Help needed with populating a drop-down list from an Access Database

data drop-down list
Jason Murthy - 11:39am Feb 14, 2005 Pacific
I am trying to use the data drop-down list from the custom library. I enter the name of my data connection and the other 2 variables in quotes when they are initialized, just like the example says to, but it still doesn't work. Anyone have any thoughts?
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Denzil White - 5:46am Jul 28, 05 PST (#10 of 11)
Oh and before you say anything more I have also tried changing it from Javascript to the FormCalc, and no diff, maybe I am more stupid than I realised, heh,heh
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Henk Pisuisse - 12:06am Aug 9, 05 PST (#11 of 11)
I am having trouble (sleepless nights) with populating a drop-down list from an Access Database. The result is: I only get the first record from the data connection. So the connection works but I cannot go through the other records. Maybe there is an other way to do this.
I am trying to selectively fill a form with data from an MS-access database.
I hope someone can help me.
[email protected]
The Netherlands (small country in Europe)

If you email the access DB and the form to [email protected], I will try to take a look at it for you.

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  • Dynamic Drop Down Menu from an Access Database

    Hello Everyone,
    I am user Adobe Designer 7 to create a fillable PDF, and I would like to get the options for a drop down menu from my MS Access database. Basically I would like to populate the drop down menu with the names in the Access database. There i Have a table called PhoneNumbers and it contains the names of all the people I want to appear in the drop down menu that I just created.
    This is what I did:
    I created a drop down menu and then I clicked on Object > Binding > under "Default Binding (Open, Save, Submit)" choose "New Data Connection"
    then connect to the database using a fileDSN. I opened the table where with the "names" column (PhoneNumbers)
    and under the "Query," option, I wrote:
    select * from PhoneNumbers
    Then it gave me all the fields from the table and I dragged the "Last name" field over the drop down menu. I will need to find a way to get the "First Name" field to join the Last Name field to create one name that looks like this: Hill, Angie
    The problem is that even though it shows the name from the Access database, it does not give me a list of all the names when I open the form in Reader 7...
    No matter how much I click that drop down arrow, the name does not change...
    It's almost as if it gets to the databse and gets the data from the database, but it cannot loop through it...
    It's almost as if it's missing the code to loop through it...
    Why is this? Any ideas how to fix it so it gives me a list of ALL the names, when I click on the drop down button?
    After that, how can I add the first name to it?
    The form would look like this:
    Angie H. 202 641 2055
    Right now it does look like that, but I cannot change to another name when I click the drop down menu. For the code to be working when I change to another name, the phone number also changes to the phone number of that person:
    Barry S. 703 555 1258
    The name is in a drop down menu, the phone number is in a textbox.
    Can you help me with this?

