Going from secondlife to nunit as root problem

Well, in last 48 to 72 hours, I have been trying to build secondlife
from source on x86_64, with less and less hope after each hours.
Searching for help, I discovered libsecondlife:
and http://opensimulator.org/ .
Being in .NET, I hope, or at least was hoping, to have much less
problems compiling it.
So I began to follow instructions at:
Seems we have in extra: mono, nant and subversion.
So I began to make a NUnit package:
# Contributor: Paul Dufresne <[email protected]>
pkgdesc="a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
makedepends=('mono' 'nant')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/src
nant build-all || return 1
Well, the instructions suggest:
sudo nant build-all, well, I tought building in fakeroot would be
enough but this gives me:
==> Starting build()...
** (/usr/share/NAnt/bin/NAnt.exe:8561): CRITICAL **:
_wapi_shm_file_open: shared file
[/root/.wapi/shared_data-myhost-Linux-x86_64-328-11-0] open error:
Permission denied
** (/usr/share/NAnt/bin/NAnt.exe:8561): CRITICAL **: _wapi_shm_attach:
shared file [/root/.wapi/shared_data-myhost-Linux-x86_64-328-11-0]
open error
** ERROR **: file shared.c: line 346 (shm_semaphores_init): assertion
failed: (tmp_shared != NULL)
PKGBUILD: line 22: 8561 Segmentation fault nant build-all
I don't really feel to run it as makepkg --asroot , as I feel it will
mess my installation.
So I am writing this 'Help!' message. ;-)
In case you are curious about my attempts at building a source port
for secondlife, my latest incarnation is:
# This does not work, maybe one day it will. ;-)
# Contributor: Paul Dufresne <[email protected]>
pkgdesc="a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents"
depends=('gtk2>2.0' 'nss' 'mesa' 'libgl' 'apr-util' 'libstdc++5'
'cairo' 'glib' 'atk' 'sdl' 'libvorbis' 'curl' 'boost'
'gdk-pixbuf' 'pango' # pangoft2 pangox pangoxft vorbisenc vorbisfile
# 'gmobile>2.0' 'gdk>2.0'
# the SConstruct have some info like:
# needs: cairo glib-2.0 (2.0???) atk gmobile-2.0 gdk-2.0
gdk-pixbuf-2.0 pango pangoft2
# pangox pangoxft gtk+-2.0 sdl vorbis vorbisenc vorbisfile
makedepends=('scons' 'gcc34' 'flex' 'bison') # 'zlib' 'openssl'
'curl' 'c-ares')
arch=('x86_64') # not tested on 'i686', if you try remove ARCH=x86_64
on scons line
conflicts=('secondlife-bin') # does it?
source=('secondlife.desktop' 'secondlife.install' 'secondlife.launcher'
# 'http://www.fmod.org/index.php/release/version/fmodapi375linux.tar.gz'
build() {
cd $startdir/src/
msg "We don't include sound for now, this portage does not way
anyway, and adding this"
msg " force you to become root and rm -r src; rm -r pkg each time
when executed under fakeroot"
# msg "First, let's deal with fmod to have sound!"
# msg "it may make the result less open-source!"# the SConstruct
have some info like:
# needs: cairo glib-2.0 atk gmobile-2.0 gdk-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0 pango
pangoft2 pangox pangoxft gtk+-2.0 sdl vorbis vorbisenc vorbisfile
# cd fmodapi375linux/
# cp api/inc/* ../linden/libraries/i686-linux/include/
# cp api/libfmod-3.75.so ../linden/libraries/i686-linux/lib_release_client/
# # was causing rights errors, but it seems I had decompressed files as root
# sleep 3
cd $startdir/src/linden
# Build the stuff
msg 'Building can take hours! Take a coffee break'
cd indra
#Following line is to do a quick check that run slow
#scons DISTCC=no BTARGET=client BUILD=releasenoopt MOZLIB=yes
#Following is what you would use for i686, but why would you want to
do that, as binary are already done
#scons DISTCC=no BTARGET=client BUILD=release MOZLIB=yes
# next is my line
# go to src/linden/indra, and do scons --help for the list of options and help
# STANDALONE=yes, will make it use g++ rather g++3.4, you can edit
SConstruct to fix this easily, but because makepkg will overwrite it,
well, ...
# and when using g++ (gcc 4.2.2), then it does not work because it
have new warning, and it is choosing to treat warnings as errors
#BUILD=release or releasenoopt and others, let's take releasenoop for
now, it does not compile anyway, why loose time
scons BUILD=releasenoopt ARCH=x86_64 BTARGET=client DISTCC=no
# there is warning at the beginning of scons process, they may be
worth to read (if you understand them)
