GSSContext's wrap() and MessageProp: Which enryption is used and available

Hi there,
I have got a question regarding GSSContext's wrap()/unwrap() methods.
These methods take a parameter, class MessageProp,
an instance of this class is used to indicate the desired Quality-of-Protection (QOP)The qop is can be set by an integer, but which kind of protection is it indicated by which number? Which kind of encryption is used, which are available?
How secure are these message exchanges?

ahh, I see, could've guessed that myself... Thank for your reply!
Anyway, DES3 seems to be the weapon of choice as it is supported by the Java Kerberos module, but obviously not by my Active Directory/KDC.
After some further investigations I found out that DES can be hacked withing 24h, but: the Kerberos clock skew is 5min and our ticket lifetime 8hrs. So there's a remaining risk which seems to be justifiable. What do you think of that?

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    Yes  BAM  has a bigger take, if you are looking for PI monitoring reports  then please have a look at the following blogs which might
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    Best Regards,

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    I came to Lightroom quite recently (in the last month!)  from Photoshop Elements 11. I like the organization features in LR better, but for adjustments such as the ones that you mentioned I would leave LR and go back to Photoshop Elements 11, primarily because that is what I know. I don't use the subscription service, mainly because I already owned and installed the boxed version of Photoshop Elements 11 and adding it to a subscription service with Lightroom seemed redundant. I am sure someone in the community will (or has) comment(ed) that it is possible to whiten teeth and cure blemishes within LR, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. Check out the TV Adobe free tutorials, particularly Julianne Kost's tutorials. She has a good presentation style and you might find the LR answer that you need with detailed instructions.

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