.COD_ISIN = TAB2.ISIN
           TAB2.DSITO_VAR = 'Y'
        SELECT ''
          FROM DUAL;
          FROM DUAL;
        --SELECT '================='
          --FROM DUAL;
        SELECT ' -Prodotti finanziari finanziari censiti: '||COUNT(COD_ISIN)
        SELECT ' -Prodotti finanziari aggiornati: '||COUNT(DISTINCT TAB1.COD_ISIN)
            ON TAB1.COD_ISIN = TAB2.ISIN
         WHERE TAB2.DSITO_VAR = 'Y'
           AND TAB2.NEW = 'N'
        SELECT ' -Nuovi prodotti finanziari censiti: '||COUNT(DISTINCT TAB1.COD_ISIN)
            ON TAB1.COD_ISIN = TAB2.ISIN
         WHERE TAB2.DSITO_VAR = 'Y'
           AND TAB2.NEW = 'Y'
        SELECT ' -Prototti. finanziari rimossi: '||COUNT(DISTINCT TAB1.COD_ISIN)
           AND NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT COD_ISIN
                  FROM SPR_ISIN_DSI_TO TAB2
                 WHERE TAB2.END_DATE IS NOT NULL
                   AND TAB1.COD_ISIN = TAB2.COD_ISIN
           );I would translate this in HTML.
    I have begun to write this code:
    set markup html on
    head ' -
    table {background: #eee; fone-size: 80% } -
    th { background: #ccc: } -
    td { padding: 0px; } -
    spool result.html
    PROMPT <H1>Censimento variazione prodotti</H1>
    PROMPT <H2>Evoluzione var</H2>
    set termout off
    set pagesize 80
    column TAB1.COD_ISIN 'Isin'
    column TAB1.VAR_TRIMESTRALE_SGN 'Segno var trimestrale'
    column TAB1.VAR_TRIMESTRALE 'Var trimestrale'
    column TAB1.DATA_TIMESTAMP 'Data timestamp'
    column TAB1.START_DATE 'Start date'
    SELECT LPAD(TAB1.COD_ISIN, 12, ' ')||'    '||
               LPAD(TAB1.VAR_TRIMESTRALE_SGN, 3, ' ')||'  '||
               LPAD(TRIM(TAB1.VAR_TRIMESTRALE), 3, ' ')||'    '||
               LPAD(to_char(TAB1.DATA_TIMESTAMP, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 11, ' ')||'  '||
               LPAD(to_char(TAB1.START_DATE, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), 11, ' ')
            ON TAB1.COD_ISIN = TAB2.ISIN
           TAB2.DSITO_VAR = 'Y'
    spool off
    set markup html offBut when I try to execute this code I receive this error:
    ORA-00900: invalid SQL statementBut, moreover I have another problem how can I insert in the html version this part of the old report:
          FROM DUAL;
        --SELECT '================='
          --FROM DUAL;
        SELECT ' -Prodotti finanziari finanziari censiti: '||COUNT(COD_ISIN)
        SELECT ' -Prodotti finanziari aggiornati: '||COUNT(DISTINCT TAB1.COD_ISIN)
            ON TAB1.COD_ISIN = TAB2.ISIN
         WHERE TAB2.DSITO_VAR = 'Y'
           AND TAB2.NEW = 'N'
        SELECT ' -Nuovi prodotti finanziari censiti: '||COUNT(DISTINCT TAB1.COD_ISIN)
            ON TAB1.COD_ISIN = TAB2.ISIN
         WHERE TAB2.DSITO_VAR = 'Y'
           AND TAB2.NEW = 'Y'
        SELECT ' -Prototti. finanziari rimossi: '||COUNT(DISTINCT TAB1.COD_ISIN)
           AND NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT COD_ISIN
                  FROM SPR_ISIN_DSI_TO TAB2
                 WHERE TAB2.END_DATE IS NOT NULL
                   AND TAB1.COD_ISIN = TAB2.COD_ISIN
           );I have found some tutorial but I do not succed to understand what I have to do.
    I try to execute the previuos code in toad, for simplicity how can I obtain the html output in my window?
    Thanks a lot, bye bye.

