Get Day type of employee

Is there any function module available to know the day type of an employee. i.e weather its an holiday or working day...


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    The days need include 23Nov, 25,26, Dec, 14 April. How do I create this and how can I link this to  the PWS.
    Many thanks,

    Create the public holidays and assign those PHs a particular holiday class which is not used for others and assign these holiday classes to the workshcedules for expatriates.

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    thanks in advanced.

    I doubt whether there is a direct Standard BAPI for that.
    The below report will get you the employees approver org position. Even if there are two approvers are there, it will display both the approvers position.
    *& Report  ZGD_TEST_HR_ORG_STR
       DATA: plvar            LIKE hrsobid-plvar.
      DATA: otype            LIKE hrsobid-otype.
      DATA: sobid            LIKE hrsobid-sobid.
      DATA: date             LIKE sy-datum.
      DATA: leading_position LIKE hrobject OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: org_agent        LIKE swhactor.
      DATA: lv_sw_vapos      TYPE xflag,
            lv_subrc         TYPE sy-subrc.
      DATA spfli_wa TYPE spfli.
      DATA carrid_buffer TYPE spfli-carrid.
      IF plvar IS INITIAL.
            act_plvar       = plvar
            no_active_plvar = 1.
        IF sy-subrc > 0.
          MESSAGE e300(5w) RAISING no_active_plvar.
    IF otype IS INITIAL OR sobid IS INITIAL.
          otype = 'US'.
          sobid = sy-uname.
          plvar              = plvar
          otype              = otype
          sobid              = sobid
          date               = sy-datum
          auth               = ' '
          consider_vac_pos   = space
          leading_pos        = leading_position
          no_lead_pos_found  = 1
          OTHERS             = 2.
       IF sy-subrc > 0.
        MESSAGE e802(5w) WITH otype sobid
                         RAISING no_lead_pos_found.
        LOOP AT leading_position.
          write :  / leading_position-otype,
    Hope it helps you

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Sridevi,
    Thanks for quick reply.

  • Time Management- Wrong Day Types coming when updating leave records

    Dear Experts
    Can anyone help me on what I should do to change my Day Type in Time management. The greatest challenge is that the system is not able to read the day type for Work/Paid. Despite that I have created my dailly working schedules, work schedule rule and my calender showing working and non-working periods, I still face a challenge when I want to give employees leave because the system says the whole period is a non working period. If I check in the employeeu2019s personal work schedule I notice that all the day types are Off/Paid hence that leave cannot be given especially if its vacation which does not count weekends and public holidays.
    I am using the same customization as that I was using in the testing environment and was working fine but then in production, it is not. Where exactly can I check and change so that the day types are read correctly. When I run time evaluation, the system is accruing days normally but then it is picking Day type 1(one) in Table PSP

    For the daily WSR that you used (in table V_T550A) check that in Valuation section Daily WS class does not have value 0

  • Assigning day types to the weekdays and holidays

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    Hey Gracy,
    What you have done will assign day type 1 ( Paid/OFF) to all the calendar days. If you use this Day type rule in your Work Schedule rule then the use this WSR for an employee in IT 0007 then your Employee will be in Honeymoon period As he will be paid for all days and his attendance won't matter
    OK.. lets start afresh.
    Day types are used for determining whether employees have to work on public
    holidays and whether they are still paid on these days.
    The main purpose of Day type rules is to assign a day type ( 0 or blank, 1,2 and 3) to each calendar day.  A week has 7 days. Mon - Fri are weekdays and then we have Saturday and sunday.
    While generating work schedule, the system will assign a day type to each day. For this it will reference the day type rule.
    First it will check what day it is evaluating i.e a weekday or a saturday or a sunday. Then it will check the Public holiday class of that day and finally depending on the combination of day of the week and the public holiday class of the day it will assign a day type.
    Eg Consider this
    Weekday              Saturday                   Sunday
    b123456789          b123456789        b123456789
    .1.1111111          .1.1111111          .1.1111111
    Explanation for above example
    If a day with public holiday class BLANK(indicated as dot in above example) falls on WEEKDAY then it is a PAID/WORK day
    If a day with public holiday class 1 falls on WEEKDAY then it is PAID/OFF day
    If a day with public holiday class 2 falls on WEEKDAY then it is a PAID/WORK day
    and so on for other Public holiday classes for WEEKDAY.
    The same applies to Saturday and Sunday.
    Weekday              Saturday                   Sunday
    b123456789          b123456789        b123456789
    Suppose if blank is assigned in the rule for all days and for all public holiday classes then your employees will have to work on all public holidays.
    Hope this clarifies your doubt. Read what I have written very carefully. I know its a little confusing

