Get mouse coordinates and fire bullet.

So far here is my code in the fla:
main_crosshair.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, crosshairFX);
function crosshairFX (e:MouseEvent):void{
          var projectile:bullet = new bullet();
and this is my :
package {
          import flash.display.MovieClip;
          public class bullet extends MovieClip {
Im trying to figure out how ot make it so that when I click my mouse it fires the bullet from the bottom right of the screen towards my cursor. That is the part I need help with now then I;m going to try and figure out myself how to test if an object is hit. Thanks in advance for any help.
var PositionY:Number;
var PositionX:Number;
var crosshairX:* = Mouse.x;
var crosshairY:* = Mouse.y;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
function onMouseMove(e:MouseEvent){
          var target:* =;
          var location:Point = new Point(target.mouseX, target.mouseY);
          location = target.localToGlobal(location);
          PositionY = location.y;
          PositionX = location.x;

Since you basically want to shoot something at an angle, the code should be pretty much the same.  You know where the origin of the bullet is (projectile.x/projectile.y) and you know where the destination points are (mouseX/mouseY).  That tutorial will help  show you how to use the Atan2 method to make an object travel from one place to another.

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    The MouseEvent which is given to the MouseMotionListener or the MouseListener has one getX() and one getY() method. That are the coordinates in your applicetion window starting with (0,0) in the upper left corner.
    Hope this helps

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    what I figure out from your question is that, you want to get the coordinates even if the mouse is not directly interacting with any of the java components of your application.
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    I still don't understand your problem and apparently nobody else does either since there are no responses. Why don't you write a simple program (like I did for you on your last post) that demonstrates the problem.
    "A picture is worth a thousand words".

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    I still don't understand your problem and apparently nobody else does either since there are no responses. Why don't you write a simple program (like I did for you on your last post) that demonstrates the problem.
    "A picture is worth a thousand words".

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    you can use the MouseEvent class, it has a getX() and getY() method that returns an int representing the coordinate on the screen the mouse is at. You can access the MouseEvent class through the MouseAdapter or MouseListener. Using either MouseAdapter or MouseListener will give you access to mouseClicked method, used to handle mouse click events.

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    VPKVL wrote:
    DarrylBurke wrote:
    Can't be done in Java.I don't think that there is something which can't be done using java. When searched over net, found few applications which are using java for implementing this feature but not free, asking for license fee. I checked by downloading the demo version.
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    I guess the easiest way is still to use a MouseMotionListener that you could add to your top level container. You could then store the value of the last position and still be able to access it even if the mouse hasn't moved.
    You might also want to use the following method : SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(Point p, Component c);

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    Yeah, basically there's no way to do this. This should be requested if it hasn't already (too lazy to check). It's not hard for sun to add, they just need to add it. Ok, anyway, I looked into it and see if there was a way to do this even somewhat reasonably in Java. I was very disappointed. I pretty much had no luck, but I did get a lame way of implementing this :P After some thought, this is what I ended up with:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MousePosition extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        private int x = 0;
        private int y = 0;
        private boolean isAP = true;
        public MousePosition()
            setSize(300, 300);
            setLocation(200, 200);
            addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
                public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
                    isAP = false;
                Robot r = new Robot();
                r.mouseMove(getLocation().x + 50, getLocation().y + 50);
            } catch(AWTException e) {}
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            System.out.println(e.getX() + getLocation().x + ", " + (e.getY() + getLocation().y));
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}
        public static void main(String[] args)
            new MousePosition();
    }So it'll "lock" the program getting the absolute coordinates until you press the mouse, then you're free to do what you want. You could also do this with keyPressed or anything else you want. JNI would be the real solution as of now, until then I think sun should address the problem.

