Getting error while export to excel

I have a report which following exprort to excel. I am following
above link example. In the read me file they mentioned that
•     If the reports have a group by clause included, you need to modify the package and use v(‘ITEM’) syntax instead of (SELECT v(‘ITEM’) FROM DUAL):
I found "from dual" statement in package at one place so how can i modify the query as per the above statment. I am getting the actual error as below.
v_sql :=
REPLACE (v_sql,
UPPER (v_names (i)),
'(SELECT v('''
|| LTRIM (v_names (i), ':')
|| ''') FROM DUAL)'
Report Values Error: ORA-06550: Zeile 1, Spalte 170: PL/SQL: ORA-00936: Ausdruck fehlt ORA-06550: Zeile 1, Spalte 162: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored / -6550 / select from ( SELECT FACILITY_ID ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,AWARD_NUMBER ,MAX(AWARD_SHORT_NAME) ,MAX(TASK_NUMBER) TASK_NUMBER ,MAX(BOND_PROCEEDS) BOND_PROCEEDS ,MAX(PROJ_OWNING_CATEGORY) PROJ_OWNING_CATEGORY ,MAX(SCHOOL_DEPT) SCHOOL_DEPT ,MAX(GA_PPU_PERC) GA_PPU_PERC ,MAX(GA_SERA_PPU_PERC) GA_SERA_PPU_PERC ,MAX(GA_MATCH_SERA_PPU_PERC) GA_MATCH_SERA_PPU_PERC ,MAX(CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT) CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT ,MAX(CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV) CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV ,MAX(CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY) CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_14) SUBTOTAL_14 ,MAX(TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE) TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,MAX(OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE) OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_17) SUBTOTAL_17 ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_18) SUBTOTAL_18 ,MAX(GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT) GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT ,MAX(UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT) UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT ,MAX(NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT) NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT ,MAX(subtotal_22) subtotal_22 ,MAX(CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT) CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,MAX(OTH_TE_BOND_PERCENT) OTH_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_25) SUBTOTAL_25 ,MAX(organized_research_sqft) organized_research_sqft ,MAX(ga_sera_ppu_sqft) ga_sera_ppu_sqft ,MAX(dept_research_sqft) dept_research_sqft ,MAX(nse_sqft) nse_sqft ,MAX(common_sqft) common_sqft ,MAX(name_sqft) name_sqft ,MAX(other_sqft) other_sqft ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_36) SUBTOTAL_36 ,MAX(PI_ROOM_SQFT) PI_ROOM_SQFT ,MAX(Total_BLDG_SQFT) Total_BLDG_SQFT ,MAX(organized_research_perc) organized_research_perc ,MAX(ga_sera_ppu_percent) ga_sera_ppu_percent ,MAX(dept_research_perc) dept_research_perc ,MAX(nse_perc) nse_perc ,MAX(common_perc) common_perc ,MAX(name_perc) name_perc ,MAX(other_perc) other_perc ,MAX(Total_Bldg_perc) Total_Bldg_perc ,MAX(fed_state_spo_res_flag) fed_state_spo_res_flag ,MAX(corporate_spo_flag) corporate_spo_flag ,MAX(ppu_flag) ppu_flag ,MAX(in_service_date) in_service_date ,MAX(demolished) demolished from (select AWARD_SHORT_NAME ,AWARD_NUMBER ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,TASK_NUMBER ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TX BOND_PROCEEDS ,PROJ_OWNING_CATEGORY ,SCHOOL_DEPT ,FACILITY_ID ,GA_PPU_PERC ,GA_SERA_PPU_PERC ,GA_MATCH_SERA_PPU_PERC ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY as SUBTOTAL_14 ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE SUBTOTAL_17 ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE SUBTOTAL_18 ,GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT ,UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT ,NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT ,GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT+UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT+NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT as subtotal_22 ,CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,Case when (CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE)<>0 THEN round(abs((OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE*100 )/(CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE)),2) --DIVISOR EQUAL TO ZERO ELSE 0 END AS OTH_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT+Case when (CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE)<>0 THEN round(abs((OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE*100 )/(CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE)),2) --DIVISOR EQUAL TO ZERO ELSE 0 END as SUBTOTAL_25 ,organized_research_sqft ,ga_sera_ppu_sqft ,dept_research_sqft ,nse_sqft ,common_sqft ,name_sqft ,other_sqft ,organized_research_sqft+ga_sera_ppu_sqft+dept_research_sqft+common_sqft+name_sqft+name_sqft+other_sqft SUBTOTAL_36 ,PI_ROOM_SQFT --37 A (SUM OF PIR-ROOM_SQFT) ,sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT) as Total_BLDG_SQFT ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(organized_research_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS organized_research_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(ga_sera_ppu_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS ga_sera_ppu_percent ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(dept_research_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS dept_research_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(nse_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS nse_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(common_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS common_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(name_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS name_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(other_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS other_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(organized_research_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2))-decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(other_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS Total_Bldg_perc--45 ,Case when ga_sera_fed_score>0 then 'Yes' Else 'No' END as fed_state_spo_res_flag ,Case when ga_sera_ct_score>0 or ga_sera_score>0 then 'Yes' Else 'No' END as corporate_spo_flag ,Case when ga_sera_fed_score>0 or ga_sera_ct_score>0 or ga_sera_score>0 then 'Yes' Else 'No' END as ppu_flag ,in_service_date ,demolished from XXDL_CD_PTA_BLDG_LSR_FY_V where project_number=decode((SELECT v('P19_PROJECT') FROM DUAL),'',project_number,(SELECT v('P19_PROJECT') FROM DUAL)) AND FACILITY_ID=decode((SELECT v('P19_FACILITY_ID') FROM DUAL),'',FACILITY_ID,(SELECT v('P19_FACILITY_ID') FROM DUAL)) AND AWARD_NUMBER=decode((SELECT v('P19_AWARD') FROM DUAL),'',AWARD_NUMBER,(SELECT v('P19_AWARD') FROM DUAL)) AND TASK_NUMBER=decode((SELECT v('P19_TOP_TASK') FROM DUAL),'',TASK_NUMBER,(SELECT v('P19_TOP_TASK') FROM DUAL)) Group by AWARD_SHORT_NAME ,AWARD_NUMBER ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,TASK_NUMBER ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TX ,PROJ_OWNING_CATEGORY ,SCHOOL_DEPT ,FACILITY_ID ,GA_PPU_PERC ,GA_SERA_PPU_PERC ,GA_MATCH_SERA_PPU_PERC ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT ,UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT ,NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT ,CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,organized_research_sqft ,ga_sera_ppu_sqft ,dept_research_sqft ,nse_sqft ,common_sqft ,name_sqft ,other_sqft ,PI_ROOM_SQFT ,ga_sera_fed_score ,ga_sera_ct_score ,ga_sera_score ,in_service_date ,demolished) Group by FACILITY_ID ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,AWARD_NUMBER Order by FACILITY_ID ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,AWARD_NUMBER ASC)

