Get-ADGroupMember limitations

Hi All,
I am trying to run the following query:
get-adgroup -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Test,dc=domain,dc=com" | get-adgroupmember | get-aduser -Properties * | Select Name,postalCode
and get the following error: Get-ADUser : A referral was returned from the server
Test OU contains Universal Distribution Groups with memebers from different domains in the same forest.
So I've figured running agains GC server should fix it but I've hit a limitation:
get-adgroup -Server -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Test,dc=domain,dc=com" | get-adgroupmember | get-aduser -Properties * | Select Name,postalCode
and got the following error: Get-ADGroupMember : The operation is not supported on Global Catalog port.
It's Server 2008R2 with PS version 2
Thank you,

Not being able to control referral chasing behavior is my biggest gripe with the AD module right now.  If you're in a multi-domain environment, you may find it better to either use the Quest cmdlets, or write your own code using the System.DirectoryServices
In this case, though, I'd just grab the Member attribute of each group, and make individual calls to Get-ADUser in a foreach loop.  This sidesteps the problem and allows you to keep using the simpler AD cmdlets:
Get-ADGroup -Properties member -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Test,dc=domain,dc=com" |
ForEach-Object {
$group = $_
foreach ($dn in $group.member)
Get-ADUser $dn -Properties Name,postalCode |
Select-Object Name,postalCode
Or, alternatively:
Get-ADGroup -Properties member -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Test,dc=domain,dc=com" |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty member |
ForEach-Object {
$dn = $_
Get-ADUser $dn -Properties Name,postalCode |
Select-Object Name,postalCode

Similar Messages

  • Get-AdGroupMember -recursive doesn't return membership for some nested groups.

    I have the following setup:
    Test Parent Group (Group)
      - John Doe (User)
      - Domain Users (Group, contains 1000s of users)
    When I call: Get-AdGroupMember "Test Parent Group" -recursive
    Only John Doe is returned.

    First, it seems that Get-ADGroupMember in a recursive mode does not return object with the class group. So only the actual members are returnd not the groups.
    Second, with the -recursive, Get-ADGroupMember reads the member attribute of each nested groups. Users are not a member of Domain Users through the member attribute but through the primaryGroupID attribute. Thus you list the members of Domain Users if you
    target it directly Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Users" but not when this one is nested. I don't know if there is a documentation about this.
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • PowerShell script : Directory object not found error in Get-ADGroupMember

