Getting column names empty from MS Access database

I have MS Access intalled in my desktop.I am using aveConnect jdbc driver to connect to MS Access database.
I am trying to retrieve all the table name and column names of respective tables .
But when i get column name as empty string when i try to retrieve the column name of a table.
here is the sample code i use.
I am getting the column count of a particular table and type of the column.
It would be nice if some could help me .
ResultSet ColumnData = meta.getColumns(null, null, "TBLACCOUNT", null);
               System.out.println( "ColumnData:" +ColumnData);
               if (ColumnData!= null) {
                    System.out.println("ColumnData not null");
                    ResultSetMetaData rsmd = ColumnData.getMetaData();
                    int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                    String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(1);
                    String columnType = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(1);
                    System.out.println("columnCount is " +columnCount);
                    System.out.println("The name of the first column is: " +columnName);
                    System.out.println("The data type of the first column is: " +columnType);

You're here in a JDBC forum, not a SQL forum. I suggest you to start learning SQL and come back once you have JDBC issues.
Here is a list of links to all SQL tutorials available on the Internet.

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  • Why do I get a class conflict between the Prepare and the Get Column with the SQL Toolkit compatibility vis from the Database Connectivity Toolkit?

    I have done extensive programming with the SQL Toolkit with LabVIEW versions through 6.1. My customer now wants to upgrade to Windows 7, so I am trying to upgrade to LabVIEW 2009 (my latest purchased version) using the Database Connectivity Toolkit, and the SQL Toolkit Compatibility vis. Everything seemed to be going okay with the higher level SQL operations, but I ran into trouble with the Get Column 
    The pictures below show the problem. The original SQL Toolkit connected the Prepare with the Get Column with a cluster of two references, one for connection, and one for sql. The new compatibility vis have a class conflict in the wire because the Prepare contains a cluster with connection, and command references, but the Get Column expects a cluster with connection and recordset references. 
    How do I resolve this conflict?
    Thank You.

    I've never worked with the old version of the toolkit, so I don't know how it did things, but looking inside the SQL prep VI, it only generates a command, and the the column name VI wants a recordset. I'm not super familiar with all the internals of ADO, but my understanding is that is standard - you only have the columns after you execute the command and get the recordset back. What you can apparently do here is insert the Execute Prepared SQL VI in the middle and that will return what you need.
    I'm not sure why it worked before. Maybe the execute was hidden inside the prep VI or maybe you can get the column names out of the command object before execution. In general, I would recommend considering switching to the newer VIs.
    Try to take over the world!

  • Getting column names for a particular Table from Connection object.

    Can any one suggests me a way to get column names from a particular table of a database from the java.sql.Connection object. ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Connection connection;
    DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData();
      String[] names = {"TABLE"};
      ResultSet tables = metadata.getTables(null,"%", "%", names);
      while ( {
      String tableName = tables.getString("TABLE_NAME");
       ResultSet columns = metadata.getColumns(null, "%", tableName, "%");
    while ( {
      String columnName = columns.getString("COLUMN_NAME");

  • Getting column names from cursor

    Hi all
    I have procedure which produces list of applied for jobs web page(using htp. package)
    I got result in cursor, but have to provide dinamic sort, based on colimn pressed
    procedure my_application_list
    (pi_resume_num     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_sort_col     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_page_no     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_action     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_msg          in varchar2 default null
    CURSOR cur_job IS
         SELECT      jtl.JOB_TITLE
         FROM job_tl jtl, applied_for_job a, gateway gt
         WHERE a.job_seeker_id=app.job_Seeker
         AND a.job_id=jtl.job_id
         AND a.lang=jtl.lang
         AND a.gateway=gt.gateway
         AND jtl.lang=(SELECT substr(MIN(lt.order_list||jtl0.lang),2) lang
                   FROM      job_tl jtl0
                        ,language_tl lt
                   WHERE jtl0.job_id = a.job_id
                   AND jtl0.lang=lt.lang
                   AND lt.gui_lang=app.language)
         ORDER BY pi_sort_col
    rest of code
    The columns displayed in web page are Job_title, Company_name and Applied_date
    This page is displyed well, bu without column nmes at the top. I am trying to get column names from cursor in order to have ORDER BY <pi_sort_col>
    can someone help how i can get those column names:Job_title, Company_name and Applied_date
    User will be able to click on column and sort
    Thank in advance .I appreciate any help