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    Hi All,
    I've been attempting to write a program that includes a simple modeler. However, I've been having some trouble with being able to select components when attempting to implement zoom functionality - when I "zoom" (which is done via scroll wheel) using the scale Graphics2D method, while it zooms correctly, the mouse location of components do not seem scale.
    I've tried one of the solutions found on the forums here (create a custom event queue that adjusts the mouse coordinates) and while it seemed to work initially, if I zoom in and adjust the current view position using the scrollbars, certain components contained in the JPane will become un-selectable and I haven't been able to work out why.
    I've attached a SSCCE that reproduces the problem below - it implements a JScrollPane with a JPane with a few selectable shapes set as the Viewport. The zoom is done using the mouse scroll wheel (with wheel up being zoom in and wheel down being zoom out)
    Any help in order to fix the selection/de-selection issues on zoom would be greatly appreciated! I've spent some time reading through the forums here but have unfortunately not been able to find a workable solution around it.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Tester extends JScrollPane
        public Tester() {
            this.setViewportView(new Model());
        public static void main (String[] args) {
            JFrame main = new JFrame();
            main.add(new Tester());
    class Model extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseWheelListener
        private GfxClass selection = null;
        private static double zoomLevel = 1;
        // zoom methods
        public void setZoom(double zoom) {
            if( zoom < 0 && zoomLevel > 1.0)
                zoomLevel += zoom;
            if( zoom > 0 && zoomLevel < 5.0)
                zoomLevel += zoom;
        public static double getZoom() { return zoomLevel; }
        public void resetZoom() { zoomLevel = 1; }
        public Model() {
            MyEventQueue meq = new MyEventQueue();
            for(int i = 0; i <7; i++) {
                double angle = Math.toRadians(i * 360 / 7);
                GfxClass oc_tmp = new GfxClass((int)(200 + 150 * Math.cos(angle)), (int)(125 + 100 * Math.sin(angle)), "Element"+i);
        public void paint (Graphics g) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
            AffineTransform oldTr=g2.getTransform();
            setBackground (Color.white);
        private static class MyEventQueue extends EventQueue  {
            protected void dispatchEvent(AWTEvent event) {
                AWTEvent event2=event;
                if ( !(event instanceof MouseWheelEvent) && (event instanceof MouseEvent) ) {
                    if ( event.getSource() instanceof Component && event instanceof MouseEvent) {
                        MouseEvent me=(MouseEvent)event2;
                        Component c=(Component)event.getSource();
                        Component cursorComponent=SwingUtilities.getDeepestComponentAt(c, me.getX(), me.getY());
                        JPanel zContainer= getZoomedPanel(cursorComponent);
                        if (zContainer!=null) {
                            int x=me.getX();
                            Point p=SwingUtilities.convertPoint(zContainer,0,0,(Component)event.getSource());
                            int cX=me.getX()-p.x;
                            int y=me.getY();
                            int cY=me.getY()-p.y;
                            MouseEvent ze = new MouseEvent(me.getComponent(), me.getID(), me.getWhen(), me.getModifiers(), x, y, me.getClickCount(), me.isPopupTrigger());
        public static JPanel getZoomedPanel(Component c) {
            if (c == null)
                return null;
            else if (c instanceof Model)
                return (Model)c;
                return getZoomedPanel(c.getParent());
        private void deselectAll() {
            if(selection != null)
            selection = null;
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0)  {    }
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent arg0)  {    }
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent arg0)   {    }
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent arg0) {    }   
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
            Component c1 = findComponentAt(me.getX(),me.getY());
            if(c1 instanceof GfxClass)
                if(selection != null)
                selection = (GfxClass)c1;
        public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { // controls zoom
                int notches = e.getWheelRotation();
                if (notches < 0)
                this.setSize(new Dimension((int)(500*getZoom()),(int)(300*getZoom())));           
                this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int)(500*getZoom()),(int)(300*getZoom())));     
    class GfxClass extends Component { // simple graphical component
        private boolean isSelected = false;
        private String name;
        public GfxClass(int xPos, int yPos, String name) {
   = name;
        public void setSelected(boolean b) {
            if( b == isSelected )
            isSelected = b;
        public boolean isSelected() {
            return isSelected;
        public void paint(Graphics g2) {
            Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g2;
            if( isSelected )
            g.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(0,0,100,35));
            g.drawString(name, getSize().width/2 - 25, getSize().height/2);
    }Edited by: Kys99 on Feb 22, 2010 9:09 AM
    Edited by: Kys99 on Feb 22, 2010 9:10 AM

    Delete your EventQueue class. Change one line of code in your mouse pressed method.
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
        Component c1 = findComponentAt((int) (me.getX()/getZoom()),
                                       (int) (me.getY()/getZoom()));

  • Getting incorrect coordinates, width/height of page-item in actionscript.

