Getting jndi name for jms queue via jmx?

I'm trying to write a utility that will do a 9.2-style message export against 8.1 I think I have it all figured out except that I don't know how to get the jndi name of a queue or topic via jmx. I'm using jmx to find queues and subscriptions that have messages waiting, then trying to connect to them to siphon off the messages. I can't just browse jndi for any queue I find because I also want to access the durable subscriptions, for which I need the client and subscriptions ids. Is there a way to map from the jms destination runtime mbean to the jndi name? The getDestination() method isn't supported (throws an exception.)

Hi John,
You can get destination JNDI names by looking up their value in the JMX configuration mbeans rather than the runtime mbeans. The client-id and subscription-name are available on the JMSDurableSubscriberRuntime mbean.

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    Facing a weird problem while passing ODI variable in JNDI Url for JMS Queue XML.
    Below is the JNDI Url configured under ODI Topology:
    JNDI Url: t3://<host_location>?d=#TEST.SCHEMA_FILE&s=<schema_name>&JMS_DESTINATION=jms/<queue_name>
    #TEST.SCHEMA_FILE --> ODI variable storing xsd name and location
    Issue Description:
    If we restart ODI server then for the first run of any ODI interface using JMS Queue XML, it is unable to get the value for ODI variable present in JNDI Url (d=#TEST.SCHEMA_FILE).
    It throws error message saying: No XSD found
    Temporary Resolution:
    As a temporary fix if we hard-code and pass the value in that ODI variable as shown below, it will successfully go through.
    eg: JNDI Url: t3://<host_location>?d=C:\XSD\test.xsd&s=<schema_name>&JMS_DESTINATION=jms/<queue_name>
    Reverting it back to variable later will have no issues and subsequent run will succeed.
    But again anytime later if server is restarted then first run will have this issue.
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    Any one having idea on it please share. Appreciate your help!

    What ODI version are you using? It could be related to the bug in the older version as described in support note Doc ID 1290326.1

