Powershell Get-ADGroupMember Size Limit

Get-ADGroupMember -identity "Applications" -recursive|
Where-Object {$_.distinguishedName -like "*OU=Apps,OU=Security*" }| 
Select Name,SamAccountName |
Sort -Property Name |
Export-csv -path C:\Members.csv -NoTypeInformation
Purpose: I'm attempting to list users accounts who belong to a specific group but only those users from a specified OU.
The script above ran perfectly yesterday when I wrote it, producing exactly what I need.  However, when I came into work today, and working in the same session of Powershell, I received the following:
Get-ADGroupMember : The size limit for this request was exceeded
At line:1 char:1
I then closed the session and attempted to run this script again but keep receiving the same error.  I don't want to change the ADWS settings to extend the size, is there an alternative or some modification I can do to achieve the same result?
Please advise.  Thanks.

You may need to use DirectorySearcher methods instead. Here's some information and a sample script from the repository:
Don't retire TechNet!

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    Do you get the same error when you point Softerra directly to the directory?

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  • Powershell - Get size of files listed in an array

    Hi there! I'm a newbie in powershell. As you can see, maybe my problem is kinda easy but i'm getting nuts over here.
    I got this object, that is an array
    PS C:\scripts\CleanScan> $gotFiles.GetType()
    IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType                            
    True     True     Object[]                                 System.Array  
    It came from an query gci
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    It gets the files in a directory older than $limit 
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    Any help would be appreciated.

    GetType has it's value, but not for what you're trying to learn.  You want to use Get-Member to show the methods and properties you can use with your $GotFiles object, which actually consists of System.IO objects:
    $gotfiles | Get-Member
       TypeName: System.IO.DirectoryInfo
    Name                      MemberType     Definition
    Mode                      CodeProperty   System.String Mode{get=Mode;}
    Create                    Method         System.Void Create(System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity director...
    CreateObjRef              Method         System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef CreateObjRef(type requestedType)
    <lots of other stuff here>
    Parent                    Property       System.IO.DirectoryInfo Parent {get;}
    Root                      Property       System.IO.DirectoryInfo Root {get;}
    BaseName                  ScriptProperty System.Object BaseName {get=$this.Name;}
       TypeName: System.IO.FileInfo
    Name                      MemberType     Definition
    Mode                      CodeProperty   System.String Mode{get=Mode;}
    AppendText                Method         System.IO.StreamWriter AppendText()
    <still more stuff here>
    Length                    Property       System.Int64 Length {get;}
    Name                      Property       System.String Name {get;}
    The first section applies to directories because there's a directory in my path, so don't worry about that for now.  The second section has a Length property that might help:
    PS C:\temp\scratch> $gotfiles.length
    Nope, that's just the number of files
    PS C:\temp\scratch> $gotfiles
        Directory: C:\temp\scratch
    Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
    d----         3/25/2014   3:13 PM            NTFSSecurity
    -a---         3/24/2014  12:27 PM         94 data.csv
    -a---         3/26/2014  12:48 PM         51 grp - Copy.csv
    -a---         3/27/2014   8:39 AM        104 grp.csv
    -a---         3/27/2014   8:28 AM         60 grp2.csv
    -a---         3/27/2014   8:34 AM        104 grp3.csv
    -a---         3/25/2014  12:23 PM      37003 obs.xml
    You can see the Length property right there in the output, in bytes
    PS C:\temp\scratch> $gotfiles | select name, length
    Name                                                        length
    data.csv                                                    94
    grp - Copy.csv                                              51
    grp.csv                                                     104
    grp2.csv                                                    60
    grp3.csv                                                    104
    obs.xml                                                     37003
    Then to make a report about this
    $gotfiles | select fullname, length | export-csv c:\filesizereport.csv -NoType
    Your code might look like this just to get the output:
    $gotFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -lt $limit} | select fullname, @{name="Size in KB";expression={$_.length / 1024}}
    That last bit converts to KB. 
    I hope this post has helped!

