Help with WITH clause (ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute)

Hi all
I am uising with clause in SQL and getting this error. Please help ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch
with dea as
(SELECT MAX (idnt_value_cd) dea_num_cd,
MAX (xtl_bpa_idnt_value_eff_dt)dea_eff_dt,
MAX (idnt_value_cd_term_dt)dea_exp_dt,bpa_id
FROM xtl_bpa_idnt_value
WHERE xtl_bpa_idnt_id = 1
AND merci_util.is_date_range_active
) = 0
GROUP BY bpa_id)
SELECT 'IPLAN' src_sys_name, bp.bp_id src_bp_id, 'INDV' bp_type_cd,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) src_bp_clsfn_cd,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) src_bp_sub_clsfn_cd,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (100)) bp_name, hcp.first_nm first_nm,
hcp.middle_nm midl_nm, hcp.last_nm last_nm,
hcp.name_pfx_dcd salu_txt, hcp.name_sufx_dcd sfx_txt,
birth_yr_cd || birth_mth_cd || birth_day_cd birth_dt,
gender_dcd gndr_cd, mpro_type.mpro_cd src_pfsnl_dgntn_cd,
(SELECT spty_nm
FROM specialty
WHERE spty_id =
(SELECT spty_id
FROM bp_specialty
WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id
AND bp_specialty_id =
(SELECT MAX (bp_specialty_id)
FROM bp_specialty
WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id)))
(SELECT spty_nm
FROM specialty
WHERE spty_id =
(SELECT spty_id
FROM bp_specialty
WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id
AND bp_specialty_id =
(SELECT MAX (bp_specialty_id) - 1
FROM bp_specialty
WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id)))
(SELECT spty_nm
FROM specialty
WHERE spty_id =
(SELECT spty_id
FROM bp_specialty
WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id
AND bp_specialty_id =
(SELECT MAX (bp_specialty_id) - 2
FROM bp_specialty
WHERE bp_id = bp.bp_id)))
lic.lic_num_cd src_st_lic_num, vhcp.state_cd src_sln_state_cd,
lic.lic_eff_dt src_st_lic_eff_dt,
lic.lic_expr_dt src_st_lic_exprn_dt,
bp_status.bp_status_type_dcd src_bp_actv_ind,
bp_status.bp_status_eff_dt src_bp_sta_chg_dt,
mpro_type.mpro_type_dcd titl_txt,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) src_cmeh_bp_id,
(SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 6)
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) wk_num,
(SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 26) ims_psbr_num,
(SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 22) ama_num,
(SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 3) aoa_num,
(SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 21) ada_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) vet_num,
(SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 23) np_num,
(SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 20) pa_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) pod_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) opt_num,
(SELECT xtl_bp_idnt_value_cd
FROM xtl_bp_idnt_value
WHERE bp_id = vhcp.hcp_id AND xtl_bp_idnt_id = 7) tax_id,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) hin_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) npi_num,
vhcp.phone_num_cd bp_off_phn_num, vhcp.fax_num_cd bp_fax_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_cell_phn_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_pager_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_home_phn_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_vmail_num,
vhcp.e_mail_cd bp_email_addr_txt,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_url, vhcp.bpa_id src_bpa_id,
vhcp.addr_1_ds addr_ln_1_txt, addr_2_ds addr_ln_2_txt,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) addr_ln_3_txt,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) addr_ln_4_txt, city_nm,
