Generating Keypair and a certificate

I'm writting an applet to digitaly sign acrobat reader documents.
To sign this document i need:
- a private key
- a certificate
I'm generating both public and private key by the following code:
// Generate a 1024-bit RSA key pair
KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
KeyPair keypair = keyGen.genKeyPair();
PrivateKey privateKey = keypair.getPrivate();
PublicKey publicKey = keypair.getPublic();
To test the application i don't want to use a certificate authority, i just want to get a certificate from the public key with:
the user name
the revocation date
without using command line
thank you

different implementation have different convinent approaches in from of utility methods or classes doing this, if you don't want to take the work of putting the extensions and the key together and get it signed yourself.
Look at the bouncycastle provider for example ( for the class org.bouncycastle.jce.X509V3CertificateGenerator

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    The EKU validation has been removed in version 1.2
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    Your last step should be to import the signed certificate back into your client PKCS#12 keystore, client-keystore.jks.
    This file contains the private key used to create your signing requets originally, and must be matched when importing the signed certificate back in.
    I think you will need to follow steps 5 & 6 in your DER example to complete the client PKCS12 keystore (including -storetype pkcs12 argument on the import statement).
    Another way is to simply convert the keystore created in your DER example into a pkcs#12, by using JRE1.6 command:
    keytool importkeystore -srckeystore [jks keystore] -srckeystoretype jks -destkeystore [pkcs12 keystore] -destkeystorestype pkcs12

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    As long as you have the keytool on that server (installed with WLS) , you can create the generate the certificate and import that into a keystore.
    Follow : Getting Started with WebLogic Server: How to Create and Configure Self Signed Certificates for WebLogic Server Environments [ID 1341192.1] , describes the two options.
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    Here is the document Jamie is referring to:
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    I haven't seen this error occur before. It could indicate a
    full drive or similar condition that might prevent writing to the
    Can you try using Java 1.5? Although 1.4 is officially
    supported, I think 1.5 receives much more testing.
    You can create self-signed certificates using other tools. If
    you do that, make sure the certificate is marked as usable for
    code-signing; otherwise, adt won't accept it.
    You cannot create air packages without signing them.

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    Hello Mr. ivar,
    In order to get a new SSL certificate please follow the next instructions:
    STEP 1 : Click Administration > Authentication.
    The Authentication (Certificates) window opens.
    STEP 2 For each type of certificate, perform the following actions, as needed:
    • To add a certificate, click Upload. You can upload the certificate from the PC or the USB device. Click Browse, find and select the certificate, and then
    click Upload.
    • To delete a certificate, check the box to select the certificate, and then click
    • To download the router’s certificate (.pem file), click the Download button under the Download Settings area.
    STEP 3 To request a certificate from the CA, click Generate CSR.
    The Generate Certification Signing Request window opens.
    a. Enter the distinguished name information in the Generate Self Certificate
    Request fields.
    • Name: Unique name used to identify a certificate.
    • Subject: Name of the certificate holder (owner). The subject field populates the CN (Common Name) entry of the generated certificate and can contain these fields:
    - CN=Common Name
    - O=Organization
    - OU=Organizational unit
    - L= Locality
    - ST= State
    - C=Country
    For example: CN=router1, OU=my_dept, O=my_company, L=SFO, C=US
    Whatever  name you choose will appear in the subject line of the generated CSR.  To include more than one subject field, enter each subject separated by a  comma. For example:, ST=CA, C=USA
    • Hash Algorithm: Algorithm used by the certificate. Choose between MD5 and SHA-1
    •Signature Algorithm: Algorithm (RSA) used to sign the certificate.
    • Signature Key Length: Length of the signature, either 512 or 1024.
    • (Optional) IP Address, Domain Name, and Email Address
    b. Click Generate.
    A  new certificate request is created and added to the Certification  Signing Request (CSR) table. To view the request, click the View button  next to the certificate you just created.
    Or you could check it on the next link. please check page 191
    If this answer was satisfactory for you, please mark the question as Answered.
    Diego Rodriguez
    Cisco network engineer
    Thank you

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    Keystore type: jks
    Keystore provider: SUN
    Your keystore contains 1 entry
    demoidentity, Jan 4, 2007, keyEntry, // is it called private key ?
    Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 60:42:75:33:31:AA:9A:C6:9D:1A:CD:9F:22:8D:4A:6A // is it called certificate ?
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    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    The content of a 'keystore' is what you, or the person who provided it, put in it. In this case it looks like all it contains it a public key certificate with an alias of 'demoidentity' .

