Getting rid of "clip" noise

I've got a bass track I'm editing, but no matter where I cut it at the end, it still has an obvious clip nose like you can tell it was cut. I'd use the volume automation, but it'll change the whole volume of my bass track. So my question is what's the easiest way to get rid of the noise or hide it? Thanks

The real thing is to find what exactly is causing the issue as opposed to trying to use a "band aid" to fix it.
It could be a bad cable, some kind of ground loop, a severe input impedance mismatch.
These kind of audio issues sometimes require some exploration, it could be as simple as a gain staging issue...etc.
Wish I could be of more help, but not actually having hands on, it's difficult.
Have you tried a DI to step the impedance down to closer to a mic level?
It's worth a try if it's an option, as this will greatly change the input level, not volumewise, more of an electrical interface thing.
I hope some of this might help you...and yes, gating will  change the sustain of everything on the track. It would be most effective during the silent parts.
Best of luck, I would try other ideas with you if you are willing to wait a little for any reply, as I have been limited on line time. 18 hr days kind if have a way of doing that to you.
All the best

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    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
    Classically USB microphones do not work with Premiere Elements (any version) for use with its Narration Tool. Have you found otherwise?
    Where is the noise - in narration clips produced by the Narration Tool or from imported audio files added to numbered Audio Tracks and/or soundtrack?
    From what you wrote, it appears that the audio noises are confined to the narration being produced with your microphone and Premiere Elements Narration Tool. Is that correct?
    Under fx Effects there are audio effects that you can explore to reduce noise. See Reference Effects Adobe document for a description of the fx Effects audio effects.
    Adobe Premiere Elements 11 * Effects reference
    If you use the same microphone and create your narration in Audacity and import that narration into a Premiere Elements project, do you get noise in your narration?
    Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder
    Besides making sure that your microphone is compatible with Premiere Elements, have you evaluated your narration recording close are you to the microphone, room noise level while recording, etc. html
    Please review and consider, and then we can decide what next.
    Thank you.

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    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
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    Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder
    Besides making sure that your microphone is compatible with Premiere Elements, have you evaluated your narration recording close are you to the microphone, room noise level while recording, etc. html
    Please review and consider, and then we can decide what next.
    Thank you.

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    Go to System Preferences / Sound and click on the Input button. You should see two items listed in the device menu: the Internal Microphone and Line In. (There may be others if you also are using your USB or Firewire ports for input devices.)
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    portercm wrote:
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    there's a bunch of applications that will clean up or "restore" noisy audio, and they range a lot in price and features. Here's a few options:
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    If you think you might want to use Roxio's Toast 10 Titanium Pro (around $115), it comes with a version of Soundsoap included. As long as you don't need the features of a dedicated noise removal application, it's a pretty good deal:
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    Aside from the previous helpful suggestions:
    Expander Noise Gate Filter can be helpful for this. Try the threshold at about -15 and the ratio at 1.5
    Adjust the threshold and see what happens. I wouldn't adjust the ratio that much.

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     Cheers, Tom

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