Graph de surface 3D

j'ai un tableau 2D que j'aimerais afficher :
1. sous forme de graph d'intensité : fait, facile (juste à rentrer le tableau 2D dans le VI)
2. sous forme de graph de surface 3D (et là j'ai besoin de vecteur X, vecteur Y, et matrice Z de mon tableau, comment je peux les avoir ?)
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il suffit juste de transformer le tableau en matrice...

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    So this is what I want to do:
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    thank you in advance,
    PS: attached are some of my current images
    Message Edited by crimolvic on 01-08-2008 07:59 AM
    Attachments: ‏157 KB

    This is not want you wanted but may be useful.
    In this thread boltzmann teaches us how to imbed the CW-3D graph in a PP presentation. You can manipulate the 3d graph IN PP !
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Simultaneous 3D graphs

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    Using LabView 8.20 Developer Suite

    Here you are. Better done using events, but this is abit trickier since the changing of the viewpoint doesnt generate events on its own.
    For case 1 (boolean array to number returns 1 for true/falste, 0 for false/false, 2 for false/true and 3 for true/true) just wire another pair of inputs (refnum and cluster) to the property node. Default does nothing.
    Hope that helped!
    graphs1.png ‏13 KB

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    Pourriez vous m'aiguiller svp

    Bonjour darkpoet,
    Si par chiffres scientifiques tu entends des expressions de ce type "9.6E7" ou "5E-4" tu trouveras en pièce jointe un VI d'exemple.
    Cet exemple convertit une chaine de caractères (de la forme "9.6E7" ou "5E-4") en double.
    Je te laisse t'occuper de la partie tableau pour le moment 
    Certified TestStand Architect
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France
    Attachments: ‏8 KB

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    Hi Earl,
    Unfortunately, the 3D graph object in LabVIEW uses ActiveX, which I'm sure you know only works with Windows. However, there some work arounds that others have posted in these other threads:

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    RIght-click on the graph and "create...invoke node". On the diagram, select method "get image".
    Save the output of "image data" as JPG, BMP, or PNG using the tools from the "Graphics Formats" palette.
    (The code shows would get a 24bit PNG image)
    See how far you get. Good luck!
    Message Edited by altenbach on 08-12-2005 02:50 PM
    Message Edited by altenbach on 08-12-2005 02:51 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    GetImage.png ‏3 KB

  • Facing memory error during shifting from 3d stem graph to 3d surface graph in labview 2010

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    earlier I was using 3D Stem graph in labview 2010. Now we want to move to Surface plot for same data.when i am trying surface graph it shows memory error.
    I have  10240 data.
    I was using vector method in stem graph so now for Surface graph i have thought that i have to make matrics of 10240x10240 and its diagonal elements should be my Z co0ordiants.
    plz help me out here.
    thanks & regards, 

    hello mikeporter,
    thanks for reply.I am attaching my Vi. It has some error also.plz look into it.
    X and Y are my co-ordinates pairs.I will be having values for these and have to update for same.
    Untitled ‏184 KB

  • Aren't -180° and 180° the same for a 3D parametric surface graph?

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    matrix “phi” : Each line ranges from 0° to 89.5° (increasing by 0.5°)   (180x360)
    Third matrix “z” : 180x 360 matrix initialised to 7
    First and
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    180° the same for this graph? I must be doing something wrong...
    Any help
    would be great,
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏671 KB
    Pb circle.JPG ‏20 KB

    Seems obvious that you need to have the first and last point the same in order to close the curve.
    A simpler, but equivalent example is a circle on an xy graph, Unless the first and last point coincide, you won't close the loop.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • LV 6.1, 3D Surface Graph sometimes collapses (doesn't work stably); plus blocks use of remotely controlled panel by LV run-time engine (error #26:"window.cpp", line 11518

    1) "3D Surface Graph" does not work stably; sometimes it changes its properties (e.g. plot style) without me doing anything prior to that; a couple of times it lost a complete sense so that I had to delete the graph and install it again
    2) I tried to remotely run a VI which contains a 3D Surface Graph in it. It turns out, the use of the "3D Surface Graph" somehow blocks the remote control over the panel. As a result of that, I got the following error message: Error #26: "window.cpp", line 11518 (with LabVIEW version 6.1).
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    3D_Graph_ver_1.bmp ‏214 KB

    Hello mjoler,
    Thank you for contacting National Instruments.
    The following example will show you how to plot multiple 3D plots on a single 3D graph. Modeling your VI after the example may also alleviate the instability that you have been experiencing.
    As far as the error you are receiving, it's difficult to say what could be causing this. ActiveX controls embedded on a front panel sometimes do not display on a remote client because they draw and operate almost completely independent of LabVIEW. If possible, try remotely controlling your VI with a client computer that has a complete installation of LabVIEW. The error could also be a bu
    g. Try downloading the evaluation version of LabVIEW 7.0 from By doing this, we can determine if it is a bug in the older version that has been fixed in the latest version.
    Let me know how this goes.
    Matthew C
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Plotting data in a 3d surface graph

