GUID or APM Partitions and Diskutil resizeVolume

As I am sitting waiting for my RAID to initialize I thought I would play around with formatting and test a few things that will be more difficult to try when the RAID is actually in use.
So here is the first peculiarity
GUI disk utility formats HFS Partitions using AMP
Command line Diskutil formats HFS Partitions using GUID
Why are they different?
The server is intel so why is the GUI tool formatting using the PowerPC partition schema? Admittedly I won’t be booting from it so it doesn’t have to be a GUID schema but it still seems a little strange.
I presume that I am better off using GUID so that I can enlarge my partition without reformating when I add another disk to the RAID. So that’s the next thing to test.
The RAID size is 1.4TB, so I format it as such and resize the volume to something smaller and that works just fine, however, when I try to enlarge the partition it says….
Started resizing on disk disk1s2 disk1
Resizing Volume
Resizing encountered error No Space left on device (28) on disk disk1s2 disk1
Fine, perhaps since it is only 50% initialised not all disk space is available even though the
Diskutil resizeVolume limits
Command does not indicate that I am space limited
so I try with a much smaller partition, say 99gb to 100gb but still it wont enlarge.
Has anyone sucsessfully enlarged a GUID HFS volume on an xserver RAID, useing diskutil resizeVolume?

It is possible to grow the volume on the RAID itself. That has worked since the feature was introduced a couple years ago.
The hangup has been the fact that Mac OS X didn't support growing volumes. On Intel machines, this is possible, but I haven't tried it. IMO if you really want to grow the volume it's best from a safety and performance perspective to just copy off the data, reformat, and copy it back.
Frankly I recommend that people not plan on using this functionality. IMO you should use the RAID with 7 or 14 drives. Never with 4 with future plans to grow the LUN to 7. You use storage a lot faster than you think you will

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    Hi eeboarder,
       If you search you should be able to find what I did about the error. For instance, Apple's discussion of it can be found at Disk Utility reports "Underlying task reported failure" when repairing a volume. However, it's a non-specific error that doesn't indicate a problem in Disk Utility. I gather that it means that some system call made by Disk Utility failed and there are thus lots of possibilities.
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    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    An Intel Mac can use either GUID or APM for most purposes, including Time Machine backups.
    If you want to use a partition on the drive for a copy of OSX, so you can "boot" from it, then you should use GUID. As I understand it, you can put a "clone" on it and it will run, but you cannot install OSX directly from your Leopard Install disc. Also, some WD drives aren't bootable anyway.

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  • How I tried fix my partitions and restore a Dell Diagnostic Partition.