state_nm state_cd, postal_cd zip_5,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) zip_4,
vhcp.pfrd_ctac_loc_ind pfr_locn_ind,
(merci_util.is_date_range_active ((SELECT bp_address.eff_dt
FROM bp_address
WHERE bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id),
(SELECT bp_address.end_dt
FROM bp_address
WHERE bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id)
0, 'ACTIVE',
) src_bpa_actv_ind,
TO_CHAR (vhcp.bpa_updt_dtm, ' YYYYMMDD') src_bpa_sta_chg_dt,
vhcp.prac_loc_ind bpa_off_addr_ind,
vhcp.ship_to_loc_ind bpa_ship_addr_ind,
vhcp.pfrd_fncl_loc_ind bpa_bill_addr_ind,
(SELECT bp_address.mail_loc_ind
FROM bp_address
WHERE bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id) bpa_mail_addr_ind,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_sm_addr_ind,
(SELECT bp_address.home_loc_ind
FROM bp_address
WHERE bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id) bpa_home_addr_ind,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_hdqtr_addr_ind,
vhcp.affiliation_ind bpa_affl_addr_ind,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_prov_addr_ind,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_other_addr_ind,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) schd_clas_cd,
(SELECT MAX (idnt_value_cd) affl_id_cd
FROM xtl_bpa_idnt_value
WHERE 1 = 1
AND xtl_bpa_idnt_id = 3
AND merci_util.is_date_range_active
) = 0
AND xtl_bpa_idnt_value.bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id
GROUP BY bpa_id) ims_outlet_num,
(SELECT MAX (idnt_value_cd) affl_id_cd
FROM xtl_bpa_idnt_value
WHERE 1 = 1
AND xtl_bpa_idnt_id = 6
AND merci_util.is_date_range_active
) = 0
AND xtl_bpa_idnt_value.bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id
GROUP BY bpa_id) callmax_afln_id,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) src_cmeh_bpa_id,
vhcp.bpa_id src_addr_id, vhcp.phone_num_cd bpa_off_num,
vhcp.fax_num_cd bpa_fax_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_cell_phn_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_pager_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_home_phn_num,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_vmail_num,
vhcp.e_mail_cd bpa_email_addr_txt,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_url,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_1,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_2,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_3,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_4,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bp_filler_5,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_1,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_2,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_3,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_4,
CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR2 (10)) bpa_filler_5,
max_date (max_date (vhcp.bpa_updt_dtm, vhcp.hcp_updt_dtm),
) updt_dtm,
SYSDATE refresh_dtm
FROM business_party bp,
(SELECT hcp_id, lic_num_cd, MIN (lic_eff_dt) lic_eff_dt,
MAX (lic_expr_dt) lic_expr_dt
FROM mpro_govt_org_license
WHERE 1 = 1
AND merci_util.is_date_range_active (lic_eff_dt, lic_expr_dt) =
GROUP BY hcp_id, mpro_type_dcd, geoa_id, lic_num_cd) lic,
(SELECT code_type_nm, code_value_cd mpro_type_dcd,
xtl_src_obj_cd mpro_cd
FROM xtl_src_code_value
WHERE 1 = 1 AND code_type_nm = 'MPRO_TYPE') mpro_type,
vm_hcp_address vhcp,
WHERE bp.bp_id = hcp.hcp_id
AND hcp.hcp_id = lic.hcp_id(+)
AND dea.bpa_id(+) = vhcp.bpa_id
AND bp.hcp_ind = 'Y'
AND hcp.mpro_type_1_dcd = mpro_type.mpro_type_dcd(+)
AND hcp.hcp_id = vhcp.hcp_id
AND hcp.srch_ctac_bpa_id = vhcp.bpa_id
AND hcp.hcp_id = bp_status.bp_id
and hcp.hcp_id=2200970