  • JNDI Names of JMS server's queue not replicating to cluster

              Am having some trouble configuring a JMS Server and Queues in a clustered development
              environment. It is a simple cluster of 2 servers (Server1 and Server2) both on
              a single machine.
              The "JobServer" JMS Server is targeted to "Server1 (migratable)". All the JNDI
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              When the sending of a message is attempted on Server2, the following occurs:
              javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'jms.STARSIIPostQueue'
              didn't find subcontext 'jms' Resolved ; remaining name 'jms/STARSIIPostQueue'
              at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(
              This may be a problem with the cluster configuration, but I haven't been able
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              Any and all help will be appreciated.
              There is the Config.xml file:
              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <Domain ConfigurationVersion="" Name="mydomain">
              <Server ExtraEjbcOptions="-J-mx512m" ListenAddress=""
              ListenPort="7001" Name="myserver" NativeIOEnabled="true"
              ServerVersion="" StdoutDebugEnabled="true" StdoutSeverityLevel="64">
              <SSL Enabled="false" HostnameVerificationIgnored="false"
              IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" ListenPort="7002" Name="myserver"/>
              <Log Name="myserver" NumberOfFilesLimited="true"/>
              <Security Name="mydomain"
              Realm="wl_default_realm" RealmSetup="true">
              Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthenticator" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultIdentityAsserter" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultRoleMapper" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthorizer" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              Realm="Security:Name=myrealm" RequireUnanimousPermit="false"/>
              Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultCredentialMapper" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              Name="Security:Name=myrealmUserLockoutManager" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              DefaultRealm="true" DisplayName="myrealm"
              RoleMappers="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultRoleMapper" UserLockoutManager="Security:Name=myrealmUserLockoutManager"/>
              Name="Security:Name=myrealmSTARSIIAuthenticator" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              Realm="Security:Name=myrealm" Verbose="false" denyPermNotFound="true"/>
              Name="Security:Name=myrealmSTARSIIAuditor" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              Credential="{3DES}aD+gV9rRggnoShH/kWurILaHTBP/z0jVoZHtp/hU1xI=" Name="mydomain"/>
              Name="mydomain" RealmBootStrapVersion="1"/>
              <Realm FileRealm="wl_default_file_realm" Name="wl_default_realm"/>
              <FileRealm Name="wl_default_file_realm"/>
              <PasswordPolicy Name="wl_default_password_policy"/>
              Name="STARSII BRSB Pool"
              Targets="" TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects" URL="jdbc:bea:sqlserver://str2-dev-db:1433"/>
              <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/StarsIIDS" Name="StarsIIDS"
              PoolName="STARSII Store Pool" Targets="MyCluster"/>
              <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/TXStarsIIDS" Name="TXStarsIIDS"
              PoolName="STARSII Store Pool" Targets="MyCluster"/>
              DeploymentOrder="250" Name="STARS II Properties Startup Class" Targets="myserver,MyCluster"/>
              Name="STARS II Reference Values Startup Class" Targets="myserver,MyCluster"/>
              Name="STARS II Reports Criteria Startup Class" Targets="myserver,MyCluster"/
              <MailSession JNDIName="mail/STARSIIMailSession"
              Name="STARSIIMailSession" Properties="" Targets="myserver"/>
              Name="STARSII Store Pool"
              TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects" URL="jdbc:bea:sqlserver://str2-dev-db:1433"/>
              Name="AffTest" Password=""
              Targets="" TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects" URL="jdbc:bea:sqlserver://AFRANK\AFRANK:1433"/>
              <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/AffTest" Name="AffTest"
              PoolName="AffTest" Targets=""/>
              <JDBCConnectionPool DriverName="weblogic.jdbcspy.SpyDriver"
              Name="Spy STARSII BRSB Pool"
              Targets="" TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects" URL="jdbc:spy:{jdbc:bea:sqlserver://str2-dev-db:1433};log=(file)C:\cvsrepo\sql.log"/>
              Name="STARSII Store Pool 2"
              Targets="" TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects" URL="jdbc:bea:sqlserver://str2-dev-db:1433"/>
              <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/StarsIIDS2" Name="StarsIIDS2"
              PoolName="STARSII Store Pool" Targets=""/>
              Name="STARSII Stars Pool"
              TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects" URL="jdbc:bea:sqlserver://str2-dev-db:1433"/>
              <Machine Name="MachineA">
              <NodeManager DebugEnabled="true" ListenPort="5555" Name="MachineA"/>
              <Server Cluster="MyCluster" ExpectedToRun="false"
              ExtraEjbcOptions="-J-mx521m" JDBCLoggingEnabled="true"
              ListenAddress="" ListenPort="7002" Machine="MachineA"
              Name="Server1" ServerVersion="" StdoutDebugEnabled="true" StdoutSeverityLevel="64">
              <ServerDebug Name="Server1"/>
              <SSL IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="Server1"/>
              <KernelDebug Name="Server1"/>
              <Log Name="Server1"/>
              <ServerStart Name="Server1"
              Password="{3DES}js4NnTcuqRE15gEGfNTu4Q==" Username="system"/>
              <WebServer Name="Server1"/>
              <COM Name="Server1"/>
              <IIOP Name="Server1"/>
              <JTAMigratableTarget Name="Server1" UserPreferredServer="Server1"/>
              <JTARecoveryService Name="Server1"/>
              <Cluster ClusterAddress=","
              MulticastAddress="" Name="MyCluster"/>
              <Server Cluster="MyCluster" ExpectedToRun="false"
              ExtraEjbcOptions="-J-mx521m" ListenAddress=""
              ListenPort="7002" Machine="MachineB" Name="Server2"
              ServerVersion="" StdoutDebugEnabled="true" StdoutSeverityLevel="64">
              <ServerDebug Name="Server2"/>
              <SSL IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="Server2"/>
              <KernelDebug Name="Server2"/>
              <Log Name="Server2"/>
              <ServerStart Name="Server2"
              Password="{3DES}js4NnTcuqRE15gEGfNTu4Q==" Username="system"/>
              <WebServer Name="Server2"/>
              <COM Name="Server2"/>
              <IIOP Name="Server2"/>
              <JTAMigratableTarget Name="Server2" UserPreferredServer="Server2"/>
              <JTARecoveryService Name="Server2"/>
              <MigratableTarget Cluster="MyCluster" Name="Server1 (migratable)"
              Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server.
              Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="Server1"/>
              <MigratableTarget Cluster="MyCluster" Name="Server2 (migratable)"
              Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target for a server.
              Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="Server2"/>
              <Application Deployed="true" Name="STARSII"
              Path="C:\cvsrepo\STARSII\STARSII" StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
              <EJBComponent Name="../brsbMessage" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../brsbMessage"/>
              <EJBComponent Name="../brsbSession" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../brsbSession"/>
              <EJBComponent Name="../commonSession" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../commonSession"/>
              <EJBComponent Name="../complianceMessage" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../complianceMessage"/>
              <EJBComponent Name="../complianceSession" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../complianceSession"/>
              <EJBComponent Name="../starsiiEntity" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../starsiiEntity"/>
              <EJBComponent Name="../storeSession" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../storeSession"/>
              <WebAppComponent Name="/brsb" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../brsbWebApp"/>
              <WebAppComponent Name="/compliance" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../complianceWebApp"/>
              <WebAppComponent Name="/common" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../mainWebApp"/>
              <WebAppComponent Name="/store" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../storeWebApp"/>
              <Application Name="AffWebApp" Path="C:\cvsrepo\STARSII"
              StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
              <WebAppComponent Name="AffWebApp" Targets="" URI="AffWebApp"/>
              <Application Name="activeportal"
              StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
              <WebAppComponent Name="activeportal" Targets="" URI="activeportal.war"/>
              <JTA Name="mydomain" TimeoutSeconds="300"/>
              <JMSServer Name="JobServer" Targets="Server1 (migratable)">
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820642598"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIJobQueue" Name="STARSIIJobQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820669345"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIPostQueue" Name="STARSIIPostQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1088000795852"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIValidationQueue" Name="STARSIIValidationQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687125"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIErrorQueue" Name="STARSIIErrorQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687125"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIEmailQueue" Name="STARSIIEmailQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687225"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIEBTStateQueue" Name="STARSIIEBTStateQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687325"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIRFIQueue" Name="STARSIIRFIQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687425"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIRedeQueue" Name="STARSIIRedeQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687525"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIWatchListQueue" Name="STARIIWatchListQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687625"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIDeleteTransFileQueue" Name="STARSIIDeleteTransFileQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687725"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIUpdateAMRQueue" Name="STARSIIUpdateAMRQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687825"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIVPPExtractQueue" Name="STARSIIVPPExtractQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687925"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIISIFSUploadQueue" Name="STARSIISIFSUploadQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820688025"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIMARSQueue" Name="STARSIIMARSQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820688125"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIFRBRichmondExtractQueue" Name="STARSIIFRBRichmondExtractQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820688225"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIICOTSExtractQueue" Name="STARSIICOTSExtractQueue"/>
              <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820688325"
              JNDIName="jms/STARSIIVPPUploadQueue" Name="STARSIIVPPUploadQueue"/>
              <Machine Name="MachineB">
              <NodeManager DebugEnabled="true" Name="MachineB"/>