    ANGELA,<br /><br />Well, the good new is that you are not far off...What you need is to insert the following code using Java Script under the Initialize function.  Just replace the Connection name,  The Hidden Value, and the Display Text with your information.  This is a function is 8.0 but will work with 7.0<br /><br />/*     This dropdown list object will populate two columns with data from a data connection.<br /><br />     sDataConnectionName - name of the data connection to get the data from.  Note the data connection will appear in the Data View.<br />     sColHiddenValue      - this is the hidden value column of the dropdown.  Specify the table column name used for populating.<br />     sColDisplayText          - this is the display text column of the dropdown.  Specify the table column name used for populating.<br /><br />     These variables must be assigned for this script to run correctly.  Replace <value> with the correct value.<br />*/     <br /><br />var sDataConnectionName = "DataConnection";     //     example - var sDataConnectionName = "MyDataConnection";<br />var sColHiddenValue = "CAT_Corp_SeqNo";               //     example - var sColHiddenValue = "MyIndexValue";<br />var sColDisplayText = "CAT_Corporate";               //     example - var sColDisplayText = "MyDescription"<br /><br />//     Search for sourceSet node which matchs the DataConnection name<br />var nIndex = 0;<br />while(xfa.sourceSet.nodes.item(nIndex).name != sDataConnectionName)<br />     {<br />          nIndex++;<br />     }<br /><br />var oDB = xfa.sourceSet.nodes.item(nIndex);<br />;<br />oDB.first();<br /><br />//     Search node with the class name "command"<br />var nDBIndex = 0;<br />while(oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).className != "command")<br />     {<br />          nDBIndex++;<br />     }<br /><br />//     Backup the original settings before assigning BOF and EOF to stay<br />var sBOFBackup = oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.getAttribute("bofAction");<br />var sEOFBackup = oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.getAttribute("eofAction");<br /><br />oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute("stayBOF", "bofAction");<br />oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute("stayEOF", "eofAction");<br /><br />//     Clear the list<br />this.clearItems();<br /><br />//     Search for the record node with the matching Data Connection name<br />nIndex = 0;<br />while(xfa.record.nodes.item(nIndex).name != sDataConnectionName)<br />     {<br />          nIndex++;<br />     }<br />var oRecord = xfa.record.nodes.item(nIndex);<br /><br />//     Find the value node<br />var oValueNode = null;<br />var oTextNode = null;<br />for(var nColIndex = 0; nColIndex < oRecord.nodes.length; nColIndex++)<br />     {<br />          if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == sColHiddenValue)<br />          {<br />               oValueNode = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);<br />          }<br />          else if(oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex).name == sColDisplayText)<br />     {<br />          oTextNode = oRecord.nodes.item(nColIndex);<br />     }<br />}<br /><br />while(!oDB.isEOF())<br />{<br />      this.addItem(oTextNode.value, oValueNode.value);<br />;<br />}<br /><br />//     Restore the original settings<br />oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(sBOFBackup, "bofAction");<br />oDB.nodes.item(nDBIndex).query.recordSet.setAttribute(sEOFBackup, "eofAction");<br /><br />//     Close connection<br />oDB.close();

  • Populate drop-down list from multiple text fields.

    Just to begin, I am brand new to this application and brand new to coding in general. Anyways, this is what I am trying to accomplish. I need to populate a drop-down list from multiple text fields. I am able to populate one item using this in the calculate event:
    After I type text in TextField1 and hit enter, it displays the text in the drop-down list. I need to do this but with more than just one text field to populate more options for the drop-down list. I will also need to do something similar with populating a drop-down list from selections made in multiple other drop-down lists.
    Thanks for any help you can give me.

    Thank you for your suggestion Geo Kaiser. With that, I was able to populate my drop-down lists, but now when I select an option from the drop-down list, the selection dissapears. The selection will appear briefly in the box but then dissapears although my drop-down list options remain there. Here is the code I am using for my text field to drop-down list:
    And here is my code for my drop-down list to populate another drop-down list:
    Thanks again for your help. By the way, I am using Adobe Designer 7.0.

  • Change a drop down list from read only/invisable on a radiobutton value

    Hi All i am new to all this and need a few pointers?
    I have a form which was made using Livecycle Designer 8.
    On this form are a set of radio buttons (yes/no/NA).
    Is there a way to change the state of a drop down list from read only or invisible and display a message after 'no' has been selected on a set of radio buttons?
    Thanks in advance.

    No being in a table shoudl not affect it.....but you will more than likely have to include the path to the object. Without seeing your form it is impossible to tell you what it should be. You can place your cursor in the script editor where you want the reference to the DDList. Then hold down the Ctrl key and move your mouse to point to the field you want to reference. When the cursor hits the canvas it will change to a V. When you get to the field you want click the mouse button and the expression that you need will be placed in the script editor. This is path relative to where the context in which the script will be run. Now you can simply add the "." and whatever method/property that you want to reference.
    Hope that helps

  • Populateing a drop down list in a repeating sub form

    I have been using the scripts from the Purchase Order sample that work with the Country and States/Provinces drop down lists and have modified them to fit my needs. The scripts work great. However I have a drop down list that is in a repeating sub form and the only the drop down list in the first occurance of the sub form works. The others don't.
    I put this line of code in a field called drpOrderedByTeam.
    JobsScript.getJobsOther(xfa, xfa.resolveNode("form1.TimeSheetSF.DetailsSF[*].DetailsTable.DetailsRow.ItemNumber"));
    I thought I just needed to add an "[*]" to the name of the sub form and it would work with all occurances but it doesn't seem so and I'm not sure what else to do.

