Good receipt without Invoice

Hi all
Let me know about Report for Goods receipt without Invoice for Purchase order? ie. PO pending for Invoice?
If anybody a report, pls send it to me. I have used 101-102, 105-106 movement types?
So any one send that reports?

Hi Muthu
I am sending you one source code regarding the Goods receipt without invoice.
Pls reward pts if help.
FUNCTION zrfc_vcs_get_goodsreceipt.
*& Program Name    : ZRFC_VCS_GET_GOODSRECEIPT                        *
*& Title           : Function Module for getting the GOODSRECEIPT     *
*&                     Details                                        *
*& Author          : M.Jayasree                                         *
*& Create Date     : 21/03/2007                                       *
*& Logical DB      : None                                             *
*& Program Type    : FM                                               *
*& SAP Release     : 4.6                                              *
*& Description     : This is a program used for retrieving the        *
*&                     GOODSRECEIPT Details.                          *
*& REVISION LOG                                                       *
*& LOG#               DATE                   AUTHOR                   *
*& 0000               21/03/2007            Jayasree.M                *
                             Tables                                  *
TABLES : mkpf,komv,mseg.
                        Data declarations                            *
  DATA: lv_suc_date       TYPE d,
        lv_suc_time       TYPE t,
        lv_fileloc        TYPE char40,
        lv_filename       TYPE char40,
        lv_date           TYPE d,
        lv_time           TYPE t,
        lv_filepath       TYPE string,
        lv_error          TYPE char50,
        lv_fileloc1       TYPE char20,
        lv_filename1      TYPE char40,
        lv_filepath1      TYPE string,
        lv_value          TYPE zvcsconfig-zvalue,
        lv_value_h        TYPE zvcsconfig-zvalue,
        lv_value1         TYPE zvcsconfig-zvalue,
        lv_fileloc_d      TYPE char40,
        lv_filename_d     TYPE char40,
        lv_filepath_d     TYPE string,
        lv_value_d        TYPE zvcsconfig-zvalue,
        lv_fileloc_d1     TYPE char40,
        lv_filename_d1    TYPE char40,
        lv_filepath_d1    TYPE string,
        lv_value_d1       TYPE zvcsconfig-zvalue,
        lv_taxamt         TYPE bseg-wrbtr,
        lv_elikz          TYPE mseg-elikz,
        lv_waers          TYPE mseg-waers,
        lv_emlif          TYPE mseg-emlif,
        lv_dmbtr          TYPE mseg-dmbtr,
        lv_vkwrt          TYPE mseg-vkwrt,
        lv_menge_acc      TYPE mseg-menge,
        lv_ebeln          TYPE ebeln,
        lv_lifnr          TYPE ekko-lifnr,
        lv_wkurs          TYPE ekko-wkurs,
        lv_ekgrp          TYPE ekko-ekgrp,
        lv_bsart          TYPE ekko-bsart,
        lv_inco1          TYPE ekko-inco1,
        lv_land1          TYPE lfa1-land1,
        lv_eknam          TYPE eknam,
        lv_knumv           TYPE ekko-knumv,
        lv_lifnr_t        TYPE komv-lifnr,
        lv_kwert          TYPE kwert,
        lv_changenr       TYPE cdchangenr,
        lv_flag           TYPE c,
        lv_sum_a          TYPE kwert,
        lv_sum_a1         TYPE kwert,
        lv_sum_a1_a       TYPE kwert,
        lv_sum_a_a        TYPE kwert,
        lv_count          TYPE n,
        lv_wempf          TYPE wempf,
        lv_add            TYPE kwert,
        lv_werks_p        TYPE werks_d,
        lv_maktx          TYPE maktx,
        lv_wemng          TYPE wemng,
        lv_ebelp_b        TYPE ebelp,
        lv_erfmg_b        TYPE erfmg,
        lv_menge_r        TYPE menge_d,
        lv_remng          TYPE remng,
        lv_rewrt          TYPE rewrt,
        lv_wrbtr          TYPE wrbtr,
        lv_mwskz          TYPE mwskz,
        lv_wmwst          TYPE wmwst,
        lv_lifnr_sc       TYPE lifnr,
        lv_pstyp          TYPE pstyp,
        lv_menge          TYPE menge_d,
        lv_budat          TYPE budat,
        lv_waers_bc       TYPE waers,
        lv_netwr_tbv      TYPE netwr,
        lv_wrbtr_ai       TYPE wrbtr,
        lv_sum            TYPE rewrt,
        lv_netpr_bv       TYPE netpr,
        lv_etenr          TYPE etenr,
        lv_bstyp          TYPE bstyp,
        lv_grtxt          TYPE grtxt,
        lv_ebelp          TYPE ebelp,
        lv_basicv         TYPE netwr,
        lv_smbln          TYPE mseg-smbln,
        lv_waers_c        TYPE ekko-waers,
        lv_kwert_a        TYPE konv-kwert,
        lv_knumv_a        TYPE ekko-knumv,
        lv_knumv_a_a      TYPE ekko-knumv,
        lv_netwr_a        TYPE ekpo-netwr,
        lv_netwr_a_a      TYPE ekpo-netwr,
        lv_kwert_a1       TYPE konv-kwert,
        lv_knumv_a1       TYPE ekko-knumv,
        lv_netwr_a1       TYPE ekpo-netwr,
        lv_netwr_a1_a     TYPE ekpo-netwr,
        lv_knumv_a1_a     TYPE ekko-knumv,
        lv_sum_b          TYPE konv-kwert,
        lv_fwnav          TYPE bset-fwste,
        lv_sum_b_a        TYPE konv-kwert,
        lv_netpr_a        TYPE ekpo-netpr,
        lv_erfmg_add      TYPE mseg-erfmg,
        lv_erfmg_add_a    TYPE mseg-erfmg,
        lv_netpr_a_a      TYPE ekpo-netpr,
        lv_netpr_a1       TYPE ekpo-netpr,