    Internally, many BEA developers and testers use various versions
              of XP with clustering on a daily basis. I don't know what
              is unique about your machine. I suggest raising the issue
              with customer support and/or posting to the clustering newsgroup...
              Andy Frank wrote:
              > It would seems that my OS and the MultiCast config are to blame. The MultiCast
              > test utility worked fine the Win2K machines I tried. Think I will take another
              > look at MS KB article 827536 and/or think about another dev OS.
              > "Andy Frank" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >>Thanks for this info.
              >>My servers don't look like they are running in different subnets (had
              >>a friend
              >>look this over and he concurs).
              >>My network admin says he hasn't blocked multicast traffic.
              >>I think the MultiCast test utility is telling me that I have some kind
              >>of multicast
              >>config problem. Output follows:
              >>------ Begin MultiCast test utility output: ------
              >>C:\bea\weblogic81\server\bin>java utils.MulticastTest -N server200 -A
              >>5.1 -t 15
              >>***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING *****
              >>Do NOT use the same multicast address as a running WLS cluster.
              >>Starting test. Hit any key to abort
              >>Using multicast address
              >>Will send messages under the name server200 every 2 seconds
              >>Will print warning every 15 seconds if no messages are received
              >> I (server200) sent message num 1
              >> I (server200) sent message num 2
              >> I (server200) sent message num 3
              >> I (server200) sent message num 4
              >> I (server200) sent message num 5
              >> I (server200) sent message num 6
              >> I (server200) sent message num 7
              >> Receive timed out
              >> at Method)
              >> at
              >> at utils.MulticastTest$
              >> I (server200) sent message num 8
              >> I (server200) sent message num 9
              >> I (server200) sent message num 10
              >> I (server200) sent message num 11
              >> I (server200) sent message num 12
              >>------ End MultiCast test utility output: ------
              >>No "Received message X from server200" messages. I think I need to look
              >>configuring multicast communications on my OK (Windows XP Pro, ver 2002
              >>I did see MS KB article 827536 about "An IP multicast may not be sent
              >>from Windows XP or from Windows Server 2003" (I do have 2 network adapters),
              >>the resolution scared me some.
              >>Think I will try some things out on another OS and see what that gets
              >>Any other thoughts on this will be appreciated.
              >>Tom Barnes wrote:
              >>>I too suspect something is going wrong with clustering, I wonder
              >>>if the servers are running in different subnets (even though
              >>>they are on the same box) and/or your network admin has
              >>>blocked multicast traffic.
              >>>The MultiCast test utility should help narrow things down:
              >>>Andy Frank wrote:
              >>>>Am having some trouble configuring a JMS Server and Queues in a clustered
              >>>>environment. It is a simple cluster of 2 servers (Server1 and Server2)
              >>>both on
              >>>>a single machine.
              >>>>The "JobServer" JMS Server is targeted to "Server1 (migratable)".
              >>>All the JNDI
              >>>>names for the Queues appear in the JNDI tree of Server1, but not in
              >>>>When the sending of a message is attempted on Server2, the following
              >>>>javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'jms.STARSIIPostQueue'
              >>>>didn't find subcontext 'jms' Resolved ; remaining name 'jms/STARSIIPostQueue'
              >>>> at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(
              >>>>This may be a problem with the cluster configuration, but I haven't
              >>>been able
              >>>>to see anything wrong with it.
              >>>>Any and all help will be appreciated.
              >>>>There is the Config.xml file:
              >>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              >>>><Domain ConfigurationVersion="" Name="mydomain">
              >>>> <Server ExtraEjbcOptions="-J-mx512m" ListenAddress=""
              >>>> ListenPort="7001" Name="myserver" NativeIOEnabled="true"
              >>>> ServerVersion="" StdoutDebugEnabled="true" StdoutSeverityLevel="64">
              >>>> <SSL Enabled="false" HostnameVerificationIgnored="false"
              >>>> IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" ListenPort="7002"
              >>>> <Log Name="myserver" NumberOfFilesLimited="true"/>
              >>>> </Server>
              >>>> <Security Name="mydomain"
              >>>> PasswordPolicy="wl_default_password_policy"
              >>>> Realm="wl_default_realm" RealmSetup="true">
              >>>> <
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthenticator" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> ActiveTypes="AuthenticatedUser"
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultIdentityAsserter" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultRoleMapper" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthorizer" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAdjudicator"
              >>>> Realm="Security:Name=myrealm" RequireUnanimousPermit="false"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultCredentialMapper" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmUserLockoutManager" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> Adjudicator="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAdjudicator"
              >>>> Auditors="Security:Name=myrealmSTARSIIAuditor"
              >>>> AuthenticationProviders="Security:Name=myrealmSTARSIIAuthenticator|Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthenticator|Security:Name=myrealmDefaultIdentityAsserter"
              >>>> Authorizers="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultAuthorizer|Security:Name=myrealmSTARSIIAuthorizer"
              >>>> CredentialMappers="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultCredentialMapper"