Report Values Error: ORA-06550: Zeile 1, Spalte 170: PL/SQL: ORA-00936: Ausdruck fehlt ORA-06550: Zeile 1, Spalte 162: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored / -6550 / select from ( SELECT FACILITY_ID ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,AWARD_NUMBER ,MAX(AWARD_SHORT_NAME) ,MAX(TASK_NUMBER) TASK_NUMBER ,MAX(BOND_PROCEEDS) BOND_PROCEEDS ,MAX(PROJ_OWNING_CATEGORY) PROJ_OWNING_CATEGORY ,MAX(SCHOOL_DEPT) SCHOOL_DEPT ,MAX(GA_PPU_PERC) GA_PPU_PERC ,MAX(GA_SERA_PPU_PERC) GA_SERA_PPU_PERC ,MAX(GA_MATCH_SERA_PPU_PERC) GA_MATCH_SERA_PPU_PERC ,MAX(CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT) CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT ,MAX(CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV) CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV ,MAX(CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY) CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_14) SUBTOTAL_14 ,MAX(TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE) TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,MAX(OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE) OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_17) SUBTOTAL_17 ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_18) SUBTOTAL_18 ,MAX(GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT) GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT ,MAX(UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT) UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT ,MAX(NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT) NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT ,MAX(subtotal_22) subtotal_22 ,MAX(CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT) CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,MAX(OTH_TE_BOND_PERCENT) OTH_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_25) SUBTOTAL_25 ,MAX(organized_research_sqft) organized_research_sqft ,MAX(ga_sera_ppu_sqft) ga_sera_ppu_sqft ,MAX(dept_research_sqft) dept_research_sqft ,MAX(nse_sqft) nse_sqft ,MAX(common_sqft) common_sqft ,MAX(name_sqft) name_sqft ,MAX(other_sqft) other_sqft ,MAX(SUBTOTAL_36) SUBTOTAL_36 ,MAX(PI_ROOM_SQFT) PI_ROOM_SQFT ,MAX(Total_BLDG_SQFT) Total_BLDG_SQFT ,MAX(organized_research_perc) organized_research_perc ,MAX(ga_sera_ppu_percent) ga_sera_ppu_percent ,MAX(dept_research_perc) dept_research_perc ,MAX(nse_perc) nse_perc ,MAX(common_perc) common_perc ,MAX(name_perc) name_perc ,MAX(other_perc) other_perc ,MAX(Total_Bldg_perc) Total_Bldg_perc ,MAX(fed_state_spo_res_flag) fed_state_spo_res_flag ,MAX(corporate_spo_flag) corporate_spo_flag ,MAX(ppu_flag) ppu_flag ,MAX(in_service_date) in_service_date ,MAX(demolished) demolished from (select AWARD_SHORT_NAME ,AWARD_NUMBER ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,TASK_NUMBER ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TX BOND_PROCEEDS ,PROJ_OWNING_CATEGORY ,SCHOOL_DEPT ,FACILITY_ID ,GA_PPU_PERC ,GA_SERA_PPU_PERC ,GA_MATCH_SERA_PPU_PERC ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY as SUBTOTAL_14 ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE SUBTOTAL_17 ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE SUBTOTAL_18 ,GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT ,UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT ,NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT ,GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT+UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT+NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT as subtotal_22 ,CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,Case when (CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE)0 THEN round(abs((OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE*100 )/(CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE)),2) --DIVISOR EQUAL TO ZERO ELSE 0 END AS OTH_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT+Case when (CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE)0 THEN