# Rename Data Directory
# mv SecondLife_i686_${pkgver}/ secondlife
# Install Desktop File
# install -D -m644 $startdir/src/secondlife.desktop \
# $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/secondlife.desktop
# Install Icon File
# install -D -m644 $startdir/src/secondlife/secondlife.ico \
# $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/secondlife.ico
# Install Launcher
# install -d $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/
# install -D -m755 $startdir/src/secondlife.launcher \
# $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/secondlife
# Move Data to Destination Directory
# install -d $startdir/pkg/opt/
# mv secondlife/ $startdir/pkg/opt/
# # Change Permissions of files to root:games
# # chown -R root:20 $startdir/pkg/opt/secondlife
# # chmod -R g+rw $startdir/pkg/opt/secondlife
Or for a different version:
# This does not work, maybe one day it will. ;-)
# Contributor: Paul Dufresne <[email protected]>
pkgdesc="a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents"
depends=('gtk2>2.0' 'nss' 'mesa' 'libgl' 'apr-util' 'libstdc++5'
'cairo' 'glib' 'atk' 'sdl' 'libvorbis' 'curl' 'boost'
'gdk-pixbuf' 'pango' # pangoft2 pangox pangoxft vorbisenc vorbisfile
# 'gmobile>2.0' 'gdk>2.0'
# the SConstruct have some info like:
# needs: cairo glib-2.0 (2.0???) atk gmobile-2.0 gdk-2.0
gdk-pixbuf-2.0 pango pangoft2
# pangox pangoxft gtk+-2.0 sdl vorbis vorbisenc vorbisfile
makedepends=('scons' 'gcc34' 'flex' 'bison') # 'zlib' 'openssl'
'curl' 'c-ares')
arch=('x86_64') # not tested on 'i686', if you try remove ARCH=x86_64
on scons line
conflicts=('secondlife-bin') # does it?
source=('secondlife.desktop' 'secondlife.install' 'secondlife.launcher'
# 'http://www.fmod.org/index.php/release/version/fmodapi375linux.tar.gz'
build() {
cd $startdir/src/
msg "We don't include sound for now, this portage does not way
anyway, and adding this"
msg " force you to become root and rm -r src; rm -r pkg each time
when executed under fakeroot"
# msg "First, let's deal with fmod to have sound!"
# msg "it may make the result less open-source!"# the SConstruct
have some info like:
# needs: cairo glib-2.0 atk gmobile-2.0 gdk-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0 pango
pangoft2 pangox pangoxft gtk+-2.0 sdl vorbis vorbisenc vorbisfile
# cd fmodapi375linux/
# cp api/inc/* ../linden/libraries/i686-linux/include/
# cp api/libfmod-3.75.so ../linden/libraries/i686-linux/lib_release_client/
# # was causing rights errors, but it seems I had decompressed files as root
# sleep 3
cd $startdir/src/linden
# Build the stuff
msg 'Building can take hours! Take a coffee break'
cd indra
#Following line is to do a quick check that run slow
#scons DISTCC=no BTARGET=client BUILD=releasenoopt MOZLIB=yes
#Following is what you would use for i686, but why would you want to
do that, as binary are already done
#scons DISTCC=no BTARGET=client BUILD=release MOZLIB=yes
# next is my line
# go to src/linden/indra, and do scons --help for the list of options and help
# STANDALONE=yes, will make it use g++ rather g++3.4, you can edit
SConstruct to fix this easily, but because makepkg will overwrite it,
well, ...
# and when using g++ (gcc 4.2.2), then it does not work because it
have new warning, and it is choosing to treat warnings as errors
#BUILD=release or releasenoopt and others, let's take releasenoop for
now, it does not compile anyway, why loose time
scons BUILD=releasenoopt ARCH=x86_64 BTARGET=client DISTCC=no
# there is warning at the beginning of scons process, they may be
worth to read (if you understand them)
# Rename Data Directory
# mv SecondLife_i686_${pkgver}/ secondlife
# Install Desktop File
# install -D -m644 $startdir/src/secondlife.desktop \
# $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/secondlife.desktop
# Install Icon File
# install -D -m644 $startdir/src/secondlife/secondlife.ico \
# $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/secondlife.ico
# Install Launcher
# install -d $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/
# install -D -m755 $startdir/src/secondlife.launcher \
# $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/secondlife
# Move Data to Destination Directory
# install -d $startdir/pkg/opt/
# mv secondlife/ $startdir/pkg/opt/
# # Change Permissions of files to root:games
# # chown -R root:20 $startdir/pkg/opt/secondlife
# # chmod -R g+rw $startdir/pkg/opt/secondlife
The main problem encountered being:
But also, if replacing by simply:
# include <ft2build.h>
which may not be a correct fix...
Then I got gdk not installed problem.
If you try these PKGBUILD, please note that we
have distcc (pacman -Sy distcc), so you could get much faster results
using this and using DISTCC=yes .
Also FMod and x86_64 are said to not work together.
Anyway, the SConstruct file (some kind of Makefile in Python) does
deactivate FMod on x86_64.
Avoiding to touch these PKGBUILDs could help you very
much keep your mental sanity.
But for now, help is required on nunit.
Well, maybe it not even mandatory for libsecondlife.

