GET String from databse

Hi All,
can any one help me on urgent basis for below
I am having database connection program having a query which generate a string for XML format.
after executing this program i am getting string as a null.
please have a look for below program
                         sql.append("SELECT XMLRoot (XMLELEMENT ")
                         .append(" (\"CC_Hierarchy\",xmlattributes ( '0' as \"id\" ),") // \" nothing but "" in sql editor
                         .append(" (SELECT DBMS_XMLGEN.getxmltype")
                         .append(" (DBMS_XMLGEN.newcontextfromhierarchy")
                         .append("          ('SELECT LEVEL,")
                         .append("               XMLELEMENT (\"item\",")
                         .append("                     xmlattributes (cc_nbr || '' - '' ||CC_NM||DECODE(CC_NBR,DIV_CC_NODE,'' <font color=\"3349FF\"> <b>''||BU_NM||''</b> <font color=\"F62B04\"><b> ''||DIV_NM||'' </b><font color=\"FF33B7\"> <b> ''||CFO_NM||''</b><font color=\"green\"><b>''||FM_NM||''</b>'','' '') AS \"text\",")
                         .append("                                         cc_nbr AS \"id\",")
                         .append("                                         DECODE (SUBSTR (cc_nbr, 0, 1),''S'', 1, 0 ) AS \"child\", ")
                         .append("                                         DECODE (SUBSTR (cc_nbr, 0, 1),''S'', ''folderClosed.gif'', NULL) AS \"im0\", ")
                         .append("                                         DECODE (SUBSTR (cc_nbr, 0, 1),''S'', ''folderOpen.gif'',NULL) AS \"im1\", ")
                         .append("                                         DECODE (SUBSTR (cc_nbr, 0, 1),''S'', ''folderClosed.gif'', NULL) AS \"im2\" ")
                         .append("                                    ), ")
                         .append(" XMLELEMENT (\"userdata\", ")
                         .append("               xmlattributes (''itemType'' as \"name\" ), ")
                         .append("                              DECODE ( SUBSTR (cC_NBR, 0, 1),''S'',''PNODE'',''LNODE'') ")
                         .append("                    ) ) ")
                         .append("               FROM tableName ")
                         .append("               START WITH LTRIM (TRIM (cc_nbr), ''0'') = LTRIM (TRIM (''S531306''), ''0'') ")
                         .append("               CONNECT BY NOCYCLE parent_cc_nbr = PRIOR cc_nbr' ")
                         .append("               )")
                         .append("           )")
                         .append("      FROM DUAL)")
                         .append("     ), VERSION '1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1') xmldoc ")
                         .append("     FROM DUAL");
                         pst = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
                         rs = pst.executeQuery();
                              System.out.println(rs.getString("xmldoc")); //here getting null

you can do this as below:
This example shows the use of getObject to directly get the XMLType from the ResultSet. This code snippet is the easiest way to get the XMLType from the ResultSet.
import oracle.xdb.XMLType;
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"select e.poDoc from po_xml_tab e");
ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery();
// get the XMLType
XMLType poxml = (XMLType)rset.getObject(1);
// get the XML as a string...
String poString = poxml.getStringVal();

