GUI Interface to Headless V445R

We are using Avocent (maybe not for long - on XP (DSView 3)) to connect (graphical) to a headless V445R box using a KVM (versus serial) connection via a web browser
The problem is that as soon as the box is taken down to the ok prompt the connection (appears to be) is lost.
Does anyone have experience with Avocent KVM connection to Solaris 10 box??
Running Solaris 10 on SPARC
kinda urgent..

There's one from Oracle itself:

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    Ideal system design has separation between the view and the underlying data model. Preferrably there is a 3rd intermediary, a controller. That's the MVC design pattern. However, how far you implement that pattern depends on the purpose of the program and the complexity of the data model. A simple program you can probably just implement it all right there in the GUI. It won't follow proper software development principles, but we have those so we can deal with large, complex systems. Another thing to consider is what the user input is used for. If it is not required beyond the GUI then I'd say put it in the GUI (since iot really is part of the GUI). But if it's to be used somewhere else, pass the data to the model.

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    What I suspect you need, more for comparison than anything else, is the Force in Newtons not the strain in µ strain.
    So one technique is to leave the input in volts and then figure out how many grams of weight gives how many volts from the load cell, and applying the necessory factors to give the force in Newtons unless of course your working in Christian units (lbs force).
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    You can run your application from the command line just like from you DOS terminal programs. All you need is the main method defined for you application in some class file. For example:
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    frame.getContentPane().add( new JLabel("Hello world" );
    frame.setVisible( true );
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    We use the CDE login mechanism. From the CDE login screen on the global zone:
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    [] Click OK.
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    Notes: If the non-global zone or the system was recently booted, wait a few minutes and check to make sure that the cde-login service is running using the command:
    svcs -a | grep cde-login
    Also, if you have restricted /etc/Xaccess, you'll need to add your non-global zone to it.
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

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    Experti - Brazil

    Hi below the contents of the web.xml file, let´s to try to fix this trouble together.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <param-value>%d{DATE} [%t] %-5p %c.%M(%F:%L) %x - %m</param-value>
    <!-- Needs to be removed for MSSQL-->
    <!-- <context-param>
    </context-param> -->
    <!-- <context-param>
    </context-param> -->

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    There are lots of ways to do this - you can use SNMP or even HTTP to push or pull commands from Cisco devices. How easy it is to create a GUI depends on your programming skills. I would guess a simple web page triggering backend scripts would be the easiest way to do this.

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    RRWell, if you use Swing with a JApplet then you are dynamically creating the user interface. The components are added at runtime, not when you compile the programs. All you need to do is drive which controls to add by some stored data. The same is true for HTML if you generate your pages at runtime (i.e. not just static HTML files).

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    I assume you have read through the Quick start guide for the 2106 controller?
    Also the configuration guide covers connecting via cli and gui:

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    I really need you help.

    If I'm not mistaken (and this might just be the way we decided to configure it) but I believe that you need to enter a static route to the service module which points to the service engine and then configure the default gateway of the CUE service module pointing to the service engine. The service engine itself can use an unnumber i/f taken from a physical address or a loopback (preferred). Then on your network, either through static or advertised via routing protocol, they will go to CUE via the service engine IP address, not the actual CUE ip address.
    Here's the design guide. We ended up using a small network (4 hosts) for the service engine and the service module.
    Here are the particulars:
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    ip address b.68.10.1
    interface Service-Engine4/0
    ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0
    service-module ip address b.68.10.10
    service-module ip default-gateway b.68.10.1
    ip route b.68.10.10 Service-Engine4/0

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    Generally your GUI code might be in a class extending JFrame, for example. It is good practice to try to keep your GUI separate from the rest of your application. So you can control your application from the GUI by public methods in the main part of the code, calling them from the GUI.
    This is best done by passing an instance of the main application to the GUI when it is constructed. For example:
    public class Host {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Host();
      public Host() {
        GUI iface = new GUI(this);
      public doSomething(int value) {
         // A method that does something,
         // called from the GUI
    public class GUI extends JFrame implements actionListener {
      private Host app;
      public GUI(Host parent) {
        // Do more stuff here
      // Rest of the GUI here
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
        // Method called as a result of a button press
        // or something...
    }Hope this helps a bit. Look around on the web for good GUI tutorials.