  • PowerShell script : Directory object not found error in Get-ADGroupMember

    I am new in powershell scripting. I am writing a script to add users in different AD Groups. while doing so I do the following:
    Check if the user already exist in the group:
    $mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
    If user does not exist then add the user to the group.
    When I manually run the script its runs flawless, without any errors. But when I schedule the script to run it gives an error as follows:
    3/30/2015 8:32:15 AM Directory object not foundAt + $mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAc ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Error at Line:$mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember
    $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
    The strange thing is the user for which it throws the error is present in the group.I am not sure why this error is occurring when scheduled. Can any one please help? All the suggestions will be appreciated
    Note: (The script is scheduled using Windows Task Scheduler)
    # # Initialize the variables we will use
    $status = 'false'
    $drivename = "H:"
    $sysdate = Get-Date -UFormat "%m_%d_%Y"
    $foldername = $drivename + "\Script_Result\PowershellData"+ $sysdate
    $backup_folder = "$foldername\AD_Groups_Backup"
    $updatedGroup = "$foldername\Updated_AD_Groups_LogFiles"
    $LogFilePath = "$foldername\Log_Update_ADGroups"+$sysdate+".log"
    # # Initialize the arrays we will use
    $GroupArray = @()
    # # maintain log of program startup
    $logdate = get-date
    $logdate.ToString() + "`tStarted script to Update AD user Groups..." | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath
    # # Create a sub folder to store the backup files
    $fileexist = Test-Path $backup_folder -PathType Container
    if($fileexist -ne 'False')
    New-Item -ItemType Directory $backup_folder
    # # Create a sub folder to store Updated AD group Log files
    $fileexist = Test-Path $updatedGroup -PathType Container
    if($fileexist -ne 'False')
    New-Item -ItemType Directory $updatedGroup
    # # Take back up of the AD groups data
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group1" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group2" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group3" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group4" | Export-csv "$backup_folder\Group1_BackUP$sysdate.csv"
    (an so on..... 11 such groups )
    # # Fetch AD Users data
    $ADusers = Get-ADUser -filter {(EmployeeNumber -gt 1) -and (EmployeeNumber -ne "N/A") -and (Enabled -eq $true)} -Properties * | Sort-Object -Property EmployeeNumber
    foreach($u in $ADusers)
    $sam = $u.SamAccountName
    $empnum = $u.EmployeeNumber
    $mgr = $u.mgr
    $fsal = $u.'fsalary-Hourly'
    $comp = $u.Company
    $ofc = $u.Office
    Write-Host "$sam : $empnum : $mgr :$fsal : $comp : $ofc" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $GroupArray = @()
    # # Check if the user fits in any of the 11 scenarios
    if($comp -eq "US")
    # scenario 7
    write-host "7. Add to US Employees"
    $GroupArray += "US Employees"
    if($mgr -eq "Y")
    Write-Host "1. ADD to US MAnagers"
    $group = "US Managers"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if(($fsal -eq "Hourly") -and ($ofc -ne "Canton"))
    Write-Host "3. Add to US Hourly (excluding Canton)"
    $group = "US Hourly (excluding Canton)"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if(($fsal -eq "Hourly") -and ($ofc -eq "Canton"))
    write-host "4. Add to US Canton Hourly"
    $group = "US Canton Hourly"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if(($fsal -eq "Salaried") -and ($ofc -eq "Corporate" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 1" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 2"))
    Write-Host "5. Add to US Salaried Corporate"
    $group = "US Salaried Corporate"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if(($fsal -eq "Salaried") -and ($ofc -ne "Corporate" -and $ofc -ne "Landis Lakes 1" -and $ofc -ne "Landis Lakes 2"))
    Write-Host "6. Add to US Salaried Plant"
    $group = "US Salaried Plant"
    $GroupArray +=$group
    elseif($comp -eq "canada")
    # scenario 9
    write-host "9. Canada Employees"
    $GroupArray += "Canada Employees"
    if($mgr -eq "Y")
    Write-Host "2. Add to Canada Managers"
    $group = "Canada Managers"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if($fsal -eq "Hourly")
    Write-Host "10. Add to Canada Hourly"
    $group = "Canada Hourly"
    $GroupArray += $group
    if($fsal -eq "Salaried")
    Write-Host "11. Add to Canada Salaried Plant"
    $group = "Canada Salaried Plant"
    $GroupArray += $group
    elseif($ofc -eq "Corporate" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 1" -or $ofc -eq "Landis Lakes 2")
    Write-Host "8. Add to Corporate Employees"
    $GroupArray += "Corporate Employees"
    write-host "Final Group List" -ForegroundColor Green
    $grplen = $GroupArray.Length
    for($i= 0; $i -lt $grplen; $i++)
    $grpname = $GroupArray[$i]
    write-host "$sam will be added to Group : $grpname" -ForegroundColor Magenta
    # # Check if the user is already present in the Group
    $mbr_exist = Get-ADGroupMember $grpname | Where-Object {$_.SamAccountName -eq $sam}
    if($mbr_exist -eq $null)
    # #Add user to US Managers group
    Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $grpname -Members $sam
    Write-Host "1. User $sam is added to $grpname group" -ForegroundColor Green
    # # documenting the user list that are added to this group
    $grpmbr = New-Object PSObject
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "EmployeeNumber" -Value $empnum
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SamAccountName" -Value $sam
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Name" -Value $u.Name
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DistinguishedName" -Value $u.DistinguishedName
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "mgr" -Value $mgr
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Company" -Value $comp
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Salary/Hourly" -Value $fsal
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Office" -Value $ofc
    $grpmbr | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ADGroup" -Value $grpname
    $grpmbr | Export-Csv "$updatedGroup\ADUsers_To_Group($grpname)_$sysdate.csv" -Append -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host "Member $sam already exist in $grpname group" -ForegroundColor Red
    $logdate = get-date
    $logdate.ToString() + "`tCompleted script to Update Update AD Groups..." | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append
    $status = 'true'
    return $status
    $err_lineno = $error[0].InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
    $err_line = $error[0].InvocationInfo.Line
    $ExceptionMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    $error_info = $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
    Write-Host "$error_info " -ForegroundColor Red
    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
    $logdate.ToString() + "`t $error_info " | out-file "$foldername\ErrorLog_Update_AD_Groups$sysdate.log" -append
    "Line Number: $err_lineno . `nError at Line: $err_line" | out-file "$foldername\ErrorLog_Update_AD_Groups$sysdate.log" -append
    #Invoke-Item "C:\ErrorLog.log"
    $status = 'false'
    return $status

