In order to check that a block is a db block ... i use the GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY using the QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME as parameter.....
However , if even when i use explicitly the name of the form block ..., for example
the QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME value is not displayed in a test block item which is of varchar2 datatype....?????
What do i make wrong ... ????
Thanks , a lot

message('block name '|| :system.current_block);
block_button.test:=get_block_property( :system.current_block,QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME);
Rajesh ALex

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    I know if there is a relationship I could find the previous and then the first block. But if there is no relationship how do you find the blocks name.

    Look at the GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY and GET_ITEM_PROPERTY built-ins in the help documentation. There are these item properties you may be able to use to get want you want:
    You will probably need to know the block names, then loop through the items in the block and get the canvas name using:
    get_block_property('Block_Name', FIRST_ITEM)
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    get_item_property('Item_Name', NEXTITEM)
    get_item_property('Item_Name', PREVIOUSITEM)
    Other item properties are:

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    The table name is indicated in the query data source name property of the block
    Get_Block_Property( 'bloc_name', QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME ) ;
    The column name is indicated in the column name item property
    Get_Item_Property( 'blk.item_name', COLUMN_NAME ) ;
    Comment is stored in the user_col_comments view
    Here is the code that retrieves coments for all based items of the current block:
      LC$Table    Varchar2(30);
      LC$Column   Varchar2(30);
      LC$Item     Varchar2(61);
      LC$Table := Get_Block_Property( :system.current_block, QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME ) ;
      -- For each item of the block --
      LC$Item := Get_Block_Property( :system.current_block, FIRST_ITEM ) ;
        LC$Column := Get_Item_Property( LC$Item, COLUMN_NAME ) ;
        If LC$Column is not null Then
             TABLE_NAME = LC$Table
             COLUMN_NAME = LC$Column
            -- set the prompt --
            Set_Item_Property( LC$Item, PROMPT_TEXT, LC$Comment ) ;
                  When no_data_found Then
        End if ;
        LC$Item := Get_Item_Property( LC$Item,  NEXTITEM ) ;
        Exit When LC$Item is null ;
      End loop;

  • Update Changed Columns Only

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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Gerald
    When you look in the help of Designer (Generated data block properties (implicit/explicit)), the Forms property "Update Changed Columns Only" is not mentioned. That implies that there is no property/preference in Desinger that will influence the value of this Forms property.
    So yes, you have to create a library object and subclass from it.
    Another solution is to work with the Forms built-ins GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY and SET_BLOCK_PROPERTY in a Pre_Form trigger, but I personally would prefer a new library object for this.
    Kind regards,
    Lennart de Vos

  • Dot notation in Forms6i ??

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    I used to be able to do this in Power Builder, way back when, with dot notation.
    and be able to change all the properties that were available for the TEXT_ITEMs in a loop of some kind.
    Any information would be appreciated. Bill :)

    All the information you need is available through GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY and GET_ITEM_PROPERTY etc.
    You can obtain the next iten relative to the current item and so on - not as neat as dot notation but workable

  • RF CURSOR and f6i

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    We use object libraries and assume the following code forms part of a standard trigger:
    B is a variable set at runtime. I cant get this to compile.
          b VARCHAR2(50) := Get_Block_Property ( :System.Trigger_block, Query_data_source_name );
          TYPE refx IS REF CURSOR;
          re refx;
      OPEN re FOR select count(*) into v from ||b;
         IF v = 0
            .... do the right thing
         END IF;

    you can place execute immediate in a stored procedure and call this procedure from Forms
    you can also use the FORMS_DDL() built-in

  • Nested Tables and Advanced Queues- Please Help.

    How do i work with NestedTable type and Advanced Queue.
    I have done the following
    I have Oracle 8.1.7 enterprise edition.
    create type myType as TABLE OF varchar(32);
    create type myObject as OBJECT (
    id int,
    myt myType);
    queue_table => 'my_queue_table',
    multiple_consumers => TRUE,
    queue_payload_type => 'myObject',
    compatible => '8.1.3'
    The Nested Table and Object are created successfully.
    but the queue is not created.
    I get the following message.
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-22913: must specify table name for nested table column or
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQADM_SYS", line 2012
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQADM", line 55
    ORA-06512: at line 3
    I know how to specify the nested table storage clause for
    create table statement, but there is no provision for
    it in the create_queue_table procedure.
    Any help will be greately appriciated.
    i have already created and tested aqs with simple data types,
    also i have created simple tables with nested table type
    but the combo of Nested tables and AQ is not working.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Francois. Thank you very much for your reply, but it seems that i still get errors. So let me tell what i have done.
    As you suggested me: i have done a block based on a sub-query for the nested-table:
    'select courses from department where name='.
    In the master block(department) i have the when-new-record-instance trigger:
    LC$Req varchar2(256);
    LC$Req := '(select from table
    ( select courses from department where name = ''' || || ''' ) ns )';
    Clear_Block ;
    Set_Block_Property( 'block11', QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME, LC$Req ) ;
    Execute_query ;
    End ;
    Now the errors i receive, this time in the runtime mode are:
    - FRM-41380: Cannot set the blocks query data source
    -FRM-41003: This function cannot be performed here.
    Since it seems that you know how to work with the nested table i would really appreaciate your help. I am new in the nested table and if you could give an ex with my tables it would be great.
    Thank you in advance.