  • Day type selection rule

    Hi to all,
    Its very urgent,
    Can any one explain the day type rule one by one in detail, which i listed below.
    Rule     Day type Weekday     Day type Saturday     Day type Sunday
    01      1 1111111      1 1111111      1 1111111                                       
    03      1 1111111        1111111       1 1111111
    10      1 1111111      1 1111111      1 1111111
    01      1 1111111      1 1111111      1 1111111
    Thanks in advance for your valuable concept.

    Hi Babu,
    According to the rule 01, on Weekdays, if it is working day or Half day (b or 2 ) it will be Work and paid...And if it is weekday and any other holiday class, it will be Work off and Paid including 1 & 3 to 9.
    As I don't see any difference in other rules, same is applicable to all.
    I understand that last rule 01 is not possible as it will not allow the entry with same Rule name/number.
    Now, we need to define these selection rules, if we want to distinguish between certain Group of employees, by paying / not paying them in case of Holiday.
    Reward the suitable points if you find helpful and close the thread, if you understand that you got the answer of your query...

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    It sounds like you have Lion installed on your new imac, although your profile says SL 10.6.8 (you may want to change this.)
    If you have the Snow Leopard install disc I believe you can install "Rosetta" from the extras folder which will then, if you have the original FCS2 discs , allow you to select and install Live Type and LIve Type content only from the custom install options.
    I hope this will work for you.

  • Get the Type of a generic field at runtime, How to?

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    Type Object.getTypeIs there any specific way to do this in Java 1.5?
    Please excuse my poor english.
    Thanks in advance.

    McNepp wrote:
    endasil wrote:
    McNepp wrote:
    If you want to know the parametrized type (String in the example), I think there is no way of knowing this in Java 1.5 or Java 1.6, since the parametrized type is erased and not available at run time.The type of a parameterized field is not erased.For most intents and purposes, it is. Type erasure refers to the fact that at runtime, there are not actually multiple class binaries depending on the generic arguments to a class. Therefore, an ArrayList<T> is actually just an ArrayList with no generics.
    Frankly, I don't understand why you insist that the information on generic fields that the OP was asking about is lost at runtime.I wasn't trying to insist that. At the time, I was replying more to Saish and trying to reaffirm that most information about generics is lost at run-time. I mistakenly ignored how you qualified it with "field."
    What you write about instances of generic classes losing their type information is of course correct, albeit not to the point of the original question.Nope, you're right. I was just trying to reconcile the fact that many people get confused that there's any information available at run-time, and so start down the path of thinking that type erasure doesn't exist. But it very much does.
    The original question was about how to obtain the type of a generic field.And I did show in my example that even that is fairly limited, given that if the type is provided by the parameter of the class, it doesn't give you anything useful (I'm not trying to say you said it would!).
    The compiler preservers this information in the class file, so it can be obtained at runtime. Frameworks like JPA put this to use extensively, proving that it is of real value.Definitely. However I don't see this having as much to do with generics as basic reflection functionality. If you can get the type of a field at run-time, you should be able to get the parameters as well! That should in no way belittle its value, though. But I would have guessed (knowing little about) that JPA wouldn't put that to use so much as the type parameters of an accessor return type or mutator argument type. Especially since I thought we'd shown that you would need your fields to be non-private for JPA to be able to gain information about their type.
    Edit: getDeclaredField works fine with private members, and returns the expected "java.lang.String" from jschell's example above
    Edited by: endasil on 28-Apr-2009 10:39 AM

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    I am writing a sql statement that has two date values. One I am getting it from the database. The format in the database is MM/DD/YYYY. My first question is how do I convert the format into the java date format, YYYY-MM-DD. The second question is I need to find out what the day is and add 1 to it. How do I get Day value in a Date object?