              >>>> DefaultRealm="true" DisplayName="myrealm"
              >>>> FullyDelegateAuthorization="true"
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealm"
              >>>> RoleMappers="Security:Name=myrealmDefaultRoleMapper" UserLockoutManager="Security:Name=myrealmUserLockoutManager"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> ControlFlag="SUFFICIENT"
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmSTARSIIAuthenticator" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> ExemptUri="/common/,/images/,/,/"
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmSTARSIIAuthorizer"
              >>>> PolicyDeploymentEnabled="false"
              >>>> Realm="Security:Name=myrealm" Verbose="false" denyPermNotFound="true"/>
              >>>> <
              >>>> Name="Security:Name=myrealmSTARSIIAuditor" Realm="Security:Name=myrealm"/>
              >>>> </Security>
              >>>> <EmbeddedLDAP
              >>>> Credential="{3DES}aD+gV9rRggnoShH/kWurILaHTBP/z0jVoZHtp/hU1xI="
              >>>> <SecurityConfiguration
              >>>> Credential="{3DES}mhxP4PeuUHmoX6Aggpj5SNB+AX16Gaol8dOfUzXu7xM8CFNASyNdYIOoqtlqPAZvfZgB14KBtY8MkdKGu/iWFq1xQ07walY8"
              >>>> Name="mydomain" RealmBootStrapVersion="1"/>
              >>>> <Realm FileRealm="wl_default_file_realm" Name="wl_default_realm"/>
              >>>> <FileRealm Name="wl_default_file_realm"/>
              >>>> <PasswordPolicy Name="wl_default_password_policy"/>
              >>>> <JDBCConnectionPool
              >>>> DriverName="weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"
              >>>> Name="STARSII BRSB Pool"
              >>>> Password="{3DES}9pslRpr051lR9/NEKdanag=="
              >>>> Properties="user=brsbapp;portNumber=1433;databaseName=brsbdev;serverName=str2-dev-db"
              >>>> Targets="" TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects"
              >>>> <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/StarsIIDS" Name="StarsIIDS"
              >>>> PoolName="STARSII Store Pool" Targets="MyCluster"/>
              >>>> <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/TXStarsIIDS" Name="TXStarsIIDS"
              >>>> PoolName="STARSII Store Pool" Targets="MyCluster"/>
              >>>> <!--StartupClass
              >>>> ClassName="gov.fns.starsii.common.common.PropertiesFileLoader"
              >>>> DeploymentOrder="250" Name="STARS II Properties Startup Class"
              >>>> <StartupClass
              >>>> ClassName="gov.fns.starsii.common.common.ReferenceValuesHelper"
              >>>> DeploymentOrder="500"
              >>>> Name="STARS II Reference Values Startup Class" Targets="myserver,MyCluster"/>
              >>>> <StartupClass
              >>>> ClassName="gov.fns.starsii.common.common.ReportCriteriaHelper"
              >>>> DeploymentOrder="750"
              >>>> Name="STARS II Reports Criteria Startup Class" Targets="myserver,MyCluster"/
              >>>> <MailSession JNDIName="mail/STARSIIMailSession"
              >>>> Name="STARSIIMailSession" Properties=""
              >>>> <JDBCConnectionPool
              >>>> DriverName="weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"
              >>>> Name="STARSII Store Pool"
              >>>> Password="{3DES}nKggeFT8wZkm0R9H8mXaEQ=="
              >>>> Properties="user=storeapp;portNumber=1433;databaseName=storedev;serverName=str2-dev-db"
              >>>> Targets="MyCluster"
              >>>> TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects" URL="jdbc:bea:sqlserver://str2-dev-db:1433"/>
              >>>> <JDBCConnectionPool
              >>>> DriverName="weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"
              >>>> Name="AffTest" Password=""
              >>>> Properties="user=sa;portNumber=1433;databaseName=affTest;serverName=AFRANK\AFRANK"
              >>>> Targets="" TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects"
              >>>> <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/AffTest" Name="AffTest"
              >>>> PoolName="AffTest" Targets=""/>
              >>>> <JDBCConnectionPool DriverName="weblogic.jdbcspy.SpyDriver"
              >>>> Name="Spy STARSII BRSB Pool"
              >>>> Password="{3DES}9pslRpr051lR9/NEKdanag=="
              >>>> Properties="user=brsbapp;portNumber=1433;databaseName=brsbdev;serverName=str2-dev-db"
              >>>> Targets="" TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects"
              >>>> <JDBCConnectionPool
              >>>> DriverName="weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"
              >>>> Name="STARSII Store Pool 2"
              >>>> Password="{3DES}nKggeFT8wZkm0R9H8mXaEQ=="
              >>>> Properties="user=storeapp;portNumber=1433;databaseName=storedev;serverName=str2-dev-db"
              >>>> Targets="" TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects"
              >>>> <JDBCTxDataSource JNDIName="jdbc/StarsIIDS2" Name="StarsIIDS2"
              >>>> PoolName="STARSII Store Pool" Targets=""/>
              >>>> <JDBCConnectionPool
              >>>> DriverName="weblogic.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"
              >>>> Name="STARSII Stars Pool"
              >>>> Password="{3DES}tjstL+8fUvdPQzqhNcCYGA=="
              >>>> Properties="user=starsapp;portNumber=1433;databaseName=stars;serverName=str2-dev-db"
              >>>> Targets="MyCluster"
              >>>> TestTableName="SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sysobjects" URL="jdbc:bea:sqlserver://str2-dev-db:1433"/>
              >>>> <Machine Name="MachineA">
              >>>> <NodeManager DebugEnabled="true" ListenPort="5555" Name="MachineA"/>
              >>>> </Machine>
              >>>> <Server Cluster="MyCluster" ExpectedToRun="false"
              >>>> ExtraEjbcOptions="-J-mx521m" JDBCLoggingEnabled="true"
              >>>> ListenAddress="" ListenPort="7002" Machine="MachineA"
              >>>> Name="Server1" ServerVersion="" StdoutDebugEnabled="true"
              >>>> <ServerDebug Name="Server1"/>
              >>>> <SSL IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="Server1"/>
              >>>> <KernelDebug Name="Server1"/>
              >>>> <Log Name="Server1"/>
              >>>> <ServerStart Name="Server1"
              >>>> OutputFile="C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain\.\NodeManagerClientLogs\mydomain_Server1\startServer_05_05_2004-12_50_56-4.log"
              >>>> Password="{3DES}js4NnTcuqRE15gEGfNTu4Q==" Username="system"/>
              >>>> <WebServer Name="Server1"/>
              >>>> <COM Name="Server1"/>
