GUI array information cycler help please

I currently have a program that has 3 classes. Basically one class is the main and has some information hard coded that it submits to one of the other classes. The second class takes that information, formats it and sends it to the third class. The third class creates an array, takes the information from the second class and has a display method that the main can call to display the information.
The program basically spews out all the information in the array in a specific format. The array elements contain strings, ints and doubles. The third class also calculates some things that are displayed with the display method in main.
What I need to do is create a third class. This class needs to make a GUI to display the information. I currently have the programs display method display the information in a GUI but I need it to display each element one at a time with a NEXT and PREVIOUS button. The next button needs to go to the next array element and the previous button obviously needs to go back to the array element.
Here is the code.
//  Inventory Program
//  Created June 20, 2007
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Inventory4 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CD cd;
        Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
        cd = new CDWithGenre(16, "Disney Hits", 11, 13.01f, "Soundtrack");
        cd = new CDWithGenre(12, "The Clash", 10, 19.99f, "Classic Rock");
        cd = new CDWithGenre(45, "Dixie Chiks", 18, 10.87f, "Country");
        cd = new CDWithGenre(32, "The Cure", 62, 25.76f, "Alternative");
        cd = new CDWithGenre(18, "MS Office", 27, 99.27f, "None");
    } //End main method
} //End Inventory4 class
     /* Defines data from main as CD data and formats it. Calculates value of a title multiplied by its stock.
      Creates compareTo method to be used by Arrays.sort when sorting in alphabetical order. */
class CD implements Comparable{
    //Declares the variables as protected so only this class and subclasses can act on them
    protected int cdSku;        
    protected String cdName;               
    protected int cdCopies;
    protected double cdPrice;
    protected String genre;
    CD(int cdSku, String cdName, int cdCopies, double cdPrice, String genre) {
        this.cdSku    = cdSku;
        this.cdName   = cdName;
        this.cdCopies = cdCopies;
        this.cdPrice  = cdPrice;
        this.genre = genre;
    // This method tells the sort method what is to be sorted     
    public int compareTo(Object o)
        return cdName.compareTo(((CD) o).getName());
    // Calculates the total value of the copies of a CD
    public double totalValue() {
        return cdCopies * cdPrice;
    // Tells the caller the title
    public String getName() {
        return cdName;       
    //Displays the information stored by the constructor
    public String toString() {
        return String.format("SKU=%2d   Name=%-20s   Stock=%3d   Price=$%6.2f   Value=$%,8.2f",
                              cdSku, cdName, cdCopies, cdPrice, totalValue());
} // end CD class    
     //Class used to add items to the inventory, display output for the inventory and sort the inventory
class Inventory {
    private CD[] cds;
    private int nCount;
     // Creates array cds[] with 10 element spaces
    Inventory() {
        cds = new CD[10];
        nCount = 0;
     // Used by main to input a CD object into the array cds[]
    public void add(CD cd) {
        cds[nCount] = cd;
     //Displays the arrays contents element by element into a GUI pane
       public void display() {
        JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea();
        textArea.append("\nThere are " + nCount + " CD titles in the collection\n\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
        textArea.append("\nTotal value of the inventory is "+new java.text.DecimalFormat("$0.00").format(totalValue())+"\n\n");
        JFrame invFrame = new JFrame();
        invFrame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(textArea));
     // Steps through the array adding the totalValue for each CD to "total"
    public double totalValue() {
        double total = 0;
        double restock = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
            total += cds.totalValue();                
return total;
     //Method used to sort the array by the the name of the CD
private void sort() {
     Arrays.sort(cds, 0, nCount);
} // end Inventory class
// Subclass of CD. Creates new output string to be used, adds a restocking fee calculation and genre catagory to be displayed.
class CDWithGenre extends CD {
     String genre;
     CDWithGenre(int cdSku, String cdName, int cdCopies, double cdPrice, String genre) {
super(cdSku, cdName, cdCopies, cdPrice, genre);
this.cdName = cdName;
          this.cdCopies = cdCopies;
this.cdPrice = cdPrice;
this.genre = genre;
// Calculates restocking fee based on previous data.
public double restockFee() {
     double total = 0;
     double restock = 0;
     total = cdCopies * cdPrice;
     restock = total * .05;
return restock;
// New output method overrides superclass's output method with new data and format.
     public String toString() {
          return String.format("SKU: %2d     Genre: %-12s     Name: %-20s     \nPrice: $%6.2f Value: $%,8.2f Stock: %3d      Restocking Fee: $%6.2f\n",
cdSku, genre , cdName, cdPrice, totalValue(), cdCopies, restockFee());
}// Ends CDWithGenre class

