Get-Mailbox -Database and Format-Table questions

I've written a script that will get the number of mailboxes on each database on our exchange server and then create a report and email it to everyone. This is the first script that I've ever wrote so I'm fumbling around and don't really know what I'm doing.
I want to learn though so any advice is welcome. It is working but it still doesn't look as nice as I'd like for it to and I was hoping someone could look at my code and tell me what I could do to make it better. Here is part of it and then below shows the
output text file as it is formatted. I'd like for it to be all one one table instead of each being a separate one but I don't know how to do that. I was reading that you can use $obj but when I was reading it I was completely lost about what was going on.
Get-Mailbox -Database DB0 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count | Format-Table -Autosize > M:\Scripts\DBcountreport.txt
Get-Mailbox -Database DB1 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count | Format-Table -Autosize -HideTableHeaders >> M:\Scripts\DBcountreport.txt
Get-Mailbox -Database DB2 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count | Format-Table -Autosize -HideTableHeaders >> M:\Scripts\DBcountreport.txt
Name Count
DB0    167
                   ---  I want these spaces removed basically           
DB1    167
DB2    174
DB3    169

Hi Belthasar,
try this:
$temp = @(Get-Mailbox -Database DB0 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count)
$temp += @(Get-Mailbox -Database DB1 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count)
$temp += @(Get-Mailbox -Database DB2 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count)
$temp += @(Get-Mailbox -Database DB3 | Group-Object -Property:Database | select name,count)
$temp | Format-Table -Autosize > "M:\Scripts\DBcountreport.txt"
What this does is not write 4 tables to a text file, but combines the four tables and then writes the resultant one to the text file.
There's no place like

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    kindly let me know. Thanks.

    Hi Babu,
    Please check this link too.
    Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham

  • How can i compare two databases and their tables

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    db_details has tbl_pcountdetails with fld_Rack_No(char) PK, fld_Barcode(char) PK and fld_Quantity(int)
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    tbl_barcodes has fld_Barcode and fld_ItemCode
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    Rack No: Date:
    Counter No:
    Barcode | Item Code | Item Description | Quantity
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    Private Sub bt_upload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt_upload.Click
    If saveCheckBox.Checked = False Then
    MsgBox("Please click the box to continue.")
    End If
    If lb_file.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
    MessageBox.Show("Please select a file.")
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Obtain the file path from the list box selection.
    Dim filePath = lb_file.SelectedItem.ToString
    ' Verify that the file was not removed since the Browse button was clicked.
    If System.IO.File.Exists(filePath) = False Then
    MessageBox.Show("File Not Found: " & filePath)
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Obtain file information in a string.
    Dim fileInfoText As String = GetTextForOutput(filePath)
    'LookUP db_header, db_details and db_products
    Dim cs As String = "Database=;Data Source=localhost;" _
    & "User Id=root;Password=1234"
    Dim conn As New MySqlConnection(cs)
    Dim ds As New DataSet
    Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter
    Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand
    Dim dt As New DataTable
    Dim stm As String = "SELECT tbl_pcountheader.fld_Rack_No, tbl_pcountheader.fld_DateAdded, tbl_pcountdetails.fld_Barcode, tbl_products.fld_ItemCode, tbl_products.fld_ItemDesc, tbl_pcountdetails.fld_Quantity FROM db_header.tbl_pcountheader INNER JOIN db_details.tbl_pcountdetails ON db_details.tbl_pcountdetails.fld_Rack_No = db_header.tbl_pcountheader.fld_Rack_No INNER JOIN db_products.tbl_barcodes ON db_details.tbl_pcountdetails.fld_Barcode = db_products.tbl_barcodes.fld_Barcode INNER JOIN db_products.tbl_products ON db_products.tbl_barcodes.fld_ItemCode_fk = db_products.tbl_products.fld_ItemCode GROUP BY tbl_pcountheader.fld_Rack_No, tbl_pcountheader.fld_DateAdded ORDER BY tbl_pcountheader.fld_Rack_No"
    ds = New DataSet
    da = New MySqlDataAdapter(stm, conn)
    da.Fill(ds, "tbl_pcountheader")
    DataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables("tbl_pcountheader")
    Dim headers = (From header As DataGridViewColumn In DataGridView1.Columns.Cast(Of DataGridViewColumn)() _
    Select header.HeaderText).ToArray
    Dim rows = From row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows.Cast(Of DataGridViewRow)() _
    Where Not row.IsNewRow _
    Select Array.ConvertAll(row.Cells.Cast(Of DataGridViewCell).ToArray, Function(c) If(c.Value IsNot Nothing, c.Value.ToString, ""))
    Using sw As New IO.StreamWriter("c:\report.txt", append:=True)
    sw.WriteLine(String.Join(",", headers))
    For Each r In rows
    sw.WriteLine(String.Join(",", r))
    End Using
    Dim cr As New CrystalReport1()
    CrystalReportviewer1.ReportSource = cr
    Catch ex As MySqlException
    MsgBox("Error: " & ex.ToString())
    End Try
    ' Show the file information.
    Dim PrintPrompt As String
    PrintPrompt = MsgBox(fileInfoText, MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "ProofList")
    If PrintPrompt = vbYes Then
    If saveCheckBox.Checked = True Then
    ' Place the log file in the same folder as the examined file.
    Dim bakFolder As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)
    Dim bakFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(bakFolder, "back-up.bak")
    Dim bakText As String = "Backed-Up: " & Date.Now.ToString & vbCrLf & fileInfoText & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    ' Append text to the log file.
    'System.IO.File.AppendAllText(bakFilePath, bakText)
    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(bakFilePath, bakText, append:=True)
    'My.Computer.Network.UploadFile(bakFilePath, "C:\Documents and Settings\SAPC-TECH\My Documents\back-up file.bak", "", "", False, 1000)
    End If
    'Note: This message box shows that you've uploaded a file and back up it.
    MessageBox.Show("Already backed-up to ")
    End If
    'Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel
    End Sub
    here's my final code that solves my problem.
    i just make the environment of vb into mysql console
    so that i can call all the database that i wanted.