    Hi Francisco
    Here is my code
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY cc_web_application_list
    col_name_t col_name_list;
    col_order_t col_order_list;
    procedure my_application_list
         (pi_resume_num     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_sort_col     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_page_no     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_action     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_msg          in varchar2 default null
    l_my_page_no      PLS_INTEGER :=     TO_NUMBER(nvl(pi_page_no,1));
    l_js_name          gam_user.username%TYPE;
    l_js_first_name          gam_user.first_name%TYPE;
    l_cnt                PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_scr_lines      PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_curline           PLS_INTEGER;
    l_jobs_applied           PLS_INTEGER;
    l_total_rec      PLS_INTEGER;
    l_total_pages      PLS_INTEGER;
    l_pos               PLS_INTEGER;
    l_first               PLS_INTEGER :=0;
    last                PLS_INTEGER :=0;
    l_lines           PLS_INTEGER := 10;
    col_name      VARCHAR2(100) := col_name_t(3) ;
    col_order           VARCHAR2(30) := 'DESC';
    str                VARCHAR2(2000);
    display           display_rec;
    page_number          page_table_type;
    CURSOR cur_job IS
         SELECT      jtl.JOB_TITLE job_title
              ,jtl.COMPANY_NAME company_name
              ,a.APPLY_DATE apply_date
         FROM job_tl jtl, applied_for_job a, gateway gt
         WHERE a.job_seeker_id=app.job_Seeker
         AND a.job_id=jtl.job_id
         AND a.lang=jtl.lang
         AND a.gateway=gt.gateway
         ORDER BY a.apply_date;
    This decode is a problem
                   ,col_name_t(1), jtl.job_title
                   ,col_name_t(2), jtl.company_name
                   ,col_name_t(3), TO_CHAR(a.apply_date, 'YYYYMMDDhh24miss')
                   ) ASC
                   ,col_name_t(1), jtl.job_title
                   ,col_name_t(2), jtl.company_name
                   ,col_name_t(3), TO_CHAR(a.apply_date, 'YYYYMMDDhh24miss')
                   ) DESC
    r               rec_one;
    SELECT username,first_name
    INTO l_js_name,l_js_first_name
    FROM gam_user
    WHERE user_id = App.job_seeker;
    'Personal Job List'
         ,'##first_name##',l_js_first_name),'N' ,TRUE ,'Pxx');
    ----- get numer of records returned by query
    INTO l_total_rec
    FROM     job_tl jtl,applied_for_job a
         ,gateway gt
    WHERE a.job_id = jtl.job_id
    AND     a.job_seeker_id     = App.job_seeker
    AND     a.gateway     = gt.gateway ;
    ------get number of pages
    l_total_pages:=CEIL (l_total_rec/l_lines);
    l_jobs_applied := 0;
    col_name := pi_sort_col;
    col_order := pi_sort_col;
    --get first positions
    l_first := (nvl(l_my_page_no,1) - 1) * l_lines + 1;
    FOR rec IN cur_job LOOP
         l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
         EXIT WHEN l_cnt > l_first + l_lines - 1;
         IF l_cnt >= l_first THEN
              l_scr_lines := l_scr_lines + 1;      
              r(l_scr_lines) := rec;          --assign counter from loop to r index
              IF rec.apply_date IS NOT NULL THEN
              l_jobs_applied := l_jobs_applied + 1;
              END IF;
         END IF;
    htp.p('<FORM ACTION="'||App.gateway||'8.my_application_list" METHOD="post">');
    htp.p('<table align="center">');
    IF r.COUNT = 0 THEN
    END IF;
    --table_heading(col_name ,col_order );
    htp.p('<table align=center>');
    htp.p('<tr align="center"><td>');
    FOR i IN 1..l_total_pages LOOP
         page_number(i) := i;
         IF page_number(i) = l_total_pages THEN
         Web_Pkg_Elements.doc_val_small(page_number(i)||' |'||'</A>');     
         END IF;
    htp.p('<table align=center>');
    FOR l_curline IN 1..l_scr_lines LOOP
         display(1) := NVL(r(l_curline).job_title, '<br>');
         display(2) := NVL(r(l_curline).company_name, '<br>');
         display(3) := NVL(Cc_Pkg_Nls.date2char(r(l_curline).apply_date, App.date_format), '<br>');
         IF MOD(l_curline, 2) = 0 THEN     
         END IF;
         htp.p('     <td>');
         htp.p('     </td>');
    htp.p('<TABLE width="88%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"
    htp.p('<tr valign=bottom>');
    htp.p('<TD colspan=2 align=right>');
    IF l_my_page_no > 1 THEN
         htp.p('<P>'||'<IMG SRC="'||App.image||'prev.gif" ALT="'
         ||'"'     ||' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom '
    END IF;
    IF l_my_page_no < CEIL (l_total_rec/l_lines) THEN
         htp.p(' <a href="'||$$(App.gateway||'8.my_application_list?'
         ||'&pi_msg=&pi_page_no='||TO_CHAR(l_my_page_no + 1)
         ||">'||'<IMG SRC="'||App.image||'next.gif" ALT="'
         ||'"' ||' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom '
    END IF;
    htp.p('     </TABLE>');
    htp.formHidden('pi_sort_col', pi_sort_col);
    htp.formHidden('pi_page_no', pi_page_no);
    END my_application_list;
    END ; --cc_pkg_application_list