    Hi mdkelly, Sorry for such a late reply (due to credential issues).
    I am using Windows task scheduler to schedule the task. I am given the administrator access to the server (Windows Server 2012). So I think I set to run the script under system account.
    My apologies for asking this, am I missing something while scheduling the script through task scheduler?  how to check if the scheduled task is running under who's credentials? How to pass my (admin) credentials, so that the script execution won't face
    a problem? Any suggestion on the above questions will be helpful. (I tried to search on net for the questions but didn't get any conclusive answers)  
    Thanks in advance.

  • Get-adgroupmember says it completed successfully but displays nothing in Powershell

    I am trying to display all the members of administrators so I try
    Get-ADgroupmember -identity administrators
    and it returns
    Get-ADGroupmember : The operation completed successfully
    At line:1 Char:18
    + Get-ADgroupmember <<<<
           +CategoryInfo  "NotSpecified: (administrators:ADGroup) [Get-ADGroupMember], ADException
    What am I doing wrong?

    I have faced this error when the group contains foreign members. Try to use Get-ADGroup and access members property - it should work. PSB example:
    PS C:\> Get-ADGroupMember my_cool_group
    Get-ADGroupMember : The operation completed successfully
    At line:1 char:18
    + Get-ADGroupMember <<<< my_cool_group
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (my_cool_group:ADGroup) [Get-ADGroupMember], ADException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : The operation completed successfully,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.GetADGroupMember
    PS C:\> (Get-ADGroup my_cool_group -properties members).members
    CN=Citrixtest\, Citrixtest,OU=Ireland,OU=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL

  • Setting a Default Organisation Message Size Limit and a Higher Limit on an Individual Mailbox