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    This program is only to show you what the relationships are between unsigned byte, signed byte, character, and binary values. Because of the constraints that Java has, the program code is not especially clean. Run the program and see if it helps. As has been said, the character output is dependent on the encoding in use.
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    Unsigned byte= 189 Signed byte= -67 Character= � Binary= 10111101
    Unsigned byte= 190 Signed byte= -66 Character= � Binary= 10111110
    Unsigned byte= 191 Signed byte= -65 Character= � Binary= 10111111
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        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int in;
            byte by;
            String bin;
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                // create a byte whose binary value is equal to the;
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                // mask off sign extension [that I don't agree with!] and;
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                    bin = Integer.toBinaryString((int)by);
                } else {
                    bin = Integer.toBinaryString((int)by).substring(24);
                // print everything;
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                    " Signed byte= "+by+
                    " Character= "+chr+
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    There is a nice JavaScript forum that you can visit if you have tough JavaScript questions:
    I'm not implying that ppl here don't know JavaScript or anything like that.....
    In answering your questions, a Java applet can read from and write to local disk if proper permissions are granted either via a signed applet or setting the Java access right. Signing an applet can be a royal pain in the butt because you have to sign it one way for IE, another way for NN4, and yet another way if you use a plugin, etc....but here is a link in case you're interested:
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    How are you executing the fuzzy lookup package ? Is it using command line or using code ?
    In SSIS package we can create variables and assign any strings to these variables while running the ssis package in
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    It is likely your application is starting too quickly or has a soft dependency rather than a hard to something it needs. I would read up about these in the J2EE developers guide and put a dependency in your app to one of the last appications to start and that way it starts late in the deployment. You can see when apps start in the logviewer... I think it is the server log

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    First off - you can wrap your code here like this:
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    <-- no slash
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    The problem is, that the number of before the fields in file, are not equal in every line.
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    359962656   2238914
    359562804   2238914
    I attach my code here:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.IO;
    namespace ReadStringFileApp
    public partial class frmMain : Form
    public frmMain()
    OpenFileDialog openfile = new OpenFileDialog();
    //openfiledialog to pickup filename
    private void btnFindFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    openfile.Filter = "Text|*.txt";
    if (openfile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
    txtFilepath.Text = openfile.FileName.ToString();
    //get strings from file
    private void btnGetStrings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //check if there is a file path on textbox
    if (txtFilepath.Text == "")
    MessageBox.Show("No File Select. Please select a file", "Error File Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
    //create list for all lines inside file
    List<string> lines = new List<string>();
    string line;
    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(@txtFilepath.Text))
    while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
    string ordernum;//string for order number
    string customer;//string for customer number
    //line = ordernum + "\t" + customer; //concatenate results to fill the list box
    r.Close(); //close file
    private void btnExportToFIle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //check if listbox is empty
    if (lbxResults.Items.Count == 0)
    MessageBox.Show("Result List is empty! Choose a file to proceed.", "Error Result List", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
    //read listbox contents and parse to a list object
    List<string> list = new List<string>();
    foreach (String i in lbxResults.Items)
    //Create a file in c: with results
    File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\export-test.txt", list, Encoding.Default);
    MessageBox.Show("File export completed!", "File Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
    Thank you in advanced

    @ Joel Engineer
    I combined your responses and I get my results correctly. I attached the code I rewrite for further use:
    private void btnGetStrings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //check if there is a file path on textbox
    if (txtFilepath.Text == "")
    MessageBox.Show("No File Select. Please select a file", "Error File Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
    //create list for all lines inside file
    List<string> lines = new List<string>();
    string line;
    using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(@txtFilepath.Text))
    while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
    string order_customer;
    Regex reg = new Regex("0*");
    //set an string array, to split the file in columns positions, defining the characters
    string[] daneio = line.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    //get order number from the first column
    var ordernum_zeros = reg.Match(daneio[0]).Value;
    daneio[0] = daneio[0].Replace(ordernum_zeros, String.Empty);
    daneio[0] = daneio[0].Substring(0, daneio[0].IndexOf("/"));
    //get customer column, without zeros
    var customer_zeros = reg.Match(daneio[5]).Value;
    daneio[2] = daneio[2].Replace(customer_zeros, String.Empty);
    daneio[2] = daneio[2].Substring(0, daneio[5].IndexOf("CUSTOMER_NUMBER"));
    //combine the result in listbox
    order_customer = daneio[0] + "\t" + daneio[2];
    r.Close(); //close file
    Thank you for your help!