        lv_netpr_a1_a     TYPE ekpo-netpr,
        lv_erfmg_add1     TYPE mseg-erfmg,
        lv_erfmg_add1_a   TYPE mseg-erfmg,
        lv_menge_inv      TYPE menge_d,
        lv_wrbtr_inv      TYPE wrbtr,
        lv_netpr_tax      TYPE netpr,
        lv_kwert_total    TYPE konv-kwert,
        lv_kwert_total_a  TYPE konv-kwert,
        lv_kwert_total_r  TYPE konv-kwert,
        lv_kwert_total_r_a   TYPE konv-kwert,
        lv_bukrs_tax      TYPE bukrs,
        lv_waers_tax      TYPE waers,
        lv_erfmg_ret      TYPE mseg-erfmg,
        lv_server         TYPE tsle4-server,
        lv_bwart_rev      TYPE mseg-bwart,
        lv_erfmg_rev1     TYPE mseg-erfmg,
        lv_bukrs          TYPE bukrs,
        lv_land1_t        TYPE land1,
        lv_kalsm          TYPE kalsm,
        lv_text1          TYPE text1,
        lv_netpr_tax1     TYPE netpr,
        lv_netpr_tax1_r   TYPE netpr,
        lv_mwskz_r        TYPE mwskz,
        lv_mwskz_tax      TYPE mwskz,
        lv_taxamt_t       TYPE bseg-wrbtr,
        lv_tax_tot        TYPE netpr,
        lv_fwnav_tax      TYPE bset-fwste,
        lv_taxamt_t_r     TYPE bseg-wrbtr,
        lv_tax_tot_r      TYPE netpr,
        lv_fwnav_tax_r    TYPE bset-fwste,
        lv_bukrs_tax_r    TYPE bukrs,
        lv_waers_tax_r    TYPE waers,
        lv_mblnr_rev      TYPE mblnr,
        lv_erfmg_rej      TYPE erfmg,
        lv_budat_m        TYPE budat,
        lv_bldat_m        TYPE bldat,
        lv_base           TYPE waers,
        lv_base_t         TYPE waers,
        lv_waers_t        TYPE waers,
        lv_wkurs_b        TYPE wkurs,
        lv_stblg_re       TYPE stblg,
        lv_belnr          TYPE belnr_d.
                        Structures                                   *
Structures for storing the output HEADER file
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_fintab1,
            mblnr(30)     TYPE c,   "GRNumber
            ebeln(20)     TYPE c,   "PONumber
            changenr(38)  TYPE c,   "POAmendmentNumber
            lifnr(22)     TYPE c,   "SupplierCode     
            adr_code(20)  TYPE c,   "AddressCode
            plt_code(22)  TYPE c,   "PlantCode
            land1(3)      TYPE c,   "CountryCode
            elikz(25)     TYPE c,   "GoodsReceiptStatus     
            waers(3)      TYPE c,   "CurrencyCode     
            wkurs(34)     TYPE c,   "ExchRateValue
            server(100)   TYPE c,   "ERPSource
            ekgrp(22)     TYPE c,   "BuyerCode     
            eknam(240)    TYPE c,   "BuyerName     
            bldat(20)     TYPE c,   "GoodsReceiptDate     
            bsart(25)     TYPE c,   "DocType     
            bsart_c(50)   TYPE c,   "ContractType
            asnno(8)      TYPE c,   "ASNNo
            asndate(20)   TYPE c,   "ASNDate
            xblnr(16)     TYPE c,   "DCNo     
            dc_date(20)   TYPE c,   "DCDate
            bktxt(25)     TYPE c,   "PreGRNo
            pre_date(20)  TYPE c,   "PreGRDate
            emlif(22)     TYPE c,   "ReceiverCode
            re_name(240)  TYPE c,   "ReceiverName     
            lifnr_t(10)   TYPE c,   "ThreePLCode
            inco1(8)      TYPE c,   "CommercialTerms
            dmbtr(34)     TYPE c,   "TotalValue     
            vkwrt(34)     TYPE c,   "TotalBasicValue     
            kwert(34)     TYPE c,   "TotalAdditionalCharges
            base(3)       TYPE c,   "BaseCurrencyCode     
               END OF t_fintab1.
Structures for storing the output HEADER for STATUS file
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_fintab_s,
            mblnr(30)     TYPE c,   "GRNumber
            ebeln(20)     TYPE c,   "PONumber
            changenr(38)  TYPE c,   "POAmendmentNumber
            lifnr(22)     TYPE c,   "SupplierCode     
            adr_code(20)  TYPE c,   "AddressCode
            plt_code(22)  TYPE c,   "PlantCode
            land1(3)      TYPE c,   "CountryCode
            elikz(25)     TYPE c,   "GoodsReceiptStatus     
            waers(3)      TYPE c,   "CurrencyCode     
            wkurs(34)     TYPE c,   "ExchRateValue
            server(100)   TYPE c,   "ERPSource
            ekgrp(22)     TYPE c,   "BuyerCode     
            eknam(240)    TYPE c,   "BuyerName     
            bldat(20)     TYPE c,   "GoodsReceiptDate     
            bsart(25)     TYPE c,   "DocType     
            bsart_c(50)   TYPE c,   "ContractType
            asnno(8)      TYPE c,   "ASNNo
            asndate(20)   TYPE c,   "ASNDate
            xblnr(16)     TYPE c,   "DCNo     
            dc_date(20)   TYPE c,   "DCDate
            bktxt(25)     TYPE c,   "PreGRNo
            pre_date(20)  TYPE c,   "PreGRDate
            emlif(22)     TYPE c,   "ReceiverCode
            re_name(240)  TYPE c,   "ReceiverName     
            lifnr_t(10)   TYPE c,   "ThreePLCode
            inco1(8)      TYPE c,   "CommercialTerms
            dmbtr(34)     TYPE c,   "TotalValue     
            vkwrt(34)     TYPE c,   "TotalBasicValue     
            kwert(34)     TYPE c,   "TotalAdditionalCharges
            smbln   TYPE mseg-smbln,"For reversal status
         END OF t_fintab_s.
Structures for storing the output DETAIL file
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_fintab2,
            zeile(22)     TYPE c,   "GRLineNumber