    UPDATED: 2 September 2012
    UPDATE: Now that I reflect back on the incidence, I realize that the Dell Utility partition had lost its ability to boot long before I had messed up my partition table. But I realized it only when I was testing all my partitions after fixing the partition table. But as I have already written this long post, lets just keep it here for future reference of anyone else stumbling across a similar problem. Read on to know about my experience.
    RECOMMENDATION: I do not recommend trying out all the steps below as they did not completely solve the problem for me. If you need the Diagnostic Utility, download the update package from Dell's support website for your model. This package can be used to create a boot-able USB drive and/or CD/DVD. These work fine and are pretty fast also.
    Something strange happened to me and I am now reporting my experience in trying to solve it (somewhat unsuccessfully!!)
    First of all, my setup is: Dell Studio 1555 laptop. I dual boot Windows 7 and Archlinux. So here's how it went:
    After using the partitioning tool Gparted under Archlinux to resize a partition, I found a problem had occurred. The Partition was NTFS formatted and all of my data files were stored on it. The partition worked fine under Archlinux as I was able to access my files fine under it. But in Windows, although the partition was listed under Windows explorer, it wanted to format it!! When I tried to access the partition it gave an error that it was not formatted (
    The drive is not formatted, do you want to format it now?
    ). Of course, that was not right and Gparted had messed something up. I fixed that using Testdisk under Archlinux (See the Details). So now the partition problem under windows was fixed. But now another problem cropped up under Archlinux. When I booted into Archlinux and started Gparted to confirm everything was fine I saw something strange in Gparted. The whole space on my hard disk was marked as "unallocated" under Gparted. Windows and Archlinux could "see" the partitions. By this I mean that I was able to boot fine under both my OSes. And I could access all my files under all my partitions. But somehow Gparted was not able to "see" them. Gparted was reporting my whole disk to be marked as unallocated. After that I researched a lot and lots of stuff happened experimenting to fix the problem. I used a lot of utilities. But actually only one fixed the problem-fixparts from the gptfdisk package. But it seemed like a lot of work trying to get the problem fixed (See the Details).
    Now we get to the point in discussion. I was able to get my partitions back under Gparted. But I lost the Dell Diagnostics Utility partition's ability to boot up. [Actually, now that I reflect back on the incidence, I realize that the Dell Utility partition had lost its ability to boot long before I had messed up my partition table. But I realized it only when I was testing all my partition after fixing the partition table. But more on this later.] It gave an error that the partition was not found.
    So, in short: After all this restoring partitions' visibility under Gparted, I realized that the Dell Utility partition on my Studio 1555 was not booting up. To explain this, it means that when I press F-12 when starting the laptop and select Diagnostics from the menu to run the Diagnostic Utility and after running the Pre-boot System Assesment tests when I consented to boot the Diagnostic Utility partition, it gave me the error that the partition was not found. When I tried to run the "Dell 32 Bit Diagnostics (Graphical User Interface version)" update package under Windows, it resulted in a similar error: Partition not found.
    For some background on what makes the Dell Utility partition so special, please read this thread and the third post on this thread.
    WARNING: You and only you are responsible for your data. Please make a backup before performing any of the partitioning steps below.
    NOTE: Please read the entire post before actually performing the steps.
    So, to try and fix this I did the following:
    Boot into Windows 7.
    Open Disk Management under the Computer Management console (To open the Computer Management console, right click on Computer in the Start menu and select Manage).
    Reformat the Dell Diagnostic Utility partition as FAT(not FAT32). This is the first partition on the drive (marked as Healthy (OEM Partition) under the Status column). [This step may not be required, however I had done it. See Notes below.]
    UPDATE: After reading around a bit I found that these steps to format the partition might not actually be necessary. Simply changing the type of the partition (as detailed below) might also work. However as I had done that, lets just keep these steps over here.
    Reboot into a Linux distribution Live CD (I had Ubuntu 10.10). Or, If you dual boot with a Linux distribution that does not complain about the now inconsistent fstab entry, you can also boot into that distribution directly. I had to boot into Live CD to fix my /etc/fstab.
    UPDATE: After considering all the aspects from start to end I have come to a conclusion regarding the efficacy of this method on dual boot machines with Windows and Linux installed. I doubt anyone with a dual boot Windows/Linux setup would be able to boot into the Dell Diagnostic Utility even with the Utility Partition restored. This is detailed below.
    (As noted above my Archlinux install did not boot up after I had reformatted  my Dell Diagnostic Utility partition. This is because I was mounting the Dell Utility partition at boot using fstab inside Archlinux. And I was using the UUID to mount the partition. After reformatting the partition its UUID changed. So, it wouldn't mount. And because of how my fstab was setup Archlinux won't boot. So, I had to boot into a live environment to fix this. This step applied only to me. YRMV.) Fix the fstab entry.
    (This step also applied to me.) Boot into the repaired Linux Distribution.
    And open a Terminal.
    In the open terminal run fdisk on your drive, e.g.,
    fdisk /dev/sda
    This is how it looks:
    [abhishek@Nitaichand ~]$ sudo fdisk /dev/sda
    Command (m for help):
    To change the partition type give the appropriate command, i.e.,
    Command (m for help): t
    Specify the partition, i.e.,
    Partition number (1-10): 1
    Type L to see available codes:
    Hex code (type L to list codes):L
    0 Empty 24 NEC DOS 81 Minix / old Lin bf Solaris
    1 FAT12 27 Hidden NTFS Win 82 Linux swap / So c1 DRDOS/sec (FAT-
    2 XENIX root 39 Plan 9 83 Linux c4 DRDOS/sec (FAT-
    3 XENIX usr 3c PartitionMagic 84 OS/2 hidden C: c6 DRDOS/sec (FAT-
    4 FAT16 <32M 40 Venix 80286 85 Linux extended c7 Syrinx
    5 Extended 41 PPC PReP Boot 86 NTFS volume set da Non-FS data
    6 FAT16 42 SFS 87 NTFS volume set db CP/M / CTOS / .
    7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT 4d QNX4.x 88 Linux plaintext de Dell Utility
    8 AIX 4e QNX4.x 2nd part 8e Linux LVM df BootIt