    Based on your explanations, I've attempted to re-create your form and I think I've got it working the way you'd like it to.
    There are some difficulties with using fields in table headers which are replicated on subsequent pages because while new instances of the header subform and the fields it contains are created, you don't have access to these instances using the header's Instance Manager (I think this is a bug but I'm not sure). This means that you can't iterate through the instances of the header in order to populate the task lists depending on the selection in the team list. One solution for this is to make all header fields Global (select each field and, in the Object palette's Binding tab, set the
    Default Binding property to
    Global). This means that all instances of these fields will share the same value. The effect is that when you change the value of a field on an instance of a header on any page, the change will be replicated on all instances on all pages. The catch, though, is when you use lists in the header. Making list fields global doesn't mean that their item lists are global -- which causes other headaches.
    In the end, because of the problems I've described, I had to resort to cheating a little but if you think about it, it's not really cheating. What the form does is whenever the team list value changes, it removes all instances of the DetailsSF rows. This has the effect of also removing all instances of the DetailTitlesSF headers accross the current page set (and removes all pages but the first one). Then 6 new instances of the DetailsSF row are generated and the DetailTitlesSF header is re-populated using the new selection in the team list. After that, if a new page gets generated because of the number of instances of the DetailsSF rows, the new instances of the task lists in the new instances of the DetailTitlesSF header will have the correct list of items based on the current value of the team list. In the end, even though I'm cheating by removing all instances of the DetailsSF row in order to reset the lists in the DetailTitlesSF header, it's not really cheating because if you change teams, then it should be assumed that all data entered doesn't apply anymore because the tasks change as well... Convinced?
    The best way to understand this is to check-out the sample form.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Adobe Systems

  • Populating fields, drop down lists, etc... from external data

    I am trying to evolve my forms, and am interested in learning how to connect my forms to external data sources.  I assume using server solutions would work, but are complex and costly.  They are also likely beyond my scope of understanding.  What are the best practices for doing this?  Can it be done with a text file or spreadsheet?  I am really looking for a better way to create custom data in forms than to go into the script and change them manually.  Price is a good example.  I have some forms that generate a very basic quote for services.  When the price of part x changes I need to going into the from chance the script for those items, re-save it and hope I have not missed any items.  Evey time his happens it is a hassle.  Not to mention if more than one user needs it I have to make sure they are all using the right version (to be clear I am less worried about this part as it seems a complex task).
    Is there a better way of doing this?  What are the best practices for this?  What external sources can be used to hold the data.  I would be interested in any tutorials that may exist on the subject as well.
    Thanks in advance for any/all help. 
    P.S. it is amazing what LCD can do, and that I really enjoy working in it, although I have little background in scripting.  Great product and resource!

    Thanks Paul,
    I have been able to solve the drop down list question, thanks to your help.
    I have another question that involves locking specific fields in a four page form which contains approximately 100 fields that need to be locked before the end user completes the remaining fields. How do I lock individual subforms so that the remaining fields remain open and editable?  The final version of the form, will have at least 200 fields in it that will also need to be locked in sections.
    I can lock all the fields using the lock all fields button, but have been unable to make it work for just part of the form.
    I've emailed the draft form.  It would be really helpful if I had one example of a locked subform on the form I'm struggling with.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Populating 2nd drop down list based on the selection of the first using Access DB...

    I have a form that I would like to have the user select the first drop-down list as populated from a data source, but them have the subsequent selection choice dependent on the first. For instance, if they select "administration" for their division, the department numbers shown in the second box would only contain those with "Administration" listed as their division. I have all of this information in my Access table.
    I've seen this possible by storing all of the information in a script. i.e.- listing each division and department. The only problem is that we have over 300 departments and making any changes would be very tedious in an in-form script. Is there any way to have this automatically reference a table in Access?
    Thank you,

    In the current version of the portal, it is not possible as you cannot do code-behind on postbacks. If you want more flexibility, you need to write your own front-end that uses the FIM Service webservices...
    Regards, Soren Granfeldt
    blog is at | facebook | twitter at!/MrGranfeldt

