Getting cursor rowcount before fetching?

Just checking if this is do-able? Is there a way to find the total number of rows selected by a cursor after opening it, but before fetching anything?
I know the cursor attribute %rowcount returns the number of records fetched so far (although I don't see this as very useful if there's no way to first find out how many rows there are in total).
From what I've read in the docs it isn't possible, but just checking if anyone has found a way, or there's some deep, hidden, undocumented built-in somewhere that I can probe to get what I want. :o)
After the cursor is opened, the sql has been executed and the result set generated.. I don't see why Oracle couldn't report how many rows are in the result set before all the rows are fetched??
thanks in advance.

BluShadow wrote:
Mahanam wrote:
The ROWCOUNT attribute doesn't give the real row count until you have iterated through the entire cursor.Yes it does give the real row count, because it's the rows that have been fetched, not the complete rows that will be fetched.What I meant was :
Until all rows are not fetched, we will not be able to know "row count", that is at the time we opened the cursor, by using rowcount attribute. My mistake I did not clearly mention.
In other words, you should avoid relying on this attribute to tell you how many rows are in a cursor after it is opened.There are never any rows "in" a cursor. A cursor does not store data.Yes, cursor does not store data, but when cursor is opened, there may be rows to process. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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    It is good practice to always explicitly close cursors that have been explicitly opened.
    Whilst oracle does implicitly close cursors, this is not necessarily done immediately i.e. there may be a delay in oracle sorting out the garbage. Leaving cursors open can result in the "TOO MANY OPEN CURSORS" error if you're not careful.