    Hi Abdujaparov,
    To prevent your ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement, try putting the head option on the same line as set:
    set markup html on head ' -
    To execute in TOAD, execute as script by pressing F5 (Never tried with markup, though)

  • How to generate XML Publisher report from PLSQL Stored Procedure in APPS

    I have concurrent program of type PLSQL Stored procedure.I need to generate XML Publisher report from the same.I have changed the output of the concurrent program as "XML" but when I tried running it,the XML tags are not generated.Due to this I am unable to create the template.Its a urgent issue.
    Please help me out .
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Kaveri
    Sadly there is nothing magic about that output field. The only program type that you can flip it to XML and then magically get XML is for Oracle Reports. For plsql you will need to recode the plsql to generate XML rather than text that you have now.
    You have some options, best option first:
    1. Move the sql to a data template - check the user guide and blog for help or
    2. Use SQL XML or XMLGEN (not great for large datasets) or
    3. Use dbms_output.put_line and write the XML file manually - not performant at all
    Regards, Tim

  • Generate a HTML file from JSP

    Does anyone know how to generate a html file from code in JSP without using a form, as i have one of those already. I don't want this page to appear, just exist.

    You can do like this:
    File outputFile = new File("Publicacao.html");
    FileWriter escrever = new FileWriter(outputFile);
    escrever.write("<center><h1>Assunto:" + assunto + "</h1></center><br><center><h2>Titulo:" + titulo +"</h2></center><br><center><h3>Sub Titulo:"+subTitulo+"</h3></center><br>"+ conteudo +"<br>");

  • How to generate report from two tables using DAO design pattern?

    Iam using struts with DAO pattern for my application. According to DAO design im creating model class for each table in my database with getter,setter methods. i have no problem when im generating report from one table. but if have i have to join two tables whatis the better way for doing that? is it good practise to create a new model contains properties from both the tables?
    Please help me
    Thanks in Advance

    Dear Rajesh,
    As per the pattern you are creating equivalent java objects for every database table under consideration in which each db field will become a private attribute and public getter and setter methods.
    If you have to display data from one table the above approach is sufficient enough.
    But in case your database is normalised ..lets take an example of Bank having Branch and Accounts tables. We dont need to repeat the whole information of the branch for every account in that branch. so we prefer to have a branch id in that table....this approach lot of insertion/deletion/updatation anomlies that may exists with the database...
    now lets come back to our topic....we shall create two java objects 1) Branch 2) Account.....
    When ever u just need to display simple report u can do it staright forward,,,,,now if u want to display branch information along with the account information....the two objects just created are not sufficient
    So i suggest u the following approaches
    1) Create an attribute of type Branch in the Accounts Object......
    This shall serve the purpose of displaying the Btranch information
    2) Create a collection object of type ( Vector or ArrayList) which can have objects of Account in the Branch Object,,,
    Now its upto u how shall u fill up the objects with appropriate sql queries.
    The method that i mentioned is followed by Oracle Toplink and Hibernate ....which provide Object to relation mapping layers.
    Any queries ...revert back to me...

  • Generating an  html report based on table at sql 2005 db

    I want to create an html report based on a table named inventory on sql server 2005 database.
    first code used to generate an output report
        try {
                // TODO add your handling code here:
                String s = "<html> <body> <table border=1><caption> Inventory Report </caption>";
                s += "<tr><td>Item_id<td>item_name<td>Existing quantity</td><tr><td>3<td>4<td> <td>";
                byte[] sb = s.getBytes();
                FileOutputStream fs = null;
                try {
                    fs = new FileOutputStream("D:\\Report\\Report.html");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                    Logger.getLogger(mileshframe.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(mileshframe.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    Second jdbc  code for connection and select all records in the table
    try {
                 con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MerchandiseCon","sa","sql123#");
                st = con.createStatement( );
    ResultSet rset=st.executeQuery("Select Item_code,Item_Name,item_cost,item_quantity  from Inventory");
         String s="";
         catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)
          catch(SQLException ex)
            }                             I want someone helps me to merge two codes into one code to generate an output html report.
    thanks in advance

