Gray vertical lines on startup

Ever since I switched to Lion and FileVault to encrypt my disk, when my Macbook Pro (Early 2008) Restarts it has Strange Gray gradients extending from the bottom and fading out near the top of the screen.  It only happens after I log in, the initial log in screen is fine and they seem to go away eventually.  Is this expected behavior? 

Is this expected behavior?
MacBook Pro (Early 2008): Dark bands showing intermittently on built-in display

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    I have seen this efect before and I don't recall there being a solution given. You might try using a B-Spline or Bezier mask to mask out the elements on the left instead of cropping. I have had good luck with that.

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    don't be afraid to upgrade, it's surely an hardware problem. If that thing happens again, go to apple store, they will repair it or gave you an other one, the warranty is one year .

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    Has anyone experienced this before?
    2009 iMac, happened at startup and will not bootup.

    That often means there is a problem with the GPU of your iMac (it happened something similar to me: startup screen with vertical lines and then a white screen). Take your Mac to an Apple Store or reseller to get your iMac repaired.

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    GPU is failing or bad cable or connection.
    Genius reservation
    check warranty

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    It looks like the graphics card may be failing. If you are covered by AppleCare contact Apple immediately, if you are not I would recommend bringing it into an Apple Authorized Service Provider to be checked out.
    Sorry for being the bearer of bad news.

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    MacBook Pro (Early 2008): Dark bands showing intermittently on built-in display
    MacBook Pro: Distorted video or no video issues .  The affected computers  were manufactured between approximately May 2007 and September 2008.

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    Here some photos of the described problem:
    Imac Intel CoreDuo 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   2GB ram

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    Imac Intel CoreDuo 20" Mac OS X (10.4.7) 2GB ram

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    Hello elaforce,
    It seems your display has vertical lines and will not respond. Based on the information you have provided, it appears your iPhone needs to be serviced. The following link should help you get started with the process and has links with additional information on topics such as warranty and service pricing, battery replacement, and express replacement service.
    iPhone Repair and Service - Apple Support
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.

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    i have similar problem with macbook pro.
    but after resetting NVRAM (I followed the instructions from here it runs normally, and appear from time to time now.
    is it graphics chip, rkaufmann87?

  • Startup Freeze - Vertical Lines on Screen

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    Running 10.4.7 on a new Macbook - since a firmware update about two weeks ago, my macbook freezes on startup - no chime... just goes to gray screen and slowly develops vertical lines. I can restart by resetting the nvram and then everything is ok until the next restart - or wake-up from sleep if I'm only on the battery.
    Apple has already replaced my battery once and that seems ok now... but this start up thing worries me.
    Has anybody seen this or reported something similar to Apple? seems like it would be related to the firmware update... but they aren't saying if they're hearing it from anyone else.
    Thanks for your help
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi, Altoklez. Welcome to the Discussions.
    1. You wrote: "Has anybody seen this or reported something similar to Apple"If they have, they would probably have reported it on the MacBook Discussions. Have you checked the MacBook Dicussion for similar reports?
    2. Run the Apple Hardware Test (AHT) that came the affected computer. See my "Apple Hardware Test" FAQ for comprehensive advice on using the AHT in troubleshooting.
    3. Frankly, given that the machine has already been repaired once, I'd have Apple look at it again. If there is an Apple Retail Store in your area, I'd recommend taking it there. You may wish to call ahead to make an appointment at the Genius Bar.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • Can someone help me with my 27" iMac's Gray screen with 5 Pink Vertical Line Problem?

    Hi there,
    I'm new to the forums, but I have a serious problem with my nearly 4 year old iMac 27" model.
    I was using my iMac one evening and then suddenly everything displayed on the screen gets immediately pushed to the left of the computer screen. Then after a minute, my screen turns a solid gray, displaying no dock, no header bar, no options, and the keyboard and mouse suddenly disconnect.
    When I turned back on my computer, it seemed to boot up perfectly normal. The normal gray start-up screen displays:
    Then it displays the Apple logo and begins to spin the loading circle icon below it. But this time it adds 5 vertical pink lines down the screen from left to right. They stay in place the entire time:
    And then when the login screen finishes loading, instead of bringing up my Account and my Password text box, it displays just a solid gray screen with the same 5 pink vertical lines on it, as shown below:
    I've let it set for a half hour and nothing changes. During this time the keyboard and mouse seem to be disconnected, nothing seems to work with the screen or the computer itself. I hold the on/off button on the rear, turning it off and then on again. The same process happens with the boot up, the Apple logo appears, then the spinning loading icon below it, and then the vertical bars appear and the Apple logo and spinning icon disappear.
    Is this a problem with the screen that an external monitor hooked up to it might fix, or is it a graphics card problem? I didn't buy the extended warranty package for the computer and it's roughly 3 1/2 years old.
    Any idea what might cause this and how it could be fixed in the cheapest way possible?

    I have the same problem since yesterday evening.
    My google research found this:
    iMac (27-inch): AMD Radeon 6970M Video Card Replacement Program - Apple Support
    Maybe this is our problem. My iMac fits into this category.

  • When i open my computer I get the white screen with apple symbol and there are vertical lines all over the screen with green pixels and after a few minutes the screen gets grey and I get message to restart my computer what happens

    3 years ago I bought an IMac Desktop that I am using for a lot of things but the most important for dvd montage in Imovies and Idvd.
    Now today when I opened my computer I get as usual the white screen with the Apple symbol but there were all over the screen vertical lines with green pixels and after a while the screen gets grey and I get message to restart my computer using the power button or the restart button and when I do so each time the same is happening somebody can tell me what is happening and what caused this. This computer is my work and now I have no income anymore.
    On the Apple support site they are asking to enter the serial number and when I do so I get message it is wrong but it is the only one I have and I buy this computer in Cairo Egypt. I am living in Hurghada in Egypt for the moment. When I call the technical support of the shop where I buy it they are telling me that it is the hard disk or ram and that I probably lost everything on it and they are asking a big amount to repair.
    Can somebody advise me on this matter. Thanks in advance

    You can find the serial number either in About this Mc in the Menu bar under the , or it should be on a sticker under the foot of the machine.
    If you have the install discs, try booting from them, holding down the c key and then using Disk Utility to check the drive. 
    You can also boot into Safe mode
    To start up into Safe Mode (to "Safe Boot"), do this:
       1. Be sure the computer is shut down.
       2. Press the power button.
       3. Immediately after you hear the startup tone, press and hold the Shift key.
          Tip: The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone but not before.
       4. Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple and progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    During the startup in Mac OS X 10.2 through 10.3.9, you will see "Safe Boot" on the Mac OS X startup screen.
    During the startup in Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you will see "Safe Boot" on the login window, which appears even if you normally log in automatically.
    Please post back with results,
    To leave Safe Mode in any version of Mac OS X, restart the computer normally, without holding any keys during startup.

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