about nbuild compilation by nant;
now I just try: nant mono-1.0 release build
from /home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src
but get:
[nant] /home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src/NUnitCore/core/nunit.core.build build
Buildfile: file:///home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src/NUnitCore/core/nunit.core.build
Target framework: Mono 1.0 Profile
Target(s) specified: build
[csc] Compiling 58 files to '/home/paul/builds/nunit/src/build/linux/mono/1.0/release/nunit.core.dll'.
[csc] /home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src/NUnitCore/core/CoreExtensions.cs(24,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `log4net' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
[csc] /home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src/NUnitCore/core/CoreExtensions.cs(36,25): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `log4net' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
[csc] /home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src/NUnitCore/core/RemoteTestRunner.cs(20,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `log4net' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
[csc] /home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src/NUnitCore/core/TestContext.cs(158,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `log4net' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
[csc] /home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src/NUnitCore/core/Builders/TestAssemblyBuilder.cs(21,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `log4net' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
[csc] /home/paul/builds/nunit/src/src/NUnitCore/core/Extensibility/TestCaseBuilderCollection.cs(24,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `log4net' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
[csc] Compilation failed: 6 error(s), 0 warnings
BUILD FAILED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 6 warning(s)
External Program Failed: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/1.0/mcs.exe (return code was 1)
Total time: 1.1 seconds.
guess I need to find some kind of log4net module.
Edit: I have found log4net in aur, and was able to built it (adding arch=('x86_64')), and now I have: $pacman -Q log4net
log4net 1.2.9beta-1
But seems to get the same error.
Edit2: hum, doing gacutil -l I see that I have:
log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=200a2bd1219e83a8
monodoc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756
nunit.core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77
nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77
nunit.mocks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77
nunit.util, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=96d09a1eb7f44a77
I guess nunit is coming with mono.
Guess it is time to try to compile libsecondlife then.
yep, libsecondlife built easily in just one minute.
mkdir libsndlife
cd libsndlife
svn co svn://opensecondlife.org/libsl/trunk
cd trunk/
cd bin
then $mono TestClient.exe result in:
TestClient.exe --first firstname --last lastname --pass password --contact "youremail" [--startpos "sim/x/y/z"] [--master "master name"] [--masterkey "master uuid"] --loginuri="uri"
[paul@myhost bin]$
Now I guess I need to find an account to use.
Edit4: Some are listed at:
But now, I feel to sleepy to try.
Edit5: Guess it is call LIBsecondlife for a good reason, this seems to be far from a complete client... guess I should just reinstall in 32 bits and use the binary version of Second life.
Edit6: Hum, even reinstalling in 32 bits and using binary version does not give too good results.
It hangs for me when not staying idle. After hang, only mouse stil move, but nothing else on computer works.
Simplest available option would be to capture with kdump, but it looks so complex that I don't want.
Edit7: Well, I tried to reexecute the PKGBUILD publish here, on i686, with a slightly different scons line.
First, the message have mess a lot the file, guess it would be better to put it in mypkgs, even if it is not known to work.
This time I have used:
scons BUILD=releasefordownload BTARGET=client DISTCC=yes
To my great surprise, it seems to have almost work:
rm -rf newview/SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3* && newview/viewer_manifest.py --grid=default --channel='Second Life Release' --installer_name=SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3 --arch=i686
Source tree: newview
Destination tree: newview/packaged
Option: actions = ['copy', 'package']
Option: platform = linux
Option: version = ('1', '18', '5', '3')
Option: installer_name = SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3
Option: grid =
Option: configuration = Universal
Option: arch = i686
Option: channel = Second Life Release
Processing ../../scripts/messages/message_template.msg => app_settings/message_template.msg
Processing ../../etc/message.xml => app_settings/message.xml
Processing *.pem => None
Processing *.ini => None
Processing *.xml => None
Processing *.vp => None
Processing *.db2 => None
Processing shaders => None
Processing *.llm => None
Processing *.xml => None
Processing *.tga => None
Processing *.ttf => None
Processing *.txt => None
Processing textures => None
Processing paths.xml => None
Processing xui/*/*.xml => None
Processing words.*.txt => None
Processing *.html => None
Processing *.gif => None
Processing *.jpg => None
Processing *.css => None
Processing releasenotes.txt => None
Processing lsl_guide.html => None
Processing gpu_table.txt => None
Processing licenses-linux.txt => licenses.txt
Processing res/ll_icon.ico => secondlife.ico
Processing client-readme.txt => README-linux.txt
Processing wrapper.sh => secondlife
Processing unicode.ttf => unicode.ttf
Processing secondlife-i686-bin-stripped => bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin
Processing linux_tools/launch_url.sh => launch_url.sh
Processing * => None
Processing featuretable_linux.txt => None
Processing secondlife-i686.supp => None
Processing app_settings/mozilla-runtime-linux-i686 => None
Processing libfmod-3.75.so => None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "newview/viewer_manifest.py", line 534, in <module>
    main(srctree=viewer_dir, dsttree=os.path.join(viewer_dir, "packaged"))
  File "newview/../lib/python/indra/util/llmanifest.py", line 214, in main
  File "newview/../lib/python/indra/util/llmanifest.py", line 586, in do
  File "newview/viewer_manifest.py", line 502, in construct
  File "newview/../lib/python/indra/util/llmanifest.py", line 576, in path
  File "newview/../lib/python/indra/util/llmanifest.py", line 541, in check_file_exists
    os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path)),))
RuntimeError: Path /home/paul/abs/unsup/secondlife1/src/linden/libraries/i686-linux/lib_release_client/libfmod-3.75.so doesn't exist
scons: *** [newview/SecondLife_i686_1_18_5_3.tar.bz2] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
which is normal, I had commented out:
#   cd fmodapi375linux/
#   cp api/inc/* ../linden/libraries/i686-linux/include/
#   cp api/libfmod-3.75.so ../linden/libraries/i686-linux/lib_release_client/
#   # was causing rights errors, but it seems I had decompressed files as root
the problem is that doing so in fakeroot, make these copies be own by root.
You then have to be root to undo the changes, and rebuilding give a permission error.
The ideal would be to pause fakeroot, the time to exec those lines.
Edit8: Incredible! I have been playing for almost 2 minutes, (before it suddenly disappeared as if it had crashed), on my
self compiled version!!! Which is much better than on secondlife-bin port. Well, I'll try to post my pkg... after replaying a bit.
Edit9: he he he, I was playing in a window, when I decided to teleport elsewhere.
Suddenly, the screen became completely black. Freaky realistic!
Then I was hang in nowhere land of course.
Edit10: Ok make a first attempt to a port:
search for secondlife in AUR.
Last edited by dufresnep (2008-02-05 04:03:52)