Hey Michael,
I edited the code to add some more features but I am having some errors. Can you help again?
Here is the code
The additional buttons are for features I need to add. The commented part that says save need to save to a certain location.
But the problem I am having is with the previous and next buttons. I need them to loop so when Next reaches the end of the array it needs to go to the first element again and keep on rolling thru. The previous needs to roll back from element 0 to the end again.
This works when the program is not stopped on the last or first element. If I press the last button then press next, it errors. If I press the first button and press previous, it errors.
I also need to add an icon
Let me know what you think. Thanks a bunch
class InventoryGUI
  Inventory inventory;
  int displayElement = 0;
  public InventoryGUI(Inventory inv)
    inventory = inv;
  public void buildGUI()
    final JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(inventory.display(displayElement));
    final JButton prevBtn = new JButton("Previous"); 
    final JButton nextBtn = new JButton("Next");   
    final JButton lastBtn = new JButton("Last");
    final JButton firstBtn = new JButton("First");
    final JButton addBtn = new JButton("Add"); 
    final JButton modifyBtn = new JButton("Modify");   
    final JButton searchBtn = new JButton("Search");
    final JButton deleteBtn = new JButton("Delete");
    final JButton saveBtn = new JButton("Save");
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("images/icon.jpg");  
    JLabel label1 = new JLabel(icon);
    JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2,4));
    panel.add(firstBtn); panel.add(nextBtn); panel.add(prevBtn); panel.add(lastBtn);
    panel.add(addBtn); panel.add(modifyBtn); panel.add(searchBtn); panel.add(deleteBtn);
    JFrame invFrame = new JFrame();   
    invFrame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(textArea),BorderLayout.CENTER);
    invFrame.setTitle("Inventory Manager");
    prevBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
        if(displayElement <= 0) displayElement = 5;
    nextBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
        if(displayElement >= inventory.nCount-1) displayElement = -1;
    firstBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
        displayElement = 0;
    lastBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
        displayElement = inventory.nCount-1;