    Ok.  So here's the problem.  I've read all the articles on setting message size limits for Organisation, Transport Send Connectors, Transport Receive Connectors, setting precedence, etc., but they don't detail how to solve this problem.  
    One person in our organisation is to get a raised message size limit for sending and receiving internally and externally.  I've already set up limits on the Organisation Transport Global Settings, Send Connectors, Receive Connectors, etc.  So,
    as this individual requires a higher limit, I've raised the limits on their mailbox, and the aforementioned connector settings, etc., except the
    Organisation Configuration / Hub Transport / Global Settings / Transport Settings / Maximum Receive
    and Send Sizes.  The theory is that I can keep these two values at the original lower setting as these are overridden by the individual's new, higher, mailbox settings, but they will continue to act as the default for other existing mailboxes
    and newly created mailboxes.  Right ?  Wrong!  For the individual's mailbox, this will only raise the limit for messages sent internally (not to or from external email addresses).  
    Now, I could change all existing mailboxes to have the old default lower limit using a PowerShell / EMS command, but this wouldn't work either.  Newly created mailboxes will still default to the new larger limit.  Most of our mailbox creation is
    scripted, though some are created manually.  I don't want to alter the script and inform the admins as this is too much work and admins will forget about the new limits.  TBH, I'll probably forget about the new limits.  That's just a messy inefficient
    approach.  What I want is to set a new default for message size limits, with the original low limits.  I.e., a setting that applies to existing mailboxes with no explicit message size limits set, and also newly created mailboxes, but not any mailbox
    with an explicitly specified higher message size limit.  Any mailbox with explicitly specified higher limits should be able to send larger messages both internally
    and externally.  Can anyone help ?  Like I said, I've already read the articles so I don't need links to these thanks.  I'm more looking to people who have done this kind of thing already. 
    BTW, we are using Exchange 2007 SP3.  It has a mailbox server Single Copy Cluster (SCC) with two nodes.  It also has two Client Access / Hub Transport servers.  Just so you know ;-)
    -- huddie
    "If you're not seeking help or offering it, you probably shouldn't be here."

    Hi huddie71,
    Thank you for your question.
    I've raised the limits on their mailbox, and the aforementioned connector settings, etc.,
    except the Organization Configuration / Hub Transport / Global Settings / Transport Settings / Maximum Receive and Send Sizes.      
    By my understand, we could modify the global settings by the following path:
    Organization Configuration / Hub Transport / Global Settings / Transport Settings / Maximum Receive and Send Sizes.      
    Because it will work on existed user and new user without explicit message size limits sets.
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,
    Hi Jim-Xu.  That would result in everyone getting an increased limit.  I only want one person to have an increased limit.  See the 2nd paragraph in my original post.
    -- huddie71 ~~If you~re not seeking help or offering it, you probably shouldn~t be here.~~

  • "Convert Text to Table" Size limit issue?

    Alphabetize a List
    I’ve been using this well known work around for years.
    Select your list and in the Menu bar click Format>Table>Convert Text to Table
    Select one of the column’s cells (1st click selects entire table, 2nd click selects individual cell)
    Open “Table Inspector” (Click Table icon at top of Pages document)
    Make sure “table” button is selected, not “format” button
    Choose Sort Ascending from the Edit Rows & Columns pop-up menu
    Finally, click Format>Table>Convert Table to Text.
    A few days ago I added items & my list was 999 items long, ~22 pages.
    Tonight, I added 4 more items. Still the same # pages but now 1,003 items long.
    Unable to Convert Text to Table! Tried for 45 minutes. I think there is a list length limit, perhaps 999 items?
    I tried closing the document w/o any changes. Re-opening Pages & re-adding my new items to the end of the list as always & once again when I highlight list & Format>Table>Convert Text to Table .....nothing happens! I could highlight part of the list up to 999 items & leave the 4 new items unhighlighted & it works. I pasted the list into a new doc and copied a few items from the middle of the list & added them to the end of my new 999 list to make it 1003 items long (but different items) & did NOT work. I even attempted to add a single new item making the list an even 1000 items long & nope, not working. Even restarted iMac, no luck.
    I can get it to work with 999 or fewer items easily as always but no way when I add even a single new item.
    Anyone else have this problem?  It s/b easy to test out. If you have a list of say, 100 items, just copy & repeatedly paste into a new document multiple times to get over 1,000 & see if you can select all & then convert it from text to table.
    Pages 08 v 3.03
    OS 10.6.8

    Yes, Pages has a table size limit, as you have discovered. Numbers has a much greater capacity for table length, so if you do your sort in Numbers you won't have any practical limitation.
    A better approach than switching to Numbers for the sort would be to download, install and activate Devon Wordservice. Then you could sort your list without converting it to a table.

  • How do I change the attachment size limit in Calendar Server 6.3, UWC, IWC?