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    <cfcontent type = "foo/bar" file = "/Docs/#Url.FileName#">
    Then Duke suggests: "Now I pass the FileName through the Url and it WILL ask if you want to open or download the file. We accomplish this by making up an eronious file type."
    I then set up a password-protected page on the site that lists the titles of a number of documents, with links to the virtual folder, where they can be downloaded.  One of the links, which goes to "Calendar.pdf" I constructed as: "download.cfm?FileName=Calendar.pdf"  When I click on the link, I get the popup box that says "Do you want to open or save this file?  With the name listed as: "download.cfm?Filename=Calendar_pdf"
    When I click "Save", I get the message: "Internet Explorer cannot download download.cfm from www.... Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site.  The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.
    I must have constructed the link incorrectly. Any ideas?  Thanks in advance for your help.

    I am trying to force the download of pdf files from a folder above the root.  The file below is named "download.cfm"  I pass the name of the file (Calendar.pdf) in the URL link, as follows: download.cfm?filename=Calender.pdf
    In the ColdFusion admin panel, I mapped a folder in the root "Docs"  to point to a folder with a different name above the root.   I have tried the code below, which was generously supplied by another member of this forum, but it does not seem to recognize the CF mapping. Do I need to use another CF Tag for the mapping to working correctly?
    <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes">
    <cfheader name="Content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=""#Url.FileName#""">
    <cfcontent type = "application/pdf" file = "/Docs/#Url.FileName#">
    Thanks for your help

  • Mavericks; is Apple never going to do something about its many problems? I've about had it with Mac.