  • Purchase order sample - drop down list populating another drop down list

    hello, when i use this sample script, it works fine. but when i add additional arrays to it, it doesn't work at all. please let me know what i need to change in this script in order to add additional items into the drop down lists. here is the script that works (displays 3 options in first drop down list (blank, option, another option)):
    // This script object controls the interaction between the carrier and plan Drop-down lists.
    // The array contains the carriers and the corresponding plans.
    var myCarriers = new Array(new Array(2), new Array(14), new Array(17)); // Create a two-dimensional array.
    // For each carrier, add a 'new Array(number of plan +1)'.
    // Define the carrier and the corresponding plans.
    // The array syntax is arrayName[index][index].
    // The first index number represents the carrier,
    // the second index number is the actual data value.
    myCarriers[0][0] = " "; // The first items in the Drop-dowm Lists should be blank.
    myCarriers[0][1] = " ";
    myCarriers[1][0] = "ANERT"; // The first data value is the carrier name,
    myCarriers[1][1] = "MC250"; // the rest are plans.
    myCarriers[1][2] = "MC2501";
    myCarriers[1][3] = "MC5002";
    myCarriers[1][4] = "MC5003";
    myCarriers[1][5] = "MC1000";
    myCarriers[1][6] = "MC2000";
    myCarriers[1][7] = "MCHC2300";
    myCarriers[1][8] = "MCHC3000";
    myCarriers[1][9] = "MC2500";
    myCarriers[1][10] = "MB";
    myCarriers[1][11] = "P500";
    myCarriers[1][12] = "MHH3000";
    myCarriers[1][13] = "MHH5000";
    myCarriers[2][0] = "BCCA"; // This is a new carrier, see how the first number is now [1].
    myCarriers[2][1] = "S Plan";
    myCarriers[2][2] = "BPlan";
    myCarriers[2][3] = "P40";
    myCarriers[2][4] = "P30";
    myCarriers[2][5] = "P35*";
    myCarriers[2][6] = "P45*";
    myCarriers[2][7] = "Ad25*";
    myCarriers[2][8] = "Pr20";
    myCarriers[2][9] = "Pr10";
    myCarriers[2][10] = "PH750*";
    myCarriers[2][11] = "PH500*";
    myCarriers[2][12] = "2400HD";
    myCarriers[2][13] = "3500HD";
    myCarriers[2][14] = "2000HD";
    myCarriers[2][15] = "LH1500";
    myCarriers[2][16] = "LH3000";
    // This function will populate the carrier Drop-down List.
    // This function is called from the initialize event of the carrier Drop-down List.
    function getCarriers(dropdownField)
    for (var i=0; i < myCarriers.length; i++)
    // This function will populate the plans Drop-down List for any event EXCEPT the change event.
    // This function is called by the initialize event of the plan Drop-down List.
    function getPlans(carrierField, dropdownField)
    dropdownField.clearItems(); // Clear the items of the Drop-down List.
    for (var i=0; i < myCarriers.length; i++) // Look through all the carriers until we find the one that matches the carrier selected.
    if(myCarriers[i][0] == carrierField.rawValue) // Check to see if they match.
    for (var j=1; j < myCarriers[i].length; j++) // When they match, add the plans to the Drop-down List.
    dropdownField.rawValue = myCarriers[i][1]; // Display the first item in the list.
    // This function will populate the plans Drop-down List for the change event.
    // This function is called by the change event of the carrier Drop-down List.
    // The first parameter is simply a pointer to the xfa object model.
    function getPlansOther(myXfa, dropdownField)
    dropdownField.clearItems(); // Clear the items of the Drop-down list.
    for (var i=0; i < myCarriers.length; i++) // Look through all the carriers until we find the one that matches the carrier selected.
    if(myCarriers[i][0] == myXfa.event.newText) // Check to see if they match. Note: we have to use the event.newText in this case because
    { // the ch

    change hasn't been committed yet.
    for (var j=1; j < myCarriers[i].length; j++) // When they match, add the states/provinces to the Drop-down List.
    dropdownField.rawValue = myCarriers[i][1]; // Display the first item in the list.
    when i try to add 4 more arrays (add items to first drop down list and second drop down list), nothing displays in either drop down lists. please let me know the items that need to be changed - besides these items (i know i need to add arrays and add myCarriers[1][0],[2][0],[3][0] to [6][0] --- for 4 additional items in the first drop down):
    var myCarriers = new Array(new Array(2), new Array(14), new Array(17)); // Create a two-dimensional array.
    // For each carrier, add a 'new Array(number of plan +1)'.
    // Define the carrier and the corresponding plans.
    // The array syntax is arrayName[index][index].
    // The first index number represents the carrier,
    // the second index number is the actual data value.
    myCarriers[0][0] = " "; // The first items in the Drop-dowm Lists should be blank.
    myCarriers[0][1] = " ";
    myCarriers[1][0] = "ANERT"; // The first data value is the carrier name,
    myCarriers[1][1] = "MC250"; // the rest are plans.
    myCarriers[1][2] = "MC2501";
    myCarriers[1][3] = "MC5002";
    any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you!