          mblnr(30)     TYPE c,   "GRNumber
            server(100)   TYPE c,   "ERPSource       
            ebelp(38)     TYPE c,   "POLineNumber
            ebeln(20)     TYPE c,   "PONumber
            changenr(38)  TYPE c,   "POAmendmentNumber
            scheculenumber(38) TYPE c, "ScheduleNumber
            meins(25)     TYPE c,   "UOM
            lgort(22)     TYPE c,   "WarehouseCode
            waers(3)      TYPE c,   "Currency Code
            matnr(40)     TYPE c,       "PartNumber
             maktx(240)    TYPE c,   "PartDescription           
          kostl(22)     TYPE c,   "CostCenterCode
          bukrs(15)     TYPE c,       "CompanyCode
            menge_i(22)   TYPE c,   "InspectedQuantity
            wemng(22)     TYPE c,   "GRRecievedQuantity     
            menge_a(22)   TYPE c,   "GRAcceptedQuantity          
          menge_g(22)   TYPE c,   "GRRejectedQuantity
            grrework(22)  TYPE c,       "GRReworkQuantity               
          menge_r(22)   TYPE c,       "GRReturnedQuantity
            grund(25)     TYPE c,   "RejnReason     
            remng(22)     TYPE c,   "QuantityInvoiced
            rewrt(34)     TYPE c,       "AmountInvoiced
            wrbtr(34)     TYPE c,       "AmountPaid
            mwskz_t(100)  TYPE c,   "TaxCode
            wmwst_w(34)   TYPE c,   "TaxValue
            lifnr_sc(22)  TYPE c,   "SupplierCode
            adr_code(20)  TYPE c,       "AddressCode     
            taxdiscount(34) TYPE c, "TaxChargeDiscount
            mwskz_v(22)   TYPE c,   "VATCode
            wmwst_v(34)   TYPE c,   "VATValue
            vatoption(1)  TYPE c,   "VATOption
            kwert_i(34)   TYPE c,   "InspectionCost
            pstyp(25)     TYPE c,   "IssueType
            pendingschdqty(22) TYPE c, "PendingSchdQuantity
            menge_o(22)   TYPE c,   "POOrderQty
            erfmg(22)     TYPE c,   "MovedQty
            tobemovedqty(22)   TYPE c, "TobeMovedQty
            balanceqty(22)     TYPE c, "BalanceQty
            netpr_bv(34)  TYPE c,   "BasicValue
            kwert_a(34)   TYPE c,   "AdditionalCharges
            budat_i(20)   TYPE c,   "InspectionDate
            budat_m(20)   TYPE c,   "MovedDate
            elikz(25)     TYPE c,   "GRItemStatus
            budat_g(20)   TYPE c,   "GRRecdDate
           END OF t_fintab2.
Structures for storing the MKPF
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_mkpf,
             mblnr   TYPE mkpf-mblnr,
             budat   TYPE mkpf-budat,
             xblnr   TYPE mkpf-xblnr,
             bldat   TYPE mkpf-bldat,
            END OF t_mkpf.
Structures for storing the MSEG
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_mseg,
            matnr   TYPE mseg-matnr,
            zeile   TYPE mblpo,
            menge   TYPE menge_d,
            meins   TYPE mseg-meins,
            lgort   TYPE mseg-lgort,
            mblnr   TYPE mseg-mblnr,
            bukrs   TYPE mseg-bukrs,
            ebeln   TYPE bstnr,
            ebelp   TYPE ekpo-ebelp,
            kostl   TYPE mseg-kostl,
            waers   TYPE mseg-waers,
            erfmg   TYPE mseg-erfmg,
            vkwrt   TYPE mseg-vkwrt,
            elikz   TYPE mseg-elikz,
            insmk   TYPE mseg-insmk,
            bwart   TYPE mseg-bwart,
            grund   TYPE mseg-grund,
         END OF t_mseg.
Structures for storing the log file
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_logfile,
          desc    TYPE char50,
           END OF t_logfile.
Structures for storing the RSEG file
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_rseg,
          menge    TYPE menge_d,
          wrbtr    TYPE wrbtr,
         END OF t_rseg.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_add,
          ebeln    TYPE ebeln,
         END OF t_add.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_add1,
          ebeln    TYPE ebeln,
          ebelp    TYPE ebelp,
         END OF t_add1.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_total,
          dmbtr    TYPE dmbtr,
         END OF t_total.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_total1,
          dmbtr    TYPE dmbtr,
         END OF t_total1.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_basictotal,
          erfmg    TYPE erfmg,
         END OF t_basictotal.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_basic,
          ebeln    TYPE ebeln,
          ebelp    TYPE ebelp,
          erfmg    TYPE erfmg,
         END OF t_basic.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_zcond,
          zcond1   TYPE kscha,
          zcond2   TYPE kscha,
          zcond3   TYPE kscha,
          zcond4   TYPE kscha,
          zcond5   TYPE kscha,
          zcond6   TYPE kscha,
          zcond7   TYPE kscha,
          zcond8   TYPE kscha,
          zcond9   TYPE kscha,
          zcond10  TYPE kscha,
         END OF t_zcond.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_add_k,
          kwert    TYPE konv-kwert,
         END OF t_add_k.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_tax,
          ebeln   TYPE mseg-ebeln,
          ebelp   TYPE mseg-ebelp,
          menge   TYPE mseg-menge,
         END OF t_tax.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_mseg_m,
          mblnr   TYPE mblnr,
          elikz   TYPE elikz,
          wempf   TYPE wempf,