Do you have an Oracle version? Trick question, you do, we just have no idea what it is.
select * from v$version;Also, do you have a line number where this error occurs? Another trick question, you do, but you haven't posted it :(
And finally, what are you using to run this query (SQLPLUS, SQLDEVELOPER, TOAD, etc....).
And finally finally, please use the code tags .... { code } with no spaces so that your code doesn't look like a dictionary vomiting.

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    00920. 00000 -  "invalid relational operator"
    Error at Line: 16 Column: 5
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    WHEN 'FEB' THEN '02'
    WHEN 'MAR' THEN '03'
    WHEN 'APR' THEN '04'
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    The problem is the as "MonthNo" - you can't give an "AS" alias to an expression in a where clause.
    You have not actually given any condition, just a set of translations from period into a number.
    You also haven't said what you're trying to do.
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    WHEN 'FEB' THEN '02'
    WHEN 'MAR' THEN '03'
    WHEN 'APR' THEN '04'
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    END  ) DESC

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    Enter password:
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    Total System Global Area  535662592 bytes
    Fixed Size                  1375792 bytes
    Variable Size             381682128 bytes
    Database Buffers          146800640 bytes
    Redo Buffers                5804032 bytes
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                Our Setup
                 NLS_CHARACTERSET               WE8MSWIN1252                            
                 NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET         AL16UTF16
                    -- TEST
                      CREATE TABLE "TEST"
                       ( "ID" NUMBER(*,0) NOT NULL ENABLE,
                     "NAME" VARCHAR2(20),
                     "VALUE" VARCHAR2(20)
                       ) PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 1 NOCOMPRESS LOGGING
                      STORAGE( INITIAL 65536 NEXT 1048576 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645
                    -- ID
                 Objective : Trying to port working code from EF5 to EF6.1.2
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                    var queryable = ctx.TESTs.Where(x => x.NAME.Contains("test")).Select(
                        t => new
                            TestVarcharVsUnicode = t.VALUE + "AnotherStringLiteralWillGenerateNvarcharSQL"
                    /* Generated SQL
                    queryable =
                        1 AS "C1",
                        ((CASE WHEN ("Extent1"."VALUE" IS NULL) THEN N'' ELSE "Extent1"."VALUE" END)||('AnotherStringLiteralWillGenerateNvarcharSQL')) AS "C2"
                        FROM "TES_RA"."TEST" "Extent1"
                        WHERE ("Extent1"."NAME" LIKE '%test%')
                    var result = queryable.ToList();   // ORA-12704: character set mismatch here because VALUE column type is VARCHAR2 not NVARCHAR2
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    Thank you in advance,
    Jean Francoeur

    Hi Verolamaz,
    No update on our side.
    We've also tried modelBuilder.Properties<string>().Configure(c => c.HasColumnType("varchar2"));
    But the generated SQL stay the same...

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    ORA-24374 define not done before fetch or execute and fetch
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      <frameset rows="76,*" border="0">
        <frame name="cornerFrame" src="/gws/html/logo.htm" scrolling="NO" noresize frameborder="0">
        <frame name="menuFrame" src="/gws/html/menulogind.htm" noresize frameborder="0">
      <frameset rows="76,*" border="0">
        <frame name="topFrame" src="/gws/html/overskrift.htm" noresize frameborder="0" >
        <frame name="mainFrame" src="/gws/" noresize frameborder="0">
    </noframes>When you open the application, the frame is blank, the pages render only when you move the mouse inside the mainFrame area!
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    I am having similar problems with shockwave and ie7 crashing.
    This is always preceded by loss of sound.
    Could this article have any significance to this issue :
    Is it possible that the Cumulative Security Update for
    Internet Explorer
    (931768) is causing Internet Explorer to crash ??
    I refer to this article
    Known issues with this security update
    • Controls that prompt before they are loaded
    Note This issue occurs on Web sites that do not use the
    techniques. This issue is resolved by using the techniques
    that are described
    on the following Microsoft Web site:
    When certain controls are loaded on a Web page, the controls
    are not
    correctly masked by the functionality of this update. These
    controls include
    controls that are used in Macromedia Shockwave Director, in
    QuickTime Player,
    and in Virtools Web Player. When Windows determines that a
    control is
    inactive, the system prompts the user before the control is
    CAN MICROSOFT HELP ON THIS ONE ?? Very frustrating when ie7
    crashes and
    restarts in the middle of a game of golf played against
    others on the
    internet especially when you winning !!
    The game is at this address :