              >>>> <IIOP Name="Server1"/>
              >>>> <JTAMigratableTarget Name="Server1" UserPreferredServer="Server1"/>
              >>>> <JTARecoveryService Name="Server1"/>
              >>>> </Server>
              >>>> <Cluster ClusterAddress=","
              >>>> MulticastAddress="" Name="MyCluster"/>
              >>>> <Server Cluster="MyCluster" ExpectedToRun="false"
              >>>> ExtraEjbcOptions="-J-mx521m" ListenAddress=""
              >>>> ListenPort="7002" Machine="MachineB" Name="Server2"
              >>>> ServerVersion="" StdoutDebugEnabled="true" StdoutSeverityLevel="64">
              >>>> <ServerDebug Name="Server2"/>
              >>>> <SSL IdentityAndTrustLocations="KeyStores" Name="Server2"/>
              >>>> <KernelDebug Name="Server2"/>
              >>>> <Log Name="Server2"/>
              >>>> <ServerStart Name="Server2"
              >>>> Password="{3DES}js4NnTcuqRE15gEGfNTu4Q==" Username="system"/>
              >>>> <WebServer Name="Server2"/>
              >>>> <COM Name="Server2"/>
              >>>> <IIOP Name="Server2"/>
              >>>> <JTAMigratableTarget Name="Server2" UserPreferredServer="Server2"/>
              >>>> <JTARecoveryService Name="Server2"/>
              >>>> </Server>
              >>>> <MigratableTarget Cluster="MyCluster" Name="Server1 (migratable)"
              >>>> Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target
              >>>for a server.
              >>>>Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="Server1"/>
              >>>> <MigratableTarget Cluster="MyCluster" Name="Server2 (migratable)"
              >>>> Notes="This is a system generated default migratable target
              >>>for a server.
              >>>>Do not delete manually." UserPreferredServer="Server2"/>
              >>>> <Application Deployed="true" Name="STARSII"
              >>>> Path="C:\cvsrepo\STARSII\STARSII" StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
              >>>> <EJBComponent Name="../brsbMessage" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../brsbMessage"/>
              >>>> <EJBComponent Name="../brsbSession" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../brsbSession"/>
              >>>> <EJBComponent Name="../commonSession" Targets="MyCluster"
              >>>> <EJBComponent Name="../complianceMessage" Targets="MyCluster"
              >>>> <EJBComponent Name="../complianceSession" Targets="MyCluster"
              >>>> <EJBComponent Name="../starsiiEntity" Targets="MyCluster"
              >>>> <EJBComponent Name="../storeSession" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../storeSession"/>
              >>>> <WebAppComponent Name="/brsb" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../brsbWebApp"/>
              >>>> <WebAppComponent Name="/compliance" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../complianceWebApp"/>
              >>>> <WebAppComponent Name="/common" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../mainWebApp"/>
              >>>> <WebAppComponent Name="/store" Targets="MyCluster" URI="../storeWebApp"/>
              >>>> </Application>
              >>>> <Application Name="AffWebApp" Path="C:\cvsrepo\STARSII"
              >>>> StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
              >>>> <WebAppComponent Name="AffWebApp" Targets="" URI="AffWebApp"/>
              >>>> </Application>
              >>>> <Application Name="activeportal"
              >>>> Path="C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain\myserver\upload"
              >>>> StagingMode="nostage" TwoPhase="true">
              >>>> <WebAppComponent Name="activeportal" Targets="" URI="activeportal.war"/>
              >>>> </Application>
              >>>> <JTA Name="mydomain" TimeoutSeconds="300"/>
              >>>> <JMSServer Name="JobServer" Targets="Server1 (migratable)">
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820642598"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIJobQueue" Name="STARSIIJobQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820669345"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIPostQueue" Name="STARSIIPostQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1088000795852"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIValidationQueue" Name="STARSIIValidationQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687125"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIErrorQueue" Name="STARSIIErrorQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687125"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIEmailQueue" Name="STARSIIEmailQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687225"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIEBTStateQueue" Name="STARSIIEBTStateQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687325"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIRFIQueue" Name="STARSIIRFIQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687425"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIRedeQueue" Name="STARSIIRedeQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687525"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIWatchListQueue" Name="STARIIWatchListQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687625"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIDeleteTransFileQueue" Name="STARSIIDeleteTransFileQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687725"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIUpdateAMRQueue" Name="STARSIIUpdateAMRQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687825"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIVPPExtractQueue" Name="STARSIIVPPExtractQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820687925"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIISIFSUploadQueue" Name="STARSIISIFSUploadQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820688025"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIMARSQueue" Name="STARSIIMARSQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820688125"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIFRBRichmondExtractQueue" Name="STARSIIFRBRichmondExtractQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820688225"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIICOTSExtractQueue" Name="STARSIICOTSExtractQueue"/>
              >>>> <JMSQueue CreationTime="1072820688325"
              >>>> JNDIName="jms/STARSIIVPPUploadQueue" Name="STARSIIVPPUploadQueue"/>
              >>>> </JMSServer>
              >>>> <Machine Name="MachineB">
              >>>> <NodeManager DebugEnabled="true" Name="MachineB"/>
              >>>> </Machine>