    How do I properly increase or decrease the attachment size limit with Calendar Server and all supported user interfaces to it such as WCAP, UWC (Communications Express) and IWC (Convergence)? From my experience with the Outlook Connector, there seems to be some limit imposed by cshttpd on the size of a file upload (I believe I actually got an HTTP error code back on the wcap request indicating something was too big, sorry I don't have it handy, I'll have to re-test). Additionally, it seems UWC imposes additional limits (Example: http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-4440/6n6jfgcjh?l=en&a=view&q=fileSizeHardLimit) but I can't seem to get those to work at all. I found many different web.xml related to UWC and I'm not sure which one to change, I tried a couple but had no success because UWC would always report this error if I uploaded between 4-5 megs: com.iplanet.jato.util.WrapperRuntimeException
    Root cause = [java.io.IOException: Request cancelled because file input field
    "importFile" size is over the configurable limit of 4194304 bytes; see filter init
    parameter fileSizeHardLimit]
    And it would complain about requestSizeLimit I think if it was over 5 megs, claiming that limit was 5242880. IWC gives a generic error when the upload is too big and rejects it.
    I fear that a 4 meg limit will be too imposing and of limited value, so I would either like to raise it, or consider lowering it to 0 bytes so attachments cannot be used at all. I have been looking high and low for information on how to do this and all I can find is the UWC examples. I plan to support the Outlook Connector, UWC, and IWC so the limits should ideally be the same across each. Some of the Exchange data we wish to import does have some attachments so it would be good to continue support for that. I did see some other posts about quota RFEs but at this point I am not concerned about the disk consumption. Can anyone help? Thanks. Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide. I am running SCS6u1 on Solaris 10 SPARC.

    Fred@egr wrote:
    Thanks!!! This is working with IWC and I am pretty sure it will work with Outlook. I didn't think to look at config options for mshttpd since I don't have it installed and ics.conf doesn't list the http.service.maxmessagesize and service.http.maxpostsize by default.http.service.maxmessagesize is only relevant to mshttpd, not cshttpd. service.http.maxpostsize applies to both.
    UWC is still limiting me though; I'm sure I can reconfigure UWC if I just know which file to edit and if I need to redeploy anything. I'm using the same install paths as the SCS6 Single Host example and I'm not sure which the "uwc-deployed-path" is supposed to be. Again, thanks.If you have deployed UWC/CE to Application Server you would edit the following file and restart application-server:

  • LabView RT FTP file size limit

    I have created a few very large AVI video clips on my PXIe-8135RT (LabView RT 2014).  When i try to download these from the controller's drive to a host laptop (Windows 7) with FileZilla, the transfer stops at 1GB (The file size is actually 10GB).
    What's going on?  The file appears to be created correctly and I can even use AVI2 Open and AVI2 Get Info to see that the video file contains the frames I stored.  Reading up about LVRT, there is nothing but older information which claim the file size limit is 4GB, yet the file was created at 10GB using the AVI2 VIs.

    As usual, the answer was staring me right in the face.  FileZilla was reporting the size in an odd manner and the file was actually 1GB.  The vi I used was failing.  After fixing it, it failed at 2GB with error -1074395965 (AVI max file size reached).

  • S1000 Data file size limit is reached in statement

    I am new to Java and was given the task to trouble shoot a java application that was written a few years ago and no longer supported. The java application creates database files the user's directory: diwdb.properties, diwdb.data, diwdb.lproperties, diwdb.script. The purpose of the application is to open a zip file and insert the files into a table in the database.
    The values that are populated in the diwdb.properties file are as follows:
    #HSQL Database Engine
    #Wed Jan 30 08:55:05 GMT 2013
    Once the databsae file gets to 2GB it brings up the error meessage 'S1000 Data file size limit is reached in statement (Insert into <tablename>......
    From searching on the itnernet it appeared that the parameter hsqldb.cache_file_scale needed to be increased & 8 was a suggested value.
    I have the distribution files (.jar & .jnlp) that are used to run the application. And I have a source directory that was found that contains java files. But I do not see any properties files to set any parameters. I was able to load both directories into NetBeans but really don't know if the files can be rebuilt for distribution as I'm not clear on what I'm doing and NetBeans shows errors in some of the directories.
    I have also tried to add parameters to the startup url: http://uknt117.uk.infores.com/DIW/DIW.jnlp?hsqldb.large_data=true?hsqldb.cache_file_scale=8 but that does not affect the application.
    I have been struggling with this for quite some time. Would greatly appreciate any assistance to help resolve this.

    Thanks! But where would I run the sql statement. When anyone launches the application it creates the database files in their user directory. How would I connect to the database after that to execute the statement?
    I see the create table statements in the files I have pulled into NetBeans in both the source folder and the distribution folder. Could I add the statement there before the table is created in the jar file in the distribution folder and then re-compile it for distribution? OR would I need to add it to the file in source directory and recompile those to create a new distribution?