    Private Sub bt_upload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt_upload.Click
    If saveCheckBox.Checked = False Then
    MsgBox("Please click the box to continue.")
    End If
    If lb_file.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
    MessageBox.Show("Please select a file.")
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Obtain the file path from the list box selection.
    Dim filePath = lb_file.SelectedItem.ToString
    ' Verify that the file was not removed since the Browse button was clicked.
    If System.IO.File.Exists(filePath) = False Then
    MessageBox.Show("File Not Found: " & filePath)
    Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Obtain file information in a string.
    Dim fileInfoText As String = GetTextForOutput(filePath)
    'LookUP comparison db_details to db_products
    'Dim connString As String = "Database=db_products;Data Source=localhost;" & "User Id=root;Password=1234"
    'Dim conn As New MySqlConnection(connString)
    'Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand()
    ' conn.Open()
    ' cmd.Connection = conn
    ' cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Database1.dbo.TableName.ColumnName, Database2TableName.Name, 'The reason why Database 2 isnt defined is the fact that it has been defined in the connection" _
    ' FROM Database2TableName INNER JOIN _
    ' Database2TableName2 INNER JOIN _
    ' WHERE (Database1.dbo.TableName.ColumnName = '')"
    ' cmd.Prepare()
    ' cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
    ' conn.Close()
    'Catch ex As Exception
    'End Try
    ' Show the file information.
    Dim PrintPrompt As String
    PrintPrompt = MsgBox(fileInfoText, MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "ProofList")
    If PrintPrompt = vbYes Then
    If saveCheckBox.Checked = True Then
    ' Place the log file in the same folder as the examined file.
    Dim bakFolder As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)
    Dim bakFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(bakFolder, "back-up.bak")
    Dim bakText As String = "Backed-Up: " & Date.Now.ToString & vbCrLf & fileInfoText & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    ' Append text to the log file.
    'System.IO.File.AppendAllText(bakFilePath, bakText)
    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(bakFilePath, bakText, append:=True)
    'My.Computer.Network.UploadFile(bakFilePath, "C:\Documents and Settings\SAPC-TECH\My Documents\back-up file.bak", "", "", False, 1000)
    End If
    'Note: This message box shows that you've uploaded a file and back up it.
    MessageBox.Show("Already backed-up to ")
    End If
    Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel
    End Sub
    here's my code wherein i have to compare the two database and save it into .txt file
    i just have to get this items
    Rack No:
    Counter No:
    Item Code:
    Item Description:
    as a prooflist to be print out.