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    thanks in adv

    From a single report, you can generate outputs to html, htmlcss, pdf, rtf, XML and text formats.
    If you use rwclient, rwrun or rwservlet methods, specify desformat=pdf/html and the destination file name in desname command line parameters.
    If you use Reports Builder, open a report, select File->Generate to file and select html/pdf. Then give the file name.
    For more details, Refer to Reports Tutorial / Publishing Reports document from this site.
    The Oracle Reports team

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    How can we generate header and Trailer for a file
    i want to generate header with date and trailer with record count from table.
    Sample file :

    Hi ,
    1.Create an interface to load data from oracle to file and set generate header as false option in IKM .
    2.Create variable get_current_date of alphanumeric datatype and implement logic SELECT to_Char(SYSDATE,'yyyymmdd') FROM DUAL under refreshing tab
    3.Create variable get_record_count of numeric datatype and implement logic SELECT '<%=odiRef.getPrevStepLog("INSERT_COUNT")%>' FROM DUAL under refreshing tab
    4.Create a package
    Drag the get_current_date variable ,
    Drag odioutfile and paste the below logic OdiOutFile "-FILE=D:\ODI_TEST\emp.txt" "-CHARSET_ENCODING=ISO8859_1" "-XROW_SEP=0D0A" #GET_current_date in command tab
    Drag the interface
    Drag another variable get_Record_count
    Drag the odioutfile and paste the below logic OdiOutFile "-FILE=D:\ODI_TEST\emp.txt" -APPEND "-CHARSET_ENCODING=ISO8859_1" "-XROW_SEP=0D0A"
    #GET_RECORD_COUNT in command tab
    Link all these in sequence,save and run the package.
    OR Modify the IKM SQL to File Append to achieve same functionality.

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    Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority "******"
    Please suggest how to pass both the certs from client Application..

    This problem can be due to an Untrusted certificate. So you need just full permissions to certificates.
    And for more information, you could refer to:

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    While Clearing partial payment with respect to Invoice thorough F-32 ( As residual )- Two documents generated AB and RV in development system.
    where as in Quality and Production system there is only one AB document generated.
    Is it standard behavior to generate AB and RV?
    Customer don't what that RV document to be generated.

    This is  one of the option given by SAP to manage your  open items in case of  partial payments. In this  process when you go for residual payment, your original open item against which partial payment is made gets cleared &  system automatically creates a new  open item with the balance amount.
    e.g  you have an open item of Rs 10,000/- since  01.03.2014 & today i.e on 01.04.2014 you are making an payment of Rs 6,000/- against the said  item & you  opt for residual payment. In this case the original open item   i.e Rs 10,000/- gets cleared  & a new open item of  i.e Rs 4,000/-  get created . Note that this new open item created by the system  will have  the new document date (01.04.2014) and new baseline date, i.e here aging of your receivable/payable does not reflects the true picture.
    But this  is not the case when you opt for partial clearing method. In partial clearing method , the original open item is not cleared, instead  both the items are shown as open items.
    If you take the case of above example, after making the partial payment of Rs 6,000/- against Rs 10,000/- you will have two open items. One the original one of Rs 10,000/- since 01.03.2014 and another for Rs 6,000/- on 01.04.2014.In this case the aging of your receivable/payable shows the true picture.
    Yes its  a business decision ,which method to  adopt.
    Thanks & regards

  • Generated files and layout

    After generating automatic documents in Frame9 suchs as TOC, List of Figures and the like I have saved these as templates. Trying to import these formats into newly generated documents will not import the chapter and pagenumbers nor their layout even though these have been included on the reference pages. Adjusting these afterwards often does not affect position, style or layout. More concrete: the numbers in front of the titles are specified yet missing, the page numbers are directly behind the titles instead of at the configured tab stop. Moreover, titles are in Arial, while the pagenums having the same paragraph tag are times new roman. Something I cannot seem to change.  Why does Frame not import the settings from the template or respond to my adjustments after updating. Sometimes it only partly updates.
    Any help and ideas are welcome

    Pieter van de Sande wrote:
    Ok that's what I thought when posing the question. Index and TOC are incompatible. To me they are simply generated files and if I configure the page numbers to be on the right in the Arial font in the TOC I expect these to be the same after importing formats into another generated file. I guess I need to change my train of thought.
    Yes, the're independent from each other. If you look on the TOC reference page, you'll find entries like:
    <$paratext>(tab character) <$pagenum>
    This entry is formatted using the assigned "TOC" paragraph style, e.g. if you're reading a paragraph style named "Heading1", this entry is formatted using the "Heading1TOC" paragraph style. If this style is set to Arial, the whole line (paragraph text and page number) will be formatted using the Arial font, as long as you don't use separate character styles for the placeholders (<$paratext> or <$pagenum>).
    Looking on the SIX reference page, there are other entries. You'll see e.g.
    Level1SIX (tab character)
    (tab character)<$pagenum>
    In this case the text entry is formatted using the "Level1SIX" paragraph format, and the page number is formatted using the "IndexSIX" format. These may specify different fonts. You see, there are completely different formats and "building blocks" which are used to create a TOC and an Index entry.

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