round(abs((OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE*100 )/(CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT+CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV+CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY+TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE+OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE)),2) --DIVISOR EQUAL TO ZERO ELSE 0 END as SUBTOTAL_25 ,organized_research_sqft ,ga_sera_ppu_sqft ,dept_research_sqft ,nse_sqft ,common_sqft ,name_sqft ,other_sqft ,organized_research_sqft+ga_sera_ppu_sqft+dept_research_sqft+common_sqft+name_sqft+name_sqft+other_sqft SUBTOTAL_36 ,PI_ROOM_SQFT --37 A (SUM OF PIR-ROOM_SQFT) ,sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT) as Total_BLDG_SQFT ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(organized_research_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS organized_research_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(ga_sera_ppu_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS ga_sera_ppu_percent ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(dept_research_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS dept_research_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(nse_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS nse_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(common_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS common_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(name_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS name_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(other_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS other_perc ,decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(organized_research_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2))-decode(sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT),0,0,round(abs(other_sqft*100/sum(PI_ROOM_SQFT)),2)) AS Total_Bldg_perc--45 ,Case when ga_sera_fed_score>0 then 'Yes' Else 'No' END as fed_state_spo_res_flag ,Case when ga_sera_ct_score>0 or ga_sera_score>0 then 'Yes' Else 'No' END as corporate_spo_flag ,Case when ga_sera_fed_score>0 or ga_sera_ct_score>0 or ga_sera_score>0 then 'Yes' Else 'No' END as ppu_flag ,in_service_date ,demolished from XXDL_CD_PTA_BLDG_LSR_FY_V where project_number=decode((SELECT v('P19_PROJECT') FROM DUAL),'',project_number,(SELECT v('P19_PROJECT') FROM DUAL)) AND FACILITY_ID=decode((SELECT v('P19_FACILITY_ID') FROM DUAL),'',FACILITY_ID,(SELECT v('P19_FACILITY_ID') FROM DUAL)) AND AWARD_NUMBER=decode((SELECT v('P19_AWARD') FROM DUAL),'',AWARD_NUMBER,(SELECT v('P19_AWARD') FROM DUAL)) AND TASK_NUMBER=decode((SELECT v('P19_TOP_TASK') FROM DUAL),'',TASK_NUMBER,(SELECT v('P19_TOP_TASK') FROM DUAL)) Group by AWARD_SHORT_NAME ,AWARD_NUMBER ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,TASK_NUMBER ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TX ,PROJ_OWNING_CATEGORY ,SCHOOL_DEPT ,FACILITY_ID ,GA_PPU_PERC ,GA_SERA_PPU_PERC ,GA_MATCH_SERA_PPU_PERC ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_GIFT ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_UNIV ,CURR_EXPENDITURE_EQTY ,TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,OTHER_TOTAL_DEBT_DRAW_AMT_TE ,GIFT_EQTY_PERCENT ,UNIV_EQTY_PERCENT ,NON_TE_EQTY_PERCENT ,CURR_TE_BOND_PERCENT ,organized_research_sqft ,ga_sera_ppu_sqft ,dept_research_sqft ,nse_sqft ,common_sqft ,name_sqft ,other_sqft ,PI_ROOM_SQFT ,ga_sera_fed_score ,ga_sera_ct_score ,ga_sera_score ,in_service_date ,demolished) Group by FACILITY_ID ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,AWARD_NUMBER Order by FACILITY_ID ,PROJECT_NUMBER ,AWARD_NUMBER ASC)
                                                                                                                                                                     missing columnyou are missing a column expression in your select statement. scroll to the right to see what i am referring to.

