Getting DISTINCT count from two different columns

Hi all,
I have following query which gives currency code from two different tables. I would like to get the distinct count of currency codes from these two different columns.
SELECT eb.person_seq_id, eb.bonus_amount, eb.currency_cd, ed.currency_cd_host
FROM fr_emp_bonuses eb, fr_emp_details ed, fr_periods p
WHERE eb.person_seq_id = ed.person_seq_id AND ed.period_seq_id = eb.period_seq_id
AND ed.period_seq_id = p.period_seq_id AND p.period_status = 'CURRENT'
AND eb.bonus_amount >= 0 AND eb.person_seq_id = 3525125;
This query gives following result
3525125     240000     USD     INR
3525125     0      USD     INR
3525125     60000      USD     INR
3525125     50000      USD     INR
There are two distinct currency codes (USD, INR) and total amount is 350000. So I am looking for a query to give me the following result
3525125     350000 2
Thanks in advance

Here's one way:
WITH     original_query     AS
     SELECT  eb.person_seq_id
     ,     eb.bonus_amount
     ,     eb.currency_cd
     ,     ed.currency_cd_host
     FROM     fr_emp_bonuses         eb
     ,     fr_emp_details          ed
     ,     fr_periods          p
     WHERE      eb.person_seq_id    = ed.person_seq_id
     AND      ed.period_seq_id    = eb.period_seq_id
     AND      ed.period_seq_id    = p.period_seq_id
     AND      p.period_status         = 'CURRENT'
     AND      eb.bonus_amount     >= 0
     AND     eb.person_seq_id    = 3525125
,     unpivoted_data     AS
     SELECT     person_seq_id
     ,     bonus_amount
     ,     currency_cd
     FROM     original_query
        SELECT  person_seq_id
     ,     0               AS bonus_amount
     ,     currency_cd_host     AS currency_cd
     FROM     original_query
SELECT       person_seq_id
,       SUM (bonus_amount)          AS total_bonus_amount
,       COUNT (DISTINCT currency_cd)     AS distinct_currency_cds
FROM       unpivoted_data
GROUP BY  person_seq_id
;There may be a shorter, more efficient way to get the same results, but without knowing more about your tables, I can't tell.
The tricky thing is getting two columns (currency_cd and currencuy_cd_host in this case) counted together. You can't simply say
COUNT (DISTINCT eb.currency_cd) +
COUNT (DISTINCT ed.currency_code_host)That happens to get the correct result with the sample data you posted, but what if you had data like thEe following?
currency_cd     currency_cd_host
INR          USD
USD          INRHere, the count of distinct currency_cds is 2, and the count of distinct currency_cd_hsots is also 2. Does that mean the grand total is 2 + 2 = 4? No, the 2 codes in one column arte the same 2 codes as in the other column. We need to get both currency_cd and currency_cd_hsot into the same column, and then do COUNT (DISTINCT ...) on that combined column. A UNION, as shown above, will certainly do that, starting with your query as you posted it. The query you posted isn't necessarily the best frist step towards this result, however, so there may be a much better approach, depending on your tables.
Edited by: Frank Kulash on Feb 1, 2012 6:21 PM
Here's a slightly shorter, and probably more efficient way to get the same results:
WITH     cntr     AS
     SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
     FROM     dual
     CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 2
SELECT       eb.person_seq_id
,       SUM (eb.bonus_amount)          AS total-amount
                    WHEN  c.n = 1
                    THEN  eb.currency_cd
                    ELSE  ed.currency_cd_host
          )               AS distinct_currency_cds
FROM       fr_emp_bonuses    eb
,       fr_emp_details    ed
,       fr_periods          p
,       cntr              c
WHERE        eb.person_seq_id  = ed.person_seq_id
AND        ed.period_seq_id  = eb.period_seq_id
AND        ed.period_seq_id  = p.period_seq_id
AND        p.period_status   = 'CURRENT'
AND        eb.bonus_amount   >= 0
AND       eb.person_seq_i   = 3525125
--       NOTE: no join condition involving c; we really do want a cross-join
GROUP BY  eb.person_seq_id

