Get page width and height

Hi I have my containers set out to 100% width and 100% height. In the end the actual size will always vary depending on the screen you are viewing it on. How would I go about in finding the containers size during runtime..

Look at the height and width properties. They will be in pixels.

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  • Nested canvas in GridLayout can't get its width and height

    I have a class entitled DisplayCanvas, which will accept some parameters from an invocation in another class including a shape and message parameters. These parameters must be centered in the instance of DisplayCanvas.
    For some reason, when I use this.getWidth() and this.getHeight() within my DisplayCanvas class, I get 0 and 0! I need the width and height in order to center the parameters the user will enter.
    Why does the width and height result at 0? What can I do to get the width and height?
    In my DisplayCanvas class notice the lines:
    canWidth = this.getWidth();
    canHeight = this.getHeight();
    For some reason the result is 0 for each!
    Here is my code for the DisplayCanvas class:
    //import the necessary clases
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    //begin the DisplayCanvas
    public class DisplayCanvas extends Canvas
      //declare private data members to house the width and height of the canvas
      private int canWidth;
      private int canHeight;
      //declare private data members for the shape and message
      private String message;
      private String shape;
      private Color sColor;
      private int sWidth;
      private int sHeight;
      private String font;
      private Color ftColor;
      private int ftSize;
      //declare public data members
      //constructor of DisplayCanvas
      public DisplayCanvas()
         //set the width and height
         canWidth = this.getWidth();
         canHeight = this.getHeight();
         //set all data members to defaults
         message = "";
         shape = "";
         sColor = null;
         sWidth = 0;
         sHeight = 0;
         font = "";
         ftColor = null;
         ftSize = 0;
      } //end the constructor
      //begin the setParams function
      public void setParams(String m, String s, Color c, int w, int h,
                            String f, Color ftC, int ftS)
          //set all private data members of DisplayShape to the arguments
          //this function assumes error checking was done by DemoShape
          message = m;
          shape = s;
          sColor = c;
          sWidth = w;
          sHeight = h;
          font = f;
          ftColor = ftC;
          ftSize = ftS;
      } //end the setParams function
      //begin the public paint function of ShowShape
      public void paint(Graphics g)
          //set and output the shape according to the arguments
          //determine the x and y of the shape
          int x = (canWidth - sWidth) / 2;
          int y = (canHeight - sHeight) / 2;
          //set the color for the graphic object
          //output the shape
          g.drawRect(x, y, sWidth, sHeight);
          //set and output the message according to the arguments
          //set the color and the font for the graphic object
          g.setFont(new Font(font, Font.PLAIN, ftSize));
          //determine the centering of the message
          //output the message with the settings
          g.drawString(canWidth + " " + canHeight, 10, 10);
      } //end the paint function of ShowShape class
    } //end the DisplayCanvas classHere is my form entry class using the nested DisplayCanvas instance entitled drawCanvas:
    //import the necessary java packages
    import java.awt.*;                  //for the awt widgets
    import javax.swing.*;               //for the swing widgets
    import java.awt.event.*;            //for the event handler interfaces
    //no import is needed for the DisplayCanvas class
    //if in the same directory as the DemoShape class
    public class DemoShape extends JApplet
        //declare private data members of the DemoShape class
        //declare the entry and display panel containers
        private Container entire;           //houses entryPanel and displayCanvas
        private JPanel entryPanel;          //accepts the user entries into widgets
        private DisplayCanvas drawCanvas;   //displays the response of entries
        //required control buttons for the entryPanel
        private JTextField xShapeText, yShapeText, messageText, fontSizeText;
        private ButtonGroup shapeRadio;
        private JRadioButton rect, oval, roundRect;
        private JComboBox shapeColorDrop, fontTypeDrop, fontColorDrop;
        //declare public data members of the DemoShape class
        //init method to initialize the applet objects
        public void init()
            //arrays of string to be used later in combo boxes
            //some are used more than once
            String fonts[] = {"Dialog", "Dialog Input", "Monospaced",
                                "Serif", "Sans Serif"};
            String shapes[] = {"Rectangle", "Round Rectangle", "Oval"};   
            String colors[] = {"Black", "Blue", "Cyan", "Dark Gray",
                                "Gray", "Green", "Light Gray", "Magenta", "Orange",
                                "Pink", "Red", "White", "Yellow"};
            //declare variables to assist with the layout
            //these are the left and right justified x coordinates
            int ljX = 10; int rjX = 150;
            //this is the y coordinates for the rows
            int yRow1 = 10;     //the shape rows
            int yRow2 = 40;
            int yRow3 = 60;
            int yRow4 = 130;
            int yRow5 = 150;
            int yRow6 = 210;    //the message rows
            int yRow7 = 240;
            int yRow8 = 260;