    Is Apple never going to do something about Mavericks many problems? I've about had it with Mac and when today's Mavericks update appeared, I declined.
    I updated to Mavericks 6 months ago on my new Macbook Pro and have had nothing but trouble ever since -- despite numerous trips to the Genius Bar. They all act as though It's only my machine yet I'm reading literally hundreds of similar complaints on the Internet. To start:
    1) My machine now "runs" very slow (as in 1980).
    2) Search and Spotlight yield jumbled information.
    3) MAIL and CCONTACTS are near useless with a spinning beachball the norm.
    My Apple store had my machine for 5 days with no loaner! They did a manual rebuild and shrugged their sholders when it still didn't work after all that.
    I have the distinct impression that Time Machine is at the bottom of some of my problems. I've used it to migrate data from my last three machines and I'm seeing some odd stuff from my other machines. In particular, I used an exact Macbook Pro loaned by a client after my last Mac crashed (I was backed up) and I'm seeing their grayed out login ID autoentered when I try to update Imovie and so I cannot log into my apple account.
    I've used Mac since 1995 when the first SE came out and I'm very tech oriented. I can only wonder how frustrated the lay used might be. Any thoughts out there? 

    Supply information about your Mac (guessing is no use)
    Download and run Etrecheck, post the output here

  • My apple tv keeps losing internet connection. I'm going from modem to airport and from airport to apple tv. I've replaced the modem and the apple tv and it still does it. Internet to my laptop via the airport wifi is fine and never drops out.

    I keep having to restart it every time I want to use it. Sometimes I have to restart it multiple times. The cord goes from the cable modem to the airport and then from the airport to the apple tv. I've replaced the apple TV and I've replaced the modem and the problem persists. I assume it has to be the aiport? But the wifi from the airport works fine.
    I tried bypassing the airport and going straight from the modem to the apple tv and it wouldn't work. That makes no sense to me.
    I had a friend over to try and figure it out and he couldn't. Any idea what could be the problem??

    The Ethernet cable from the modem should be connected to the AirPort's WAN (circle of dots) port and a second Ethernet cable should be connected between the AirPort's LAN (opposing arrows) port and the Ethernet port on the Apple TV. Is this the case?
    If so, what is the make & model of the modem that the AirPort is connected to. Also what is the exact model of both the AirPort and the Apple TV?

  • Mails are not going from apex application

    Mails are not going from my apex application. I had done the instance settings by logged in as admin. SMTP port is also connecting. Please help me to solve the issue.

    Mail queue is vacant. I think the problem is with the process. No process or validations are working. Actually, I have copied this application from another schema. Is there is need to set anything?..I had regenerated all the tables,functions,triggers in my schema .Processes and validations are completely inactive

  • On occasion, airdisk speed slows going from AC to battery on MB

    Just putting it out there to see if anyone else has this. I've had issues with airdisk issues in leopard where video streaming would occasionally sputter. i've noticed this recently that it occurs when I unplug and run off the battery. it continues even when plugging the AC back in. this corresponds with the audible popping i hear from my 2.1 speakers (another problem on the boards). it goes away when i reboot or, sometimes, re-mount the airdisk.
    i just had a video hiccup now on battery mode, where i wasnt on AC, and when i remounted the airdisk, video is now fine. odd.
    anyone else noticing this? thanks.

    nevermind, did it again. there goes that theory. video just sputtered again. sometimes it sputters, sometimes it flat out freezes and cant even browse the airdisk in finder.
    i have no idea what is going on here. this didnt happen in tiger, but is strange.

  • Iphone 5s going from 9% battery to 1% battery

    if my iPhone 5s battery is going from 9% and then to 1% is that something i should worry about or not?

    Battery problems normally do not appear in the Usage and Diagnostics content.  If you want, it never hurts to make an appointment and take the iPhone to your Apple store genius bar and have it tested.  That would give peace of mind if it is nothing, or give you options if there is a problem.  The techs have the tools to find out for sure if something is going on.

  • When is Apple going to fix Yosemite's internet connection problem

    Is Apple going to fix Yosemite"s internet connection problem?

    Nobody here knows any more than you do about what Apple is going to do. If you want help from other end users with your problem, you'll have to describe it in more detail.

Maybe you are looking for

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