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    This is the Technical limitation of ABAP list export to local file.
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    To prevent a line break occuring when you download the list as a local spreadsheet file, you must reduce the width of the list in ALV. You can do this either by hiding columns or by changing the column widths in the ALV. Take care that the column heading characters also dont exceed 1023 characters. This will work.

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    I will make sure that I am on the latest patch ie SP4
    You can find the rumtimes here:
    Recompile the app and then deploy.
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    I am having the same problem. I found this article in which the user was exporting 100,000 plus records and had the same issue exporting (Discoverer workbook exported to excel error - No dta can be exported and they were able to fix it by adjusting two memory settings in their pref.txt file. However, in my report there are only 1,100 records with eleven columns being returned. I export much larger reports on a daily basis.
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    Hi Naveen,
    Thanks for your reply. I am dropping the excel sheet and then creating the excel sheet and then exporting the data from database to this sheet. The whole idea is to avoid appending of the records to this sheet, it should be new records all together.
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    Ramu Gade
    Why not create a excel template before hand which you can copy,rename and use each time. This will avoid appending records each time
    See this as an example
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    spreadSheet.setColumnWidth((short) 1, (short) (256 * 25));
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    cell = row.createCell((short) 2);
    cell.setCellValue("Year 2004");
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    cell = row1.createCell((short) 2);
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    ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
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  • Getting error while export folder: ScriptTemplate [6] not found

    I am trying to do a weekly refresh in IOP. As part of the script I take a backup of export folder and generate a new export folder. While taking a backup of export folder, job is failing while exporting user preferences.
    2011-06-21 00:02:00,626 [ExecuteCommand] MigrateExporter INFO - Exporting users to D:\bsm\IT_Big\export\migration\data\users.csv
    2011-06-21 00:02:00,704 [ExecuteCommand] MigrateExporter INFO - Exporting user acls to file D:\bsm\IT_Big\export\migration\model\acls.xml
    2011-06-21 00:02:01,562 [ExecuteCommand] Request ERROR - ISException processing request [execute]
    com.interlacesystems.util.ObjectDNEException: ScriptTemplate [6] not found
    Please let us know if any idea.

    I am trying to do a weekly refresh in IOP. As part of the script I take a backup of export folder and generate a new export folder. While taking a backup of export folder, job is failing while exporting user preferences.
    2011-06-21 00:02:00,626 [ExecuteCommand] MigrateExporter INFO - Exporting users to D:\bsm\IT_Big\export\migration\data\users.csv
    2011-06-21 00:02:00,704 [ExecuteCommand] MigrateExporter INFO - Exporting user acls to file D:\bsm\IT_Big\export\migration\model\acls.xml
    2011-06-21 00:02:01,562 [ExecuteCommand] Request ERROR - ISException processing request [execute]
    com.interlacesystems.util.ObjectDNEException: ScriptTemplate [6] not found
    Please let us know if any idea.