            int yRow9 = 300;
            int yRow10 = 320;
            int yRow11 = 360;
            int yRow12 = 380;
            //these are the widths for the text boxes, drop downs
            //message entry,  big message entry and radio buttons
            int tWidth = 30; int dWidth = 100;
            int mWidth = 250; int bmWidth = 250;
            int rWidth = 125;
            //the height is universal, even for the messages!
            int height = 25;
            //set a content pane for the entire applet
            //set the size of the entire window and show the entire applet
            entire = this.getContentPane();
            entire.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
            //create the entry panel and add it to the entire pane
            entryPanel = new JPanel();
            //create the display canvas and add it to the entire pane
            //this will display the output
            drawCanvas = new DisplayCanvas();
            //entry panel code
            //add the form elements in the form of rows
            //the first row (label)
            JLabel entryLabel = new JLabel("Enter Shape Parameters:");
            entryLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow1, bmWidth, height);
            //second row (labels)
            JLabel shapeTypeLabel = new JLabel("Select Shape:");
            shapeTypeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow2, mWidth, height);
            JLabel shapeColorLabel = new JLabel("Select Shape Color:");
            shapeColorLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow2, mWidth, height);
            //third row (entry)        
            rect = new JRadioButton("Rectangle", true);
            oval = new JRadioButton("Oval", false);
            roundRect = new JRadioButton("Round Rectangle", false);
            rect.setBounds(ljX, yRow3, rWidth, height);
            oval.setBounds(ljX, yRow3 + 20, rWidth, height);
            roundRect.setBounds(ljX, yRow3 + 40, rWidth, height);
            shapeRadio = new ButtonGroup();
            shapeColorDrop = new JComboBox(colors);
            shapeColorDrop.setBounds(rjX, yRow3, dWidth, height);
            shapeColorDrop.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //the fourth row (labels)
            JLabel xShapeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Width:");
            xShapeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow4, mWidth, height);
            JLabel yShapeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Height:");
            yShapeLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow4, mWidth, height);
            //the fifth row (entry)
            xShapeText = new JTextField("200", 3);
            xShapeText.setBounds(ljX, yRow5, tWidth, height);
            xShapeText.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            yShapeText = new JTextField("200", 3);
            yShapeText.setBounds(rjX, yRow5, tWidth, height);
            yShapeText.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //the sixth row (label)
            JLabel messageLabel = new JLabel("Enter Message Parameters:");
            messageLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow6, bmWidth, height);
            //the seventh row (labels)   
            JLabel messageEntryLabel= new JLabel("Enter Message:");
            messageEntryLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow7, mWidth, height);
            //the eighth row (entry)
            messageText = new JTextField("Enter your message here.");
            messageText.setBounds(ljX, yRow8, mWidth, height);
            messageText.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //the ninth row (label)
            JLabel fontTypeLabel = new JLabel("Select Font:");
            fontTypeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow9, mWidth, height);
            JLabel fontColorLabel = new JLabel("Select Font Color:");
            fontColorLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow9, mWidth, height);
            //the tenth row (entry)
            fontTypeDrop = new JComboBox(fonts);
            fontTypeDrop.setBounds(ljX, yRow10, dWidth, height);
            fontTypeDrop.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            fontColorDrop = new JComboBox(colors);
            fontColorDrop.setBounds(rjX, yRow10, dWidth, height);
            fontColorDrop.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //the eleventh row (label)
            JLabel fontSizeLabel = new JLabel("Select Font Size:");
            fontSizeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow11, mWidth, height);
            //the final row (entry)
            fontSizeText = new JTextField("12", 2);
            fontSizeText.setBounds(ljX, yRow12, tWidth, height);
            fontSizeText.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //display panel code
            //use test parameters
            //these will later be retrieved from the entries
            drawCanvas.setParams("Hello", "roundRect",,
                                100, 100, "Serif",, 12);
            //set the applet to visible
            //set to visible and display
            entire.setSize(800, 600);
        }   //end the init method
        //declare an inner class to handle events
        private class focusListen implements FocusListener
            //supply the implementation of the actionPerformed method
            //pass an event variable as the argument
            public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
            { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Focus lost."); } 
            //declare an empty focus gained function
            public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {}      
        }   //end testListen class
    }   //end DemoShape class