  • JNDI name for a JMB is not replicatet to other servers in the cluster

              wl6.1sp7, two server cluster
              When I look at the JNDI Tree for a server I can't find JNDI names of JMB's from the other server in the cluster.
              I get an exception when trying to send to a destinaton on the other server. (Unable to resolve '' Resolved: '' Unresolved:'biztalk-lab')
              Setting are same as explained in this thread...
              And JNDINameReplicated is set to true....
              Why is the JNDI names not replicated?
              <JMSQueue JNDIName=""
              JNDINameReplicated="true" Name="Report" StoreEnabled="default"/>
              This is the DD of a JMB:

    1. yes
              <JMSConnectionFactory AllowCloseInOnMessage="false"
              DefaultDeliveryMode="Persistent" DefaultPriority="4"
              MessagesMaximum="10" Name="xlink.jms.factory.commerceFactory"
              OverrunPolicy="KeepOld" Targets="bluej,biztalk-lab,devtestCluster"/>
              2. No I am just using the jndi name of the queue.
              This is an example of how I send a message:
                   Context ctx = new InitialContext();
              QueueConnectionFactory qconFactory;
              QueueConnection qcon;
              QueueSession qsession;
              QueueSender qsender;
              Queue queue;
              ObjectMessage msg;
              qconFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("xlink.jms.factory.commerceFactory");
              qcon = qconFactory.createQueueConnection();
              qsession = qcon.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
              queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup("xlink.jms.queue.biztalk-lab.OrdrspImport");
              qsender = qsession.createSender(queue);
              msg = qsession.createObjectMessage(reportExecutorContainer);
              3. I don't know those setting (wl 6.1sp7)

  • Creating data server for JMS Queues in ODI

    I am trying to create data server for JMS Queues in ODI.
    I am getting following error:
    java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load connection class because of underlying exception: 'javax.jms.JMSException: Cannot find the Connection Factory (jms/QueueConnectionFactory) in JNDI'.
    To implement this, I am giving following parameters:
    JNDI driver : com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory
    JNDI url : ormi://localhost/default
    JNDI resource : jms/QueueConnectionFactory
    Please help.

    according to docs
    i see
    JDBC Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
    JDBC URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://<host>:<port>
    could you modify
    JDBC Driver : org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver
    JDBC Url : jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost
    according to docs?

  • How to read the messages in the JMS Queue using JMX

              I want to read messages in the JMS queue using JMX. I was able to read using QueueBrowser but want to modify priority of the messages using JMX.
              I tried to use JMSDestinationRuntimeMBean but it does not allow us to read messages unless we pass the message Id. Is there any way that I can get all the messages in the queue.
              I am using Weblogic 8.1 SP4
              Can someone please help me in this regard.
              Edited by KGudipati at 10/22/2007 1:22 AM

    As far as i know, JMS Object Messages is not supported by XI JMS adapter.
    you need to have the JMS provider to transform the message to bytes messages.
    (Refer to SAP note 856346)

  • Dynamic queue name with JMS Queue XML?