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    You must use in trigger Post-query the sentence:
    cur_itm VARCHAR2(80);
    cur_block VARCHAR2(80) := :System.Cursor_Block;
    cur_itm := Get_Block_Property( cur_block, FIRST_ITEM );
    WHILE ( cur_itm IS NOT NULL ) LOOP
    cur_itm := cur_block||'.'||cur_itm;
    Set_Item_Instance_Property( cur_itm, CURRENT_RECORD,
    cur_itm := Get_Item_Property( cur_itm, NEXTITEM );

  • To upload and download

    i hv 2 buttons one for upload and another for download
    through webutil
    i hv written this code but it is not inserting record into the table, thr r no records in the table, it is empty, when i try to upload .txt file it is showing me an error "missing expression" ORA-00936
    the code is
    sMY_file varchar2(200);
    v_Last_Directory      Varchar2(2000);
    v_Upload_Succes     boolean;
    nWHERE          number(10);
    OUT_DOC_ID number;
    temp_id number;
    doc_id_temp number;
    v_status VARCHAR2(200);
    OUT_DOC_ID:=:parameter.p_dealid; --:files.deal_id;
         sMY_file := WebUtil_File.File_save_Dialog(v_Last_Directory,
         '|All Files|*.*|',
         'Select a file');
    if OUT_DOC_ID is not null then
    v_Upload_Succes := WebUtil_File_Transfer.Client_to_db(sMY_file,
    'deal_document_file', -- TABLE name
    'CONTENT' , -- columname
    'deal_id||='||OUT_DOC_ID ||' and document_file_name='||:files.document_file_name -- where          
    elsif OUT_DOC_ID is null then
         v_status := get_block_property('files',status);
    :files.document_file_name:= substr(sMY_file,instr(sMY_file,'\',-1)+1);
         insert into deal_document_file (deal_id,document_file_name) values
    (:files.deal_id, :files.document_file_name);
         v_Upload_Succes := WebUtil_File_Transfer.Client_to_db(     sMY_file,
    'deal_document_file', -- TABLE name
         'CONTENT' , -- columname
         'deal_id='||:files.deal_id||' and document_file_name='||:files.document_file_name
    end if;     
    if (v_Upload_Succes) then
         :files.maker:= sysuser;
    end if;
    could anybody help me in this.

    No, the form is not fine else you would not have this FRM error message.
    Check the syntax of the parameters given to the WebUtil_File_Transfer.Client_to_db() Webutil function. add a message() instruction just after to see if the function if well executed.

  • How to find the name of the block and yours items at runtime

    Hi, everybody.
    I wonder if there is any way to list the name of a block and their respective items that forms at run time. for example, using a loop in wnfi.
    Since already thank you.
    Sorry for my bad English.

    Try this code. It will travel through all block's items.
         Str_First_Block      VARCHAR2(100) := NULL;
         Str_First_Item          VARCHAR2(100) := NULL;
         Str_Current_Block VARCHAR2(100) := NULL;
         Str_Current_Item      VARCHAR2(100) := NULL;
         Str_First_Block := :SYSTEM.CURRENT_BLOCK;
              IF Str_Current_Block IS NULL THEN
                   Str_Current_Block := Str_First_Block;
              END IF;
              Str_First_Item := GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY(Str_Current_Block, FIRST_ITEM);
                   IF Str_Current_Item IS NULL THEN
                        Str_Current_Item := Str_First_Item;
                   END IF;
                   MESSAGE('Item - ' || Str_Current_Block || '.' || Str_Current_Item);
                   Str_Current_Item := GET_ITEM_PROPERTY(Str_Current_Block || '.' || Str_Current_Item, NEXTITEM);
                   EXIT WHEN Str_Current_Item IS NULL;
              END LOOP;
              Str_Current_Block := GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY(Str_Current_Block, NEXTBLOCK);
              EXIT WHEN Str_Current_Block IS NULL;
         END LOOP;
    If my response or the response of another was helpful, please mark it accordingly