  • Anyone knows about using java to get data from MS Access database.

    hi there
    anyone knows about using java to get data from MS Access database? thank you

    there is a list of jdbc drivers at:
    they have several ms access drivers listed.
    also, you can use a jdbc-odbc bridge which allows you to use jdbc to connect to any odbc data source:

  • Dynamic Drop Down Menu from an Access Database

    Hello Everyone,
    I am user Adobe Designer 7 to create a fillable PDF, and I would like to get the options for a drop down menu from my MS Access database. Basically I would like to populate the drop down menu with the names in the Access database. There i Have a table called PhoneNumbers and it contains the names of all the people I want to appear in the drop down menu that I just created.
    This is what I did:
    I created a drop down menu and then I clicked on Object > Binding > under "Default Binding (Open, Save, Submit)" choose "New Data Connection"
    then connect to the database using a fileDSN. I opened the table where with the "names" column (PhoneNumbers)
    and under the "Query," option, I wrote:
    select * from PhoneNumbers
    Then it gave me all the fields from the table and I dragged the "Last name" field over the drop down menu. I will need to find a way to get the "First Name" field to join the Last Name field to create one name that looks like this: Hill, Angie
    The problem is that even though it shows the name from the Access database, it does not give me a list of all the names when I open the form in Reader 7...
    No matter how much I click that drop down arrow, the name does not change...
    It's almost as if it gets to the databse and gets the data from the database, but it cannot loop through it...
    It's almost as if it's missing the code to loop through it...
    Why is this? Any ideas how to fix it so it gives me a list of ALL the names, when I click on the drop down button?
    After that, how can I add the first name to it?
    The form would look like this:
    Angie H. 202 641 2055
    Right now it does look like that, but I cannot change to another name when I click the drop down menu. For the code to be working when I change to another name, the phone number also changes to the phone number of that person:
    Barry S. 703 555 1258
    The name is in a drop down menu, the phone number is in a textbox.
    Can you help me with this?