    Is it possible to use dynamic queue name with JMS Queue XML?
    I tried using a variable in the JNDI URL, and supply the value in a package. I specified the following in the JNDI URL in the Topology:
    I declared and set the variable in a package, then tried to load data from the above data server to database. But executing this package gave me the following error:
    7000 : null : java.sql.SQLException: javax.jms.JMSException: Cannot find the target in JNDI (#PROJECT_NAME.dest_var)
    java.sql.SQLException: javax.jms.JMSException: Cannot find the target in JNDI (#PROJECT_NAME.dest_var)
         at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.l.f(
         at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.l.executeUpdate(
         at com.sunopsis.sql.SnpsQuery.executeUpdate(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.execSrcOrders(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.treatTaskTrt(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSqlC.treatTaskTrt(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.treatTask(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessStep.treatSessStep(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSession.treatSession(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.DwgCommandScenario.treatCommand(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.DwgCommandBase.execute(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.e.i(
         at com.sunopsis.dwg.cmd.g.y(
         at Source)
    Am I doing it wrongly?

    as it's not in Adapter-Specific Message Properties
    looks like you cannot do it with jms adapter in standard
    use proxy or your own adapter instead
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

  • Correlation for JMS Queue

    I have following scenario :
    Bpel1 -> Writes Schema A to Queue1
    Bpel2 -> Writes Schema B to Queue1
    Bpel3 -> Reads from Queue1
    I need that Bpel3 should read only Schema A from Queue and not Schema B.
    So how will i define the correlation between Bpel1 & Bpel 3.
    I tried fetching the processId in Bpel 1 and add it to Invoke property jca.jms.JmsCorrelation_id, but was not able to set the same in Bpel3.
    Any help/spec in setting up correlation for JMS Queues is highly apreciated.
    Thanks !!

    In standard JMS, an application can specify a correlation-id on per message basis using the javax.jms.Message API, and then specify a filter (a "selector") when creating a consumer via the javax.jms.Session API, but, in general, it is usually better to use a separate dedicated queue per business process (simplifies management, simplifies coding, improves perf, etc), or, if that's not an attractive option, to use a single MDB to dispatch messages from the same queue to different business processes. I don't know the specific steps to do the same in BPEL.
    You might want to try posting to the BPEL forum at BPEL
    Hope this helps,

  • Specify JNDI Name For EJB Module

    Hi folks, please I need to know how I can specify the Jndi name for an ejb module I am creating in netbeans 5.0, to be accessed by a web application.
    If this can be done using the sun java system application server 9 admin consle (just as for JDBC Resources), i'll also like to know how.

    Thanks Jay. I went through the links, it seems that if you have the JNDI name set in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, there is no need to set the same in the weblogic admin console. I am using ejb 2.x version. Particularly if you get the WLInitialContextFactory in your code , then there is no need to set the JNDI name in the JNDI tree in weblogic admin console.
    Context ctx = null;
    java.sql.Connection conn = null;
    Hashtable<String,String> ht = new Hashtable<String,String>();
    This will take care of JNDI tree, hence there is no need to set the JNDI name explictly in the weblogic admin console.
    Please correct me if i am wrong. Whether for datasource also whether we can do the same, by setting the resource-ref with datasource in the ejb-jar.xml and not set anything in weblogic admin console? Thanks.

  • Looking up JNDI names for local client

    I have been trying to look up JNDI name for the local home interface in the client program.But I got only "javax.naming.NoInitialContextException".I want information about to give a JNDI name for EJB and its details.
    Thanking you.
    R K Ramesh

    It sounds like you are not specifying the right URL or username/credentials to get an initial context.
    A typical example would be something like this:
    Properties p = new Properties();
    p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://server:port");
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(p);
    (You can also use a properties file or system prpoerties to specify these.)
    -- Rob
    WLS Blog

  • Getting JNDI name from application module configuration

    How to programmatically get JNDI name of the data source, specified in the bc4j.xcfg, using application module object or oracle.jbo.client.Configuration, or whatever?

    im sorry for interupting this thread. i have a question for Vinay. Actually im watching this thread bcoz i too have the same question.
    Vinay, what imports is to be added for this.None, if you are using ADFbc.
    The method is available in your ApplicationModuleImpl (i.e. the Java Impl for your AM).
    Here's the javadoc:
    im using Jdev the statement is : System.out.println("Data Source Name"+getSession().getEnvironment().get("JDBCDataSource"));
    Its showing getSession() method not found.
    Any help???Where did you write that statement? It should work in the AMImpl as the javadoc shows....

  • Deploytool: Can't specify a JNDI name for RA

    Using j2eesdk1.4_beta2, it appears there is no way to specify a JNDI name for a Resource Adapter. Is there a default name I can use to look up my RA if I don't specify a name? The Deploy Tool help describes some tabbed panes appear to be missing from the appication. Is there a way to work around this problem until the final release comes out?