    9 AIX bootable 4f QNX4.x 3rd part 93 Amoeba e1 DOS access
    a OS/2 Boot Manag 50 OnTrack DM 94 Amoeba BBT e3 DOS R/O
    b W95 FAT32 51 OnTrack DM6 Aux 9f BSD/OS e4 SpeedStor
    c W95 FAT32 (LBA) 52 CP/M a0 IBM Thinkpad hi eb BeOS fs
    e W95 FAT16 (LBA) 53 OnTrack DM6 Aux a5 FreeBSD ee GPT
    f W95 Ext'd (LBA) 54 OnTrackDM6 a6 OpenBSD ef EFI (FAT-12/16/
    10 OPUS 55 EZ-Drive a7 NeXTSTEP f0 Linux/PA-RISC b
    11 Hidden FAT12 56 Golden Bow a8 Darwin UFS f1 SpeedStor
    12 Compaq diagnost 5c Priam Edisk a9 NetBSD f4 SpeedStor
    14 Hidden FAT16 <3 61 SpeedStor ab Darwin boot f2 DOS secondary
    16 Hidden FAT16 63 GNU HURD or Sys af HFS / HFS+ fb VMware VMFS
    17 Hidden HPFS/NTF 64 Novell Netware b7 BSDI fs fc VMware VMKCORE
    18 AST SmartSleep 65 Novell Netware b8 BSDI swap fd Linux raid auto
    1b Hidden W95 FAT3 70 DiskSecure Mult bb Boot Wizard hid fe LANstep
    1c Hidden W95 FAT3 75 PC/IX be Solaris boot ff BBT
    1e Hidden W95 FAT1 80 Old Minix
    Type the desired code, i.e.,
    Hex code (type L to list codes): de
    Write the partition table with:
    Command (m for help): w
    The partition table has been altered!
    Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
    WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.
    The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at
    the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)
    Syncing disks.
    [abhishek@Nitaichand ~]$
    Download the required Diagnostics Update Package from the Drivers Download page for your model. Got mine from here.
    Run the downloaded package under the OS you it downloaded for. That is, run the .exe on Windows. Or, if you downloaded the .bin file for Linux then first make it executable:
    chmod u+x CL1367A0.bin
    And now run it under a Linux distribution with an older version of python installed (I think <2.7). I say this because the .bin package didn't run on an updated Archlinux for me, probably because it has the latest python. I ran it from the Ubuntu 10.10 Live CD and it ran fine under that.
    On Windows, If you are not automatically prompted with an option to update your Utility Partition then you need to browse to the location where the package was extracted (for me it was C:\dell\drivers\R239866).
    Now you need to manually run the extracted file (for me it was DDDP.exe). Most probably you'll need to right-click it and run it as an Administrator. And if all went well, it will extract/update the diagnostic utilities to/on the Dell Utility Partition.
    I believe the above steps should be sufficient for someone who's lucky and who's update package is smart enough. However these steps were not sufficient for me. My "Partition not found" error was gone because I had changed the partition type. And so the update package was able to recognize the partition and extract the necessary files to it. But I was still not able to boot the utility partition. After the Pre-boot System Assessment although I no longer got the "Partition not found" error, but I was just dropped onto the GRUB boot menu prompt.
    [UPDATE: As stated above, I realize that the recovery partition had lost its ability to boot long before I had messed up my partition table. But I realized it only when I was testing all my partition after fixing the partition table. Please refer to this forum thread for further Details. I  do not think that it is possible longer to boot from the Dell Utility Parttion on my setup which has GRUB installed to the MBR. But the rest of the post documents my attempts to slove the problem without the knowledge from the forum post.]
    Anyways, it was a pain to again and again set up/update the partition and test it after waiting half an hour or so for the Pre-boot System Assessment to complete. But I was determined to solve the problem at-least partially, until next time. So I created a GRUB entry to boot the Utility partition. Assuming the partition is the first partition on the drive (which is the case here), the grub entry is simply:
    title Dell Utility
    rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1
    I tried downloading an older update package. I updated my Partition with it. And tested. Still, I was unsuccessful. I researched a little bit and found this link. Out of frustration,I decided to use brute force this time . So, the below are the steps which let me have at-least a glimpse of The Dell Diagnostic Utility booting up from the partition:
    Backup your partition table using the sfdisk command (not fdisk).
    Follow the instructions in the link I gave above (i.e., and build your Utility Partition from scratch.
    Now after that when you try to boot into the OS you'll be presented with an blue bar on top. This is because the mkup batch file from the Dell Diagnostic/Drivers CD/DVD wiped your partition table and rewrote it with only one partition on it- the Dell utility partition.
    Boot into a Live environment and restore your partition table from the backup created earlier using sfdisk.
    Now boot with a Windows disc to repair your Windows boot problem. This applied to me but may not apply to you.
    Again boot into a live environment and restore GRUB to MBR.
    After a reboot press F-12 to get to the BIOS boot menu and select Diagnostics.
    Let the Pre-boot Assessment run and after its complete it will ask you to press any key to boot the Dell Utility partition. Do that.
    You'll notice your still dropped into GRUB instead of getting the Diagnostics GUI.
    Now when on GRUB prompt don't boot any other OS.
    Press any key (other than <Enter>, that is ) to stop the timer if you have one set.
    Now look carefully at the boot menu.
    Remember I told you that I had created a GRUB menu entry to boot the Dell Utility partition. Select that. And if you are lucky you might just be able boot the partition. This worked for me (finally!).
    After this initial run I was unable to run the Diagnostics GUI from the GRUB menu entry again. I haven't tried to re-run the Pre-boot Assessment and wait to see, if I'm able to boot it from there. But now, I'm satisfied that at-least the file there are in a running condition.
    Also, the update package can be used to create boot-able USB drives or boot-able CD/DVDs which can run the Diagnostics just fine. They are almost as fast as the partition (especially the USB which seems even faster). They are recommend, instead of going into this trouble to recreate the partition. That is unless you are a purist/perfectionist .
    At first, I panicked and tried a lot of steps that are not exactly documented above for the sake of convenience to others who might refer.
    I have thus rewritten the post in a manner to make it very general in nature as it did not become very fruitful for myself.  If you attempt to use this guide, use common sense where necessary .
    Of course, if you are trying to build a Utility partition on a bare hard drive or you're feeling adventurous, you can always follow this link .
    Last edited by bhadotia (2012-10-08 19:03:18)