  • Difference Ref cursor with/with out using clause

    Hi everyone,
    When I am using dynamic sql with USING clause ,the results are not sorted in Ascending order.
    TYPE emp_refcursor IS REF CURSOR;
    emp_rc emp_refcursor;
    TYPE v_last_name IS TABLE OF varchar2(50) INDEX BY binary_integer;
    V_empno v_emp_id;
    v_ename v_last_name;
    p_deptno number := &U_DEPTNO;
    v_limit number := 10;
    v_ordcolumn varchar2(20) := 'employee_id';
    v_stmt varchar2(1000);
    v_stmt :=
    'select employee_id,last_name from employees
    where department_id = :x order by :y ';
    OPEN emp_rc FOR v_stmt USING p_deptno,v_ordcolumn;
    FETCH emp_rc BULK COLLECT INTO v_empno,v_ename LIMIT v_limit;
    EXIT WHEN v_empno.count = 0;
    FOR I IN v_empno.first .. v_empno.last
    dbms_output.put_line(v_empno(i)||' '||v_ename(i));
    When I use dynamic sql with out USING cluase,results are sorted in Ascending order.
    TYPE emp_refcursor IS REF CURSOR;
    emp_rc emp_refcursor;
    TYPE v_last_name IS TABLE OF varchar2(50) INDEX BY binary_integer;
    V_empno v_emp_id;
    v_ename v_last_name;
    p_deptno number := &U_DEPTNO;
    v_limit number := 10;
    v_ordcolumn varchar2(20) := 'employee_id';
    v_stmt varchar2(1000);
    v_stmt :=
    'select employee_id,last_name from employees
    where department_id = '||p_deptno ||
    ' order by '||v_ordcolumn;
    OPEN emp_rc FOR v_stmt;
    FETCH emp_rc BULK COLLECT INTO v_empno,v_ename LIMIT v_limit;
    EXIT WHEN v_empno.count = 0;
    FOR I IN v_empno.first .. v_empno.last
    dbms_output.put_line(v_empno(i)||' '||v_ename(i));
    P.S :---- department_id (used) = 50;
    Please can some one explain why this is happening like this.

    Hi sundar,
    I am new to oracle and learning/trying to get the same output by using differnt methods,rather than using FOR LOOP ,I tried to use ref cursor with dynamic sql.I am in a belief that ref cursor's with dynamic sql are faster than FOR LOOP,irrespective of the size of data.Can you correct me if I am wrong.
    Coming back to ur reply,how should my statement look like,when using ref cursor
    with USING claus to sort data by asc/desc order.
    Thanks in advance

  • ORA-23454: flavor not defined for object group "PUBLIC"."REPG" - HELP

    Hi All,
    Encountered the below error when trying to add the materialized views to the Materialized View Group in materialized view site:
    1 BEGIN
    3 gname => 'REPG',
    4 sname => 'FMCHC',
    5 oname => 'EMP',
    6 type => 'SNAPSHOT',
    7 min_communication => TRUE);
    8* END;
    SQL> /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-23454: flavor not defined for object group "PUBLIC"."REPG"
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 105
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT_UTL", line 452
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT_UTL", line 468
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT_SNA_UTL", line 5523
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT_SNA", line 82
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_REPCAT", line 1332
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    I have verified that the MASTER DEIFINATION SITE already have the group "REPG"
    Pleae advise.

    I think you are going to have to provide Oracle version information before anyone will be able to help you with this question.

  • Hosting company does not support SQL query with OUTFILE clause

    From my mysql database, I want to allow the user to run a query and produce a csv / text file of our membership database.   Unfortunately,  I just found out my hosting company does not support the SQL query with OUTFILE clause for MySQL database.
    Are there any other options available to produce a file besides me running the query in phpadmin and making the file available to users.
    Thanks.  George

    Maybe this external Export Mysql data to CSV - PHP tutorial will be of help

  • Archive file with errors in sender file adapter not working! please help!