    ANGELA,<br /><br />Well, the good new is that you are not far off...What you need is to insert the following code using Java Script under the Initialize function.  Just replace the Connection name,  The Hidden Value, and the Display Text with your information.  This is a function is 8.0 but will work with 7.0<br /><br />/*     This dropdown list object will populate two columns with data from a data connection.<br /><br />     sDataConnectionName - name of the data connection to get the data from.  Note the data connection will appear in the Data View.<br />     sColHiddenValue      - this is the hidden value column of the dropdown.  Specify the table column name used for populating.<br />     sColDisplayText          - this is the display text column of the dropdown.  Specify the table column name used for populating.<br /><br />     These variables must be assigned for this script to run correctly.  Replace <value> with the correct value.<br />*/     <br /><br />var sDataConnectionName = "DataConnection";     //     example - var sDataConnectionName = "MyDataConnection";<br />var sColHiddenValue = "CAT_Corp_SeqNo";               //     example - var sColHiddenValue = "MyIndexValue";<br />var sColDisplayText = "CAT_Corporate";               //     example - var sColDisplayText = "MyDescription"<br /><br />//     Search for sourceSet node which matchs the DataConnection name<br />var nIndex = 0;<br />while(xfa.sourceSet.nodes.item(nIndex).name != sDataConnectionName)<br />     {<br />          nIndex++;<br />     }<br /><br />var oDB = xfa.sourceSet.nodes.item(nIndex);<br />;<br />oDB.first();<br /><br />//     Search node with the class name "command"<br />var nDBIndex = 0;<br />while(oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).className != "command")<br />     {<br />          nDBIndex++;<br />     }<br /><br />//     Backup the original settings before assigning BOF and EOF to stay<br />var sBOFBackup = oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.getAttribute("bofAction");<br />var sEOFBackup = oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.getAttribute("eofAction");<br /><br />oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute("stayBOF", "bofAction");<br />oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute("stayEOF", "eofAction");<br /><br />//     Clear the list<br />this.clearItems();<br /><br />//     Search for the record node with the matching Data Connection name<br />nIndex = 0;<br />while(xfa.record.nodes.item(nIndex).name != sDataConnectionName)<br />     {<br />          nIndex++;<br />     }<br />var oRecord = xfa.record.nodes.item(nIndex);<br /><br />//     Find the value node<br />var oValueNode = null;<br />var oTextNode = null;<br />for(var nColIndex = 0; nColIndex < oRecord.nodes.length; nColIndex++)<br />     {<br />          if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == sColHiddenValue)<br />          {<br />               oValueNode = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);<br />          }<br />          else if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == sColDisplayText)<br />     {<br />          oTextNode = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);<br />     }<br />}<br /><br />while(!oDB.isEOF())<br />{<br />      this.addItem(oTextNode.value, oValueNode.value);<br />;<br />}<br /><br />//     Restore the original settings<br />oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(sBOFBackup, "bofAction");<br />oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(sEOFBackup, "eofAction");<br /><br />//     Close connection<br />oDB.close();

  • Help needed with populating a drop-down list from an Access Database

    data drop-down list
    Jason Murthy - 11:39am Feb 14, 2005 Pacific
    I am trying to use the data drop-down list from the custom library. I enter the name of my data connection and the other 2 variables in quotes when they are initialized, just like the example says to, but it still doesn't work. Anyone have any thoughts?
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    Messages 11 messages. Displaying 10 through 11.
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    Denzil White - 5:46am Jul 28, 05 PST (#10 of 11)
    Oh and before you say anything more I have also tried changing it from Javascript to the FormCalc, and no diff, maybe I am more stupid than I realised, heh,heh
    Post Reply | Bookmark
    Henk Pisuisse - 12:06am Aug 9, 05 PST (#11 of 11)
    I am having trouble (sleepless nights) with populating a drop-down list from an Access Database. The result is: I only get the first record from the data connection. So the connection works but I cannot go through the other records. Maybe there is an other way to do this.
    I am trying to selectively fill a form with data from an MS-access database.
    I hope someone can help me.
    [email protected]
    The Netherlands (small country in Europe)

    If you email the access DB and the form to [email protected], I will try to take a look at it for you.