    bhadotia wrote:Anyway's the file downloaded from dell to update the partition for Studio 1555 is corrupted (checksums don't match). My partition still doesn't boot. I'm working to fix this and will update my post when I'm done.
    The file seems to create the CD/DVD/Image and USB just fine. So I used this only to create a CD image which I then wrote on a blank CD which seems to work fine. Also, I played around a bit and had some partial success in booting the partition. I've updated my original opening post with the new findings.
    Whew!! what a waste of time! Never want to do all of this again .
    Last edited by bhadotia (2012-03-03 00:05:22)

  • Best way to migrate existing XP SP3 partition to a virtual machine to run via Windows 8.1 as physical partition and not a vhd?

    Hi I have a current XP SP3 setup have been using in a dual boot with Windows 8.1(on separate partitions on different hard drives - I think these are SATA drives)  but now am thinking of migrating my XP partition preferably as a live virtual machine
    to be run as a guest via Windows 8.1 as host so I don't have to do the rebooting.  Also prefer this to making a VHD of my XP so can use the existing partition allocated for it rather than taking up extra space as VHD on my windows 8 (and don't want yet
    to replace my xp dual boot in case it does not work so well as vhd, as I have a lot of old educational programs my kids still use on it that I don't really want to put onto my W8.1).  Will also save time if I don't have to convert it to VHD first.  I
    also do not want to reinstall a new XP Sp3 virtual machine from scratch for same reason - will take too long to resetup -just use existing as is.
    I have used VMWare player and Virtual Box in past with an old 98SE system as a virtual VHD/VPC file but VMWare workstation is paid which may be the one I need to use a physical partition but I prefer to try freeware options first.
    Will Hyper-V in Windows 8.1 (I have retail PRO version of both my XP and Windows 8.1) be able to do the same as VMWare workstation?  OR is there another option to run the physical XP?
    The other thing with my XP setup is that the user profiles that people login with are located on a different partition E (80GB) to my XP which is on J (100GB) and most of the programs for it run from partition D (over 120GB) and the XP boot loader resides
    on a partition C (2GB) (which is not the Windows8.1 partition which becomes C only when it boots, but this C drive for XP may also be having the Windows 8 boot loader and files for that -using EasyBCD to handle boot menu of W7 type boot loader). 
    So I need a system that can mount these other physical partitions also alongside with my XP partition when it boots up.
    So what are my options for running this XP SP3 setup via Windows 8 as a guest operating system?
    Also will doing this be likely to require reactivation of my existing windows XP (retail) which means I cannot then use it again if I go back to the XP dual boot at times or in case the VM setup does not work?
    Also do I need to change my XP first so that it boots off its own drive rather than the C partition - and how do I set this up then using EasyBCD or windows boot repair?

