Go Pro MP4 to .mov for FCE HD 4.0.5

I am downloading from a Go Pro Hero 3 camera which produces MP4 files. From the card, I have been converting selected MP4 files to .mov files usng MPEG Stream Clip. Laborious but it works. First question: What are the other files showing on the Go Pro card (.LRV and .THM) Second question how can I batch capture or more quickly capture the MP4 files so they get converted to .mov files? I want to use these converted files in FCE HD 4.0.5. I did try batch capturing half a dozen MP4 files which took them all as one master clip which I could then put int the timeline and create subclips. The name of the master clip was the names of the first one.
Any help - much appreciated

What format are you using in the GoPro?
The H3 allows the use of ProTune / Raw which does not guess at the white balance-it just records what the sensor is generating.
Usually I record material in the ProTune format (most often 1080p24) then use the GoPro Cineform Studio to convert it to an all I frame format and to do an initial color adjustment.
Once converted, you can use Mpeg streamclip to convert it to AIC for editing in Express.
Have fun.

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    If all you want is a movie in a MOV container, and they play in Quicktime already, then open the MP4, etc., file and do "Save As" and the same or any file name you want. It then saves in a MOV container in a matter of seconds. Since it does no compressing or transcoding of the video.
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    I don't use iDVD much but it should work with videos that Quicktime plays except MPEG-2 (and maybe even MPEG-2, no idea).
    Have you tried to make a disk image only first? Vs. burning right to DVD? That is often a far better choice as if you get a successful image you can actually mount and play it like a DVD and then if it works you can burn as many copies of the image to a true DVD media blank. It also separates the encoding from the burning and on some macs, especially lower powered ones that can help.
    PS If you want to do many of these to be honest even though it costs money buy Toast Titanium. If you can find even Toast 8, say on eBay, (current is 10, about $100) it is all you need, and it is far more intuitive, works with more types of video, is faster and WAY simpler to use. IT is drag and drop, give it a name, name each title, pick a background and burn - same idea best to do an image then burn that.

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    Quicktime can do this.
    Open the MP4 in Quicktime Player. From the menu bar, File >Export > select quality. The subsequent file will be saved as .mov
    Alternatively, you can simply change the extension on the mp4 file to mov since the codec is the same.
    *I should mention that .mov format is not DVD format (TS_VIDEO), and the DVD will not play in a DVD player, even if you successfully burn the file to it.
    Message was edited by: nbar

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    hey there wintermute,
    the iMac should be fine-unless you need the portability of laptop. Apple has a page in Pro-Profiles for Jack Kasdan's movie "The TV Set" & his editor, Tara Timpone cut it @ home w/ FCP on her iMac. so there ya go.... definitely get an external FW HDD for your video clips you import.
    good luck.

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    Thanks, Kurtmo
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    Does the vegas create proper .mp4 files or are these
    in an .AVI wrapper? Just trying to determine why a
    simple "Save As..." wouldn't work.
    The file is a regular .mp4 file created using Sony Vegas. The file plays fine in QT 7 players. I put some screen shots of my test mp4 with movie info and the encoding options for export. As you can see, I don't get a "passthru" option, so I don't get to far with the work around.
    Here are the two screen shots:
    Another thing you can try is to do an export BUT set
    the compression settings for the audio and the video
    to "Passthru". This will just take what you've got
    and wrap it in QuickTime's .mp4 format, then a "Save
    As..." to a movie should work.
    The other thing I've noticed, I don't see anything in the preview window when I try to select different settings for the export. As I mentioned earlier, exported files end up with a white screen in place of video (and a large file size, go figure).
    Any other thoughts?
    core2 6600 - 7900 GS Graphics Windows XP Pro

  • Converting mp4 fo mov in QT Pro

    When I try to convert an .mp4 to an .mov in QTPro the converted file only has the audio portion.
    Any help?