    I am new in powershell scripting. I am writing a script to add users in different AD Groups. while doing so I do the following:
    Check if the user already exist in the group:
    $mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
    If user does not exist then add the user to the group.
    When I manually run the script its runs flawless, without any errors. But when I schedule the script to run it gives an error as follows:
    3/30/2015 8:32:15 AM Directory object not foundAt + $mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAc ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error at Line:$mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember
    $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
    The strange thing is the user for which it throws the error is present in the group.I am not sure why this error is occurring when scheduled. Can any one please help? All the suggestions will be appreciated
    Note: (The script is scheduled using Windows Task Scheduler)
    # # Initialize the variables we will use
    $status = 'false'
    $drivename = "H:"
    $sysdate = Get-Date -UFormat "%m_%d_%Y"
    $foldername = $drivename + "\Script_Result\PowershellData"+ $sysdate
    $backup_folder = "$foldername\AD_Groups_Backup"
    $updatedGroup = "$foldername\Updated_AD_Groups_LogFiles"
    $LogFilePath = "$foldername\Log_Update_ADGroups"+$sysdate+".log"
    # # Initialize the arrays we will use
    $GroupArray = @()
    # # maintain log of program startup
    $logdate = get-date
    $logdate.ToString() + "`tStarted script to Update AD user Groups..." | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath
    # # Create a sub folder to store the backup files
    $fileexist = Test-Path $backup_folder -PathType Container
    if($fileexist -ne 'False')
    New-Item -ItemType Directory $backup_folder
    # # Create a sub folder to store Updated AD group Log files
    $fileexist = Test-Path $updatedGroup -PathType Container
    if($fileexist -ne 'False')
    New-Item -ItemType Directory $updatedGroup
    # # Take back up of the AD groups data
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group1" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group2" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group3" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group4" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
    (an so on..... 11 such groups )
    # # Fetch AD Users data
    $ADusers = Get-ADUser -filter {(EmployeeNumber -gt 1) -and (EmployeeNumber -ne "N/A") -and (Enabled -eq $true)} -Properties * | Sort-Object -Property EmployeeNumber
    foreach($u in $ADusers)
    $sam = $u.SamAccountName
    $empnum = $u.EmployeeNumber
    $mgr = $u.mgr
    $fsal = $u.'fsalary-Hourly'
    $comp = $u.Company
    $ofc = $u.Office
    Write-Host "$sam : $empnum : $mgr :$fsal : $comp : $ofc" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $GroupArray = @()
    # # Check if the user fits in any of the 11 scenarios
    if($comp -eq "US")
    # scenario 7
    write-host "7. Add to US Employees"
    $GroupArray += "US Employees"
    if($mgr -eq "Y")
    Write-Host "1. ADD to US MAnagers"
    $group = "US Managers"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if(($fsal -eq "Hourly") -and ($ofc -ne "Canton"))
    Write-Host "3. Add to US Hourly (excluding Canton)"
    $group = "US Hourly (excluding Canton)"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if(($fsal -eq "Hourly") -and ($ofc -eq "Canton"))
    write-host "4. Add to US Canton Hourly"
    $group = "US Canton Hourly"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if(($fsal -eq "Salaried") -and ($ofc -eq "Corporate" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 1" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 2"))
    Write-Host "5. Add to US Salaried Corporate"
    $group = "US Salaried Corporate"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if(($fsal -eq "Salaried") -and ($ofc -ne "Corporate" -and $ofc -ne "Landis Lakes 1" -and $ofc -ne "Landis Lakes 2"))
    Write-Host "6. Add to US Salaried Plant"
    $group = "US Salaried Plant"
    $GroupArray +=$group
    elseif($comp -eq "canada")
    # scenario 9
    write-host "9. Canada Employees"
    $GroupArray += "Canada Employees"
    if($mgr -eq "Y")
    Write-Host "2. Add to Canada Managers"
    $group = "Canada Managers"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if($fsal -eq "Hourly")
    Write-Host "10. Add to Canada Hourly"
    $group = "Canada Hourly"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if($fsal -eq "Salaried")
    Write-Host "11. Add to Canada Salaried Plant"
    $group = "Canada Salaried Plant"
    $GroupArray += $group
    elseif($ofc -eq "Corporate" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 1" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 2")
    Write-Host "8. Add to Corporate Employees"
    $GroupArray += "Corporate Employees"
    write-host "Final Group List" -ForegroundColor Green
    $grplen = $GroupArray.Length
    for($i= 0; $i -lt $grplen; $i++)
    $grpname = $GroupArray[$i]
    write-host "$sam will be added to Group : $grpname" -ForegroundColor Magenta
    # # Check if the user is already present in the Group
    $mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
    if($mbr_exist -eq $null)
    # #Add user to US Managers group
    Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $grpname -Members $sam
    Write-Host "1. User $sam is added to $grpname group" -ForegroundColor Green
    # # documenting the user list that are added to this group
    $grpmbr = New-Object PSObject
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "EmployeeNumber" -Value $empnum
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SamAccountName" -Value $sam
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $u.Name
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DistinguishedName" -Value $u.DistinguishedName
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "mgr" -Value $mgr
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Company" -Value $comp
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Salary/Hourly" -Value $fsal
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Office" -Value $ofc
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ADGroup" -Value $grpname
    $grpmbr | Export-Csv "$updatedGroup\ADUsers_To_Group($grpname)_$sysdate.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host "Member $sam already exist in $grpname group" -ForegroundColor Red
    $logdate = get-date
    $logdate.ToString() + "`tCompleted script to Update Update AD Groups..." | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append
    $status = 'true'
    return $status
    $err_lineno = $error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
    $err_line = $error[0].InvocationInfo.Line
    $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    $error_info = $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
    Write-Host "$error_info " -ForegroundColor Red
    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
    $logdate.ToString() + "`t $error_info " | out-file "$foldername\ErrorLog_Update_AD_Groups$sysdate.log" -append
    "Line Number: $err_lineno . `nError at Line: $err_line" | out-file "$foldername\ErrorLog_Update_AD_Groups$sysdate.log" -append
    #Invoke-Item "C:\ErrorLog.log"
    $status = 'false'
    return $status