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    I have 3 classes. One called This one is the main applet class. The other called This class figures out the number of days in month, leap year ect. using the Then another class called This class creates the actual caladar.
    I used a button array to print the days. However i'm having problems accessing the buttons. i need to put an actionlister on them so when a user clicks on them it opens a new window. i know how to open a new window from a button but i cant figure out how to do it from a button array. Do i need need to create an instance from the main applet or can i do it in the class that generates the buttons?
    here are my classes..note these are all in sepearte files.
    any suggestions would be appreciated
    PS. These were done in Borland Jbuilder 7 Enterprise
    package calendar_notetaker;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class Calendar_NoteTaker extends Applet {
    private int currentYear;
    private int currentMonth;
    private MonthDate myMonth;
    CalendarPanel monthPanel;
    private boolean isStandalone = false;
    //Get a parameter value
    public String getParameter(String key, String def) {
    return isStandalone ? System.getProperty(key, def) :
    (getParameter(key) != null ? getParameter(key) : def);
    //Construct the applet
    public Calendar_NoteTaker() {
    //Initialize the applet
    public void init() {
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    //Component initialization
    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    myMonth = new MonthDate();
    currentYear = myMonth.getYear();
    currentMonth = myMonth.getMonth() + 1;
    monthPanel = new CalendarPanel(myMonth);
    add("Center", monthPanel);
    Panel panel = new Panel();
    panel.add(new Button("Previous Year"));
    panel.add(new Button("Previous Month"));
    panel.add(new Button("Next Month"));
    panel.add(new Button("Next Year"));
    add("South", panel);
    public void setNewMonth()
    myMonth.setMonth(currentMonth - 1);
    public boolean action(Event event, Object obj)
    if( instanceof Button)
    if("Previous Month".equals(obj))
    if(--currentMonth < 1)//goes before january
    currentMonth = 12;
    if(currentYear < 70)//year < 1970
    currentYear = 70;
    } else
    if("Next Month".equals(obj))
    if(++currentMonth > 12)//if you go past 12 months
    currentYear++;//set to next year
    currentMonth = 1;//set back to january
    if(currentYear > 137)//137 years from current year.
    currentYear = 137;
    } else
    if("Previous Year".equals(obj))
    if(--currentYear < 70)
    currentYear = 70;
    } else
    if("Next Year".equals(obj) && ++currentYear > 137)
    currentYear = 137;
    return true;
    //Start the applet
    public void start() {
    //Stop the applet
    public void stop() {
    //Destroy the applet
    public void destroy() {
    //Get Applet information
    public String getAppletInfo() {
    return "Applet Information";
    //Get parameter info
    public String[][] getParameterInfo() {
    return null;
    package calendar_notetaker;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class CalendarPanel extends Panel
    private MonthDate myMonth;
    Label lblMonth;//month label
    Button MonthButtons[];//button arrary for month names
    public CalendarPanel(MonthDate monthdate)
    lblMonth = new Label("",1);//0 left 1 midele 2 right side
    MonthButtons = new Button[42];//42 buttons 7x6 some wont be used
    myMonth = monthdate;
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    add("North", lblMonth);
    Panel panel = new Panel();
    panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(7, 7));//7rows x 7cols
    for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    panel.add(new Label(MonthDate.WEEK_LABEL));
    //0 to 42 monthbuttons above is 42
    for(int j = 0; j < MonthButtons.length; j++)
    MonthButtons[j] = new Button(" ");
    panel.add(MonthButtons[j]);//add the butttons to the panel
    add("Center", panel);
    public void showMonth()
    lblMonth.setText(myMonth.monthYear());//monthyear is built in
    int i = myMonth.getDay();//get current day
    if(myMonth.weeksInMonth() < 5)//if month has less than 5 weeks
    i += 7;//we still want to have a 7x7 grid
    for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
    {//add the begging set of empty spaces
    MonthButtons[j].setLabel(" ");
    // k<days in month user picks
    for(int k = 0; k < myMonth.daysInMonth(); k++)
    {//add days in month + empty spaces
    MonthButtons[k+ i ].setLabel("" + (k + 1));
    MonthButtons[k+ i ].enable();
    for(int l = myMonth.daysInMonth() + i; l < MonthButtons.length; l++)
    {//add ending number of empty spaces
    MonthButtons[l].setLabel(" ");
    package calendar_notetaker;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class MonthDate extends Date
    //week header
    public static final String WEEK_LABEL[] = {
    "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
    //days in month assuming feburary is not a leap year
    final int MonthDays[] = {
    31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31,
    30, 31
    //label to print month names
    public static final String MONTH_LABEL[] = {
    "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
    "November", "December"
    //create constructor
    public MonthDate()
    this(new Date());
    public MonthDate(Date date)
    {//get the current system date and month add one cause its off one
    this(date.getYear(), date.getMonth()+1);
    public MonthDate(int year, int monthName)
    super(year,monthName-1,1);//year, monthname,start day posistion
    public boolean isLeapYear()
    int year;
    Date date = new Date();
    return ( ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0))
    || (year % 400 == 0) );
    public int daysInMonth()
    int i = getMonth();
    if(i == 1 && isLeapYear())
    return 29;
    } else
    return MonthDays;//return the array declared above
    public int weeksInMonth()
    { //finds howmany weeks are in a month
    return (daysInMonth() + getDay() + 6) / 7;
    public String monthLabel()
    { //method to return the month names for printing later
    return MONTH_LABEL[getMonth()];
    public String monthYear()
    {//method to return the month and year for printing later
    return monthLabel() + " " + (1900 + getYear());