  • Nested Tables and Forms 9i-please help

    i have the folowing example of a nested table:
    CREATE TYPE CourseList AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(10) -- define TABLE type
    CREATE TYPE Student AS OBJECT ( -- create object
    id_num INTEGER(4),
    name VARCHAR2(25),
    address VARCHAR2(35),
    status CHAR(2),
    courses CourseList) -- declare nested table as attribute
    course_no NUMBER(4),
    title VARCHAR2(35),
    credits NUMBER(1));
    CREATE TYPE CourseList AS TABLE OF Course;
    CREATE TABLE department (name VARCHAR2(20),
    director VARCHAR2(20),
    office VARCHAR2(20),
    courses CourseList)
    NESTED TABLE courses STORE AS courses_tab;
    In Forms i have created a data block based on table department and for managing the nested table courses_tab i found out that i should use a stored procedure:
    PROCEDURE procedure_nest (c_c out courses_tab%rowtype) IS
    c_c courselist;
    select, c.director,office into, :department.director, from department c , table
    (select from department n where and rownum<=1);
    compil error:
    error 999 at line 1, column 35
    implemntation restriction (may be temporary) ADT or schema level
    collection not supported at client side with non-OCI mode.
    i really would like to know what shall i do to use and manage the nested table in forms.
    Thank you very much

    Hi Francois. Thank you very much for your reply, but it seems that i still get errors. So let me tell what i have done.
    As you suggested me: i have done a block based on a sub-query for the nested-table:
    'select courses from department where name='.
    In the master block(department) i have the when-new-record-instance trigger:
    LC$Req varchar2(256);
    LC$Req := '(select from table
    ( select courses from department where name = ''' || || ''' ) ns )';
    Clear_Block ;
    Set_Block_Property( 'block11', QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME, LC$Req ) ;
    Execute_query ;
    End ;
    Now the errors i receive, this time in the runtime mode are:
    - FRM-41380: Cannot set the blocks query data source
    -FRM-41003: This function cannot be performed here.
    Since it seems that you know how to work with the nested table i would really appreaciate your help. I am new in the nested table and if you could give an ex with my tables it would be great.
    Thank you in advance.

  • Performance question on looping thrue blocks and items (forms

    Hi all,
    I'm back again in Forms forum : ) !!! and I'm working on a new and very interesting project
    version used : Forms [32 bits] Version (Production)
    A little question for gurus :
    On former projects I used to call loops on blocks and item like shown below to do various things such as displaying buttons or showing canvas or different VA depending on the user or scenarios .
    v_curblk varchar2(90); -- bloc courant
    v_curitm varchar2(90); -- item courant
      v_curblk := get_form_property(:SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM,first_block); -- on récupère le 1er block de la form
      v_curitm := v_curblk||'.'||get_block_property(v_curblk,first_item); -- on récupère le 1er item du block
        WHILE v_curitm != v_curblk||'.'||get_block_property(v_curblk,last_item)
         LOOP -- tant que l'item n'est pas le dernier du block on loop
            v_curitm :=  v_curblk||'.'||get_item_property(v_curitm,nextitem); -- on récupère l item suivant
            if get_item_property(v_curitm,<some property>) = 'TRUE' then
              --- I can do something.... or adding more conditions if then etc...
            end if;
        END LOOP;
      EXIT WHEN v_curblk = get_form_property(:SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM,last_block); -- on sort losrqu on arrive au dernier block
      v_curblk := get_block_property(v_curblk, nextblock); -- on passe au block suivant
      END LOOP;
    END;In my current project we work on quite huge forms which can have a consequent number of blocks and items.
    And we must be very careful regarding performance issues as these forms are accessed via LAN and WAN.
    So my question :
    This method seems to be quite efficient as it goes thrue blocks and items sequences as they are defined in the builder comparing to go_block -> go_item ->do_something which can easily turn into nightmare-programming.
    But I don't really know about network roundtrips with this kind of method.
    Is everything done in the app server and then fetched to the client?
    What triggers block-level and item-level can be fired during the execution of the loop ? and so one...
    Thanks in advance for your advices on this matter.