  • Error while Exporting to Excel from ALV Report

    Dear Experts,
    When I am exporting my report output to an Excel Sheet  directly some of the headers are appearing in Row No 1 and some are displaying in Row No. 2. Hence the corresponding values are also showing in the same manner.
    I want to show all the Rows in a single row in row No 1. I am unable to find the solution for this.
    But when I am exporting the same report into the MHTML Excel format the Report Headings are showing correctly in a single row and hence the respective values are also showing correctly in a single row. And if I save the same MHTML Excel as normal EXCEL(97-2003) format then also it is showing correctly.
    The problem comes only when I as exporting it directly into EXCEL(97-2003) format. 
    Plz help.

    This is the Technical limitation of ABAP list export to local file.
    ALV grid greater than 1023 characters per line will be split into 2 lines.
    To prevent a line break occuring when you download the list as a local spreadsheet file, you must reduce the width of the list in ALV. You can do this either by hiding columns or by changing the column widths in the ALV. Take care that the column heading characters also dont exceed 1023 characters. This will work.

  • Getting error while export

    UDE-00008: operation generated ORACLE error 39078
    ORA-39078: unable to dequeue message for agent KUPC$A_1_20080108044439 from queue "KUPC$S_1_20080108044438"
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 95
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPC$QUE_INT", line 559
    ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4096 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","select user#,type# from user...","Typecheck heap","kgghtInit")
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 2187
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DATAPUMP", line 3062
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    the export throws this error in between. I have created new database on from a previous well running database.
    cheers !!

    But rebuilding is not the answer to this error.
    So if you have to do like this than what is the use of this forum. Go into depth of error.
    So please exports can any one let us know that what is the reason for this error.
    I will be really thankful to you all.

  • Getting Error while exporting EAR file from Weblogic workshop 10.3

    Hi All,
    I have one Enterprise project with reference to one Web services web module.
    When I tried to export web module it export correctly but when I try to export the Enterprise project then it throws following error.
    !ENTRY com.bea.workshop.wls.ui 4 0 2009-04-15 11:14:12.801
    !MESSAGE The selected archive: C:\RNEAR.ear does not exist.
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks 4 0 2009-04-15 11:14:13.035
    !MESSAGE Extended Operation failure: org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.EARComponentExportOperation
    !STACK 0
    org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException: Error exportingEAR
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.J2EEArtifactExportOperation.execute(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl$
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.runOperation(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.runOperation(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.doExecute(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.executeImpl(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.cacheThreadAndContinue(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.execute(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.ui.DataModelWizard$1$
    at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
    Caused by: org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.SaveFailureException: Error opening archive for export..
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.EARComponentExportOperation.export(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.J2EEArtifactExportOperation.execute(
    ... 10 more
    Caused by: org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.ArchiveSaveFailureException: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.internal.ArchiveFactoryImpl.saveArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.J2EEArtifactExportOperation.saveArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.EARComponentExportOperation.export(
    ... 11 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.JavaEEArchiveUtilities.isEJBArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.JavaEEArchiveUtilities.refineForJavaEE(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.JavaEEArchiveUtilities.openArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.internal.ArchiveFactoryImpl.openArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.JavaEEArchiveUtilities.openArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.EARComponentArchiveLoadAdapter.addModulesAndUtilities(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.EARComponentArchiveLoadAdapter.getArchiveResources(
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.internal.ArchiveImpl.getArchiveResources(
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.AbstractArchiveSaveAdapter.getArchiveResourcesForSave(
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.internal.ArchiveFactoryImpl.saveArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.J2EEArtifactExportOperation.saveArchive(
    ... 12 more
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks 4 0 2009-04-15 11:14:13.035
    !MESSAGE Extended Operation failure: org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.EARComponentExportOperation
    !STACK 0
    org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException: Error exportingEAR
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.J2EEArtifactExportOperation.execute(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl$
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.runOperation(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.runOperation(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.doExecute(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.executeImpl(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.cacheThreadAndContinue(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.DataModelPausibleOperationImpl.execute(
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.internal.datamodel.ui.DataModelWizard$1$
    at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
    Caused by: org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.internal.exception.SaveFailureException: Error opening archive for export..
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.EARComponentExportOperation.export(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.J2EEArtifactExportOperation.execute(
    ... 10 more
    Caused by: org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.ArchiveSaveFailureException: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.internal.ArchiveFactoryImpl.saveArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.J2EEArtifactExportOperation.saveArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.EARComponentExportOperation.export(
    ... 11 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.JavaEEArchiveUtilities.isEJBArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.JavaEEArchiveUtilities.refineForJavaEE(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.JavaEEArchiveUtilities.openArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.internal.ArchiveFactoryImpl.openArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.JavaEEArchiveUtilities.openArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.EARComponentArchiveLoadAdapter.addModulesAndUtilities(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.EARComponentArchiveLoadAdapter.getArchiveResources(
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.internal.ArchiveImpl.getArchiveResources(
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.AbstractArchiveSaveAdapter.getArchiveResourcesForSave(
    at org.eclipse.jst.jee.archive.internal.ArchiveFactoryImpl.saveArchive(
    at org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.archive.operations.J2EEArtifactExportOperation.saveArchive(
    ... 12 more
    !ENTRY com.bea.workshop.webservices.export 2 2 2009-04-15 11:32:13.836
    !MESSAGE Skipping Annotation Manifest Generation since control required classes are not on the build path.
    Any help on this is really appreciable