    Hi mdkelly, Sorry for such a late reply (due to credential issues).
    I am using Windows task scheduler to schedule the task. I am given the administrator access to the server (Windows Server 2012). So I think I set to run the script under system account.
    My apologies for asking this, am I missing something while scheduling the script through task scheduler?  how to check if the scheduled task is running under who's credentials? How to pass my (admin) credentials, so that the script execution won't face
    a problem? Any suggestion on the above questions will be helpful. (I tried to search on net for the questions but didn't get any conclusive answers)  
    Thanks in advance.

  • Get-ADGroupMember runing issue

    Hi guys
    I am just trying some basic AD scripts, but got some problem with Get-ADGroupMember
    I am trying to get a list of users in a group, including every subgroup in that group. Then I want to display samaccountname, Full Name and group they are in.
    Tried to run some basic command 
    import-module activedirectory
    Get-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins" -recursive | Select-Object Name,samaccountname
    When executed, I get this:
    Get-AdGroupMember : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'recursive'.
    At E:\scripts\testAD.ps1:2 char:35
    + Get-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins" -recursive | Select-Object Name,samaccountname
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Get-AdGroupMember], ParameterBindingException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Get-AdGroupMember
    How do I get it to work? Using PS 3

    I'm not getting the error you do, but you can try the Quest AD powershell module.
    if((get-pssnapin "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement" -erroraction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
      {add-pssnapin "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement"}
    Get-qadgroupmember "domain admins" -indirect | select-object name,samaccountname
    Hope this helps.

  • Get-ADGroupMember -recursive Show Groupnames

    I'm new to Powershell and im trying to get a list of the Members of some AD-Groups. Each Group is related to two other Groups for Read and Change permissions. Like FS101_EXAMPLE has two members wich are FS101_EXAMPLE_C and FS101_EXAMPLE_R
    So far I've got the following Code:
    import-module ActiveDirectory
    $GRP = "Groupname"
    Get-ADGroupMember $GRP -recursive | select objectclass,name | export-csv C:\Scripts\Exports\$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss)-$GRP.txt –NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
    If i scan on "FS101_EXAMPLE" it works and i get a list of all Members of FS101_EXAMPLE_C and FS101_EXAMPLE_R but i should know how's in wich group.
    How can I get a List with the Groupnames on it?

    If I understand you correctly, it sounds like you're getting the list of members from FS101_EXAMPLE, and recursively returning the members of groups within this first group. Your output lists the users but doesn't distinguish from which group they belong.
    I'm looking at Get-ADGroupMember and I see this behavior as well. I have ADPrincipal objects but there's not way on the surface to see their group membership.
    There are likely a number of ways to reach your goal, here is one way using a recursive function.
    function Get-ADGroupMembers {
    $objects = @()
    $members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName
    foreach ($member in $members) {
    if ($member.objectClass -eq "group") {
    $objects += Get-AdGroupMembers -GroupName $member.Name
    $objects += @{
    "objectclass" = $member.objectClass;
    "name" = $member.Name;
    "group" = $GroupName
    } # foreach
    return $objects
    } # Get-AdGroupMembers
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $GRP = "Groupname"
    $AllMembers = Get-ADGroupMembers -GroupName $GRP
    $AllMembers | Foreach-Object {New-Object psobject -Property $_ } | Export-Csv C:\Scripts\Exports\$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss)-$GRP.txt –NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
    What I'm doing here is I've created a recursive function Get-ADGroupMembers (maybe not the best name) that calls Get-ADGroupMember against the given group. It then gets the members, collects the properties we want and adds them to an array which the function
    returns. If there is a group in the group, it will call the function again with this subgroup. 
    I'm storing the properties you want, objectClass, and Name, as well as the name of the group in a hashtable. The function returns the array of hashtables which I then convert to an object and export to CSV (HT powershell
    convert array of hastables into csv).
    Jason Warren