    add a listener and do it from there.

  • Having compiler issues with Array, can anyone help please?

    Using your Invoice class created in lab02, write a client program that allows the user to input three Invoice objects into an array of Invoice objects. After you have inputted all of the invoices, print a heading and then output all of the array elements (Invoice objects) by calling the method from your Invoice class that displays all of the data members on a single line using uniform field widths to insure that all Invoice objects will line up in column format (created in Lab04). At the end of the loop, display the calculated total retail value of all products entered in the proper currency format.
    Example of possible program execution:
    Part Number : WIDGET
    Part Description : A fictitious product
    Quantity : 100
    Price          : 19.95
    Example of possible output
    Part Number          Part Description          Quantity          Price     Amount
    WIDGET          A fictitious product     100          19.95     199.95
    Hammer               9 pounds          10          5.00     50.00
    Total Retail Value:                                   249.95
    This is what I have so far at the bottom, can anyone tell me what I'm doin wrong please
    //Invoice Lab 6
    //Application to test class Invoice with arrays
    public class InvoiceTest
    public static void main( String args[] )
    Invoice invoice1 = new Invoice( "1234", "Hammer", 2, 14.95 );
    Invoice array [] = new Invoice [2];
    array [0] = new Invoice ("1234", "Hammer", 2, 14.95);
    array [1] = new Invoice ("5678", "PaintBrush", -5, -9.99);
    double total = 0.0;
    System.out.println("Part Number                    Description               Quantity          Price               Amount");
    for (int i=0; <=2; i++)
         system.out.println("The Total retail value is: %.2f\n")
    // display invoice1
    System.out.println( "Original invoice information" );
    System.out.printf( "Part number: %s\n", invoice1.getPartNumber() );
    System.out.printf( "Description: %s\n",
    invoice1.getPartDescription() );
    System.out.printf( "Quantity: %d\n", invoice1.getQuantity() );
    System.out.printf( "Price: %.2f\n", invoice1.getPricePerItem() );
    System.out.printf( "Invoice amount: %.2f\n",
    invoice1.getInvoiceAmount() );
    // change invoice1's data
    invoice1.setPartNumber( "001234" );
    invoice1.setPartDescription( "Blue Hammer" );
    invoice1.setQuantity( 3 );
    invoice1.setPricePerItem( 19.49 );
    // display invoice1 with new data
    System.out.println( "\nUpdated invoice information" );
    System.out.printf( "Part number: %s\n", invoice1.getPartNumber() );
    System.out.printf( "Description: %s\n",
    invoice1.getPartDescription() );
    System.out.printf( "Quantity: %d\n", invoice1.getQuantity() );
    System.out.printf( "Price: %.2f\n", invoice1.getPricePerItem() );
    System.out.printf( "Invoice amount: %.2f\n",
    invoice1.getInvoiceAmount() );
    Invoice invoice2 = new Invoice( "5678", "PaintBrush", -5, -9.99 );
    // display invoice2
    System.out.println( "\nOriginal invoice information" );
    System.out.printf( "Part number: %s\n", invoice2.getPartNumber() );
    System.out.printf( "Description: %s\n",
    invoice2.getPartDescription() );
    System.out.printf( "Quantity: %d\n", invoice2.getQuantity() );
    System.out.printf( "Price: %.2f\n", invoice2.getPricePerItem() );
    System.out.printf( "Invoice amount: %.2f\n",
    invoice2.getInvoiceAmount() );
    // change invoice2's data
    invoice2.setQuantity( 3 );
    invoice2.setPricePerItem( 9.49 );
    // display invoice2 with new data
    System.out.println( "\nUpdated invoice information" );
    System.out.printf( "Part number: %s\n", invoice2.getPartNumber() );
    System.out.printf( "Description: %s\n",
    invoice2.getPartDescription() );
    System.out.printf( "Quantity: %d\n", invoice2.getQuantity() );
    System.out.printf( "Price: %.2f\n", invoice2.getPricePerItem() );
    System.out.printf( "Invoice amount: %.2f\n",
    invoice2.getInvoiceAmount() );
    } // end main
    } // end class InvoiceTest