    Hi All,
    problem is resolved for me.
    After removing unnecessary jar from APP-INF/lib folder it resolve my problem.
    Edited by: kalyan Pasupuleti on May 17, 2009 10:28 AM

  • Excel service and OWA - getting ERROR while trying to open/edit Excel documents

    Hi All,
    We have configured SharePoint 2013 with Excel Service and OWA (Office Web Apps).
    After configuring, we are able to view/edit Word or PowerPoint documents from the browser (as OWA is configured). But we are getting errors while trying to open/edit Excel documents.
    We are not able to view/edit the excel workbook from the browser (through OWA).
    To open the excel in the browser, decision has to be taken at the farm level on what to be used – Excel Service or OWA Server? Is it possible to do setting at site collection level?
    Error details are given below:
    Event code: 3005
    Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.
    Event time: 3/25/2013 1:29:08 PM
    Event time (UTC): 3/25/2013 7:59:08 AM
    Event ID: fc2e0530f493493896e6c8b6297a0423
    Event sequence: 10
    Event occurrence: 3
    Event detail code: 0
    Application information:
        Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT/x-1-130086717598089315
        Trust level: Full
        Application Virtual Path: /x
        Application Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\ExcelServicesWfe\
        Machine name: VHYDMANTHSTP-02
    Process information:
        Process ID: 1252
        Process name: w3wp.exe
    Exception information:
        Exception type: ArgumentException
        Exception message: An entry with the same key already exists.
       at System.Collections.Generic.TreeSet`1.AddIfNotPresent(T item)
       at System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary`2..ctor(IDictionary`2 dictionary, IComparer`1 comparer)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ServiceHost.ServiceHost.GetInstalledUICultures()
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerRegionalSettings.IsUICultureSupported(String cultureTag, CultureInfo& cultureInfo)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerRegionalSettings.SafeSetCurrentUICulture(String cultureTag, Boolean useOleo, Boolean allowCustomFallback)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerRegionalSettings.SafeSetCurrentUICultureFromFrontEnd(String uiCultureTag, Boolean allowFallback)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerRegionalSettings.SafeSetCurrentCulturesFromFrontEnd(String uiCultureTag, String dataCultureTag)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ServiceHost.ServiceHost.Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Host.IEwaHost.SetCurrentCulturesFromContext(HttpContext context)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ServiceHost.ServiceHost.Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Host.IEwaHost.PreProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.WebUI.XlPreview.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    Request information:
        Request URL:
        Request path: /x/_layouts/xlpreview.aspx
        User host address:
        Is authenticated: False
        Authentication Type: 
        Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
    Thread information:
        Thread ID: 13
        Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
        Is impersonating: False
        Stack trace:    at System.Collections.Generic.TreeSet`1.AddIfNotPresent(T item)
       at System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary`2..ctor(IDictionary`2 dictionary, IComparer`1 comparer)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ServiceHost.ServiceHost.GetInstalledUICultures()
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerRegionalSettings.IsUICultureSupported(String cultureTag, CultureInfo& cultureInfo)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerRegionalSettings.SafeSetCurrentUICulture(String cultureTag, Boolean useOleo, Boolean allowCustomFallback)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerRegionalSettings.SafeSetCurrentUICultureFromFrontEnd(String uiCultureTag, Boolean allowFallback)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ExcelServerRegionalSettings.SafeSetCurrentCulturesFromFrontEnd(String uiCultureTag, String dataCultureTag)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ServiceHost.ServiceHost.Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Host.IEwaHost.SetCurrentCulturesFromContext(HttpContext context)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.ServiceHost.ServiceHost.Microsoft.Office.Excel.Server.Host.IEwaHost.PreProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
       at Microsoft.Office.Excel.WebUI.XlPreview.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
       at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
       at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