    Sorry for glossing over your code sample, particularly as it looks like one of the best I've seen so far on the forums, but I'm pretty sure the answer you are looking for is as follows:
    Java doesn't render a component until paint() is called so until then you are not going to have any size settings because the jvm simply doesn't know how big the visual component is. This makes sense when you think about what the jvm is doing. The layout manager controls the display of the components depending on the settings it is supplied. So until it knows how many components you want, where, what kind of spacing, etc, etc, etc, how can the size be determined.
    The true cycle of events is therefore:
    create an instance of DisplayCanvas,
    add it to your container,
    make the container visible (which renders the component),
    get the size of the DisplayCanvas instance.
    You are being hampered because your desired chain of events is:
    create an instance of DisplayCanvas,
    get the size of the DisplayCanvas instance,
    add it to your container,
    make the container visible.
    This state of affairs is highly annoying and then leads to the next question "what do we do about that?". There is a cunning trick which is to get the jvm to render the component to an off-screen image, thus calculating the dimensions of the component so that you can do precisely the kind of enquiry on the object that you have been looking for. It should be noted that this may not be the visual size for all the reasons given above, but it is the "preferred size" for the component. Check the Swing tutorials and have a look at the section on Layout Managers for a run down on what that means.
    Anyway, we can use this handy code sample to determine the preferred size for your component. Notice the call to "paint()" (normally you would never make a direct call to paint() in swing) and the "g.dispose()" to free resources:
    package com.coda.swing.desktool.gui;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public class PaintUtil
         public PaintUtil()
         public static Component paintBuffer(Component comp)
              Dimension size = comp.getPreferredSize();
              BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(size.width, size.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
              Graphics2D g2 = img.createGraphics();
              return comp;
    }Before you make a call to getWidth() or getHeight() put in a call to "PaintUtil.paintBuffer(this);" and see what happens.
    By the way, I can't claim credit for this code ... and I really wish I could remember where I got it from myself so I can thank them :)

  • How to get the width and height of the selected rectangle

         I need to get the width and height of the selected rectangle in indesign cs3 and display the values in a dialog box for user verification.

    Hi Saran,
    InterfacePtr<IGeometry> itemGeo ( objectUIDRef, UseDefaultIID() );
    PMRect ItemCoord = itemGeo->GetStrokeBoundingBox();
    PMReal width  = ItemCoord->Width();
    PMReal height = ItemCoord->Height();

  • Getting maximum width and height of frame

    In my Flash CS4 application I have a problem working out the maximum x and y coordinates of the display objects that have been created in a frame using the frame editor. This is the sequence
    1. Using the frame editor on the timeline, I create a keyframe with a mixture of library symbols and text/graphics which are not symbols.
    2. In AS3 I take all of the screen objects and make them children of a Sprite that I created in my AS3 script. I then delete the objects off the screen and pass the parent Sprite to a class that I use to manage the screen.
    3. In the manage screen class the first thing I do is go through the child display objects to work out the maximum x and y coordinates so that I can centralise them on the screen later on.
    The problem is that I'm not able to work out the maximum x & y coordinates correctly. There is no problem with the symbol objects, I just add the x and width for example, for the maximum x coordinate. But for the non symbol objects this does not work. They appear to be combined in some way and the x/y & width/height do not seem to correspond to anything in the frame editor.  
    Is there a writeup anywhere on how Flash manages the graphics/text obects which are not symbols and are created by the editor in keyframes on the timeline? Finding the maximum x and y coordinates of a screen full of objects should be fairly simple, but I cannot see a way of doing it at the moment.