  • Exchange 2013 CU2 - Mailbox Databases and Active Sync - update when new item arrive

    Maybe it will be a silly question but I don't know what exactly is going on. We are running Ex2013CU2 Evironment (1 CAS, 2 MBX Servers with 4 Mailbox Databases).
    User mailboxes are in MDB01 and they are allowed to connect to mail via activesync and everything is working great (I mean that auto notification on mobile when item arrive is working).
    When we move user mailbox to another database ex. MDB02 -> "auto notification when item arrive" does not working, but manual synchronization is working great.
    Does anyone have any idea why it is behaving like this or what should I check to fix this ?
    -- Kamil Tatar

    are you saying PUSHMAIL is not working after moving the mailbox to a different database?
    Where Technology Meets Talent

  • Files associated with user's mailbox database and reverent directory path (exchange 2010)

    I want to know all the files and other associated types of log files with particular user's mailbox database in exchange 2010 & its reverent directory path . Please suggest
    Aditya Mediratta

    If you want to view the database file path and associated log file path, you can use the following command.
    Get-MailboxDatabase "Mailbox Database" | fl *path
    Default path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Mailbox\Mailbox Database
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • General Design With Database and Session Bean Question

    I have an application I am developing where users connect to individual databases located on a server. When they login an admin table is accessed which shows what databases they have permissions to. I am then storing the connection to the database in a backing bean. Hoping to use this connection throughout the session. Is this a good practice to have a users connection left open over the session? I can't create a database pool for each individual database and each user for that database.
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    Sorry if this is a trivial question. I have been a Java developer for years. But just starting developing webapps using JSF.

    JuCobb2 wrote:
    I am then storing the connection to the database in a backing bean. Hoping to use this connection throughout the session. Is this a good practice to have a users connection left open over the session? No it is not. Why should you do so? Always keep the lifetime of connection, statement and resultset as short as possible.

  • Move Mailbox database and Public Folder database from VMwar RDM drive to VMware VMFS/VMDK Drive

    Good Afternoon,
    So I have 1 DAG with 3 mailbox server (1 physical and 2 Virtual (vmware)).  The Vmware server Mailbox and Public folder databases/logs are currently on RDM drive.  I need to get rid of the RDM drives and use VMFS/Vmdk drives for mailbox and public
    folder databases.  I was thinking 3 options:
    1- Introduce new VM Members into DAG and simply give these new VMs VMFS/VMDK drives, add servers into DAG and have DAG replicate databases to new server.  I really don't want to do this.
    2-On current VM, delete RDM drive along with database, add VMFS/VMDK drive replacement and have the DAG copy database.
    3- On current VM, suspend replication, copy database/logs in temp location, delete the RDM drive, create the VMFS/VMDK drive, copy the database and logs to new drive, enable replication.  Do the same for public folder database/logs, but not sure how
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    Thanks in advance for you help

        Take the database offline means stop replications to the the passive mailbox server?
    Also, what is procedure to take public folder offline.  We have public folder replicated on all 3 servers.
    Hi cuttabutta,
    Yes, take the database offline on the passive server can stop replication from primary server.
    you can also take the public folder database offline to stop replication.
    In addition, you can refer to the following article to configure public folder replication:
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • SQL and External table question

    Hello averyone,
    I have a file to be read as an external table part of it is below:
    The first question is: how to ignore the lines until the DATA; line or SQL already does it for me?
    The second question is: since the fields of interest are separated by commas and the first field does not interest me (it is solved with a varchar2) how can I read the following fields as numbers ignoring the (,# and ) characters please?
    Thanks for any help.
    Sincerely yours,
    André Luiz

    The SKIP option can be used with SQL*Loader to skip a certain number of lines before starting to load. Off hand I cannot see any easy way to load the data in the format given. The format does not resemble a typical CVS format. You can look at the test cases provided for SQ*Loader in the Oracle® Database Utilities guide - or simply write PL/SQL code to load this data manually using UTL_FILE.