    Headache!... That's what is expecting you in the DeployTool.
    The deploytool generates invalid deployment descriptors for Resource Adaptors.
    As you mentioned, it doesn't allow you to select a ResourceAdaptor implementation. In my case, I'm using my own Connection and ConnectionFactory and it didn't allow me to choose an implementation class for either interface neither.
    I solved these problems by downloading XMLSpy and using the XML Schema to fill-in the gaps in the ra.xml descriptor. There I had also to include other mandatory elements that where not written by the deployTool, like: <display-name>
    Regarding to the <<null>> error, it has to deal with an invalid sun-ra.xml. It's either empty or it's missing a mandatory element. I used again XML Spy here to give a JNDI to my adaptor.
    I thought I was through it but I still can't deploy on the server. When I try, I get the following error:
    <[INFO][j2eesdk1.4_beta2][][][12][][03.november.2003 22:16:22:351 CET][ADM5604:Processing config change [Domain:add to xpath=/domain/applications
    childXPath = /domain/applications/connector-module[@name='SimpleRAR1']]]>
    <[INFO][j2eesdk1.4_beta2][][][12][][03.november.2003 22:16:23:302 CET][ADM1041:Sent the event to instance:[ModuleDeployEvent -- deploy connector/SimpleRAR1]]>
    org.w3c.dom.DOMException: NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces.
    [.... 200 lines stack trace ....]
    <[WARNING][j2eesdk1.4_beta2][][][12][][03.november.2003 22:16:24:043 CET][ADM5603:Event listener error [null]]>
    So far I haven't found a way to get solve this one. The <NAMESPACE_ERR> makes me think about the infamous 'locale' error of the deploytool, but I included the JVM parameters [USER_LANG=en,USER_REGION=US,USER_COUNTRY=US] in the server startup and it didn't change anything.
    If you get further than that, please let me know.

  • JNDI name for TransactionManager?

    What is the JNDI name for TransactionManager on Oracle9ias? I thought
    it was "java:comp/UserTransaction" but everytime I try to get the
    TransactionManager I get a javax.naming.NamingTransaction, root exception is java.lang.NullPointerException. Any help would be appreciated. :-)
    TransactionManager trans = null;
    String name = null;
    try {
    InitialContext ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
    name = "java:comp/UserTransaction";
    trans = (TransactionManager) ctx.lookup( name );
    out.println("<p>*** class of TransactionManager is: " + trans);

    You mention EJB client -> is the EJB an entity bean? Is it BMT or CMT? If its an entity bean with CMT then you cannot (and should not) be starting the transactions. If however this is BMT then you can use a Sesssion Bean to start and commit the transaction.
    I have a feeling that you are using a remote client to access the EJB and then would like to start and commit a transaction. I would like to point out that this kind of transaction demarcation is not supported in OC4J. Here is quote from the OC4J documentation:
    "Client-side transaction demarcation is not supported in the application client container: OC4J does not support client-side transaction demarcation. This form of transaction demarcation is not required by the J2EE specification, and is not recommended for performance and latency reasons."
    I would recommend that you start using SLSB instead of remote clients.
    Hope this helps.

  • HP ePrint from excel add-in: Error while getting driver name for printer

    Trying to use add-in for ePrint from excel/word I get, "error while getting driver name for printer \\...HP DesignJet 800PS 42 by HP," with an option to select "OK" and that same message repeats with each printer in our network, and then it doesn't allow me to print using the add-in. However, I can print normally to HP Go Web, open up Print and Share,  then print it from there. This happens with excel and word. I have Office Suite 2007.

    Hello modameister,
    Sorry you are having issues with this printer and the ePrint add-on.  There are a couple of questions I would like you to answer please.
    1.  What operating system are you using? (XP,VISTA,7,MAC OS X)
    2.  What and how much data are you trying to print?
    3.  Have you tried to copy and paste the data into a different application or tried using the snip it tool?
    4.  Are you receiving any .dll errors (mscms.dll)
    If I have solved your issue, please feel free to provide kudos and make sure you mark this thread as solution provided!
    Although I work for HP, my posts and replies are my own opinion and not those of HP.

  • Any Function module or BAPIs are available to get scheme name for the inter

    I have internal order no value in table  AUFK-AUFNR ,  and the internal order corresponding Scheme value is available in IMPR-PRNAM . Now I want to inner join both the tables to extract the data , but there is no common field . Is there any Function module or BAPIs are available to get scheme name for the internal orders?

    look at DB-VIEW  "V_IVP_OR".

Maybe you are looking for

  • How do I Get my library back on I tunes? I had to replace my hard drive.

    I had to replace the hard drive of my macbook. Now when I open itunes, it is completely empty! is there anyway to get my music back or atleast the music I purchased from itunes? I can access my account it shows record of my purchases, but my library

  • Error in generating ADDM Report(Oracle 11g 64 bit EE on linux RHEL 5)

    I collected .dmp file from production using awrextr.sql and imported in our development side using awrload.sql . I am able to generate awr snapshots report out of it without any trouble. But When I try to generate addm report using addmrpti.sql I am

  • Vendor withholding tax master data in Transactional data

    Hi In which sap transactional table vendor witholding master data ( fk01- withholding tax data).  while recording outgoing payment transaction FK53  or  vendor invoice FB60. Vendor master > withholding tax accounting   table is   LFBW. i need where i

  • Addressbook:// URLs not working in iCal 3.0 Leopard

    Hi All, I used to have this neato script in Addressbook that made a Todo in iCal and linked it to the Addressbook URL... Now when the Todo is created it shows "Show in Addressbook..." but upon comit the URL changes to "Show in Mail..." Anyone know ho

  • Exceptions initialising the descriptors

    I seem to be getting errors when the Toplink project is getting initialized at startup. The exceptions seem to be due to the type of inheritance that is used on the parent class. The issue is that, I have a parent class which has several children cla