    This is my trial but not the desired result ,it's displayed the title and a line only
        private void jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        
            // TODO add your handling code here:
                          String s = "<html> <body> <table border=1> <caption>Report title</caption>";
                byte[] sb = s.getBytes();
                FileOutputStream fs = null;
                try {
                // TODO add your handling code here:
                try {
                    fs = new FileOutputStream("D:\\Report\\myeport.html");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                    Logger.getLogger(NewJFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(NewJFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                try {
                 con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MerchandiseCon","sa","sql123#");
                st = con.createStatement( );
    ResultSet rset=st.executeQuery("Select Item_code,Item_Name,item_cost,item_quantity  from Inventory");
                try {
                // TODO add your handling code here:
                try {
                    fs = new FileOutputStream("D:\\Report\\myeport.html");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                    Logger.getLogger(NewJFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(NewJFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
         catch(ClassNotFoundException ex)
          catch(SQLException ex)

  • How to generate a MSDS report from status GP (Generation possible) to RE

    Hi EHS Goeroes,
    I'm struggling with the Generation of the MSDS. I have done the following procedure and settings:
    a) Create MSDS report (CG42)
    b) Edit Generation Variant (CG2B)
    (I have assigned my template to the Generation Variant)
    Generate manual request automatically: marked
    Change Marks: 0
    Initial release status: RE (released)
    Version requirement: unmarked
    Set historical automatically: unmarked
    c) EHS > Specification Workbench > Report from Template (to test the design - display is correct and all phrases can be found)
    d) EHS > Specification Workbench > Create new report
    (report has been created succesfully and appears in Report Management).
    e) EHS > Specification Workbench > Report Management:
    MSDS_29 Material Safety Data Sheet for China World
    Chinese Not Relevant Generation Poss. => generation possible.
    Feedback affter clicking on Accept: You tried to carry out action 'Accept' on a report with status GP. However, this action is not allowed for reports with this status.
    Feedback after clicking on Generate: You tried to carry out action 'Generate' on a report with status GP. However, this action is not allowed for reports with this status.
    d) SE38 I have no jobs scheduled yet, so I run the following two programs to start the worklist manually, RC1AVGE1 and RC1AVGE2.
    RC1AVGE1 - gave allot of feedback information regarding to changes and so on (first time I run it).
    RC1AVGE2 - feedback: EHS: 'Worklist Generation for Reports - Selection for Check. - 0 reports to be checked were found'
    From my understanding program RC1AVGE2 - should generate the MSDS.
    e) WWI - monitor display (CG5Z):
    100 @03\QNo background processes in client@ 5 SBR WWI-00000000000000000002 FREE RMDERKS
    110 @03\QNo background processes in client@ 5 SBR WWI-00000000000000000063 FREE A132645
    xxx SV001 @5B\QWWI server is active@ @02\QNo background processes on WWI server@
    xxx SV003 @5C\QWWI server is inactive@ @02\QNo background processes on WWI server@
    I checked if I had any jobs running in the background or has been finished, but it seems like it goes wrong here, the system does not generate a job for the generation of the MSDS_29. To be able to get the status of MSDS_29 to RE (Released).
    Does anybody has an idea what I do wrong, or which settings might be incorrect? Futhermore, what are the further steps to issue the report in the SD module - report shipping?
    Help is much appreciated!
    Roy Derks

    Hi Roy,
    Check and activate the QWWI server for the second job wwi - 110. Try once to generate the MSDS.
    I will revert back if i get information.