    Change this (check my comments):
    for (int i=0; <=2; i++) // what is <=2??  check the fixed version
    total+=array.getPaymentAmount(); //two things 1) this needs to be inside the for-loop 2) you need to tell the array which index to look at
    system.out.println("The Total retail value is: %.2f\n") //no need for \n because println does it automagically
    }to this:
    for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
        total += array.getPaymentAmount();
    System.out.println("The total retail value is: " + total); //if you need another blank line like above be my guest
    Honestly, I didn't look past this part so fix this and post again if something is still broken.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Critical directory information erased - help please

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    All the data is still is still on the HDD’s (500 + gigabytes) is there any chances of saving the data? Just have to find a way for something to recognize that it exists, right – I hope?
    If I go out and bought another HDD of equal space, could anything be done?
    I do not know anything about Linux or Unix, but is there any chance that could help me?
    Do I have any choices? Do I have any chance to get the data back?
    I am on a Power Mac G4 digital audio 533mhz, with upgraded sonnet CPU, 1 gig of ram, running 10.4.3
    Thank you in advance for any help you will bring me.

    Boy, this is not the first time I've seen users report serious directory damage from defragging! Defragging is not neccesary for the average Mac owner, unless they do alot of video editing.
    This won't help you now, but I don't do anything to my Mac, repair wise, unless I have a bootable clone of my main drive, made with SuperDuper, installed on my external FireWire drive. I then make sure my external is disconnected so it can't be accidentally repaired by a utility. I learned this the hard way when my main drive and my external were destroyed in a similar way as yours. I lost all my data. Had to re-enter 7 years of financial data, off of paper copies, so Quicken would be usable to me again!
    But, at that time I did not know DataRescue existed. If this free demo "sees" your stuff, you'll need to buy the full version to recover everything. This is a program that won't damage your directory more as it retrieves data.
    Once you get your data, I would do the following;
    This is the best way to Erase and Install. First backup all your important stuff, if you can, as the following will erase everything on your drive; it will be unrecoverable. Put your install disk in your Mac and Restart while holding down the C key. In Tiger, When you get to the install screen, don't click install and go to the title bar at the top of the screen and click on Utilities (in earlier OS's click on the installer menu).
    Click on Disk Utility and choose the hard drive you want your OS on. Then click on the Erase tab. In Tiger, click on the Security Options button near the bottom (it's similiar for Panther and Jaguar).
    Once in there choose Zero Out Data (write zero's in earlier versions). This will map out any bad blocks on your drive and bring it back to almost new condition (providing there's nothing wrong mechanically with it, bad bearings, defective or damaged surface, etc.).
    Once this is done, go back to the install screen and begin the "Erase and Install" installation. This will put a factory fresh system on a clean hard drive and end your directory damage.
    I wish you Luck!