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    I have an Airport Express and I keep getting a limited connectivity message, WHY?

    If you are using the AirPort Express to create a wireless signal, we need to know how you have the device connected to an Internet source. 
    In other words, one end of an Ethernet cable is connected to the WAN "O" port on the AirPort Express.  The other end of the Ethernet cable will plug directly into an Ethernet wall port, a modem or a router. 
    How is the AirPort Express connecting to the Internet?
    If the AirPort Express connects to a modem or router, what is the make and model number of the device?

  • Properties of get-ADGroupMember

    I am trying to understand the difference in commands?
    if i run:
    Get-ADUser user ....i get a list of properties.
    Get-ADUser <user> -Properties * | me all the hidden??? or non default "what is the correct" properties.
    get-adgroupmember group gives me 6 properties i can query. distinguishedName, name, distinguishedName, distinguishedName, distinguishedName, SID.
    Are there more? If there is how can i see it?
    Trying to learn and understand.
    Thanks for the help.,

    To get a list of properties of the members, you can throw the results into a loop:
    Get-ADGroupMember "GroupName" -Recursive | Foreach-Object ({ Get-ADUser $($_.samaccountname) -properties * | Format-Table Name,Whatever,Property,You,Want,To,See -auto })
    If you're looking for whether a group member is enabled/disabled or stale, you can use a tool I have in the gallery:
    - Chris Ream -
    **Remember, if you find a post that is helpful, or is the answer, please mark it appropriately.**

  • Powershell Get-ADGroupMember Size Limit

    Get-ADGroupMember -identity "Applications" -recursive|
    Where-Object {$_.distinguishedName -like "*OU=Apps,OU=Security*" }| 
    Select Name,SamAccountName |
    Sort -Property Name |
    Export-csv -path C:\Members.csv -NoTypeInformation
    Purpose: I'm attempting to list users accounts who belong to a specific group but only those users from a specified OU.
    The script above ran perfectly yesterday when I wrote it, producing exactly what I need.  However, when I came into work today, and working in the same session of Powershell, I received the following:
    Get-ADGroupMember : The size limit for this request was exceeded
    At line:1 char:1
    I then closed the session and attempted to run this script again but keep receiving the same error.  I don't want to change the ADWS settings to extend the size, is there an alternative or some modification I can do to achieve the same result?
    Please advise.  Thanks.

    You may need to use DirectorySearcher methods instead. Here's some information and a sample script from the repository:
    Don't retire TechNet!

  • Get-AdGroupMember Question

    OK here's my problem, I'm not great with PowerShell. I understand a little but that's about it and here's me scenario.I am creating a process to add users to a domain local group but it is spread across 3 domains. My add script works like a charm but I need to add some error checking in so I want to check if the user is already a member first, if they aren't add them and then test to ensure they were actually added. If I use Get-ADUser it only looks at the user in that domain so does not show the user being a member of that group as it sits in another domain.if ((Get-ADUser $UserName -server $DomainController -Properties memberof).memberof -like $GroupDN){1}Else{0}So I think I need to do it the other way, search the group and then establish if the user is listed. I know I can use the Get-ADGroupMember function but that only returns a...
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    Based on the description, you have deleted the object for mail-enabled public folder "Equipment Contacts" under the Microsoft Exchange System Objects container, but you still get the warning provided above.
    First please check if you have other mail-enabled public folder object under the Microsoft Exchange System Objects container, make sure they have a valid alias.
    Besides, please update your public folder to check result.
    A similar thread for your reference.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Get-ADGroupMember Output Formatting

