Going from iOS 5 beta to the "real" iOS 5

My friend is a developer for Apple and gave me iOS 5 beta in August.  How do I get the "real" iOS 5?
I already got the "real" iTunes 10.5, but when I plug my phone in, it says it's already up to date.  Is this true or am I still running on beta?

Ask your developer friend since he violated his NDA by giving you an illegal copy.

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    Google seems to change their login security occasionally, and apps that assume it will work a particular way get left out in the cold till they are updated, since the login process is hard-coded into the app.
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    They do not release the reasons for updating.
    But many, many features/improvements have been asked for and added over the years.
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        I'm very excited for you, dburne! Thanks for reaching out. The good news is you have already taken the most important step in getting your new iPhone 6 up and running: You backed up your personal data. Awesome! And yes, the new device will include activation instructions. And we'll be here to help if you need us. Enjoy!!
    Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/vzwsupport

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    You might want to check out these two threads:
    This topic has been discussed ad nauseum, they might give you some ideas on how to deal with the changes.  Be sure to leave Apple your feedback on the matter: http://www.apple.com/feedback/
    Good luck!

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    Which leads me to believe, like I have for weeks now, that Nokia USA support, Nokia USA customer service and Nokia EXECUTIVE Solutions USA, are different companies contracted by Nokia to SHUT THE CUSTOMER UP. Apparently they aren't the ones who do the actual refund. I don't know where the refunds come from, but I was PROMISED, I will get a refund.
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    Before I send Nokia USA anything to get my refund under way, I want to try and reach the REAL nokia in Finland or wherever they are and see if I can get a replacement phone! I almost forgot to mention. If I go the route, it will take SIX WEEKS to process. Can someone please give me some advise?
    Sorry for rambling. Hope you can follow me .. I know I jump around a lot. I am just so frustrated.

    The address for Nokia's Head Office for the US is :
    Nokia Americas
    6000 Connection Drive
    Irving, Texas
    Tel. +1 972 894 5000
    and this information can be found here :
    One word of advice - Nokia is HUGE - give them a call first and get the name of someone or at least a department that you can address your letter to or it will get lost in the myriad of letters that Nokia get everyday.
    NSCs (Nokia Service Centres) in the UK are also run by 3rd party companies, as I suspect most of them round the world are. For want of a better expression Nokia outsource this facility to 3rd party companies and then get the blame when it all goes wrong (!).
    In the UK we have a facility called Club Nokia where can we can report issues directly to Nokia relating to this as well as carry out tasks like product registration however I've just had a look on the US website and there doesn't appear to be this facility for the US - each task has it's own webpage.
    As to these forums, please remember that although you will see various Nokia administrators etc. they are simply here to ensure everyone plays nice rather than offering any form of official help or support, and that these forums are a user to user help forum - i.e. I'm a direct end user of Nokia products exactly as you are !
    Anyway, good luck - let me know if you need any further help.

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    I don't believe it's possible without using the wheel.  Any keypress you make assumes you want to create a new entry on the day/time slot you currently have selected.
    posted by DigitalFrog
    WARNING: May contain traces of nuts.

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    Please help me out as this is very irritating. This has been happening for the last 20-30 minutes. It had roughly half battery left.

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable       
    - Try on another computer                            
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                              

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