  • I tried installing Yosemite from 10.6.8 and the install failed. Ran a check and disk needs repai but "repair disk" isn't an option (greyed out). Can't start up under old 10.6.8 because it says "could not gather enough information." Help, please!

    startup disk fail

    Not lame at all. It's annoying that in order to salvage a disk the "official" way is reformat it. It's just a lack of documentation.
    Diskwarrior is actually a software from Alsoft.
    It's been around for ages and usually it's the last resort when everything else failes.
    If you don't have the software, you could try one option.
    Restart the malfunctioning computer and press T when you hear the startup sound. This will start the computer in transfer mode. You will see a huge firewire icon on the screen that just floats there.
    Connect the computer to a healthy mac with a firewire cable and it should appear as a HD, just as an external hard drive would. (don't worry if it doesn´t)
    Open Disk utility and in the left pane the malfunctioned Hard drive should appear. Run disk repair on the HD if possible. Once the repair disk has finished, with our without errors, open a new finder window and select the external hard drive.
    You could backup the data on the Drive at this stage onto the healthy computer... just to be safe.
    On the root of the Malfunctioned Disk there should be a folder named "OS X install data" or something like that. Basically something that normally would not be there...
    Delete that folder.
    Run Disk repair once again in Disk Utility. If successful, reboot the machine and see what happens.
    If that does not work at all, then perhaps you should consider purchasing Disk Warrior. Run the same process as before, connecting the malfunctioning mac via firefire, but this time run Diskwarrior on the healthy machine, locate the malfunctioning HD and select Rebuild for that Hard drive. It will take a little while but once its done processing it will ask you if you want to copy the new build, select yes. That did it for me at least.
    I hope that helps. You could check the app store or search online for software that is similar to Diskwarrior, there's probably some app that does the same thing. The only reason I used Diskwarrior is it has proven a good utility for Mac breakdowns and I've used (rarely though) it for years.

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    The pdf is loading as html code. If you save it, it will download as :
    Change the extension to .pdf
    And it opens and works perfectly, I just tested it:
    Use this link to download it automatically: 4

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    You need to connect to iTunes and restore.
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    You may need to put the device into recovery mode, this is covered in the link on this page.
    Did you back up the device?

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    Mobile me has been discontinued for over a year.  What system  and iPhoto versions are you running?
    How are you trying to sync?  With Photo Stream or thru iTunes?
    Do you have an iCloud preference pane in your System preferences?
    Do you meet the minimum requirements for iCloud and Photo Stream?
    iCloud: System requirements
    iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ

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    Hi I need help please .... I have my credit card information in my account ... But I wanted to delete &amp; I like too add a App Store card

    Hi, Ajchenicholas. 
    Credit cards attached to an Apple ID can be removed and payment method changed to none as long as there is not an outstanding balance.  The article below will walk you through this process. 
    iTunes Store: Changing account information
    You can always add an iTunes Gift Card to your account at any time.  Here are the steps that will walk you through adding an iTunes Gift Card. 
    iTunes Store: How to redeem a code
    Jason H.

  • I erase my mac book pro to factory setting and cannot re-install the software. I received a message saying my Apple ID has not yet used with the App store. Please review your account information. Could anyone help please. I need to re-install my os.

    I erase my mac book pro to factory setting and cannot re-install the software. I received a message saying my Apple ID has not yet used with the App store. Please review your account information. Could anyone help please. I need to re-install my os.

    Use Internet Recovery. You shouldn't need an AppleID.
    Internet Recovery will install the OS that shipped with the Mac. You can then upgrade to Mavericks if that was not it.
    Do you have an App Store account? Did you ever use it to install the OS?

  • Can not get Itunes match to work. It stops on the first step and on my status bar it just says "sending information to apple" this goes on for hours. Help please.

    Help please. I cannt get itunes match to work. It just stops on the first step and the status bar continues to say "sending information to apple" for hours. Any ideas?

