"Get QuickTime-Free Download" badge

Hi folks,
Try as I may I cannot find on the QT site where to download the small badge which instructs visitors to get QuickTime.
The badge looks like the one found here:
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

I had already tried saving the image but for some reason it is blurry when i insert it in iWeb.
All is not lost however! By Googling (should have thought of this from the beginning) "Get QuickTime" badge it gave me the link I was seeking:
It's s shame though that one can't find this directly on Apple.com: you have to click on Site Map then scroll to Additional Info to find webbadges.
Thanks for your input however,

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    public class Binary {
      public static void main( String args[] )     
         int k;
         k = 0;
            while (k<args.length)    
              if ( testitup (args [k] ) )
                 System.out.println( festitup (args[k] ) );
                        System.out.println( "There is an error in the RIG! G! You screwed my program up BIASH!" );
              }  //end of main method
    public boolean testitup( String bin )     <snip>
    your "} // end of main method brace" is realy ending the else statement. the "}" following the k increment is ending the while statement. so there's nothing ending the main method before you start your next method.

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    I sent your file back to you. All "new and improved" .Mac Homepage.
    Many people don't understand that an .html file is nothing but "plain text" and that any text editor (TextEdit, Simple Text or Notepad) can open and edit these files.
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