  • New Adobe DC works not with fillable Documents (Drop Down Lists) in iOS

    Hi, the new Adobe DC for iOS (iPad) has a big Problem. When you have a fillable Form with some Drop Down Fields it only works with the first Drop Down. Any other Drop Down will not work since you manualy restart the Adobe in the Task Manager. Please Fix that quick! It's not usable for my Company anymore!!!

    Hi together,
    i received a temporary sollution from Adobe to fix that Drop-Down List issue. It works ;-)
    Adobe wrote:
    Hi Adrian,
    Your sample form exhibits a bug in the latest release of Mobile Acrobat/Reader.  The catalyst for this bug is a drop down setting called “Commit selected value immediately”.  Because this setting is rarely used for Mobile forms (it is generally used when connecting to a backend or when you want your selection to immediately toggle something else in the form), it may have been overlooked during final testing.  Nevertheless, we are holding this bug in highest priority to be fixed in the next release of Mobile Acrobat/Reader.
    In the meantime, it may be possible to keep your forms usable while you wait for the next release. Some of your drop down fields use the “Commit selected value immediately” setting and some do not.  Looking at your form, it does not appear that this setting is necessary for any form logic (for example, I do not see any javascript or Actions associated with the fields that would mandate this setting). If the drop down fields that have this setting were modified to be like the other drop down fields that do not have this setting, I believe your form will become usable again.  I have done this for the sample form you sent and have attached it to this message. 
    Let me know if this solves your immediate problem.  And as mentioned, the bug has been triaged and is being addressed with the highest priority level to be included in the next release of Mobile Acrobat/Reader.

  • How do I populate a drop-down list from a schema variable

    I'm a novice programmer and new to the LiveCycle environment. I need help to populate a drop-down list in LiveCycle from a hard coded variable within my form's schema. I have a list of 28 names (the number of names and actual names change annually). That list is used over 30 times within a form for different selections. Since the list rarely changes, I would prefer to hard code it and make changes to the schema when they occur.
    If I can't find a solution, I will be updating over 30 separate drop-down list objects each time there is a change to the list.
    Thanks in advance for any help

    Can you post your schema to [email protected] and I will have a look. You will also need to indicate which node in the schema is supposed to populate the dropdown.

  • BUG: Sorting drop-down lists from the field tab when using "specify item values"

    Hi all,
    I've finished creating my form now, but I came across this whilst writing up my documentation for maintenance tasks.
    This occurs when adding new values to a drop-down list that has the "Specify item values" checkbox in the binding tab checked.
    When I then try to sort my list using the built in sort buttons, it will sort the items, but the list of specified values in the binding tab does not sort reorder to stay with the original items in the list.  This is hapenning when I sort from the Object > Field tab.  If I sort in the Object > Binding tab then the sort will include the specified values.
    For example:
    A    5
    C    2
    D    9
    Add a new value to get:
    A    5
    C    2
    D    9
    B    10
    Sort the list using the button:
    A    5
    B    2
    C    9
    D    10
    But it should be:
    A     5
    B     10
    C     2
    D     9

    I was able to duplicate this problem and it looks like a possible bug.  I've submitted it to support.

