Get specific Strings from File

Good morning to every one.
I 've got a text file which contains a customer number and an order number, coded as we see in the picture below:
I am trying to develop a tool in Visual Studio, which it reads the file line-by-line and fills a listbox, with the order_number and the customer number. From the file above, I know that the order number are the digits on the first 'column' after the leading-zeros,
until '/', and the customer number are the digits without zeros in the 'third' column before 'CUSTOMER_NUMBER'. My form looks like:
The problem is, that the number of before the fields in file, are not equal in every line.
So, my question is how I can retrieve the 'order number' and 'customer number' from the text file and copy the results to list box, after clicking on 'Get Strings' button, like:
359962656   2238914
359562804   2238914
I attach my code here:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace ReadStringFileApp
public partial class frmMain : Form
public frmMain()
OpenFileDialog openfile = new OpenFileDialog();
//openfiledialog to pickup filename
private void btnFindFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
openfile.Filter = "Text|*.txt";
if (openfile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
txtFilepath.Text = openfile.FileName.ToString();
//get strings from file
private void btnGetStrings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//check if there is a file path on textbox
if (txtFilepath.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show("No File Select. Please select a file", "Error File Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//create list for all lines inside file
List<string> lines = new List<string>();
string line;
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(@txtFilepath.Text))
while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
string ordernum;//string for order number
string customer;//string for customer number
//line = ordernum + "\t" + customer; //concatenate results to fill the list box
r.Close(); //close file
private void btnExportToFIle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//check if listbox is empty
if (lbxResults.Items.Count == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Result List is empty! Choose a file to proceed.", "Error Result List", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//read listbox contents and parse to a list object
List<string> list = new List<string>();
foreach (String i in lbxResults.Items)
//Create a file in c: with results
File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\export-test.txt", list, Encoding.Default);
MessageBox.Show("File export completed!", "File Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Thank you in advanced

@ Joel Engineer
I combined your responses and I get my results correctly. I attached the code I rewrite for further use:
private void btnGetStrings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//check if there is a file path on textbox
if (txtFilepath.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show("No File Select. Please select a file", "Error File Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//create list for all lines inside file
List<string> lines = new List<string>();
string line;
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(@txtFilepath.Text))
while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)
string order_customer;
Regex reg = new Regex("0*");
//set an string array, to split the file in columns positions, defining the characters
string[] daneio = line.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
//get order number from the first column
var ordernum_zeros = reg.Match(daneio[0]).Value;
daneio[0] = daneio[0].Replace(ordernum_zeros, String.Empty);
daneio[0] = daneio[0].Substring(0, daneio[0].IndexOf("/"));
//get customer column, without zeros
var customer_zeros = reg.Match(daneio[5]).Value;
daneio[2] = daneio[2].Replace(customer_zeros, String.Empty);
daneio[2] = daneio[2].Substring(0, daneio[5].IndexOf("CUSTOMER_NUMBER"));
//combine the result in listbox
order_customer = daneio[0] + "\t" + daneio[2];
r.Close(); //close file
Thank you for your help!

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    Temp String file_data-------- a string of data3a string of data2a string of data
    1a string of data3a string of data2a string of data1a string of data3
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
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    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    String toDelete-------- a string of data2
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    String toDelete-------- a string of data1
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    String toDelete-------- a string of data3
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    String toDelete-------- a string of data2
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    String toDelete-------- a string of data1
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    String toDelete-------- a string of data3
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
    Just A Blank Line
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    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("TestFile.txt");
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fis);
    StringBuffer file_data = new StringBuffer();
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    System.out.println("Just A Blank Line");
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    System.out.println("String toDelete-------- " + toDelete);
    System.out.println("Just A Blank Line");
    System.out.println("Just A Blank Line");
    System.out.println("Just A Blank Line");
    if(toDelete == null || toDelete.equals("") )
    keepGoing = false;
    file_data.delete(0,"a string of data3".length());
    catch(IOException e)