  • Size limit to jstrings passed as parameters?

    I have written a JNI bridge to enable faster Xalan XSLT processing. The pure Xalan-J code is just too slow on large files, and Xalan-C++ handles the same files much quicker, so I wrote a bridge which sends an inputXML and xslt string to Xalan-C++, and receives a string of the transformedXML back.
    My code works great until it processes a big file, and then the entire inputXML string never seems to get into the nativemethod. I can print it out in its entirety on the java side just prior to calling the native method, but printing in out immediately inside the native method stops partway through the string and then my java app just keeps using almost all of my processor indefinitely. I am wondering if this is some kind of jstring size limit I am hitting, or if I have a memory allocation problem that is just slowing the machine down a bunch. Here is the relevant code:
    private native String getTransform(String input, String stylesheet);
    public void transform(Source xmlSource, Result outputTarget) throws TransformerException {
    System.err.println("Starting Transform at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    String output = getTransform(NativeSource.getSourceAsString(xmlSource), stylesheet);
    System.err.println("Finished Transform at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_endeca_edf_adapter_plugins_NativeTransformer_getTransform
    (JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject obj, jstring input, jstring xslt) {
    jclass cls = pEnv->GetObjectClass(obj);
    const char *theInputDocument = pEnv->GetStringUTFChars(input, 0);
    printf("%s", theInputDocument);
    any ideas? Thanks!

    I have changed my code to split large strings into arrays and then recreate the entire string inside the C++. This still works with small files, but large ones (with base-64 encoding) don't work, just churn away forever. I made sure to set the break size real small (1096 chars) so even the small file gets broken up. Here is the code:
    * Native method using xalan to transform xml
    private native String getTransform(String[] input, String stylesheet);
    public void transform(Source xmlSource, Result outputTarget) throws TransformerException {
    log.info("Splitting Input at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    int size = 0;
    String input = NativeSource.getSourceAsString(xmlSource);
    //log.info("Input XML:\n"+input);
    int numParts = (int)Math.ceil(input.length()/MAX_JNI_STRING_LENGTH);
    log.info("Number of splits= "+numParts);
    String[] inputArray = new String[numParts];
    for(int i=0; i<numParts-1; i++) {
    inputArray[i] = input.substring(size, size+MAX_JNI_STRING_LENGTH);
    inputArray[numParts-1] = input.substring(size);
    log.info("Starting Transform at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    String output = getTransform(inputArray, stylesheet);
    log.info("Finished Transform at "+ System.currentTimeMillis());
    //log.info("Transform is\n"+output);C++:
    JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_endeca_edf_adapter_plugins_NativeTransformer_getTransform
    (JNIEnv *pEnv, jobject obj, jobjectArray inputArray, jstring xslt) {
    //jclass cls = pEnv->GetObjectClass(obj);
    jboolean copy = JNI_FALSE;
    printf("%s", "\ninside\n");
    std::stringstream inputStr;
    for(int i=0; i<pEnv->GetArrayLength(inputArray); i++) {
         jstring inputPart = (jstring)pEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(inputArray, i);
         inputStr << pEnv->GetStringUTFChars(inputPart, &copy);
    char * theInputDocument = new char[strlen(inputStr.str().c_str())];
    strcpy(theInputDocument, inputStr.str().c_str());
    // Below wasn't working on big files, so I had to break up the string
    //const char *theInputDocument = pEnv->GetStringUTFChars(input, &copy);
    if (theInputDocument == NULL) {
         return NULL; // Could be out of memory
    printf("%s", inputStr.str().c_str());
    printf("%s", theInputDocument);Seems like I am either misunderstanding the size issue, or a jobjectArray also has size limits, or something else is going on. Help?

  • Is there a practical size limit on JPEG format image files?

    I have noticed when working with Photoshop v7.0 on Windows XP that, when creating a JPEG format image file from a very large scanned image (more than 800 Mb, maybe), the .jpg file will usually be saved on disk at any of the possible compression ratios available, without any reported error, yet when the saved file is re-opened, an error is reported - something along the lines of "missing or corrupted end of file marker" - and the image cannot be loaded.
    If before saving the original image is substantially reduced in size, e.g. by reducing the resolution of the image, a viable JPEG format file can be created, which will subsequently load successfully, though technically with data loss.
    This appears to happen only with JPEG format files - PDF format files can be saved from the original image at similar JPEG compression ratios, without error on reloading.
    I do not know if this also occurs with any other Photoshop versions.  I am working with Adobe Photoshop v7.0 on Windows XP, although we are preparing to upgrade to CS (which version I don't know) in the near future, for different reasons to those which are detailed above.
    Does anyone know if there is a technical explanation for this behaviour?  Is there a file size limit for writing viable JPEG files (which Photoshop does not report as an error when exceeded)?