    I am having a similar issue with iTunes Match. It keeps hanging up on the same number of files (11035 of 15455) during STEP 2. I've tried signing out, re-opening iTunes, re-booting, etc. Still comesup stuck for hours. What I also don't understand is why the "iCloud Status" option in "View/View Options" disappears intermittently. It was there when I first booted up this morning and I reviewed all my music files to see if there were any "errors" and there werne't any. But after Match gets stuck on the same file niumber (11035) I 've signed out and re-booted and now the "iCloud Status" check box is missing from "View Options" (only the "iCloud Download" option remains present all the time. Please help. (I've also checked to make sure all the music files are within the suggested bit rate parameters and file type - This is also a brand new iMac out of the box). Running out of troubleshooting ideas and beginning to think this service just doesn't work well.

  • When trying to download iTunes, I get an error message saying "the instaler encountered errors before iTunes could be configured. Errors occured during installation."  But it gives me no more information as to what I can do.  Help please?

    When trying to download iTunes, I get an error message saying "the instaler encountered errors before iTunes could be configured. Errors occured during installation."  But it gives me no more information as to what I can do.  Help please?

    Also I now can`t access any of my itunes library and am concerned that if I remove it from my computer I will lose everything as I have no option of accessing and therefore backing anything up. Any ideas?

  • Just bought a new macbook pro. i need to transfer information from my old mac. help please?

    just bought a new macbook pro. i need to transfer information from my old mac. help please?

    See Here
    Transfer from Old  to New

  • HT201328 Hey, i bought an iphone from online shop and its locked by orange france, i contact them to unlock it but they refused, they said that we regret to inform you that we'r not able to unlock second hand phones? I need your help please.

    Hey, i bought an iphone from online shop as a used phone and its locked by orange france, i contact them to unlock it but they refused, they said that we regret to inform you that we'r not able to unlock second hand phones? I need your help please. Its not fair , apple should figure it out

    This is no different with any carrier locked phone. Getting a carrier locked phone officially unlocked is the responsibility of the carrier, not the cell phone manufacturer. A cell phone manufacture cannot unlock a carrier locked phone without the carrier's authorization.
    An iPhone sold as officially unlocked when new can be used by others as a second hand phone, and the same with any carrier locked iPhone that can be unlocked by the carrier, and many carriers offer it.

  • Understanding "Battery Information" - Help Please

    Have 17" G4PB, PPC, 1.5GHz, 1.5G Memory, 80G HD, OSX 10.5.8. Here is my "Battery Information"
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 2816
    Charging: No
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 2816
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 388
    Condition: Good
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): 0
    Voltage (mV): 12503
    How the heck did I get 388 cycle counts?! And does the 2816 for both "remaining" and "full charge capacity" mean I'm out of juice? This battery is about 1-1/2 years old. Any assistance appreciated.

    Happy thanksgiving!
    The concept of "cycles" is covered in this Apple tech article:
    The bit about "charge remaining" and "full charge capacity" can be understood in the context of a metal drinking cup (fill with your favorite virtual libation, of course):
    When new, the cup hold 12 ounces. Therefore its charge remaining and full charge capacity are roughly the same--12 ounces. If you drink four ounces, the "charge remaining" is 8 oz but the full capacity is still 12.
    Let's say that, after the can is used and bumped around for a few months, it picks up a big dent that intrudes into the interior, reducing how much beer liquid it can hold by two ounces. The "full charge capacity" is now down to 10 ounces or 83 percent of its original capacity. When people talk about battery "health," it's this. Health is current full charge capacity divided by a baseline number, about 5400 for the 17" PowerBook. Your health is therefore 52 percent.
    "Percent charge" in the power icon is how much the present capacity (not original) is currently used. In the bent cup example. even though use reduced the capacity to ten ounces, you can put 10 ounces in it. It's 100 percent full in its present, reduced-volume condition.
    System profiler does not calculate "health" for you and does not give the baseline value. There are a couple of freeware utilities that read the machine type and use the correct baseline to show health as a percentage of the original capacity:
    If I've substituted mud for understanding, please post back and I'll try again.

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