Resizing iPod 5G with "diskutil resizeVolume"

I was just wondering if it was possible to resize mt 5th gen iPod using "diskutil resizeVolume" so that i could have a windows partition that i can use for my stuff at school. at the moment, i can't use it at all on windows, so it would be awesome to have say a 1GB partition for all my stuff.
thanks for any help.
Cya, Al.

Why resize it? well that way I can keep my stuff separate from my school/windoze stuff and not risk windoze reformatting my stuff. it is set for disk mode, but windows can't read HFS+ disks. I would install macdisk, but these are school computers so I can't, unless someone can come up with a portable version. I would reformat it with a windoze machine, but A) I don't really have access to one and B) I like my iPod linux and as far as I know, I wouldn't be able to reinstall it from a mac after the drive's been formatted to FAT32 or something.
This is why I wanted to use diskutil resizeVolume because I can have the best of both worlds. (even though one of thoser worlds bests are vetter than the other:P)
Cya, Al.

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    Hi eeboarder,
       If you search you should be able to find what I did about the error. For instance, Apple's discussion of it can be found at Disk Utility reports "Underlying task reported failure" when repairing a volume. However, it's a non-specific error that doesn't indicate a problem in Disk Utility. I gather that it means that some system call made by Disk Utility failed and there are thus lots of possibilities.
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       I was about to say, "Avoid fame like the plague," but you
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    - Are you saying that they are not listed in your Purchased section?
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