Get Items from String
I need to get the third and forth item from a string. The string varies in items within delimiter and total number of delimiters.
My delimiter is :
MyString = "ALL:0:Red:11Green:31:Blue:217"
MyItems = "Red:11"
Also, if elements 3 and 4 are not there,"Items don't exist.")

There is a : between 11 and Green.
Then it's even easier.
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim s As String = "ALL:0:Red:11:Green:31:Blue:217"
Dim parts As List(Of String) = s.Split(":"c).ToList
Dim allLabel As String = parts(0)
Dim allValue As String = parts(1)
Dim redLabel As String = parts(2)
Dim redValue As String = parts(3)
Dim greenLabel As String = parts(4)
Dim greenValue As String = parts(5)
Dim blueLabel As String = parts(6)
Dim blueValue As String = parts(7)
MsgBox(String.Format("{0}:{1}", redLabel, redValue))
End Sub
End Class
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    Excellent.  Thank you for the info.  Very helpful.
    From: jchunick [email protected]
    Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 4:20 PM
    To: Dewey Parker
    Subject: Re: get chars from string of numerals
    This is a post I made for the wiki which should help:

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     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
    <feed xml:base=https://xxxxxxxx/_api/ xmlns=""
    xmlns:d="" xmlns:m=""
    xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="">
    <entry m:etag=""2"">
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      <d:ID m:type="Edm.Int32">63</d:ID>
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    <content type="application/xml">
      <d:Id m:type="Edm.Int32">64</d:Id>
      <d:ID m:type="Edm.Int32">64</d:ID>
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    oQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = collListItems.ListItemCollectionPosition;
    } while (oQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition != null);
    Hi Oleg, thanks for replying.
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    situation it won't be run as a local admin so the code you provided won't work. You can simulate my dilemma by setting the QuerryThrottleMode  property to SPQueryThrottleOption.Strict, and I'm sure you'll start to get SPQueryThrottledException's
    as well on that list of 700000+ items.
    Thanks anyway though

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    Kind Regards Tomasz

    PS > Split-Path 'C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\WXP-plwropc300\Virtual Hard Disks\WXP-PLWROPC300_EE20E00F-315E-4781
    -A6DE-68497D4189B8.avhdx' -leaf
    PS >
    That is what "Split-Path" is for:

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    String str = "balabalabala";
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    The preferred method nowadays is to use Readers and Writers for String data - hence StringReader(String). If you're going to operate on the InputStream directly, then I'd modify your code to use the Reader calls and go that route.
    If, however, you need to pass the InputStream to some other piece of API that requires an InputStream instead of a Reader, then the ByteArrayInputStream is probably your best bet. StringBufferInputStream is deprecated because it doesn't work reliably in the face of many character encodings.
    Speaking of encodings - never call Strng.getBytes() - always use the getBytes(character-encoding) version, so you KNOW what encoding you're getting!

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    Thanks a lot.

    Please note that if you have understood this BAdI then you have understood the basics of ALL BAdIs dealing with business objects that have a header and one or more items.
    Example: BAdI ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST (purchase requisition)
    METHOD if_ex_me_process_REQ_cust~check.
    * define local data
        lt_items      TYPE mmpur_requisition_items,
    *    ls_item       LIKE LINE OF lt_items,  " alternatively
        ls_item       TYPE mmpur_requisition_item,
        ls_header     TYPE mereq_header.
    " Change data types of local variables (compared to if_ex_me_process_PO_cust~check)
    " but use the very same coding to retrieve the items.
    * (1) Get the order items
    *  CALL METHOD im_header->get_items
    *    receiving
    *      re_items = lt_items.
    * Short version:
      lt_items = im_header->get_items( ).
      LOOP AT lt_items INTO ls_item.
        ls_detail = ls_item-item->get_data( ).
    *   do something ...
    * (2) Get header data
    *  CALL METHOD im_header->get_data
    *    receiving
    *      re_data = ls_header.
    * Short version:
      ls_header = im_header->get_data( ).

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    here i am having string ,
    i want the pullareddy from below line ,
    i know how to get from substring.
    but i want to get the above using "index",
    can any help how to do it?
    String str1="janapana,pullareddy, in malaysia";

    get the start index with indexAt("pullareddy")
    get the end index with adding the length of the word to the start
    get the char[] of str1 with toCharArray()
    make a new string with the chars from start to end index.

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    In a word, No.
    Media content only comes in and goes out via iTunes I'm afraid.

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    I would like to know how to get a value in a string as an integer type
    This is what I have so far
    String x = "12345";
    for(int f=0; f<5; f++){
    int c = stringDigits.charAt(f);     
    sum += c;                
    However the sum does not turn out to be 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 because the value of c will always turn out to be 48 more than it is supposed to be
    for example when f = 1 then c would = 49
    f = 2 then c would = 51
    Thank you very much for your help

    int i = Integer.parseInt(x);
    Will convert the String to an integer.The original poster was looking for a way to convert a single digit in a string to its numeric value, not to convert the whole string to an integer.
    I forgot to mention that this is contained in the
    java.text package, so you will need to
    import java.text.*;Integer is in the java.lang package, so no import is necessary.

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    I have just pasted my code over here.Can anyone of you find the solution for obtaining the Array list from the String.
    For Example :
    ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
    al.add(new byte[2]);
    String stringVar = "" + (ArrayList) al;
    Here I can convert the arraylist into string.But can we do he vice versa like obtaining the above arraylist from the string?If please advice me.

    cudIf you run the code you posted you will observe that the string form of the list does not contain all the information of the list: in particular the array elements are missing. It follows that the "vice versa" conversion you seek is simply not possible.
    A variation on this theme is the following:import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class ListEg {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
            al.add("bar, baz");
            String stringVar = "" + (ArrayList) al;     
    }If you think about the output you should be able to conclude that lists with different contents can easily have the same string form.
    Just something to chew on.

  • Get path from string in an column

    I have an data with text and url. I need to seprate the url only in the column and display in sql query
    Need to get data after Url: and the next immediate " " {blank space}
    my data is like below
    seach engine Url: this is the world famous search enging
    mail box Url: email is free
    microsoft webstie Url: http:\\ the home page of microsoft.

    Try the below:
    Create table Test_Shan(Textstring Varchar(1000))
    Insert into Test_Shan Values ('seach engine Url: this is the world famous search enging'),
    ('mail box Url: email is free'),
    ('microsoft webstie Url: http:\\ the home page of microsoft.')
    Select substring(LTRIM(stuff(Textstring,1,CHARINDEX('Url:',Textstring)+4,' ')),0,charindex(' ',LTRIM(stuff(Textstring,1,CHARINDEX('Url: ',Textstring)+4,' ')),0))
    From Test_Shan

  • How to get items from catalog-help ASAP

    I have several completed scrapbook pages that I cannot find anywhere in computer. They are showing up in the
    Catalog -pictures are there and its not stating it is a missing file. When I try to
    open or copy them,it goes immediately to browse for missing file. How can it be missing if it is
    showing up just like I saved it. I ahve had a frustating 2 days. Yesterday I deleted all my blank
    quickpages that I had downloaded so now I have to do that over. I am afraid some of these that will not open from the catalog were
    accidentally saved in scrapbook materials files. PLease tell what I can do to get these out of the catalog-it is hours of work and I need to fiish this in a couple of days. Blessings,Kathy

    In the thumbnails of this images in the catalog, right click and go to Properties. When you click the folder icon at the bottom of the dialog box, you will be taken to the location where the scrapbook pages should be.

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