    I'm running the below command and I need the output to be the usernames only. I can't seem to find a way to remove the beginning (1 blank line) and ending blank (2 blank lines) returns as well as the trailing spaces behind the usernames:
    Get-ADGroupMember -identity "Domain Admins" | Select SAMAccountName | ft -hidetableheaders
    I need to pass the usernames in an Orchestrator workflow, but I can't have any empty lines or extra spaces or my workflow will fail.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    I'm not sure why, but (Get-ADGroupMember -identity "Domain Admins").SamAccountName did not return anything at all.
    You must be running an older version of PowerShell. This should work in V3+
    Also, just FYI - you're generally supposed to mark the posts that helped you as answers, not your own reply to them.
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,700+ strong and growing)

  • Get-adgroupmember gives operation timeout error

    Hi experts,
    i am tring to get the user names from few groups in AD. But it displays me an eror for few groups like
    ERROR :-
    At D:\All Scripts\AD Scripts\groupmember.ps1:7 (file:///D:/All%20Scripts/AD%20Scripts/groupmember.ps1:7) char:1
    + Get-ADGroupMember vpn_terminal_access | Foreach-object{
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : O
    perationTimeout: (vpn_terminal_access:ADGroup)
    [Get-ADGroupMember], TimeoutException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryCmdlet:System.TimeoutException,Mi
    SCRIPT -
    Get-ADGroupMember ABC | Foreach-object{
       $_.samaccountname | get-aduser -properties * | Ft name, emailaddress | out-file .\ABC.csv -enc utf8 -append
    ABC is group name. What i need to do ?

    Doesn't matter. The user principal is very easy to get.  It is the embedded Get-AdUser that is time consuming because it mkes Get-AdGroupMember wait on every member.  If any member is in another domain and the network is slow it can cause a timeout. 
    Yes= Using Get-ADGroup would be faster but it, too, returns an array of strings and NOT a comma delimited list.
    Under most circumstances the difference is trivial.  If the domains are remote then this is an issue.  One more reason to not place users in a group when remote. Place them in a group and place the group in the group.  Overall performance
    for everything is better and more reliable.  That is why it is designed that way.  In NT4 this was not as easy so NT4 was prone to this kind of failure. Too often Admins just add users to local groups when they are remote. They then complain about
    performance. It can very badly impact logon performance.
    Notice that this is a collection (array):
    PS C:\scripts> (Get-AdGroup testgrp -prop members).members.GetType()
    IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
    True False ADPropertyValueCollection System.Collections.CollectionBase
    For this property only it is a collection of strings. It can be a collection of any "ValueType"

  • Get-adgroupmember says it completed successfully but displays nothing in Powershell

    I am trying to display all the members of administrators so I try
    Get-ADgroupmember -identity administrators
    and it returns
    Get-ADGroupmember : The operation completed successfully
    At line:1 Char:18
    + Get-ADgroupmember <<<<
           +CategoryInfo  "NotSpecified: (administrators:ADGroup) [Get-ADGroupMember], ADException
    What am I doing wrong?

    I have faced this error when the group contains foreign members. Try to use Get-ADGroup and access members property - it should work. PSB example:
    PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMember my_cool_group
    Get-ADGroupMember : The operation completed successfully
    At line:1 char:18
    + Get-ADGroupMember <<<< my_cool_group
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (my_cool_group:ADGroup) [Get-ADGroupMember], ADException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : The operation completed successfully,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADGroupMember
    PS C:\> (Get-ADGroup my_cool_group -properties members).members
    CN=Citrixtest\, Citrixtest,OU=Ireland,OU=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL

  • NB305 - Can't get the limited warranty

    I brought a NB305-106 a few weeks ago and I have a problem trying to get the limited warranty, on TEMPRO it simply says that my serial number/part number are invalid, and on the web when trying to register, it says that the serial number has already been registered... so I cannot even apply for any other warranties. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Can you please send the link where you try to do this?
    To check registration status please visit
    For registration problems please contact Toshiba in your country. Contact details can be found at

  • Cannot get hardware limits to work when using Lintech switches with a ACR9000 motion controller

    This has been my conversation with Parker Automation.
    From: Susan Connors <[email protected]>
    Date: April 21, 2015 at 8:52:55 AM CDT
    To: Bowlerdusty <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: ACR 9000
    Hi Dustin,
    Since the product was not purchased from us, or through the Parker website, but through National Instruments, you would need to contact them and they should be able to help.
    Susan Connors
    Customer Service Representative
    Cross Company - Automation Group
    Employee Owned Since 1979
    Direct Dial: 704-755-1048 Fax: 704-523-6500
    Toll Free: 1-800-866-4568 ext 5352
    On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Bowlerdusty <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi again. Since last speaking, we have gotten the motor to move. The only thing we are struggling on now is getting the hardware limits to work. We are using switches provided by Lintech. One pair of switches is mechanical and the other pair are non-contact reed switches. I found out earlier that the product was purchased from National Instruments Co. Anyway we could receive some help with this?
    Dustin Brown
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Susan Connors <[email protected]>
    To: Bowlerdusty <[email protected]>
    Sent: Tue, Feb 3, 2015 12:52 pm
    Subject: Re: ACR 9000
    I am checking with our manager and engineers on this and will let you know.
    Susan Connors
    Customer Service Representative
    Cross Company Automation Group - Employee Owned Since 1979
    Direct Dial: 704-755-1048 Fax: 704-523-6500
    [email protected]
    Cross Automation Line Card
    We welcome your feedback on our customer support team. Please email my manager: [email protected]
    On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Bowlerdusty <[email protected]> wrote:
    Could it possibly be under some other name? There are other divisions it could possible be under. This place is also under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, so it might be under that name. And if this wasn't purchased from this company, then where was it purchased from? This is the company I was sent to when I contacted the Parker Motion support.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Susan Connors <[email protected]>
    To: bowlerdusty <[email protected]>
    Sent: Fri, Jan 30, 2015 4:13 pm
    Subject: Fwd: ACR 9000
    We have checked and show no record of your company or this part being purchased from us, so this is not something that we can offer support.
    I do not know of an integrator in your area but you should contact a local one that could possibly help you trouble-shoot any questions you have on this unit.
    Susan Connors
    Customer Service Representative
    Cross Company Automation Group - Employee Owned Since 1979
    Direct Dial: 704-755-1048 Fax: 704-523-6500
    [email protected]
    Cross Automation Line Card
    We welcome your feedback on our customer support team. Please email my manager: [email protected]
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Bowlerdusty <[email protected]>
    Date: Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 3:59 PM
    Subject: Re: ACR 9000
    To: [email protected]
    Any idea of when I'll get a response?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: AG Sales Fax <[email protected]>
    To: bowlerdusty <[email protected]>
    Sent: Fri, Jan 30, 2015 11:03 am
    Subject: Fwd: ACR 9000
    -- Can you please advise Company name and location so I can forward to appropriate contact?
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: 'Bowlerdusty' via [email protected] <[email protected]>
    Date: Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 10:32 AM
    Subject: ACR 9000
    To: [email protected]
    I was told to contact you guys for help with this. Can you be of some assistance?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: jhoagland <[email protected]>