          ebeln   TYPE ebeln,
          ebelp   TYPE ebelp,
          werks   TYPE werks,
          erfmg   TYPE erfmg,
          bwart   TYPE bwart,
          bukrs   TYPE bukrs,
          lfbnr   TYPE lfbnr,
         END OF t_mseg_m.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF t_erfmg,
          erfmg   TYPE erfmg,
         END OF t_erfmg.
                          Internal tables                            *
  DATA: i_zrfcinfo    LIKE zrfcinfo OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_fintab1     TYPE TABLE OF t_fintab1 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_fintab_s    TYPE TABLE OF t_fintab_s WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_fintab2     TYPE TABLE OF t_fintab2 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_mkpf        TYPE TABLE OF t_mkpf WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_mseg        TYPE TABLE OF t_mseg WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_rseg        TYPE TABLE OF t_rseg WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_total       TYPE TABLE OF t_total WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_basictotal  TYPE TABLE OF t_basictotal WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_erfmg       TYPE TABLE OF t_erfmg WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_erfmg1      TYPE TABLE OF t_erfmg WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_basic       TYPE TABLE OF t_basic WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_total1      TYPE TABLE OF t_total1 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_tax         TYPE TABLE OF t_tax WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_tax_r       TYPE TABLE OF t_tax WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_mseg_m      TYPE TABLE OF t_mseg_m WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_add         TYPE TABLE OF t_add1 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_add_a       TYPE TABLE OF t_add1 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_add1        TYPE TABLE OF t_add1 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_zcond       TYPE TABLE OF t_zcond  WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_zcond_r     TYPE TABLE OF t_zcond  WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_add_cond    TYPE TABLE OF t_add_k  WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_add_cond_r  TYPE TABLE OF t_add_k    WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_add_cond_r_a  TYPE TABLE OF t_add_k    WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_zcond_a     TYPE TABLE OF t_zcond  WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_add_cond_a  TYPE TABLE OF t_add_k  WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_add1_a      TYPE TABLE OF t_add1 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_zcond_r_a   TYPE TABLE OF t_zcond  WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_logfile     TYPE TABLE OF t_logfile WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_fintab1_h   TYPE TABLE OF t_fintab1 WITH HEADER LINE,
        i_fintab2_h   TYPE TABLE OF t_fintab2 WITH HEADER LINE.
  DATA: BEGIN OF i_mwdat OCCURS 0.
          INCLUDE STRUCTURE rtax1u15.
  DATA: END OF i_mwdat.
  DATA: BEGIN OF i_mwdat_t OCCURS 0.
          INCLUDE STRUCTURE rtax1u15.
  DATA: END OF i_mwdat_t.
  DATA: BEGIN OF i_mwdat_t_r OCCURS 0.
          INCLUDE STRUCTURE rtax1u15.
  DATA: END OF i_mwdat_t_r.
                         Work areas                                  *
  DATA : wa_zrfcinfo TYPE zrfcinfo.
Get the last execution date/time from ZTABLE
       FROM zrfcinfo
       INTO TABLE i_zrfcinfo
         status = '1'.
DESCRIBE TABLE i_zrfcinfo LINES sy-tabix.
Sort the table for retrieving the latest date/time
SORT i_zrfcinfo BY exc_date DESCENDING exc_time  DESCENDING.
READ TABLE i_zrfcinfo INDEX 1.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
   lv_suc_date = i_zrfcinfo-exc_date.
   lv_suc_time = i_zrfcinfo-exc_time.
Fetch the updated records from the table MKPF between the latest
lv_suc_date = '20070529'.
  SELECT mblnr
         FROM mkpf
         INTO TABLE i_mkpf
         cpudt GE lv_suc_date AND
         cputm GE lv_suc_time.
For multiple PO
  IF NOT i_mkpf[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT mblnr
           FROM mseg
           INTO TABLE i_mseg_m
           FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_mkpf
           WHERE mblnr = i_mkpf-mblnr
           and bwart NE '543'.
    IF NOT lv_suc_date IS INITIAL.
      SELECT mblnr
             FROM mseg
             INTO TABLE i_mseg_m
             FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_mseg_m
             WHERE mblnr = i_mseg_m-lfbnr
For Selecting the ERP Source
  SELECT SINGLE server INTO lv_server FROM tsle4.
Appending all the fields  to the output HEADER file layout
  LOOP AT i_mseg_m.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING i_mseg_m TO i_fintab1.
    CONCATENATE i_mseg_m-mblnr '-' i_mseg_m-ebeln '-' i_mseg_m-ebelp
INTO i_fintab1-mblnr.
    CLEAR : lv_budat_m , lv_bldat_m .
For GR Date
    SELECT SINGLE budat bldat INTO (lv_budat_m , lv_bldat_m) FROM mkpf
    WHERE   mblnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      i_fintab1-bldat = lv_budat_m.
      lv_year1 = lv_bldat_m+0(4).