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    String v after remove [ &#9668;a string of data3 &#9668;a string of data2 &#9668;a string of data1
    &#9668;a string of data3 &#9668;a string of data2 &#9668;a string of data1 &#9668;a string of data3]
    String towrite after remove &#9668;a string of data3 &#9668;a string of data2 &#9668;a string of
    data1 &#9668;a string of data3 &#9668;a string of data2 &#9668;a string of data1 &#9668;a string of data
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class NewStringDelete
         public static void main(String [] args)
              //String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator");
              //File file;
              Vector v=new Vector();
              BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader ("TestFile.txt"));
              String s;
              while ((s=br.readLine())!=null)
                   {v.addElement(new String(""+s));}
         catch(IOException e)
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         String towrite="";
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              String ss = (String)v.elementAt(i);
              if (ss.equalsIgnoreCase(remove)){continue;}
              //     towrite=towrite+ss+ls;
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    // fw.write(towrite);
    // fw.close();
    // catch(IOException e)
    //               e.printStackTrace();

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            InputStream fis = null; //Inputstream
                ResultSet databaseResults;  //Returned results from DB
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            } catch (Exception e){
                     //print error if caught
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    Do you want to combine data from multiple Excel Files in the same folder path into one table? If I understand correct, we can add a custom column to import the data.
    After we getting a list of files with their path, the Query Editor window will activate to show you a table containing a record for each file in the chosen directory. These will provide our function with the needed FilePath and FileName parameters. 
    Function sample: File name([Folder path],[Field name]
    For more detailed steps, please see the article:
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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    If this is for pagination, then af:table offers pagination by design when you set accessmode=RangePaging or RangePagingIncremental in VO. Paginated queries are fired when scroll down in the table. Explore this option before you try out any custom solution
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    Note: same logic i have implpemented ADF with EJB ..In EJB Query class we have setFirst(int) and setMaxResult(int) methods...simply i did setFirst(30) and setMaxResult(10)..It worked fine...Theoretically speaking the same can be achieved by setting setRangeStart() on the viewobject(which in turn sets to the default rowset) and by setting max fetch size on VO + accessmode=RangePaging. However when you use table with ADF binding, these will be overridden by the binding layer. If you are not using ADF binding, then the above is same as what you did for JPA entity. Other option is, you build expert mode VO with rownum for this special case, which will work if you dont need to set accessmode=RangePaging for VO.

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    Transformer tf = tff.newTransformer();
    Source sc = rp.getSOAPPart().getContent();
    StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);
    tf.transform(sc, result);
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    Instead of giving your StreamResult System.out, give it a StringWriter. You can then call toString on the StringWriter, and get what you're after
    StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
    TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer().transform(source, new StreamResult(output));
    String xmlResult = output.toString();

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    the "-"
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    I said safely since all I can find is either Left or Right
    functions. With these 2 functions, I need to specify the number of
    character to extract while in my case the application is growing so
    the ID may currently be only 1 digit each (0-5) but later it may
    grow longer (123-5677).
    If anyone know the function, please help me. Thank you!

    Something like this?
    Mid(string, Find("-",string)+1 ,
    Mid(string, start, count)
    Len(string or binary object)
    Find(substring, string [, start ])
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    I created an attribute of type resource , assigned to the resource property of the file upload element.
    I created an action button called upload and added the following code.
    try {
           IWDResource resource = wdContext.currentContextElement().getFileupload();
          } catch (Exception e) {
    when I debug to see the value of resource it is null.
    Please let me know where I am going wrong.

    Check if there are any space characters in your uploading path (file path).
    First try to upload a file without any space characters in the uploading path(file path). If the problem is with the space characters then use the below encoding & decoding to resolve that issue.
    Encoding while uploading the file:
    // Getting the file resource
    IWDResource resource = element.getCtx_va_FileResource();
    //Getting the resource name
    String resourceName = resource.getResourceName();
    //Encoding the resource name
    String encoderesourceName =,"UTF-8");
    Again while downloading you can use decoder.
    Hope this helps to resolve your issue.
    See this below link.
    Re: File Upload Problem
    Try this encoding even if there are no space characters.

  • Getting a String from an applet method

    I'm writing a page where a user enters the location of a local file and lets an applet calculate a binary hash of the file contents. I want the applet to give the hash string back to an empty textfield.
    The code I'm using is:
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function hash() {
    var test;
    test = document.FtpApplet.hash('E:\downloadz\');
    document.form.hash.value = test;
    <FORM name="FTForm" method="post" action="#">
    <input type="button" value="Send" onClick="document.FtpApplet.upload();"><br>
    <input type="button" value="Hash" onClick="hash()"><br>
    <input type="text" name="hash"> ...
    My applet contains a ordinary public method giving back a string.
    In IE6 I get a runtime error pointing to the hash() function. In Netscape7/Mozilla 1.3 nothing happens at all. I'm using the latest version of the java plug-in in all my browsers.
    Could anyone help me out?