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    for tha use cursor%NOTFOUND.
    Once you fetch you can check
    END IF;
    rowcount cant be used to find the last record as it just a count that has how many records fetched till now from a cursor
    SQL> declare
      2     cursor c is select * from dual connect by level <= 5;
      3     l varchar2(1);
      4  begin
      5     open c;
      6     loop
      7             fetch c into l;
      8             dbms_output.put_line(c%rowcount);
      9             exit when c%notfound;
    10     end loop;
    11     close c;
    12  end;
    13  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Thanks,
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    with dea as
    (SELECT MAX (idnt_value_cd) dea_num_cd,
    MAX (xtl_bpa_idnt_value_eff_dt)dea_eff_dt,
    MAX (idnt_value_cd_term_dt)dea_exp_dt,bpa_id
    FROM xtl_bpa_idnt_value
    WHERE xtl_bpa_idnt_id = 1
    AND merci_util.is_date_range_active
    ) = 0
    GROUP BY bpa_id)
    SELECT 'IPLAN' src_sys_name, bp.bp_id src_bp_id, 'INDV' bp_type_cd,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) src_bp_clsfn_cd,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) src_bp_sub_clsfn_cd,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (100)) bp_name, hcp.first_nm first_nm,
    hcp.middle_nm midl_nm, hcp.last_nm last_nm,
    hcp.name_pfx_dcd salu_txt, hcp.name_sufx_dcd sfx_txt,
    birth_yr_cd || birth_mth_cd || birth_day_cd birth_dt,
    gender_dcd gndr_cd, mpro_type.mpro_cd src_pfsnl_dgntn_cd,
    (SELECT spty_nm
    FROM specialty
    WHERE spty_id =
    (SELECT spty_id
    FROM bp_specialty
    WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id
    AND bp_specialty_id =
    (SELECT MAX (bp_specialty_id)
    FROM bp_specialty
    WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id)))
    (SELECT spty_nm
    FROM specialty
    WHERE spty_id =
    (SELECT spty_id
    FROM bp_specialty
    WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id
    AND bp_specialty_id =
    (SELECT MAX (bp_specialty_id) - 1
    FROM bp_specialty
    WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id)))
    (SELECT spty_nm
    FROM specialty
    WHERE spty_id =
    (SELECT spty_id
    FROM bp_specialty
    WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id
    AND bp_specialty_id =
    (SELECT MAX (bp_specialty_id) - 2
    FROM bp_specialty
    WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id)))
    lic.lic_num_cd src_st_lic_num, vhcp.state_cd src_sln_state_cd,
    lic.lic_eff_dt src_st_lic_eff_dt,
    lic.lic_expr_dt src_st_lic_exprn_dt,
    bp_status.bp_status_type_dcd src_bp_actv_ind,
    bp_status.bp_status_eff_dt src_bp_sta_chg_dt,
    mpro_type.mpro_type_dcd titl_txt,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) src_cmeh_bp_id,
    (SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
    FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
    WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 6)
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) wk_num,
    (SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
    FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
    WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 26) ims_psbr_num,
    (SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
    FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
    WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 22) ama_num,
    (SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
    FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
    WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 3) aoa_num,
    (SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
    FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
    WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 21) ada_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) vet_num,
    (SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
    FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
    WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 23) np_num,
    (SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
    FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
    WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 20) pa_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) pod_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) opt_num,
    (SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
    FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
    WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 7) tax_id,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) hin_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) npi_num,
    vhcp.phone_num_cd bp_off_phn_num, vhcp.fax_num_cd bp_fax_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_cell_phn_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_pager_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_home_phn_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_vmail_num,
    vhcp.e_mail_cd bp_email_addr_txt,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_url, vhcp.bpa_id src_bpa_id,
    vhcp.addr_1_ds addr_ln_1_txt, addr_2_ds addr_ln_2_txt,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) addr_ln_3_txt,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) addr_ln_4_txt, city_nm,
    state_nm state_cd, postal_cd zip_5,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) zip_4,
    vhcp.pfrd_ctac_loc_ind pfr_locn_ind,
    (merci_util.is_date_range_active ((SELECT bp_address.eff_dt
    FROM bp_address
    WHERE bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id),
    (SELECT bp_address.end_dt
    FROM bp_address
    WHERE bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id)
    0, 'ACTIVE',
    ) src_bpa_actv_ind,
    TO_CHAR (vhcp.bpa_updt_dtm, ' YYYYMMDD') src_bpa_sta_chg_dt,
    vhcp.prac_loc_ind bpa_off_addr_ind,
    vhcp.ship_to_loc_ind bpa_ship_addr_ind,
    vhcp.pfrd_fncl_loc_ind bpa_bill_addr_ind,
    (SELECT bp_address.mail_loc_ind
    FROM bp_address
    WHERE bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id) bpa_mail_addr_ind,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_sm_addr_ind,
    (SELECT bp_address.home_loc_ind
    FROM bp_address
    WHERE bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id) bpa_home_addr_ind,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_hdqtr_addr_ind,
    vhcp.affiliation_ind bpa_affl_addr_ind,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_prov_addr_ind,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_other_addr_ind,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) schd_clas_cd,
    (SELECT MAX (idnt_value_cd) affl_id_cd
    FROM xtl_bpa_idnt_value
    WHERE 1 = 1
    AND xtl_bpa_idnt_id = 3
    AND merci_util.is_date_range_active
    ) = 0
    AND xtl_bpa_idnt_value.bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id
    GROUP BY bpa_id) ims_outlet_num,
    (SELECT MAX (idnt_value_cd) affl_id_cd
    FROM xtl_bpa_idnt_value
    WHERE 1 = 1
    AND xtl_bpa_idnt_id = 6
    AND merci_util.is_date_range_active
    ) = 0
    AND xtl_bpa_idnt_value.bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id
    GROUP BY bpa_id) callmax_afln_id,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) src_cmeh_bpa_id,
    vhcp.bpa_id src_addr_id, vhcp.phone_num_cd bpa_off_num,
    vhcp.fax_num_cd bpa_fax_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_cell_phn_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_pager_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_home_phn_num,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_vmail_num,
    vhcp.e_mail_cd bpa_email_addr_txt,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_url,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_1,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_2,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_3,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_4,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_5,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_1,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_2,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_3,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_4,
    CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_5,
    max_date (max_date (vhcp.bpa_updt_dtm, vhcp.hcp_updt_dtm),
    ) updt_dtm,
    SYSDATE refresh_dtm
    FROM business_party bp,
    (SELECT hcp_id, lic_num_cd, MIN (lic_eff_dt) lic_eff_dt,
    MAX (lic_expr_dt) lic_expr_dt
    FROM mpro_govt_org_license
    WHERE 1 = 1
    AND merci_util.is_date_range_active (lic_eff_dt, lic_expr_dt) =
    GROUP BY hcp_id, mpro_type_dcd, geoa_id, lic_num_cd) lic,
    (SELECT code_type_nm, code_value_cd mpro_type_dcd,
    xtl_src_obj_cd mpro_cd
    FROM xtl_src_code_value
    WHERE 1 = 1 AND code_type_nm = 'MPRO_TYPE') mpro_type,
    vm_hcp_address vhcp,
    WHERE bp.bp_id = hcp.hcp_id
    AND hcp.hcp_id = lic.hcp_id(+)
    AND dea.bpa_id(+) = vhcp.bpa_id
    AND bp.hcp_ind = 'Y'
    AND hcp.mpro_type_1_dcd = mpro_type.mpro_type_dcd(+)
    AND hcp.hcp_id = vhcp.hcp_id
    AND hcp.srch_ctac_bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id
    AND hcp.hcp_id = bp_status.bp_id
    and hcp.hcp_id=2200970