    Couldn't care less about Wondershare. I brought that up so who ever read this would know that Wondershare has no problem and converts the file from mp4 to mov the problem was why Quicktime Pro which is supposed to do the same is not converting it.
    Frankly, I am still trying to figure out what the things you've already said are supposed to mean.
    When I try to convert an .mp4 to an .mov in QTPro the converted file only has the audio portion.
    First off, MP4 and MOV are file containers--not compression formats. If the compressed data in the source file is already QT compatible, then there is no need to "convert" anything. If you want the data in an MOV file container, you simply use the "Save As..." option to copy it from the source file container to the MOV file container. If the compressed data is not, already compatible with QT, then you would need to ensure you system is configured with the proper component to allow you to "Export" (i.e., convert) the incompatible compression format to a QT "edit" compatible compression format for editing. Unfortunately, you never mentioned whether or not the files "play" in QT 7 Pro. Some compression formats are "playback" only compatible. Others may be "playback" and "conversion" compatible but not "edit" compatible while "fully" QT compatible files play, convert, and are editable natively.
    Good question, I have a video project to do in Final Cut Pro. I was given various .mp4 videos and a .m4v intro. In FCP I was going to import all the files, edit the intro and the main video together and they want the final file as an .mp4 But FCP does not play .mp4 files so I have to convert to .mov.
    Since you indicate the MP4 files will not "play" in FCP, the implication is that the video compressed data is not QT compatible. Unfortunately, QT and apps based on it are very "standards" conscious and may not be compatible with proprietary files or files encoded with hybrid profile/level standards which was why QTKirk asked about codec specifics and the source of your files. (The latter of which you failed to answer and which could be key to your problem.)
    Isn't AVC the same as H264?
    MPEG-4/AVC is the same as H.264 but AVC alone could simply refer to a proprietary or hybrid Advance Video Coding third-party codec.
    Now for argument sake I took the original.mp4 file, opened and edited down in a trial of Wondershare Video Converter. It saved the file
    Was this really a "Save" action or an Export/Conversion? If a simple save, then it implies the original data was QT compatible which may indicated it is the file container that is giving you problems and may either contain improper headers (which QT checks) or is not properly terminated. On the other hand, if the action was an export/conversion action, then that would imply the source data was not QT compatible. For instance, the Wondershare Video Converter appears to support XviD MP4 which would require a third-party component for use with QT apps.
    I imported that file into FCP and it plays fine. But the file extension is still.mp4 so I changed the file extension to .mov, imported that into .fcp and That plays fine as well
    Why would you think this would make a difference? QT looks at both the file internals, as well as, the extension. Any supported third-party compression format can be placed in a "real" MOV file container and will play just as well in either container. Changing the file extension normally has no effect on whether or not the file will play since the QT app will check the file "internals" whether or not there is an extension. However, changing the extensions can effect both the display of the finder icon and/or which application will try to open the file which, in turn, could determine whether or not the file will open in the called app. That is why QTKirk stated "We don't change a file extension just so it can 'work' with our apps."
    Couldn't care less about Wondershare. I brought that up so who ever read this would know that Wondershare has no problem and converts the file from mp4 to mov the problem was why Quicktime Pro which is supposed to do the same is not converting it.
    I doubt QTKirk cares about Wondershare either. What he would likely care about is actually seeing a sample snippet of your source file in order to run independent tests on the problem.

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    <E-mail Edited by Host>

    It appears what happened is the installer though it was looking at a empty drive and just went ahead and installed.
    I of course am assuming here you didn't use Disk Utility to format the drive first before installing, that would wipe out your files and programs for sure.
    So what to do, what to do.
    Well there is hope for you as long as the drive wasn't Filevaulted.
    I'll explain. When a hard drive writes data for the first time to a drive, it starts at the very top and works it's way down.
    When OS X was installed the first time, it was at the top of the drive, unless you upgraded then the upgraded OS X could have been written elsewhere.
    Now when you just reinstalled OS X, the new OS went on the top of the drive, overwriting any data that was there previously, so what was there you have lost forever which is about 8GB or so. If it was the previous OS there, then your more in luck because only the old OS X was overwritten.
    The remaining space on the drive still can have a copy of your files, provided it's not overwritten yet.
    It's because when a hard drive deletes data or reformats, it doesn't remove the data off the drive or overwrites it immediately, it's just made so it's SPACE is available for new files to be written there.
    So technically one can recover the deleted data off a non-encrypted/scrubbed hard drive with special software.
    The way it does this is it reads the 1's and 0's of the files themselves, and through a lot of figuring out, can tell what that file is and what it belongs too.
    So what you will have to do is this:
    Create a data recovery/undelete external boot drive
    or if you don't have the skills, then take it to a local PC/Mac tech and they can do a direct image of the drive and then you can run Data Rescue on it to rebuild your files.

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    If QuickTime Player 7 isn't in the Utilities folder automatically, you can install it separately. See:
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    There is a ProRes playback codec available, but it will not allow you to render or encode into that codec. You must have FCS for that.

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    If that file is an FLV file then Firefox should save it as such and not change the file extension.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
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  • Need latest protocol for preparing movie for web in X

    Hello. The basic problem is slow start on You Tube. My general question concerns preparing a movie for the web; not restricted to You Tube.
    In FCP 7,  it was export using QT conversion, to Quick Time Movie using broadband Med or most recent settings, choose H264, choose custom size 16:9 HD 1280 x 720p, prepare head for internet streaming by choosing quick start ,
    adjust settings, and save. Then, Open .mov (usually 1 G for 3 minutes) in QT, choose export to web, transcode, and send 50-100 Mb  M4V or sometimes MP4 to Host. No problem.
    When I open an .mov prepared in X, the QT Player no longer allows the same options as it did when processing 7 movies.  Am I missing something? I click export to web with the new system and it just starts in coding.
    I appreciate the automatic features of X, but am having problems with both stutter start and a few more upload problems that I see as temporary.
    Thx.  www.youtube.com/user/edwardshaw1
    Any suggestions most grateful for.