    Hi Experts,
       I have a file to RFC scenario. the input is a XML file. I have setup the flag in sender file adapter channel for archiving the input files with errors. But it is not working.
    For testing I have used an invalid xML file for example without the main XML tag. I have also tested with a MSWORD file saved with.xml extension. But in both the cases the files are not getting archived.
    My archive location permissions are fine and in fact normal archive operation is happening. That is, if I select the processing mode as "Archive" and gave the Archive directory then files are getting archived. The problem is only with the "Archive faulty source files" option.
    What am I missing? DO I need to do some more configurations?
    What are the prerequisites if any for this option?
    How to test this?
    Please help me! I will be greatfull to you all!
    Thanks & Regards

    and go thru this links
    Creating a Single Archive of the Version Files
    Note: reward points if solution found helpfull

  • Can anyone help me with Magicjack? after I purchased US number I am unable to log in on my Iphone, I keep getting an error "YOUR DEVICE IS NOT ON THIS ACCOUNT" I contacted MJ support but they are very much useless and dont know how to fix it!

    can anyone help me with Magicjack? after I purchased US number I am unable to log in on my Iphone, I keep getting an error "YOUR DEVICE IS NOT ON THIS ACCOUNT" I contacted MJ support but they are very much useless and dont know how to fix it!

    There's a whole lot to read in your post, and frankly I have not read it all.
    Having said that, this troubleshooting guide should help:
    In particular, pay attention to the mobile device support sections near the bottom, assuming you have already done the items above it.

  • My MacBook Pro iTunes movie purchase is not showing in iTunes store movie purchases nor does it show on my iPad or Apple TV.  Can someone please help me with a solution?  Thanks.

      First of all, I live in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Sometimes, I use a VPN to search on the web here. I purchased Toy Story 3 on my MacBook Pro 2011 OS/X - Lion through iTunes.  I initially had trouble downloading it which may be due to being on and off the VPN but after a while it finally downloaded and shows up in my iTunes library on my MacBook. 
      Under my Apple ID account (which is the only Apple ID account I have), I look under purchase history and it shows that I paid for Toy Story which is where I got my Order # from.  But if you go to the iTunes Store then to the Quick Links then click on Purchased, under all my Movies, it does NOT show Toy Story 3 as one of my movies.
      Now when I go to my iPad (3rd gen.), Toy Story 3 does not show up under purchased movies (all or not on my iPad).  It does not show up on my Apple TV as well.  If I want to have Toy Story 3 on my iPad or Apple TV, then it says I have to purchase it again.
      I have searched for help via Apple support communities but so far none of their solutions have worked for me.  I have tried logging off iTunes & App Store on iPad and also shutting down the iPad.  I also made sure that under iTunes Preferences>Store that iTunes in the Clouds purchases is checked. Can someone please help me with this?  Your consideration is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

    Thanks King_Penguin for taking time to read and reply. 
    I just purchased this movie on Thursday, May 15, so just a few days ago.  I have never had any trouble whatsoever since I have been in Vietnam.  I have downloaded several movies and even music and they have all synced to my respected Apple products except for this purchase. 
    Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean by studios and different versions.  Could you please explain? 
    I checked my purchased list in my purchase history under my account and there are no hidden items. 

  • I have an iphone 4s and the text i send to a friend with a galaxy 4s he is not receiving any help?

    i have an Iphone 4S and the text i send to a friend with a galaxy 4s he is not receiving. Any help?

    Then it's sending as SMS and not iMessage (that's good) so deleting the contact probably didn't help. It also seems iMessage isn't redirecting his texts as he's not used and apple device on the account previously. Can he receive a picture message from you instead? Does he receive texts from other  apple devices? (iPhones,pods/pads) try sending a text through Verizon online using your account on a web browser. If it is also blocked then it confirms the issue is with his device, well at least points you there rather than guessing if it's yours or his or both. There's some ideas, let me know- Joe
    Sent from my iPhone

  • I have two questions and appreciate anyones help, First I can not seem to copy music from a legitimately purchased CD into my iTunes library or i pod, can anyone help me with this? it used to work. i have i pod touch and second-.