    HI I found I had to make physical disk offline to use in Hyper-V which I cannot do and do not want to do with all partitions - cannot choose just ones want.
    So now am trying to make VM of my physical XP -and other partitions neeeded but D partition is over 127Gb so cannot use Disk2VHD. 
    Here is what am trying now - any other suggestions for alternate software to vmware convertor/disk2VHD maybe to do partitions over 127GB?  I have posted also at VMware forums but no answer as yet.
    Advice on doing a physical XPSP3 conversion to a VM for Virtual box and hyper-v ultimately
    Hi I need advice as to best way to convert an existing XP Sp3 install on a physical hard drive along with other related partitions to a Virtual box VM image with aim to convert that VM image to a Hyper-V VM for use with Windows 8.1 host.
     I have several C (boot ini partition), D programs, E Data, etc partitions and a current dual boot with an extra XP install I use as a backup system.
    My main XP is on J drive and other XP on I drive with C drive boot ini that switches btw 2 with J set as default.
     I have a D partition that is over 127 Gb so cannot use Disk2VHD which would have been easier, and it seems there is not a way to make a direct Hyper-V VM from converter but only Vmware VM?
     I do not have or want to purchase as yet VMware Workstation as have W8.1 Pro that can use Hyper-V to run my XP SP3.
     I seem to also have an issue with COM+ corrupted on my machine XP J drive ( It tried to reinstall the COM+ but my es.dll file won't register and I did get a failed conversion with converter when tried earlier at 94% saying VSS snapshots have
    reached their limit).  I think this is related to my COM+ issue which I am not sure now how to fix apart from repair install of my Xp (as I have tried repairing COM with various articles searched on google to no avail) which I may do first before
    retry conversion.  However my ALT XP on I drive seems to be fine with being able to browse the COM+ applications ok.  SO maybe I  can use that instead but it is the J drive XP I want the most (not sure if will work at reboot if I do not
    hot clone it?)
     I have read also the manual for converter 5.5.1 ver standalone and am not sure of a few things so if someone can guide me it would be very much appreciated.
     First of all which version VM should I make image of  if I later want to convert it to a Hyper-V VM image (I only have free Virtual Box latest ver, VMware Player and Hyper-V on Windows 8.1 PRo) ie: VMware workstation 10 or Vmware Player 6 or lower
    ver or other?  OR is there another software I should install for the conversion or later conversion to Hyper-V?  I prefer to use Hyper-V over Virtual Box and Vmware Player if possible, but should these others work just as well for my Xp Sp3 existing
    system as a VM in Windows 8.1?  Please advise which you think is best of these?
    Should I leave all configuration options off while converting and even XP licence, workgroup etc or is it most likely that I will have to reactivate my XP (retail ver) once I reboot in the VM although I am putting to run on Windows 8.1 host on exact same
    hardware as my current XP in dual boot (replacing my physical copies which I don't intend to use after conversion)?  Can I enter licence etc later as well?
     I currently have 8 GB ram total -should I leave Xp one at max it suggests of around 3Gb ram?
    I have Quad core processor -but should I make Xp Vm one dual core for when it runs on W8.1 host to allow the host some processors so can run at same time or leaving my Xp at quad core will be ok?
     Network - I want to use host one as I read it is safer for obsolete XP so do I set that at start or is it better to change this later too -allowing xp to have own internet access (maybe as may need to reactivate also - don't want to call Microsoft
    if can avoid it)?
    If I just want to convert resulting VM to Hyper-V VM -which software to use after for this that is freeware (Virtual Box or VMware Player or Hyper-V -not sure which can do it) and do I not then install Vmware tools?
    SYSPprep should I do anyway regardless of what target VM will be when configuring later, even if on same hardware machine? OR can I just boot Vm and see if boots ok first?
    Anything else I should set specifically for this future use of the VM image in hyper-v?