    Chris Cox wrote:
    Where did you get the idea that we weren't doing something about it?
    that's what I gathered from "JPEG cannot [...] in Photoshop (code difficult to replace)".
    But if you say this is in the works right now, that's good news indeed.
    Chris Cox wrote:
    And where did you get the idea that posts get deleted? (other than SPAM)
    Are you sure you're reading the same forum as the rest of us?
    That's what happened:
    The content you posted below was reported for abuse and removed by our
    Subject: Re: Is there a practical size limit on JPEG format image files?
    Posted: 4/29/11 9:11 AM
    Anyway, you gave an honest answer on this technical issue, Chris, and that's what counts.

  • Size limit for flar file with Sol 10 WANBOOT

    There seems to be some kind of a size limit for flash archive files used by wanboot. When I try to wanboot jumpstart, I get the following:
    Processing profile
    - Opening Flash archive
    ERROR: HTTP server returned an invalid archive file size: <-1256985017> bytes
    ERROR: Invalid HTTP headers were returned from the server
    ERROR: Flash installation failed
    Solaris installation program exited.
    The flash archive is about 3GB. I'm doing the WANBOOT using the "boot cdrom" work-around, because the V100 I'm jumpstarting doesn't support the newer OBP parameters.
    If create a new smaller flash archive like so:
    mv sol10.flar sol10.flar.old
    dd if=sol10.flar.old of=sol10.flar bs=1024K count=1024
    cutting the flar down to 1GB. Then I do the wanboot. I don't get the error, and the jumpstart proceeds. Of course it would eventually have a problem when the cpio file reached premature end.
    So is there a prescribed limit to flars with WANBOOT. I'm assuming it's 2GB, but if so, why?
    No I haven't tried creating a compressed flar: that's next.
    Chip Bennett
    Laurus Technologies, Inc.
    Itasca, IL

    nope, 64-bit apache2.2 and still the same error:
    Processing profile
    - Opening Flash archive
    HTTP server returned an invalid archive file size:
    <-2116410290> bytes
    ERROR: Invalid HTTP headers were returned from the
    ERROR: Flash installation failed
    Solaris installation program exited.
    apache log: - - [06/Jul/2006:20:52:45 +0200]
    "HEAD /flash/archives/pt_sol_10_oem.flar HTTP/1.1"
    200 - - - [06/Jul/2006:20:52:45 +0200] "GET
    HTTP/1.1" 200 32 - - [06/Jul/2006:20:52:45 +0200] "GET
    eturned+from+the+server HTTP/1.1" 200 32 - - [06/Jul/2006:20:52:45 +0200] "GET
    HTTP/1.1" 200 32
    Any help would be much appreciated.hi. i spent a long time on this issue...and got it working reliably for more than 10 gb flars.
    there are two issues- 1) apache must be 64 bit capable, and 2) you need the latest wanboot miniroot, for solaris 9 and one for solaris 10. i worked for a different division of a major car company based in stuttgart (take a guess) than i do now, and we eventually received the support we needed from sun, through the early release program. i do not know any details about if, how, or when those miniroots are otherwise available. at some point, i can only assume they will be generally available to all, if not already.
    if someone knows more about this availability issue, i would also be interested in this issue.
    thanks, dls

  • Size limit for how much video can be included in an AIR file?

    I'm making an AIR app to play a video locally.  It is on a PC with no internet connection, so the video (fv4) is  included with the air install file.  Is there a size limit for how much  video can be included in an AIR file? I seem to get the "...file is  damaged..." error when I include a video over 200mb. I use Flash CS4 to  create and AIR is v 1.53.

    I'm authoring in CS4 on a MAC with the latest OS and 4GB ram.  It plays fine on the Mac.  On a WIN7 PC with all updates and 4GB ram I get the errors if the air file that contains a video file over 200mb.  I heard that AIR 2 should solve the issue and that it is just a PC issue.. Maybe...   I have not tried using ADT to package the file.

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