    I have the same issue while opening the file , i have checked every thing twice. but unable to fix this thing . can any one help.
    One more thing which is i am wondering none of the MS representative replied on this post which is originally posted on March 27-2013.
    is microsoft alive??
    Imran Bashir Network Administrator MCP, JNCIA-EX,ER,JNIOUS +92-333-4330176

  • I paid for adobe reader to convert pfs to excel. It used to work but now it does not. I get "error while siging in message" but I am signed in. Please fix this or advise.

    Adobe no longer converts pdfs to Excel or Word. I continually get error while signing in message. But I am signed in. I paid for service and expect it to work. I can get no help form adobe. Please help now.

    Hi adoberror,
    I'm sorry that you're having trouble with ExportPDF. Can you please try the following to resolve this sign-in issue:
    Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Adobe Reader > Preferences (Mac)
    Click 'Adobe Online Services' on the left-hand side
    Sign out of our Adobe ID and sign back in.
    Try to convert your document again.
    If you continue to have trouble, please verify that you can access the service via the web interface.  To do this:
    Open a browser and navigate to
    Try to log in with your Adobe ID (email address) and password
    Once logged in, follow the on-screen prompts to convert a file
    Please let me know how it goes.

  • Error While uplaoding a EXCEL file in Web dynpro - HR_KR_XSTRING_TO_STRING

        I am getting an error while uploading an excel file in web Dynpro application. i am using the HR_KR_XSTRING_TO_STRING this function. I am getting the following error message 'Unable to interpret    as a number'.

    First of all, are you sure you know what you are working with here.  If this is standard Excel file in the Microsoft binary/propriatery format there is not function module or class in ABAP that can magically just transform this to a character string.  You should search the forums as this has been discussed extensively.  On that topic, please also do not post duplicate threads.  I have already locked your other thread with the same basic question.
    Instead of the binary/propriatery format of Excel, the file should be saved on the client as a text based format - like XML or Text Tab Delimited. You can then use several different options on the server to convert the XSTRING to STRING and process the content (becuase it was text based to begin with).  You could use CL_BCS_CONVERT, the function modules in the function group SCMS_CONV, or the class CL_ABAP_CONV_IN_CE.

  • Characterset mismatch error while export

    I am getting characterset mismatch error while exporting a schema.
    select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter in('NLS_LANGUAGE','NLS_TERRITORY','NLS_CHARACTERSET')
    i have set nls_lang on OS level
    C:\oracle\ora92\bin>exp hrtemp_v6/hrtemp_v6@testdb file=c:\hrtemp_v6 statistics=
    Export: Release - Production on Mon May 14 11:55:58 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    Export done in WE8ISO8859P1 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    server uses AL32UTF8 character set (possible charset conversion)
    About to export specified users ...
    . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions
    . exporting foreign function library names for user HRTEMP_V6
    . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
    EXP-00008: ORACLE error 6552 encountered
    ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
    ORA-06553: PLS-553: character set name is not recognized
    EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
    please suggest , whats wrong here
    thanks & regards

    i have set nls_lang on OS level
    C:\oracle\ora92\bin>At this command prompt, what do you get back from "set nls"
    You can use
    c:\> set nls_lang=.al32utf8
    ...right before you issue exp command.

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