    On my JPanel I want to draw stuff, and for this I need to know the > > width and height of the JPanelIf you are drawing stuff, then you are in control off
    how big you want to draw the stuff. You can make the
    panel as big or small as you want and do your drawing
    accordingly.But doesn't the Layoutmanager of the frame set the size of the added panel according to the rest of the layout, or am I way off here?
    Do I need to setPreferredSize() or anything on thepanel before pack()?
    Try it and see what happens. If you don't give the
    panel a size then the pack() method basically ignores
    it as you have found out.Perhaps if I gave an example, you could point me in the right direction? The code below creates a JPanel of size 200x200, and draws a ball at a random spot on the panel. But since the frame is way bigger than 200x200 the panel gets stretched by the layoutmanager (right?). So what I really want to use when I calculate the x and y position is the width and height of the panel as it is displayed in the frame.
    Here goes:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    class MyFrame extends JFrame {
      public MyFrame() {
        super("A ball");
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        panel.setSize(200, 200);
        int x = (int)(Math.random()*200);
        int y = (int)(Math.random()*200);
        panel.add(new Ball(x, y));    // Object Ball draws a ball at x,y
        getContentPane().add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        setSize(640, 480);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        new MyFrame();

  • Get image width and height?

    In loading an image using the File Browse capability, is there any way to obtain the height and width of the image being loaded? I want to save that along with the MIME type and file name.

    Take a look at the ORDImage object type, which you can use to obtain the properties of the image -
    You can do much more than just accessing the properties too, such as rescaling the image, greyscaling, making a thumbnail etc.
    Scott Spendolini did a good blog post on this a while back -
    (by the way, doesn't this highlight a short-coming of the new forum points system? Scott does a nice long detailed blog post...I just link to it and hopefully get the points ;).

  • How do I return the page width and height as a text variable?

    I'm trying to create a media box for use in job to return information in the slug area. I have a script that will return the username of the computer as a text variable but I would also like to return the height and width in mm as a text variable too. Does anyone know how to this please?

    Hi Vamitul
    Thank you for your response. I very new to scripting so I hope you'll bare with me.
    How do I apply your code to indesign please? At the moment I have a script that returns the computer user name(an online script i found called 'addCustomVariables_103.jsx') that's going to be one of the variables I use in my media box. This lives in the startup scripts folder but i'm guessing I can't just add your code to it as yours will require an open document to return any values. How would I apply your code so it works in inDesign? Ideally i could do with this automatically adding the text variables at startup as I'll be installing this on several machines.
    Thanks once again for your assistance.

  • PanelTabbed, expand to all page (width and Height)

    Hello I'm using jedevelper 11g
    I succesfully set the width of a af:panelTabbed. How can I set the height (I cannot use height: 100%)?
    Currently I have:
    <af:panelTabbed id="pt2">
    <af:showDetailItem text="Archives" id="sdi1"
    Edited by: baol on Feb 24, 2010 7:07 AM

    japher wrote:
    Have you tried putting the panelTabbed into the center facet of a panelStretchLayout?Yes, it is into into the center facet of a panelStretchLayout.

  • Get image properties (width and height)

    Hi there,
    Does anyone know if there is a way that I could get the width and height of an image to be displayed in a JSP.

    Image has methods to get the width & height.

  • How to get WIDTH and HEIGHT fields from applet tag?

    I am developing an applet using JDK1.1 (to ensure microsoft jvm compatability).
    A problem I'm facing is that there are no getWidth() or getHeight() method for Applet in 1.1, so I am hoping I can get this info from my html: <APPLET CODE="MyApplet" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=856></APPLET>
    getParameter didn't work, so does anyone have any ideas how I could get the width and height?