  • Retrieve data from MS Access database.

    Hi all,
    The following is part of my coding. Once I have clicked the jButton1, the jTextField1 will get the input of user and store into a variable named "bbb". After that the variable will be passed to a function as a parameter to retrieve data from MS Access database using the ResultSet method. Next, the ResultSet will be splited into many part and just the student ic will be displayed.
    private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                        
    // TODO add your handling code here:
            String bbb = jTextField1.getText(); //get input from user and store into a variable named bbb
            ResultSet codes = getCodes(bbb); //Retrieve data from database
            Code c = getCode (codes); //split the retireved date to many part
             jLabel2.setText(c.ic);  //display the student ic only
       private static ResultSet getCodes(String bbb)
            Connection con = getConnection();
            Statement s = con.createStatement();
            String select = "SELECT [Student-File].* " + "FROM [Student-File] WHERE (([Student-File].[student-code])=bbb); " ;
            ResultSet rows;
            rows = s.executeQuery(select);
            return rows;
            catch (SQLException e)
            return null;
    private static Code getCode (ResultSet codes)
                String name = codes.getString("student-name");
                String scode = codes.getString("student-code");
                String ic = codes.getString ("student-ic");
                String add = codes.getString ("student-address");
                String phone = codes.getString ("student-phone");
              return new Code (name,scode,ic,add,phone);
            catch (SQLException e)
            return null;
        private static class Code
            public String name ;
            public String scode ;
            public String ic ;
            public String add;
            public String phone;
            public Code (String name, String scode, String ic,String add,String phone)
       = name;
                this.scode = scode;
                this.ic = ic;
                this.add = add;
       = phone;
    }But after I have compiled the coding above, the following error existed.
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
    at testing3.getCode(
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
    at testing3.jButton1ActionPerformed(
    at testing3.access$000(
    at testing3$1.actionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(
    at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
    at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
    at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at testing3.getCode(
    at testing3.jButton1ActionPerformed(
    at testing3.access$000(
    at testing3$1.actionPerformed(
    My questions here are:
    1) Will my idea above work?
    2) Is it correct of my query statement that send to MS Access database?
    Can anyone help me?
    Thanks in advance,

    you may try this:
    String select = "SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE your_column_name = '" + bbb + "'";or another approach using PreparedStatement:
    String select = "SELECT * FROM your_table_name WHERE your_column_name = ?";
    PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(select);
    ps.setString(1, "bbb");
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();hth.

  • How to use get column in SQL toolkit 2.0?

    Due to the vi "get column" paremeters,no table name has connected to the vi. So, I want to ask how to use this vi for gain one column name of a table. Maybe there are some other ways to solve column name getting.

    Error 4101 Description:
    Execute SQL - The connection, statement, or query handle you provided is not valid.
    I don't just used the toolkit in a while,now, I am developing a irrigation system. For the table field names defined by users,column names must be known before any select operations. Do you have any other good idea about drawing out the columnname parameters?
    As you know, a valid DSN and table have been also available. The database I used is Access. The bad thing to me is that there is no any text information gotten. And I think, it may be some problems in connection way which I don't find out.
    Really appreciated by your reply.
    Could you give me some example in the aspect?
    Thank you again.