      lv_mth1  = lv_bldat_m+4(2).
      lv_day1  = lv_bldat_m+6(2).
    CONCATENATE lv_day1 '/' lv_mth1 '/' lv_year1 INTO i_fintab1-dc_date.
Retrieve the base currency code
    CLEAR lv_base.
    SELECT SINGLE waers INTO lv_base FROM t001 WHERE bukrs =
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
    i_fintab1-base = lv_base.
For the Receiver Name
  i_fintab1-re_name = i_mseg_m-wempf.
For the Plant Code
  i_fintab1-plt_code = i_mseg_m-werks.
For the ERP Source
  i_fintab1-server = lv_server.
For The Address Code
  i_fintab1-adr_code = 'A1'.
For the Quantity ( ebeln - PO number , Elelp -  PO line number,
erfmg - Quantity, bwart - Movement type ).
  SELECT ebeln ebelp erfmg INTO TABLE i_basic FROM mseg WHERE mblnr =
       i_mseg_m-mblnr AND bwart NE '543' AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln AND
       ebelp = i_mseg_m-ebelp.
  CLEAR lv_basicv.
  LOOP AT i_basic.
Retrieve from table EKPO (Po LineItem) for total basic value( netpr
- Net price )
           INTO lv_netwr_tbv
           FROM ekpo WHERE ebeln = i_basic-ebeln
            AND ebelp = i_basic-ebelp.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      lv_basicv = lv_basicv + i_basic-erfmg * lv_netwr_tbv.
Retrieve the basic value for Reversal
    SELECT erfmg INTO TABLE i_basictotal FROM mseg
    WHERE ( bwart = '122' OR bwart = '124' OR bwart = '161' )
    AND lfbnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebelp = i_basic-ebelp
    AND ebeln = i_basic-ebeln.
    LOOP AT i_basictotal.
      lv_basicv = lv_basicv - ( i_basictotal-erfmg * lv_netwr_tbv ).
lv_basicv move to total basic value i.e i_fintab1-vkwrt
  MOVE lv_basicv TO i_fintab1-vkwrt.
  CONDENSE i_fintab1-vkwrt NO-GAPS.
Retrieve the total value from table MSEG ( GR Line item )
  SELECT dmbtr INTO TABLE i_total FROM mseg
  WHERE mblnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln
  AND ebelp = i_mseg_m-ebelp.
  LOOP AT i_total.
    lv_dmbtr = lv_dmbtr + i_total-dmbtr.
Calculating the total value for reversal
  SELECT dmbtr INTO TABLE i_total1 FROM mseg
  WHERE  ( bwart = '122' OR bwart = '124' OR bwart = '161' )
  AND lfbnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln
  AND ebelp = i_mseg_m-ebelp .
  LOOP AT i_total1.
    lv_dmbtr = lv_dmbtr - i_total1-dmbtr.
For getting the exchange Rate ( wkurs - Exchange Rate )
  SELECT SINGLE wkurs INTO lv_wkurs_b FROM ekko
  WHERE ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln .
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    lv_dmbtr = lv_dmbtr / lv_wkurs_b.
Calculate the tax
  CLEAR : i_tax, lv_netpr_tax1 , lv_mwskz, lv_taxamt_t , lv_tax_tot ,
          lv_fwnav_tax, lv_bukrs_tax , lv_waers_tax.
*****( menge - Quantity ).
  SELECT ebeln ebelp menge FROM mseg INTO TABLE i_tax
  WHERE mblnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln
  AND ebelp = i_mseg_m-ebelp.
  LOOP AT i_tax.
( bukrs - Company Code , waers - Currency Key ).
    SELECT SINGLE bukrs waers INTO (lv_bukrs_tax , lv_waers_tax)
    FROM ekko WHERE ebeln = i_tax-ebeln.
*****( netpr - net price , mwskz - tax on sales).
    SELECT SINGLE netpr mwskz INTO (lv_netpr_tax1 , lv_mwskz)
    FROM ekpo WHERE ebeln = i_tax-ebeln AND ebelp = i_tax-ebelp.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      lv_taxamt_t = i_tax-menge * lv_netpr_tax1.
    IF NOT lv_mwskz IS INITIAL.
                i_bukrs = lv_bukrs_tax
                i_mwskz = lv_mwskz
                i_waers = lv_waers_tax
                i_wrbtr = lv_taxamt_t
                e_fwnav = lv_fwnav_tax
                t_mwdat = i_mwdat_t.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    lv_tax_tot = lv_tax_tot + lv_fwnav_tax.
    CLEAR lv_fwnav_tax.
For reversal
  CLEAR : i_tax_r, lv_netpr_tax1_r, lv_mwskz_r, lv_taxamt_t_r,
          lv_tax_tot_r, lv_fwnav_tax_r, lv_bukrs_tax_r, lv_waers_tax_r
  SELECT  ebeln ebelp menge FROM mseg
  INTO TABLE i_tax_r WHERE ( bwart = '122' OR bwart = '124' OR bwart =
'161' )
  AND lfbnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln
  AND ebelp = i_mseg_m-ebelp.
  LOOP AT i_tax_r.
    SELECT SINGLE bukrs waers INTO (lv_bukrs_tax_r , lv_waers_tax_r)
    FROM ekko WHERE ebeln = i_tax_r-ebeln.
    SELECT SINGLE netpr mwskz INTO (lv_netpr_tax1_r , lv_mwskz_r)
    FROM ekpo WHERE ebeln = i_tax_r-ebeln AND ebelp = i_tax_r-ebelp.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      lv_taxamt_t_r = i_tax_r-menge * lv_netpr_tax1_r.
    IF NOT lv_mwskz_r IS INITIAL.
                i_bukrs = lv_bukrs_tax_r
                i_mwskz = lv_mwskz_r
                i_waers = lv_waers_tax_r
                i_wrbtr = lv_taxamt_t_r
                e_fwnav = lv_fwnav_tax_r
                t_mwdat = i_mwdat_t_r.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    lv_tax_tot_r = lv_tax_tot_r + lv_fwnav_tax_r.
    CLEAR lv_fwnav_tax_r.
Finally the Total value is moving to i_fintab-dmbtr
  i_fintab1-dmbtr = lv_dmbtr + lv_tax_tot - lv_tax_tot_r.
  CONDENSE i_fintab1-dmbtr NO-GAPS.
  IF i_fintab1-dmbtr = ' '.
    i_fintab1-dmbtr = '0.0000'.
  IF i_fintab1-vkwrt = ' '.
    i_fintab1-vkwrt = '0.0000'.
  SELECT SINGLE mblnr INTO lv_mblnr_rev FROM mseg
  WHERE ( bwart = '102' OR bwart = '104' OR  bwart = '106' )
  AND lfbnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln
  AND ebelp =  i_mseg_m-ebelp.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    i_fintab1-elikz = 'Reversed'.
  ELSEIF i_fintab1-elikz = 'X'.
    i_fintab1-elikz = 'Completed'.
  ELSEIF i_fintab1-elikz = ' '.
    i_fintab1-elikz = 'NotCompleted'.
Retrieve from table EKKO for Supplier Code , Exchange Rate,
Purchasing Group, Purchasing Document Type,
         INTO (lv_lifnr , lv_wkurs, lv_ekgrp , lv_bsart ,
               lv_inco1 , lv_knumv , lv_waers_c)
         FROM ekko
         WHERE ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    i_fintab1-lifnr = lv_lifnr.
    i_fintab1-ekgrp = lv_ekgrp.
    i_fintab1-waers = lv_waers_c.
    i_fintab1-bsart = lv_bsart.
    i_fintab1-inco1 = lv_inco1.
    i_fintab1-bsart_c = lv_bsart.
    MOVE lv_wkurs TO i_fintab1-wkurs.
    CONDENSE i_fintab1-wkurs NO-GAPS.
Retreive for Land
  SELECT SINGLE land1 INTO lv_land1 FROM lfa1 WHERE lifnr = lv_lifnr .
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    i_fintab1-land1 = lv_land1.
Retrieve from table T024 for BuyerCode
  SELECT SINGLE  eknam INTO lv_eknam FROM t024 WHERE ekgrp = lv_ekgrp.
  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    i_fintab1-eknam = lv_eknam.
Retrieve from table KONV for AdditionalCharges
Retrieve PO Number, PO Line Number from GR Line Item
  SELECT ebeln ebelp INTO TABLE i_add FROM mseg
  WHERE mblnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln
  AND ebelp = i_mseg_m-ebelp.
  LOOP AT i_add.
********( knumv - number of document condition )
    SELECT SINGLE knumv INTO lv_knumv_a FROM ekko
    WHERE ebeln = i_add-ebeln.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      CLEAR : i_zcond,i_add_cond[], lv_kwert_total.
      SELECT zcond1
      FROM zvcs_con_config
      INTO TABLE i_zcond
      WHERE ( zid = '001' ) OR
            ( zid = '002' ) OR
            ( zid = '003' ) OR
            ( zid = '004' ) OR
            ( zid = '005' ).
      LOOP AT i_zcond.
        SELECT kwert APPENDING TABLE i_add_cond FROM konv
        WHERE knumv = lv_knumv_a AND kposn = i_add-ebelp
        AND   ( ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond1 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond2 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond3 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond4 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond5 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond6 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond7 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond8 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond9 ) OR
                ( kschl EQ i_zcond-zcond10 ) ).
      CLEAR : lv_kwert_total.
      LOOP AT i_add_cond.
        lv_kwert_total = lv_kwert_total + i_add_cond-kwert.
      CLEAR : lv_sum_a.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        lv_sum_a =  lv_sum_a  + lv_kwert_total.
        SELECT SINGLE netwr netpr INTO (lv_netwr_a , lv_netpr_a)
        FROM ekpo WHERE ebeln = i_add-ebeln AND ebelp = i_add-ebelp.
        SELECT SINGLE erfmg INTO lv_erfmg_add FROM mseg
        WHERE mblnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_add-ebeln
        AND ebelp  = i_add-ebelp.
        lv_sum_b = lv_sum_b + ( lv_erfmg_add * lv_netpr_a ) *
        lv_sum_a / lv_netwr_a .
    CLEAR : lv_kwert_a, lv_knumv_a , lv_netwr_a , lv_netpr_a ,
  CLEAR: lv_sum_a.
Retrieve the returned
  SELECT ebeln ebelp INTO TABLE i_add1 FROM mseg
  WHERE ( bwart = '122' OR bwart = '124' OR bwart = '161' )
  AND lfbnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln
  AND ebelp = i_mseg_m-ebelp.
  LOOP AT i_add1.
    SELECT SINGLE knumv INTO lv_knumv_a1 FROM ekko
    WHERE ebeln = i_add-ebeln.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      CLEAR : i_zcond_r,i_add_cond_r[], lv_kwert_total_r.
      SELECT zcond1
      FROM zvcs_con_config
      INTO TABLE i_zcond_r
      WHERE ( zid = '001' ) OR
            ( zid = '002' ) OR
            ( zid = '003' ) OR
            ( zid = '004' ) OR
            ( zid = '005' ).
      LOOP AT i_zcond_r.
        SELECT kwert APPENDING TABLE i_add_cond_r FROM konv
        WHERE knumv = lv_knumv_a1 AND kposn = i_add1-ebelp
        AND ( ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond1 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond2 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond3 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond4 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond5 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond6 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond7 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond8 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond9 ) OR
              ( kschl EQ i_zcond_r-zcond10 ) ).
append i_add_cond.
      LOOP AT i_add_cond_r.
        lv_kwert_total_r = lv_kwert_total_r + i_add_cond_r-kwert.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        lv_sum_a1 =  lv_sum_a1  + lv_kwert_total_r .
        SELECT SINGLE netwr netpr INTO (lv_netwr_a1 , lv_netpr_a1)
        FROM ekpo WHERE ebeln = i_add-ebeln.
        CLEAR : i_erfmg.
        SELECT erfmg INTO TABLE i_erfmg FROM mseg
        WHERE ( bwart = '122' OR bwart = '124' OR bwart = '161' )
        AND lfbnr = i_mseg_m-mblnr AND ebeln = i_mseg_m-ebeln
        AND ebelp = i_mseg_m-ebelp.