    Thank you for any help I appreciate it. Apple products came highly recomended to me, and I have been largely happy with my i phone, i pod, i pad mini and macbook. I admit I tunes always confused me, it is so hard to copy things back and forth from computer to device or vice versa. Most importantly my partner has given me a set of CD with audio books, legitimate CD's not burned copies, and I wish to play them on my i pod touch. I have donethis before with CD''s, however now I look i see all the songs and audio books from CD's have been removed from my device after synch with my itunes on my macbook??? and I can no longer cooy the new CDs on to there? i try put them in the library, and they show up but they are not in black printing like the other songs, they are a faded grey color. They play on the mac book in itunes, so i know they are THERE, they just wont go on my device??? What am I doing wrong and why did all my other ones turn to grey gaded text and go off my i pod.
    Furthermore, i thank anyone who takes time to help me, it isnt your job, it is apple's job, but they want me to pay forty bucks for the priviledge of contacting them for help because my warranty expired !! They obviously did something with a new update of their i tunes, there should be NO DIFFICULTY copying audio books i legally own the CD for onto my i pod, why is it so impossible? I have asked my father, my brother, my flat mate, no one can work it out, so its not just that im an idiot.
    People warned me that apple does things like this, makes stupid programs like i tunes, that make nothing but trouble so you have to pay to ask for help, and make it so you have to buy everything from their library not on CD. I woudl buy from them if they had the audio books and songs I wished to purchase but they don't always have what i want. And if they did why shoudl i pay AGAIN when i paid for the CD already , i paid for the I pod, i legally own them both so why can i not put my own music on there??? It makes me miss my simple MP3 player where i just plugged it to my computer and copy/paste. It really makes me wonder why when i POD is so much more expensive why its so much more trouble and you have to pay to ask for help??? I really have enjoyed my macbook (After being windows used all my life), i love my i pad and i phone, and until now i adored my i pod, but if it's not going to let me listen to my own music and audio files i may as well throw it in the trash and go get a mp3 player, and warn everyone I know.     If there IS a way to copy my own music to the device then WHY IS IT SO HARD?? Just to make people pay to ask for help or what?
    I am a loyal apple customer, All my devices are apple and until now i have been happy and willing to pay more for a good product. But i tunes is ridiculous! It's already synched things i didnt want synched and deleted things i didn twant deleted, and thats fine i told myself maybe im too dumb and dont get it. buT i've been trying all week and asked other peopel and still cant get this simple task done, and after purchasing their devices and recommending them to my friends, its a slap in the face to say they wont even let me ask a support question without paying forty bucks!  Thanks for nothing apple.
    A very unhappy customer-- not just that i cant pplay my music and audio books, but that i cant even contact anyone for help without paying after i purcahsed four different products off them in the two years!

    The sort fields should generally be empty unless you've putting in custom values to sort solo artists by their surnames. You can apply common changes to thousands of tracks at once, just don't apply the wrong change because there is no undo.
    It is a good idea to backup before undertaking large scale changes. See this backup tip for a suggested approach.
    Message was edited by: turingtest2

  • Hi, I have a problem with my ipod touch: I can not activate my ipod with my Apple ID, it tells me that my account can not activate this device, but my ID apple is OK and the ipod is mine, I have my ballot, HELP PLEASE

    Hi ...
    I have a problem with my ipod touch:
    I can not activate my ipod with my Apple ID, it tells me that my account can not activate this device, but my apple ID is OK.
    The proposed me as ipod help entering previous credentials, but the ipod is mine from the beginning, in fact I have my ballot, not bought down to another user.
    Actually I do not know how to activate it in Chile were unable Store MacOnline solve my problem, it is for this reason that I am writing to see if someone can help me.
    Thank you.

    Thanks for your answer.
    actually, my ipod will not let me activate it with apple id, this happened when the new iOS acutalizó understand that has more security, but do not know what to do.

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