    Look at "SimpleDateFormat" and "parse" in the archives.

  • How to get no. of active employees in a employee subgroup on a particular date

    Dear Experts.
    Sorry for the basic questions.
    I want to get the no. of active employees in a employee subgroup on a particular date.  I am not using logical database.
    I am  facing problem with the date .
    my select query as below .
            FROM PA0001
            INTO TABLE LT_DATA
            WHERE PERSG = '1'
            AND ( PERSK = 'M1' OR
                  PERSK = 'M2' OR
                  PERSK = 'M3' OR
                  PERSK = 'M4' OR
                  PERSK = 'M5' OR
                  PERSK = 'M6' OR
                  PERSK = 'M7' OR
                  PERSK = 'P1'  )
                  AND BEGDA = LV_DATE .  with this select query i am get only those entries which are created on LV_DATE.
    Please suggest the select query so the i can get no. of active employees working in employee sub group on LV_DATE.
    I hope its clear.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hello ,
    You have to use a join with  table PA0000 on PERNR with the condition ( PA0000-STAT2 = 3 ) Active and , LV_DATE >= BEGDA AND LV_DATE < ENDDA   .

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    Hi melbernai - not sure if you've solved this problem yet. I had the exact same problem recently with my 2nd Gen iPod Nano. I solved it yesterday by simply updating iTunes to the most recent version, after which I could get rid of the register screen. The only other thing I needed to do to add my custom playlists was select "Manually manage music" on the screen for my iPod, since it had been in an automatic synching mode since the problem occurred.

  • Creation of  rule for day type  for Unpaid Day off

    i working on two types of day off one is paid another one is unpaid.
    For first one i selected the standerd SAP rule 01
    And for unpaid I created one rule Like
    Dy.ty Wd      d.ty sat     d.Sud.
    2 2222222   2 2222222  2 2222222
    like that i was created i assigned to the work schedule rule.
    can u any body tell me is it correct or wrong.
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: bhaskar K on Sep 23, 2008 12:33 PM

    hi bhaskar
    want to make some thing clear when ur creating a rule u take into account the holiday class along with day type when u try to combine and match them u can precisely say tht ur rule wud be correct based on ur requirements.
    please make it clear

  • How to get data type of variable in program..

    Hi ABAP Guru.
    I need to know how to get data type of variable or any structure field.. because I got short dump when use command REPLACE ALL OCCURANCE ... with variable/structure field that has data type I or P, I think it should be used with data type CHAR only, So I need to check the data type first.
    Please give me your advice
    Thank you all.
    Nattapash C.

    data : v_value type i,
             v_char(10) type c.
    v_value = 10.
    move v_value to v_char.
    REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES of '#' from v_char....
    Best regards,

  • Getting all types of files with the help of get_file_name function

    hi all,
    i am using Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production).
    i have used get_file_name function to the file name of all type of files
    but i am able to get only the folders when i tried like below
    :FILE_NAME := GET_FILE_NAME(NULL,NULL,NULL,'Choose a Directory',OPEN_FILE,FALSE);my requirement to get all types of files on the window(user will selects whichever way he wants)
    Can i acheive it through get_file_name or i have to go for any alternative to get the file list, so that user can select by browsing the folders.
    Please help.

    in my code the select file was set to false(so showing only the directories) now i have set it to 'true'. its showing the files now.
    with the help of my above shown code i can get the full path of the file.
    is there any way to get only the file name?(other than the last occurance of '/' logic or that is only the way?)
    Please help.

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