    To: Bowlerdusty <[email protected]>
    Sent: Thu, Jan 29, 2015 3:44 pm
    Subject: Re: ACR9000
    There are free training videos on our website:​6934__30_32_80_567_29.html
    This unit was purchased through Cross Automation.
    They are your local Parker ATC distributor and can give you assistance though the unit is out of warranty.
    Their phone number is: 704-523-2222
    Let me know if there’s any questions. Have a nice day.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bowlerdusty < [email protected]>
    To: emn_applications < [email protected]>
    Sent: Thu, Jan 29, 2015 2:57 pm
    Subject: Fwd: ACR9000
    Here is a pic of the serial number and model number.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: emn_applications < [email protected]>
    To: Bowlerdusty < [email protected]>
    Sent: Thu, Jan 29, 2015 11:36 am
    Subject: Re: ACR9000
    On the other side of the ACR9000 is a label with the model number, SO and
    serial number. Please provide.
    Application Engineering Team
    [email protected]
    phone 800-358-9070 · international 1-707-584-7558
    Parker Hannifin Corporation · Electromechanical Automation, NA
    5500 Business Park Drive · Rohnert Park · CA · 94928
    Bowlerdusty <[email protected]>
    [email protected]
    01/29/2015 09:19 AM
    Re: ACR9000
    I honeslty don't know this information. This stuff was bought at least a
    few years ago. A student who is now gone had put it together a while back.
    There were a lot of binders with it for instructions but none of it was
    very clear to me. I'm sending pictures with the parts I have
    -----Original Message-----
    From: emn_applications <[email protected]>
    To: Dustin Brown <[email protected]>
    Sent: Wed, Jan 28, 2015 10:17 am
    Subject: Re: ACR9000
    OK. So now you'd program it using the Configuration Wizard in ACR-View and
    the program editor.
    Which Parker ATC distributor did you purchase this through?
    Application Engineering Team
    [email protected]
    phone 800-358-9070 · international 1-707-584-7558
    Parker Hannifin Corporation · Electromechanical Automation, NA
    5500 Business Park Drive · Rohnert Park · CA · 94928
    Dustin Brown <[email protected]>
    [email protected]"
    01/28/2015 07:58 AM <
    [email protected]>
    Re: ACR9000
    Hi thanks for the reply. We got it connected via Ethernet now. We had to
    change the IP address of "local area connection" on the computer to for it to see the controller. So now that it is connecting to
    the controller, it keeps saying that the drives are all disabled. I have
    one drive connected to the controller in the Axis 0 port.
    Sent from my iPhone
    On Jan 27, 2015, at 3:56 PM, [email protected] wrote:
    > Did you change your PC's IP address?
    > VIDEO: How to set your PC's Ethernet IP address
    > Default is
    > Is this a new ACR9000?
    > If you don't know the IP address and the default doesn't work, you'll
    > to connect via USB or serial to get the IP address or reset it.
    > Regards,
    > Jonathan
    > __________________________________________________​______________________
    > Application Engineering Team
    > [email protected]
    > phone 800-358-9070 · international 1-707-584-7558
    > Parker Hannifin Corporation · Electromechanical Automation, NA
    > 5500 Business Park Drive · Rohnert Park · CA · 94928
    > Bowlerdusty <[email protected]>
    [email protected]
    > 01/27/2015 01:48 PM
    > ACR9000
    > I am having a little trouble getting a connection between the ACR view
    > software and the ACR 9000. I am attempting to use an ethernet cable for
    > the connection. Every time I press the "connect" button it says "Failed
    > attempting to connect to controller". Do you have any advice?
    > Thanks,
    > Dustin Brown
    (See attached file: IMG_0864.JPG)(See attached file: IMG_0865.JPG)(See
    attached file: IMG_0866.JPG)(See attached file: IMG_0867.JPG)(See attached
    file: IMG_0868.JPG)(See attached file: IMG_0869.JPG)
    1 Attached Images
    Go to Solution.
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    Hi thanks for the reply.  Yes I have used the ACR view to specify which inputs to use before.  I used input 0 for the positive limit, input 1 for the negative limit, and input 2 for the home switch.  However, when using ACR view the switch kept displaying that the switch had been tripped when nothing was pressing against it.  I would also try pressing on the mechanical switch to see at least if the value would change but to no avail.
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