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    Give this a try in dba1 - assuming there is a db link in dba1 to dba2:
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    Welcome to the forum!
    I think the easiest way to do this is to do a GROUP BY query on each table separately, and then combine the results, using FULL OUTER JOIN or UNION.
    WITH     union_data     AS
         SELECT       user_name
         ,       COUNT (*)     AS count1
         ,       0              AS count2
         FROM       table1
         WHERE       dt     >= &start_dt
         AND       dt      <  &end_dt + 1
         GROUP BY  user_name                             -- Forgot this originally!
         SELECT       user_name
         ,       0              AS count1
         ,       COUNT (*)     AS count2
         FROM       table2
         WHERE       dt     >= &start_dt
         AND       dt      <  &end_dt + 1     
         GROUP BY  user_name                             -- Forgot this originally!
    SELECT       user_name
    ,       SUM (count1)     AS count1
    ,       SUM (count2)     AS count2
    FROM       union_data
    GROUP BY  user_name
    ;Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jul 29, 2009 1:34 PM
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jul 29, 2009 2:46 PM
    As Solomon pointed out, I forgot the GROUP BY clauses in the sub-query.
    Without the tables, I can't test it.

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    SQL> select * from t;
    NAME                 DT                          AMT
    Ajay                 092007                      500
    Bhavani              092007                      700
    Bhavani              102007                      200
    Ajay                 102007                      100
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      2  from
      3    (select name,
      4         lag(amt) over(partition by name order by to_date(dt,'mmyyyy')) pre,
      5        amt curr,dt
      6     from t
      7    )
      8  where dt = to_char(sysdate,'fmmmyyyy');
    NAME                       CURR        PRE        VAR
    Ajay                        100        500        400
    Bhavani                     200        700        500                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Member [Measures].[LYDemand]
    EXISTING[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].[Fiscal Month Name].Members,
    {parallelperiod([All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].[Fiscal Month Name], 12
    ,[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].CurrentMember)}
    ,[Measures].[Proj Demand]
    /* Last to last Year Demand - Demand for 24 back of selected months */
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    EXISTING[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].[Fiscal Month Name].Members,
    {parallelperiod([All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].[Fiscal Month Name], 24
    ,[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].CurrentMember)}
    ,[Measures].[Proj Demand]
    /* Current Year Active Products */
    Member [Measures].[CYCount]
    [Measures].[Proj Demand] > 0
    DistinctCount(Existing(([All Items].[IMD Id].[IMD Id],[All Merchandise Presentations].[Merch
    Pres Key].[Merch Pres Key])))
    /* Last year Active Products */
    Member [Measures].[LYCount]
    [Measures].[LYDemand] > 0
    DistinctCount(([All Items].[IMD Id].[IMD Id],[All Merchandise Presentations].[Merch Pres Key].[Merch Pres
    Key], [All Items].[Style Name].CurrentMember, (StrToMember('[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].&[201401]',CONSTRAINED).Lag(12)
    : StrToMember('[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].&[201411]',CONSTRAINED).Lag(12))))
    /* Last to last Year Active Products */
    Member [Measures].[LLYCount]
    [Measures].[LLYDemand] > 0
    DistinctCount(([All Items].[IMD Id].[IMD Id],[All Merchandise Presentations].[Merch Pres Key].[Merch Pres
    Key], [All Items].[Style Name].CurrentMember, (StrToMember('[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].&[201401]',CONSTRAINED).Lag(24)
    : StrToMember('[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].&[201411]',CONSTRAINED).Lag(24))))
    [Measures].[CYCount], [Measures].[LYCount], [Measures].[LLYCount],
    [Measures].[Proj Demand],[Measures].[LYDemand],[Measures].[LLYDemand]
    Empty([All Items].[Demand Center Name].[Demand Center Name], [All Items].[Style Name].[Style Name])
    (SELECT (StrToSet('[All Items].[Style].[ALL]'))
    (SELECT (StrToSet('[All Items].[Demand Center].[ALL]'))
    (select (STRTOSET('[All Items].[Merch Group].&[MG-110]'))
    on Columns
    (SELECT (StrToSet('[All Merchandise Presentations].[Merch Pres Chnl Dkey].&[MPC-1]'))
    [FMI Forecasting]
    WHERE {strToMember('[All Date].[Fiscal Month
    Name].&[201401]',CONSTRAINED) :
    StrToMember('[All Date].[Fiscal Month Name].&[201411]',CONSTRAINED)}
    Requirements are as follows:
    1. Distinct Count should not include products where Proj Demand is 0, when I am using Filter function to remove products with 0 demand, query is really slow and execution time goes up from 35- 40 secs to 8-9 Minutes.
    2. When we apply filter (parameters) Distinct Count should be in the context of filters( which are mentioned in the select statement like Style, Demand Center and Merch Group). Currently after applying filters count does not change.
    Thanks for help.