    Check your Applications > Utilities folder. That's where the OSX Installer moved Quicktime 7 (also known as Quicktime Player) when Quicktime X became the standard player. Your pro license should still be activated. If you don't find it there and you have a Snow Leopard (or earlier) installer disk, you can find QT7 in the Extras folder. Make sure you do NOT overwrite Quicktime X when you move or install QT7 (both are originally named "Quicktime Player" - but you can rename the older Quicktime Player to "Quicktime Player 7" before moving it into your Applications folder.)
    The problem with MPEG Streamclip and other "third party" conversion software (like ClipWrap and Smart Converter) is they use FFMPEG open source x.264 codecs. Apple's H.264 codec is superior (arguably, marginally better... but better.)
    YouTube will "respect" your upload if it's already done well (to their specifications.) Otherwise, their software will recompress it.
    In QT7Pro, you settings should be:
    Compression type: H.264
    Frame Rate 30 (or 29.97) fps  (29.97 is the "true" 30...) [Even if your project is 720/60p - YT wants 30]
    Keyframes: Automatic
    Frame Reordering : OFF!
    Data Rate: (I'll get back to this)
    Optimized for: Streaming (only allowed with Best Quality encoding setting)
    Quality: (if you specify a data rate, you only can use "High" -- and you *should* specify a data rate)
    Encoding: Best Quality (Multi-pass)
    Format: AAC
    Channels: Stereo (don't think it matters)
    Rate: 44.1KHz
    [show advanced settings]
    Render settings (doesn't matter - normal is fine)
    MPEG-4 AAC Encoder Settings:
    I use Variable bit rate ; Sound Quality at 128 - 160kbps (about 2/3's to Best on the slider)
    (you can use a constant bit rate - i think YT allows up to about 192kbps, but I don't "push it")
    If you fall within these parameters, YT is not likely to futz with your vid, you'll get what you put up.
    Now, for the Data Rates:
    For 1080/30p (29.97p) I've found that 4Mbits/sec is adequate for most video (most of mine are tutorials). If you have sections of your video that have something like trees blowing in the wind shot against a bright blue sky -- you will definitely need a much higher data rate (check your transitions too, they can be subject to some nasty blocking/artifacting when highly compressed). To figure out how much, take a 5 second clip* of the highest action and transcode it at - start at 12.5Mbits/sec (or 12,500 kbits/sec) - and see if you notice any "blocking" - if you do, crank up the data rate another 500-1000kbits/sec (or more if it's pretty bad). If you don't — try optimizing your compression by reducing the data rate until blocking appears. You shouldn't need to exceed 18Mbits/sec... Upload your 5 sec clip to youtube and see if it works out okay. If so, just delete it. Transcode your video to those specs and upload to youtube. Remember your settings - they'll serve you well.
    For 720 video, 3200kbits/sec is a good starting point.  480 - 1500 kbits/sec. and so on...
    Bandwidth (aka data rate) is **key** to good video. The more compressed your video is, the more YT likes it. The more YT likes your video, the more likely they'll leave it alone and just pass it straight through. (I have seen them pass through data rates up to 18Mbits/sec. Just follow their rules.)
    [*In Quicktime 7 Pro, you can set an in and out point anywhere in your video by typing 'i' for the in point and 'o' for the out. Copy (Command-C) the selection. Command N to create a new player and paste - and you have your 5 (or whatever) second clip.]

  • How much HD space do I need to create my movie in FCE?

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    I am new to FCE, but when I was using Pinnacle for the PC, Pinnacle would rEnder and write the movie to DVD within the program.
    With FCE, I am under the impression I will have to render the movie, then export it to IDVD and burn from there?

    iMovie and Final Cut Express do not burn DVDs. You have to export your work from those applications and import the resulting file(s) into iDVD, DVD Studio Pro or Roxio Toast to build & burn your DVDs.
    Regarding hard disk space requirements,
    If you have 20 mins of captured DV clips, they will take about 4.3GB of disk space.
    If you have a 20 min edited video in FCE and you apply effects, generators or transitions that require rendering, that may take up to another 4.3GB of disk space.
    When you export your finished video from FCE, export to QuickTime Movie and UNcheck the option called "Make Movie Self-Contained". That way you will get a QuickTime reference movie that will be rather small, in your case maybe even under 1MB.
    When you create & burn your iDVD project, iDVD will use your QuickTime reference movie as input and encode the video to burn it on a DVD. When you save your iDVD project the encoded assets are stored in the project. For a 20 min video, depending on the quality options you select in iDVD, your iDVD project file could be as large as 4.5GB.
    So, you should expect to need something like 13GB total space to handle your project from beginning to end.
    Of course, if you have more source media, are doing HDV video, do exports from FCE that are Self-Contained, or use iDVD to save DVD images, they will require even more space.

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