    Do you have an Oracle version? Trick question, you do, we just have no idea what it is.
    select * from v$version;Also, do you have a line number where this error occurs? Another trick question, you do, but you haven't posted it :(
    And finally, what are you using to run this query (SQLPLUS, SQLDEVELOPER, TOAD, etc....).
    And finally finally, please use the code tags .... { code } with no spaces so that your code doesn't look like a dictionary vomiting.

  • Regarding sy-lilli, Get cursor line

    Hi Folks,
    I'm having some trouble with getting the cursor line in a search help selection.
    This is my code:
                retfield        = 'XBLNR'
                dynpprog        = sy-repid
                dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
                dynprofield     = 'ITAB-FACTURA'
                window_title    = 'Facturas'
                value_org       = 'S'
                value_tab       = itab_bsik_v[]
                return_tab      = return_tab
                parameter_error = 1
                no_values_found = 2
                OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
      GET CURSOR LINE l_linea.
      READ TABLE itab_bsik_v INDEX l_linea.
      DATA: l_stepl LIKE  sy-stepl,
             l_indx  LIKE  sy-stepl.
      DATA: dynpfields        LIKE dynpread OCCURS 5 WITH HEADER LINE.
    * Adjust for scroling within table control
                povstepl        = l_stepl
                stepl_not_found = 0
                OTHERS          = 0.
      l_indx = grid-top_line + l_stepl - 1.
      REFRESH dynpfields.
      CLEAR   dynpfields.
      dynpfields-fieldname  = 'ITAB-FACTURA'.
      dynpfields-fieldvalue = itab_bsik_v-xblnr.
      dynpfields-stepl      = l_stepl.
      APPEND dynpfields.
      dynpfields-fieldname  = 'ITAB-BUZEI'.
      dynpfields-fieldvalue = itab_bsik_v-buzei.
      dynpfields-stepl      = l_stepl.
      APPEND dynpfields.
                dyname     = sy-repid  "Program name
                dynumb     = sy-dynnr  "Screen number
                dynpfields = dynpfields
                OTHERS     = 0.
    The internal table itab_bsik_v is filled with 10 records. So when user clicks on record 5, I would expect that l_linea gets 5 as cursor line, however I'm getting 1 always.
    I tried changing the GET CURSOR LINE by sy-lilli but I'm not understanding really well the sy-lilli variable because when I click the first line of the search help result, I get a 4 as the index, and when I click in the last line I get 13.
    If anyone could help me with this I really appreciate it.
    Thanks for your help.
    Gilberto Li