    Hmmm, I have to say I never bothered if Forms is in Socket mode or not; I enabled the network statistics, counted the roundtrips and looked for ways to get them lower (my old friend wireshark did also a good job regarding this) ;). But regarding the note Forms 6i uses Socket Connections by default, this might apply to 10g too (or the enhancement request was approved, who knows).
    Frankly I am not entirely sure what Socket Mode means; I guess it's the mode the forms applet talks to the forms runtime; wheter it's stateful (via Sockets) or stateless (via HTTP / HTTPS) but this is just a wild guess, and I can't find informations on it quickly. I also enabled networkStats on my Developer Suite only, so I cannot tell if you can enable them on a full-fledged Application Server.
    Anyway; as said I just counted the roundtrips and looked where I can avoid them when I made our application ready for WAN.
    Another useful tool was Shunra VE Desktop which I used to simulate low bandwith networks with high latencys; I installed it on a virtual XP, started the application and tested how the Application performs. If something looked odd, I looked behind the scenes, built a little testform basing on the code behind and tried out various things; very often you can take advantage of the event bundling forms seems to make when you use several set_xyz calls as Francois also noted; e.g.
    set_custom_property('bean_item', 1, 'PROPERTY', prop);
    set_custom_property('bean_item', 1, 'PROPERTY', prop);
    set_custom_property('bean_item', 1, 'PROPERTY', prop);
    set_custom_property('bean_item', 1, 'PROPERTY', prop);
    set_custom_property('bean_item', 1, 'PROPERTY', prop);
    vRet := get_custom_property('bean_item', 1, 'PROPERTY);most certainly will cause just 1 roundtrip; but if you use get_custom_property in the middle of the set_custom_property calls you will encounter 2 roundtrips as forms needs to synchronize (you get a value from the bean so the forms runtime needs a response) with the forms applet whereas set_custom_property is a one-way-street which can be fired off simultaneous. The same applies to fbean.invoke and fbean.invoke_bool, fbean.invoke_char and the like. Of course if you are using more then one get_custom_property in this case the roundtrips will increase accordingly.
    If you want to make use of event bundling make sure you fire off as much set_xyz as you can before forcing forms to synchronize (e.g. with get_xyz, or synchronize, create_timer,...)

  • Count_query, on_count, and query_hits???????

    hey guys,
    what i am trying to do is to see how many recs are going to be retrieved and store that count in a variable upon execute_query. i have used the count_query built in right before my execute_query that i have in a when button pressed trigger,and i have a on_count trigger with the following code at the datablock level of that button
    my_count varchar2(2);
    my_count := get_block_property('my_block', Query_Hits);
    set_alert('the count is'||my_count);
    For some reason when i execute the query it never fires that on_count trigger or gets inside it...any suggestions?

    1 ) The trigger should be named as On-Count
    and not on_count.
    2 ) You should perform count_query; in the trigger
    for it to function its default value.
    my_count varchar2(3);
         my_count := get_block_property('emp', Query_Hits);
         message('the count is'||my_count);
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards
    Chandra Mohan

  • Enabling and disabling the button in the multi record block

    hi all,
    i am using
    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    i have a multi record block each block contains a button(button is to approve the record in terms of changing the status)
    i have the items like date,remarks and button
    the button should be enabled if the remarks is not null otherwise it should be disabled.
    for this in pre-record trigger i have written
    if :record is null then
    end if;what problem is enable and disable is impacting on all the buttons in the block. in other words if first record's remarks is null then all the records button is disabled. if first record's remarks column is not null then all the records of the button column is enabled.
    i have to make enable and disable the button for the corresponding record.that means if first record's remarks column is not null then only first records button should be enabled others should be disabled.

    You need to set the No. of items displayed to 1 as Ammad had said, additionally you can set the X and Y Position (Just Y will do and having fixed X) of the button depending upon the current record.
    can u explain this part alone bit more (setting the position of x and y)You need to calculate the variable Y_POS depending upon the current position of the cursor that is the current record.
    You can find the current record Y_POS using combination of
    -- Also needs to add the Y_POS of the relative other items in the muti-record block
    -- Note :- TOP_RECORD  Returns the record number of the topmost visible record in the given block.
    -- You will need to add Distance between Items in records if anyThen you can Set the current Y_POS of the button.
    Hope this helps
    Best Regards
    Arif Khadas
    Edited by: Arif Khadas on Feb 24, 2011 4:58 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • "dynamic" get_block_property

    Hi everybody,
    I have a problem with a "dynamic" get_block_property.
    The code is like that:
    v_property varchar2(100) := 'INSERT_ALLOWED';
    V_block varchar2(100) := 'BLOCK';
    v_dummy varchar2(100);
    v_dummy := get_block_property(v_block, v_property);
    This line returns an error "Numeric or value error" and I know this is because the property variable has to be a number value but I don't know if it does exist any conversion function or something like that.
    Can anyone help me please?
    PD: I work with Oracle Forms 6i.
    Edited by: user12087557 on 08-jun-2010 15:54

    So you have to write IF condition like,
         v_property VARCHAR2(100) := 'INSERT_ALLOWED';
         V_block    VARCHAR2(100) := 'BLOCK';
         v_dummy    VARCHAR2(100);
         IF v_property = 'INSERT_ALLOWED' THEN
              v_dummy := GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY(v_block, INSERT_ALLOWED);
         ELSIF v_property = 'UPDATE_ALLOWED' THEN
              v_dummy := GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY(v_block, UPDATE_ALLOWED);
         ELSIF v_property = 'DELETE_ALLOWED' THEN
              v_dummy := GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY(v_block, DELETE_ALLOWED);
         END IF;

Maybe you are looking for