Good Business Accounting Software

quickbooks is now 2 versions old, and quicken home business is not even an option for mac osx users. Are there any decent small business account softwares on the market for mac osx users... especially those that will work with most online banking systems?

I use AccountEdge, which has been on the Mac a long time. It can be powerful, but I wouldn't call it easy or intuitive. It's a little more intuitive if you already have an accounting background. They have a simpler version called FirstEdge that I probably would have bought instead if it had existed when I was buying. AccountEdge is really more suited for multiple employee businesses with inventories and such. FirstEdge might be better for a one-person shop.
Both compete with QuickBooks.

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    iMacG5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi, Jim.
    I wrote my own in FileMaker Pro.
    Macworld recently published a brief online review of MYOB's AccountEdge 2006 and FirstEdge 2.0, as well as QuickBooks Pro 2006. The MYOB products edge out QuickBooks Pro in their review. Click here to read the reviews.
    My Mac-using friends and clients prefer MYOB products, especially when they also have accounting backgrounds. QuickBooks Pro is generally considered the easier to use, but those I've talked with who have accounting backgrounds consider it a bit too "dumbed down" for their tastes and see MYOB's offerings as worth the setup and some learning for the functions provided.
    Last I checked, both firms had "try before you buy" offers, enabling you to "test drive" each and decide for yourself. Often it's better to test-drive the applications yourself rather than rely on any review or recommendation.
    MYOB and QuickBooks are the heavy-hitters in this market segment. You might find other shareware or commercial solutions by searching MacUpdate or Version Tracker. The user-submitted reviews accompanying the listings on those sites can be helpful in sorting the wheat from the chaff.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

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    QuickBooks for Mac 2013
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    Two versions of this one. Check the Pro and Basic features to see which one would suit your needs.
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    Have a look at:
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    You might try looking here:
    Then you can ask about specific packages.
    Message was edited by: romad
    Hmm, they seem to have deleted their pages of non-Apple software.
    Nope, found them:
    Message was edited by: romad

  • Account software for mac

    i am running a mobile phone retail busines with 15 computers.
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    sales,(Barcode,sales,used,sales return,warranty)
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    and if this tread in a wrong section,Mods and Admins please move to correct place.

    I'd concur with that, just check compatibility with your system.
    This is most likely the same software that your accountant, if you use one is running. So, it makes it pretty easy just sending your QB files to them.

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    HI brereton
    There seem to be loads of accounting, invoicing and office functions on apple.
    Best pop into a apple store or check online APP STORE now, as I've being looking into getting the Bento box thing with diaries and small business functions.
    Id like to know if there's a professional invoicing package, money management and over all small business app too.
    Good luck
    please rsvp me if you have any luck.
    (im popping into the regent street mac store next week so will revisit this chat then)

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    you can try google alerts (

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    Oops! Sorry pmittal. Completely missed that you said "windows" at the beginning of your post. Thomas is absolutely correct. Intuit is like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde with QuickBooks. The Windows Pro version is full of features. You pay the same amount for the Mac Pro version, but it is severely crippled in comparison.
    Believe it or not, Intuit actually has a company policy that the Mac version will never be feature compatible with the Windows version. How's that for treating paying customers as less than second rate! Wish I were making that up, but it's true. Read the blog link. In particular:
    Forget the fact that Intuit’s Mac products have always paled in comparison to their Windows counterparts by missing 90% of the features that Windows users have long enjoyed. Forget the fact that Intuit has worked overtime to make sure that their Mac & Windows products would never be cross-platform compatible (this is an internal corporate rule at Intuit).
    And this, later in the article:
    Many years before QuickBooks was resurrected for the Mac in 2006, a smug Intuit employee at Macworld Expo told me, “We don’t need to update QuickBooks, because it’s still the No. 1 best-selling accounting package for Mac. Mac users still purchase it, even without any new updates.” Seems like their attitude hasn’t changed much.
    I know most folks consider blogs unreliable, but I first read this same information at a much more reliable site, I just can't seem to locate it again.
    Despite all that, I do use QuickBooks for Mac. Why? One, that's what I started with for my small business because "QuickBooks" is what you always hear to use. I had no idea at the time how crippled it was. Good news (for me) there is that it does more than everything I need, seeing as how I don't need much for an in-home business. Two, my accountant is much happier when he comes over to finalize entries that he already basically knows the program instead of having to wade through something completely unfamiliar, such as the greatly superior AccountEdge (There are two Mac accounting programs with this exact same name. One is pretty expensive, the other is fairly cheap). The one linked to in the blog is the less expensive version, with the Basic version going for $99.
    I'd consider switching, but the other packages can't import QuickBooks data. Or at least not accurately. I have too many years of data invested in QuickBooks to consider trying to switch now. One of the other Mac accounting packages offer (or used to) a service to translate your data at so much per record. Well, with thousands of records, that would cost hundreds of dollars. Forget it. So I'm kind of stuck, like it or not. The only real way out of it is to run Windows in a VM and import my Mac QuickBooks data into the Windows version. But since the Mac version does do all I need, that would be rather pointless.