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    I am using Jdev. I am trying to use XLIFF resource bundle in the Model project and trying to get string from the bundle using following code. I am getting MissingResourceException. if I use Property Bundle, it works fine.
    public String getMessage(String code)
    return ResourceBundle.getBundle("model.ModelBundle").getString("MESSAGE1");
    Any help to make it work with XLIFF resource bundle will be appreciated.
    Edited by: Amit Patel on Apr 1, 2010 10:23 AM

    To get the values from the resource bundle, you use the <fmt:message> tag
    <fmt:message bundle="${appbundle}" key="lbl.accountnum"/>

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    In JSF How to get string value from xml, .ini and properties file. I want to get string value from xml or text to JSF

    Just use the appropriate API's for that. There are enough API's out which can read/parse/write XML, ini and properties files. E.g. JAXP or DOM4J for xml files, INI4J for ini files and Sun's own java.util.Properties for propertiesfiles.
    JSF supports properties files as message bundle and resource bundle so that you can use them for error messages and/or localization.

  • How to get string value from database table using Visual Studio 2005?

    Im developing plugin in illustrator cs3 using visual studio 2005. I need to get the values eneterd in database. Im able to get the integer values. But while getting string values it is returning empty value.
    Im using the below code to get the values from database table
    bool Table::Get(char* FieldName,int& FieldValue)
            _variant_t  vtValue;
            vtValue = m_Rec->Fields->GetItem(FieldName)->GetValue();
        return 1;
    Im using the below code to get the values.
    AIErr getProjects()
        char buf[5000];
        int i;   
        std::string  catName;
        Database db;
        Table tbl;
        errno_t err;
        err = fopen(&file,"c:\\DBResult.txt","w");
        fprintf(file, "Before Connection Established\n");
        //MessageBox(NULL,CnnStr,"Connection String",0);
            fprintf(file,"Error: %s\n",ErrStr);
        fprintf(file, "After Connection Established\n");
    if(!db.Execute("select ProjectID,ProjectName from projectsample",tbl))
            fprintf(file,"Error: %s\n",ErrStr);
        int ProjectID;
        int UserID;
        int ProjectTitle;
        char ProjectName[ProjectNameSize];
            int j=0;
                fprintf(file,"Project ID: %d ",ProjectID);
                ProjectInfo[ProjectArrCnt].ProjectID = ProjectID;
                //MessageBox(NULL, buf,"f ID", 0);
                fprintf(file,"Error: %s\n",ErrStr);
                fprintf(file,"ProjectTitle: %s\n",ProjectName);
                fprintf(file,"Error: %s\n",ErrStr);
            //MessageBox(NULL, "While", "WIN API Test",0);
        //MessageBox(NULL, ProjectInfo[i].ProjectName.c_str(),"f Name", 0);
        fprintf(file, "Connection closed\n");
            //MessageBox(NULL,buf,"Proj ID",0);
            //MessageBox(NULL,ProjectInfo[i].ProjectName.c_str(),"Project Name",0);
        return 0;
    In the above code im geeting project D which is an integer value. But not able to get the project name.
    Please some one guide me.

    As I said in the other thread, this really isn't the place to ask questions about a database API unrelated to the Illustrator SDK. You're far more like to find people familliar with your problem on a forum that is dedicated to answering those kinds of questions instead.

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    Hi, I've got a major problem, I need to get data (int []) from a variable, using a String with the name of the variable..
    Does anyone know if this is possible?
    public class Commands {
        private static final int[] deploy_1 = {64,37,73,1};
        private static final int[] deploy_2 = {4,167,6,51};
        /** Creates a new instance of Commands */
        public Commands() {
        public int[] get(String name)
    // what code here?
    }I should be getting the data with
    int[] command = Commands.get("deploy_1");
    or something like that...
    Please help me!
    FYI, a hashtable is not a option!
    Many thanks, Vikko

    java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: deploy_1
    at java.lang.Class.getField(
    at dumb_commandstest.Commands.get(
    at dumb_commandstest.Main.getData(
    at dumb_commandstest.Main.<init>(
    at dumb_commandstest.Main.main(
    Any ideas why I get a NoSuchFieldException?
    deploy_1 does exist.

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