  • Populating a Drop Down List

    I'm new to using Flash Builder 4, so we'll get that out of the way immediately!
    My project uses a local database to retrieve and store information.  I've successfully created the database & can query it.  The problem I have is taking the results of that query and populating a simple dropdown list control.  All of the examples and tutorials I've seen, watched and read use either 1) local XML files for sample data or 2) a web data service to return items.  I've gone through those tutorials and trying to accomplish what I want is a piece of cake.  The "Data/Services" has no such 'connector' for local databases, so those 'techniques' don't apply...
    I've tried numerous different solutions I've found and the result is I get all sorts of errors.  This is just my latest attempt and it throws an "Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to" at me.  I've tried to search for the different error numbers I get and frankly, the explainations and solutions seem totally out of whack.  I've tried to incorporate them with no success.
    Using Flash Builder 4, it inserts the Spark components.  Lots of errors complain because I don't have an "mx:" component.  Changing "s:DropDownList" to "mx:DropDownList" per examples then starts throwing it's own set of unique errors in the process.
    I have had code where it doesn't throw any errors, but the dropdown list just shows [object Object] for each item returned by the query.  This code throws the error I quote above:
    private var getFacNum:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
    private var ddFacNum:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    private function populateFacilityNumber():void
    getFacNum.sqlConnection = connection;
    getFacNum.text = "SELECT id_facility, facilityNumber FROM facility ORDER BY facilityNumber";
    connectionStatus.text = "Executed Query"; 
    // just show me a prompt that indicates I've gotten at least this far...
    private function ongetFacNum(e:ResultEvent):void
    ddFacNum = getFacNum.getResult().data as ArrayCollection;
    <s:DropDownList includeIn="NewInspection"
    fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="16"
    prompt="Select facility number...">
    I'm coming from a .NET developing environment and it seems that these two types of systems are vastly different.  Any and all assistance, links, pointers, whatever, would be greatly appreciated.
    I haven't used .NET for data access as yet but these 2 links should give you a start.
    If you were talking Coldfusion or PHP, I might be able to help but fortunately I haven't been forced to used .NET for a few years. ;o)

  • Problem with populating dynamic drop down

    I am hoping someone can help.
    I have a process that is retrieving a series of codes from a table. It generates an XML which I have bound to a text field on the form. For testing, the field is visible and I can see the XML when I run it.
    However the code that I am using to populate the drop down is not working.
    I'm ot sure if I have done somethin wrong in the process or in the form.
    The XML in the field looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
                                            <CD type="CHAR">ES</CD>
                                            <CD type="CHAR">EX</CD>
                                            <CD type="CHAR">NF</CD>
    In the JavaScript of the form I have:
    var parsedOther = new Array();
    var taxtypeXML = XMLData.parse(form.Page1.type.assignedOther.rawValue, false);
    var otherList = XMLData.applyXPath(taxtypeXML, "//code[*]/CD");
    if (otherList.length){
         for (var i = 0; i < otherList.length; i++){
         if (otherList.value){
    assignedOther if the text field that has the XML and otherExpl if the drop down fiend.

    That worked beautifly.

  • Populating a Drop Down menu from a EJB

    I have a scenario where the the user clicks on the one of the links on Page A and then the page navigates to Page B. On the Page B a drop down menu appears. Now I have to implement such that the drop down menu has to be populated dynamically by values returned from the EJBs which will be called when the link on the Page A is clicked.
    Can any one giude me as to how to do this.
    Thanks in Advance. !!

    Just write code logic in the bean action method behind the commandLink accordingly?

  • Help needed with variable - trying to get data from Oracle using linked svr

    Sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum - I just didn't know where to post it.
    I'm trying to write a simple stored procedure to get data from an oracle database via a linked server in SQL Enterprise manager. I have no idea how to pass a variable to oracle.
    Here's how I would get the variable in SQL:
    declare @maxkey INTEGER
    select @maxkey= MAX(keyfield) from [server].Data_Warehouse.dbo.mytable
    select * from [server].Data_Warehouse.dbo.mydetailtable where keyfield=@maxkey
    the select statement I need to do in oracle would use that variable like this:
    select * from OPENQUERY(OracleLinkedServer,'select
    * from ORACLEDB.TABLE where keyfield > @maxkey')
    and I get this message: OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "OracleLinkedServer" returned message "ORA-00936: missing expression".
    I realize that I can't pass the @maxkey variable to oracle - so how do I accomplish this?

    Please refer the example in this link which deals with Oracle date format.
    You can finnd a command DECODE which is used for date formats. If you have a look at whole theory then you will get an idea.
    Link:[Bulk insert SQL command to transfer data from SAP to Oracle|]

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