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    I had Quicken on my old desk top, my Mom suggests Quickbooks but I love my Mac!  Want the best to  work with it.

    The reviews at the link provided by jbg2u are for Windows accounting software.
    We are a medical clinic that also sells medical equipment, and our main goal at the time was to have an inventory function for serialized items - our practice management software (eClinicalWorks) didn't do inventory. 
    Before we purchased QB Enterprise, we looked into Account Edge, since we are a mixed Windows / Mac office.   However, my controller at the time wasn't too impressed with the user interface.  That was more of a personal prefrence.  The deal breaker was that, as an existing QB user (we used QB Premier at the time), Account Edge could not import QB data files.  We could switch to AE, but only at the start of a new fiscal year, and only if we were willing to continue using QB to access all past accounting data.
    I think that the paucity of Mac OS accounting software choices is a pretty good indicator that most Mac users are very small businesses.  By the way, this was Apple's own design to de-emphisize the business market in lieu of the the personal, small biz, cloud, and mobile markets. It's not surprising that most Mac accounting software I've found is designed for personal/small business.  Also, QB has probably impeded competition by creating proprietary database files that are nearly impossible for other vendors to import.  I'm no fan of Intuit.  I hate being tied to one vendor forever because, in this case, I'd rather not supply every employee that needs to access QB with a PC in addition to their iMac.  Unfortunately that's just how it is.  (sound of Intuit CEO cackling all the way to the bank...)

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    Warmest Regards,

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    I found the one block of text very difficult to read.
    9:36 PM      Monday; January 28, 2013
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • How do I specify the gmail outgoing server if I have multiple gmail accounts in my mail? I have 2 business accounts and when I send mail from one account, it is sent from the other account and the sending email is not from the correct account.

    I love my apple email and do not want to use google mail on safari. However, I have 2 gmail accounts set up on apple mail, but when I send mail from one of my gmail accounts (I choose the specific gmail account in the drop down window), it actually goes out as if it is from the other gmail account. I can't have that happen because one is my job, the other is a personal business account and unfortunately, the mail from both gmail accounts want to send through the personal business account. How do I make it send from a specific gmail account? I even tried deleting the accounts and setting them up again hoping I set it up wrong in the first place, but to no avail, it is still doing the same thing except this time I set the job account up first and then the personal business account and now everything goes from the job account! The only good thing is that the incoming messages work properly and they go into the correct inbox. Somebody please fix my outbox!

    In Mail Preferences/Accounts/each GMail account, set up the SMTP Outgoing Server for each account separately, going into SMTP name/edit/Advanced and specify the Username of each account.  The Outgoing servers must be two different servers, authenticated by the Username and Password of each.
    Otherwise, the GMail SMTP server will change the from address to that of the account where the SMTP server was setup.

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    Hi I am looking for a accounting software which is compatible with my macbook air and iphone.  any suggestions?

    Not sure if you mean personal finance software, but iBank is one good option for that and it has both Mac and mobile versions:

Maybe you are looking for