Getting Binary version using Java

How do i find the version information of a binary programatically? Is there an API like GetFileVersionInfo in C++ which will return all the version informatin about a binary for ex: version, size etc.
Thanks in advance.

I think there is not method which will give you the version information. You might use JNI and call the C++ function.

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    Thanks alotSome generic "system variables" are available though Java, usually through the System class.
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    You have several ways under *nix
    ifconfig -a | grep HWwill output something like
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    Process p = r.exec("java -jar oc4j.jar –version");The character before "version" should be a hyphen; yours is not.
    Process p = r.exec("java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar –version");
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    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
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    some thing like this :
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    This displays an image from a url, you could check if your url is and image or not using URL.getFileName() and see if it ends in gif jpeg etc. and then display it this way.
    hope it helps
    Nick Hanlon
    import java.awt.*;
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    import java.awt.Toolkit.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
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    try {
    HTMLEditorKit htmlKit = new HTMLEditorKit();
    JEditorPane ep = new JEditorPane();
    try {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new StringReader(
    "<HTML><IMG SRC=\"\"></HTML>"));, ep.getDocument(),0);
    getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    getContentPane().add(ep, "North");
    } catch (javax.swing.text.BadLocationException e) {}
    } catch (IOException e) {}
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); }

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    see if this helps :

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    long timeInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
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    Hi vin,
    >> Same code is running fine in outside XI means in Eclipse(JAVA EDITOR).
    I also faced the same issue.
    The reason may be with XIs limitations. The keys used to encrypt and decrypt should have key length supported by XI. Also, the algorithm used must be supported by XI.
    Try Storing the keys inside TrustedCAs in Key storage.
    Hope this helps.

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    Tried to implement this script in OBIEE, but throughs error. Can any one help me in this regards
    Steps followed
    1. Create an answers report pulling Top Relations, Sub Relationship and Customer from the dimension and sales amount from the Sales fact
    2. For Sub Relationship and Customer give the left padding as 25.
    3. Create a pivot table view make Top Relationship, Sub Relationship hidden and select show the total before and select labels only (no totals) in the pivot table.
    4.Add the image files in and the following code for Top Relationship, Sub Relationship columns select the data format to as HTML image and change it to custom text and add the following.
    @[html]<img onclick="ExpandCollapse(this)" src="res/s_oracle10/images/PropertyGroup_minus.gif">@H
    5. Add a narrative view and add the following java script.
    // Java Script
    function ExpandCollapse( el )
         // Grab the ROW that was clicked and the TABLE that contains it
         var tr = el.parentElement.parentElement;
         var tbl = tr.parentElement.parentElement;
         // Set the alternating display values for hiding/showing the row
         var sDisplay = ( el.src.indexOf( "minus" ) == -1 ) ? "" : "none";
         var sDisplayReverse = ( el.src.indexOf( "minus" ) == -1 ) ? "none" : "";
         //Switch the icon for the clicked row
         el.src = "C:/Manohar/HTMLTest/PropertyGroup_" + ( el.src.indexOf( "minus" ) == -1 ? "minus" : "plus" ) + ".gif";
         // Starting with the row below the clicked row, start checking each row
         for ( var i = tr.rowIndex + 1; i < tbl.rows.length; i++ )
              // Set the Current row indicator nad the left padding value
              var trCurrent = tbl.rows( i );
              var trCurrentLeft = trCurrent.cells(0).style.paddingLeft;
              // if the current row contains an IMG in it, it's a clickable level and we either have to stop processing,
              // or reset the icons to a + as it's being collapsed
              if ( trCurrent.cells( 0 ).firstChild && trCurrent.cells( 0 ).getElementsByTagName( "IMG" ).length )
                   // If the current row is at the same level or above in the tree, then stop processing,
                   // else reset all the signs below it, essentially collapsing all branches underneath the one that is beig collapsed.
                   if ( stripTrailing(trCurrentLeft , UOM_SIZE) <= stripTrailing(tr.cells(0).style.paddingLeft , UOM_SIZE) )
                   { break; }
                        if (el.src.indexOf( "minus" ) == -1 )
                             trCurrent.cells(0).getElementsByTagName("IMG").item(0).src = "C:/Manohar/HTMLTest/PropertyGroup_plus.gif";
              // Now, we determine if the row should be hidden or shown.
              if ( eval(stripTrailing(tr.cells(0).style.paddingLeft, UOM_SIZE)+ INDENT_SIZE) < stripTrailing(trCurrentLeft, UOM_SIZE) && el.src.indexOf( "minus" ) >0 )
          = sDisplayReverse;
              } else
          = sDisplay;
    Edited by: 840515 on Feb 28, 2011 10:00 PM

    Since the SP is on connection pool (and looks like expecting a input value), that may causing for error.
    Column in the report, pass PS variable and hide it if it not required in the report.
    Pls mark if helps

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