    Write a jpeg decoder that can figure out how to determine the width/height of a jpeg file? Google it.
    Or if you're really lazy, load each jpeg using the
    Toolkit.loadImage( URL ) function and use getWidth/getHeight from there, but that's slow.

  • Width and height of eps file

    Please let me know on how to get the width and height of an eps file.

    Then you can read the properties from the list of file comments… (without opening in Illustrator) an example of the line would look like this…
    %%HiResBoundingBox: 19.8906 4.45117 262.1094 63.5488
    So read the file and use a regular expression to find this line… It is in 'points' but so is Illustrator scripting so you need calculate other measures if required…
    I have a ready made function for this but its at home… I will post later if you have no luck with this…

  • SWFLoader.content: stage width and height, can i override to return proper results  ?

    I'm loading with SWFLoader games that where written using stage functions to get the width and height of the stage and to draw the game and calculate game movements accordinly. When I load a game using SWFLoader, the stage size changes from the stage size of the flash application that i loaded with SWFLoader to the stage size of my entire flex application with breaks the loaded flash application.
    is there a way to override the stage related functions in the loaded flash application in order for them to return the proper value ?
    if my flash application is width=50px height=50px and it's located at my flex stage at x=20px width=20px,
    then the width and height of the stage of the flash application will return 70px.
    is there a way to resolve that ?

    If an app has dependencies on stage size, it will not behave well as a

  • Current page (not Document) width and height with JSX

    I am trying to create a script that saves every page of the document and add its width and height to the name.
    So far I managed to get the dimensions of the document using:
    That's ok when all the pages in the document have the same dimensions (Document Preferences).
    However, when I use custom pages that does not work.
    I tried the code below but does not work either.
    for(i=0; i<nb;i++)
    I have done some research and I don't seem to find any information regarding custom pages dimensions.
    Can you please help with this?
    Thanks in advance,

    function Main() {
        var doc = app.activeDocument,
        pages = doc.pages,
        page, width, height;
        for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
            page = pages[i];
            width = page.bounds[3] - page.bounds[1];
            height = page.bounds[2] - page.bounds[0];
            $.writeln("Page: " + + " - " + "width = " + width + ", height = " + height);

  • [JS] Page item (rectangle frame) width and height

    Following is my attempt at writing a function for width and height. It appears to work on rotated and sheared objects. Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track?
    >function WidthAndHeight(myRectangle) // Returns an array [width,height]
    ]var myRectangleTopLeft = myRectangle.resolve(AnchorPoint.topLeftAnchor, CoordinateSpaces.pasteboardCoordinates, true);
    var myRectangleTopRight = myRectangle.resolve(AnchorPoint.topRightAnchor, CoordinateSpaces.pasteboardCoordinates, true);
    var myRectangleBottomLeft = myRectangle.resolve(AnchorPoint.bottomLeftAnchor, CoordinateSpaces.pasteboardCoordinates, true);
    ]var d1x = (myRectangleTopRight[0][0] - myRectangleTopLeft[0][0]);
    var d1y = (myRectangleTopRight[0][1] - myRectangleTopLeft[0][1]);
    var myWidth = hypotenuse(d1x,d1y);
    var d2x = (myRectangleTopLeft[0][0] - myRectangleBottomLeft[0][0]);
    var d2y = (myRectangleTopLeft[0][1] - myRectangleBottomLeft[0][1]);
    var myHeight = hypotenuse(d2x,d2y);
    ]return [myWidth,myHeight];
    ]function hypotenuse(d1,d2)
    ]]return Math.sqrt ( Math.pow(d1,2) + Math.pow(d2,2) );