    You should try to find a javascript forum.

  • Converting string from file to array

    I'm new to LabVIEW and have been thrown into the middle of a project, so I need to get some code working fast! Can someone help me understand why the VI I've attached isn't working? I want to have a text file that contains a list of integers that will be used to reference particular elements in arrays within my program. I tried to follow an example I found, but the output that should be an array is coming out as a scaler. Any help would be super appreciated! Thanks!
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏9 KB
    exp.txt ‏1 KB

    First, let's explain the reason for your error: The reason why it's happening is that you're trying to do two different things at the same time. You're auto-indexing the array and you're trying to index the array inside the loop. When you wire an array to a for loop it auto-indexes the loop. Meaning LabVIEW knows how many times to run the loop - there is no need to wire to the N terminal. Also, the wire inside the loop will be an instance of the element of the array, not the array. So, the wire inside the loop is a scalar. Thus, the reason for the broken wire - you can't index a scalar.
    Also, I'm not sure what you're trying to do with the indexing of the one element of the cluster. The cluster is empty, so there's nothing to index. Presumably the file is there to tell you which elements to pull out from the "Amp2" array from the cluster. If so, remember that auto-indexing works both ways. If you connect an "outbound" wire to the edge of a loop it auto-indexed there as well, meaning the output will be an array.
    Please read the LabVIEW Help on auto-indexing.
    Now, given all of that, here is what your code should look like:
    Note the use of the Read From Spreadsheet File VI. It makes your life easier.
    fixed code.png ‏22 KB

  • How to get tree structure from file list?

    I have got following rows from my select query presenting a folder structure:
    On base of this data I need to build tree in my application by effecient way.
    Therefore i would like to achieve data (SELECT with two columns) as bellow:
    KING     NULL
    CLARK     KING
    PALO      NULL
    TEMP      PALOIs this possible to do it on SQL level(not PL SQL)?

    Perhaps something like this?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select '/KING/JONES/SCOTT' as path from dual union all
      2             select '/KING/JONES/SCOTT/ADAMS' from dual union all
      3             select '/KING/JONES/FORD' from dual union all
      4             select '/KING/JONES/FORD/SMITH' from dual union all
      5             select '/KING/BLAKE' from dual union all
      6             select '/KING/BLAKE/ALLEN' from dual union all
      7             select '/KING/BLAKE/WARD' from dual union all
      8             select '/KING/BLAKE/MARTIN' from dual union all
      9             select '/KING/BLAKE/TURNER' from dual union all
    10             select '/KING/BLAKE/JAMES' from dual union all
    11             select '/KING/CLARK' from dual union all
    12             select '/KING/CLARK/MILLER' from dual union all
    13             select '/PALO/TEMP' from dual
    14            )
    15  --
    16  -- END OF TEST DATA
    17  --
    18  select distinct substr(path,instr(path,'/',1,rn)+1,decode(instr(path,'/',1,rn+1),0,length(path)+1,instr(path,'/',1,rn+1))-instr(path,'/',1,rn)-1) as folder, substr(path,2,instr(path,'/',1,rn)-2) as parent
    19  from t
    20       cross join (select rownum rn from dual connect by rownum <= (select max(length(regexp_replace(path,'[^/]'))) from t)) x
    21* where instr(path,'/',1,rn) > 0
    SQL> /
    FOLDER                  PARENT
    BLAKE                   KING
    SCOTT                   KING/JONES
    JAMES                   KING/BLAKE
    MARTIN                  KING/BLAKE
    SMITH                   KING/JONES/FORD
    WARD                    KING/BLAKE
    ADAMS                   KING/JONES/SCOTT
    FORD                    KING/JONES
    TURNER                  KING/BLAKE
    MILLER                  KING/CLARK
    TEMP                    PALO
    JONES                   KING
    CLARK                   KING
    ALLEN                   KING/BLAKE
    16 rows selected.

Maybe you are looking for