    Hi Skd78,
    Thank you for your question. 
    I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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    SELECT COUNT(attr_id)
    FROM pv_attribute
    WHERE port_id = 322;
    SELECT COUNT(attr_id)
    FROM pv_attribute
    WHERE port_id = 323;
    How can I get these two results in two different columns?

    So Jens made a tiny mistake with the column name... shame you couldn't be bothered to research Pivoting so you could have corrected the mistake (possibly it was deliberate *{:-) ) and learnt something.
    with pv_attribute as (select 16123 attr_id, 322 port_id from dual union all
                          select 16123 attr_id, 322 port_id from dual union all
                          select 19223 attr_id, 322 port_id from dual union all
                          select 11193 attr_id, 323 port_id from dual union all
                          select 13163 attr_id, 323 port_id from dual)
    -- end of test data setup
    select sum(decode(port_id, 322, 1, 0)) cnt_322,
           sum(decode(port_id, 323, 1, 0)) cnt_323
    from   pv_attribute
    where  port_id in (322, 323)

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    $ java getNamefile
    File Name : reaper.txt
    File Name : Testing
    Is it possible to just get the file name "reaper" from it instead of reaper.txt
    class getNamefile
         public static void main(String[] args)
              File f1 = new File("C:/javamyprograms/reaper.txt");
              File f2 = new File("C:/javamyprograms/Testing/");
              System.out.println("File Name : " + f1.getName());
              System.out.println("File Name : " + f2.getName());
    }Secondly I am trying to put the values from a HashMap into ".xls"
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter("Unique_words_count" + file) + ".xls");
    and out.write(key + " " + hm.get(key));
    This put the values in the same columns. I want the results to be two different columns like
    column1 column2
    key1 value1
    key2 value2
    Please do advise. Thanks in advance.

    Is it possible to just get the file name "reaper"from it instead of reaper.txtActually, I ran a test, and
         System.out.println(  "file name portion == " + ( f.getName().split( "\\." ) )[ 0 ] );works also:
    This has the same effect as:
         String fileName = f.getName();
         String splitFileName[] = fileName.split( "\\." );
         System.out.println(  "file name portion == " + splitFileName[ 0 ] );Now that I think about it, the second form is more easily understood. There is really no reason to do it the first way. Just interesting to note that you can.

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    Every customer has one related customer.
    So my report shows all the data for customer A, but I need to add one column which is for custome B , so I am looking a way to concatenate columns or if some other way this can be done

    Customer A is dimension table. You mapped to fact to get Customer A details.
    Now you want for Customer B. Now create one more alias table for Customer and name it as customer B and join with Fact on Customer B keys and use it.
    Each customer has related customer.
    2 dimension tables one for customer and other for related customer.

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    i got solutions for this is apply filters in column formula it self, based on the requirement.

  • [svn:bz-trunk] 21394: bug fix for watson 2887837 Not getting duplicate session detected error when same flex client id is used from two different HTTP sessions in CRX .

    Revision: 21394
    Revision: 21394
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-06-16 12:34:13 -0700 (Thu, 16 Jun 2011)
    Log Message:
    bug fix for watson 2887837 Not getting duplicate session detected error when same flex client id is used from two different HTTP sessions in CRX.
    get the sessions id before we invalidate the duplicate session.
    Checkintests pass
    Modified Paths:

    For our profect I think this issue was caused as follows:
    Believing that remoting was full asynchronous we fired a 2 or 3 remote calls to the server at the same time ( within the same function ) - usually when the users goes to a new section of the app.
    This seemed to trigger the duplicate http session error since according to  two remote calls arriving before a session is created will cause 2 sessions to be created.
    Our current solution ( too early to say it works ) is to daisy chain the multiple calls together .
    Also there seemed to be an issue where mobile apps that never quit ( thanks Apple! )  caused the error when activated after a few hours.
    I guess the session expires on the server and the error above occurs on activation.
    So the mobile apps now ping the server with a remote call when activated after sleeping for more than one hour.
    All duplicate http errors are silently caught and reported.
    Fingers crossed we won't get any more!