  • Infoset query logical database and transparent table

    We have an infoset with the data source logical database=PNP.
    We get some fields from the infotype 0768, P0768-PERNR, P0768-BEGDA, etc.
    Now we need add another table to make a join within infotype 0768 and table T5F99SE.
    For instance, in infotype 0768 I have one record with the fields PERNR and BEGDA and in the T5F99SE I have 3 records related to the unique record of infotype 0768, the fields of the table are PERNR, BEGDA, ACTDT and ADDAT .
    The fields values in the example can be:
    Infotype 0768: PERNR=00101800, BEGDA=20110401, DICOT=20, BACHE=1200
    Table T5F99SE:  record 1 PERNR=00101800, BEGDA=20110401, ACTDT=20110401, ADDAT=PB    E
                             record 2 PERNR=00101800, BEGDA=20110101, ACTDT=20110405, ADDAT=PC    E01
                             record 3 PERNR=00101800, BEGDA=20110401, ACTDT=20110409, ADDAT=PA    E
    The result we want get with infoset query is
    00101800 20110101 20        1200       PB    E
    00101800 20110101 20        1200       PC    E01
    00101800 20110101 20        1200       PA    E
    I would like to get the fields of the infotype and some fields of the table T5F99SE.
    Is possible do this action with ABAP modifying an infoset that already exists adding the fields of the transparent table?
    What should I do?
    Kind regards,

    My guess is that it would not be possible to include a transparent table into the LDBs PNP and PNPCE. Would need input from a technical expert there.
    However, instead of using the LDB, why don't you explore just using a direct table join? You may need to join PA0000, PA0001, PA0002 along with PA0768 and your other tables. An infoset can then be created on this table join.
    To go to the mode where you can create the table join, in your infoset transactions, choose 'Table join' instead of 'LDB'.

  • Using Logical Databases and the Tables or Nodes Statement

    I want to start using Logical Databases whenever possible, but it seems that I need to use the Tables or Nodes statement for the Get statement to work.  Is there anyway to avoid Tables/Nodes statement since they are obsolete (and still use LDBs)?
    Message was edited by: Jason DeLuca

    Hi Jason,
    1) table statement is obligatory:
    -> look at abap-docu to GET:
    node is a node in the logical database that is assigned to the report (type 1 program) in the program attributes. <b>You must declare the node in the report using the NODES statement (or the TABLES statement, if the node is of the type "table").</b>
    2) some ldb-selections from the selection screen
       depends on the table-statement too, i remember...
    regards Andreas

  • Tab and/or Table Question?