    I am developing a Flex extension for InDesign CS5. I am trying to get the coordinates and width/height of a page-item. But, I keep getting incorrect data. Please refer screenshot. The coordinates as I see in the InDesign application are 38.8, 66.02, 117.5, 160.5.
    I used the geometricBounds method to get the coordinates and width/height, but I am getting 29.70, 40.26, 222.07, 178.11. Please refer the screenshot.
    I read somewhere that the coordinates can change with respect to the ruler settings, i.e., it depends on Ruler per Spread, Ruler per Page or Ruler on Spine. But, I couldn't find anything related to this with respect to actionscript.
    How can I get the coordinates and width/height that I see in the InDesign application through actionscript?

    @poortip87 – make a rectangle with the coordinates ActionScript is suggesting on your page together with your placed image. Then you can see how this correlates to the path points of the rectangle that holds the image.
    Further reading on geometricBounds and their relationship to other geometric properties of page items can be found here:
    Marc Autret:
    Work Around the Width/Height Gap

  • How to get Mouse Screen Coordinates

    I have code:
    JButton btn  = new JButton("button");
    btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              //  HEAR I WANT TO GET MOUSE
              //  SCREEN COORDS!!!
    }I want to get Coordinates!!!

    If you have a MouseEvent you can convert it as follows:
    Point point = mouseEvent.getPoint();
    SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen((Component)mouseEvent.getSource(), point);However, that won't work from your actionPerformed method. If possible, use a MouseListener and intercept the mousePressed/mouseClicked events.
    If you want to capture the mouse position when someone presses a button (e.g, by using an keyboard shortcut) then you'll need a MouseMotionListener to track the mouse pointer as it moves over your component.
    Hope this helps.

  • My Mac is doing strange things: delaying between users, mouse flickering and bouncing, gets stuck with rainbow wheel flickering. I ran the appel hardware test and it detected an error: 4MOT/4/40000003:HDD-1233 Does anybody know what that means? HELP!

    My imac is doing strange things:
    -delaying between users: when closing session it goes to blue, then takes a while to appear users signin box, and then wont recognize mouse command to enter until a couple of minutes later... then everything seems alright until....
    -it gets stuck between things, the rainbow wheel appears and its just delays there forever....
    -and every now and then the mouse starts flickering and bouncing wildly onscreen.
    I ran the appel hardware test and it detected an error:
    Does anybody know what that means? HELP!

    WZZZ answered about where to get iStat. And do check the SMART status. If it is an overheating problem due to a fan or logic board problem, your hard drive is possibly cooking itself to death. If so it isn't a faulty hard drive even though the hard drive might fail. So assuming it's a temperature problem, even if you are able to repair things on the disk with software, that is working on symptoms, not causes. I could be wrong however.
    RE: AppleCare: Your iMac came with one year of AppleCare (Apple's warranty program), but within the first year you can buy 2 more years. You have to extend by the one year anniversary of purchase of the computer. Your 10,1 is too old to still be in the first year, and since you asked what it was, I'm sure you don't have it. Bottom line meaning is that whatever this problem turns out to be, you'll have to pay for it. Unless there is something like this. It is for 2011 iMacs with certain Seagate drives. You can put in your serial number for fun, but it looks like yours is too old. Lastly, some people have had Apple help them anyway if it is just out of warranty, but many have not. Your machine is one of these. Type in 10,1 in the search box. Is there an Apple Store near you? Just b/c it's out of warranty doesn't mean you shouldn't have it looked at by Apple. But no one here can say at all what Apple will or will not do.
    Hope you get it taken care of!

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