  • Sum two different columns from two different tables

    Can you select and sum two different columns, from two different tables in the same sql statement?
    I'm looking for the following results from a query

    Like this?
    SQL> create table table1 (item,onhand_qty)
      2  as
      3  select 'A', 10 from dual union all
      4  select 'A', 15 from dual union all
      5  select 'B', 10 from dual union all
      6  select 'B', 10 from dual union all
      7  select 'C', 20 from dual union all
      8  select 'D', 30 from dual
      9  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> create table table2 (item, trx_qty)
      2  as
      3  select 'A', 2 from dual union all
      4  select 'A', 4 from dual union all
      5  select 'A', 6 from dual union all
      6  select 'B', 1 from dual union all
      7  select 'B', 1 from dual union all
      8  select 'C', 4 from dual union all
      9  select 'E', 3 from dual
    10  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
    SQL> select nvl(t1.item,t2.item) item
      2       , t1.sum_onhand_qty
      3       , t2.sum_trx_qty
      4    from ( select item, sum(onhand_qty) sum_onhand_qty
      5             from table1
      6            group by item
      7         ) t1
      8         full outer join
      9         ( select item, sum(trx_qty) sum_trx_qty
    10             from table2
    11            group by item
    12         ) t2
    13         on (t1.item = t2.item)
    14  /
    A             25          12
    B             20           2
    C             20           4
    E                          3
    D             30
    5 rijen zijn geselecteerd.Regards,

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    I have copied my music library from two different files from extewrnal hard drive into the Itunes folder. I tunes only recognizes some of the songs. I have reloaded 5 times and can't get intunes to recognize all my songs? HELP!

    " When I did this, my library showed all the music I have "purchased" from itunes but did not have the music that I downloaded a long time ago through itunes from my old CDs."
    " How can I get that music to show up in my library now on my new computer?  "
    Copy it from your old computer or your backup copy of your old computer.
    The sync is one way - computer to ipod.

  • Extracting unique records from two different tables record

    In the following code of two different tables exists in both tables. I want to compare two different columns of the two different tables to get unique records.
    SQL> select unique(videoLinks) from saVideos where sa_id=21;
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1* select unique(picLinks) from saImages where sa_id=21
    SQL> /
    www.testing.comThanks & best regards

    Unfortunatly you didn't mention the expected output. I guess it would be the one line
    in that case simply join the two tables.
    select *
    from saVideos v
    join saImages i on i.sa_id = v.sa_id and i.picLinks = v.videoLinks
    where v.sa_id=21;If needed then you could change the select list to retrieve only distinct values.
    select unique v.sa_id, v.videolinks
    from saVideos v
    join saImages i on i.sa_id = v.sa_id and i.picLinks = v.videoLinks
    where v.sa_id=21;I usually avoid distinct/unique whereever possible. This requires the database to do a sort and makes the query slow.
    Edited by: Sven W. on Feb 10, 2011 1:55 PM

  • Sql query to get distinct count

    I use SQL Server Management Studio
    can I have a sql query to get count as shown below against  each month column and name column to get distinct count.
    for example if there is two rows with the same date period and same name then the count should be one in first row and zero in the next row of the same data.
    Table Name: Table1
    Column: Month, Name
    12/1/2012 0:00
    12/1/2012 0:00
    12/1/2012 0:00
    1/1/2013 0:00
    1/1/2013 0:00
    1/1/2013 0:00
    3/1/2013 0:00
    3/1/2013 0:00
    3/1/2013 0:00
    6/1/2013 0:00
    6/1/2013 0:00
    6/1/2013 0:00
    9/1/2013 0:00
    9/1/2013 0:00
    9/13/2013 0:00
    10/1/2013 0:00
    10/1/2013 0:00
    10/1/2013 0:00

    Thanks for the query but this query gives the total count like shown below
    if see the second row in the below table AK for 2012-12-1 gives total count as 2 but need the query to show the first row as 1 and there after 0
    query result
    Month name cnt
    2012-12-01 00:00:00.000 AB 1
    2012-12-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2012-12-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2013-01-01 00:00:00.000 AB 1
    2013-01-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2013-01-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2013-03-01 00:00:00.000 AA 1
    2013-03-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2013-03-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2013-06-01 00:00:00.000 AA 1
    2013-06-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2013-06-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2013-09-01 00:00:00.000 AA 1
    2013-09-01 00:00:00.000 AK 1
    2013-09-13 00:00:00.000 AK 1
    2013-10-01 00:00:00.000 AA 1
    2013-10-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2
    2013-10-01 00:00:00.000 AK 2

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