    Is there a way to make the output print under headings like columns on
    a simple Java app?
    My code is fine, it complies and works and even has an illusion of
    printing the way I want it too. But what I want is for the output to actually
    print under headings.
    //Inventory Program Part 1
    //Inventory enters and displays Part information
    *Parts used for testing include Glass Break: part # FG730,
    *Motion Detector: part# Aurora, and W/L Contact: part # 5816.
    *any quantity for units on hand and unit price is appropriate
    *for testing purposes.
    import java.util.Scanner;    // program uses class Scanner
    import java.text.*;
    public class Inventory
    private static void Quit()
         System.exit (0);
        // main method begins execution of Java application
        public static void main(String args[])
            Part part = new Part();
            // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
            Scanner input = new Scanner(;
         while(true)// starts loop to test name
                 System.out.print("\nEnter Part Name (stop to quit):  "); // prompt for name
                       part.setName(input.nextLine());   // get name
                 if(part.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("stop") == 0)
                    System.out.println("Stop entered, Thank you");
                    } //end if
                    System.out.print("Enter part number for " + part.getName() + ":  ");  // prompt
                     part.setitemNum(input.nextLine());    // read part number from user
                    System.out.print("Enter Units on hand: ");    // prompt
                    part.setunits(input.nextDouble());    // read second number from user
                             if(part.getunits() <= 0)
                                    System.out.println ("Invalid amount, Units on hand worked must be positive");
                                    System.out.print("Please enter actual units on hand: ");
                               } //end if
              System.out.print("Enter Unit Price: $ ");    // prompt
                    part.setprice(input.nextDouble());    // read third number from user
                             if(part.getprice() <= 0)
                                    System.out.println ("Invalid amount, Unit Price must be positive");
                                    System.out.print("Please enter actual unit price: $ ");
                               } //end if
              System.out.println( "Part #\tPart Name\tUnits On Hand\tUnit Cost\tTotal Cost" );
              System.out.printf( "%s\t%s\t%.2f        \t%.2f       \t$%.2f\n",
                   part.getitemNum(), part.getName(), part.getunits(), part.getprice(), part.getvalue());
              }//end while
        }// end method main
    } // end class Inventory
    // Class Part holds Part information
    class Part
       private String name;
       private String itemNum;
       private double units;
       private double price;
       //default constructor
        public Part()
            name = "";
            itemNum = "";
            units = 0;
             price = 0;
        }//end default constructor
        //Parameterized Constructor
        public Part(String name, String itemNum, double units, double price)
   = name;
            this.itemNum = itemNum;
            this.units = units;
             this.price = price;
        }//end constructor
         public void setName(String name) {
   = name;
           String getName()
              return name;
        public void setitemNum ( String itemNum )
            this.itemNum = itemNum;
        public String getitemNum()
              return itemNum;
        public void setunits ( double units )
            this.units = units;
        public double getunits()
              return units;
        public void setprice ( double price )
            this.price = price;
        public double getprice()
              return price;
        public double getvalue()
              return (units * price);
    }//end Class Part

    My printf() skill is rather rusty but this might help:
    import java.util.*;
    public class InventoryX{
      private static void Quit(){
        System.exit (0);
      public static void main(String args[]){
        Part part = new Part();
        Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        while (true){
          System.out.print("\nEnter Part Name (stop to quit):  ");
          if (part.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("stop")){
            System.out.println("Stop entered, Thank you");
          System.out.print("Enter part number for " + part.getName() + ":  ");
          System.out.print("Enter Units on hand: ");
          while (part.getUnits() <= 0){
              ("Invalid amount, Units on hand worked must be positive");
            System.out.print("Please enter actual units on hand: ");
          System.out.print("Enter Unit Price: $ ");
          while (part.getPrice() <= 0){
            System.out.println ("Invalid amount, Unit Price must be positive");
            System.out.print("Please enter actual unit price: $ ");
          String fmtStr = "%-7s %-10s %14s %14s %14s\n";
          System.out.printf(fmtStr, "Part #", "Part Name",
              "Units On Hand", "Unit Cost", "Total Cost");
          String inum = part.getItemNum();
          String name = part.getName();
          String units = String.format("%.2f", part.getUnits());
          String price = String.format("%.2f", part.getPrice());
          String value = String.format("%.2f", part.getValue());
          System.out.printf(fmtStr, inum, name, units, price, value);
    class Part{
      private String name;
      private String itemNum;
      private double units;
      private double price;
      public Part(){
        name = "";
        itemNum = "";
        units = 0;
        price = 0;
      public Part(String n, String m, double u, double p){
        name = n;
        itemNum = m;
        units = u;
        price = p;
      public void setName(String n) {
        name = n;
      String getName(){
        return name;
      public void setItemNum (String m){
        itemNum = m;
      public String getItemNum(){
        return itemNum;
      public void setUnits (double u){
        units = u;
      public double getUnits(){
        return units;
      public void setPrice (double p){
        price = p;
      public double getPrice(){
        return price;
      public double getValue(){
        return (units * price);

  • Loading Flat File and Temporary Table question

    I am new to ODI. Is there a method to load a flat file directly in to the target table and not have ODI create a temporary file? I am asking this in trying to find out how efficient ODI is in bulk loading a very large set of data.