  • How to Make a report from two cubes

    Hi, guys,
    i'm trying to create a report use the data from two different cubes, but that's a problem. what i want to do is like this:
    From Cube A, i want to get the total machine number for each type of machine:
    Type machine | Total machine
    Type A 10000
    Type B 15000
    Type C 40000
    And from Cube B, i want to get the machine amount which has an error, also group by machine type:
    Type machine | Broken machine amount
    Type A 50
    Type B 15
    Type C 100
    So what can i do to create a report like below:
    Type machine | Broken machine amount | Broken machine ratio(%)
    Type A 50 0,5
    Type B 150 1
    Type C 100 0.25
    Thanks a lot,

    Hi, Nicolae, use ur idea, i can get the table u show:
    Type | Machine amount | cube
    Type A 10000 'cube A'
    Type B 15000 'cube A'
    Type C 40000 'cube A'
    Type A 50 'cube B'
    Type B 15 'cube B'
    Type C 100 'cube B'
    but with this table how can i get the table which i want:
    Type | Machine amount | % of machine
    Type A 50 0.5
    Type B 15 0.1
    Type C 100 0.25
    I have no idea, 2 things in ur idea have to be considered:
    1. just show the record of 'cube B'
    2. to get the data that cube B machine amount/ cube A machine amount
    Need your detail explain, thanks

  • How to generate Top sales report from SAP data ?

    Hello experts,
    I am completely a newbie to SAP BO , can any one guide me how to generate TOP sales of the year report from SAP data ?

    Hi David,
    First Let me know the Source & Tools to involve.
    Let me go with the generic approach:
    If the source is BW, then you can create the logic in query designer designer and then you can incorporate the data into the dashboard or webi or crystal report whatever its.
    If the source is sql or anyother DB then it can also be achievable in crystal or webi to write the logic in top 10 values by ranking then you can incorporate the data into the dashboard, but here you can limit the top or bottom values.
    Hope this helps, please revert for more clarifications on this.

  • Rendering HTML report from SSRS 2012 with full details

    I want to get the parent level grouping and child data in a single HTML file from SSRS 2012 so that it doesn't try to refresh when
    clicked on expand/contract the tree. The reason is i'm getting SSRS report from java application and when i try to expand or contract the tree view it tries to connect to SSRS. Is there a possibility to do it?

    Hi shady2111,
    According to your description, you have a drill down report rendered in a HTML file. Now you find when expand/contract the toggle item, the application starts to access SSRS. Right?
    In Reporting Service, when we render a report, all the data supposed to be retrieved. Even in application, like some applications using Report View Control, it still working same as in BIDS. Based on your information, we don't how this java application designed.
    And it's hardly to figure out the reason that caused your problem. So please post some detail information about the report and application if possible. Also for your troubleshooting, we suggest you cancel the "Display can be toggled by this report item" in
    row visibility to see if the data is fully rendered.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Generating Across/down report from designer

    I'm using designer 9i, and I need to generate across/down report, could any one help please.

    Post Author: colin mackenzie
    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
    Hi Rod Hoffman.
    In Table B, adjust your query to only return the necessary data records to match your information in Table A.

  • Automatically generating multiple pdf reports from single(*.rpt) report file

    Post Author: msam
    CA Forum: General
    I would like to be able to automatically pass a parameter list to a single report, and have it automatically generate multiple reports (as saved pdf files), based on the parameter list.
    Is this possible?  If so, could someone point me to some documentation?  Thanks.

    What you probably need to do is generate each bio
    individually with the
    <cfdocument...> tag just the way you want them. And
    then use some of
    the advanced <cfpdf...> functionality that allows you
    to append two or
    more individual PDF's into a single large PDF.
    Here are some resources that describe some of the
    <cfpdf...> functionality.

  • How to generate a html file from a xml file with the default Firefox look and feel

    Any xml or xsd file are pretty printed with Mozilla firefox. I would like to generate the equivalent html file, in order to introduce it later in a Word document. Do you use a xslt file ? How can I do this ?
    Best regards

    I would be remiss if I did not point out that the forum software detected your Firefox as version 17. Is that correct?
    Version 17 is not secure; Mozilla discloses [ security flaws] after each new release. Is something holding you back from upgrading to Firefox 31? Please let us know so we can suggest solutions or workarounds.
    If Help > About Firefox shows Firefox 31, you may need to clear the preference that is misreporting your version number. See: [[Websites say that Firefox is outdated or incompatible even though it's the latest version]].

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