Similar Messages

  • Report with open Purchase orders and open Goods Receipt (without invoices)

    Dear All,
    We require a report in purchasing which will show:
    1. open purchase orders
    2. open goods receipts
    We do not want POs and GRs that have been created into invoices to be included in the report.
    At the moment we tried ME2N with RECHNUNG in selection parameters but it includes invoices. We have tried other selection parameters and reports but the results are not helpful.
    I have also checked SDN but there is no correct answer. Most of them specify the ME2N with RECHNUNG as a solution but this does not work for us.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Try ME2N, Select WE101....Also Select ALV
    go to next screen....Go to change layout
    Select to be deliverd(Qty) and Value, also to be invoice(Qty) & Value.
    Hope Help U!
    Pardeep Malik

  • Goods-receipt-based invoice verification default for material group

    Hello experts,
    I put by default the option Goods-receipt-based invoice verification when creating a purchase order by tcode ME21N. Now, I would like if possible to only insert the option Goods-receipt-based invoice verification by default for some material group. Is this possible? This behaviour needs to be automatic.
    How can I achieve this behaviour?
    Thanks in advance,
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Jeyakanthan A on Nov 20, 2011 11:11 PM

    Dear JP,
    In standard system this is not possible to default this indicator based on Material Group. This can be defaulted from Vendor Master record or Purchasing Info Record or Ticked Manually PO Item Details.
    If you look to enhance you system to do this, I would not advisable you to go with this default option because there can be situation that you order some material without Material Master Record (Like a frame work Order) in that case you will not be able to do GR and there can be conflict.
    You can create Material Group Info. record and default it from there, but again this for scenario where Material Master Record does not exists(Non Stock).
    Hope you find this useful.

  • GR- Based IV - Goods receipt-based Invoice verification

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    This indicator specifies that prevision has been made for goods -receipt base invoice verification.
    So the goal is to have two kinds of purchase orders with a default GR-base IV indicator.
                              Best Regards
                                     João Fernandes

    Hi Kore,
    I forget to tell you one order to use the master record i must to change the info record...but i have to many materials...
    Do you know some mean of clean de info record of all materials of a vendor?
                 Best Regards
                        João Fernandes

  • No goods-receipt-based invoice verification

    I need some guidance on a new process.
    We are a north american company.
    1- We create a PO to China and we unchecked the GR based IV flag
    2- we send it...
    3- When the stock is delivered to the China Port, we receive the invoice from the vendor and pay
    4-6 weeks after we do the GR in our plant.
    At GR time, if the quantity doesn't match what we ordered or paid, is there a way to control that?
    What is the standard process to deal with quantity variance when the invoice is already paid?
    Thank you!

    hi Luc,
    Quantity differences between goods receipt and invoice receipt for a purchase order result in a balance on the GR/IR clearing account.
    If the quantity invoiced is larger than the quantity received, the system then expects further goods receipts for this purchase order to clear the balance.
    If the quantity received is larger than the quantity invoiced, the system then expects further invoices for this purchase order to clear the balance.
    You can also clear differences for delivery costs.
    If no more goods or invoices are to be received, you must clear the balance manually.
    This can be done in different ways:
    You can return the extra goods to the vendor.
    You can cancel the invoice and post a corrected invoice or a credit memo for the surplus posted quantity.
    You can clear the GR/IR clearing account manually.
    Hope this Clear.
    Anil patreddy

  • Goods receipt without a purchase order

    hellow experts,
    I created a good receipt in MIGO with out a purchase order, the saving icon refuse to highlight i.e is not highlighted, so i cat save the goods receipt. I dont know if it has something to do with the configuration? if the system is configured not to accept a goods receipt without a PO.?. I will really appreciate if there is a way for me to make the save icon active, thanks

    Thanks experts for your reply so far,
    I would like to know the G/L account to assign to the good receipt without a purchace order, because most of the GL account I have tried from my list has been given me messages like, "it is not possible to post directly to this account", and some other errors 
    your contributions would be highly appreciated. Thanks

  • Mistakenly reversed goods receipt after invoice posted

    Hi experts,
    I already post this question in EAM forum, but moved to here as I think I will get more useful replies.
    I have a PO that was goods receipted and invoiced receipted. Later on, the GR was reversed, and now that entry needs to be reverse... We're having a negative value in our reports that should not be there.
    What would be the way to fix this? Is it OK that the goods receipted may be reversed after invoice receipted.. i.e. after an invoice has been posted? In Tx. OMBZ the Mvt. 102 has "RevGR desp. IR" unchecked.
    Kind Regards,
    Original thread: Reverse goods receipt after invoice posted.

    Just do a GR again for the PO and this should fix your problem. The original document and reversal documents will remain there with another GR document against PO.
    Unless the payment against the invoice hasnt been made, your preceding documents can be changed. Once the payment has been made, you should not be able to change any preceding document.
    Edited by: Afshad Irani on May 31, 2010 9:08 AM

  • Reverse goods receipt after invoice posted

    Hi experts,
    I have a PO that was goods receipted and invoiced receipted (work was done). Someone has then un-goods receipted the PO, and now that entry needs to be reverse (the work order has status closed).
    What would be the way to fix this? Re-open the work order? Is it OK that the goods receipted may be reversed after invoice receipted.. i.e. after an invoice has been posted?
    I am starting to get familiar with this, so bear with me.