  • How to get column names for a specific view in the scheme?

    how to get column names for a specific view in the scheme?
    Don't have DD on the wall anymore....

    or this?
    SQL> select text from ALL_VIEWS
      2  where VIEW_NAME
      3  ='EMP_VIEW';
    SELECT empno,ename FROM EMP
    WHERE empno=10

  • I need to pass data from an Access database to Teststand by using the built in Data step types(open data

    base /open SQL Statement etc) the first time i defined the system everything was fine but when i changed the Database (using M.S.Access) the " open SQL Statement" it would show the tables but not thier columns ,I"m using win98 sec edition / Teststand 1.0.1i need to pass data from an Access database to Teststand by using the built in Data step types(open database /open SQL Statement etc) the first time i defined the system everything was fine but when i changed the Database (using M.S.Access) the " open SQL Statement" it would show the tables but not thier columns ,I"m using win98 sec edition / Teststand 1.0.1
    When I tried the same thing on another cmputer the same thing
    appreiciate u"r help

    base /open SQL Statement etc) the first time i defined the system everything was fine but when i changed the Database (using M.S.Access) the " open SQL Statement" it would show the tables but not thier columns ,I"m using win98 sec edition / Teststand 1.0.1Hello Kitty -
    Certainly it is unusual that you can still see the tables available in your MS Access database but cannot see the columns? I am assuming you are configuring an Open Statement step and are trying to use the ring-control to select columns from your table?
    Can you tell me more about the changes you made to your file when you 'changed' it with MS Access? What version of Access are you using? What happens if you try and manually type in an 'Open Statement Dialog's SQL string such as...
    Is it able to find the columns even if it can't display them? I am worried that maybe you are using a version of MS Access that is too new for the version of TestSt
    and you are running. Has anything else changed aside from the file you are editing?
    -Elaine R.
    National Instruments

  • Getting column names using EJB3.0

    Could someone help me how to get column names in EJB3.0.
    I am having reference to folloiwng ejb.
    @Table(name = "users")
    @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(dynamicInsert = true, dynamicUpdate = true)
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "users", sequenceName = "users")
    public class User {
    private Long userId;
    private String username;
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "users_seq")
    @Column(name = "user_id")
    public Long getUserId() {
    return userId;
    public void setUserId(Long userId) {
    this.userId = userId;
    @Column(name = "username")
    public String getUsername() {
    return username;
    public void setUsername(String username) {
    this.username = username;
    Thanks in advance

    You shouldn't be getting column names from EJBs.
    You need to know the object, the schema, and how to map one to the other.
    So you should look at the SQL table "users" and map this object to it.

  • What is the simplest  way to get a xml-file from 10g R2 -database ?

    I'm new in xml, there are so many tools to work with xml:
    what is the simplest way to get a xml-file from 10g R2 -database ?
    I have : 10g R2 and a xsd.file to describe the xml-structure
    thank you

    There is no automatic way to generate XML documents from an arbitary set of relational tables using the information contained in an XML Schema. Typically the easiest way to generate XML from relational data is to use the SQL/XML operators (XMLElement, XMLAGG, XMLAttribtues, XMLForest). There are many examples of using these operators in the forums You can validate the generated XML against the XML Schema by registering the XML Schema with XML DB and then using the XMLType.SchemaValidate() method

  • Get Attachment Name and from address of mail in bpel process

    Hi All,
    I am using UMS Adapter to poll email server and  getting the attachment and saving it to local disk.
    In Payload from UMS adapter  i am getting href of the attachment  but I am not able to figure out as to how to get Attachment Name and From Address of a mail in my Bpel process.
    please guide me in getting them .
    Thanks in Advance

    1. Double click on your composite receive activity.
    2. Go to Properties tab in your receive activity.
    3. Click "+".
    4. Window that pops up,scroll down and select "jca.ums.from" and store it in some variable say fromAddress (Make sure before adding this property u create fromAddress variable of string data type).
    5. Click OK.
    6. In the same way add property for "jca.ums.msg.content-description" from drop down and assing it to some variable.
    you are good to go.
    Hope this helps.
    Oracle Fusion Middleware Blog

  • Oracle select data from ms access database

    please dear sirs,
    exactly what i need is when i make select statment from oracle sql, i can select data from ms access database
    please help me
    thanks in advance
    Edited by: user4490340 on 27-Oct-2010 01:09

    You will need to use ODBC. Pl post details of OS and database versions.

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