    I�m having trouble plotting data correctly on a 3d surface graph in my routine.
    The goal of the vi is to plot a 3d image of a region of interest (ROI) from an intensity graph. The user selects the ROI with the cursor from the Intensity Graph (top left plot). The vi shows the region of interest in the ROI intensity graph (lower left plot). The goal is to create a 3d plot from this ROI. The 3d plot appears on the right.
    The problem is that the 3d plot seems to shift the values of the data if data is selected anywhere other than from the 0,0 region of the Intensity Graph. If the user selects data from 0 upwards along the y-axis or to the right along the x-axis, the data plots fine. When the user selects data from the
    center of the plot the data shifts off the 3d plot. The data is not missing. It is shifted. You can actually see the values when you left click and change the view of the 3d plot. The data appears as individual points off the surface graph. Each data point is the correct z data value. The scale on the 3d axes adjust correctly.
    I've attached the routine below in the form of an llb file. The correct version of the main file is "mouse_to_select_area_hamilton4_laura". Do not run the main "mouse_to_select_area_hamilaton4" as it contains an error.
    Mouse_t1.llb ‏557 KB

    I have the same problem with one of these graphs. I have a surface plot that has been normalized to zero. However, the data is not centered on zero when plotted. I have an X and y vector input to the graph, it doesn't help. I have looked at each column of data and verified programmatically that the mean is zero of each column. There are gobs of data (some are 1 - 2 Mbytes big). Can that cause this? I use other graphs and a polar plot within the same application, they all look fine. I did get the 3D graph to plot correctly once, but the X vector values weren't displayed correctly (my X vector range is from .5 to 240 inches, the graph displayed 0 to 117 - which was the number of inch positions, not the inches positions themselves).

  • Problem printing 3D graph surface plots

    I have a LabVIEW vi that I have written that uses 3D graph surface plots.  The front panel and 3D plots look great on the monitor.  However, when I use the file > print option to print a snap shot of the front panel the 3D surface plot graphs are missing.  All of the other controls and indicators print correctly, but the surface plots are missing completely.  Any ideas on what may be the cause?

    Hi JM,
    Do you have Report Generation Toolkit? If so, this looks like it may be related:
    Let me know if this helps.
    Dan Richards
    Certified LabVIEW Developer

  • Surface graph of a Fourier Transform

    Hi there -
    I want to make a surface graph of my Fourier Transform. My z-axis should be the amplitude coefficients, My y-axis should be Time and my x-axis should be Frequency. However, when I use the FFT vi I only get a z matrix of one column. Yet the surface graph VI requires a 2D array for z. How can I account for this?

    Duplicate post

  • Temperature surface graph

    Hello all,
    I'm trying to figure out how create a 2D temperature map like you can get in Excel by using a surface charts & contour :
    Here is an example
    Do you have any idea about how to do that ???
    Thanks in advance !

    kriss00 wrote:
    Thanks all for your propositions.
    I have worked on the one of Norbert. You can find in attchement the VI about that.
    I have still an issue about the fact that I need to rotate the graph. 1/4 to the right. I don't understand why because the array is correct to me...
    0 0 2        =>   1 0 0
    0 0 0               0 0 0 
    1 0 0               0 0 2
    I would delete the second "Transpose 2d Array".
    Then invert the y-axis via right click on intensity graph>properties>scales>drop down menue> Fréquence (y-axis)
    Finally you can switch the x-axis from the bottom to the top via right click on x-axis > switch sides
    ♜♖ LabView 8.6 - LabView 2014 ♖♜
    Temperature Map-2_inverted ‏63 KB

  • Help needed in creating a multiple surface graph.

    Dear all,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my question.
    I have an equation with 3 variables.
    I have managed to plot 2 variable(and the result of the equation) on a 3d surface plot and now I am trying to plot the third one as multiple surfaces.
    More in detail, I am trying to plot the induced current in a coil of turns R, at a distance x from a High Voltage(High Current) conductor.
    You will see from my attached file that I have plotted 'Induced current', 'Radius from point x' and 'HV conductor Current'.
    I now wish to plot turns N (say 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 turns) as 5 multiple plots (one on top of the other).
    How can I do this, as I have checked the example files and have not found something very relevant on that. Also answers to similar questions are not very clear to me.
    I am also not quite sure that the surface plot I have is correct, as the valus of HV conductor Current (I) do not start from 500. The same happens for Radius From Point 'x' (R), as they start from 3,5 instead of 3.
    If I go to to CDgraph3D>>properties, I can see 4 more plots but they are definetely not what I would expect.
    I am trying to plot:
    Radius from point 'x' (R)= 3, 3.5, 4,...,5
    HV Conductor Current I = 500,600,...,1000
    # turns of coil N= 50, 100,...,250 (as 5 surface plots)
    and last Induced Current
    What am I doing wrong in my code?
    Parametric analysis of induction ‏35 KB

    Good Morning,
    With some mentoring from the skilled LabVIEW Zealot that resides a few cubicles away, I have found how to access the property nodes on the 3D plot. Please find attached a VI that programmatically sets the scale of interest to 600-700. You can change the code to fit your needs.
    Many, many more details can be found at :
    ( the VI should be in 8.0 this time.   )
    Data Science Automation
    Parametric%20analysis%20of%20induction%20coil[1][1].vi ‏39 KB

  • 3d Surface plot in 2013 - Z axis range input or property node doesn't get updated on the graph

    I point the problem to the  ( 3D_Plot.lvclass.graph
    Can someone confirm this?

    This works for me.  If this is not what you're doing, or if this does not work for you, please provide more details.
    Attachments: ‏19 KB

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