    Dave, you are absolutely right (no surprise here) about always returning points. I'm not sure, but I think this may actually be an InDesign bug. At the end of the 'resolve' method the 'true' value is meant to indicate 'use ruler units', I believe. Having read the documentation, however, it does seem like certain transformation coordinate spaces functions only work in points.
    To make this a more complete function, I've updated it to include a conversion to the current ruler units. I'm using the UnitValue object, and perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but I cannot easily convert to a new UnitValue using the ruler measurements enumerations (it requires a string value to represent the target units). So I've had to include a switch function to get from the enumeration to the string value. Also, the UnitValue object does not seem to work with agates, and I haven't gone so far as to write my own conversion function for that, so the function has to exit with an alert if the user has agates as their ruler units.
    If anyone can offer a more elegant way of dealing with this, it would be great. Or even better, some insight into why the resolve method does not seem to honour the ruler units. This _is_ getting a bit over-the-top for a simple width and height function. Maybe Adobe will consider just adding the property to the page item and putting us all (well, certainly me, anyway) out of our misery (I've put in a feature request).
    > function WidthAndHeight(myRectangle) // Returns an array [width,height]
    ]] var myRectangleTopLeft = myRectangle.resolve(AnchorPoint.topLeftAnchor, CoordinateSpaces.pasteboardCoordinates, true);
    var myRectangleTopRight = myRectangle.resolve(AnchorPoint.topRightAnchor, CoordinateSpaces.pasteboardCoordinates, true);
    var myRectangleBottomLeft = myRectangle.resolve(AnchorPoint.bottomLeftAnchor, CoordinateSpaces.pasteboardCoordinates, true);
    ]] var d1x = (myRectangleTopRight[0][0] - myRectangleTopLeft[0][0]);
    var d1y = (myRectangleTopRight[0][1] - myRectangleTopLeft[0][1]);
    var myWidth = hypotenuse(d1x,d1y);
    var d2x = (myRectangleTopLeft[0][0] - myRectangleBottomLeft[0][0]);
    var d2y = (myRectangleTopLeft[0][1] - myRectangleBottomLeft[0][1]);
    var myHeight = hypotenuse(d2x,d2y);
    ]] var myHorizontalUnits = unitsEnumToString(app.documents[0].viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits);
    var myVerticalUnits = unitsEnumToString(app.documents[0].viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits);
    ]] myWidth = new UnitValue(myWidth,"points");
    myHeight = new UnitValue(myHeight,"points");
    ]] myWidth =;
    myHeight =;
    ]] return [myWidth,myHeight];
    ]] function hypotenuse(d1,d2)
    ]]]] return Math.sqrt ( Math.pow(d1,2) + Math.pow(d2,2) );
    ]] function unitsEnumToString(myUnitsEnum)
    ]]]] switch(myUnitsEnum)
    ]]]]]] case 2054188905 :
    ]]]]]]] return "points";
    ]]]]]] case 2054187363 :
    ]]]]]]] return "picas";
    ]]]]]] case 2053729891 :
    ]]]]]]] return "inches";
    ]]]]]] case 2053729892 :
    ]]]]]]] return "inches decimal";
    ]]]]]] case 2053991795 :
    ]]]]]]] return "millimeters";
    ]]]]]] case 2053336435 :
    ]]]]]]] return "centimeters";
    ]]]]]] case 2053335395 :
    ]]]]]]] return "ciceros";
    ]]]]]] default :
    ]]]]]]] alert("Cannot convert to the current ruler units. Sorry.");

  • How can I get the image width and height stored in database?

    Hi!I write s servlet to display images store in database.but how can I get the image width and height?

    Have you tryed using PJA or a similar library?
    I presume you get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on the line :

  • [svn:osmf:] 10085: Fixing video width and height getting reset when there' s no true dimensional change reported by 'onMetaData'.

    Revision: 10085
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-09-09 07:39:54 -0700 (Wed, 09 Sep 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fixing video width and height getting reset when there's no true dimensional change reported by 'onMetaData'.
    Modified Paths:

    hi their i have tried your last code but their is a problem with it on my pc that when i click the send video button it gives the error related to vector,
    Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList()
    di = (CaptureDeviceInfo)deviceList.firstElement();
    returns zero.
    please help my email address is [email protected]
    kindly send me an email regarding the solution of my problem. i am using 'creative web cam' over XP windows.

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