Get distribution list api for ios application.

Hi , I have used resolvenames api to get list of contacts which matches the string which was entered in to field of compose email screen, so similarly I have to get list of distribution group which matches the string which was entered in to field of compose
email screen.
I have tried using api like FindItem but was not able to get the distribution list, so please help if anyone knows what is the exact api or request xml to get the distribution list.

Distribution groups are an interesting case because some live in the Active Directory, and some live in user's contact folders. There's a pretty good write up here: ResolveNames should find distribution groups though.

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    This is kind of long, but works:
    (watch line wraps)
    Save it as something like get-exgrouprecurse.ps1, and call it like this:
    $members  = get-exgrouprecurse <group name>
    Then, $members will contain all the members full objects, and the group name they are actually in
    Code Snippet
    # Script to retreive group members #
    # Karl Mitschke March 7 2008 #
    # heavily modified from recipe 7.3 #
    # in 'Active Directory Cookbook' #
    # by Robbie Allen #
    #requires -pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
    $UnknownGroup = @{}
    function DisplayMembers($group)
    $SubGroup = @{}
    $AllMembers = @()
    $group = Read-Host "Enter the groups display name"
    if ($group.Contains("'"))
    $group = $group.Replace("'",'"')
    if ($group -eq "/?")
    Write-Host "Usage:"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "get-exgrouprecurse -group <group name>"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "or get-exgrouprecurse <group name>"
    Write-Host "Returns an object containing the group member, and the group name."
    $validate = Get-Group $group
    if ($validate.RecipientTypeDetails.ToString() -match "mail")
    $searchGroup = Get-DistributionGroupMember $group
    if ($searchGroup)
    foreach ($member in $searchGroup)
    $membertype = $member.RecipientTypeDetails
    if($membertype -match "Group")
    $samname = $member.SamAccountName.ToString()
    if ($SubGroup.ContainsKey($samname) -eq $true)
    Write-Output "^ already seen group member (stopping to avoid loop)"
    if($member.PrimarySmtpAddress -and $member.RecipientTypeDetails -notcontains "group")
    $obj = new-object psObject
    $obj | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name GroupMember -Value $member
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name GroupName -Value $group
    $AllMembers += $obj
    if($SubGroup.Values.Count -gt 0)
    foreach ($subGroup in $SubGroup.values)
    DisplayMembers $subGroup
    if ($UnknownGroup.Keys.Count -gt 0)
    foreach ($LostGroup in $UnknownGroup.keys)
    $obj = new-object psObject
    $obj | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name GroupMember -Value "Cannot enumerate group"
    $obj | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name GroupName -Value $LostGroup
    $AllMembers += $obj
    Write-Output "$group does not appear to be mail enabled."
    Write-Output $AllMembers
    DisplayMembers $group

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    element in a list item? I'm trying to move the label and value
    from on list box to another by using the add_list_element built-
    in and it requires the list index.
    Thanks for your help...

    You can`t get the Index for the selected item..
    you can get the Value of then Tlist using :Block.ListName .
    maybe theis code will help you..
    PROCEDURE pr_PasarElementos(ls_Origen           varchar2,                    ls_destino          varchar2,          cValor                    varchar2 default null) IS
         nCont_Orig     number := 0;
         nCont_Dest     number := 0;
    nCont_Orig := GET_LIST_ELEMENT_COUNT(ls_Origen);          nCont_Dest := GET_LIST_ELEMENT_COUNT(ls_destino);
         for rec_Orig in 1..nCont_Orig loop
         if GET_LIST_ELEMENT_VALUE(ls_Origen,rec_Orig) = cValor then
         end if;
         end loop;
    you can call the procedure with :
    here I`m working with the Value equal to the Label... you would need to look for the Label of the origin (ls_Origen) list using the Value (cValor) you already have.
    I hope this help you.

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    Skype did it for its "compact mode":
    (there's a fourth icon in the title bar)
    And can I modify the task bar entries (Jump List)? I am talking about this:

    can I add custom window icons for a Stage?Not in a Stage with StageStyle.DECORATED
    Use StageStyle.UNDECORATED or StageStyle.TRANSPARENT
    The JavaFX Sample application demonstrates custom icons in an UNDECORATED window when you run it as a standard application rather than as an applet. You download it's source from the same page you downloaded JavaFX from.
    There is a Jira request which would assist in creating Windows which look a bit more like the Skype Window "support Aero Glass effects for top-level windows" - my guess is that this just refers to the Glass background and not the icons embedded in the titlebar, though a combination of the Glass Background and StageStyle.UNDECORATED would allow you to create your own icons which look similar to the standard Windows Aero ones and create an look almost exactly like the Skype one.
    For further integrations like the JumpList, JavaFX does not support that out of the box today.
    You can create a feature request in jira if you want.
    There are third party libraries which provide this support for Java - and they should work with JavaFX as JavaFX is just Java.
    Here is a link to a third party library to create a Windows 7 JumpList:

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