    First check whether the PR/PO has been created within the workorder at Operation level or it is created outside the work order and just the account assignment in the PR/PO has been done to the workorder.
    Since PO is the superior purchasing document and preceeds the PR , standard application dont have any dependancy between PO and work order..Dependency stops at PR release and when Quotation/PO has been created and released..So i dont think u need to undo TECO...
    For any reversal of the material documents after posting, subsequent Fi document should be revresed only then reverse Goods movement becomes effective as it needs to update the stock levels and inventory value in the systemm.
    However u need to check the way system has been configured and Mapped...
    For better response please post this question in MM---Inventory management forum.....
    If u r satisfied with this answer please close and rate..
    Shaikh Murad....

  • Problem with the Posting Date of Goods Receipt or Invoice Receipt for PO

    Hi All,
    I am working on 2LIS_02_SCL - Purchasing Data (Schedule Line Level),
    For our report, we should get the scheduled PO quantity,actual PO qty, Scheduled date and actual date in the report.
    we are getting all these fields from the above extractor...
    For a PO which is opened (Delivery Completion indicator not set) - we where getting all field as in ECC(ME23N)
    But for a PO which is finished(Delivery completion indicator is set) - we where are getting actual GR qty,planned qty,planned or scheduled date at schedule line level.But we are not getting the Posting Date of Goods Receipt or Invoice Receipt for PO from history EKBE for all the schedule line.
    for open PO
    PO num         item num   schedule line    Planned date   actual date  difference  actual qty  planned qty  difference
    450002432   10                        1              01/10/2011    02/10/2011       1 day          100             100             0
                                                     2              02/10/2011    04/10/2011       2 days        200             400            200
                                                     3              03/10/2011    07/10/2011       4 days         300            300              0
    For the same PO when it is Finished or completed(Delivery completion indicator is set)
    PO num         item num   schedule line    Planned date   actual date  difference  actual qty  planned qty  difference
    450002432   10                        1              01/10/2011    07/10/2011       6 day          100             100             0
                                                     2              02/10/2011    07/10/2011       5 days        200             400            200
                                                                    03/10/2011    07/10/2011       4 days         300            300              0
    for all the schedule line its displaying the last posting date(i think its taking from EKKO table)
    Is there any possibility to get that posting date history ....

    You can have multiple receipts against a PO schedule line, but this extractor is not meant to go to that level of granularity.  Please try to use 2lis_02_sgr instead which provides goods receipts per PO schedule line.

  • How to post goods receipt without FI document number

    Hi friends,
    Is it possible to create a Good Receipt without creating any FI document number?
    G G Reddy

    Hi Vikas,
    Now i am doing Historical data migration project. for this project last 7 year data we will move to New sap systems. we will get the data from standard tables from the all module like FI/CO,MM and PS.
    So in FI data i done through z program. in MM side previsiously only PO data only  in the scope.but recently they added Good movements also. so whenever the MM consultant will do the Goods receipts the fi documents will come in to piture. it is duplicate data available twice.
    Because I uploaded FI data which is linked to MM integration. so now my problem is whenever the MM Consultant wii upload the Goods Receipts, there is no Fi document happen. so please provide any soluation about this.
    so please give me u r inputs on this
    Edited by: sachinreddy on Dec 26, 2011 10:45 AM

  • Good receipt without PO

    Dear experts!
    Now, I'm getting some Issue about Good Receipt in MM module.
    - The first, I created a material master with transaction code MM01.
    - Second, I want to Good Receipt without PO for the Material with quantity is 40 and price is 12.000 per one.
    I think I will create new movement type.
    How do I have to do?
    Help me, please!
    Best regards Huy!

    Hi Huy,
    You can use 501 movment type and make the field EXBWR- Ext. Amount in LC optional/editable in OMJJ. By doing so you will be able to enter the price and the Vendor and create a GR without PO. In this case it would hit the GR/IR account.
    If you desire not to hit this account then you can either use 202 or you can create a Custom movment type similar to it and make the GL account field Optional. Then you can enter the GL account while doing the Goods Receipt.

  • Can we goods receipt without material number and without PO?

    Can we goods receipt without material number and without PO as consumption ?
    I have case that no PO in SAP system (charge to cost center) but need to goods receipt in SAP system.
    How should I do?
    Thank you very much

    Go to MB1C enter 561 movement type (initial posting ) .
    Material number is must.
    It will be against profit center as it is goods receipt and stock value will be credited to our a/c .
    Edited by: Ravikant Dewangan on Aug 11, 2009 8:38 PM

  • Goods Receipt without Costs

    Dear Expers,
    A colleague of mine has done Good Receipt without cost  when I go in Inventory posting the G/L Acct is missing because of this. How Can I rectify this... I have tried doing stock revaluation but its giving  BK-PLEASE ENTER A PROFIT CENTER....even tho I put in the profit center I get the same error msg.

    Please check the Note 1099094 suggested by Johnson.
    Yes of course if you valuing by Moving average. its highly crucial to maintain and you do MR - material revaluation the issue is more the cost is increased. The cost will have increased.
    ( (Item price* qty) + (available item price * qty) ) / total quantity. Please do calulation it will all be correct to the value inthe system.
    Please be careful with these type of transaction.
    Rakesh N

  • Goods receipt without stock

    How to do goods receipt without stock for a stock material? Is there a way to create a material document without stock posting?

    in case you do a goods receipt to a third party order, it is just statistical and does not update your stock figures.

  • When doing goods receipt without po using mvt 501 wants to be able to put amount

    when doing goods receipt without po using movement type 501 i want to be able to put the amount and dont want the amount to be coming from the moving average price in the material master.

    Have you used MIGO...
    I have tested that...
    The Ext. Amount LC field is mandatory in MIGO for movement type 501...

Maybe you are looking for