  • Need help..anyone GUI Interfaces
    Can someone please help me with this program..I'm new to java and I don't understand GUI's. I read everything inside and out in my text book and still don't get how to convert my program into a gui interface...please help.

    Sorry i accidently posted twice...
    But here is my topic incase the link did not work. Thanks! Really desperate!
    Develop a Java application that will determine if a department store customer has exceeded the credit limit on a charge account. For each customer, the following facts are available:
    a) Account Balance
    b) Balance at the beginning of the month
    c) Total of all items charged by this customer this month
    d) Total of all credits applied to the customer&#8217;s account this month
    e) Allowed credit limit
    This program should input each of these facts from input dialogs as integers, calculate the new balance, display the new balance and determine if the new balance exceeds the customer&#8217;s credit limit. For those customers whose credit limit is exceeded, the program should display the message, &#8220;Credit limit exceeded.&#8221;
    Here is the program I wrote : (for the above criteria)
    // Program monitors accounts
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    public class Credit {
    public static void main( String args[] )
    String inputString;
    int account, newBalance,
    oldBalance, credits, creditLimit, charges;
    inputString =
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter Account (-1 to quit):" );
    while ( ( account = Integer.parseInt( inputString ) ) != -1 ) {
    inputString =
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter Balance: " );
    oldBalance = Integer.parseInt( inputString );
    inputString =
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter Charges: " );
    charges = Integer.parseInt( inputString );
    inputString =
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter Credits: " );
    credits = Integer.parseInt( inputString );
    inputString =
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter Credit Limit: " );
    creditLimit = Integer.parseInt( inputString );
    newBalance = oldBalance + charges - credits;
    String resultsString, creditStatusString;
    resultsString = "New balance is " + newBalance;
    if ( newBalance > creditLimit )
    creditStatusString = "CREDIT LIMIT EXCEEDED";
    creditStatusString = "Credit Report";
    null, resultsString,
    inputString =
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter Account (-1 to quit):" );
    System.exit( 0 );
    Expand the above program.
    1) Design an appropriate GUI for input. You cannot use dialog boxes. Design functional window(s) from scratch. State your conditions in the boxed comment at the top of the class. Input will need a transaction date also for the CustomerHistory class.
    2) Add a customer # ( a unique identifier)
    3) Besides your GUI, you will want 2 other classes: Customer and CustomerHistory. CustomerHistory will serve as a mock database.
    4) CustomerHistory will hold the previous balance & allowed credit limit plus any credit violation history. Your CustomerHistory violations must be an array, so that it could be readily expandable.
    5) Some step-up is necessary &#8211; chose your own approach and document.
    6) Then run your system enough times to show the response when a customer exceeds THREE &#8216;over credit&#8217; limits. CustomerHistory violations should be printed out, as well as, our choice of a &#8216;dunning notice&#8217;. It cannot be the same as a simple one time exceeds limit. Also show a normal customer run. Prove to me your solution works!
    7) Draw the UML diagram of your interconnecting classes.

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    hi master
    sir any gui interface for java db (derby ) such as oracle give sqldeveloper that create table and view only mouse clicking
    how i get derby gui interface

    try db visualizer

  • EW520-24K9-Unable to log into GUI interface

    Can't access the GUI interface of a EW520-24K9 switch. Tried using the serial cable and Ethernet cable with no success. The default IP address of, or is not working. Any ideas?

    - Do you have the ESW connected to a network that has a DHCP server such as UC520? If so you may want to check on the DHCP server what IP address is assigned to ESW 520 (MAC address binding). If its a UC520 - then CCA can discover this for you - note make sure you connect the uplink port on the ESW to the UC520 expansion port
    - If the ESW is standalone connected back to back to your PC - have you gone through steps 1 through 8 in Section 2 at the guide below:
    - If you are using a console cable - make sure the right settings are configured - check page 49 at link below:
    If you have tried all of the above - can you factory reset the ESW and try one of the above?

  • GUI Interface to layout your windows

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone knew of a GUI interface that helps layout your windows? Example, a screen that lets you add buttons, text fields, etc. and then gives you the source could behind it. I basically need the help with the layout information (FlowLayout, GridLayout, etc.). Thank you for any information you can provide.

    Check out the UICompiler. First you do the drag and drop in QT Designer, then it compiles the QT description files into Java/Swing classes.

Maybe you are looking for