  • How can I partition my external hard drive supporting mac OS in one partition and windows OS in another?

    Hello everyone, how can I partition my external hard drive supporting mac OS in one partition and windows OS in another?

    OK. Start with:
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to two (2). Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Click on the Erase tab in DU's main window. Select one of the two partitions, preferably the first one, change the Format type: to MSDOS then click on the Erase button.

  • Missing Recovery Partition and Unrecognized File Systems

    So, a long time ago I accidentally deleted my recovery partition and have recently been trying to fix it so that I can upgrade my OS to Mavericks. After browsing around here I found the Recovery Partition Creator 3.7 and used it to create a new recovery partition. Using the diskutil list command everything seemed to be fine and it looked like the partition was successfully created so I tried reinstalling OS X Lion by holding command R at startup. Doing so brought up the internet recovery menu and I selected reinstall Lion which was still unsuccessful because "a recovery partition could not be created". So, I decided to check in disk utility to see what might be wrong and I used the disk utility debug command in order to access disk utility's debug menu and show all the hidden partitions. Now, looking at these partitions I see two hidden partitions: disk0s1 which is an EFI partition, and disk0s3 which is the Apple Boot Partition that was created by Recovery Partition Creator 3.7. After verifying the partitions, disk utility is telling me that both my EFI and apple boot partitions have unrecognized file systems, my Macintosh HD partition is fine. At this point I do not know what to do.
    Below are photos of the diskutil list and of what disk utility is showing me for the two hidden partitions.
    For reference I am running OSX Lion 10.7.5 (11G63) on a early 2011 13 inch Macbook Pro (Base Model).
    Bootrom version: MBP81.0047.B27
    SMC Version: 1.68f99
    Thank you all in advance for your help, feel free to ask me any questions.

    Just an update, I went ahead and installed Lion again over the existing TM restored installation using the Lion Update file and at least File Vault is working. Interestingly, I still do not have a Recover partition so obviously something new for Apple Support to learn.

  • I'm trying to reformat my macbook 2007 edition and have erased the partition, and trying to install from the Snow Leopard disk but after language screen it says "System cannot be installed on this computer." any suggestions?

    I have tried erasing and moving forward, erasing partition and creating new partition using GUID, no solution yet, keeps giving me same message.

    Did you check if your Macbook meets the requirements for Snow Leopard?

  • Partition and install Leopard 10.5 on Intel Mac Pro

    I've just taken the plunge and dumped my PC in favour of a Mac Pro(details below).
    MacPro2.4 8CX/6X1G/ 1TB/5770/SD
    I've successfully created a BootCamp partition and have Windows XP up and running.
    I now want to (need to) creat a partition in order to install a previous version of the Mac OS (10.5). This is required in order to install drivers that will allow me to link up with my Yamaha 01X (Yamaha have decided not to update their mlan drivers for anything above Mac OS 10.5... and I have Snow Leopard 10.6.7...
    I've spoken to the Mac support teams and have received mixed messages ranging from "Yes, you can create a partition and install 10.5" to "No no no... that'll never work".
    I'm sure there must be a way to achieve this (I mean - If I can have Windows XP up and running on my Mac surely I can create a partition and have a previous version running...).
    So far I have:
    Created a GUID partition, attempted to re-boot from the install disk (holding the C key). This hangs on the grey screen with apple logo.
    I've also attempted to boot from the disk in safe mode (Holding the shift key). Hangs on the grey screen-apple log.
    I've had the Mac OS (10.5) installed onto a external drive and attempted to boot from that (Hangs).
    Is there something I am missing? Any help, guidance would be welcomed (unless it's along the lines of re-format and build from scratch as, let's face it, that isn't an useful option).
    To re-cap: All I want to do is create a partition on my Mac-Pro and install Mac OS 10.5. I am not looking to replace my existing OS (10.6.7) with 10.5, just have a separate partition.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Grant,
    Thanks for assisting me with this.
    My Mac has Two 2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Westmere” (8 cores)
    This link takes you to the full spec/ configuration:
    The retail version of Leopard that I'm attempting to install is: 10.5.6 so, I'm assuming, the install should work??
    Is there anything I should check/ do prior to installing? (as every time I try the DVD spins and then halts - it's like it's trying to do something but can't).
    Any pointers would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks again,

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