    Instead of using GET CURSOR LINE why not u use return_tab.
    This int. table should contins data selected ny user during F4 help. I have done few changes in ur code. pl. check whether it works or not.
                retfield        = 'XBLNR'
                dynpprog        = sy-repid
                dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
                dynprofield     = 'ITAB-FACTURA'
                window_title    = 'Facturas'
                value_org       = 'S'
                value_tab       = itab_bsik_v[]
                return_tab      = return_tab
                parameter_error = 1
                no_values_found = 2
                OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    GET CURSOR LINE l_linea.*
    READ TABLE itab_bsik_v INDEX l_linea.*
      read table return_tab into l_wa_return
                      with key fieldname = 'XBLNR'.
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
       l_XBLNR = l_wa_return-fieldval.
      read table return_tab into l_wa_return
                      with key fieldname = 'BUZEI'.
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
       l_BUZEI = l_wa_return-fieldval.
      DATA: l_stepl LIKE  sy-stepl,
             l_indx  LIKE  sy-stepl.
      DATA: dynpfields        LIKE dynpread OCCURS 5 WITH HEADER LINE.
    Adjust for scroling within table control
                povstepl        = l_stepl
                stepl_not_found = 0
                OTHERS          = 0.
      l_indx = grid-top_line + l_stepl - 1.
      REFRESH dynpfields.
      CLEAR   dynpfields.
      dynpfields-fieldname  = 'ITAB-FACTURA'.
      dynpfields-fieldvalue = l_XBLNR. 
       dynpfields-stepl      = l_stepl.
      APPEND dynpfields.
      dynpfields-fieldname  = 'ITAB-BUZEI'.
      dynpfields-fieldvalue =  l_BUZEI.
      dynpfields-stepl      = l_stepl.
      APPEND dynpfields.
                dyname     = sy-repid  "Program name
                dynumb     = sy-dynnr  "Screen number
                dynpfields = dynpfields
                OTHERS     = 0.

  • Get the rowcount from a PL/SQL report

    Hi every body,
    I got issues about get the rowcount, or just the number of rows return from a report.
    Because the report is based on some parameters that users provide, so it is not a straghtforward sql syntax.
    The thing is for the PDF printing server I use (Apache FOP), if the total rows return around less than 5000, it work OK, more than that I got the "Java outofmemory"
    I want to find a way that give users a warning message that if
    the report is more than 5000 rows, the PDF print server cannot work.
    Here is my pl/sql for the report
    Thanks in advance.
    q varchar2(32767);
    ' "DAILYLOG"."STAFF" "STAFF", '||
    ' "DAILYLOG"."ACTIVITY" "Activity", '||
    ' FROM "DAILYLOG"'||
    q:= q || 'and DAILYLOG.LOGDATE >= TO_DATE(:P14_STARTDATE,''DD/MM/YYYY'')';
    END IF;
    q:= q || ' and DAILYLOG.LOGDATE <= TO_DATE(:P14_ENDDATE,''DD/MM/YYYY'')';
    END IF;
    return q;
    Ann L.

    I'm not entirely sure of what you want, but...
    if you just want to find out how many rows a query has, you could just select the max(rownum) from the query.
    select max(rownum)
    from (
    -- inner query
    )And that'll give you a number that = the number of rows.
    There are a few other ways of doing it :P
    could do a count(*), same thing.

  • I have my Mac Book Pro with the OS Yesomite since a month and I am feeling that my mac is getting slower than before a month. I want to install OS Lion on my mac.  I think i have a DVD of OS Lion which comes when i bougnt Mac laptop in 2011.

    I have my Mac Book Pro with the OS Yesomite since a month and I am feeling that my mac is getting slower than before a month. I want to install OS Lion on my mac.  I think i have a DVD of OS Lion which comes when i bougnt Mac laptop in 2011. Should i install OS Lion? What wil happen if i install OS Lion, do i lost my Applications or ...????

    Hi, the last install dvd that came out for mac's was Snow Leopard,10.6.3. Lion is a download from apple. You cannot just install it over Yosemite. You would have to backup your drive to save files you want and do a clean install. You might want to look into getting more memory. You can run 8 Gig"s of memory on your Macbook Pro.If your Macbook Pro is getting really slow you might want to download EtreCheck  and then post the results here.  Check out this article.