    You can always modify the KM to skip the loading of the temporary table and load the target table directly. Another option would be to use the SUNOPSIS MEMORY ENGINE as your staging database. But, this option has some drawbacks, as it relies on available memory for the JVM and is not suitable for large datasets (which you mention you have).
    Michael Rainey
    Edited by: Michael R on Oct 15, 2012 2:44 PM

  • Database Query & Dynamic Table Question

    Greetings all. I am using Dreamweaver CS3 and working in PHP
    with a MySql database. I'm sure the recordset I'm trying to create
    is rather simple, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I
    have a table with peoples' names and their grades in different
    subjects. For example:
    Name Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3
    John D. 85 72 73
    Jane D. 90 85 70
    John S. 70 92 85
    What I'm wanting is a page with a dynamic table for the
    person that logs on to see their grades in each subject if it's
    above an 80. I already know how to pass the username session
    variable, but I'm not sure how to say "show subject if value is
    greater than or equal to 80." So, for example, if John D. logged in
    the table would look like:
    Subject 1 80
    If Jane D logged in, her displayed dynamic table would look
    Subject 1 90
    Subject 2 85
    So, I want the table to show the header name (subject) and
    the grade if the grade >= 80. Any ideas on how to solve my
    dilemma would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    Thank you for the reply. I was thinking about doing the
    separate table idea, but there are something like 50 subjects, and
    I already have the rest of the site built around my current table
    structure. I think it would be more trouble than it's worth to
    change everything. I'm rather new to PHP, so if you don't mind
    helping out, how would I setup the code to say "ok, here's a query
    with every subject and name, now pull only the subjects with a
    score >= 80 for person A (generated by a URL variable)?" What
    I'm envisioning is a repeating table with Subject (if >=80) on
    the left, and the actual score on the right. The query I'm using to
    pull the scores for the logged in person is
    SELECT Name, Subject 1, Subject 2...
    FROM Grades
    WHERE Name = colname
    colname = $_GET['Name'] (my url variable)
    This works just fine to pull ll grades for all subjects for
    just the person who logged in. I'm not sure how passed this point
    to a) filter the subjects by a value, and b) list those subjects
    and grades in a vertical repeating table. Thank you again for your

  • Applescript InDesign to Merge and Format Table Cells

    The subject line says it all:
    I have a document with a table that covers about 100 pages. The table has five or six columns, 25 to 35 rows. I want to be put my curser in a cell on a row, merge the cells in the row, then apply a paragraph format and a cell format.
    And I have no idea how to do that.
    Is anyone willing to give me a hand?

    @Jon – See the following blog post:
    Marc Autret
    Improve the Way you Merge Cells in InDesign

  • Parent table on one database and child table on the other database same svr

    Hi all,
    1. Create table A with primary key on one database
    2. Create table B with foreign key referencing the primary key of table A on different database but same server...
    How to do that, is that using database link..but how?
    Please, help
    - Sri

    You cannot use database link to define foreign key: see database link restrictions.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Use of Open Hub Destination to load data into BPC

    Hi Gurus, I want to load the data from SAP BI to BPC (NW version), using Open Hub Destination. I want to know few things about this. 1) What method should I use? Should I use Destination as Flat Files or Database tables? If Database tables, how can I

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    I have an LG L226WT and a 20" Apple Cinema Display connected to a brand new Mac Pro. Both monitors (in the same configuration) were running on my old PowerMac G5 before. The Cinema Display works fine, colours are good, so is light etc. The LG first h

  • How to Setup FCP 6 to use Canon 60 D video

    Trying to edit video from my Canon 60d on Final cut Pro 6. Need to know  video setting to edit with. Video is very choppy.

  • Sdo_util error code ORA-01722: invalid number in Oracle 11g R2

    Dear every one, Greetings. Hi. As mentioned in the title, I met a strange problem when I was trying to extrude the 2D objects into 3D. The error code says ORA-01722: invalid number. Then, to eliminate the possibility that the code would be wrong, I t

  • Problems embedding swf's in Acrobat 9.3.2

    i'm having difficulty embedding a simple swf into an acrobat file. the swf is as3 and published as fp 9 and/or fp 10 and still doesn't work. when i click to play the movie in acrobat, it gets hung up on the preloader. thanks.