  • Getting the ROWCOUNT of a section

    I have a report with four section--North,South,East,West!
    In all those section, i have to columns customer name a revenue.
    I want the section with maximum number of rows to appear first and then the next highest this in descending order depending the number of rows that each section has!
    Can you please guide me about how do i go about this as the CountAll doesn't seems to be working in webi and once get the rowcount of all section can i sort the section on basis of rowcount to get the result.
    Any answer will be highly appreciated!
    Many Regards

    Hello Rahul,
    OK I have taken a closer look at the workflow I followed and I still think that you will be able to achieve what you need to do.
    Firstly I am using XIR2 SP4 (just incase it makes a difference)
    I assume that your report returns a transaction ID (or invoice number) that allows you to identify each individual row of data.
    On that assumption you need to do the following:
    Create a table with 3 columns: Customer, Transaction ID, Revenue
    Select the transaction ID column and add a count to the bottom of the table.
    Drag the footer cell with the transaction count off the table and drop it somewhere in the section - this will create a cell with the count within it.
    Right click on the new cell and apply the descending sort.
    Finally delete the transaction ID column from the table
    I do not know why you cant add a sort to a stand alone cell but you seem to be able to apply a sort if the cell is dragged from the table footer.
    Let me know if this works - I have used this process to create a WebI report using efashion, so I am pretty sure it will work.
    Edited by: Mike Churchill on Jun 26, 2008 5:03 PM

  • How to get the name before @ in an email id

    Hi All,
    How can i get the name before '@' in an email id, for example if i have [email protected], how do i get 'abc' in my query result.

    thinkingeye wrote:
    Hi All,
    How can i get the name before '@' in an email id, for example if i have [email protected], how do i get 'abc' in my query result.
    Thankscombine INSTR() & SUBSTR() functions

  • ALV-Grid - Get cursor position

    I replaced the table control in my dynpro with a custom container and placed an ALV-Grid in there.
    So, my problem is now to get the cursor position when the user double clicks at the text in a cell.
    It´s important for me to know at which position at the text he double clicked.
    | Nr |Text   |
    |   1|Hello  |
    |   2|Test   |
    The user clicks double between the 'e' and 's' at line 2 ('Test').
    I need following information:
    line 2
    column 2
    offset 3 (position, where the user clicked)
    When I'm using the table control, it's no problem with
    the ABAP-statement 'GET CURSOR' and property 'OFFSET',
    but I didn't find a method with the same result for ALV-Grid.
    Maybe you know a possibility?
    Thank you.
    Regards from Germany

    go through these links.these links will surely solve your problem.just have a luk.
    Get the cursor position row number in a table control.
    upper is for table-ctrl
    if you are working with can achieve it by.
    call method cl_gui_control=>set_focus
    exporting control = w_grid.
    w_grid is ur gid name.
    go through this link also
    Get cursor position from grid
    Edited by: Shweta Joon on Aug 20, 2009 1:15 PM

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    Hi phantom,
    Row 1 is a Header Row. Row 10 is a Footer Row.
    Formula in Footer Cell B10
    SUMIF will sum the values in B where there is a tick (TRUE) in C.

  • After upgrading to OS Mavericks, I realized that the Partition for Windows is gone. I have really important data on this drive without a back up. Is there any way I can get this data before reformatting. Is there any third party software for receiving the

    After upgrading to OS Mavericks, I realized that the Partition for Windows is gone. I have really important data on this drive without a back up. Is there any way I can get this data before reformatting. Is there any third party software for receiving the data or any possible way? Money is not a limitation to this fix. Please help!!!

    sure pretty simple.  make a backup of your current settings
    then restore device from old backup you need pics off of
    then import pics to computer
    you may need to save pics to camera roll first
    then restore the new backup and sync pics back to phone via itunes
    Peace, Clyde

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